
プロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場 - 世界および地域別分析:技術、誘導体、エンドユーザー、地域に焦点 - 2022-2031年の分析と予測

プロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場 - 世界および地域別分析:技術、誘導体、エンドユーザー、地域に焦点 - 2022-2031年の分析と予測

Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) to Propylene Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Technology, Derivative, End User, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031

プロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場:産業概要 世界のプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場は、2022年の103億1,460万ドルから2031年には227億2,120万ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは9.2%で... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年3月31日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 250 英語









- プロピレン誘導体は、輸送、ヘルスケア、電気・電子、包装など、いくつかの産業で一般的になりつつある。さらに、予測期間2022~2031年には、中国、インド、日本、ヨーロッパを含むいくつかの新興国におけるパッケージング産業の拡大や、自動車産業へのポリプロピレンの採用の増加が、プロピレンの世界市場の成長をさらに促進し、プロパン脱水素技術市場をも牽引すると予想される。金属よりもプラスチックの方が好まれる傾向が強まっているため、高温耐性が可能になり、市場の成長が促進されるからである。
- 自動車産業では、軽量素材を使用した電気自動車の増加により、プロピレンオキシドやポリプロピレンなどのプロピレン誘導体の需要が高まっている。




- 自動車・輸送
- 建設
- 包装
- 繊維
- 電気・電子
- 消費財
- 医療・ヘルスケア
- その他


- カトフィン
- UOP Oleflex
- 流動接触脱水素法(FCDh)
- スチーム・アクティブ・リフォーミング(STAR)
- 流動床技術(K-Pro)
- その他

技術別では、プロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場は、2022~2031年の予測期間中、UOP Oleflexセグメントが主導すると推定される。

- ポリプロピレン
- プロピレンオキシド
- アクリロニトリル
- クメン
- アルコール
- アクリル酸およびアクリル酸エステル
- その他


- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、ロシア、その他の欧州諸国
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋および日本 - 日本、インド、韓国、ASEAN、アジア太平洋および日本以外
- 中東・アフリカ - サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、および中東・アフリカ地域圏
- 南米



- 2022年3月、KBRとExxonMobil Catalysts and Licensing社は、プロパン脱水素(PDH)技術の進歩に関して提携した。この提携では、エクソンモービル独自の触媒技術とKBR独自のK-PRO PDH技術を組み合わせ、プロパンをプロピレンに変換する。
- 2022年1月、Hyosung Chemicalはポリプロピレン・ユニットの製造のため、PDH技術によるプロピレンの生産を開始した。このプラントの稼働前は、ポリプロピレンユニットは輸入プロピレンに依存していた。
- 2021年12月、GAIL (India) Ltd.は、2024年までにマハラシュトラ州Usarでプロパン脱水素(PDH)設備とポリプロピレン(PP)プラントを開始すると発表した。同社はこのほど、インド初のPDHプラント用に、Lummus Technology社のCATOFINプロセスとClariant社のオーダーメイド触媒を採用した。プラントの生産能力は年間約500キロトンとなる見込みで、下流のPPユニットと統合される。
- 2019年8月、ダウ・ケミカル・カンパニーは、ルイジアナ州のスチームクラッカーの1つを、オンパーパスプロピレンを生産するために、独自の流動接触脱水素(FCDh)技術で改修すると発表した。この改修により、10万トン以上のオンパーパスプロピレンが生産されることになる。

需要 - 原動力と限界


- 軽量材料の使用を促進する規制の増加
- 食品包装用ポリプロピレンの他のプラスチックに対する需要の高まり


- 不安定な原料価格
- プラスチック産業に対する政府の厳しい規制


製品/イノベーション戦略:製品セグメントは、読者がプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場に関与するさまざまな技術と誘導体を理解するのに役立ちます。技術セグメントは、CATOFIN、UOP Oleflex、流動接触脱水素法(FCDh)、スチームアクティブリフォーミング(STAR)、流動床技術(K-Pro)、その他にセグメント化されている。誘導体セグメントは、ポリプロピレン、プロピレンオキシド、アクリロニトリル、クメン、アルコール、アクリル酸とアクリレート、その他に区分されている。さらに、自動車、建設、包装、繊維、電気・電子、消費財、医療・ヘルスケア、その他などのエンドユーザーに基づくプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場の詳細な理解を読者に提供します。高度製造技術におけるプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)導入の増加が市場の成長を促進している。






企業タイプ1(技術別):UOP Oleflex
- LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V.
- Borealis AG
- ウィリアムズ
- オリエンタルエナジー株式会社
- アセンド・パフォーマンス・マテリアルズ

