精密灌漑市場 - 世界および地域別分析:製品、用途、国別分析 - 2022-2027年の分析と予測
Precision Irrigation Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Product, Application, and Country Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2027
世界の精密灌漑市場 産業概要
世界の精密灌漑市場は、2022年に22億3,870万ドルと評価され、2027年には年平均成長率14.84%で44億7,120万ドルに達すると予測されている。食料と穀物に対する需要の増加により、精... もっと見る
サマリー 世界の精密灌漑市場 産業概要
- 精密灌漑では、水と養分を植物の根に直接供給することで、農家はより健康的な作物を栽培し、収穫量を増やすことができる。このため、農家の間で精密灌漑が広く受け入れられている。
- 精密灌漑によって農家は、水、肥料、エネルギーの使用量を抑えながら、1ヘクタール当たりの収量を増やし、より質の高い作物を栽培することができるようになり、収益性が向上する。農家は、水の浪費やコスト増につながる作物への水のやりすぎを避けることで、水を節約し、水道料金を削減することができる。
- 圃場内
- 管理環境農業
- 点滴灌漑
- スプリンクラー灌漑
- その他
- ハードウェア
- ソフトウェア
- サービス
- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ、北米外地域
- ヨーロッパ - ドイツ、フランス、オランダ、ベルギー、スイス、ギリシャ、ウクライナ、トルコ、ヨーロッパ全域
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋地域 - インド、日本、オーストラリア、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 中東・アフリカ - イスラエル、南アフリカ、中東・アフリカ地域
- 南米 - ブラジル、アルゼンチン、南米地域以外
- 2022年6月、RivulisとJain Irrigation Systems Ltd.の子会社Jain International Tradingが合併し、最終的な取引契約を目指す。
- 2022年2月、カルセンスはIMaaS(サービスとしての灌漑管理)を発表した。IMaaSは灌漑管理のユニークで価値ある方法で構成され、顧客がスマートな灌漑コントローラー、センサー、ソフトウェアを購入するための資金を確保する必要性を取り除く。
- 2022年5月、ハンター・インダストリーズは、遠くからでも視認性の高い12インチのエコインジケーターを発売した。エコインジケーターは、遠くからでも迅速かつ簡単にシステムの動作を確認できる。この頑丈な12インチの装置は、システムが加圧され作動しているとき、便利な視覚的信号も提供します。さらに高い位置に設置されているため、背の高い灌木や草花の上でもはっきりと視認することができます。
- 2022年3月、HydroPointとAliaxisはスマート水管理で提携した。この提携により、AliaxisとHydroPointは、スマート灌漑システムの分野で、建築業界向けの漏水・流量監視サービスとともに手を組んだ。この新たな提携により、両社は互いの強みをさらに生かすことができるようになる。
需要 - 推進力と限界
- 農業における最適な水利用の必要性
- 農業における労働力の減少
- 施肥と化学灌漑の採用増加
- 高い初期投資
- 技術インフラの欠如
成長/マーケティング戦略:精密灌漑市場では、事業拡大、提携、協力、合弁事業など、市場で事業を展開する主要企業による大きな展開が見られる。各社にとって好ましい戦略は、精密灌漑市場での地位を強化するための事業拡大である。例えば、2021年5月、Valmont Industries, Inc.は、イスラエルに拠点を置く人工知能プロバイダーであるProspera Technologiesを買収した。この取引の評価額は約3億ドルだった。ValmontとProsperaはAI技術をセンターピボット灌漑に統合し、異常検知ソリューションとともにリアルタイムの作物分析を開発した。
- リブリス
- カルセンス
- ギャルコン
- ホルマン・インダストリーズ
- ハンターインダストリーズ
- ハイドロポイント
- Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.
- K-レイン
- リンゼイ・コーポレーション
- ネルソン・イリゲーション
- ネタフィム
- 株式会社ラキオ
- レインバードコーポレーション
- トロ社
- ヴァルモントインダストリーズ
- トリンブル社
- プロスペラテクノロジーズ
- CropX Inc.
