分画レシチンの世界市場規模調査、供給源別(大豆、ヒマワリ、菜種、その他)、形態別(粉末、液体)、製品タイプ別(ホスファチジルコリン(PC)強化、ホスファチジルコリン(PC)欠乏)、エンドユーザー別(食品加工、パン、菓子、乳製品、スープとソース、飲料、医薬品、パーソナルケアと化粧品)および地域別予測 2022-2028Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Size study, by Source (Soybean, Sunflower, Rapeseed, Others), by Form (Powder, Liquid), by Product Type (Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Enriched, Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Depleted), by End-Use (Food Processing, Bakery, Confectionery, Dairy, Soups and Sauces, Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care and Cosmetics) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028 世界の分画レシチン市場は、2021年に約XXと評価され、予測期間2022-2028年にはxx%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。分画レシチンは、レシチンをエタノールなどの溶媒に溶かすことで作られます。... もっと見る
サマリー世界の分画レシチン市場は、2021年に約XXと評価され、予測期間2022-2028年にはxx%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。分画レシチンは、レシチンをエタノールなどの溶媒に溶かすことで作られます。食用油のガム部分に含まれ、油の抽出に伴う副産物である。以前は、油の抽出工程後に廃棄物として捨てられていました。付着物の撃退、液剤の均質化・乳化、食品の食感の滑らかさなど、分画レシチンの用途が拡大していることから、将来的には分画レシチンの需要を牽引すると予測されています。さらに、ホスファチジルコリンを含むため、必要な栄養素であるコリンの重要な供給源と考えられています。また、無毒であることから、食品調理や食品添加物としても広く使用されています。さらに、今後数年間は、多くの組織が医薬事業における分画レシチンの新しい用途を発見するための研究を行う予定です。インド・ブランド・エクイティ財団(IBEF)は、国内の医薬品市場が2024年までに650億米ドルに達すると推定しています。その結果、アジア太平洋市場は、インドの大きなジェネリック医薬品の需要から恩恵を受けると考えられます。分画レシチンは栄養補助食品として販売されていますが、授乳中の母親の母乳量を増加させる安全性や効果について、臨床的な証明はされていません。また、少数の大豆レシチン製品は、FDAのアレルゲン源表示基準から免除されています。審査期間中、これらの変数が分画レシチンの需要を減少させる可能性があります。世界の分画レシチン市場の調査で考慮された主要地域は、アジア太平洋、北米、欧州、中南米、およびその他の地域です。米国とカナダには相当数のメーカーが存在するため、北米の分画レシチン市場は将来的に成長すると予想されます。アジア太平洋地域の分画レシチン市場は、特にインドや中国などの発展途上国において、食品に分画レシチンを配合する研究開発活動が活発化していることから、市場シェアの拡大が見込まれています。 本レポートに含まれる主な市場プレイヤーは以下の通りです: アメリカン・レシチン・カンパニー Sime Darby Unimills B.V. Avril Group (Novastell Essential Ingredients) カーギル社(Cargill, Inc. リポイド社 ブラットマン・シュバイツAG Berg + Schmidt GmbH & Co.KG アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド・カンパニー 本調査の目的は、近年における様々なセグメント&国の市場規模を定義し、今後8年間の値を予測することである。本レポートは、調査対象である各地域・国において、業界の質的・量的な側面を取り入れるよう設計されています。さらに、市場の将来的な成長を規定する推進要因や課題など、重要な側面に関する詳細な情報も提供しています。さらに、本レポートでは、主要企業の競争環境と製品提供の詳細な分析とともに、関係者が投資するためのミクロ市場での利用可能な機会も組み込んでいます。市場の詳細なセグメントとサブセグメントを以下に説明する: ソース別 大豆(Soybean ヒマワリ 菜種 その他(卵、トウモロコシ) 形態別 粉体 液状 製品タイプ別 ホスファチジルコリン(PC)強化タイプ ホスファチジルコリン(PC)デプレッテッド エンドユーズ別 食品加工 ベーカリー 製菓 乳製品 スープ・ソース 飲料 医薬品 パーソナルケア&コスメティック 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ 欧州 英国 ドイツ フランス スペイン イタリア ROE アジア・パシフィック 中国 インド 日本 オーストラリア 韓国 ロアパック ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他の地域 さらに、本調査で考慮した年は以下の通りです: 過去年 - 2018年、2019年、2020年 基準年 - 2021年 予測期間 - 2022年~2028年 市場調査における世界の分画レシチン市場のターゲットオーディエンス: 主要なコンサルティング会社およびアドバイザー 大企業、中堅企業、中小企業 ベンチャーキャピタル 付加価値再販業者(VAR) サードパーティナレッジプロバイダー 投資銀行家 投資家 目次Chapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Region, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Source, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Form, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Product Type, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by End-Use, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Dynamics 3.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market Impact Analysis (2020-2028) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for organic, chemical-free, and nutritious food products Rising usage in repelling sticking materials 3.1.2. Market Challenges The safety and efficacy issues 3.1.3. Market Opportunities High demand for processed food Chapter 4. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.1.6. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2018-2028) 4.2. PEST Analysis 4.2.1. Political 4.2.2. Economical 4.2.3. Social 4.2.4. Technological 4.3. Investment Adoption Model 4.4. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.5. Top investment opportunity 4.6. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.1.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 market scenario Chapter 6. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Source 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Source, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Source, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 6.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Soybean 6.4.2. Sunflower 6.4.3. Rapeseed 6.4.4. Others Chapter 7. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Form 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Form, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Form, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 7.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Powder 7.4.2. Liquid Chapter 8. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Product Type 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Product Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Product Type, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 8.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Enriched 8.4.2. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Depleted Chapter 9. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by End-Use 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by End-Use, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by End-Use, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 9.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Food Processing 9.4.2. Bakery 9.4.3. Confectionery 9.4.4. Dairy 9.4.5. Soups and Sauces 9.4.6. Beverages 9.4.7. Pharmaceuticals 9.4.8. Personal Care and Cosmetics Chapter 10. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, Regional Analysis 10.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Regional Market Snapshot 10.2. North America Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.2.1. U.S. Fractionated Lecithin Market Source breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Form breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Product Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 End-Use breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 10.2.2. Canada Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3. Europe Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.3.1. U.K. Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.2. Germany Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.3. France Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.4. Spain Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.5. Italy Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.6. Rest of Europe Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4. Asia-Pacific Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.4.1. China Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.2. India Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.3. Japan Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.4. Australia Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.5. South Korea Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.5. Latin America Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.5.1. Brazil Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.5.2. Mexico Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.6. Rest of The World Fractionated Lecithin Market Chapter 11. Competitive Intelligence 11.1. Top Market Strategies 11.2. Company Profiles 11.2.1. American Lecithin Company Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Form Summary Recent Developments 11.2.2. Sime Darby Unimills B.V. 11.2.3. Avril Group (Novastell Essential Ingredients) 11.2.4. Cargill, Inc. 11.2.5. Lipoid GmbH 11.2.6. Blattmann Schweiz AG 11.2.7. Berg + Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG 11.2.8. Archer Daniels Midland Company Chapter 12. Research Process 12.1. Research Process 12.1.1. Data Mining 12.1.2. Analysis 12.1.3. Market Estimation 12.1.4. Validation 12.1.5. Publishing 12.2. Research Attributes 12.3. Research Assumption
SummaryGlobal Fractionated Lecithin Market is valued at approximately XX in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than xx% over the forecast period 2022-2028. Fractionated lecithin is made by dissolving the lecithin in a solvent like ethanol. It is found in the gums of edible oils and is a by-product of oil extraction. It was previously discarded as waste after the oil extraction process. The growing use of fractionated lecithin in repelling adhering materials, homogenising and emulsifying liquid solutions, and smoothing food textures are predicted to drive demand for fractionated lecithin in the future years. Furthermore, because it includes phosphatidylcholines, it is considered a key source of choline, a necessary nutrient. Because it is non-toxic, it is widely used in food preparation and as a food additive. Furthermore, in the coming years, many organisations will perform research to uncover new applications for fractionated lecithin in the pharmaceutical business. The India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) estimates that the country's domestic pharmaceutical market will reach US$ 65 billion by 2024. As a result, the Asia Pacific market is likely to benefit from India's significant demand for generic pharmaceuticals. Although fractionated lecithin is sold as a dietary supplement, there is no clinical proof that it is safe or effective in increasing milk flow in breast-feeding moms. A small number of soy lecithin products have also been exempted from the FDA's allergenic source labelling standards. During the review period, these variables may reduce demand for fractionated lecithin. Table of ContentsChapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Region, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Source, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Form, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Product Type, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Fractionated Lecithin Market, by End-Use, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Dynamics 3.