
非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場 - 世界および地域別分析:地域、国レベル分析、競合情勢に焦点 - 2023年から2030年までの分析と予測

Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Region, Country-Level Analysis, and Competitive Landscape - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2030

非銀系抗菌ドレッシングの紹介 2022年に4億2,090万ドルと評価された世界の非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場は堅調な成長軌道にあり、2030年には5億6,580万ドルに達すると予測されている。この市場は、2023年から203... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2024年6月6日 US$2,499
41 英語







- 北米
o 米国
o カナダ
- ヨーロッパ
o イギリス
o ドイツ
o フランス
o イタリア
o スペイン
o オランダ
o スイス
o ロシア連邦
o トルコ
o ポーランド
o ベルギー
o スウェーデン
o アイルランド
o ノルウェー
o オーストリア
o フィンランド
o ポルトガル
o チェコ共和国
o ルーマニア
o ギリシャ
o スロバキア
o ウクライナ
- アジア太平洋
o 日本
o 中国
o インド
o 韓国
o オーストラリア
o マレーシア
o タイ
- ラテンアメリカ
o ブラジル
o メキシコ
o コロンビア
o アルゼンチン
o チリ
- 世界の残り



- 2023年11月、Kane Biotech Inc.はProgenaCare Global LLP(以下「ProgenaCare」)と共同で、従来「Coactiv+抗菌創傷ゲル」として知られていた「Revyve抗菌創傷ゲル」を新たにブランド変更して発売すると発表した。
- 2023年5月、Kane Biotech Inc.はcoactiv+抗菌創傷ジェルについて米国食品医薬品局(FDA)から510(k)クリアランスを取得した。この認可により、成人の潰瘍(糖尿病性足潰瘍、褥瘡など)、第1度・第2度の熱傷、部分的・全面的な創傷、広い表面積の創傷、外科的切開など、さまざまな創傷の管理に使用できるようになった。
- 2022年2月、ショア・キャピタルの支援を受け、銀メッキナイロン技術のパイオニアである医療機器のリーダー、アルジェンタム・メディカルは、抗菌創傷洗浄剤、ジェル、灌流液などのアナカパ・テクノロジーズの製品ラインの買収を発表した。アナカパ・テクノロジーズは、抗菌創傷ケア製品の開発におけるマーケットリーダーであり、イノベーターとして認められている。
- 2021年6月、オーストラリアのRMIT大学の研究者たちは、治癒が不十分であることを患者に知らせるために発光するナノセンサーを組み込んだ高度な創傷被覆材を開発した。この多機能抗菌ドレッシング材は、感染症が発生すると紫外線で光る蛍光センサーを備えており、治癒過程をモニターできるように設計されている。







- 市場規模算出の基準年は2022年とした。ヒストリカルイヤー分析は、2019~2021年度を対象としている。市場規模は2022年度を推定し、2023~2030年度を予測した。
- 本レポートの対象範囲は、世界中の様々な企業の専門家との対話に基づいて慎重に導き出されています。本レポートは、非銀系抗菌ドレッシングの川上から川下までの市場調査を提供しています。
- 今後発売が予想される非銀系抗菌ドレッシングの市場貢献は、ソリューションの過去の分析に基づいて算出されています。
- 各社の売上高は2022年度および2023年度のアニュアルレポートを参照した。非上場企業については、一次調査から得られた情報、資金調達の履歴、市場との提携、事業運営の履歴などの要因に基づいて売上高を推定している。
- 市場は利用可能な非銀抗菌ドレッシングに基づいてマッピングされている。本レポートでは、この分野で重要な製品を提供しているすべての主要企業について検討し、プロファイリングしている。




- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競争環境とビジネスモデルの理解
- 市場プレーヤーによる製品の現在および提案生産額
- 地域分析のための個別市場のパーセンテージ分割



