
UAV推進システム市場 - 世界および地域別分析:UAVタイプ、エンドユーザー、エンジン馬力、エンジンタイプ、地域に焦点:2023-2033年の分析と予測

UAV推進システム市場 - 世界および地域別分析:UAVタイプ、エンドユーザー、エンジン馬力、エンジンタイプ、地域に焦点:2023-2033年の分析と予測

UAV Propulsion System Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on UAV Type, End User, Engine Horsepower, Engine Type, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033

UAV推進システムの世界市場概要 世界のUAV推進システム市場は、金額ベースで2023~2033年の予測期間中に2.33%のCAGRで、2022年の83.6億ドルから2033年には107.6億ドルに達すると推定される。世界のUAV推進シス... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年2月9日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 309 英語













- 小型UAV
- 戦術UAV
- 中高度長期耐久型(MALE)
- 高高度長期耐久型(HALE)
- 垂直離着陸(VTOL)

- 商業用
- 軍事
- 民間政府

- 10-50馬力
- 51-100馬力
- 101-150 HP
- 151-200馬力
- 200馬力以上

- ピストンエンジン
- タービンエンジン
- ターボファンエンジン
- 電動エンジン
- ワンケルエンジン
- ソーラーエンジン

- 北米 - 米国、カナダ
- 欧州 - フランス、ドイツ、英国、欧州地域以外
- アジア太平洋 - 中国、インド、日本、アジア太平洋地域以外
- その他の地域 - 中東・アフリカ、ラテンアメリカ



- 2022年11月、PBS INDIAは2023年にPBS TJ200ターボジェットエンジンを発売する計画を発表した。同社は、このターボジェットエンジンPBS TJ200は現在開発の最終段階にあり、主に最新のUAVおよびUCAVシステムの推進装置として設計されていると述べている。シンプルな設計のコンパクトなエンジンで、燃料潤滑式、BLDCスターター・ジェネレーター、電動定量燃料ポンプ、FADECタイプの電子制御システムを装備している。
- 2022年10月、BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KGは、これらのエンジンの一部が、ナゴルノ・カラバフのアルメニア軍との戦闘でアゼルバイジャンが配備したトルコ製戦闘ドローンに使用されているとの報告を受け、「用途が不明確な国」への航空機エンジンの納入を停止したと発表した。さらに、ロータックスの航空機用エンジンは、適用される民間規制当局によってのみ製造、設計、民間使用の認定を受けているとしている。
- 2022年7月、ゼネラル・アトミクス・アエロナバル・システムズ社(GA-ASI)は、プラット&ホイットニー・カナダ製のPT6 Eシリーズ・モデルのターボプロップ・エンジンをGA-ASIのMQ-9B遠隔操縦航空機(RPA)に搭載する試験を実施した。2022年7月29日、カリフォルニア州エル・ミラージュにあるGA-ASIのデザート・ホライズン飛行運用施設で、複数のフルパワーエンジン試験が実施された。同社は、PT6 Eシリーズは、GA-ASIがMQ-9Bの能力開発を継続する際に必要とされる性能特性を提供することに重点を置いた、信頼性が高く汎用性の高いターボプロップエンジンファミリーであると述べている。
- 2022年4月、Suter Industries社は、同社のSuter TOA288 24hp UAVエンジンがVolansi社のVOLY M20およびVOLY 50シリーズ垂直離着陸(VTOL)ドローンの推進用として採用されたと発表した。Volansi社は、防衛、商業、人道的市場の顧客向けのドローン空輸ロジスティクス・サービスのリーダーである。VolansiのVTOL機は、長時間の耐久性、重いペイロード、厳しい環境での性能に対応するように設計されており、監視だけでなく、必要不可欠な部品や物資を現場に提供する。