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market Impact Analysis (2020-2028) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Increasing demand for organic, chemical-free, and nutritious food products Rising usage in repelling sticking materials 3.1.2. Market Challenges The safety and efficacy issues 3.1.3. Market Opportunities High demand for processed food Chapter 4. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.1.6. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2018-2028) 4.2. PEST Analysis 4.2.1. Political 4.2.2. Economical 4.2.3. Social 4.2.4. Technological 4.3. Investment Adoption Model 4.4. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.5. Top investment opportunity 4.6. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.1.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 market scenario Chapter 6. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Source 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Source, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Source, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 6.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Soybean 6.4.2. Sunflower 6.4.3. Rapeseed 6.4.4. Others Chapter 7. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Form 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Form, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Form, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 7.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Powder 7.4.2. Liquid Chapter 8. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by Product Type 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by Product Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by Product Type, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 8.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Enriched 8.4.2. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Depleted Chapter 9. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, by End-Use 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market by End-Use, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market Estimates & Forecasts by End-Use, 2018-2028 (USD Million) 9.4. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Food Processing 9.4.2. Bakery 9.4.3. Confectionery 9.4.4. Dairy 9.4.5. Soups and Sauces 9.4.6. Beverages 9.4.7. Pharmaceuticals 9.4.8. Personal Care and Cosmetics Chapter 10. Global Fractionated Lecithin Market, Regional Analysis 10.1. Fractionated Lecithin Market, Regional Market Snapshot 10.2. North America Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.2.1. U.S. Fractionated Lecithin Market Source breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Form breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Product Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 End-Use breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 10.2.2. Canada Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3. Europe Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.3.1. U.K. Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.2. Germany Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.3. France Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.4. Spain Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.5. Italy Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.3.6. Rest of Europe Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4. Asia-Pacific Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.4.1. China Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.2. India Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.3. Japan Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.4. Australia Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.5. South Korea Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.5. Latin America Fractionated Lecithin Market Snapshot 10.5.1. Brazil Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.5.2. Mexico Fractionated Lecithin Market 10.6. Rest of The World Fractionated Lecithin Market Chapter 11. Competitive Intelligence 11.1. Top Market Strategies 11.2. Company Profiles 11.2.1. American Lecithin Company Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Form Summary Recent Developments 11.2.2. Sime Darby Unimills B.V. 11.2.3. Avril Group (Novastell Essential Ingredients) 11.2.4. Cargill, Inc. 11.2.5. Lipoid GmbH 11.2.6. Blattmann Schweiz AG 11.2.7. Berg + Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG 11.2.8. Archer Daniels Midland Company Chapter 12. Research Process 12.1. Research Process 12.1.1. Data Mining 12.1.2. Analysis 12.1.3. Market Estimation 12.1.4. Validation 12.1.5. Publishing 12.2. Research Attributes 12.3. Research Assumption
Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP社の化合物分野での最新刊レポート
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