
先進リサイクル技術市場 - 世界および地域別分析:エンドユーザー、技術、製品タイプ、地域にフォーカス - 2022-2031年の分析と予測

先進リサイクル技術市場 - 世界および地域別分析:エンドユーザー、技術、製品タイプ、地域にフォーカス - 2022-2031年の分析と予測

Advanced Recycling Technologies Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on End User, Technology, Product Type, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031

先進リサイクル技術の世界市場産業概要 世界の先進リサイクル技術市場は、2022年の2億7,050万ドルから2031年には93億3,970万ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは48.22%で成長すると予測されている。 ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年3月27日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 251 英語















- 食品・飲料用包装
- 非食品包装
- 家電製品
- インフラ・建設
- 自動車
- その他


- 熱分解/クラッキング
- ガス化
- 解重合
- マイクロ波
- その他


- ナフサ
- 重質ガス油
- ワックス残渣
- その他


- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、欧州以外の地域
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋地域および日本 - 日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア、アジア太平洋地域および日本以外
- その他の地域 - 南米、中東、アフリカ

世界の高度リサイクル技術市場では、Plastic Energy社、Brightmark社、Quantafuel ASA社などの大手企業が存在し、政府の規制も厳しいことから、欧州が市場を支配している。


- 2022年8月、Agilyxの子会社であるCyclyx Internationalは、米国のポーツマスに新しいプラスチック試験所を開設したことを発表した。この戦略により、同社はリサイクルプロセスの試験能力を強化し、同社のリサイクル技術を使用してリサイクルできる廃プラスチック廃棄物の種類を拡大することが可能になった。
- 2022年11月、ハネウェルとエジプトのEnviron Adapt for Recycling Industriesは、同国におけるプラスチックリサイクルを推進するための覚書に調印した。両組織の共同努力により、ハネウェルの最先端技術を導入し、廃プラスチックを有用な再生ポリマー原料(RPF)にリサイクルできるエジプト初のケミカルリサイクル施設の設立が検討される。
- 2022年7月、カルビオスはサロモン、オン、PUMA、パタゴニアと協力し、製品のリサイクル性と循環性を向上させるソリューションを開発した。また、カルビオスと4つの企業は、製品のリサイクルに関する研究を行い、選別・解体技術を含む使用済みポリエステル製品の引き取り戦略を構築し、繊維から繊維へのリサイクルと循環性モデルに関する情報をまとめる予定である。

需要 - 推進力と限界


- プラスチックリサイクルの必要性に関する消費者意識の高まり
- 埋立地燃料制限の実施
- 新しいプラスチック製品に対する需要の増加


- リサイクル可能材料の収集と選別における課題
- 高度再生プラスチックの高価格









- アジレックス
- ステナ・メタル
- シェブロン・フィリップス・ケミカル社
- ハネウェル・インターナショナル
- プラスチックエネルギー
- エネルケム
- ループ・インダストリーズ社
- Gr3nリサイクル
- カルビオス SA
- パイロウェーブ
- ポリスチバート社
- リサイクルアベニューBV
- ブルーアルプ・イノベーションズBV
- クアンタフュエルASA
- ムラ・テクノロジー社
- アルテラ
- アドゥロ・クリーン・テクノロジーズ
- ブライトマーク
- グリーンマントラ・テクノロジーズ
- アクセンス







市場の成長を後押ししている主な要因としては、政府の支援策、厳格なリサイクル規制、使い捨てプラスチックの禁止、専用の研究開発施設への大規模な投資、Stena Metall、Gr3n Recycling、Carbios SA、Recycling Avenue BV、BlueAlp Innovations BV、Quantafuel ASAなどの大手製造企業の存在などが挙げられる。


- 主要企業20社の広範な競合ベンチマーキングにより、世界の高度リサイクル技術市場の全体像を提供
- 技術、製品タイプ、エンドユーザーに基づく市場の分類
- 製品採用シナリオ、資金調達、特許分析を含む投資状況
- COVID-19が高度リサイクル技術市場に与える影響
- 世界のプラスチック廃棄物管理統計
- 主要技術の比較分析





本レポートで紹介されている主要企業には、Agilyx、Stena Metall、Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC、Honeywell International Inc.、Plastic Energy、Enerkem、Loop Industries, Inc.、Gr3n Recycling、Carbios SA、Pyrowave、Polystyvert Inc.、Recycling Avenue BV、BlueAlp Innovations BV、Quantafuel ASA、Mura Technology Limited、Alterra、Aduro Clean Technologies Inc.、Brightmark、GreenMantra Technologies、Axensが含まれる。


- 市場で最も有望な高度リサイクル技術は何か?
- 食品、化粧品、その他の生産者が採用する包装用途でのリサイクル材料の使用など、様々な持続可能性目標は何か?
- 世界の高度リサイクル技術市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているか?
- 世界の高度リサイクル技術市場で活躍する企業が出願した主な特許は何か?
- 高度なリサイクルの需要に応える著名なプレーヤーは?
- 高度リサイクル技術市場の採用に影響を与えている主な要因と動向は何か?
- 高度リサイクル技術市場に影響を与える規制は何か?
- 世界全体でのプラスチック廃棄物のリサイクル量は?
- 市場をリードする技術と最も有望な最終製品は何か、また今後数年でどのように台頭するか?
- 様々な地域や国々における高度リサイクル技術の採用におけるボトルネックは何か?
- 高度リサイクル技術市場をリードしているのはどの地域と国で、2022~2031年に高い需要成長が見込まれるのはどの地域と国か?