- 防衛軍による無人航空機調達の増加
- 軽量かつ低燃費のドローンエンジンに対するメーカーの注目の高まり


- エンジンの故障や不適切な機能に関する顕著な事故
- 高い投資コストと複雑なサプライチェーン


- UAV用持続可能な推進システムの開発に注力するメーカー各社
- 電動VTOL機の開発が進行中



成長/マーケティング戦略:世界のUAV推進システム市場では、事業拡大活動、契約、製品発表、合併、提携、共同事業など、市場で事業を展開する主要企業による主要な展開が見られる。企業にとって好ましい戦略は、世界のUAV推進システム市場での地位を強化するために契約されている。例えば、2022年4月、3W International GmbHのパフォーマンスパートナーは、フロリダ州オーランドで開催された2022 AUVSI Xponential見本市で、UAS(無人航空機システム)用の2つの新しいワンケルエンジンを発表したと発表した。SP-360 DREは最大51 HP(38 kW)/6000 RPMを発揮するダブルブレード・ワンケルエンジンで、SP-540 TREは74 HP(55 kW)/6000 RPMを発揮するトリプルブレード・ワンケルエンジンである。スカイ・パワーの全エンジン・ポートフォリオはハイブリッド・アプリケーションに使用でき、同社のSP-55 FI TSジェネレーターはこの目的のために開発されました。これは、純粋に電気エネルギーを生成するために開発された、同社初の2ストロークエンジンである。UAVにとって、このようなソリューションの利点は、航続距離、飛行時間、積載量の拡大である。






- 3W International GmbH
- BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG
- ダイヤモンド・エアクラフト・インダストリーズ(アウストロ・エンジン)
- ジェミニ・ディーゼル(スペリオル・アビエーション・グループ)
- ハースエンジン
- ロトロンパワー社
- Suter Industries AG
- UAVエンジン
- アドバンスト・イノベーティブ・エンジニアリング社
- プラット・アンド・ホイットニー社(レイセオン・テクノロジーズ傘下)
- アビオ・エアロ(GEアビエーション)
- ロールス・ロイス・ホールディングスPLC
- PBSインド(PBSエアロスペース傘下)
- UAVタービン社(ローカストUSA社の子会社)






世界のUAV推進システム市場は2033年に107億6000万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2023-2033年に2.33%のCAGRを目撃すると強調している。



- 成長機会と提言に関する専用セクション
- 世界のUAV推進システム市場を地域・国別セグメントの用途と製品に基づいて定性・定量分析


BISリサーチの主席アナリスト、Arunkumar Sampath Kumar氏によると、無人航空機システムの展開は様々な用途で拡大している。長時間・長距離ミッションのニーズが高まっているため、ICエンジンを搭載したドローンが電気推進を搭載したドローンよりも好まれている。このことも、既存の電気ベースの推進システムからICエンジンへのドローンプラットフォームの移行を促進している。その結果、ドローンプラットフォーム用のICエンジンのニーズが高まっている。さまざまなユースケースに対応する多くの種類のドローンが開発されているため、電気およびICエンジンベースの推進能力に対する需要は今後も高まるだろう。ドローンメーカーは、どのプラットフォームが電気エンジンとICエンジンのバリエーションで利用できるかを決定する上で、引き続き重要な役割を果たすだろう。



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、3W International GmbH、BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG、Diamond Aircraft Industries (Austro Engine)、Gemini Diesel (Superior Aviation Group)、HIRTH ENGINES GMBH、Rotron Power Ltd.、Suter Industries AG、UAV Engines Ltd.、Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd.、Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd.、Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd.などがあります、Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd., Pratt & Whitney Inc. (Raytheon Technologies の一部), Avio Aero (GE Aviation), Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC, PBS India (PBS Aerospace の一部), UAV Turbines Inc.


- 世界のUAV推進システム市場の動向と、予測期間2023年~2033年にかけての市場の変化は?
- 世界のUAV推進システム市場で事業を展開するUAV推進システムメーカーにとっての主要な推進要因と課題は何か?
- 予測期間2023-2033年における市場の成長傾向は?
- 世界のUAV推進システム市場における事業拡大のための既存および新たな機会は何か?
- 競争の激しい環境で生き残るために、主要な市場プレーヤーが実施している主要な事業戦略や企業戦略にはどのようなものがあるか?
- 2033年までにUAV推進システムの世界市場を全体レベル、用途レベル、製品レベルで支配すると予想される地域はどこか?





