電気自動車向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場 - 世界および地域別分析:推進タイプ、車両タイプ、アプリケーションタイプ、製品タイプ、電圧タイプ、国レベル分析に焦点 - 2023-2032年の分析と予測
Silicon Carbide (SiC) Market for Electric Vehicles - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Propulsion Type, Vehicle Type, Application Type, Product Type, Voltage Type, and Country-Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032
世界の電気自動車向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場は、2022年の5億1300万ドルから2032年には90億3120万ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2032年のCAGRは33.02... もっと見る
サマリー 電気自動車(EV)向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場の概要
- トラクション・インバーター
- オンボードチャージャー(OBC)
- DC-DCコンバータ
- 乗用車
- 商用車
- バッテリー電気自動車(BEV)
- ハイブリッド車(HEV)およびプラグインハイブリッド車(PHEV)
- SiCダイオード
製品別に見ると、電気自動車向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場はSiC MOSFETとSiCダイオードに分類される。2つの製品カテゴリのうち、SiC MOSFETセグメントが2022年の世界の電気自動車(EV)向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場を支配した。SiC MOSFET製品タイプは、電気自動車向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場で広く使用されている。高耐圧、低オン抵抗、優れた熱伝導性など、SiCのユニークな特性は、大電力、高温環境に優れたMOSFETに通じている。そのため、EVパワーエレクトロニクスの厳しい要求に特に適している。
- 800Vまで
- 800V以上
- 北米
- 欧州
- 英国
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本(AP&J)
- その他の地域(RoW)
- 2023年6月、Infineon TechnologiesはTO263-7の車載用1200V CoolSiC MOSFETを発売した。車載充電(OBC)およびDC-DCアプリケーションにおいて、車載グレードの炭化ケイ素(SiC)MOSFET世代は優れた電力密度と効率を実現し、双方向充電を可能にし、システムコストを劇的に低減する。
- 2023年4月、ウォルフスピード社は、将来のメルセデス・ベンツ電気自動車(EV)プラットフォームに炭化ケイ素デバイスを供給し、パワートレインの高効率化を実現すると発表した。メルセデス・ベンツの多くの車種に搭載される次世代パワートレイン・システムには、ウォルフスピード社の半導体が搭載されることになる。
- 三菱電機は2023年3月、炭化ケイ素(SiC)パワー半導体の生産能力を増強するため、今後5年間で18億7000万ドルを投資すると発表した。この投資は新しいウエハー工場の建設に使われる。
- 2023年2月、マイクロチップ・テクノロジー社は、SiCとシリコンの生産能力を増強するため、今後数年間に8億8,000万ドルを投資すると発表した。
- 2023年1月、ウォルフスピード社とゼット・エフ社は、モビリティ、産業、エネルギー用途の炭化ケイ素システムとデバイスを強化するための戦略的提携を確立した。この合意には、共同イノベーション・ラボの設立が含まれる。この提携には、ドイツのエンスドルフにある世界最大かつ最も洗練された200mm炭化ケイ素デバイス工場の開発を可能にするための、ZFによる多額の投資も含まれている。
- オンセミは2022年8月、米国ニューハンプシャー州に炭化ケイ素(SiC)生産施設を新設した。
需要 - 推進要因と限界
- シリコンと比較した炭化ケイ素の優れた特性
- 電気自動車需要の伸び
- SiC製造能力強化に向けた投資の増加
- SiC半導体の製造コスト上昇
- 大口径SiCウェハーの生産限界
- ウルフスピード
- インフィニオン・テクノロジーズ
- オンセミ
- コヒーレント社(旧II-VI社)
- STマイクロエレクトロニクス
- ロバート・ボッシュ
- ローム株式会社
- マイクロチップ・テクノロジー
- 三菱電機
- アルファ・アンド・オメガ・セミコンダクター
- 株式会社東芝
- リテルヒューズ
- ジーンシク・セミコンダクター
- 富士電機株式会社富士電機
- ウィーエンセミコンダクターズ
- ソリトロン デバイス
目次 メールに添付
- 世界の電気自動車(EV)向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場で事業を展開する主要企業16社を幅広くカバー
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最新動向、地域的広がりに基づく炭化ケイ素(SiC)ウェハおよび炭化ケイ素(SiC)デバイス市場の市場シェア分析
BIS Researchの主席アナリスト、Dhrubajyoti Narayan氏によると、「電気自動車(EV)向けの炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場は、シリコンよりも炭化ケイ素(SiC)材料が提供する様々な利点と、SiC製造能力を強化するための投資の増加により、予測期間中に数倍に成長する可能性が高い。自動車産業が自律走行車時代に突入し、電気自動車OEMが高度な自律走行機能を備えた車種に取り組んでいることから、ハイパワーエレクトロニクスの効率と高速データ処理を備えた電気自動車部品の需要が大幅に増加すると予想される。さらに、先進国市場の政府による炭化ケイ素(SiC)製造能力向上への取り組みも、電気自動車(EV)向け炭化ケイ素(SiC)市場の成長を後押しすると予想される。市場の競合/競争という点では、電気自動車産業に対応する既存の炭化ケイ素(SiC)メーカーは、自動車/電気自動車産業に参入する既存および新興の半導体製造企業との厳しい競争に直面すると予想される。"
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Wolfspeed, Inc.Ltd.、WeEn Semiconductors、Solitron Devices, Inc.
