トラック用冷凍ユニットの世界市場規模調査・予測:タイプ別(スプリットシステム、ルーフマウントシステム)、長さ別(8メートル未満、8~12メートル、12メートル超)、用途別(冷蔵、冷凍)、動力源別(エンジン式、独立型)、出力容量別(5キロワット未満、5キロワット~19キロワット、19キロワット超)、車両タイプ別(小型商用車、中型・大型商用車、トレーラー、バス、その他)、地域別分析、2023~2030年Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Size study & Forecast, by Type (Split System and Roof Mount System), by Length (< 8-Meter, 8-12-Meter, and >12-Meter), by Application (Chilled and Frozen), by Power Source (Engine Powered and Independent), by Power Capacity (Below 5 Kw, 5 Kw - 19 Kw, and Above 19 Kw), by Vehicle Type (Light Commercial Vehicles, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Trailer, Bus, Others) and Regional Analysis, 2023-2030 トラック冷凍ユニットの世界市場は、2022年に約1億2,671万5,000米ドルと評価され、予測期間2023-2030年には5.4%以上の成長率で成長すると予測されている。トラック冷凍システムは、機械式冷凍システムを搭載した... もっと見る
サマリートラック冷凍ユニットの世界市場は、2022年に約1億2,671万5,000米ドルと評価され、予測期間2023-2030年には5.4%以上の成長率で成長すると予測されている。トラック冷凍システムは、機械式冷凍システムを搭載した冷蔵/冷凍車両で、生鮮品を販売地点まで適切な温度で輸送する。LTL(トラック積載量未満)出荷の場合、商品を「クール」または「フレッシュ」な温度範囲に維持するか、冷凍温度範囲に維持するかの一般的な選択肢が利用できる。冷凍食品や生鮮食品に対する需要の増加、顧客の利便性への欲求、スーパーマーケットやクイックサービスレストランの拡大、スマートシティプロジェクトへの投資、冷凍技術の発展などの要因がトラック用冷凍ユニット市場を牽引している。輸送中の正確な温度管理に対する製薬業界の需要は、トラック用冷凍ユニット市場を推進している。これらのユニットは、ワクチンや医薬品などの医薬品が適切な温度で保管・配送され、有効性と安全性が保たれることを保証する。Statistaによると、世界全体の医薬品市場は2022年に1兆4,800億ドルになると予測されている。これは、1兆4,200億米ドルと評価された2021年からのわずかな増加である。さらに、衛生的な食品と食品包装に対する莫大な需要と、食品サービス部門への投資の増加は、市場に有利な機会を提供する。しかし、エネルギー効率の高いACシステムに関連する高コストが、2023~2030年の予測期間を通じて市場の成長を阻害している。 トラック用冷凍ユニットの世界市場調査において考慮した主要地域は、アジア太平洋、北米、欧州、中南米、中東・アフリカなどである。アジア太平洋地域は、サプライチェーンビジネスの増加、グローバルブランドの存在と利用可能性、ローカルブランドや国内ブランドとの激しい競争や限定的な競争のために直面する課題のために、2022年の市場を支配した。また、同地域の製薬業界の成長も市場成長を後押しすると予想される。北米は、予防接種の世界的な展開と、必要な医療サービスや必要でない医療サービスに対する需要の汲み上げ、政府の支援策、主要な市場プレイヤーの存在により、予測期間中に大きく成長すると予想される。 本レポートに含まれる主な市場プレイヤーは以下の通り: ユーティリティトレーラー製造会社 株式会社デンソー サーモキング キャリアグローバル株式会社 株式会社サブロス ベバストSE モバイルクライメートコントロール ダイキン工業株式会社 株式会社サンデン 株式会社クリンゲ 市場における最近の動き 2021年8月、サーモキングは冷凍トラックの最新ラインアップであるT-80Eシリーズを発表した。この次世代製品は、改良された制御ソフトウェアと長寿命の電子蒸発器ファンを提供する。T-80Eシリーズは、強化された冷凍能力と正確な温度制御を提供することで、技術革新、持続可能性、顧客満足に対するサーモキングのコミットメントを示す。 2022年12月、トラン・テクノロジーズ傘下の輸送用冷凍機のトップブランドであるサーモキングは、超薄型電気冷凍機TH-350を発表した。THORシリーズのこの次世代製品は、軽量設計、信頼性の高い性能、ユーザーフレンドリーな機能により、卓越したコールドチェーンロジスティクス性能を提供する。 トラック用冷凍ユニットの世界市場レポート範囲: 過去データ - 2020 - 2021 推計基準年 - 2022年 予測期間 - 2023-2030 レポート対象 - 売上予測、企業ランキング、競合環境、成長要因、動向 対象セグメント - タイプ, 長さ, 用途, 電源, 電力容量, 車両タイプ, 地域 対象地域 - 北米; 欧州; アジア太平洋; 中南米; 中東・アフリカ カスタマイズ範囲 - レポートのカスタマイズは無料(アナリストの作業時間8時間分まで)。国、地域、セグメントスコープの追加または変更*。 本調査の目的は、近年における様々なセグメントおよび国の市場規模を定義し、今後数年間の市場価値を予測することです。本レポートは、調査対象国における産業の質的・量的側面の両方を盛り込むよう設計されています。 また、市場の将来的な成長を規定する推進要因や課題などの重要な側面に関する詳細情報も提供しています。さらに、主要企業の競争環境と製品提供の詳細な分析とともに、利害関係者が投資するためのミクロ市場における潜在的な機会も組み込んでいます。市場の詳細なセグメントとサブセグメントを以下に説明する: タイプ別 スプリットシステム ルーフマウントシステム 長さ別 < 8-Meter 8-12-Meter >12メートル 用途別 チルド 冷凍 動力源別 エンジン式 独立型 電力容量別 5 Kw以下 5 Kw - 19 Kw 19キロワット以上 車両タイプ別 小型商用車 中型・大型商用車 トレーラー バス その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ ヨーロッパ 英国 ドイツ フランス スペイン イタリア ROE アジア太平洋 中国 インド 日本 オーストラリア 韓国 RoAPAC ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ 中東・アフリカ サウジアラビア 南アフリカ その他の中東・アフリカ 目次Chapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by region, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Length, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Source, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.6. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Capacity, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.7. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Vehicle Type, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Industry Evolution 2.2.2. Scope of the Study 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Dynamics 3.1. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Impact Analysis (2020-2030) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for frozen foods by consumers Increasing growth of supermarkets and restaurants 3.1.2. Market Challenges High Cost associated with the energy-efficient AC system Growth in health concerns about the consumption of frozen fruit and vegetables 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Huge demand for hygienic food products and food packaging Increasing investment in the food service sectors Chapter 4. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market: Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Porter’s 5 Force Impact Analysis 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economic 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.3.5. Environmental 4.3.6. Legal 4.4. Top investment opportunity 4.5. Top winning strategies 4.6. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 4.7. Disruptive Trends 4.8. Industry Expert Perspective 4.9. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion Chapter 5. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Type 5.1. Market Snapshot 5.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 5.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Type 2020-2030 (USD Million) 5.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 5.4.1. Split System 5.4.2. Roof Mount System Chapter 6. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Length 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Length, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Length 2020-2030 (USD Million) 6.