- 公認出版物、著名著者による記事、ホワイトペーパー、ディレクトリ、主要データベースなど
- 主要市場プレーヤーの年次報告書、SEC提出書類、投資家向けプレゼンテーション
- 企業のウェブサイト、製品ポートフォリオの詳細調査
- ゴールドスタンダードの雑誌、ジャーナル、ホワイトペーパー、プレスリリース、ニュース記事
- 有料データベース


- セグメンテーションとシェア
- 市場価値のデータ
- 市場トッププレーヤーの主な業界動向
- 市場の様々な側面、主要トレンド、技術革新の新たな領域に関する定性的洞察
- 数学的・統計的計算のための定量的データ




- カーディナル・ヘルス
- エシティ
- ウィナーメディカル
- メドライン・インダストリーズ
- デロイヤル・インダストリーズ
- スミス・アンド・ネフュー
- アドバンスド・メディカル・ソリューションズ
- L&Rグループ
- オルガノジェネシス社
- コンバテック
- ケインバイオテック社



1 市場
1.1 製品の定義
1.2 包括基準と除外基準
1.2.1 含有基準
1.2.2 除外基準
1.3 回答された主な質問
1.4 分析と予測
1.5 主要な調査結果
2 地域
2.1 地域別概要
2.2 北米
2.2.1 米国
2.2.2 カナダ
2.3 ヨーロッパ
2.3.1 ドイツ
2.3.2 オーストリア
2.3.3 チェコ共和国
2.3.4 ギリシャ
2.3.5 ポーランド
2.3.6 ルーマニア
2.3.7 ロシア連邦
2.3.8 スロバキア
2.3.9 トルコ
2.3.10 ウクライナ
2.3.11 ベルギー
2.3.12 デンマーク
2.3.13 フィンランド
2.3.14 フランス
2.3.15 アイルランド
2.3.16 イタリア
2.3.17 オランダ
2.3.18 ノルウェー
2.3.19 ポルトガル
2.3.20 スペイン
2.3.21 スウェーデン
2.3.22 スイス
2.3.23 イギリス
2.4 アジア太平洋
2.4.1 オーストラリア
2.4.2 中国
2.4.3 インド
2.4.4 日本
2.4.5 マレーシア
2.4.6 韓国
2.4.7 タイ
2.5 ラテンアメリカ
2.5.1 アルゼンチン
2.5.2 ブラジル
2.5.3 チリ
2.5.4 コロンビア
2.5.5 メキシコ
2.6 世界の残り
3 市場-競合ベンチマーキング
3.1 主要戦略と展開
3.2 主要企業のエコシステム
4 調査方法
4.1 データソース
4.1.1 一次データソース
4.1.2 セカンダリー・データ・ソース
4.1.3 データ三角測量
4.2 市場の推定と予測
図5: カナダの非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場、百万ドル、2021-2030年
図11: ルーマニアの非銀抗菌ドレッシング市場、百万ドル、2021-2030年
図21: イタリアの非銀抗菌ドレッシング市場、百万ドル、2021-2030年



世界の非銀抗菌ドレッシング市場は2030年までに5億6580万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。また、同市場は予測期間2023-2030年に3.75%のCAGRを記録するとしている。



- 地域別の非銀抗菌ドレッシング材市場機会
- 今後10年間の非銀系抗菌ドレッシング材産業の概観
- 市場の詳細な地域分析
- 市場における主要戦略と展開
- 主要企業のエコシステム


BIS ResearchのSwati Sood主席アナリストによると、「非銀系抗菌ドレッシング材市場は、感染対策への意識の高まりと慢性創傷の世界的な有病率の上昇を背景に着実な成長を示している。北米やアジア太平洋などの主要地域は、高度な医療インフラや創傷ケア管理への投資拡大に支えられ、大幅な拡大が見込まれている。"


- 非銀系抗菌ドレッシング材の推定世界市場規模は?
- 非銀系抗菌ドレッシング材市場の主要な調査結果は?
- 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、その他の地域における非銀抗菌ドレッシングの世界市場の成長可能性は?
- 非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場で重要な製品を持つ主要プレイヤーは?
- 非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場の主要プレイヤーはどのような戦略を採用しているのか?
- 非銀系抗菌ドレッシング市場の各地域は予測期間中にどのように成長すると予想され、2030年末までに各国が生み出すと予想される収益はどの程度か?