- 電気自動車における炭化ケイ素(SiC)の採用に影響を与えている主な要因と動向は?
- 市場のポジショニングを向上させるために既存プレーヤーが取った主な取り組みと、市場参入する新規プレーヤーが採用した戦略にはどのようなものがあるか?
- 電気自動車用SiC市場を支配すると予想されるアプリケーションセグメントは?
- 電気自動車用SiC市場で最も急成長が見込まれる製品タイプは?
- 世界の電気自動車用SiC市場を支配し、最も急成長している地域はどこか?
- 電気自動車用SiC市場における主要メーカーの市場シェアは?
- 電気自動車へのSiC半導体の採用に向けたハードルを克服するために、既存メーカーはどのような手段を講じているのか?
- 電気自動車向けSiC市場の世界的な最新動向と採用パターンは?
- 様々な地域や国でSiC半導体が受け入れられる上での制約は何か?
- 電気自動車向けSiCの採用に影響を与える規制とは?
Summary Silicon Carbide (SiC) Market for Electric Vehicles (EVs) Overview
The global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles is projected to reach $9,031.2 million by 2032 from $513.0 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 33.02% during the forecast period 2023-2032. The growth in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to be driven by the superior properties of silicon carbide (SiC) material as compared to silicon, growth in the demand for electric vehicles, and increasing investment toward enhancing SiC manufacturing capacity.
Market Lifecycle Stage
The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is in a growth phase. The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by the compelling advantages that SiC technology offers to the electric mobility sector. SiC, a semiconductor material with superior properties compared to traditional silicon, is revolutionizing the power electronics landscape in EVs. Silicon carbide (SiC) technology's integration into EV power electronics is revolutionizing vehicle performance, enabling faster acceleration, extended range, and efficient energy usage, ultimately enhancing the overall EV driving experience. Silicon carbide (SiC)'s high-frequency capabilities are vital for high-power, fast-charging stations, accelerating the expansion of charging infrastructure and reducing charging times for electric vehicles. Collaborations between electric vehicle manufacturers, semiconductor companies, and research institutions are driving innovation in SiC technology, resulting in continuous advancements and cost reductions. However, silicon carbide currently comes at a higher cost compared to traditional silicon-based components, impacting its widespread adoption. Scaling up silicon carbide (SiC) production to meet the growing demand from the EV market remains a challenge, requiring further investments in manufacturing capabilities and supply chain optimization. Therefore, addressing cost challenges and expanding manufacturing capabilities is expected to be crucial for companies in realizing silicon carbide (SiC)'s full potential in shaping the electric vehicle landscape.
The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is driven by several factors, such as the benefits of silicon carbide (SiC) material over silicon, growing electric vehicle sales, and growing investment toward encouraging SiC manufacturing capacity by the SiC manufacturers.
Silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers are partnering with other key stakeholders and investing significantly toward the development of improved silicon carbide (SiC) materials with enhanced properties to mitigate the growing need for advanced power electronics in electric vehicles. With growing efforts by electric vehicle original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) toward improving their electric vehicle offerings, the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to grow significantly during the forecast years.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Application • Traction Inverter • On-Board Charger (OBC) • DC-DC Converter
The traction inverter application type segment is poised to assert its dominance in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles. As the automotive landscape pivots toward sustainability and efficiency, the traction inverter segment emerges as a focal point for innovation. SiC-equipped traction inverters hold the promise of better energy efficiency, extended driving ranges, and optimized battery utilization, addressing pivotal concerns in the EV ecosystem.
