


Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2024-2033

アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC入門 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、2023年に2億4,640万ドルと評価され、2033年には13億1,730万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2024-2033年のC... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2025年1月15日 US$3,250
2-3営業日以内 142 英語




アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、2023年に2億4,640万ドルと評価され、2033年には13億1,730万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2024-2033年のCAGRは18.36%である。この図は、2023年から2033年までのアジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の売上高を示している。同市場は、CAR T細胞などの革新的な治療法の採用拡大が主な要因となって、目覚ましい2桁成長を遂げている。細胞や遺伝子を用いた治療の安全性、有効性、一貫性を確保するためには、強固な品質管理プロセスが不可欠である。同市場は、製造過程における厳格な品質管理措置の必要性、製造技術の進歩、規制枠組みの拡大によって牽引されている。市場機会を生かすため、業界各社は革新的なQC技術の開発、堅牢な分析法の確立、規制機関や学術機関との連携に注力している。規制要件を満たし、このダイナミックで変革的な市場で成功するためには、メーカーが包括的なQC戦略を実施することが極めて重要である。


アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、がん、代謝性疾患、自己免疫疾患などの対象疾患の有病率の上昇に牽引され、顕著な成長を遂げている。さらに、細胞・遺伝子治療の承認が増加していることも市場拡大に寄与している。さらに、細胞・遺伝子治療分野への新規参入や投資が一貫して増加しており、アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場が強化されているため、これらの治療法の製造に必要な製品やサービス・ソリューションに対する需要が急増している。例えば、「アジア太平洋地域における細胞・遺伝子治療」と題された記事によれば、次の通りである:2023年に発表された「Revolutionizing Disease Treatment(疾病治療に革命を起こす)」という記事によると、韓国は細胞・遺伝子治療の開発を支援するために13億ドルの基金を設立した。さらに、シンガポールは、シンガポール合成生物学コンソーシアムやバイオプロセス技術研究所の設立など、細胞・遺伝子治療の開発を支援するためのいくつかのイニシアティブに投資している。したがって、前述の要因の影響は、予測期間2024-2033年のアジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場を牽引すると予想される。


Danaher Corporation(Cytiva)、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC.などの大手企業が牽引するアジア太平洋の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、細胞・遺伝子治療製造の展望を一変させた。これらの業界リーダーは、細胞・遺伝子治療製造における安全性、有効性、コンプライアンスの確保という複雑な課題に対処するため、革新的なQCソリューションを導入している。




- 製品
- サービス



- 細胞療法
- 遺伝子治療



- 原料調製
- 上流工程
- 下流工程
- 包装



- ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応
- フローサイトメトリー
- 免疫細胞溶解液(LAL)
- 酵素結合免疫吸着測定法(ELISA)
- クロマトグラフィー
- 質量分析
- ウェスタンブロッティング
- 次世代シーケンス
- 電気泳動
- その他のテクノロジー



- 安全性試験
- 効力試験
- 同一性試験
- 安定性と遺伝的忠実性試験
- その他




- 2023年1月、Bio-Techne CorporationはAdvanced Cell Diagnostics(ACD)ブランドのRNAscope in situ hybridization(ISH)ポートフォリオの拡充を発表した。RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA検出アッセイを発表した。このアッセイは、同一組織切片中の3種類の標的RNAまたはRNAバイオマーカーとともに、制御性低分子RNAを単一細胞および細胞内分解能で同時に蛍光検出することができる。
- 2023年8月、Cytiva社はGenepeutic Bio社と提携し、タイ初のGMP認定細胞治療製造施設を設立した。この提携により、タイおよび東南アジアにおけるがん治療の提供能力が高まることが期待される。
- 2023年4月、Cytiva社はX-platformバイオリアクターを発売した。これらの多用途バイオリアクターは、モノクローナル抗体、タンパク質ベースの医薬品、細胞・遺伝子治療薬、ウイルスベクターの製造に使用できる。バイオプロセスにおける柔軟性と効率性を提供し、様々な治療製品の開発と製造を促進する。
- 2023年2月、開発製造受託機関(CDMO)であるAcuraBio社は、Cytiva社のシングルユース精製技術を使用して、現行の適正製造基準(cGMP)プラスミドDNAサービスを拡大する。この拡大は、mRNAや細胞・遺伝子治療薬の供給上の制約に対処することを目的としている。
- 2022年7月、フォアサイト・バイオは細胞・遺伝子治療薬の開発・製造を迅速化するためにCytivaと提携した。この提携は、CGT CDMOセクター内のプロセスを標準化し、業界の成長を促進することを目的としている。

