
EV接着剤およびシーラント用添加剤市場 - 世界および地域別分析:車両タイプ、推進タイプ、添加剤タイプ、製品タイプ、機能、販売チャネル、地域にフォーカス - 2023-2032年の分析と予測

EV接着剤およびシーラント用添加剤市場 - 世界および地域別分析:車両タイプ、推進タイプ、添加剤タイプ、製品タイプ、機能、販売チャネル、地域にフォーカス - 2023-2032年の分析と予測

Additives Market for EV Adhesives and Sealants - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Vehicle Type, Propulsion Type, Additive Type, Product Type, Function, Sales Channel, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032

EV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤市場の概要 EV用接着剤およびシーラント用添加剤の世界市場は、2022年に9,140万ドルの規模に達し、2032年には年平均成長率21.32%の堅調な伸びを示して6億2,760万ドルに達すると予... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年10月19日 US$4,950
2-3営業日以内 384 英語













- 乗用車
- 商用車
o 小型商用車
o 大型商用車

- バッテリー電気自動車(BEV)
- プラグインハイブリッド車(PHEV)
- ハイブリッド電気自動車(HEV)
- 燃料電池電気自動車(FCEV)


- 分散剤/湿潤剤
- 消泡剤
- レオロジー調整剤
- 表面改質剤
- レベリング/流動剤
- 接着促進剤
- その他

- 接着剤の製品タイプ
- シーラント用製品タイプ

- 内装部品
- 外装部品
- パワートレイン/シャーシ/アンダーザフード

- アフターマーケット



- 北米
- 欧州
- 英国
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本
- 南米
- その他の地域



- 2022年3月、BASF SEはドイツのミュンスターに、自動車補修用塗料とイノベーション開発のための新研究所棟を開設した。この施設により、同社は自動車・電気自動車用のコーティング剤、接着剤、シーリング剤の添加剤を開発できるようになる。
- 2022年3月、アルネックスGMBHはD.R. Coats Ink & Resins Pvt.Ltd.(DRC)のコーティング樹脂事業とインドのマハドMIDCにあるマハド製造拠点の買収を完了した。同社は当初、ポリエステル、アクリル、アルキッド、アミノを含む添加剤と液体樹脂の生産に注力する。
- 2021年1月、エレメンティスplcは新しい有機チキソトロピー性レオロジー改質剤THIXATROL製品ラインを発売した。THIXATROLは高いバイオ含有率を持ち、ヒュームドシリカを使用した配合よりも、押出成形が容易で、性能が良く、有害表示がないなど、いくつかの性能上の利点がある。これらの添加剤は、自動車や電気自動車用の接着剤やシーリング剤に使用されている。
- 2021年1月、モメンティブ・インクは、特殊化学品および原料の販売・製造会社であるラバゴ・ケミカル社を、米国およびカナダにおける同社のポリマー添加剤の正規販売代理店にすると発表した。

需要 - 推進要因と限界


- 電気自動車の普及拡大
- EVバッテリーにおける熱管理の重要性の高まり
- 燃料電池電気自動車(FCEV)の人気上昇


- 不安定な原材料価格
- 電気自動車産業で環境と安全性の課題に直面するシーラントと接着剤









- エボニックインダストリーズAG
- BYK-Chemie GmbH
- アルケマS.A.
- クラリアント・インターナショナル・リミテッド
- エレメンティス
- キャボットコーポレーション
- ソルベイSA
- アフトン・ケミカルズ
- アルネックス


- アンガス・ケミカル社
- 重慶アクメテックLTD.
- キングインダストリーズ
- モメンティブ・パフォーマンス・マテリアルズ
- OSiCパフォーマンスマテリアルズ










- EV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤市場の全体像を提供するため、EV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤ソリューションプロバイダー15社を幅広くカバー
- 車両タイプ、推進タイプ、添加剤タイプ、製品タイプ、機能、販売チャネルに基づくEV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤市場の定性的・定量的分析
- 企業プロファイルのセクションで紹介されているさまざまな業界参入企業の競合ベンチマーキング
- 市場に参入している主要企業の市場シェア分析
- 電気自動車に関する主要政府政策(2019-2023年