Global Advanced Recycling Technologies Market: Industry Overview

The global advanced recycling technologies market is projected to reach $9,339.7 million by 2031 from $270.5 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 48.22% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

The demand for advanced recycling technologies is anticipated to grow owing to the implementation of stringent environmental regulations like the restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) and policies by organizations such as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals (REACH). Furthermore, mechanical recycling limitations such as weakening fiber, difficulty in recycling mixed plastic waste, and prohibition from being utilized in the food packaging sector are driving the need for advanced recycling technologies.

Market Lifecycle Stage

Advanced recycling, also known as chemical recycling, refers to a group of technologies that transform post-consumer plastic into its original building blocks, feedstock for new plastics, specialty chemicals, waxes, chemical products, and other non-fuel items. In recent years, advanced recycling technologies have gained popularity as a complementary solution to conventional or mechanical recycling. Two types of mostly recycled plastics, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene, are processed mechanically. The other five categories of plastic, such as colored plastic bottles, fast food containers, and plastic eyeglass frames, cannot be processed by such technologies. Advanced recycling offers a solution for practically all these five types of plastics, while recycled plastic from advanced recycling can also be utilized for food packaging. Therefore, owing to the aforementioned factors, advanced recycling technologies are gaining traction in the market.

However, the key factor limiting the growth of the advanced recycling technologies market is a lack of collection and treatment infrastructure.


Incentives for better product and plastics design, such as improved extended producer responsibility, product stewardship, tax benefits, and deposit-refund systems, are expected to open significant sales and financing opportunities. This shift was prominently experienced in regions such as Europe and North America.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the global market for advanced recycling technologies. It impacted the market in both positive and negative ways. Collecting and sorting scrap or debris has become increasingly difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the industry endured a huge halt in its production. As a result of the production deficit, the final products became exorbitantly expensive.

Governments have also made an effort to address and resolve COVID-19 issues as they tend to recover from economic and social disasters. To address the pandemic's short- and medium-term socioeconomic effects, they incorporated environment-friendly recovery techniques into their policy packages. Also, the pandemic has put more pressure on the advanced recycling sector to step up production and provide a higher proportion of "usable" recycled materials for the supply chain.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by End User
• Food and Beverage Packaging
• Non-Food Packaging
• Consumer Electronics
• Infrastructure and Construction
• Automotive
• Others

Among different end-users, food and beverage packaging is expected to be the largest application during the forecast period (2022-2031).

Segmentation 2: by Technology
• Pyrolysis/ Cracking
• Gasification
• Depolymerization
• Microwave
• Others

In 2021, pyrolysis/ cracking technology held the largest share in the global advanced recycling technologies market and is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period (2022-2031).

Segmentation 3: by Product Type
• Naphtha
• Heavy Gas Oil
• Wax Residue
• Others

In 2021, naphtha held the largest share in the global advanced recycling technologies market and is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period (2022-2031).

Segmentation 4: by Region
• North America - U.S., Canada, and Mexico
• Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe
• China
• U.K.
• Asia-Pacific and Japan - Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific and Japan
• Rest-of-the-World - South America, and Middle East and Africa

In the global advanced recycling technologies market, Europe dominates the market due to the presence of several leading companies, such as Plastic Energy, Brightmark, Quantafuel ASA, and many more, along with strict government regulations.

Recent Developments in the Global Advanced Recycling Technologies Market

• In August 2022, Cyclyx International, a subsidiary of Agilyx, announced the opening of a new plastics testing laboratory in Portsmouth, the U.S. This strategy enabled the company to enhance its recycle process testing capacity and expand the types of waste plastic waste range to be recycled with the use of company’s recycling technology.
• In November 2022, Honeywell and Egypt's Environ Adapt for Recycling Industries signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to advance plastic recycling in the country. The joint efforts of the two organizations would examine the creation of Egypt's first chemical recycling facility, which would feature cutting-edge Honeywell technology and be able to recycle waste plastic into useful recycled polymer feedstock (RPF).
• In July 2022, Carbios collaborated with Salomon, On, PUMA, and Patagonia to develop solutions that improve the recyclability and circularity of their products. Carbios and the four businesses are also expected to conduct research into the recycling of products, create take-back strategies for used polyester items, including sorting and deconstruction technologies, and compile information on fiber-to-fiber recycling and circularity models.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the demand drivers for the global advanced recycling technologies market:

• Rising Consumer Awareness about the Need for Recycling Plastic
• Implementation of Landfill Fueling Restrictions
• Increasing Demand for New Plastic Products

The market is expected to face some limitations as well due to the following challenges:

• Challenges in Collecting and Sorting Recyclable Materials
• High Price of Advanced Recycled Plastics

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different product types and technology involved in the production of advanced recycling technologies. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the global advanced recycling technologies market based on the end user (food and beverage, packaging, non-food packaging, consumer electronics, infrastructure, and construction, automotive, and others).