需要 - 推進要因、課題、機会











- 市場規模算出の基準年は2023年とした。ヒストリカルイヤー分析は、2019年度~2022年度について行った。市場規模は2023年度の推定値であり、2024~2033年度の予測値である。
- 本レポートの対象範囲は、世界中の様々な企業の専門家との対話に基づいて慎重に導き出されています。本レポートは、アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の製品およびサービスの市場調査を提供します。
- アジア太平洋地域の細胞および遺伝子治療製造QCの市場貢献は、ソリューションの過去の分析に基づいて立ち上げられ、計算されると予想されます。
- 企業の収益は、2022年度と2023年度の年次報告書を参照した。非上場企業については、一次調査から得られたインプット、資金調達履歴、市場提携、操業履歴などの要因に基づいて収益を推定している。
- 市場は、アジア太平洋地域で利用可能な細胞・遺伝子治療製造QCに基づいてマッピングされている。本レポートでは、この分野で重要な製品を提供しているすべての主要企業について考察し、プロファイリングしています。




- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競争環境とビジネスモデルの理解
- 市場プレーヤーによる製品の現在および提案生産額
- 注目される市場の異なるセグメントの数値の検証
- 地域分析のための個別市場のパーセンテージ分割



- 公認出版物、著名な著者による記事、ホワイトペーパー、ディレクトリ、主要データベースなど
- 主要市場プレーヤーの年次報告書、SEC提出書類、投資家向けプレゼンテーション
- 企業のウェブサイト、製品ポートフォリオの詳細調査
- ゴールドスタンダードの雑誌、ジャーナル、ホワイトペーパー、プレスリリース、ニュース記事
- 有料データベース


- セグメンテーションとシェア
- 市場価値のデータ
- 市場トッププレーヤーの主な業界動向
- 市場の様々な側面、主要トレンド、技術革新の新たな領域に関する定性的洞察
- 数学的・統計的計算のための定量的データ




- バイオテクネ・コーポレーション
- ダナハーコーポレーション(Cytiva)
- F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
- ロンザ
- Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KG
- ザルトリウスAG
- サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
- ウーシー・アプテック
- 富士フイルムホールディングス
- メルクKGaA