- INEOSグループ・リミテッド
- GAIL(インド)リミテッド
- 金能科技有限公司
- 陝西岩昌石油(集団)有限公司

- ダウ・ケミカル社
- コーク・インダストリーズ社

- フォルモサ・プラスチックス・コーポレーション

- KBR社







世界のプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場は2031年に227億2120万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアムマーケットインテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2022-2031年に9.2%のCAGRを目撃すると強調している。



- プロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場展望の全体像を提供するために行われた主要企業20社の広範な競合ベンチマーキング
- 技術、誘導体、エンドユーザーに基づく市場の分別
- 稼働中および今後の主要プラントのリストと能力
- エンドユーザー業界の主な動向
- サプライチェーン分析
- コスト内訳を含む価格分析
- 製品ベンチマーク
- 製品採用シナリオと特許分析を含む投資ランドスケープ


BISリサーチのリードアナリスト、Sachin Singh氏によると、「プロパン脱水素(PDH)はプロピレンの生産に使用される最も効率的な技術の一つである。エンドユーザーからのプロピレン誘導体需要の増加と、エチレン生産における副産物としてのプロピレンの限定的な生産を背景に、プロピレンの需要と供給のギャップが拡大しているため、長期的にはプロピレンへのPDHの需要が強化されると予想される。様々なプロピレン誘導体メーカーが、エンドユーザーからの需要増に対応し、競争力を獲得するために生産能力を拡大している。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V.、INEOS Group Limited、Dow Chemical Company、Borealis AG、Formosa Plastics Corporation、Jinneng Science and Technology Company Limited、KBR Inc.、GAIL (India) Limited、Hyosung Chemical、PJSC SIBUR Holding、Ascend Performance Materials、Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company、Williams、Enterprise Products Partners L.P.、Oriental Energy Co.Ltd.、Koch Industries, Inc.、陝西岩昌石油(集団)有限公司、天津渤海化学工業集団、浙江紹興三元石化有限公司、BASF SE。


- PDH技術によるプロピレン生産の成長を牽引している要因は何か、なぜ主要プレーヤーはPDH技術の活用に傾倒しているのか?
- 市場の主要な技術、誘導体、エンドユーザーはどこか、また今後数年間はどのような動きを見せるのか?
- 既存プレーヤーが市場でのポジショニングを改善/維持するために講じている措置と、この市場領域に新規参入するプレーヤーが採用している主要戦略にはどのようなものがあるか?
- 原料価格の変動がプロピレンへのプロパン脱水素(PDH)市場に与える影響は?
- プロパン脱水素法は、スチーム分解、精製、その他のプロセスと比べて、プロピレン生産にどのようなメリットをもたらすのか?
- 世界のプロピレン市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?プロピレンの主要輸出入国は?
- PDH法で製造されたプロピレンの製造コストの内訳は?
- PDH法によるプロピレン市場の主要企業は?これらの企業の設備能力または今後の能力は?





Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) to Propylene Market: Industry Overview

The global propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market is projected to reach $22,721.2 million by 2031 from $10,314.6 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

The production of polypropylene is increasing with the growing middle-class population across the globe, especially in developing countries. In these countries, demand for plastics increased significantly for consumer goods such as kitchen utensils, food containers, apparel, area rugs, batteries, and others. Polypropylene is one of the most versatile plastics and has huge demand. Traditional methods of propylene production as a by-product include fluid catalytic cracking and steam cracking. Propylene producers as a by-product are failing to cater to increasing demand from its derivatives, prominently polypropylene. This has led to an increased gap between supply and demand since 2011. Propylene producers are adopting on-purpose propylene production technologies to fulfil the demand-supply gap caused by increased demand. Propane dehydrogenation is a process where propane is converted to propylene with the option to use the by-product hydrogen for fuel or export for other uses. A PDH unit is easily integrated at a propane source or at a downstream polypropylene production plant. Various companies are developing PDH technology to be more efficient and economical. For instance, in December 2018, KBR, Inc. developed a proprietary propane dehydrogenation (PDH) technology, K-PRO. The technology is based on the company’s catalytic olefins technology, K-COT, which is a fluidized-bed technology used for converting low-value olefinic, paraffinic, or mixed streams into high-value propylene and ethylene.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market has been in its growth stage, and much has been attributed to the increasing gap between propylene demand and supply and the high efficiency of PDH technology. The ecosystem of the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market comprises feedstock suppliers, PDH to propylene producers, propylene derivatives producers, and end users. The market is still developing, with China at the forefront, followed by other regions such as North America, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the U.K.