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global advanced recycling technologies market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansions, partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures. The favored strategy for the companies has been product developments, business expansions, and acquisitions to strengthen their position in the global advanced recycling technologies market.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global advanced recycling technologies market analyzed and profiled in the study involve advanced recycling technologies manufacturers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global advanced recycling technologies market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts, analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

The global advanced recycling technologies market has been segmented by different end users, among which food and beverage packaging captured around 46% of the market as of 2021. Other end users, including non-food packaging, accounted for around 27%, consumer electronics accounted for 9%, infrastructure and construction accounted for 7%, automotive accounted for 1%, and other end-use industries accounted for 10% of the total share in 2021 in terms of value.

Key Companies Profiled

• Agilyx
• Stena Metall
• Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC
• Honeywell International Inc.
• Plastic Energy
• Enerkem
• Loop Industries, Inc.
• Gr3n Recycling
• Carbios SA
• Pyrowave
• Polystyvert Inc.
• Recycling Avenue BV
• BlueAlp Innovations BV
• Quantafuel ASA
• Mura Technology Limited
• Alterra
• Aduro Clean Technologies Inc.
• Brightmark
• GreenMantra Technologies
• Axens


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global advanced recycling technologies market is estimated to reach $9,339.7 million in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 48.22% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

Some of the major drivers that are propelling the growth of the market are supportive government initiatives, strict recycling regulations, a ban on single-use plastic, extensive investments in dedicated R&D facilities, and the presence of major manufacturing companies such as Stena Metall, Gr3n Recycling, Carbios SA, Recycling Avenue BV, BlueAlp Innovations BV, and Quantafuel ASA.

USP of the Report

• Extensive competitive benchmarking of 20 key players to offer a holistic view of the global advanced recycling technologies market landscape
• Market segregation based on technology, product type, and end user
• Investment landscape, including product adoption scenario, funding, and patent analysis
• Impact of COVID-19 on the advanced recycling technologies market
• Global plastic waste management statistics
• Comparative analysis of key technologies

Analyst Perspective

According to Sachin Singh, Lead Analyst, BIS Research, “In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on employing recyclable, reusable, or biodegradable materials, which has given rise to advanced recycling technologies. With the growth of plastic waste, there is an increasing need for advanced recycling. For instance, according to United Nations, the amount of plastic garbage increased dramatically, from 2 million tonnes in 1950 to more than 460 million tonnes in 2021, and it is predicted that this amount will double by the year 2040. This is creating the need for stricter regulations on recycling and influencing the advanced recycling technologies market. Various companies such as Nestlé and PepsiCo have announced to replace all their packaging with recyclable materials by 2025. Therefore, the growing interest of food and beverage and consumer goods companies in employing recyclable materials is likely to supplement the market growth.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the global advanced recycling technologies market analyzed and profiled in the study involve advanced recycling technologies manufacturers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global advanced recycling technologies market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include Agilyx, Stena Metall, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC, Honeywell International Inc., Plastic Energy, Enerkem, Loop Industries, Inc., Gr3n Recycling, Carbios SA, Pyrowave, Polystyvert Inc., Recycling Avenue BV, BlueAlp Innovations BV, Quantafuel ASA, Mura Technology Limited, Alterra, Aduro Clean Technologies Inc., Brightmark, GreenMantra Technologies, and Axens.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• Which are the most promising advanced recycling technologies available in the market?
• What are the various sustainability targets such as usage of recycling materials in packaging applications adopted by food, cosmetics, and other producers?
• How does the supply chain function in the global advanced recycling technologies market?
• What are the major patents filed by the companies active in the global advanced recycling technologies market?
• Who are the prominent players catering to the demand for the advanced recycling and What are the key offerings?
• What are the major factors and trends that are impacting the adoption of advanced recycling technologies market?
• What are the regulations affecting the advanced recycling technologies market?
• How much plastic waste is recycled globally?
• What is the market's leading technology and most promising end-product, and how it would emerge in the coming years?
• What are the bottle necks in the adoption of advanced recycling technologies in various regions and countries?
• Which regions and countries are leading in the advanced recycling technologies market, and which of them are expected to witness high demand growth during 2022-2031?






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