


North America E-Pharmacy Market Outlook, 2028

北米では、ビタミン錠剤、栄養補助食品、化粧品などの市販のヘルスケア製品など、一般消費者が消耗品のオンライン配送に依存していることが、ePharmacy市場の動向にプラスの影響を与えると予想されています。病院... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年5月31日 US$2,950
2-3営業日以内 78 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「北米の電子薬局市場の展望、2028年」によると、2022年の市場規模は335億米ドルと評価されている。北米がこの市場で最大のシェアを占めている。これは主にインターネットユーザー数の増加とオンラインサービスの採用増加によるもので、いずれも予測期間中の市場成長を後押しすると期待されている。例えば、2022年2月、Medicure Inc.はその子会社であるMarley Drug Pharmacyを通じて、米国で全国規模の消費者直販電子商取引薬局プラットフォームを開始した。米国人はこれを利用して、マーレイドラッグの新しいeコマース・ウェブサイトで、FDA認可の医薬品を低価格で購入することができ、50州すべてに宅配を提供している。インフルエンザ、発熱、腰痛、咳、風邪などの軽症患者の増加により、OTC医薬品の需要が高まり、これらの医薬品を入手するためのオンライン薬局への依存度が高まっている。さらに、自宅に居ながらにして薬を入手できる手軽さが、北米、特に米国のe薬局市場を牽引すると予想されている。




北米では、医薬品やヘルスケア製品のオンライン注文と配達を提供する、人気の高いeファーマシー・プラットフォームがいくつかある。例えば、CVSファーマシーは米国の薬局チェーンで、eファーマシー・プラットフォームを運営している。顧客はウェブサイトやモバイルアプリを通じて、処方薬や市販品、ヘルスケア必需品を注文できる。CVSファーマシーはまた、処方箋の補充、薬のリマインダー、個人に合わせた健康情報のオプションも提供している。さらに、Walgreensもe-pharmacyサービスを提供する米国の大手小売薬局チェーンである。顧客はウェブサイトやモバイルアプリを通じて、処方薬、健康・ウェルネス製品、美容アイテムなどを注文することができる。Walgreensは、処方箋の補充、薬のリマインダー、オンライン相談サービスなどの機能を提供している。また、Walmart Pharmacyは多国籍小売企業Walmartの薬局部門である。顧客が処方薬やヘルスケア製品などを注文できるe薬局プラットフォームを運営している。ウォルマート・ファーマシーは便利な処方箋の補充、投薬管理ツール、宅配サービスを提供している。

- 2021年、CVSファーマシーは会員制プログラム「ケアパス」の開始を発表した。ケアパスは、対象となる処方箋の無料配達や特別割引の利用などの特典を提供する。さらに、CVSファーマシーは、即日配達プラットフォームであるShiptとの提携により、デジタル処方箋配達オプションを導入し、Eファーマシーサービスを拡大した。
- ウォルグリーンは2020年にヴィレッジMDと提携し、全米のウォルグリーン数店舗にプライマリケアクリニックを開設し、地域社会に利用しやすい医療サービスを提供することを目指した。さらに、2021年にウォルグリーンはmy Walgreens Credit Cardを導入し、E-pharmacyプラットフォームでの購入を含む購入にカードを利用した顧客にさらなる特典と特典を提供した。
- アマゾンは2020年11月にEファーマシーサービス、アマゾンファーマシーを開始し、顧客はアマゾンのウェブサイトやアプリを通じて処方箋薬の注文やヘルスケアニーズの管理ができるようになった。さらに、2021年には、Amazon Pharmacyは、"Amazon Prime Prescription Savings Benefit "と呼ばれる新機能を追加し、サービスを拡大した。この特典は、保険に加入していないアマゾン・プライム会員に、ジェネリック医薬品と先発医薬品の追加割引を提供するものである。
- 2020年、ウェルはカナダ最大の薬局チェーンの1つであるショッパーズドラッグマートと提携し、E薬局プラットフォームを通じて品揃えを拡大し、顧客により多くの選択肢を提供した。さらにウェルは、定期的な注文のための定期購入オプションや、顧客の嗜好に基づいたパーソナライズされた推奨品などの新機能を導入し、サービスの強化を続けている。
Amazon.Com, Inc.、Walmart Inc.、Rite Aid Corporation、Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.、McKesson Corporation、CVS Health Corporation、Farmalisto S.A.S.、Well Pharmacy。

