


Global Markets for CT Scanners

レポートのスコープ がんや代謝性疾患などの疾病の増加により、医薬品・ヘルスケア業界では、効率的で正確な診断ツールや治療法の開発が求められています。高齢者人口の増加や世界的な疾病の発生に加え、近年... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BCC Research
2023年4月21日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 318 英語







また、関連する特許分析、CTスキャナー業界をリードする企業の包括的なプロフィールも掲載されています。また、各国の人口統計学的な分析も行っています。CTスキャナ市場の主要企業は、キヤノンメディカルシステムズ株式会社、島津製作所、富士フイルム株式会社、GEヘルスケア、株式会社コニング、Koninklijke Philips N.V., Neusoft Medical Systems Co.Ltd.、Planmeca Oy、Nuerologica Corp.(サムスン電子の子会社)、Shenzhen Anke High-Tech Co.Ltd.、Siemens Healthineers AG、Arineta Ltd.、Dentsply Sirona、Imaging Diagnostics Systems Inc.、J. Morita Tokyp MFG.Ltd.、Sinovision Technologies (Beijing) Co. Ltd.、Xoran Technologies LLC、Carestream Dental LLCなどです。




- 131のデータテーブルと31の追加テーブル
- コンピュータ断層撮影(CT)スキャナーの世界市場を最新概況と詳細分析で紹介します。
- 2019年~2022年の過去の市場収益データによる世界市場動向の分析と、2027年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)の予測
- 今後数年間(2022-2027年)の需要を予測するための基礎として、CTスキャナーの市場に影響を与える業界の成長促進要因、主要な技術的課題および問題についての議論
- CTスキャナーの世界市場における実際の市場規模の推定と収益予測(百万ドル値)、およびタイプ、エンドユーザー、アプリケーション、国、地域別に対応する市場シェア分析
- CTスキャナー業界の新展開、CTスキャナーの510(k)クリアランス、規制の側面、主要な技術的問題、知的財産権の現状に関する最新情報を提供します。
- CTスキャナ技術に関する主要特許のレビューと、年別、技術タイプ別、アプリケーション別、企業別、譲受人別、出願国別など、関連する特許データの深堀り。
- 主要なステークホルダーを特定し、最近の動向、財務実績、セグメント別の収益に基づく競争環境を分析する。
- CTスキャナーの最近の業界構造、各製品セグメントの競争状況、研究開発投資の増加、主要な成長戦略、各社の収益シェア分析などを把握することができます。
- キヤノンメディカルシステムズ株式会社、島津製作所、富士フイルム株式会社、GEヘルスケア株式会社、株式会社コニング、Koninklijke Philips N.V. 、Neusoft Medical Systems株式会社、Planeca Oyy株式会社など、世界の主要企業の詳細なプロフィール。Ltd.、Planmeca Oyなどです。



Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 What's New in the Report? 1.3 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.4 Scope of Report 1.5 Information Sources 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Computed Tomography 3.2.1 Scanner Setup and Functionality 3.2.2 Functionality/Parameters 3.2.3 Types of CT Scans 3.2.4 CT Scan Uses 3.2.5 Risks of CT Scans 3.3 History of Computed Tomography 3.4 Types of Computed Tomography Scanners 3.4.1 Low-Tier Scanners (<64 Slices) 3.4.2 Mid-Tier Scanners (64 Slices) 3.4.3 Premium Scanners (>64 Slices) 3.4.4 Portable Scanners 3.4.5 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 3.5 Clinical Applications of Computed Tomography Scanners 3.5.1 Oncology 3.5.2 Cardiology 3.5.3 Neurology 3.5.4 Acute Care 3.6 Demographics 3.6.1 Cancer 3.6.2 Cardiovascular Diseases 3.7 Global Burden of Diseases Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market for CT Scanners 4.1 Overview 4.2 Impact of COVID-19 on CT Scanners in Healthcare Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Technology Type 5.1 Market by Type of Technology 5.1.1 Market Overview 5.1.2 Market Revenue 5.1.3 Market Shares 5.1.4 Average Selling Prices and Installed Bases of CT Scanners Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by End User 6.1 Hospitals and Clinics 6.2 Diagnostics Labs 6.3 Research and Academic Institutions 6.4 Global Market for CT Scanners by End User 6.4.1 Market Overview 6.4.2 Market Revenue 6.4.3 Market Shares 6.4.4 End-User Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 6.4.5 End-User Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 6.4.6 End-User Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 6.4.7 End-User Markets for Portable CT Scanners Chapter 7 Market for CT Scanners, by Application 7.1 Global Application Markets for CT Scanners 7.1.1 Market Overview 7.1.2 Market Revenue 7.1.3 Market Shares 7.1.4 Application Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners 7.1.5 Application Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 7.1.6 Application Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 7.1.7 Application Markets for Portable CT Scanners Chapter 8 Market for CT Scanners, by Region 8.1 Market Overview 8.2 Market Revenue 8.3 Regional Market Shares 8.4 Regional Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 8.4.1 Market Overview 8.4.2 Market Revenue 8.5 Regional Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 8.5.1 Market Overview 8.5.2 Market Revenue 8.6 Regional Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 8.6.1 Market Overview 8.6.2 Market Revenue 8.7 Regional Markets for Portable CT Scanners 8.7.1 Market Overview 8.7.2 Market Revenue 8.8. Regional Markets for Cone Beam CT Scanners 8.8.1 Market Overview 8.8.2 Market Revenue 8.9 North American Market for CT Scanners 8.9.1 U.S. 8.9.2 Canada 8.10 European Market for CT Scanners 8.10.1 Germany 8.10.2 U.K. 8.10.3 France 8.10.4 Italy 8.10.5 Spain 8.10.6 Rest of Europe 8.11 Asia-Pacific Market for CT Scanners 8.11.1 China 8.11.2 India 8.11.3 Japan 8.11.4 Australia 8.11.5 South Korea 8.11.6 Rest of Asia-Pacific 8.12 Rest of the World (RoW) Market for CT Scanners Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Latest Technological Advances in Market for CT Scanners 9.1.1 Latest CT Scanner Product Introductions 9.1.2 The CT industry is divided by the types of CT scanners available in the market: 9.2 Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 9.2.1 Market Leaders 9.2.2 Market Shares 9.3 Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 9.3.1 Market Leaders 9.3.2 Market Shares 9.4 Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 9.4.1 Market Leaders 9.4.2 Market Shares 9.5 Portable CT Scanners 9.5.1 Market Leaders 9.5.2 Market Shares 9.6 Cone Beam CT Scanners (CBCT) 9.6.1 Market Leaders 9.6.2 Market Shares 9.7 Key Developments 9.8 Regulatory Aspects 9.8.1 U.S. Regulations 9.8.2 EU Regulations 9.8.3 Chinese Regulations 9.8.4 Japanese Regulations 9.8.5 Brazilian Regulations Chapter 10 Patent Review/New Developments 10.1 Patents by Year 10.2 Patents by Type 10.3 Patents by Company 10.4 Number of CT Scanners Installed by Country in 2020 Chapter 11 Introduction of Market Opportunities 11.1 Factors Affecting the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.1 Drivers of the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.2 Current Challenges Within the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.3 Current Trends Within the Market for CT Scanners Chapter 12 Company Profiles ARINETA LTD. CANON INC. CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC DANAHER CORP. DENTSPLY SIRONA INC. FUJIFILM HOLDINGS CORP. GENERAL ELECTRIC IMAGING DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS INC. J. MORITA MANUFACTURING CORP. KONING HEALTH NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO. LTD. NEUROLOGICA CORP. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS N.V. PLANMECA OY PLANMED OY SCANCO MEDICAL AG SHENZHEN ANKE HIGH-TECH CO. LTD. SHIMAZDU CORP. SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS AG SINOVISION TECHNOLOGIES (BEIJING) CO. LTD. AMST SMIT TRIVITRON HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD. VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. XORAN TECHNOLOGIES LLC Chapter 13 Appendix: Acronyms





Report Scope:

The increased occurrence of diseases, such as cancer and metabolic diseases, has driven the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry toward developing efficient and accurate diagnostic tools and therapies. With the increases in elderly populations and incidence of disease worldwide, along with advancements in recent research and development (R&D), the demand for advanced technology for diagnostics has significantly increased. Technological developments in computed tomography have brought significant changes in the speed, spatial resolution, and dose efficiency in newer CT scanners. These advanced and high-end machines have transformed the field of radiology/imaging. This report focuses on the global market for CT scanners and provides an updated review, including the basic design of this technology and its applications.

