![]() バイオプシーデバイステクノロジーと世界市場Biopsy Devices: Technologies and Global Markets レポートのスコープ この調査レポートは、生検装置の世界市場を製品タイプ、イメージング技術、用途、エンドユーザー、地域市場別に詳細に分析したものです。主要な機器(真空補助生検[VAB]機器、細針吸引生検... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープこの調査レポートは、生検装置の世界市場を製品タイプ、イメージング技術、用途、エンドユーザー、地域市場別に詳細に分析したものです。主要な機器(真空補助生検[VAB]機器、細針吸引生検[FNAB]機器、コア針生検[CNB]機器、生検誘導システム、生検針、生検鉗子、その他)について解説しています。アプリケーションには、主要なアプリケーション分野(乳がん、消化器がん、肺がん、肝臓がん、前立腺がん、子宮頸がん、その他)の動向と市場推定値が含まれています。生検を行う過程で使用される主要な画像技術(超音波、磁気共鳴画像[MRI]、コンピュータ断層撮影[CT]、その他)に焦点をあてています。また、メーカーから外科医までのサプライチェーンについてもレビューしています。 生検の際に使用する薬剤や、がん治療の過程で使用される機器などは除外しています。 レポートが含まれます: - 44のデータテーブルと21の追加テーブル - 生検装置の世界市場を詳細に俯瞰し、最新の分析を行う - 2021年から2022年の収益データ(売上高)、2023年の予測、2027年までの年間平均成長率(CAGR)予測で、世界市場動向を分析 - 生検装置の世界市場における実際の市場規模および収益予測、ならびに装置タイプ、治療領域/用途、画像誘導技術、エンドユーザーおよび地域別に対応する市場シェア分析。 - 生検を行う過程で使用される様々な次世代イメージング技術と、がん診断市場における主要な治療領域の全体的なレビューを通じて、実行可能な技術ドライバーと障壁を特定する。 - 市場に存在する様々ながんバイオ治療薬のがん統計と疫学的洞察、SWOT分析のレビュー - より効果的ながん治療の研究開発、新規がん治療薬の開発、がん臨床試験の展望など、主要な課題・動向を紹介する。 - 市場の成長機会の評価、生検装置の製造・開発に携わる主要企業のSWOT分析、新たなトレンドと技術開発、およびCOVID-19が市場に与える影響の評価。 - 最近の業界構造、各製品セグメントの競争状況、研究開発投資の増加、市場成長戦略、各社の収益シェア分析などを把握することができます。 - 生検装置およびがん診断薬産業に関する特許付与および特許出願について - Argon Medical Devices Inc、Boston Scientific Corp、FujiFilm Holdings Corp、Mammotome、Olympus Corp.などの主要な市場プレイヤーの詳細な会社プロファイルを掲載しています。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 What's New in This Update? 1.5 Methodology and Information Sources 1.5.1 Primary Data and Information Gathering 1.5.2 Secondary Data and Information Gathering 1.5.3 Market Share Analysis and Market Forecast Prediction 1.6 Geographic Breakdown 1.7 Analyst's Credentials 1.8 BCC Custom Research 1.9 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Overview of Biopsy Devices 3.1 Biopsy 3.2 Types of Biopsies 3.2.1 Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy 3.2.2 Core Biopsy 3.2.3 Endometrial Biopsy 3.2.4 Endoscopic Biopsy 3.2.5 Excisional Biopsy and Incisional Biopsy 3.2.6 Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy 3.2.7 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy 3.2.8 Skin Biopsy 3.2.9 Shave Biopsy 3.2.10 Punch Biopsy 3.3 Biopsy Devices 3.4 Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.1 U.S. Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.2 EU Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.3 Reimbursement Policies 3.5 Market Dynamics 3.5.1 Market Drivers 3.5.2 Market Restraints 3.5.3 Market Opportunities 3.5.4 Cancer Diagnostics and Imaging Chapter 4 Biopsy Device Market by Product Type 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Biopsy Guidance Systems 4.3 Needle-Based Biopsy Guns 4.3.1 Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) 4.3.2 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) 4.3.3 Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (VAB) 4.4 Biopsy Needles 4.5 Biopsy Forceps 4.6 Others 4.6.1 Biopsy Brushes 4.6.2 Biopsy Curettes 4.6.3 Biopsy Punches Chapter 5 Biopsy Device Market by Imaging Guiding Technology 5.1 Imaging Technologies Used in Guiding Biopsies 5.1.1 MRI-Guided Biopsy 5.1.2 Stereotactic-Guided Biopsy 5.1.3 Advantages of Stereotactic-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.4 Disadvantages of Stereotactic-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.5 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy 5.1.6 Liver Biopsy 5.1.7 Thyroid Biopsy 5.1.8 Prostate Biopsy 5.1.9 Breast Biopsy 5.1.10 Trends 5.1.11 Computed Tomography 5.1.12 