Segmentation 2: by Vehicle Type • Passenger Vehicles • Commercial Vehicles
Based on vehicle type, the passenger vehicle segment accounted for a majority stake in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) in 2022. Production and sales of passenger electric vehicles are anticipated to be higher than that of commercial vehicles, as more users are rapidly adopting EVs and replacing their IC engine vehicles with EVs due to their cost efficiency and various government subsidies, among others.
Segmentation 3: by Propulsion Type • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
Of the two defined propulsion categories, the battery electric vehicles (BEVs) category dominated the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) in 2022. The advantages of silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors over silicon power semiconductors, such as significant reduction in power losses, are driving the usage of materials in BEVs. The developments of EV components with the integration of SiC and the use of such components in advanced new BEV models are expected to support the market growth.
Segmentation 4: by Product • SiC MOSFETs • SiC Diodes
Based on products, the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles has been categorized into SiC MOSFETs and SiC diodes. Of the two product categories, the SiC MOSFETs segment dominated the global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) in 2022. SiC MOSFETs product type is widely used in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles. The unique characteristics of SiC, including high breakdown voltage, low on-resistance, and superior thermal conductivity, translate into MOSFETs that excel in high-power, high-temperature environments. This makes them particularly well-suited for the rigorous demands of EV power electronics.
Segmentation 5: by Voltage • Up to 800V • More than 800V
Based on voltage, the up to 800 V voltage segment offers a well-balanced solution that caters to the requirements of modern electric vehicles. This voltage range enables EV manufacturers to design compact and lightweight power electronics systems, which are essential for enhancing vehicle range and overall performance. Furthermore, the up to 800 V voltage type allows for effective integration of SiC components, resulting in reduced switching losses and increased overall efficiency.
Segmentation 6: by Region • North America • Europe • U.K. • China • Asia-Pacific and Japan (AP&J) • Rest-of-the-World (RoW)
The demand within the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles varies according to various geographical regions. China is expected to dominate the global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles as the region has witnessed significant growth in the electric vehicle industry, driven by supportive government policies, increasing environmental concerns, and advancements in technology. China's government support, research investments, and partnerships with silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers have accelerated the development and implementation of this cutting-edge technology within the electric vehicle ecosystem. Moreover, China's well-established supply chain infrastructure and robust manufacturing capabilities provide a competitive edge in SiC production, contributing to cost reductions and scalability.
Recent Developments in the Silicon Carbide (SiC) Market for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
• In June 2023, Infineon Technologies launched 1200 V CoolSiC MOSFETs in TO263-7 for automotive applications. In on-board charging (OBC) and DC-DC applications, the automotive-grade silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET generation delivers great power density and efficiency, permits bi-directional charging, and dramatically lowers system cost. • In April 2023, Wolfspeed, Inc. announced that it would provide silicon carbide devices to power future Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle (EV) platforms, enabling higher powertrain efficiency. The next-generation powertrain systems for numerous Mercedes-Benz vehicle lines would include semiconductors from Wolfspeed, Inc. • In March 2023, Mitsubishi Electric announced that it would be investing $1.87 billion in the coming five years to boost the production capacity of silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors. The investment would be used to construct a new wafer plant. • In February 2023, Microchip Technology Inc. announced that it would be investing $880 million in the upcoming years in order to increase its SiC and silicon production capacity. • In January 2023, Wolfspeed, Inc. and ZF established a strategic alliance to enhance silicon carbide systems and devices for mobility, industry, and energy applications. This agreement would entail the establishment of a collaborative innovation lab. The cooperation also includes a sizable investment by ZF to enable the development of the largest and most sophisticated 200mm silicon carbide device fab in the world in Ensdorf, Germany. • In August 2022, Onsemi inaugurated its new silicon carbide (SiC) production facility in New Hampshire, U.S. The new facility would increase the company’s SiC production capacity, which would help in catering to the growing demand.
Demand - Drivers and Limitations
The following are the demand drivers for the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs):
• Superior Properties of Silicon Carbide Compared to Silicon • Growth in the Demand for Electric Vehicles • Increasing Investment toward Enhancing SiC Manufacturing Capacity
The following are the challenges for the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs):
• Higher Manufacturing Cost Associated with SiC Semiconductors • Limitation of Producing Large-Diameter SiC Wafers
How can this report add value to an organization?