Global UAV Propulsion System Market Overview

The global UAV propulsion system market is estimated to reach $10.76 billion in 2033 from $8.36 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 2.33% during the forecast period 2023-2033 in terms of value. The global UAV propulsion system market is expected to be driven by defense and government applications due to the high capital investment involved in the development of the propulsion system. However, commercial applications are expected to witness a high growth rate during the forecast period due to an increase in the usage of UAVs in commercial applications leading to investment in technologically advanced propulsion systems.

Market Lifecycle Stage

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been the subject of extensive research and development worldwide since they first appeared in the early 19th century. The majority of the UAV market was initially dominated by the military, who primarily used them. UAVs now incorporate numerous modules, such as sensors, cameras, and light detection and ranging (LiDAR), making them more useful in the civil and commercial fields as a result of advancements in science and technology. Such developments have encouraged players operating in the market to focus on the development of UAV propulsion systems with a simultaneous push for improving UAV production. The benefits of UAVs using conventional fuel propulsion systems include a large payload, long endurance, a wide range, and quick resupply. However, with the escalating environmental issues and the diminishing supply of fossil fuels, the energy issue for aircraft has emerged as a persistent difficulty. As a result, hybrid and all-electric UAVs and solar-powered UAVs have been witnessing research and development activities supported by investments for UAV manufacturers, making it one of the lucrative opportunities for players operating in the market. Despite such active developments, factors such as government regulations and high manufacturing costs restrain the market growth.

However, the growth of the global UAV propulsion systems market has also been augmented by widening commercial applications and private companies’ interest in strengthening their UAV services portfolio by adopting the most advanced and efficient propulsion systems to strengthen their customer base. Additionally, research institutions are other major end users that are utilizing the propulsion systems, as government agencies are actively involved in the design, development, and testing of the latest UAVs and associated propulsion systems.

Owing to such benefits, companies are continuously striving to innovate their products and are into testing and development of these engines in partnership with UAV manufacturers and UAV service providers.


The global UAV propulsion system market is observing rising demand across various end users, which drives the development of investments across the various UAV propulsion systems. The extended range and reliability of UAVs are two major factors that are expected to influence the design and associated demand for the engine by the consumer. The UAV propulsion systems market also has the potential to develop more opportunities and generate immense revenue via various kinds of technological capabilities such as fuel cell technology, micro turbine propulsion, solar propulsion, electric propulsion, etc. Most companies operating in the UAV propulsion system market are well-established and experienced players. Though numerous drone start-up companies have evolved over recent years, the establishment ratio of UAV propulsion system manufacturing companies is comparatively low.

Some of the notable reasons for this current scenario is high investment cost and various government regulations. In general, the cost of certification and development of a new engine currently exceeds one billion dollars. It, therefore, seems simpler and less expensive for drone companies to buy existing engines already certified, where they will only pay part of the non-recurring costs. Hence, in addition to cost and regulations, the long-term supply agreements between the UAV manufacturers and the UAV propulsion system manufacturers have impacted the emergence rate of the UAV propulsion system start-ups and investment Landscape. Despite such challenges, some of the start-ups and the curve of investments to develop their company’s presence are picking up pace and are slowly expected to gain traction over the forecast period. Furthermore, in the upcoming years, more companies will enter the UAV propulsion systems, and with the rising penetration of UAV start-ups, the demand for suitable propulsion systems is expected to grow over the forecast period.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by UAV Type
• Small UAVs
o Mini UAVs
o Micro UAVs
• Tactical UAVs
• Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE)
• High-Altitude Long-Endurance (HALE)
• Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL)

Segmentation 2: by End User
• Commercial
• Military
• Civil government

Segmentation 3: by Engine Horsepower
• 10-50 HP
• 51-100 HP
• 101-150 HP
• 151-200 HP
• Above 200 HP

