自動車用センサー市場 - 世界および地域別分析:用途、車両タイプ、センサータイプ、技術、POS、国レベル分析に焦点 - 2023-2033年の分析と予測
Automotive Sensors Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Application, Vehicle Type, Sensor Type, Technology, Point of Sale, and Country Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033
自動車用センサーの世界市場規模は、2023年に260億6,000万ドルとなり、CAGR 7.39%で成長し、2033年には531億6,000万ドルに達すると予測されている。世界の自動車用センサー市... もっと見る
サマリー 自動車用センサーの世界市場概要
自動車用センサーの世界市場規模は、2023年に260億6,000万ドルとなり、CAGR 7.39%で成長し、2033年には531億6,000万ドルに達すると予測されている。世界の自動車用センサー市場は、先進的なモビリティ・ソリューションの統合により、センサー技術、適応制御、安全性、環境に優しいソリューションの革新が促進され、繁栄している。OEMとサプライヤーの協力関係や規制のシフトがこのダイナミックな市場をさらに形成し、最適な車両性能と安全性を実現するための信頼性が高く効率的な技術に注目が集まっている。
自動車用センサーの世界市場で事業を展開する主要企業には、Continental AG、Robert Bosch GmbH、TE Connectivity、Sensata Technologies, Inc.、株式会社デンソー、BorgWarner Inc.、ZF Friedrichshafen AG、Infineon Technologies AG、STマイクロエレクトロニクス、HELLA GmbH & Co.KGaA、NXPセミコンダクターズ、アナログ・デバイセズ、メレクシス、CTSコーポレーション、アレグロ・マイクロシステムズLLCなどがある。これらの企業は、戦略的パートナーシップ、提携、買収に注力し、製品ラインナップの充実と市場でのプレゼンス拡大を図っている。
- パワートレイン
- シャシー
- ボディ
- 安全・制御
- 排気システム
- 従来型自動車
o 小型商用車
o 大型トラック
o 大型バス
- 電気自動車
o 乗用車
o 商用車
- 温度センサー
- 圧力センサー
- 位置センサー
- スピードセンサー
- レベルセンサー
- 慣性センサ
- ガスセンサー
o 酸化窒素センサー
o 一酸化炭素センサー
- 近接センサー
- フローセンサー
- ノックセンサー
- 力センサー
- トルクセンサ
- 湿度センサー
- その他
- マイクロエレクトロメカニカルシステム(MEMS)
- アフターマーケット
OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer:相手先商標製品製造会社)は、自動車の性能、安全性、効率を高めるために、先進的なセンサー技術を採用するようになっている。自動車産業が電動化とコネクティビティに向けて急速に進化する中、OEMは高信頼性と高精度のセンサーを搭載した車両を提供することを目指している。この需要が最先端のセンサー技術の開発に拍車をかけ、自動車が周囲の状況を正確に認識し、反応することを可能にしている。自動車メーカーが厳しい規制基準を満たし、優れた運転体験を求める消費者の期待に応えようと努力する中で、先進的なセンサー・ソリューションの統合が最重要課題となっている。OEM各社は、センサー設計の革新、耐久性の向上、性能強化のための研究開発に多額の投資を行い、世界の自動車センサー市場の最前線での地位を高めている。
- 北米米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- ヨーロッパドイツ、フランス、英国、イタリア、オランダ、レスト・オブ・ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋地域中国、日本、オーストラリア、韓国、インド、その他のアジア太平洋地域
- 世界の残り:ブラジル、アラブ首長国連邦、その他
- 2024年2月、ゼット・エフ・アフターマーケットは、コンプライアンスを確保し、安全性を最大化するための包括的なサポートとともに、WABCOブランドでOE(Original Equipment)品質のセンサーを発表した。必要不可欠な部品と修理キットを提供することで、同社は効率的で高品質な修理を促進している。
- 2023年10月、米国のコンシューマー・テクノロジー企業であるハネウェルは、電気自動車(EV)の製造および使用環境全体における安全性の問題に対処することを目的とした新しいセンサー・ソリューションの発売を発表した。
- 2023年10月、株式会社小糸製作所と株式会社デンソーは、車両画像センサーの物体認識率を向上させることで、夜間運転の安全性を高めるために協業した。この協業により、照明技術とセンサー開発ノウハウを統合することで、夜間の事故や死亡事故を減らすことを目指す。
- 2022年6月、世界的な半導体メーカーであるMicrochip Technology Inc.は、電気自動車(EV)モータ制御アプリケーション向けに調整された革新的な誘導型位置センサLX34070 ICを発表しました。このセンサは差動出力や高速サンプルレートなどの機能を備えており、機能性と安全コンプライアンスを保証します。
- メルセデス・ベンツは2022年1月、レーザー・ライダー・スタートアップ大手のルミナーと提携し、ルミナーのライダー・センサを高級車に統合した。この提携は、快適性と安全性を高め、特に高速道路走行時の自律走行機能を実現することを目的としている。
需要 - 推進要因、限界、機会