- 地域北米
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- 米国
- カナダ
- メキシコ

- 北米のE-Pharmacy市場、その価値と予測、セグメントとともに
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 処方薬
- 市販薬

- スキンケア(皮膚疾患・皮膚外傷)
- アレルギー・食物不耐症、胃・腸・消化器系
- 糖尿病ケア
- 心臓ケア、循環・静脈、血圧、コレステロール
- 整形外科(筋肉、骨、関節)
- 泌尿器科(膀胱、腎臓、前立腺)
- 動物薬局
- 自然療法
- 耳鼻咽喉科(目、耳、歯、口)
- 風邪
- ビタミン&ミネラル
- 化粧品
- 鎮痛剤
- その他(婦人科、鎮静、睡眠とストレス、セクシュアリティ、ダイエット、ダイエット&ライフスタイル、セルフテスト&日常生活補助、禁煙治療)






Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6. North America E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.5. Market Dynamics
6.5.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
6.5.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
6.5.3. Market Trends
6.5.4. Covid-19 Effect
6.5.5. Supply chain Analysis
6.5.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
6.5.7. Industry Experts Views
6.6. United States E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.6.1. Market Size By Value
6.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
6.7. Canada E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.7.1. Market Size By Value
6.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
6.8. Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.8.1. Market Size By Value
6.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7. Competitive Landscape
7.1. Competitive Dashboard
7.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
7.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
7.4. Porter's Five Forces
7.5. Company Profile
7.5.1. Amazon.Com, Inc.
7.5.2. Walmart Inc.
7.5.3. Rite Aid Corporation
7.5.4. Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.
7.5.5. McKesson Corporation
7.5.6. CVS Health Corporation
7.5.7. Farmalisto S.A.S
8. Annexure
8.1. FAQ`s
8.2. Notes
8.3. Related Reports
9. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global E-Pharmacy Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America E-Pharmacy Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: US E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global E-Pharmacy Market

List of Tables
Table 1: Global E-Pharmacy Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9: Influencing Factors for Global E-Pharmacy Market, 2022
Table 10: United States E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11: United States E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)





In North America, the general population's reliance on online delivery of consumable goods such as over-the-counter healthcare products such as vitamin tablets, nutrition supplements, and cosmetics, among others, is expected to positively influence the ePharmacy market trend. A rise in the number of patients seeking home care treatment and services as a result of high hospital healthcare costs is expected to boost online pharmaceutical procurement in North America. E-pharmacies in North America employ rigorous verification processes to ensure the authenticity of prescriptions. They typically require customers to provide valid prescriptions from licensed healthcare professionals before dispensing medications. Furthermore, e-pharmacies in North America are subject to strict regulations to ensure patient safety. They must comply with federal and state laws regarding medication dispensing, privacy protection, and security standards for personal health information. In addition, the widespread availability and accessibility of the internet in North America have facilitated the growth of e-commerce in various sectors, including healthcare. As more people gain access to the internet, the potential customer base for e-pharmacies expands. Furthermore, the ageing population in North America, coupled with the prevalence of chronic diseases, has increased the demand for medications. E-pharmacies provide a convenient option for individuals with chronic conditions who require regular medication refills.

According to the research report, “North America E-Pharmacy Market Outlook, 2028” published by Bonafide Research, the market was valued at USD 33.50 Billion market size in 2022. North America has the largest share of the market under consideration. This is primarily due to an increase in the number of internet users and increased adoption of online services, both of which are expected to boost market growth over the forecast period. For example, in February 2022, Medicure Inc. launched its national direct-to-consumer e-commerce pharmacy platform in the United States through its subsidiary, Marley Drug Pharmacy. Americans can use this to purchase FDA-approved pharmaceuticals at low prices on Marley Drug's new e-commerce website, which offers home delivery to all 50 states. The increasing prevalence of minor illnesses such as the flu, fever, backache, cough, and cold raises the demand for OTC medications, increasing reliance on online pharmacies to obtain these drugs. Furthermore, the ease of obtaining medications from the comfort of one's own home is expected to drive the e-pharmacy market in North America, particularly in the United States.