- ピクノ
- 耕種
- アキュイティ・アグリカルチャー
目次 メールに添付
世界の精密灌漑市場は、2027年に44億7120万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2022-2027年に14.84%のCAGRを目撃すると強調している。
- 世界の精密灌漑市場の全体像を把握するため、上位21社の広範なケーススタディを実施
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、地域的広がりに基づく市場シェア分析
- 特許分析
- ケーススタディ
- ハードウェアおよびソフトウェアプロバイダーの競合ベンチマークマトリックス
BIS Researchのプリンシパル・アナリスト、Debraj Chakraborty氏によると、「精密灌漑は作物の収量を増加させることができる。精密灌漑はまた、養分や病気の管理を改善し、より健康な作物と高い収量をもたらし、他の貴重な資源のより良い管理を助けることができる。精密灌漑は、農家の間で気候変動への懸念が世界規模で高まる中、今後も農家にとって重要なツールであり続けるだろう。"
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、Rivulis、CALSENSE、Galcon、Holman Industries、HUNTER INDUSTRIES、HydroPoint、Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.、K-Rain、Lindsay Corporation、Nelson Irrigation、NETAFIM、Rachio inc.、Rain Bird Corporation、The Toro Company、Valmont Industries, Inc.、Trimble Inc.、Prospera Technologies、CropX Inc.、Pycno、Arable、Acuity Agricultureなどである。
- 予測期間2022-2027年の世界の精密灌漑市場規模(売上高)の推定値と予測期間2022-2027年の複合年間成長率(CAGR)の予測値は?
- 精密灌漑の世界市場における主要プレイヤーの競争力は、最近の開発、製品提供、地域プレゼンスなどの分析に基づいてどの程度か?
- 精密灌漑の市場エコシステムにおいて、どのようなプレーヤーが事業を展開しており、世界市場におけるその存在意義は何か?
- 既存の市場プレーヤーは、業界における市場ポジションを拡大するために、どのような新戦略を採用しているのか?
- 精密灌漑に関する主要トレンド、市場促進要因、機会は何か?
- 世界の精密灌漑市場の成長を阻害する主な阻害要因は何か?
- 重要な精密灌漑企業の市場カバレッジと市場ポテンシャルの分析に基づく競争ベンチマークは?
Summary Global Precision Irrigation Market Industry Overview
The global precision irrigation market was valued at $2,238.7 million in 2022 and is forecast to reach $4,471.2 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 14.84%. Owing to the growing demand for food and grains, the growth in the precision irrigation market is expected to be driven by the increasing adoption of digital and smart agriculture equipment and technologies. Some of the primary benefits related to precision irrigation market in the agricultural field include yield monitoring and field mapping, crop scouting, weather tracking and forecasting, irrigation management, and farm economics.
Market Lifecycle Stage
The precision irrigation market is in a growth phase. Since 2010, the adoption of precision irrigation has increased, especially by medium and large-scale farmers. Increased awareness regarding the benefits of precision irrigation market has increased the adoption rate of these solutions. High technological advancement in some regions of the world is another driver toward the adoption of precision irrigation by farmers.
• In precision irrigation, by delivering water and nutrients directly to the roots of plants, farmers can cultivate healthier crops and get bigger yields, which helps them to meet the growing demand for food without using up limited resources. This enhances the wide acceptance of precision irrigation among farmers. • Precision irrigation enables farmers to increase profitability by achieving higher yields per hectare, better-quality crops, while using less water, fertilizer, and energy. It helps farmers save water and reduce their water bills by avoiding over-watering their crops, which can lead to water waste and increased costs.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Site of Operation • On-Field • Controlled Environment Agriculture
Precision irrigation is used in several applications, such as on-field and controlled environment agriculture, including greenhouse and indoor farming. The demand for precision irrigation for on-field was the largest in 2021 and is expected to remain a major application segment during the forecast period.
Segmentation 2: by Method of Irrigation • Drip Irrigation • Sprinkler Irrigation • Others
The two major methods of precision irrigation are drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. In 2021, drip irrigation was the largest method and is projected to remain so until 2027.
Segmentation 3: by Solution • Hardware • Software • Services
The market share is dominated by hardware solutions. Automation and control systems, sensing and imaging systems, and others make up the bulk of the hardware systems for precision irrigation solutions.
Segmentation 4: by Region • North America - U.S., Canada, Mexico and Rest-of-North America • Europe - Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Ukraine, Turkey and Rest-of-Europe • China • U.K. • Asia-Pacific - India, Japan, Australia, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific • Middle East and Africa - Israel, South Africa and Rest-of-Middle East and Africa • South America - Brazil, Argentina and Rest-of-South America
Asia-Pacific generated the highest revenue of $584.0 million in 2021, which is attributed to the large-scale adoption of advanced technologies and an increasing number of precision irrigation startups backed by the government, institutional, and corporate funding in the region.