1 市場
1.1 製品の定義
1.1.1 製品の定義
1.1.2 包含基準と除外基準
1.2 市場の範囲
1.2.1 業務範囲
1.2.2 本レポートの主な質問項目
1.3 調査方法
1.3.1 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場
1.3.2 データソース 一次データソース セカンダリーデータソース
1.3.3 市場推定モデル
2 細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場規制の枠組み
2.1 食品医薬品局(FDA)による化学・製造・管理(CMC)要件
2.1.1 製品試験
2.1.2 微生物試験
2.1.3 同一性
2.1.4 純度
2.1.5 力価
2.1.6 生存可能性
2.1.7 細胞数または投与量
2.2 欧州医薬品庁(EMA)による細胞・遺伝子治療製品の品質面
2.2.1 キャラクタライゼーション
2.2.2 同一性試験
2.2.3 純度試験
2.3 現在の適正製造基準(CGMP)規制
2.3.1 米国
2.3.2 ヨーロッパ
2.3.3 アジア太平洋
2.4 世界の規制枠組み:細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場
3 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場市場概要
3.1 市場の概要
3.1.1 現実的な成長シナリオ
3.1.2 楽観的シナリオ
3.1.3 悲観シナリオ
3.2 市場の足跡と成長の可能性
3.3 将来の可能性
3.4 COVID-19の市場への影響
3.4.1 研究および臨床業務への影響
3.4.2 COVID-19の影響市場の現在のシナリオ
3.4.3 COVID-19前後の影響評価 COVID-19前の段階 COVID-19後の段階
3.5 市場ダイナミクス
3.6 市場規模と予測
3.6.1 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(オファリング別)
3.6.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
3.6.3 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
3.6.4 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
3.6.5 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場:国別
4.1 シンガポール
4.1.1 シンガポールの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.1.2 シンガポールの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.1.3 シンガポールの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.1.4 シンガポール細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.1.5 シンガポールの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.2 日本
4.2.1 日本の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.2.2 日本の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.2.3 日本の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.2.4 日本の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.2.5 日本の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.3 韓国
4.3.1 韓国の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.3.2 韓国の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.3.3 韓国の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.3.4 韓国の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.3.5 韓国の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.4 オーストラリア
4.4.1 オーストラリアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.4.2 オーストラリアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.4.3 オーストラリアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.4.4 オーストラリアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.4.5 オーストラリアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.5 インド
4.5.1 インドの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.5.2 インドの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.5.3 インドの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.5.4 インドの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.5.5 インドの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.6 タイ
4.6.1 タイの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.6.2 タイの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.6.3 タイの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.6.4 タイの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.6.5 タイの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.7 マレーシア
4.7.1 マレーシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.7.2 マレーシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.7.3 マレーシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.7.4 マレーシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.7.5 マレーシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.8 インドネシア
4.8.1 インドネシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供別)
4.8.2 インドネシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.8.3 インドネシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.8.4 インドネシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.8.5 インドネシアの細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
4.9 アジア太平洋地域
4.9.1 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(提供品別)
4.9.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(治療タイプ別)
4.9.3 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)
4.9.4 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(技術別)
4.9.5 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(用途別)
5 企業プロフィール
5.1 バイオテクネ・コーポレーション
5.1.1 会社概要
5.1.2 細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるバイオテクネ社の役割
5.1.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.1.4 主要競合企業
5.1.5 財務
5.1.6 アナリストの視点
5.2 ダナー・コーポレーション(Cytiva)
5.2.1 会社概要
5.2.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるダナハーコーポレーション(Cytiva)の役割
5.2.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.2.4 主要競合企業
5.2.5 財務
5.2.6 アナリストの視点
5.3 F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社
5.3.1 会社概要
5.3.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるエフ・ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ・リミテッドの役割
5.3.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.3.4 主要競合企業
5.3.5 財務
5.3.6 アナリストの視点
5.4 ロンザ
5.4.1 会社概要
5.4.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるロンザの役割
5.4.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.4.4 主要競合企業
5.4.5 財務
5.4.6 アナリストの視点
5.5 Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KG
5.5.1 会社概要
5.5.2 アジア太平洋の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるMiltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KGのアジア太平洋地域細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における役割
5.5.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.5.4 主要競合企業
5.5.5 アナリストの視点
5.6 ザルトリウスAG
5.6.1 会社概要
5.6.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるザルトリウスAGの役割
5.6.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.6.4 主要競合企業
5.6.5 財務
5.6.6 アナリストの視点
5.7 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
5.7.1 会社概要
5.7.2 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィックの役割アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における
5.7.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.7.4 主要競合企業
5.7.5 財務
5.7.6 アナリストの視点
5.8 呉西AppTec
5.8.1 会社概要
5.8.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるWuXi AppTecの役割
5.8.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.8.4 主要競合企業
5.8.5 財務
5.8.6 アナリストの視点
5.9 富士フイルムホールディングス
5.9.1 会社概要
5.9.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における富士フイルムホールディングスの役割
5.9.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.9.4 主要競合企業
5.9.5 財務
5.9.6 アナリストの視点
5.10 メルクKGaA
5.10.1 会社概要
5.10.2 アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場におけるメルクKGaAの役割
5.10.3 製品ポートフォリオ
5.10.4 主要競合企業
5.10.5 財務
5.10.6 アナリストの視点
図 72:アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(オファリング別)、百万ドル、2023-2033年
図 74:アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場(プロセス別)、百万ドル、2023-2033年
図78:ダナハー社(サイティバ):全体財務, 百万ドル, 2021-2023
図79:F.ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ社:全体財務, 百万ドル, 2021-2023
図 82: サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック社:全体財務、百万ドル、2021-2023年
図83:WuXi AppTec:全体財務、百万ドル、2021-2023年
図84:富士フイルムホールディングス全体財務, 百万ドル, 2021-2023
図 85:メルクKGaA:全体財務、百万ドル、2021-2023年




アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、CAR T細胞などの革新的な治療法の採用増加により急成長を遂げている。細胞および遺伝子ベースの治療の安全性、有効性、一貫性を確保するためには、堅牢な品質管理プロセスが不可欠である。市場は、製造工程全体を通じて厳格なQC対策が必要であること、製造技術の進歩、規制の枠組みの拡大が原動力となっている。


- アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における市場規制と主要動向
- 市場の促進要因、動向、課題に関する市場動態分析