Introduction of Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings

The global non-silver antimicrobial dressings market, valued at $420.9 million in 2022, is on a robust growth trajectory and is anticipated to reach $565.8 million by 2030. This market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.75% between 2023 and 2030. Non-silver antimicrobial dressings have emerged as pivotal tools in advanced woundcare, offering effective solutions in managing chronic wounds and preventing infections.

Market Introduction

With the rising incidence of chronic diseases, coupled with growing awareness of infection control measures, the demand for these dressings continues to surge globally. This introduction provides a glimpse into the dynamic landscape of the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market, poised for significant expansion in the coming years.

Regional Segmentation:
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
o Italy
o Spain
o Netherlands
o Switzerland
o Russian Federation
o Turkey
o Poland
o Belgium
o Sweden
o Ireland
o Norway
o Austria
o Denmark
o Finland
o Portugal
o Czech Republic
o Romania
o Greece
o Slovakia
o Ukraine
• Asia-Pacific
o Japan
o China
o India
o South Korea
o Australia
o Malaysia
o Thailand
• Latin America
o Brazil
o Mexico
o Colombia
o Argentina
o Chile
• Rest-of-the-World

The regional analysis of the non-silver antimicrobial dressing market reveals a diversified landscape, with North America leading in market share, followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Rest-of-the-World. North America, with a market value of $206.8 million in 2022, is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period, driven by factors such as advanced healthcare infrastructure, high adoption of advanced wound care products, and increasing prevalence of chronic wounds. Europe, with a market value of $104.6 million in 2022, is expected to witness steady growth propelled by rising healthcare expenditure and a growing aging population. Asia-Pacific is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing region with a CAGR of 4.57% from 2022 to 2030, fueled by expanding healthcare facilities, rising awareness of wound care management, and the presence of key market players investing in the region. Latin America and the Rest-of-the-World regions are also expected to show promising growth opportunities, driven by improving healthcare infrastructure and a rising focus on wound care management. This regional analysis underscores the global scope and potential of the non-silver antimicrobial dressing market, with each region contributing uniquely to its overall growth trajectory.

Recent Developments in the Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market

• In November 2023, Kane Biotech Inc., together with ProgenaCare Global LLP (""ProgenaCare""), announced the introduction of the newly rebranded Revyve Antimicrobial Wound Gel, previously known as Coactiv+ Antimicrobial Wound Gel.
• In May 2023, Kane Biotech Inc. received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its coactiv+ Antimicrobial Wound Gel. This clearance permits the use of the gel for managing various wounds in adults, including ulcers (such as diabetic foot and leg and pressure ulcers), first and second-degree burns, partial and full-thickness wounds, large surface area wounds, and surgical incisions.
• In February 2022, Argentum Medical, a leader in medical devices backed by Shore Capital and a pioneer in silver-plated nylon technology, announced its acquisition of Anacapa Technologies' product lines, including antimicrobial wound cleansers, gels, and irrigation solutions. Anacapa Technologies has been recognized as a market leader and innovator in developing antimicrobial wound care products.
• In June 2021, at RMIT University, Australia, researchers created advanced wound dressings equipped with embedded nanosensors that emit a glow to notify patients of improper healing. These multifunctional, antimicrobial dressings have been designed with fluorescent sensors that light up under UV light when an infection is present, allowing for monitoring of the healing process.