EFIとエンジンマネージメントのスペシャリストであるPremier Auto Tradeは、最新の車載技術の進歩に合わせて交換部品の範囲を拡大しました。最新のエンジンマネージメントシステムは、センシングと制御の高度化を要求しており、アフターマーケット部門は信頼性の高い交換用センサーとコンポーネントに大きく依存している。同社は、燃料、点火、排ガス、センサーの幅広い部品を開発し、50のカテゴリーにわたって10,000を超える製品ラインを誇っています。
- 自動車用センサの世界市場レポートは、自動車用センサのみに焦点を当てている。
- 車種別セグメントでは、二輪車と三輪車は対象外とし、乗用車のみを乗用車セグメントに含めている。また、商用車セグメントでは、バスとトラックを対象としている。
- 市場分析に用いた基本通貨は米ドルである。米ドル以外の通貨は、その年の平均換算レートを考慮し、すべての統計計算において米ドルに換算している。
- 通貨換算レートは Oanda ウェブサイトの過去の為替レートから取得した。
- 本調査研究では、2020年1月から2023年12月までのほぼすべての最近の動向を考慮した。
- 本レポートに記載された情報は、綿密な一次インタビュー、調査、二次分析の結果である。
- 関連情報が入手できない場合は、代理指標と外挿を採用した。
- 将来の景気後退は、市場の推定と予測には考慮されていない。
- 現在使用されている技術は、大きな技術的ブレークスルーがない限り、予測期間中存続すると予想される。
- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競合状況の把握
- 市場タイプ別の各種市場数の検証
- 地域別分析における個別市場の割合
- セグメンテーションとパーセンテージシェア
- 市場価値のデータ
- 市場トッププレーヤーの主要業界動向
- 市場の様々な側面、主要トレンド、イノベーションの新たな領域に関する定性的洞察
- 数学的・統計的計算のための定量的データ
- コンチネンタルAG
- ロバート・ボッシュ
- TEコネクティビティ
- センサータ・テクノロジーズ
- 株式会社デンソー
- ボルグワーナー
- ゼット・エフ・フリードリヒスハーフェン
- インフィニオンテクノロジーズAG
- STマイクロエレクトロニクス
- HELLA GmbH & Co.KGaA
- NXPセミコンダクターズ
- アナログ・デバイセズ
- メレクシス
- CTSコーポレーション
- アレグロ・マイクロシステムズ
目次 メールに添付
世界の自動車用センサ市場は、2033年までに531億6000万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアムマーケットインテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。また、予測期間2023-2033年のCAGRは7.39%になると予測しています。
- 世界の自動車用センサー市場で事業を展開する主要企業が採用する動向に焦点を当てた専門セクション
- 自動車用センサーの世界市場概況を提供するエコシステムで事業展開する企業の競争状況
- 自動車用センサの世界市場を地域・国レベル、用途・製品セグメント別に定性・定量分析
- サプライチェーンとバリューチェーン分析
BISリサーチの主席アナリスト、Debraj Chakraborty氏によると、「世界の自動車用センサ市場は、自動車用センサの需要が急速に伸びていることから、今後数年間で数倍に成長する可能性が高い。さらに、二酸化炭素排出量を削減するセンサーベースの技術で高度なモビリティを促進するための政府や連邦政府機関による巨額の投資とインフラ整備が、自動車用センサーの成長をさらに促進すると予想される。同市場は今後数年間で大きな成長が見込まれており、同市場の主要企業は市場での存在感を拡大し、製品提供を強化するため、戦略的パートナーシップ、提携、合併、買収に注力している。"
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Continental AG、Robert Bosch GmbH、TE Connectivity、Sensata Technologies, Inc.、株式会社デンソー、BorgWarner Inc.、ZF Friedrichshafen AG、Infineon Technologies AG、STマイクロエレクトロニクス、HELLA GmbH & Co.KGaA、NXPセミコンダクターズ、アナログ・デバイセズ、メレクシス、CTSコーポレーション、アレグロ・マイクロシステムズLLC
- 車載センサー市場の成長を促進する主な要因は何か?
- 車載センサー市場のサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?
- 予測期間2023-2033年に市場をリードすると予想されるアプリケーション、車種、センサータイプ、技術、販売地点は?
- 車載センサーの需要に対応しているプレーヤーは?
- 車載センサー市場における主要企業の主な製品は?
- 車載センサーの需要でリードしている地域と国はどこか、また2023-2033年に高い需要成長が見込まれる地域と国はどこか?
- 車載センサー市場における各国の特許出願動向は?
- 車載用センサーの成長ポテンシャルに関する将来展望は?
Summary Global Automotive Sensors Market Overview
The global automotive sensors market was valued at $26.06 billion in 2023, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.39% and reach $53.16 billion by 2033. The global automotive sensors market thrives due to the integration of advanced mobility solutions, driving innovations in sensor technology, adaptive controls, safety, and eco-friendly solutions. OEM-supplier collaborations and regulatory shifts further shape this dynamic market, focusing on reliable and efficient technology for optimal vehicle performance and safety.