BIS Research社のSwati Sood主席アナリストによると、「アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場は、バイオ医薬品の技術革新の急速な進展、研究開発への投資の増加、細胞・遺伝子治療の臨床試験件数の増加に牽引され、大きな成長を遂げようとしている。Danaher Corporation (Cytiva)、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.などの主要企業は、安全性、有効性、規制遵守の確保という課題に対処する最先端のQC技術で市場をリードしている。この地域では、日本、オーストラリア、韓国などの市場において、製造能力が拡大し、規制要件が厳しくなっているため、スケーラブルで効率的なQCソリューションに対する需要が高まっている。自動化、統合分析、リアルタイムモニタリングなどのイノベーションがQCプロセスを変革し、市場投入までの時間の短縮と製品の完全性の向上を可能にしている。精度、適応性、規制遵守に重点を置くこの市場は、AIを活用した予測分析やリアルタイムのリリーステストなどの新技術が普及するにつれてさらに成長し、世界の細胞・遺伝子治療の状況においてアジア太平洋地域が突出した存在となることが確実視されている。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Bio-Techne Corporation、Danaher Corporation (Cytiva)、F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd、Lonza、Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co.KG、Sartorius AG、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc、WuXi AppTec、Fujifilm Holdings Corporationなどである。


- 2024年から2033年にかけて、アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長が展開する可能性のある3つのシナリオとは?
- COVID-19がアジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場に与える影響は?
- アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の成長に影響を与える主な規制は何か?
- アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場の主な促進要因、阻害要因、機会、および短期、中期、長期の期間における市場への影響は?
- アジア太平洋市場の各国は予測期間中にどのように成長すると予想されますか?
- アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場において、各国の治療タイプ、提供、用途、プロセス、技術に基づいて予測される市場規模は?
- アジア太平洋地域の細胞・遺伝子治療製造QC市場における主要企業はどこか、また、同市場においてどのような製品を提供しているのか?





An Introduction to Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC

The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market was valued at $246.4 million in 2023 and is anticipated to reach $1,317.3 million by 2033, witnessing a CAGR of 18.36% during the forecast period 2024-2033. The given figure illustrates the market revenue of the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market from 2023-2033. The market has been witnessing impressive double-digit growth, largely driven by the increasing adoption of innovative therapies such as CAR T-cells and others. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure cell and gene-based treatments' safety, efficacy, and consistency. The market is driven by the need for stringent QC measures throughout the manufacturing journey, advancements in manufacturing technologies, and expanding regulatory frameworks. To capitalize on market opportunities, industry players are focusing on developing innovative QC technologies, establishing robust analytical methods, and collaborating with regulatory bodies and academic institutions. It is crucial for manufacturers to implement comprehensive QC strategies to meet regulatory requirements and position themselves for success in this dynamic and transformative market.

Market Introduction

The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has been experiencing notable growth, driven by the escalating prevalence of target diseases such as cancers, metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders, and others. Additionally, the increasing approval of cell and gene therapies has further contributed to this market expansion. Furthermore, there has been a consistent rise in the number of new entrants and investments in the field of cell and gene therapy, which has strengthened the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, thereby providing a surge in demand for the products and services solutions required in the manufacturing of these therapies. For instance, as per an article titled ‘Cell & Gene Therapy in the Asia Pacific: Revolutionizing Disease Treatment,’ published in 2023, South Korea has established a $1.3 billion fund to support the development of cell and gene therapies. Further, Singapore has invested in several initiatives to support the development of cell and gene therapies, including the establishment of the Singapore Consortium for Synthetic Biology and the Bioprocessing Technology Institute. Therefore, the impact of the aforementioned factors is expected to drive the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in the forecast period 2024-2033.

Industrial Impact

The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, driven by leading companies such as Danaher Corporation (Cytiva), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, and THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC., has transformed the landscape of cell and gene therapy manufacturing. These industry leaders have introduced innovative QC solutions to address the complexities of ensuring safety, efficacy, and compliance in cell and gene therapy production.

The region's rapid growth in biopharmaceutical innovation, supported by increased R&D investments and clinical trials, has created a robust demand for advanced QC mechanisms. Automation, real-time monitoring, and integrated analytics have streamlined workflows and reduced costs, with technologies from these companies setting new benchmarks for efficiency.

The region's stringent regulatory environment and expanding manufacturing capacities further drive the adoption of scalable and precise QC technologies. With a focus on tailored solutions for diverse regional needs, these advancements are accelerating time-to-market for therapies, enhancing product integrity, and reinforcing regulatory compliance. As the market evolves, trends such as AI-driven predictive analytics and real-time release testing will continue to shape its trajectory in cell and gene therapy manufacturing.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Offering
• Products
• Services

Services Segment to Dominate the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC market (by Offering)

Based on offering, the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market was led by the services segment, which held a 70.28% share in 2023. The high growth of the services segment can be attributed to the increase in outsourcing manufacturing and QC operations to CDMOs and CROs.