Furthermore, the high concentration of market players, as well as key players' incorporation of advanced technologies to improve the experience of online medicine purchases by customers, are expected to drive market growth in North America. For example, in January 2022, Mark Cuban launched "Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company" (MCCPDC), a brand-new online pharmacy, offering affordable generic medications. Despite the fact that the company does not accept insurance, the website now sells over 100 medications, many of which are priced lower than what a person would have to pay even with insurance. Such initiatives to provide low-cost medication are expected to fuel market growth in this region. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States focuses on actively informing citizens about the rules and regulations of ePharmacy and making them aware of the safety of purchasing drugs online. The European Commission strictly regulates the European market with stringent guidelines; however, the global market is expected to grow due to the lucrative price offers made by major market players. According to the World Bank, approximately 75% of Americans have access to the internet. This large population's reliance on the internet for commodity procurement, combined with the lucrative price offers made by major players, is fueling global demand for ePharmacy. The entry of new players into the ePharmacy market, combined with rising global competition, is expected to boost ePharmacy growth during the forecast period.

Based on drug type, the market is divided into prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. Among them, prescription drugs require a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. Furthermore, prescription drugs generally constitute a larger share of the e-pharmacy market compared to OTC drugs. This is primarily because prescription medications often require more stringent regulations, including verification of prescriptions, to ensure patient safety. Moreover, patients with chronic or complex health conditions often require specific medications tailored to their individual needs. E-pharmacies provide a convenient platform for patients to access their prescribed medications, ensuring regular supply and medication adherence. In addition, OTC drugs are medications that can be purchased without a prescription. Furthermore, OTC drugs have seen an increase in demand due to factors such as self-care, consumer empowerment, and increased health awareness. Consumers are increasingly seeking accessible and affordable options for managing minor health issues.

Based on product type, skin care (skin diseases and skin injuries) is expected to have the highest market share in 2022. The North American market is known for its advanced skincare treatments and innovations. E-pharmacies offer access to a wide range of specialized skin care products, including prescription-based treatments, medical-grade skincare, and targeted solutions for specific skin conditions. This availability of advanced skincare products has contributed to the prominence of the skin care segment in the e-pharmacy market. Furthermore, in North America, the prevalence of skin diseases is a significant driver for the growth of the skin care segment in the e-pharmacy market. Conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis affect a considerable portion of the population in the region. Moreover, many e-pharmacy platforms in North America integrate telemedicine services, allowing customers to consult with dermatologists and skincare specialists remotely. In addition, awareness and acceptance of naturopathic medicine have increased among consumers. People are becoming more familiar with the principles and benefits of naturopathy, leading to a higher demand for naturopathic products and services. Furthermore, e-pharmacies provide a convenient and accessible platform for purchasing healthcare products and services. The online availability of naturopathic remedies, supplements, and related products makes it easier for consumers to access and purchase them, contributing to the growth of the naturopathy segment.

In North America, there are several popular e-pharmacy platforms that offer online ordering and delivery of medications and healthcare products. For instance, CVS Pharmacy is a pharmacy chain in the United States and operates an e-pharmacy platform. Customers can order prescription medications, over-the-counter products, and healthcare essentials through their website or mobile app. CVS Pharmacy also offers options for prescription refills, medication reminders, and personalized health information. Furthermore, Walgreens is another major retail pharmacy chain in the United States that provides an e-pharmacy service. Customers can order prescription medications, health and wellness products, beauty items, and more through their website or mobile app. Walgreens offers features like prescription refills, medication reminders, and online consultation services. In addition, Walmart Pharmacy is the pharmacy division of the multinational retail corporation Walmart. It operates an e-pharmacy platform where customers can order prescription medications, healthcare products, and other items. Walmart Pharmacy offers convenient prescription refills, medication management tools, and home delivery services.