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. < 8-Meter 6.4.2. 8-12-Meter 6.4.3. >12-Meter Chapter 7. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Application 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2020-2030 (USD Million) 7.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Chilled 7.4.2. Frozen Chapter 8. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Source 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Power Source, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Power Source 2020-2030 (USD Million) 8.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Engine Powered 8.4.2. Independent Chapter 9. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Capacity 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Power Capacity, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Power Capacity 2020-2030 (USD Million) 9.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Below 5 Kw 9.4.2. 5 Kw - 19 Kw 9.4.3. Above 19 Kw Chapter 10. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Vehicle Type 10.1. Market Snapshot 10.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Vehicle Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 10.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Vehicle Type 2020-2030 (USD Million) 10.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 10.4.1. Light Commercial Vehicles 10.4.2. Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles 10.4.3. Trailer 10.4.4. Bus 10.4.5. Others Chapter 11. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Regional Analysis 11.1. Top Leading Countries 11.2. Top Emerging Countries 11.3. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Regional Market Snapshot 11.4. North America Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.4.1. U.S. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Length breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Power Source breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Power Capacity breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Vehicle Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 11.4.2. Canada Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5. Europe Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.5.1. U.K. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.2. Germany Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.3. France Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.4. Spain Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.5. Italy Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.6. Rest of Europe Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6. Asia-Pacific Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.6.1. China Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.2. India Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.3. Japan Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.4. Australia Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.5. South Korea Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.7. Latin America Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.7.1. Brazil Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.7.2. Mexico Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8. Middle East & Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.1. Saudi Arabia Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.2. South Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Chapter 12. Competitive Intelligence 12.1. Key Company SWOT Analysis 12.1.1. Company 1 12.1.2. Company 2 12.1.3. Company 3 12.2. Top Market Strategies 12.3. Company Profiles 12.3.1. Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 12.3.2. Denso Corporation 12.3.3. Thermo King 12.3.4. Carrier Global Corporation 12.3.5. Subros Ltd. Co. 12.3.6. Webasto SE 12.3.7. Mobile Climate Control 12.3.8. Daikin Industries, Ltd. 12.3.9. Sanden Corporation 12.3.10. Klinge Corporation Chapter 13. Research Process 13.1. Research Process 13.1.1. Data Mining 13.1.2. Analysis 13.1.3. Market Estimation 13.1.4. Validation 13.1.5. Publishing 13.2. Research Attributes 13.3. Research Assumption
SummaryGlobal Truck Refrigeration Unit Market is valued approximately at USD 12671.75 million in 2022 and is anticipated to grow with a growth rate of more than 5.4% over the forecast period 2023-2030. Truck refrigeration systems are refrigerated/reefer vehicles equipped with mechanical refrigeration systems perform that perishable commodity at appropriate temperatures all the way to the point of sale. For LTL (less-than-truckload) shipment, general choices for sustaining goods in a "cool" or "fresh" temperature range or in a frozen temperature range are available. Factors such as increased demand for frozen food and fresh produce, customer desire for convenience, the expansion of supermarkets and quick-service restaurants, investments in smart city projects, and developments in refrigeration technology are driving the truck refrigeration unit market.The pharmaceutical industry's demand for accurate temperature control during transportation is propelling the truck refrigeration unit market. These units ensure that pharmaceutical items, such as vaccines and pharmaceuticals, are stored and delivered at the appropriate