The report addresses the whole market for CT scanners, focusing on the various types of CT scanners used, which include low-tier CT scanners (64 slices), portable scanners and cone beam CT scanners. The report also covers four main areas of applications: oncology, cardiovascular, neurology and others (guided procedures, spine, chest/thorax, pelvic/abdominal). The report also covers the market for CT scanners by end user. The end users of CT scanners considered in this report are hospitals and clinics, diagnostics labs and research and academics. Cone beam computed tomography is not included in the market by end user and application as this modality is generally used in dentistry and for maxillofacial scanning. In this study, BCC Research has attempted to estimate the market for computed tomography scanners based on revenue.

The new segments such as low-tier (64 slices), portable CT scanners, cone beam CT scanners, hospitals and clinics, diagnostics labs, research and academics, oncology, cardiology, neurology are sub-segmented by regions.

Also included in the report are relevant patent analyses and comprehensive profiles of the companies that lead the CT scanners industry. The report also provides a demographic analysis of various countries. Major players in the CT scanners market are Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Shimadzu, Fujifilm Corporation, GE Healthcare, Koning Corporation, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Neusoft Medical Systems Co. Ltd., Planmeca Oy, Nuerologica Corp. (a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics), Shenzhen Anke High-Tech Co. Ltd., Siemens Healthineers AG, Arineta Ltd., Dentsply Sirona, Imaging Diagnostics Systems Inc., J. Morita Tokyp MFG. Corp., Sinovision Technologies (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Xoran Technologies LLC, Carestream Dental LLC and others.

This report focuses on the global market for CT scanners and provides an updated review, including its applications in various healthcare industry segments. The report covers CT scanners used in diagnostics and therapies.

The scope of the study is global. BCC Research analyzes each market and its application, new products and advancements, market projections and market shares. The geographical regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, and the emerging markets. The emerging markets include countries such as India, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Report Includes:

- 131 data tables and 31 additional tables
- An updated overview and in-depth analysis of the global markets for Computed Tomography (CT) scanners
- Analyses of the global market trends with historic market revenue data for 2019-2022, with projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2027
- Discussion of industry growth driving factors and major technology issues and challenges affecting the market for CT scanners as a basis for projecting demand over the next few years (2022-2027)
- Estimation of the actual market size and revenue forecast for the global CT scanners market in USD million values, and corresponding market share analysis by type, end user, application, country, and region
- Updated information on new developments in CT scanner industry, 510(k) clearances of CT scanners, regulatory aspects, key technological issues, and current status of the intellectual property rights
- Review of key patent grants on CT scanner technologies and deep dive of the corelated patent data by year, technology type, application, company, assignee, applicant country etc.
- Identification of the major stakeholders and analysis of the competitive landscape based on recent developments, financial performances, and segmental revenues
- Insight into the recent industry structure for CT scanners, competitive aspects of each product segments, increasing investment on R&D activities, key growth strategies, and company revenue share analysis
- Descriptive company profiles of the leading global players, including Canon Medical Systems Corp., Shimadzu, Fujifilm Corp., GE Healthcare, Koning Corp., Koninklijke Philips N.V., Neusoft Medical Systems Co. Ltd., and Planmeca Oy