Segmentation 4: by Engine Type
• Piston Engine
• Turbine Engine
• Turbofan Engine
• Electrically Powered Engine
• Wankel Engine
• Solar-Powered Engine

Segmentation 5: by Region
• North America - U.S. and Canada
• Europe - France, Germany, U.K., and Rest-of-Europe
• Asia-Pacific - China, India, Japan, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
• Rest-of-the-World - the Middle East & Africa and Latin America

The North America region dominates the global UAV propulsion system market, with huge investments and revenue expected to be generated from the U.S. and Canada markets.

Recent Developments in Global UAV Propulsion System Market

• In November 2022, PBS INDIA announced its plans to launch the PBS TJ200 turbojet engine in 2023. The company stated that this turbojet engine PBS TJ200 is currently in the last stage of development and is designed primarily as a propulsion unit for modern UAV and UCAV systems. It is a compact engine of a simple design, fuel lubricated, equipped with a BLDC starter-generator, electric metering fuel pump, and electronic control system of FADEC type.
• In October 2022, BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG stated that it had suspended the delivery of aircraft engines to “countries with unclear usage” in the wake of reports that some of those engines are being used on Turkish combat drones deployed by Azerbaijan in fighting against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. It has further been stated that Rotax aircraft engines are produced, designed, and certified for civil use only by the applicable civil regulatory authority.
• In July 2022, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) tested a PT6 E-Series model turboprop engine from Pratt & Whitney Canada on GA-ASI’s MQ-9B Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). Multiple full-power engine tests were performed at GA-ASI’s Desert Horizon flight operations facility in El Mirage, California, on July 29, 2022. The company stated that the PT6 E-Series is a reliable and versatile turboprop engine family focused on delivering the performance characteristics required as GA-ASI continues its development of MQ-9B capabilities.
• In April 2022, Suter Industries announced that their Suter TOA288 24hp UAV engine was selected by Volansi to provide propulsion for their VOLY M20 and VOLY 50 Series Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) drones. Volansi is a leader in aerial drone logistics services for customers in the defense, commercial, and humanitarian markets. Volansi VTOL aircraft are designed for long endurance, heavy payloads, and to perform in challenging environments, providing surveillance as well as essential parts and supplies to the field.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the drivers for the global UAV propulsion system market:

• Rising Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Defense Forces
• Growing Focus of Manufacturers on Lightweight and Fuel-Efficient Drone Engines

The following are the challenges for the global UAV propulsion system market:

• Notable Incidents of Engine Failure and Improper Functioning
• High Investment Costs and Supply Chain Complexities

Following are the opportunities for the global UAV propulsion system market:

• Focus of Manufacturers on Developing Sustainable Propulsion Systems for UAVs
• Ongoing Developments of Electric VTOL Aircraft

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The service segment helps the reader understand the different end users that will generate the demand for UAV propulsion systems globally. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the different UAV propulsion systems based on UAV type (small UAVs, tactical UAVs, MALE, HALE, and VTOL), end user (commercial, military, and civil government), engine horsepower (10-50 HP, 51-100 HP, 101-150 HP, 151-200 HP, and Above 200 HP), and engine type (piston engine, turbine engine, turbofan, Wankel engine, electrically powered engine, and solar-powered engine).