Industrial Impact

• Propylene derivatives are becoming more common in several industries, including transportation, healthcare, electrical and electronics, packaging, and others. Additionally, it is anticipated that during the forecast period 2022-2031, the expansion of the packaging industry in several emerging economies, including China, India, Japan, and Europe, as well as the rising adoption of polypropylene for the automotive industry, is expected to further fuel the growth of the global market for propylene and drive the propane dehydrogenation technology market as well. The market is anticipated to benefit from the growing preference for plastics over metals, as this enables high-temperature resistance and fosters market growth.
• In the automobile industry, the demand for propylene derivatives such as propylene oxide and polypropylene is rising due to the increasing number of electric vehicles that are made from lightweight materials.

Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on almost every sector across the globe, owing to countrywide lockdown, temporary shutdown of production facilities, and the slowdown of the overall global economy. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on society, populations, and enterprises. Numerous industry sectors' growth projections have been adversely affected, while several other market participants' production levels could be unaffected and look promising. The pandemic has shown a severe adverse impact on automotive, electrical and electronics, construction, and among other industries. Furthermore, the COVID-19 epidemic-related global lockdown led to production halts, disruptions in supply chains, and manufacturing activity, all of which had a detrimental effect on the market for propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene in 2020.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by End User
• Automotive and Transportation
• Construction
• Packaging
• Textile
• Electrical and Electronics
• Consumer Goods
• Medical and Healthcare
• Others

Based on end users, the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market is estimated to be led by the packaging segment during the forecast period of 2022-2031.

Segmentation 2: by Technology
• UOP Oleflex
• Fluidized Catalytic Dehydrogenation (FCDh)
• Steam Active Reforming (STAR)
• Fluidized Bed Technology (K-Pro)
• Others

Based on technology, the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market is estimated to be led by the UOP Oleflex segment during the forecast period of 2022-2031.

Segmentation 3: by Derivative
• Polypropylene
• Propylene Oxide
• Acrylonitrile
• Cumene
• Alcohols
• Acrylic Acid and Acrylates
• Others

Based on derivative, the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market is estimated to be led by the polypropylene segment during the forecast period of 2022-2031.

Segmentation 4: by Region
• North America - U.S., Canada, and Mexico
• Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest-of-Europe
• China
• U.K.
• Asia-Pacific and Japan - Japan, India, South Korea, ASEAN, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific and Japan
• Middle East and Africa - Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., and Rest-of-Middle-East-and-Africa
• South America

In the global propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market, China and North America are anticipated to gain traction in terms of propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene production, owing to the presence of the world’s largest manufacturers in those regions.

Recent Developments in Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) to Propylene Market

• In March 2022, KBR and ExxonMobil Catalysts and Licensing collaborated on the advancements of propane dehydrogenation (PDH) technology. Under the collaboration, ExxonMobil's proprietary catalyst technology would be combined with KBR's proprietary K-PRO PDH technology to convert propane into propylene.
• In January 2022, Hyosung Chemical started the production of propylene by PDH technology for the production of polypropylene units. Before the start-up of this plant, the polypropylene units were dependent on imported propylene.
• In December 2021, GAIL (India) Ltd. announced to start its propane dehydrogenation (PDH) facility and polypropylene (PP) plant in Usar, Maharashtra, by 2024. The company has recently chosen Lummus Technology’s CATOFIN process and Clariant’s tailor-made catalysts for India’s first PDH plant. The capacity of the plant is expected to be around 500 kilo tons per annum and will be integrated with the downstream PP unit.
• In August 2019, Dow Chemical Company announced the retrofit of one of its Louisiana steam crackers with its proprietary fluidized catalytic dehydrogenation (FCDh) technology to produce on-purpose propylene. The retrofit would produce more than 100,000 tons of on-purpose propylene.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the demand drivers for propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market:

• Increasing Regulations to Promote the Use of Lightweight Materials
• Rising Demand for Polypropylene in Food Packaging over Other Plastics

The market is expected to face some limitations due to the following challenges:

• Volatile Raw Material Prices
• Strict Government Regulations for the Plastic Industry