Recent Developments:
• In 2021, CVS Pharmacy announced the launch of its membership program, CarePass, which offers benefits like free delivery on eligible prescriptions and access to special discounts. Furthermore, CVS Pharmacy expanded its E-pharmacy services by introducing a digital prescription delivery option through its partnership with Shipt, a same-day delivery platform.
• Walgreens partnered with Village MD in 2020 to open primary care clinics in several Walgreens locations across the United States, aiming to provide accessible healthcare services to communities. In addition, 2021 Walgreens introduced the my Walgreens Credit Card, offering additional rewards and benefits to customers who use the card for purchases, including those made through their E-pharmacy platform.
• Amazon launched its E-pharmacy service, Amazon Pharmacy, in November 2020, allowing customers to order prescription medications and manage their healthcare needs through the Amazon website or app. Furthermore, in 2021, Amazon Pharmacy expanded its offerings by adding a new feature called "Amazon Prime Prescription Savings Benefit." This benefit offers additional discounts on generic and brand-name medications to Amazon Prime members who are paying without insurance.
• In 2020, Well partnered with Shoppers Drug Mart, one of Canada's largest pharmacy chains, to expand its product selection and provide more options to customers through their E-pharmacy platform. In addition, well continued to enhance its services by introducing new features such as subscription options for recurring orders and personalized recommendations based on customer preferences.
Major Companies present in the market:
Amazon.Com, Inc., Walmart Inc., Rite Aid Corporation, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., McKesson Corporation, CVS Health Corporation, Farmalisto S.A.S, Well Pharmacy.

Considered in this report
• Geography: North America
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Countries covered in the report:
• United States
• Canada
• Mexico

Aspects covered in this report
• North America E-Pharmacy market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Drug Type
• Prescription drug
• Over-the-counter drug

By Product Type Channel
• Skin Care (Skin diseases & skin injuries)
• Allergy & food intolerance, Stomach, Intestines & Digestion
• Diabetes Care
• Heart care, circulation & veins, BP, cholesterol
• Orthopedic (muscles, bones, joints)
• Urology (Bladder, Kidney & Prostate)
• Animal pharmacy
• Naturopathy
• ENT (Eyes, ears, Tooth & Mouth)
• Cold flu
• vitamins & minerals
• Cosmetics
• Painkiller
• Others (gynec, Calm down, sleep & stress, sexuality, Lose weight, Diet & Lifestyle, Self-tests & everyday aids, smoking cessation)

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and listing out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual report of companies, analyzing the government generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducted trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we have started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to ready to E-Pharmacy industry, government bodies and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.

***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6. North America E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.5. Market Dynamics
6.5.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
6.5.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
6.5.3. Market Trends
6.5.4. Covid-19 Effect
6.5.5. Supply chain Analysis
6.5.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
6.5.7. Industry Experts Views
6.6. United States E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.6.1. Market Size By Value
6.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
6.7. Canada E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.7.1. Market Size By Value
6.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
6.8. Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Outlook
6.8.1. Market Size By Value
6.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type
6.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7. Competitive Landscape
7.1. Competitive Dashboard
7.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
7.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
7.4. Porter's Five Forces
7.5. Company Profile
7.5.1. Amazon.Com, Inc.
7.5.2. Walmart Inc.
7.5.3. Rite Aid Corporation
7.5.4. Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.
7.5.5. McKesson Corporation
7.5.6. CVS Health Corporation
7.5.7. Farmalisto S.A.S
8. Annexure
8.1. FAQ`s
8.2. Notes
8.3. Related Reports
9. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global E-Pharmacy Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America E-Pharmacy Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: US E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global E-Pharmacy Market

List of Tables
Table 1: Global E-Pharmacy Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6: Global E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8: North America E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9: Influencing Factors for Global E-Pharmacy Market, 2022
Table 10: United States E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11: United States E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13: Canada E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Drug Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15: Mexico E-Pharmacy Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)






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