Segmentation 2: by Therapy Type
• Cell Therapy
• Gene Therapy

Cell Therapy Segment to Dominate the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)

Based on therapy type, the cell therapy segment accounted for the largest share of 58.42% in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in 2023. In addition, cell therapy is expected to witness the highest growth rate of 19.47% in the forecast period 2024-2033. The growth of the cell therapy segment can be attributed to the ongoing advancements and increasing regulatory approvals for CAR-T cell therapies.

Segmentation 3: by Process
• Raw Materials Preparation
• Upstream Processing
• Downstream Processing
• Packaging

Upstream Processing Segment to Dominate the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)

Based on process, the upstream processing segment accounted for the largest share of 47.10% in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in 2023. Moreover, upstream processing is expected to hold the highest growth rate of 19.45% in the forecast period 2024-2033. This can be attributed to the shift toward the usage of single-use bioreactors for cell and gene therapy manufacturing, as these systems reduce contamination risks and allow for streamlined QC protocols.

Segmentation 4: by Technology
• Polymerase Chain Reaction
• Flow Cytometry
• Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL)
• Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
• Chromatography
• Mass Spectrometry
• Western Blotting
• Next-Generation Sequencing
• Electrophoresis
• Other Technologies

PCR Segment to Dominate the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)

Based on technology, the PCR segment accounted for the largest share of 23.98% in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in 2023. However, the next-generation sequencing segment is expected to hold the highest growth rate of 22.68% in the forecast period 2024-2033. The high growth of the next-generation sequencing segment can be attributed to the ability of NGS to provide detailed genetic profiles with high sensitivity, allowing for a thorough assessment of cell lines, vector purity, off-target effects in gene editing, and genetic modifications.

Segmentation 5: by Application
• Safety Testing
• Potency Testing
• Identity Testing
• Stability and Genetic Fidelity Testing
• Others

Safety Testing Segment to Dominate the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)

Based on application, the safety testing segment accounted for the largest share of 46.15% in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market in 2023. However, the potency testing segment is expected to hold the highest growth rate of 20.28% in the forecast period 2024-2033. The high growth rate of the potency testing segment can be attributed to the continuous developments in potency assays and their essential role in efficacy validation.

Recent Developments in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market

• In January 2023, Bio-Techne Corporation announced the expansion of its Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD)-branded RNAscope in situ hybridization (ISH) portfolio. It launched an RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA detection assay that enables simultaneous fluorescence detection of small regulatory RNA together with three target RNAs or RNA biomarkers in the same tissue section at single-cell and subcellular resolution.
• In August 2023, Cytiva collaborated with Genepeutic Bio to establish Thailand's first GMP-certified cell therapy manufacturing facility. The collaboration is expected to boost the capabilities of cancer treatment delivery within Thailand and Southeast Asia.
• In April 2023, Cytiva launched X-platform bioreactors, which aim to streamline single-use upstream bioprocessing operations. These versatile bioreactors can be used for producing monoclonal antibodies, protein-based drugs, cell and gene therapies, and viral vectors. They offer flexibility and efficiency in bioprocessing, facilitating the development and manufacturing of various therapeutic products.
• In February 2023, AcuraBio, a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), is expanding its current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) plasmid DNA services using Cytiva's single-use purification technology. This expansion is aimed at addressing supply constraints for mRNA and cell and gene therapies.
• In July 2022, Forecyte Bio collaborated with Cytiva to expedite the development and manufacturing of cell and gene therapies. This collaboration aimed to standardize processes within the CGT CDMO sector and drive industry growth.

Demand – Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities

Market Drivers:

Increasing Number of Approvals Leading to an Upsurge in Demand for Cell and Gene Therapies QC Testing: The increasing number of regulatory approvals for cell and gene therapies is driving a significant upsurge in demand for quality control (QC) testing in the Asia-Pacific region. As innovative therapies move from clinical trials to commercial availability, ensuring their safety, efficacy, and consistency becomes paramount. Regulatory bodies across major markets such as Japan, Australia, and South Korea have established stringent approval processes, emphasizing robust QC measures. This has necessitated the adoption of advanced testing technologies capable of addressing the complexities of cell and gene therapies, including sterility, potency, identity, and safety evaluations. Key industry players have been responding to this demand by developing automated and scalable QC solutions, enabling faster and more reliable testing workflows. With the rapid expansion of manufacturing capacities and growing patient access to these therapies, the role of QC testing in maintaining compliance and ensuring product quality continues to grow, marking it as a critical factor in the industry's ongoing evolution.