BISリサーチのプリンシパルアナリスト、Dhrubajyoti Narayan氏によると、「EV用接着剤およびシーラント用添加剤市場は急成長しており、今後も平均を上回る成長が見込まれる。製品メーカーは研究開発(R&D)に多額の投資を行い、EVの寿命と性能向上に対する需要の高まりに対応できる高度な添加剤を開発している。さらに、これらの企業は市場での競争優位性を獲得するため、EVメーカーとの提携や協力に注力している。先進国でも発展途上国でもEVの普及が進んでいることから、EV用接着剤・シーラントソリューションの添加剤市場は今後数年間で大きな成長が見込まれる。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、BASF SE、Arkema S.A.、Allnex GMBH、Cabot Corporation、OSiC Performance Materials、BYK-Chemie GmbH、Elementis plc、ANGUS Chemical Company、CHONGQING ACME TECH.LTD.、Momentive Performance Materials, Inc.、Clariant International Ltd.、Evonik Industries AG、King Industries, Inc.、Solvay SA、Afton Chemicalsなどである。


- 2022年から2032年にかけてのEV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤の世界市場の牽引要因は何か?
- EV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤の世界市場における主な課題と成長機会は?
- 2032年までにEV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤の世界市場をリードすると予測される製品タイプは?
- 2032年までに市場を支配すると予測される添加剤タイプは?
- 主要プレーヤーはどこか、また、そのプレゼンスと競争優位性を高めるためにどのような戦略的手段を講じているか?主要企業が競争市場で持続するために実施している主な開発戦略は何か?
- 業界のサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?サプライチェーンに関わる主なチャネルパートナーは?
- EV接着剤・シーラント用添加剤市場で有利な機会を提供する地域はどこか?
- EV産業において政府が実施または発表しているさまざまな政策とは?





Overview of the Additives Market for EV Adhesives and Sealants

The global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants reached a value of $91.4 million in 2022, and it is expected to exhibit a robust CAGR of 21.32% to reach $627.6 million by 2032. This rapid growth can be attributed to the increasing adoption of electric vehicles, growing demand for lightweight materials in the EV sector, a heightened focus on improving safety standards during collisions, and ongoing efforts to enhance the thermal management and impact resistance of battery packs.

Market Lifecycle Stage

Electric vehicles (EVs) play a crucial role in mitigating carbon emissions in the global road transportation sector, which contributes to about one-sixth of the world's emissions. The implementation of ambitious policies is essential for the growth of the global electric vehicle industry, which, in turn, will drive the demand for additives in EV adhesives and sealants. Among various sectors in the clean energy industry, electric cars stand out as highly dynamic. Recent years have witnessed significant growth in EV sales, with improvements in driving range, a wider variety of models, and higher performance standards. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that nearly 20% of new car sales in 2023 will be electric.

If the robust growth observed in the past two years continues, it is conceivable that by 2030, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicle usage could align with the net-zero emission (NZE) scenario by 2050. However, the widespread adoption of electric vehicles is yet to be fully realized on a global scale. Challenges faced in developing and emerging economies include the higher upfront costs of EVs and the inadequate availability of charging infrastructure. EV and battery manufacturers are also focusing on battery thermal management systems to extend the range and performance of EVs.

Growing environmental concerns, rising carbon dioxide emissions, and the increasing use of non-volatile compounds in the automotive sector are expected to be key drivers for the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants. Factors such as the increasing adoption of electric vehicles, demand for lightweight materials in EV production, a focus on enhancing EV safety, advances in thermal management, and impact resistance of battery packs are poised to accelerate the growth of this market.

The additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is experiencing rapid expansion due to the growing adoption of electric vehicles. Additives play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and functionality of adhesives and sealants by improving their durability, strength, chemical resistance, heat resistance, and flexibility. Bio-based additives offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional petrochemical-derived additives and are crucial in enhancing the properties of vehicle components, such as strength, color, and safety, while also optimizing processes and reducing costs. Additives also contribute to the development of lightweight adhesive and sealant options, which reduce vehicle weight and increase battery range. Structural adhesives and sealants are expected to play a key role in bonding and sealing applications for EV batteries in the coming years.

The additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is driven by several factors, including the increasing adoption of electric vehicles, growing demand for lightweight materials in the EV industry, a focus on improving safety standards for EVs during collisions, and continuous efforts to enhance the thermal management and impact resistance of battery packs.

Companies within this ecosystem are actively involved in developing advanced additives for EV adhesive and sealant solutions. This progress is made possible through substantial investments in research and development (R&D) and strategic partnerships with influential stakeholders in the electric vehicle sector. Given the rapid increase in EV demand, growing importance of governmental policies, subsidies, and automakers' focus on decarbonization, the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is expected to witness substantial demand growth in the near future.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: By Vehicle Type
• Passenger Vehicles
• Commercial Vehicles
o Light Commercial Vehicles
o Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Segmentation 2: By Propulsion Type
• Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
• Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
• Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
• Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)

Among vehicle types, it is anticipated that passenger vehicles will maintain their leadership position in the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants by 2032. This is driven by the increasing adoption of passenger electric vehicles in both developing and developed economies. This trend is primarily due to stricter emission regulations and robust government initiatives, such as subsidies, which have collectively led to increased demand for passenger EVs in recent years. While battery electric vehicle (BEV) models have gained popularity, issues related to range anxiety and higher initial costs have led many customers to prefer hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) over BEVs. HEVs offer lower emissions compared to traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles, driving the demand for additives in HEVs.

Segmentation 3: By Additive Type
• Dispersants/Wetting Agents
• Defoamers
• Rheology Modifiers
• Surface Modifiers
• Leveling/Flow Agents
• Adhesion Promoters
• Others

Segmentation 4: By Product Type
• Product Types for Adhesives
• Product Types for Sealants

Segmentation 5: By Function
• Interior Components
• Exterior Components
• Powertrain/Chassis/Under-the-Hood

Segmentation 6: By Sales Channel
• OEMs
• Aftermarket

Among different additive types, leveling and flow agents dominated the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants in 2022. These additives are designed to manage the surface properties of adhesives and coatings, correcting surface imperfections that may arise from airborne contaminants or inadequate surface preparation. Among product types, adhesive products were the largest segment of the market in 2022, accounting for the majority of sales. Adhesives play a crucial role in EV manufacturing, with applications such as bonding battery boxes, securing battery cells, encapsulating sensors, and affixing magnets in electric motors. They are also used to bond interior components and trim.

Among functions, the exterior components segment is expected to be the largest segment of the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants throughout the forecast period (2023-2032). Automotive exterior adhesive and sealant solutions play a critical role in overall vehicle lightweighting. They provide a reliable foundation for bonding and sealing crucial elements such as headlamps, roof systems, and front-end modules, among others. Among sales channels, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), which are independent companies that rebrand products from original equipment suppliers (OESs) in the automotive sector, are expected to be the largest customer segment throughout the forecast period. OEM-produced components are exact replicas of the original parts. This preference for OEM products is driven by customer demand for warranties and other support that are only available for original products.

Segmentation 7: by Region
• North America
• Europe
• U.K.
• China
• Asia-Pacific and Japan
• South America
• Rest-of-the-World

In terms of volume, China dominated the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants in 2022 and is expected to remain the leader during the forecast period. The country has the largest EV fleet size and is the world's leading producer of EV batteries. The shift in consumer preference toward EVs and HEVs, rising environmental awareness, availability of raw materials, economic development, and low labor costs are some key factors driving the consumption of EV additives in China.

Recent Developments in the Additives Market for EV Adhesives and Sealants

• In March 2022, BASF SE opened a new laboratory building for the development of automotive refinish coatings and innovations at its site in Münster, Germany. The facility would enable the company to develop additives for coatings, adhesives, and sealants for automotive and electric vehicles.
• In March 2022, Allnex GMBH completed the acquisition of D.R. Coats Ink & Resins Pvt. Ltd.'s (DRC) coating resins business and the Mahad Manufacturing site in Mahad MIDC, India. The company would initially focus on producing its range of additives and liquid resins, including polyesters, acrylics, alkyds, and aminos.
• In January 2021, Elementis plc launched its new THIXATROL organic thixotropic rheology modifiers product line. THIXATROL has a high bio-content and offers several performance benefits over formulations with fumed silica, such as easier extrudability, better performance, and no hazardous labeling. These additives are used in adhesives and sealants for automotive and electric vehicles.
• In January 2021, Momentive Inc. announced that Ravago Chemical, a specialty chemical and ingredient distributor and producer, would be the authorized distributor for its polymer additives in the U.S. and Canada.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