Product/Innovation Strategy: Globally, the leading and emerging silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers are continuously working to make their SiC offerings more power-efficient than ever. High SiC device cost and low yield are among some of the major concerns among the silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers in the silicon carbide (SiC) industry for electric vehicles (EVs). The players operating in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) have been working on the development of improved silicon carbide (SiC) to mitigate the growing challenges associated with yield numbers and device costs.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) has been growing at a rapid pace. The market offers enormous opportunities for existing and emerging market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are product launches, partnerships, collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The strategies preferred by companies to maintain and strengthen their market position primarily include market developments and partnerships, collaborations, acquisitions, and joint ventures.
Competitive Strategy: The key players in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) analyzed and profiled in the study include silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers that design, develop and market silicon carbide (SiC) materials for electric vehicles (EVs). Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
The global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is highly consolidated, where the top two manufacturers alone accounted for around 70% of the market share in 2022, while the remaining companies operating in the market captured around 30% of the market share.
Key Companies Profiled:
• Wolfspeed, Inc. • Infineon Technologies • Onsemi • Coherent Corp. (previously known as II-VI Incorporated) • STMicroelectronics • Robert Bosch GmbH • ROHM CO., LTD. • Microchip Technology Inc. • Mitsubishi Electric • Alpha and Omega Semiconductor • Toshiba Corporation • Littelfuse, Inc • GeneSiC Semiconductor • Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. • WeEn Semiconductors • Solitron Devices, Inc.
Companies that are not a part of the aforementioned pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles is estimated to reach $9,031.2 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 33.02% during the forecast period 2023-2032.
The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by the compelling advantages that SiC technology offers to the electric mobility sector. SiC, a semiconductor material with superior properties compared to traditional silicon, is revolutionizing the power electronics landscape in EVs.
USP of the Report
• Extensive coverage of 16 key players operating in the global silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) • Market share analysis for silicon carbide (SiC) wafer and silicon carbide (SiC) device markets based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread
Analyst Perspective
According to Dhrubajyoti Narayan, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “The silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) is likely to grow multi-fold during the forecast period, owing to the various advantages silicon carbide (SiC) materials have to offer over silicon and growing investment to bolster SiC manufacturing capabilities. As the automotive industry is entering into the autonomous vehicle era with electric vehicle OEMs working on vehicle models with high levels of autonomy, the demand for electric vehicle components with high-power electronics efficiency and faster data processing is expected to grow significantly. Moreover, initiatives by governments in the developed markets for silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturing capabilities are also expected to boost the growth of silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs). In terms of market rivalry/competition, the established silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers catering to the electric vehicles industry are expected to face stiff competition from established and emerging semiconductor manufacturing companies who are making their entry into the automotive/electric vehicle industry.”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
The key players in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) analyzed and profiled in the study include silicon carbide (SiC) manufacturers that design, develop and market silicon carbide (SiC) materials for electric vehicles (EVs). Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the silicon carbide (SiC) market for electric vehicles (EVs) has been done to help the reader understand the ways in which players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Wolfspeed, Inc., Infineon Technologies, Onsemi, Coherent Corp., STMicroelectronics, Robert Bosch GmbH, ROHM CO., LTD., Microchip Technology Inc., Mitsubishi Electric, Alpha and Omega Semiconductor, Toshiba Corporation, Littelfuse, Inc, GeneSiC Semiconductor, Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., WeEn Semiconductors, and Solitron Devices, Inc.
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the major factors and trends that are impacting the adoption of silicon carbide (SiC) in electric vehicles? • What are some of the key initiatives taken by the existing players to improve their market positioning and strategies adopted by new players entering the market space? • Which application segment is expected to dominate the SiC market for electric vehicles? • Which product type segment is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing segment in the SiC market for electric vehicles? • Which region dominates the global SiC market for electric vehicles and is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing region? • What are the market shares of the leading manufacturers in the SiC market for electric vehicles? • What are the steps taken by existing manufacturers to overcome the hurdles toward the adoption of SiC semiconductors in electric vehicles? • What are the latest developments across the globe for the SiC market for electric vehicles, and what are the adoption patterns? • What are the constraints in the acceptance of SiC semiconductors in various regions and countries? • What are the regulations affecting the adoption of the SiC for electric vehicles?
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