Market Challenges:

Limited Adoption of Cell and Gene Therapy Due to High Manufacturing and QC Costs: The adoption of cell and gene therapies in the Asia-Pacific region is currently limited by the high costs associated with manufacturing and quality control (QC). These therapies involve complex processes, including cell isolation, genetic modification, and precision delivery, which demand highly specialized equipment, skilled personnel, and stringent QC measures. QC testing, in particular, requires advanced technologies to ensure these therapies' safety, efficacy, and consistency, driving up operational costs. This financial burden is further compounded by the lack of standardized manufacturing protocols and economies of scale, as cell and gene therapies are often produced in small batches tailored to individual patients or specific conditions.

Small and medium-sized biopharmaceutical companies face significant challenges in overcoming these cost barriers, which can delay the scaling of innovative treatments. Additionally, the need for comprehensive compliance with stringent regulatory requirements adds to the financial and operational strain. To address these challenges, industry players and governments are increasingly investing in automation, process optimization, and scalable QC solutions to reduce costs. Partnerships and collaborations among stakeholders also aim to share resources and expertise, paving the way for broader adoption and access to these life-saving therapies. However, overcoming these cost-related barriers remains a critical hurdle for the region's widespread implementation of cell and gene therapies.

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has been extensively segmented based on offering, therapy type, process, technology, and application. This can help readers understand which segments account for the largest share and which are well-positioned to grow in the coming years.

Competitive Strategy: The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has numerous established players with significant product portfolios. Key players in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market analyzed and profiled in the study involve established players offering products and services for cell and gene therapy.


Key Considerations and Assumptions in Market Engineering and Validation

• The base year considered for the calculation of the market size is 2023. A historical year analysis has been done for the period FY2019-FY2022. The market size has been estimated for FY2023 and projected for the period FY2024-FY2033.
• The scope of this report has been carefully derived based on interactions with experts in different companies across the world. This report provides a market study of products and services of the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market.
• The market contribution of Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC is anticipated to be launched and calculated based on the historical analysis of the solutions.
• The company's revenue has been referenced from their annual reports for FY2022 and FY2023. For private companies, revenues have been estimated based on factors such as inputs obtained from primary research, funding history, market collaborations, and operational history.
• The market has been mapped based on the available cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC in the Asia-Pacific. This report has considered and profiled all the key companies with significant offerings in this field.

Primary Research:

The primary sources involve industry experts in cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC, including the market players offering products and services. Resources such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study.

The key data points taken from the primary sources include:

• Validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs
• Validation of the report’s segmentation and key qualitative findings
• Understanding the competitive landscape and business model
• Current and proposed production values of a product by market players
• Validation of the numbers of the different segments of the market in focus
• Percentage split of individual markets for regional analysis

Secondary Research

Open Sources

• Certified publications, articles from recognized authors, white papers, directories, and major databases, among others
• Annual reports, SEC filings, and investor presentations of the leading market players
• Company websites and detailed study of their product portfolio
• Gold standard magazines, journals, white papers, press releases, and news articles
• Paid databases

The key data points taken from the secondary sources include:

• Segmentations and percentage shares
• Data for market value
• Key industry trends of the top players of the market
• Qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation
• Quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts, who have analyzed company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

Some prominent names established in this market are:

• Bio-Techne Corporation
• Danaher Corporation (Cytiva)
• F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
• Lonza
• Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG
• Sartorius AG
• Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
• WuXi AppTec
• Fujifilm Holdings Corporation
• Merck KGaA