temperatures to retain their efficacy and safety. According to Statista, the overall worldwide pharmaceutical market was predicted to be USD 1.48 trillion in 2022. This is a marginal gain from 2021, when the market was valued at USD 1.42 trillion. Additionally, huge demand for hygienic food products and food packaging and increasing investment in the food service sectors provides lucrative opportunities to the market. However, high cost associated with the energy-efficient AC system stifling market growth throughout the forecast period of 2023-2030. The key regions considered for the Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market study includes Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific dominated the market in 2022 owing to growing number of supply chain businesses also, the presence and availability of global brands and challenges faced by them due to intense or limited competition from local and domestic brands. Also, growing pharmaceutical industry in the region is anticipated to support the market growth. North America is expected to fastest growing significantly during the forecast period, owing to the worldwide deployment of vaccinations and pent-up demand for required and non-essential medical services, supportive government initiatives, and presence of key market players in the region. Major market player included in this report are: Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company Denso Corporation Thermo King Carrier Global Corporation Subros Ltd Co. Webasto SE Mobile Climate Control Daikin Industries, Ltd. Sanden Corporation Klinge Corporation Recent Developments in the Market: In August 2021, Thermo King has introduced the T-80E Series, the latest addition to their refrigerated truck lineup. This next-generation product offers improved control software and long-life electronic evaporator fans. The T-80E Series showcases Thermo King's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction by delivering enhanced refrigeration capacity and precise temperature control. In December 2022, Thermo King, a leading transport refrigeration brand under Trane Technologies, has unveiled the TH-350, an ultra-thin electric refrigeration unit. This next-generation product from the THOR series offers exceptional cold chain logistics performance with its lightweight design, reliable performance, and user-friendly features. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Report Scope: Historical Data – 2020 - 2021 Base Year for Estimation – 2022 Forecast period - 2023-2030 Report Coverage - Revenue forecast, Company Ranking, Competitive Landscape, Growth factors, and Trends Segments Covered - Type, Length, Application, Power Source, Power Capacity, Vehicle Type, Region Regional Scope - North America; Europe; Asia Pacific; Latin America; Middle East & Africa Customization Scope - Free report customization (equivalent up to 8 analyst’s working hours) with purchase. Addition or alteration to country, regional & segment scope* The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within countries involved in the study. The report also caters detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, it also incorporates potential opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below: By Type: Split System Roof Mount System By Length: < 8-Meter 8-12-Meter >12-Meter By Application: Chilled Frozen By Power Source: Engine Powered Independent By Power Capacity: Below 5 Kw 5 Kw - 19 Kw Above 19 Kw By Vehicle Type: Light Commercial Vehicles Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles Trailer Bus Others By Region: North America U.S. Canada Europe UK Germany France Spain Italy ROE Asia Pacific China India Japan Australia South Korea RoAPAC Latin America Brazil Mexico Middle East & Africa Saudi Arabia South Africa Rest of Middle East & Africa Table of ContentsChapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by region, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Length, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Source, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.6. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Capacity, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.2.7. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Vehicle Type, 2020-2030 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Industry Evolution 2.2.2. Scope of the Study 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Dynamics 3.1. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Impact Analysis (2020-2030) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for frozen foods by consumers Increasing growth of supermarkets and restaurants 3.1.2. Market Challenges High Cost associated with the energy-efficient AC system Growth in health concerns about the consumption of frozen fruit and vegetables 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Huge demand for hygienic food products and food packaging Increasing investment in the food service sectors Chapter 4. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market: Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Porter’s 5 Force Impact Analysis 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economic 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.3.5. Environmental 4.3.6. Legal 4.4. Top investment opportunity 4.5. Top winning strategies 4.6. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 4.7. Disruptive Trends 4.8. Industry Expert Perspective 4.9. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion Chapter 5. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Type 5.1. Market Snapshot 5.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 5.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Type 2020-2030 (USD Million) 5.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 5.4.1. Split System 5.4.2. Roof Mount System Chapter 6. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Length 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Length, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Length 2020-2030 (USD Million) 6.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. < 8-Meter 6.4.2. 8-12-Meter 6.4.3. >12-Meter Chapter 7. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Application 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2020-2030 (USD Million) 7.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Chilled 7.4.2. Frozen Chapter 8. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Source 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Power Source, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Power Source 2020-2030 (USD Million) 8.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Engine Powered 8.4.2. Independent Chapter 9. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Power Capacity 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Power Capacity, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Power Capacity 2020-2030 (USD Million) 9.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Below 5 Kw 9.4.2. 5 Kw - 19 Kw 9.4.3. Above 19 Kw Chapter 10. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, by Vehicle Type 10.1. Market Snapshot 10.2. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market by Vehicle Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 10.3. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Estimates & Forecasts by Vehicle Type 2020-2030 (USD Million) 10.4. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Sub Segment Analysis 10.4.1. Light Commercial Vehicles 10.4.2. Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicles 10.4.3. Trailer 10.4.4. Bus 10.4.5. Others Chapter 11. Global Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Regional Analysis 11.1. Top Leading Countries 11.2. Top Emerging Countries 11.3. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market, Regional Market Snapshot 11.4. North America Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.4.1. U.S. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Length breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Power Source breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Power Capacity breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 Vehicle Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2020-2030 11.4.2. Canada Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5. Europe Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.5.1. U.K. Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.2. Germany Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.3. France Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.4. Spain Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.5. Italy Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.5.6. Rest of Europe Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6. Asia-Pacific Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.6.1. China Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.2. India Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.3. Japan Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.4. Australia Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.5. South Korea Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.6.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.7. Latin America Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Snapshot 11.7.1. Brazil Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.7.2. Mexico Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8. Middle East & Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.1. Saudi Arabia Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.2. South Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market 11.8.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa Truck Refrigeration Unit Market Chapter 12. Competitive Intelligence 12.1. Key Company SWOT Analysis 12.1.1. Company 1 12.1.2. Company 2 12.1.3. Company 3 12.2. Top Market Strategies 12.3. Company Profiles 12.3.1. Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 12.3.2. Denso Corporation 12.3.3. Thermo King 12.3.4. Carrier Global Corporation 12.3.5. Subros Ltd. Co. 12.3.6. Webasto SE 12.3.7. Mobile Climate Control 12.3.8. Daikin Industries, Ltd. 12.3.9. Sanden Corporation 12.3.10. Klinge Corporation Chapter 13. Research Process 13.1. Research Process 13.1.1. Data Mining 13.1.2. Analysis 13.1.3. Market Estimation 13.1.4. Validation 13.1.5. Publishing 13.2. Research Attributes 13.3. Research Assumption
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