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global UAV propulsion system market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion activities, contracts, product launches, mergers, partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures. The favored strategy for the companies has been contracted to strengthen their position in the global UAV propulsion systems market. For instance, in April 2022, the performance partner of 3W International GmbH announced that it had unveiled two new Wankel engines for UAS (unmanned aerial systems) at the 2022 AUVSI Xponential trade show in Orlando, Florida. The SP-360 DRE is a double-blade Wankel engine with up to 51 HP (38 kW) at 6000 RPM, and the SP-540 TRE is a triple-blade Wankel engine that delivers 74 HP (55 kW) at 6000 RPM. The entire Sky Power engine portfolio can be used for hybrid applications, and the company’s SP-55 FI TS generator has been developed for this purpose. It is the first two-stroke engine from the company that has been developed purely for the generation of electrical energy. For UAVs, the benefit of such a solution is extended range, flight time, and carrying capacity.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global UAV propulsion systems market analyzed and profiled in the study involve UAV propulsion system manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global UAV propulsion system market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as contracts, partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analysis of the company's coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration. The established and improved defense spending on modernization and upgradation of the fleet with the latest technology across major countries like the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, India, China, Japan, and others are expected to create opportunities for UAV propulsion system manufacturers. In addition, as these governments have also started taking necessary initiatives to promote the localization of UAVs and their associated components like propulsion systems, the players operating in the global UAV propulsion system market are expected to find lucrative opportunities over the forecast period.

The top segment players leading the market include established players constituting 65% of the total market share as of 2022, indicating a strong presence in the market. Other players included start-up entities that accounted for approximately 35% in the year 2022 in the total global UAV propulsion system market.

Key Companies Profiled

• 3W International GmbH
• BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG
• Diamond Aircraft Industries (Austro Engine)
• Gemini Diesel (Superior Aviation Group)
• Rotron Power Ltd.
• Suter Industries AG
• UAV Engines Ltd.
• Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd.
• Pratt & Whitney Inc. (Part of Raytheon Technologies)
• Avio Aero (GE Aviation)
• Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC
• PBS India (Part of PBS Aerospace)
• UAV Turbines Inc. (Subsidiary of Locust USA Inc.)


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global UAV propulsion system market is estimated to reach $10.76 billion in 2033, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 2.33% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

The global UAV propulsion system market has witnessed a high growth rate in the last five to six years owing to its widespread applications across various industries, which were further bolstered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, large-scale expansion of industries has rendered the necessity to level up and improve their surveillance and security deployment, warehouse and inventory management, and product delivery, especially the supply of medical essentials during the pandemic. Favorable government initiatives have created a positive outlook for the market as improved UAV production capacities of UAV manufacturers elevated the need for suitable and efficient engines.

USP of the Report

• Dedicated section on growth opportunities and recommendations
• Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global UAV propulsion system market based on applications and products at the regional- and country-level segments

Analyst Perspective

According to Arunkumar Sampath Kumar, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, the deployment of unmanned aerial systems is growing across various applications. Owing to the growing need for long-duration and long-distance missions, drones with IC engines are being preferred over the ones with electric propulsion. This is also driving the migration of drone platforms to IC engines from existing electric-based propulsion systems. The need for IC engines for drone platforms is growing as a consequence. With many types of drones being developed for different use cases, the demand for electric and IC engine-based propulsion capabilities will grow moving forward. The drone manufacturers will remain critical in deciding which platforms are available across electric and IC engine variants.

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the global UAV propulsion systems market analyzed and profiled in the study involve UAV propulsion system manufacturers. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global UAV propulsion system market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as contracts, partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include 3W International GmbH, BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG, Diamond Aircraft Industries (Austro Engine), Gemini Diesel (Superior Aviation Group), HIRTH ENGINES GMBH, Rotron Power Ltd., Suter Industries AG, UAV Engines Ltd., Advanced Innovative Engineering Ltd., Pratt & Whitney Inc. (Part of Raytheon Technologies), Avio Aero (GE Aviation), Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC, PBS India (Part of PBS Aerospace), and UAV Turbines Inc. (Subsidiary of Locust USA Inc.)

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the trends in the global UAV propulsion system market, and how is the market expected to change over the forecast period 2023-2033?
• What are the key drivers and challenges for the UAV propulsion system manufacturers operating in the global UAV propulsion system market?
• What will be the growth trend of the market over the forecast period 2023-2033?
• What are the existing and emerging opportunities to expand businesses in the global UAV propulsion system market?
• What are some of the key business and corporate strategies implemented by the key market players to survive in a highly competitive environment?
• Which region is expected to dominate the global UAV propulsion system market by 2033 at an overall level, application level, and product level?






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