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 What's New in the Report? 1.3 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.4 Scope of Report 1.5 Information Sources 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Computed Tomography 3.2.1 Scanner Setup and Functionality 3.2.2 Functionality/Parameters 3.2.3 Types of CT Scans 3.2.4 CT Scan Uses 3.2.5 Risks of CT Scans 3.3 History of Computed Tomography 3.4 Types of Computed Tomography Scanners 3.4.1 Low-Tier Scanners (<64 Slices) 3.4.2 Mid-Tier Scanners (64 Slices) 3.4.3 Premium Scanners (>64 Slices) 3.4.4 Portable Scanners 3.4.5 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 3.5 Clinical Applications of Computed Tomography Scanners 3.5.1 Oncology 3.5.2 Cardiology 3.5.3 Neurology 3.5.4 Acute Care 3.6 Demographics 3.6.1 Cancer 3.6.2 Cardiovascular Diseases 3.7 Global Burden of Diseases Chapter 4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market for CT Scanners 4.1 Overview 4.2 Impact of COVID-19 on CT Scanners in Healthcare Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Technology Type 5.1 Market by Type of Technology 5.1.1 Market Overview 5.1.2 Market Revenue 5.1.3 Market Shares 5.1.4 Average Selling Prices and Installed Bases of CT Scanners Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by End User 6.1 Hospitals and Clinics 6.2 Diagnostics Labs 6.3 Research and Academic Institutions 6.4 Global Market for CT Scanners by End User 6.4.1 Market Overview 6.4.2 Market Revenue 6.4.3 Market Shares 6.4.4 End-User Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 6.4.5 End-User Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 6.4.6 End-User Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 6.4.7 End-User Markets for Portable CT Scanners Chapter 7 Market for CT Scanners, by Application 7.1 Global Application Markets for CT Scanners 7.1.1 Market Overview 7.1.2 Market Revenue 7.1.3 Market Shares 7.1.4 Application Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners 7.1.5 Application Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 7.1.6 Application Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 7.1.7 Application Markets for Portable CT Scanners Chapter 8 Market for CT Scanners, by Region 8.1 Market Overview 8.2 Market Revenue 8.3 Regional Market Shares 8.4 Regional Markets for Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 8.4.1 Market Overview 8.4.2 Market Revenue 8.5 Regional Markets for Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 8.5.1 Market Overview 8.5.2 Market Revenue 8.6 Regional Markets for Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 8.6.1 Market Overview 8.6.2 Market Revenue 8.7 Regional Markets for Portable CT Scanners 8.7.1 Market Overview 8.7.2 Market Revenue 8.8. Regional Markets for Cone Beam CT Scanners 8.8.1 Market Overview 8.8.2 Market Revenue 8.9 North American Market for CT Scanners 8.9.1 U.S. 8.9.2 Canada 8.10 European Market for CT Scanners 8.10.1 Germany 8.10.2 U.K. 8.10.3 France 8.10.4 Italy 8.10.5 Spain 8.10.6 Rest of Europe 8.11 Asia-Pacific Market for CT Scanners 8.11.1 China 8.11.2 India 8.11.3 Japan 8.11.4 Australia 8.11.5 South Korea 8.11.6 Rest of Asia-Pacific 8.12 Rest of the World (RoW) Market for CT Scanners Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Latest Technological Advances in Market for CT Scanners 9.1.1 Latest CT Scanner Product Introductions 9.1.2 The CT industry is divided by the types of CT scanners available in the market: 9.2 Low-Tier CT Scanners (<64 Slices) 9.2.1 Market Leaders 9.2.2 Market Shares 9.3 Mid-Tier CT Scanners (64 Slices) 9.3.1 Market Leaders 9.3.2 Market Shares 9.4 Premium CT Scanners (>64 Slices) 9.4.1 Market Leaders 9.4.2 Market Shares 9.5 Portable CT Scanners 9.5.1 Market Leaders 9.5.2 Market Shares 9.6 Cone Beam CT Scanners (CBCT) 9.6.1 Market Leaders 9.6.2 Market Shares 9.7 Key Developments 9.8 Regulatory Aspects 9.8.1 U.S. Regulations 9.8.2 EU Regulations 9.8.3 Chinese Regulations 9.8.4 Japanese Regulations 9.8.5 Brazilian Regulations Chapter 10 Patent Review/New Developments 10.1 Patents by Year 10.2 Patents by Type 10.3 Patents by Company 10.4 Number of CT Scanners Installed by Country in 2020 Chapter 11 Introduction of Market Opportunities 11.1 Factors Affecting the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.1 Drivers of the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.2 Current Challenges Within the Market for CT Scanners 11.1.3 Current Trends Within the Market for CT Scanners Chapter 12 Company Profiles ARINETA LTD. CANON INC. CARESTREAM DENTAL LLC DANAHER CORP. DENTSPLY SIRONA INC. FUJIFILM HOLDINGS CORP. GENERAL ELECTRIC IMAGING DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS INC. J. MORITA MANUFACTURING CORP. KONING HEALTH NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO. LTD. NEUROLOGICA CORP. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS N.V. PLANMECA OY PLANMED OY SCANCO MEDICAL AG SHENZHEN ANKE HIGH-TECH CO. LTD. SHIMAZDU CORP. SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS AG SINOVISION TECHNOLOGIES (BEIJING) CO. LTD. AMST SMIT TRIVITRON HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD. VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. XORAN TECHNOLOGIES LLC Chapter 13 Appendix: Acronyms







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