How can this Report add value to an Organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The market analysis provides insights into specific customer needs, enabling organizations to develop customized non-silver antimicrobial dressings that address unique regional requirements, such as climate conditions or prevalent wound types.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The market analysis allows organizations to implement targeted marketing campaigns tailored to the preferences and behaviors of consumers in that specific region, leading to more effective customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

Competitive Strategy: Organizations can differentiate their non-silver antimicrobial dressings by highlighting features or benefits that are particularly valued by customers in the regional market, such as affordability, ease of use, or compatibility with local wound care protocols.


Key Considerations and Assumptions in Market Engineering and Validation

• The base year considered for the calculation of the market size is 2022. A historical year analysis has been done for the period FY2019-FY2021. The market size has been estimated for FY2022 and projected for the period FY2023-FY2030.
• The scope of this report has been carefully derived based on interactions with experts in different companies worldwide. This report provides a market study of upstream and downstream products of non-silver antimicrobial dressings.
• The market contribution of non-silver antimicrobial dressings anticipated to be launched in the future has been calculated based on the historical analysis of the solutions.
• Revenues of the companies have been referenced from their annual reports for FY2022 and FY2023. For private companies, revenues have been estimated based on factors such as inputs obtained from primary research, funding history, market collaborations, and operational history.
• The market has been mapped based on the available non-silver antimicrobial dressings. This report has considered and profiled all the key companies with significant offerings in this field.

Primary Research:

The primary sources involve industry experts in non-silver antimicrobial dressings, including the market players offering products and services. Resources such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and salespersons have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study.

The key data points taken from the primary sources include:

• Validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs
• Validation of the report’s segmentation and key qualitative findings
• Understanding the competitive landscape and business model
• Current and proposed production values of a product by market players
• Percentage split of individual markets for regional analysis

Secondary Research:

Open Sources

• Certified publications, articles from recognized authors, white papers, directories, and major databases, among others
• Annual reports, SEC filings, and investor presentations of the leading market players
• Company websites and detailed study of their product portfolio
• Gold standard magazines, journals, white papers, press releases, and news articles
• Paid databases

The key data points taken from the secondary sources include:

• Segmentations and percentage shares
• Data for market value
• Key industry trends of the top players of the market
• Qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation
• Quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The non-silver antimicrobial dressings market has been witnessing intensified competition as key players strive to capitalize on growing demand fueled by the rising incidence of chronic wounds and infections globally. Market leaders are leveraging advanced technologies and strategic collaborations to enhance product efficacy and expand their geographical reach. Innovations in biomaterials and antimicrobial agents are driving product differentiation, while stringent regulatory requirements pose a barrier to entry for new entrants. Moreover, the market has been characterized by a shift toward sustainable and biocompatible materials, driving companies to invest in research and development to gain a competitive edge.

Some prominent names established in this market are:

• Cardinal Health
• Essity
• Winner Medical Co., Ltd.
• Medline Industries
• DeRoyal Industries, Inc.
• Smith & Nephew
• Advanced Medical Solutions Limited
• L&R Group
• Organogenesis Inc.
• ConvaTec
• Kane Biotech Inc.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary
1 Markets
1.1 Product Definition
1.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
1.2.1 Inclusion
1.2.2 Exclusion Criteria
1.3 Key Questions Answered
1.4 Analysis and Forecast Note
1.5 Key Findings
2 Regions
2.1 Regional Summary
2.2 North America
2.2.1 U.S.
2.2.2 Canada
2.3 Europe
2.3.1 Germany
2.3.2 Austria
2.3.3 Czech Republic
2.3.4 Greece
2.3.5 Poland
2.3.6 Romania
2.3.7 Russian Federation
2.3.8 Slovakia
2.3.9 Turkey
2.3.10 Ukraine
2.3.11 Belgium
2.3.12 Denmark
2.3.13 Finland
2.3.14 France
2.3.15 Ireland
2.3.16 Italy
2.3.17 Netherlands
2.3.18 Norway
2.3.19 Portugal
2.3.20 Spain
2.3.21 Sweden
2.3.22 Switzerland
2.3.23 U.K.
2.4 Asia-Pacific
2.4.1 Australia
2.4.2 China
2.4.3 India
2.4.4 Japan
2.4.5 Malaysia
2.4.6 South Korea
2.4.7 Thailand
2.5 Latin America
2.5.1 Argentina
2.5.2 Brazil
2.5.3 Chile
2.5.4 Colombia
2.5.5 Mexico
2.6 Rest-of-the-World
3 Markets - Competitive Benchmarking
3.1 Key Strategies and Developments
3.2 Key Companies Ecosystem
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Data Sources
4.1.1 Primary Data Sources
4.1.2 Secondary Data Sources
4.1.3 Data Triangulation
4.2 Market Estimation and Forecast
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2022, 2026, and 2030
Figure 2: Global Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Region), $Million, 2022, 2026, and 2033
Figure 3: Key Market Trends in Global Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, 2023
Figure 4: U.S. Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 5: Canada Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 6: Germany Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 7: Austria Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 8: Czech Republic Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 9: Greece Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 10: Poland Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 11: Romania Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 12: Russian Federation Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 13: Slovakia Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 14: Turkey Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 15: Ukraine Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 16: Belgium Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 17: Denmark Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 18: Finland Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 19: France Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 20: Ireland Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 21: Italy Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 22: Netherlands Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 23: Norway Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 24: Portugal Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 25: Spain Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 26: Sweden Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 27: Switzerland Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 28: U.K. Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 29: Australia Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 30: China Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 31: India Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 32: Japan Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 33: Malaysia Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 34: South Korea Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 35: Thailand Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 36: Argentina Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 37: Brazil Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 38: Chile Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 39: Colombia Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 40: Mexico Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Figure 41: Data Triangulation
Figure 42: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
Figure 43: Assumptions and Limitations
List of Tables
Table 1: Market Snapshot
Table 2: Global Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, Opportunities
Table 3: Global Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Region), $Million, 2021-2030
Table 4: North America Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Country), $Million, 2021-2030
Table 5: Europe Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Country), $Million, 2021-2030
Table 6: Asia-Pacific Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Country), $Million, 2021-2030
Table 7: Latin America Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market (by Country), $Million, 2021-2030
Table 8: Rest-of-the-World Non-Silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market, $Million, 2021-2030
Table 9: Key Initiatives, 2021-2024
Table 10: Key Companies, Global Non-silver Antimicrobial Dressings Market


Press Release

The global non-silver antimicrobial dressings market is estimated to reach $565.8 million by 2030, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 3.75% during the forecast period 2023-2030.

The global market for non-silver antimicrobial dressings has been witnessing consistent growth, driven by several factors. These include the rising prevalence of chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers. Furthermore, advancements in wound care technologies and increasing demand for advanced wound healing solutions contribute to this growth. Additionally, heightened awareness regarding the importance of effective wound management, coupled with a rise in healthcare expenditure worldwide, further fuels the expansion of the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market.

USPs of this report

• Non-silver antimicrobial dressings market opportunities across regions
• Non-silver antimicrobial dressings industry overview in the next decade
• Detailed regional analysis of the market
• Key strategies and developments in the market
• Ecosystems of the key companies

Analyst Perspective

According to Swati Sood, Principal Analyst - BIS Research, "The non-silver antimicrobial dressings market demonstrates steady growth driven by increasing awareness of infection control measures and the rising prevalence of chronic wounds globally. Key regions such as North America and Asia-Pacific are anticipated to witness significant expansion, supported by advanced healthcare infrastructure and growing investments in wound care management."

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What is the estimated global market size for the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market?
• What are the key findings in the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market?
• What is the growth potential of the global non-silver antimicrobial dressings market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest-of-the-World?
• Who are the leading players with significant products in the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market?
• What strategies have the key players in the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market adopted?
• How is each region of the non-silver antimicrobial dressings market expected to grow during the forecast period, and what is the anticipated revenue generated by each country by the end of 2030?







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