Table of Contents

1 Markets
1.1 Product Definition
1.1.1 Product Definition
1.1.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
1.2 Market Scope
1.2.1 Scope of the Work
1.2.2 Key Questions Answered in the Report
1.3 Research Methodology
1.3.1 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
1.3.2 Data Sources Primary Data Sources Secondary Data Sources
1.3.3 Market Estimation Model
2 Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market: Regulatory Framework
2.1 Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Requirements by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
2.1.1 Product Testing
2.1.2 Microbial Testing
2.1.3 Identity
2.1.4 Purity
2.1.5 Potency
2.1.6 Viability
2.1.7 Cell Number or Dose
2.2 Quality Aspects of Cell and Gene Therapy Products by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
2.2.1 Characterization
2.2.2 Identity Testing
2.2.3 Purity Testing
2.3 Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) Regulations
2.3.1 U.S.
2.3.2 Europe
2.3.3 Asia-Pacific
2.4 Global Regulatory Framework: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
3 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market: Market Overview
3.1 Market Overview
3.1.1 Realistic Growth Scenario
3.1.2 Optimistic Scenario
3.1.3 Pessimistic Scenario
3.2 Market Footprint and Growth Potential
3.3 Future Potential
3.4 COVID-19 Impact on Market
3.4.1 Impact on Research and Clinical Operations
3.4.2 COVID-19 Impact: Current Scenario of the Market
3.4.3 Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Impact Assessment Pre-COVID-19 Phase Post-COVID-19 Phase
3.5 Market Dynamics
3.6 Market Sizing and Forecast
3.6.1 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
3.6.2 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
3.6.3 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
3.6.4 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
3.6.5 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4 Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market: by Country
4.1 Singapore
4.1.1 Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.1.2 Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.1.3 Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.1.4 Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.1.5 Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.2 Japan
4.2.1 Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.2.2 Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.2.3 Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.2.4 Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.2.5 Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.3 South Korea
4.3.1 South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.3.2 South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.3.3 South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.3.4 South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.3.5 South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.4 Australia
4.4.1 Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.4.2 Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.4.3 Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.4.4 Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.4.5 Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.5 India
4.5.1 India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.5.2 India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.5.3 India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.5.4 India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.5.5 India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.6 Thailand
4.6.1 Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.6.2 Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.6.3 Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.6.4 Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.6.5 Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.7 Malaysia
4.7.1 Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.7.2 Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.7.3 Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.7.4 Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.7.5 Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.8 Indonesia
4.8.1 Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.8.2 Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.8.3 Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.8.4 Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.8.5 Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
4.9 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
4.9.1 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering)
4.9.2 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type)
4.9.3 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process)
4.9.4 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology)
4.9.5 Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application)
5 Company Profiles
5.1 Bio-Techne Corporation
5.1.1 Company Overview
5.1.2 Role of Bio-Techne Corporation in the Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.1.3 Product Portfolio
5.1.4 Key Competitors
5.1.5 Financials
5.1.6 Analyst Perspective
5.2 Danaher Corporation (Cytiva)
5.2.1 Company Overview
5.2.2 Role of Danaher Corporation (Cytiva) in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.2.3 Product Portfolio
5.2.4 Key Competitors
5.2.5 Financials
5.2.6 Analyst Perspective
5.3 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
5.3.1 Company Overview
5.3.2 Role of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.3.3 Product Portfolio
5.3.4 Key Competitors
5.3.5 Financials
5.3.6 Analyst Perspective
5.4 Lonza
5.4.1 Company Overview
5.4.2 Role of Lonza in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.4.3 Product Portfolio
5.4.4 Key Competitors
5.4.5 Financials
5.4.6 Analyst Perspective
5.5 Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG
5.5.1 Company Overview
5.5.2 Role of Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.5.3 Product Portfolio
5.5.4 Key Competitors
5.5.5 Analyst Perspective
5.6 Sartorius AG
5.6.1 Company Overview
5.6.2 Role of Sartorius AG in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.6.3 Product Portfolio
5.6.4 Key Competitors
5.6.5 Financials
5.6.6 Analyst Perspective
5.7 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
5.7.1 Company Overview
5.7.2 Role of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.7.3 Product Portfolio
5.7.4 Key Competitors
5.7.5 Financials
5.7.6 Analyst Perspective
5.8 WuXi AppTec
5.8.1 Company Overview
5.8.2 Role of WuXi AppTec in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.8.3 Product Portfolio
5.8.4 Key Competitors
5.8.5 Financials
5.8.6 Analyst Perspective
5.9 Fujifilm Holdings Corporation
5.9.1 Company Overview
5.9.2 Role of Fujifilm Holdings Corporation in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.9.3 Product Portfolio
5.9.4 Key Competitors
5.9.5 Financials
5.9.6 Analyst Perspective
5.10 Merck KGaA
5.10.1 Company Overview
5.10.2 Role of Merck KGaA in the Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
5.10.3 Product Portfolio
5.10.4 Key Competitors
5.10.5 Financials
5.10.6 Analyst Perspective
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Regulatory Requirements in Asia-Pacific
Table 2: Key Questions Answered in the Report
Table 3: Global Regulatory Scenario: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market
Table 4: List of Approved CGT Drugs in Asian Countries
Table 5: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Dynamics, Impact Analysis
Table 6: Some of the Approved Cell and Gene Therapies in Japan
List of Figures
Figure 1: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 2: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, Impact Analysis
Figure 3: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), % Share, 2023 and 2033
Figure 4: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), % Share, 2023 and 2033
Figure 5: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), % Share, 2023 and 2033
Figure 6: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), % Share, 2023 and 2033
Figure 7: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), % Share, 2023 and 2033
Figure 8: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Segmentation
Figure 9: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market: Research Methodology
Figure 10: Primary Research Methodology
Figure 11: Bottom-Up Approach (Segment-Wise Analysis)
Figure 12: Top-Down Approach (Segment-Wise Analysis)
Figure 13: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Size and Growth Potential (Realistic Scenario), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 14: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Size and Growth Potential (Optimistic Scenario), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 15: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market Size and Growth Potential (Pessimistic Scenario), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 16: Impact of COVID-19 on CGT Developmental Activities
Figure 17: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 18: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 19: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 20: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 21: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 22: Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 23: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 24: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 25: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 26: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 27: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 28: Singapore Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 29: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 30: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 31: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 32: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 33: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 34: Japan Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 35: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 36: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 37: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 38: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 39: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 40: South Korea Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 41: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 42: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 43: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 44: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 45: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 46: Australia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 47: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 48: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 49: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 50: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 51: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 52: India Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 53: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 54: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 55: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 56: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 57: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 58: Thailand Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 59: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 60: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 61: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 62: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 63: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 64: Malaysia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 65: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 66: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 67: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 68: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033u
Figure 69: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 70: Indonesia Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 71: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market, $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 72: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Offering), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 73: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Therapy Type), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 74: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Process), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 75: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Technology), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 76: Rest-of-Asia-Pacific Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing QC Market (by Application), $Million, 2023-2033
Figure 77: Bio-Techne Corporation: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 78: Danaher Corporation (Cytiva): Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 79: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 80: Lonza: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 81: Sartorius AG: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 82: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 83: WuXi AppTec: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 84: Fujifilm Holdings Corporation: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023
Figure 85: Merck KGaA: Overall Financials, $Million, 2021-2023