Introduction of Automotive Sensors
Automotive sensors are electronic devices engineered to detect and quantify various physical parameters within a vehicle or its surroundings. These parameters encompass speed, temperature, pressure, position, acceleration, proximity, and emission levels, among others. They hold a pivotal role in contemporary automotive systems by capturing real-time data and transmitting it to the vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU) or other systems. Automotive sensors are essential components in automotive technology, facilitating functions such as engine management, fuel injection, emissions control, anti-lock braking systems (ABS), traction control, airbag deployment, parking assistance, and more.
Market Introduction
The global automotive sensors market is at the forefront of technological advancement, which is reshaping the landscape of modern vehicles from conventional vehicles to automated vehicles. Significant progress in sensor technology enhanced automotive efficiency, safety, and comfort. From collision avoidance systems to adaptive cruise control, vehicle sensors play a crucial role in enhancing driver assistance features and paving the path for future autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the rapidly growing demand for electric vehicles has emerged as a necessity for advanced sensors to monitor battery health and safety. Furthermore, emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and connected car economy sensors are increasingly integrated to provide real-time data for predictive maintenance and thereby enhance the personalized driving experience.
Industrial Impact
The global automotive sensors market's industrial impact extends across automotive manufacturing, technology development, and sustainable mobility. Advancements in automotive sensor technology drive innovation and foster the development of safer and more efficient vehicles. This spurs collaborations between automakers and component suppliers, elevating manufacturing standards and pushing R&D boundaries. Additionally, it fuels job creation in specialized engineering and production sectors, supporting the broader automotive sensor ecosystem. Moreover, the emphasis on eco-friendly and efficient sensor solutions aligns with global sustainability goals, influencing broader industrial practices and promoting greener automotive technologies.