Following are the demand drivers for the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants:

• Proliferating Adoption of Electric Vehicles
• Increasing Importance of Thermal Management in EV Batteries
• Rising Popularity of Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)

Following are the limitations of the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants:

• Volatile Raw Material Prices
• Sealants and Adhesives Facing Environmental and Safety Challenges in the Electric Vehicle Industry

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product strategy helps the readers understand the different aftermarket solutions provided by the industry participants.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is growing at a significant pace and holds enormous opportunities for market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are product launches, partnerships, collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The companies’ preferred strategy has been product launches, partnerships, and collaborations to strengthen their positions in the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants.

Competitive Strategy: The key players in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants analyzed and profiled in the study include the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants’ solution providers that develop parts and accessories for EVs. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

In 2022, among the different types of additives, levelling/flow agents took the lead in the global market for additives used in electric vehicle (EV) adhesives and sealants, and this trend is anticipated to continue over the forecast period.

The selection of the profiled companies was based on inputs obtained from primary experts and an analysis of their market presence, product portfolio, and geographical reach.

Some notable players in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants include:

• Evonik Industries AG
• BYK-Chemie GmbH
• Arkema S.A.
• Clariant International Ltd
• Elementis plc
• Cabot Corporation
• Solvay SA
• Afton Chemicals
• Allnex GMBH

Other companies related to the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants are:

• ANGUS Chemical Company
• King Industries, Inc.
• Momentive Performance Materials, Inc.
• OSiC Performance Materials

Companies not listed above are thoroughly covered in various sections of the report as applicable.


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is estimated to reach $627.6 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 21.32% during the forecast period 2023-2032.

The rising demand for lightweight vehicles, efficient EV batteries, and less volatile compounds is driving investment in additives market for EV adhesives and sealants. Additive manufacturers are developing solutions that can reduce vehicle weight by a significant percentage while maintaining quality, thereby contributing to the growth of the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants.

USP of the Report

• Extensive coverage of the 15 additives market for EV adhesives and sealants solution providers to offer a holistic view of the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants landscape
• Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants based on vehicle type, propulsion type, additive type, product type, function, and sales channel.
• Competitive benchmarking for different industry participants profiled in the company profiles section
• Market share analysis for key companies operating in the market
• Key Government Policies for Electric Vehicles, 2019-2023

Analyst Perspective

According to Dhrubajyoti Narayan, Principal Analyst at BIS Research, “The additives market for EV adhesives and sealants is growing rapidly and is expected to continue to grow faster than average in the coming years. Product manufacturers are investing heavily in research and development (R&D) to develop advanced additives that can meet the growing demand for improved EV life and performance. Additionally, these companies are focusing on partnerships and collaborations with EV manufacturers to gain a competitive advantage in the market. With the increasing adoption of EVs in both developed and developing countries, the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants solutions is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

The key players in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants analyzed and profiled in the study include the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants’ solution providers that develop parts and accessories for EVs. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include BASF SE, Arkema S.A., Allnex GMBH, Cabot Corporation, OSiC Performance Materials, BYK-Chemie GmbH, Elementis plc, ANGUS Chemical Company, CHONGQING ACME TECH. CO., LTD., Momentive Performance Materials, Inc., Clariant International Ltd, Evonik Industries AG, King Industries, Inc., Solvay SA, and Afton Chemicals

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the driving factors for the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants from 2022 to 2032?
• What are the major challenges and growth opportunities in the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants?
• Which product type is expected to lead the global additives market for EV adhesives and sealants by 2032?
• Which additive type is expected to dominate the market by 2032?
• Which are the major players, and what strategic measures are being taken to increase their presence and competitive advantage? What are the key developmental strategies implemented by the key players to sustain in the competitive market?
• How does the supply chain in the industry work? Who are the key channel partners involved in the supply chain?
• Which region provides lucrative opportunities in the additives market for EV adhesives and sealants?
• What are the different policies implemented or announced by the government in the EV industry?






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