Recent Developments in Global Precision Irrigation Market
• In June 2022, Rivulis and Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.’s subsidiary Jain International Trading merged with an aim to have definitive transaction agreements. • In February 2022, CALSENSE introduced irrigation management as a service or IMaaS. IMaaS consists of a unique and valuable way of irrigation management, which removes the need for customers to secure funds for purchasing smart irrigation controllers, sensors, and software. • In May 2022, HUNTER INDUSTRIES launched a 12" eco-indicator that offers greater visibility from a distance. Eco-Indicator makes it quicker and easier to verify system operation from afar. The rugged 12" device also provides a convenient visual signal when the system is pressurized also running. Its further elevated height offers a clear line of sight over tall shrubs, flowers, as well as grasses. • In March 2022, HydroPoint and Aliaxis partnered for smart water management. Through this partnership, Aliaxis and HydroPoint joined forces in the field of smart irrigation systems along with leak and flow monitoring services for the building industry. The new partnership would further allow both companies to build upon each other’s strengths.
Demand – Drivers and Limitations
Following are the demand drivers for the precision irrigation market:
• Need for Optimal Water Usage in Agriculture • Decreasing Labor Force in Agriculture • Increasing Adoption of Fertigation and Chemigation
The market is expected to face some limitations too due to the following challenges:
• High Initial Investment • Lack of Technological Infrastructure
How can this report add value to end users?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps to identify the needs of customers. The strategy focus on the specific needs of farmers, including water conservation, cost savings, and increased crop yields. By understanding the needs of the customer, the research report provides targeted and relevant information that addresses these needs.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The precision irrigation market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been business expansion to strengthen their positions in the precision irrigation market. For instance, in May 2021, Valmont Industries, Inc. acquired Prospera Technologies, which is an Israel-based artificial intelligence provider. The transaction was valued at approximately $300 million. Valmont and Prospera integrated AI technologies with center pivot irrigation in order to develop real-time crop analysis along with anomaly detection solutions, which resulted in strong adoption as well as greater returns for the grower.
Competitive Strategy: Key players in the precision irrigation market analyzed and profiled in the study involve precision irrigation service providers that provide tools and technologies. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global precision irrigation market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing the company's coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Key Companies Profiled
• Rivulis • CALSENSE • Galcon • Holman Industries • HUNTER INDUSTRIES • HydroPoint • Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. • K-Rain • Lindsay Corporation • Nelson Irrigation • NETAFIM • Rachio inc. • Rain Bird Corporation • The Toro Company • Valmont Industries, Inc. • Trimble Inc. • Prospera Technologies • CropX Inc. • Pycno • Arable • Acuity Agriculture
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global precision irrigation market is estimated to reach $4,471.2 million in 2027, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 14.84% during the forecast period 2022-2027.
The precision irrigation market is expected to grow rapidly in developing markets such as South America and Asia-Pacific in the coming years due to government policies promoting low-interest loans and subsidies for the implementation of modern and advanced precision irrigation systems. Precision irrigation is expected to grow in developed economies due to the commercialization of agriculture.
USP of the Report
• Extensive case study of the top 21 players has been done to offer a holistic view of the global precision irrigation market landscape • Market share analysis based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread • Patent analysis • Case studies • Competitive Benchmark Matrix in terms of hardware and software providers
Analyst Perspective
According to Debraj Chakraborty, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “Precision irrigation can increase crop yields because well-watered plants are more likely to thrive and yield a larger crop. Precision irrigation can also improve nutrient and disease management, result in healthier crops and higher yields, and aid in the better management of other valuable resources. Precision irrigation is likely to remain a crucial tool for farmers in the upcoming years as climate change concerns among farmers increase on a global scale.”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
Key players in the precision irrigation market analyzed and profiled in the study involve precision irrigation service providers that provide tools and technologies. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global precision irrigation market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Rivulis, CALSENSE, Galcon, Holman Industries, HUNTER INDUSTRIES, HydroPoint, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., K-Rain, Lindsay Corporation , Nelson Irrigation, NETAFIM, Rachio inc., Rain Bird Corporation, The Toro Company, Valmont Industries, Inc., Trimble Inc., Prospera Technologies, CropX Inc., Pycno, Arable, and Acuity Agriculture.
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What is the estimated global precision irrigation market size in terms of revenue for the forecast period 2022-2027, and what is the expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period 2022-2027? • What is the competitive strength of key players in the global precision irrigation market based on an analysis of their recent developments, product offerings, and regional presence? • What type of players are operating in the market ecosystem of precision irrigation, and what is their significance in the global market? • What kinds of new strategies are being adopted by existing market players to expand their market position in the industry? • What are the key trends, market drivers, and opportunities pertaining to precision irrigation? • What are the major restraints inhibiting the growth of the global precision irrigation market? • How is the competitive benchmarking of the vital precision irrigation companies based on the analysis of their market coverage and market potential?
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