The key players operating in the global automotive sensors market include Continental AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, TE Connectivity, Sensata Technologies, Inc., DENSO CORPORATION., BorgWarner Inc., ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronics, HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA, NXP Semiconductors, Analog Devices, Inc., Melexis, CTS Corporation and Allegro MicroSystems LLC, among others. These companies are focusing on strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and expand their market presence.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Application • Powertrain • Chassis • Body • Safety and Control • Exhaust Systems
Powertrain Segment to Dominate the Global Automotive Sensors Market (by Application)
Leading sensor manufacturers are actively engaged in developing a wide array of sensors capable of measuring critical parameters such as temperature, pressure, position, and speed across various vehicle applications, including powertrain, chassis, body, safety, and exhaust systems. The dominance of the powertrain segment in the global automotive sensor market is primarily attributed to the growing emphasis on achieving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions in vehicles. Governments worldwide, particularly in regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, are enacting stringent laws and regulations to address environmental pollution concerns, prompting original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to intensify their efforts toward technological advancements.
Segmentation 2: by Vehicle Type • Conventional Vehicles o Passenger Vehicles o Light Commercial Vehicles o Heavy Duty Trucks o Heavy-Duty Buses • Electric Vehicles o Passenger Vehicles o Commercial Vehicles
Conventional Vehicles to Dominate the Global Automotive Sensors Market (by Vehicle Type)
Conventional vehicles make up a significantly larger portion of the overall automotive market compared to other vehicles. This sheer volume contributes to a larger demand for automotive sensors in the conventional vehicle segment. Consumer interest in and adoption of conventional electric vehicles has been stronger than that of other vehicles. Factors such as cost savings, environmental consciousness, and government incentives have driven this demand. The focus on developing advanced automotive sensors has primarily been directed toward conventional vehicles due to their higher market share. Manufacturers often prioritize R&D efforts on conventional EVs to improve efficiency, range, and performance. All this is expected to drive the global automotive sensors market during the forecast period 2023-2033.
Segmentation 3: by Sensor Type • Temperature Sensor • Pressure Sensor • Position Sensor • Speed Sensor • Level Sensor • Inertial Sensor • Gas Sensor o Oxygen Sensor o Nitrogen Oxide Sensor o Carbon Dioxide Sensor o Carbon Monoxide Sensor • Proximity Sensor • Flow Sensor • Knock Sensor • Force Sensor • Torque Sensor • Humidity Sensor • Others
Temperature Sensor Expected to Showcase Considerable Growth in the Global Automotive Sensors Market (by Sensor Type)
Temperature sensors play a pivotal role in the global automotive sensors market (by sensor type), particularly in modern vehicles equipped with sophisticated electronic systems. These sensors are crucial for monitoring and regulating temperature levels within various vehicle components, including the engine, transmission, exhaust system, and battery packs in electric vehicles (EVs). With the increasing demand for higher fuel efficiency, improved performance, and enhanced safety standards, the significance of temperature sensors has surged. Moreover, advancements in temperature sensing technology, such as the development of more accurate and durable sensors capable of withstanding harsh automotive environments, continue to drive innovation in the market, ensuring vehicles operate at optimal temperatures for maximum efficiency and longevity.
Segmentation 4: by Technology • Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) • Non-MEMS
Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) to be the Fastest Growing in the Global Automotive Sensors Market (by Technology)
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) offer unparalleled precision and versatility in monitoring various parameters crucial for vehicle performance and safety. MEMS sensors are integrated into vehicles for functions such as tire pressure monitoring, inertial measurement, and airbag deployment systems. Their miniature size and low power consumption make them ideal for embedding within automotive systems without compromising vehicle design or functionality. With the automotive industry rapidly advancing in autonomous driving and smart vehicle technologies, the demand for MEMS sensors is poised to surge further, driving continuous innovation and advancements in sensor design and performance.