Press Release

According to a premium market intelligence study by BIS Research, the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is projected to reach $1,317.3 million by 2033. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 18.36% during the forecast period 2024-2033.

The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has been experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing adoption of innovative therapies such as CAR T-cells and others. Robust quality control processes are essential to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of cell and gene-based treatments. The market is driven by the need for stringent QC measures throughout the manufacturing journey, advancements in manufacturing technologies, and expanding regulatory frameworks.

USPs of this report

• Market Regulations and key trends in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market
• Market dynamic analysis of the drivers, trends, and challenges in the market

Analyst Perspective

According to Swati Sood, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market is set for significant growth driven by the rapid advancements in biopharmaceutical innovation, increasing investments in research and development, and the growing number of cell and gene therapy clinical trials. Key players such as Danaher Corporation (Cytiva), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. are leading the charge with cutting-edge QC technologies that address the challenges of ensuring safety, efficacy, and regulatory compliance. The region’s expanding manufacturing capacities and stringent regulatory requirements in markets such as Japan, Australia, and South Korea are fuelling the demand for scalable and efficient QC solutions. Innovations such as automation, integrated analytics, and real-time monitoring are transforming QC processes, enabling faster time-to-market and improved product integrity. With an emphasis on precision, adaptability, and regulatory compliance, the market is set to grow further as new technologies such as AI-driven predictive analytics and real-time release testing gain traction, reinforcing the Asia-Pacific region’s prominence in the global cell and gene therapy landscape.”

Key Companies Profiled

The Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market has numerous established players with significant product portfolios. Key players in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market analyzed and profiled in the study involve established players offering products and services for cell and gene therapy.

The key players profiled in the report include Bio-Techne Corporation, Danaher Corporation (Cytiva), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Lonza, Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG, Sartorius AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, WuXi AppTec, and Fujifilm Holdings Corporation

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the three potential scenarios in which the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market growth can unfold during 2024-2033?
• What are the impacts of COVID-19 on the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market?
• What are the key regulations that impact the growth of the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market?
• What are the key drivers, restraints, and opportunities for the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, and what will be their impact on the market in short-, mid-, and long-term duration?
• How is each country in the Asia-Pacific market expected to grow during the forecast period?
• What is the anticipated market based on therapy type, offering, application, process, and technology across each country in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapymanufacturing QC market?
• Who are the key players in the Asia-Pacific cell and gene therapy manufacturing QC market, and what are their product offerings in the market?






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