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different technologies and derivatives involved in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market. The technology segment has been segmented into CATOFIN, UOP Oleflex, Fluidized Catalytic Dehydrogenation (FCDh), Steam Active Reforming (STAR), Fluidized Bed Technology (K-Pro), and others. The derivative segment has been segmented into polypropylene, propylene oxide, acrylonitrile, cumene, alcohols, acrylic acid and acrylates, and others. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market based on end users, including automotive, construction, packaging, textile, electrical and electronics, consumer goods, medical and healthcare, and others. The increasing adoption of propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene in advanced manufacturing technology is fuelling the growth of the market.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansions, partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures. The favored strategy for the companies has been business expansions to strengthen their position in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market. For instance, in July 2019, Borealis planned to invest in a new, world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant located at the existing production site in Kallo (Antwerp), Belgium. The PDH plant would have a targeted production capacity of 750,000 tons of propylene per annum.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market analyzed and profiled in the study involve propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene producers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

Propylene is a colorless, flammable, gaseous hydrocarbon obtained from petroleum, and large quantities of propylene are used in the manufacturing of resins, fibers, and elastomers. Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) technology is used to produce high-purity polymer-grade propylene from a propane-rich stream. The process comprises two steps, i.e., dehydrogenating the hydrocarbon feed and removal of the hydrogen that is being formed by a specific dehydrogenation reaction. The polypropylene segment dominated the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market in 2021 and is the largest segment owing to growing demand from end-use industries such as automotive, electrical and electronics, medical devices, aerospace and defense, and packaging. Polypropylene is a tough, rigid plastic and is produced in a variety of molecular weights and crystallinities.

Some of the prominent producers of propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene are:

Company Type 1 (by Technology): UOP Oleflex
• LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V.
• Borealis AG
• Williams
• Oriental Energy Co. Ltd.
• Ascend Performance Materials

Company Type 2 (by Technology): CATOFIN
• INEOS Group Limited
• GAIL (India) Limited
• Jinneng Science and Technology Company Limited
• Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd.

Company Type 3 (by Technology): Fluidized Catalytic Dehydrogenation (FCDh)
• Dow Chemical Company
• Koch Industries, Inc.

Company Type 4 (by Technology): Steam Active Reforming (STAR)
• Formosa Plastics Corporation

Company Type 5 (by Technology): Fluidized Bed Technology (K-Pro)
• KBR Inc.

Various players are involved in the market, which has been covered in different sections of the report. Most of the players are also involved in providing custom solutions to customers.


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market is estimated to reach $22,721.2 million in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) technology is used to produce high-purity polymer-grade propylene from a propane-rich stream. The process comprises two steps, i.e., dehydrogenating the hydrocarbon feed and removal of the hydrogen that is being formed by a specific dehydrogenation reaction.

USP of the Report

• Extensive competitive benchmarking of 20 key players done to offer a holistic view of the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market landscape
• Market segregation based on technology, derivative, and end user
• List of key operating and upcoming plants with capacities
• Key developments in the end-user industry
• Supply chain analysis
• Pricing analysis with cost break-up
• Product benchmarking
• Investment landscape, including product adoption scenario and patent analysis

Analyst Perspective

According to Sachin Singh, Lead Analyst at BIS Research, "Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) is one of the most efficient technologies used in the production of propylene. The increased gap between propylene demand and supply on the back of increased demand for propylene derivatives from the end users and limited production of propylene as a by-product in ethylene production is expected to bolster the demand for PDH to propylene in the long run. Various PDH to propylene players are expanding their production capacities to cater to the increasing demand from end users and achieve a competitive edge.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market analyzed and profiled in the study involve propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene producers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V., INEOS Group Limited, Dow Chemical Company, Borealis AG, Formosa Plastics Corporation, Jinneng Science and Technology Company Limited, KBR Inc., GAIL (India) Limited, Hyosung Chemical, PJSC SIBUR Holding, Ascend Performance Materials, Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company, Williams, Enterprise Products Partners L.P., Oriental Energy Co. Ltd., Koch Industries, Inc., Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry Group, Zhejiang Shaoxing Sanyuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., and BASF SE.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• Which factors are driving the growth of propylene production by PDH technology and why major players are inclined towards utilizing PDH technology?
• Which are the leading technology, derivatives, and end users in the market, and how are they going to perform in the coming years?
• What are the steps taken by the existing players to improve/maintain their market positioning, and what are some of the key strategies adopted by new players entering this market space?
• What is the impact of feedstock price fluctuation on the propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene market?
• How does the propane dehydrogenation method benefit propylene production over steam cracking, refinery, and other processes?
• How does the supply chain function in the global propylene market? Which countries are major importers and exporters of propylene?
• What is the production cost break-up of propylene manufactured by the PDH method?
• Which are the major companies in the PDH to propylene market? What are the installed or upcoming capacities of these companies?





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