Segmentation 5: by Point of Sale • OEM • Aftermarket
OEM to be Dominant in the Global Automotive Sensors Market (by Point of Sale)
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly turning to advanced sensor technologies to enhance vehicle performance, safety, and efficiency. With the automotive industry's rapid evolution toward electrification and connectivity, OEMs aim to deliver vehicles equipped with highly reliable and precise sensors. This demand has fuelled the development of cutting-edge sensor technologies, enabling vehicles to perceive and react to their surroundings with accuracy. As automakers strive to meet stringent regulatory standards and consumer expectations for superior driving experiences, the integration of advanced sensor solutions has become paramount. OEMs are investing heavily in research and development to innovate sensor designs, improve durability, and enhance performance, thereby advancing their position at the forefront of the global automotive sensors market.
Segmentation 6: by Region • North America: U.S., Canada, and Mexico • Europe: Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Netherlands, and Rest-of-Europe • Asia-Pacific: China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific • Rest-of-the-World: Brazil, U.A.E., and Others
The Asia-Pacific region is a dominant region in the global automotive sensors market. This was primarily due to the robust presence of extensive manufacturing hubs, technological advancements, and supportive government policies promoting automotive innovation in countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific. Asia-Pacific nations, particularly China, have been leading in automotive sensor production. Their expertise in manufacturing and economies of scale have enabled them to lead the manufacturing of a diverse range of automotive sensors. Continuous innovation in sensor technology is a key factor. Asian countries, with their strong R&D focus, have been at the forefront of developing more efficient and effective sensor technologies. Substantial government incentives, subsidies, and regulations supporting the adoption of automotive sensors have played a significant role in propelling the market in this region.
Recent Developments in the Global Automotive Sensors Market
• In February 2024, ZF Aftermarket introduced original equipment (OE)-quality sensors under its WABCO brand, with comprehensive support to ensure compliance and maximize safety. By providing essential components and repair kits, the company facilitates efficient and high-quality repairs. • In October 2023, Honeywell, a U.S.-based consumer technology company, announced the launch of its new sensor solutions aimed at addressing safety issues throughout the electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing and usage landscape. • In October 2023, KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. and DENSO CORPORATION collaborated to enhance night driving safety by improving the object recognition rate of vehicle image sensors. Through this collaboration, they aimed to reduce nighttime accidents and fatalities by integrating lighting technology with sensor development expertise. • In June 2022, Microchip Technology Inc., a global semiconductor manufacturer, introduced the LX34070 IC, an innovative inductive position sensor tailored for electric vehicle (EV) motor control applications. This sensor is designed with features such as differential outputs and fast sample rates, ensuring functionality and safety compliance. • In January 2022, Mercedes-Benz partnered with Luminar, a leading laser lidar startup, to integrate Luminar's lidar sensors into its luxury vehicles. This collaboration aimed to enhance comfort and safety and enable autonomous driving capabilities, particularly during highway driving.
Demand - Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities
Market Demand Driver: Growing Demand for Premium Vehicles Owing to Inclination of Consumers toward Comfort and Luxury
The rising demand among consumers for superior quality, enhanced performance, greater comfort, and innovative design and technology has resulted in a surge in the demand for luxury vehicles. Key markets for luxury vehicles include China, Japan, the U.S., Canada, India, and various European countries. This heightened demand can be attributed to increasing disposable incomes and improved living standards in these regions. The key players in this sector include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, Volvo, Ferrari, Land Rover, Lexus, and Cadillac.
Several companies have been collaborating to enhance comfort and safety and enable autonomous driving capabilities, which will help meet the evolving demands of luxury vehicle consumers worldwide and innovate sensor-based technology. This sensor technology will contribute to enhancing vehicle performance and longevity, thereby expected to drive the global automotive sensors market over the forecast period from 2023 to 2033.