Advantages of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.13 Disadvantages of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.14 Limitations of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.15 Others Chapter 6 Biopsy Device Market by Application 6.1 Breast Biopsy 6.2 GI Biopsy 6.3 Prostate Biopsy 6.3.1 Image-Guided Prostate Biopsy 6.3.2 Risks of Biopsy of the Prostate 6.4 Liver Biopsy 6.4.1 Liver Biopsy Trends 6.4.2 Liver Disease Facts 6.4.3 Percutaneous Liver Biopsy 6.4.4 Laproscopic Surgery 6.5 Lung Biopsy 6.5.1 Advantages of Lung Biopsy 6.5.2 Disadvantages of Lung Biopsy 6.6 Kidney Biopsy 6.6.1 Complications of Biopsies to Detect Kidney Disease 6.6.2 Advantages of Renal/Kidney Biopsy 6.6.3 Disadvantages of Renal/Kidney Biopsy 6.7 Gynecological Biopsy 6.7.1 Complications of Gynecological Biopsy 6.8 Biopsy Devices Used to Diagnose Other Diseases 6.8.1 Pancreatic Cancer Biopsy 6.8.2 Biopsies for Pancreatic Cancer Chapter 7 Biopsy Device Market by End User 7.1 Diagnostic Labs 7.2 Hospitals Chapter 8 Biopsy Device Market by Region 8.1 Market Overview and Discussion 8.2 North America 8.2.1 Countries 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Countries 8.4 Asia-Pacific 8.4.1 Countries 8.5 RoW Chapter 9 COVID-19 Impact 9.1 Overview 9.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Biopsy Devices Chapter 10 Emerging Technologies in the Biopsy Device Market 10.1 Cambridge Prostate Biopsy Device (CamPROBE) 10.2 Microbiopsy Technology 10.3 Virtual Biopsy Device 10.4 Optical Biopsy Chapter 11 Patent Review 11.1 Introduction Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Global Company Ranking 12.1.1 Other Key Players 12.1.2 Recent News Chapter 13 Company Profiles ARGON MEDICAL DEVICES INC. B. BRAUN MELSUNGEN AG BECTON, DICKINSON AND CO. (CAREFUSION CORP.) BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. CARDINAL HEALTH INC. CONMED CORP. COOK MEDICAL INC. DTR MEDICAL LTD. DANAHER CORP. (MAMMOTOME) FUJIFILM HOLDINGS CORP. HOLOGIC INC. INRAD INC. MERIT MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. MDNA LIFE SCIENCES INC. MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES MEDTRONIC MDXHEALTH INC. OLYMPUS CORP. Chapter 14 Appendix A: Company Addresses and Contact Details 14.1 Company Address and Contact Details Chapter 15 Appendix B: Abbreviations
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 What's New in This Update? 1.5 Methodology and Information Sources 1.5.1 Primary Data and Information Gathering 1.5.2 Secondary Data and Information Gathering 1.5.3 Market Share Analysis and Market Forecast Prediction 1.6 Geographic Breakdown 1.7 Analyst's Credentials 1.8 BCC Custom Research 1.9 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Overview of Biopsy Devices 3.1 Biopsy 3.2 Types of Biopsies 3.2.1 Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy 3.2.2 Core Biopsy 3.2.3 Endometrial Biopsy 3.2.4 Endoscopic Biopsy 3.2.5 Excisional Biopsy and Incisional Biopsy 3.2.6 Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy 3.2.7 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy 3.2.8 Skin Biopsy 3.2.9 Shave Biopsy 3.2.10 Punch Biopsy 3.3 Biopsy Devices 3.4 Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.1 U.S. Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.2 EU Regulation of Biopsy Devices 3.4.3 Reimbursement Policies 3.5 Market Dynamics 3.5.1 Market Drivers 3.5.2 Market Restraints 3.5.3 Market Opportunities 3.5.4 Cancer Diagnostics and Imaging Chapter 4 Biopsy Device Market by Product Type 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Biopsy Guidance Systems 4.3 Needle-Based Biopsy Guns 4.3.1 Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) 4.3.2 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) 4.3.3 Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (VAB) 4.4 Biopsy Needles 4.5 Biopsy Forceps 4.6 Others 4.6.1 Biopsy Brushes 4.6.2 Biopsy Curettes 4.6.3 Biopsy Punches Chapter 5 Biopsy Device Market by Imaging Guiding Technology 5.1 Imaging Technologies Used in Guiding Biopsies 5.1.1 MRI-Guided Biopsy 5.1.2 Stereotactic-Guided Biopsy 5.1.3 Advantages of Stereotactic-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.4 Disadvantages of Stereotactic-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.5 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy 5.1.6 Liver Biopsy 5.1.7 Thyroid Biopsy 5.1.8 Prostate Biopsy 5.1.9 Breast Biopsy 5.1.10 Trends 5.1.11 Computed Tomography 5.1.12 Advantages of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.13 Disadvantages of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.14 Limitations of CT-Guided Needle Biopsy 5.1.15 Others Chapter 6 Biopsy Device Market by Application 6.1 Breast Biopsy 6.2 GI Biopsy 6.3 Prostate Biopsy 6.3.1 Image-Guided Prostate Biopsy 6.3.2 Risks of Biopsy of the Prostate 6.4 Liver Biopsy 6.4.1 Liver Biopsy Trends 6.4.2 Liver Disease Facts 6.4.3 Percutaneous Liver Biopsy 6.4.4 Laproscopic Surgery 6.5 Lung Biopsy 6.5.1 Advantages of Lung Biopsy 6.5.2 Disadvantages of Lung Biopsy 6.6 Kidney Biopsy 6.6.1 Complications of Biopsies to Detect Kidney Disease 6.6.2 Advantages of Renal/Kidney Biopsy 6.6.3 Disadvantages of Renal/Kidney Biopsy 6.7 Gynecological Biopsy 6.7.1 Complications of Gynecological Biopsy 6.8 Biopsy Devices Used to Diagnose Other Diseases 6.8.1 Pancreatic Cancer Biopsy 6.8.2 Biopsies for Pancreatic Cancer Chapter 7 Biopsy Device Market by End User 7.1 Diagnostic Labs 7.2 Hospitals Chapter 8 Biopsy Device Market by Region 8.1 Market Overview and Discussion 8.2 North America 8.2.1 Countries 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Countries 8.4 Asia-Pacific 8.4.1 Countries 8.5 RoW Chapter 9 COVID-19 Impact 9.1 Overview 9.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Biopsy Devices Chapter 10 Emerging Technologies in the Biopsy Device Market 10.1 Cambridge Prostate Biopsy Device (CamPROBE) 10.2 Microbiopsy Technology 10.3 Virtual Biopsy Device 10.4 Optical Biopsy Chapter 11 Patent Review 11.1 Introduction Chapter 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Global Company Ranking 12.1.1 Other Key Players 12.1.2 Recent News Chapter 13 Company Profiles ARGON MEDICAL DEVICES INC. B. BRAUN MELSUNGEN AG BECTON, DICKINSON AND CO. (CAREFUSION CORP.) BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. CARDINAL HEALTH INC. CONMED CORP. COOK MEDICAL INC. DTR MEDICAL LTD. DANAHER CORP. (MAMMOTOME) FUJIFILM HOLDINGS CORP. HOLOGIC INC. INRAD INC. MERIT MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. MDNA LIFE SCIENCES INC. MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES MEDTRONIC MDXHEALTH INC. OLYMPUS CORP. Chapter 14 Appendix A: Company Addresses and Contact Details 14.1 Company Address and Contact Details Chapter 15 Appendix B: Abbreviations
BCC Research社の健康維持分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(biopsy)の最新刊レポート
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