Market Challenge: Safety and Reliability Issues with the Automotive Sensor
Automotive sensors are integral components of modern vehicle safety systems, spanning from airbag deployment and anti-lock braking to advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) such as automatic emergency braking and lane departure warnings. However, these sensors are susceptible to vulnerabilities. Malfunctions can trigger a chain of issues, leading to incorrect readings that confuse the vehicle's computer and result in safety systems either activating unnecessarily or failing to engage when required. This could range from an airbag failing to deploy during a collision to sudden braking for phantom obstacles, potentially causing rear-end collisions.
In addition to malfunctions, concerns regarding sensor reliability abound. Furthermore, certain ADAS systems rely on the seamless operation of multiple sensors in tandem. If one sensor becomes faulty, the entire system's functionality may be compromised. Thus, it is imperative for drivers to acknowledge the limitations of these technologies and not solely depend on them as substitutes for safe driving practices.
Market Opportunity: Rising Demand for Automotive Aftermarket Services
The automotive aftermarket plays a significant role in influencing the global automotive sensors market. As consumers seek to upgrade, customize, and maintain their vehicles with aftermarket parts and accessories, there is a consequential impact on the demand for automotive sensors. For instance, performance upgrades and enhancements often involve the installation of aftermarket sensors to monitor and optimize various vehicle systems, such as engine performance, fuel efficiency, and emissions. Additionally, cosmetic enhancements may include the integration of sensors for features like parking assistance, collision detection, and ambient lighting.
Premier Auto Trade, an EFI and Engine Management specialist, expanded its range of replacement components to align with the latest advancements in-vehicle technologies. With modern engine management systems requiring increased sophistication in sensing and control, the aftermarket sector relies heavily on dependable replacement sensors and components. The company has developed an extensive range of Fuel, Ignition, Emission, and Sensor components, boasting over 10,000 product lines across 50 categories.
The companies have been expanding their product portfolio to cater to the rising demand for automotive aftermarket services, thereby influencing the global automotive sensors market. As vehicle technologies advance and consumers seek to upgrade and maintain their vehicles, there is a growing need for reliable replacement sensors and components.
How can this report add value to an organization?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different applications of the automotive sensor products available based on application (powertrain, chassis, body, safety and control, exhaust systems), vehicle type (conventional vehicles and electric vehicles), sensor type (temperature sensor, pressure sensor, position sensor speed sensor, level sensor, inertial sensor, gas sensor, proximity sensor, flow sensor, knock sensor, force sensor, torque sensor, humidity sensor, and others), technology (micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and non-MEMS), and point of sale (OEM, aftermarket, aftermarket by vehicle type and aftermarket by application type). The market is poised for significant expansion with ongoing technological advancements, increased investments, and growing awareness of the importance of automotive sensors. Therefore, the automotive sensors business is a high-investment and high-revenue generating model.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global automotive sensors market has been growing at a rapid pace. The market offers enormous opportunities for existing and emerging market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are mergers and acquisitions, product launches, partnerships and collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The strategies preferred by companies to maintain and strengthen their market position primarily include product development.
Competitive Strategy: The key players in the global automotive sensors market analyzed and profiled in the study include OEMs that develop, maintain, and market sensors. Additionally, a comprehensive competitive landscape such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Research Methodology
Factors for Data Prediction and Modeling
• The scope of the global automotive sensors market report has been focused on automotive sensors only. • In the vehicle type segment, two-wheelers and three-wheelers are not considered in the scope, and only passenger cars are included in the passenger vehicle segment. Moreover, in the commercial vehicle segment, buses and trucks are considered under the scope of the report. • The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Currencies other than the US$ have been converted to the US$ for all statistical calculations, considering the average conversion rate for that particular year. • The currency conversion rate has been taken from the historical exchange rate of the Oanda website. • Nearly all the recent developments from January 2020 to December 2023 have been considered in this research study. • The information rendered in the report is a result of in-depth primary interviews, surveys, and secondary analysis. • Where relevant information was not available, proxy indicators and extrapolation were employed. • Any economic downturn in the future has not been taken into consideration for the market estimation and forecast. • Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major technological breakthroughs.
Market Estimation and Forecast
This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary sources, such as certified publications, articles from recognized authors, white papers, annual reports of companies, directories, and major databases to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global automotive sensors market.
The process of market engineering involves the calculation of the market statistics, market size estimation, market forecast, market crackdown, and data triangulation (the methodology for such quantitative data processes is explained in further sections). The primary research study has been undertaken to gather information and validate the market numbers for segmentation types and industry trends of the key players in the market.
Primary Research
The primary sources involve industry experts from the global automotive sensors market and various stakeholders in the ecosystem. Respondents such as CEOs, vice presidents, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study.
The key data points taken from primary sources include:
• validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs • validation of reports segmentation and key qualitative findings • understanding the competitive landscape • validation of the numbers of various markets for market type • percentage split of individual markets for geographical analysis
Secondary Research
This research study of the global automotive sensors market involves extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, and Factiva, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market. In addition to the aforementioned data sources, the study has been undertaken with the help of other data sources and websites, such as IRENA and IEA.
Secondary research was done in order to obtain crucial information about the industry’s value chain, revenue models, the market’s monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.
The key data points taken from secondary research include:
• segmentations and percentage shares • data for market value • key industry trends of the top players of the market • qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation • quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled in the market have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Some of the prominent names in this market are:
• Continental AG • Robert Bosch GmbH • TE Connectivity • Sensata Technologies, Inc. • DENSO CORPORATION • BorgWarner Inc. • ZF Friedrichshafen AG • Infineon Technologies AG • STMicroelectronics • HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA • NXP Semiconductors • Analog Devices, Inc. • Melexis • CTS Corporation • Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
Companies that are not a part of the aforementioned pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global automotive sensors market is estimated to reach $53.16 billion by 2033, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 7.39% during the forecast period 2023-2033.
The market is at a growing stage and is projected to experience considerable growth. Market players investing in research, infrastructure development, and partnerships are expected to capitalize on the increasing demand for automotive sensors, mainly for connected technology and automation in the newly launched vehicles, in the coming years, from 2023 to 2033.
USPs of this report
• A dedicated section focusing on the trends adopted by the key players operating in the global automotive sensors market • Competitive landscape of the companies operating in the ecosystem offering a holistic view of the global automotive sensors market landscape • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global automotive sensors market at the region and country level and granularity by application and product segments • Supply chain and value chain analysis
Analyst Perspective
According to Debraj Chakraborty, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The global automotive sensors market is likely to grow multi-fold in the coming years, owing to the rapidly growing demand for automotive sensors. Moreover, huge investments and infrastructure development by government and federal agencies to promote advanced mobility with sensor-based technology to cut down carbon dioxide emissions are expected to further fuel the growth of automotive sensors. The market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, and the key players in the market are focused on strategic partnerships, collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions to expand their market presence and enhance their product offerings.”
Key Companies Profiled
A detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global automotive sensors market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Continental AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, TE Connectivity, Sensata Technologies, Inc., DENSO CORPORATION, BorgWarner Inc., ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronics, HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA, NXP Semiconductors, Analog Devices, Inc., Melexis, CTS Corporation, and Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the main factors driving the growth of the automotive sensors market? • How does the supply chain function in the automotive sensors market? • Which applications, vehicle type, sensor type, technology, and point of sale are expected to lead the market over the forecast period 2023-2033? • Which players are catering to the demand for automotive sensors? • What are the key offerings of the prominent companies in the automotive sensors market? • Which regions and countries are leading in terms of demand for automotive sensors, and which of them are expected to witness high demand growth during 2023-2033? • What is the trend of patent filing by the countries in the automotive sensors market? • What is the futuristic outlook for automotive sensors in terms of growth potential?
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