![]() 次世代型アドバンストバッテリー:世界市場Next-Generation Advanced Batteries: Global Markets レポートのスコープ 本レポートでは、次世代高度電池の世界市場および地域市場を分析しています。電池タイプ別では、固体電池、リチウム硫黄電池、次世代フロー電池、金属空気電池、その他(マグネシウムイオ... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープ本レポートでは、次世代高度電池の世界市場および地域市場を分析しています。電池タイプ別では、固体電池、リチウム硫黄電池、次世代フロー電池、金属空気電池、その他(マグネシウムイオン電池、ナトリウム硫黄電池、ナトリウムイオン電池)を検討している。リチウムイオン電池、およびリチウムイオンに関連する電池は対象から外しています。 本レポートの市場データは、次世代先端電池のメーカーにとってのビジネスチャンスを数値化したものです。様々な電池のタイプやアプリケーションを特定するだけでなく、次世代先端電池のメリットや展望に関する多くの問題を取り上げています。企業戦略、新興技術、低コストで高技術の製品を提供する手段などです。また、業界の現状を知る上で重要な経済的・技術的な課題も多く取り上げています。 本レポートはシンプルでわかりやすいフォーマットで作成されており、過去、現在、将来の市場シナリオを説明するための表や図が含まれています。また、次世代アドバンストバッテリー、ビジネスの足跡、売上高、従業員数などの情報とともに、主要企業も取り上げています。また、世界市場に参入しているその他の企業についても、製品関連情報とともに掲載しています。 本レポートでは、COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争が世界市場および地域市場に与える影響について考察しました。本レポートでは、2021年を歴史年、2022年を基準年とし、2022年から2027年までの5年間の市場値を予測しています。 レポートが含まれます: - 16のデータテーブルと36の追加テーブル - 次世代先端電池技術の世界・地域市場を網羅的に紹介 - 2021年の市場収益(売上高)、2022年の推定値、2023年の予測値、2027年までの年間平均成長率(CAGR)の予測値で世界市場動向を分析 - 次世代先端電池技術の世界市場について、電池の種類、最終用途、地域別に、金額および数量ベースでの市場規模の推定、収益予測、対応する市場シェアの分析 - 次世代高度電池の主要な市場促進要因と機会、主要なシフトと規制、業界特有の課題、および今後数年間(2022-2027年)にこの市場の需要を形成するその他の地域特有のマクロ経済要因についての考察。 - 次世代先端電池の製造とリサイクルにおける最近の進歩、その商業的応用、産業構造、およびすべての主要な仲介業者の体系的な研究を提供するグローバルサプライチェーン分析をハイライトします。 - 2027年までの世界の次世代先端電池技術市場の技術的、経済的、ビジネス的考察を網羅 - 企業の競争環境についての洞察と、業界に進出している主要企業の市場シェア分析、独自技術、戦略的提携、その他の市場戦略上の優位性を網羅する。 - Sion Power Corp.、Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Ltd.、PolyPlus Battery Co.、GS Yuasa Corp.、Sion Power Corp.など。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Information Sources 1.4.1 Secondary Sources: 1.4.2 Primary Sources: 1.5 Intended Audience 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Technological Background and Advancements 3.2.1 Battery Technology History 3.2.2 Evolution of the Battery 3.3 Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw and Processed Materials 3.3.2 Cell Component Manufacturing 3.3.3 Cell Manufacturing 3.3.4 Battery Pack Manufacturing 3.3.5 End Uses 3.3.6 Recycling 3.4 Porter's Five Forces Model 3.4.1 Supplier Power 3.4.2 Buyer Power 3.4.3 Threat of New Entrants 3.4.4 Threat of Substitute 3.4.5 Competitive Rivalry 3.5 Impact of COVID-19 and Ukraine-Russia War on the Global Market 3.5.1 COVID-19 Impact 3.5.2 Impact of Russia-Ukraine War Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Market Drivers 4.2.1 Growing Demand for Electric Vehicles Globally 4.2.2 Tax Incentives and Regulatory Assistance for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 4.2.3 Increasing interest Concerning Exhausting Valuable and Rare Earth Metals 4.2.4 Demand for Consumer Electronics is Growing 4.2.5 Outline of the Prototype of Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) 4.3 Market Restraints 4.3.1 High Capital Cost for Electric Vehicles Compared to the Conventional ICE Vehicles 4.3.2 Difficulty of Solid-state State Battery Production 4.4 Key Challenges for Next-Generation Advanced Battery Market 4.4.1 Lithium is Less Readily Available for Use in Electric Vehicles Batteries 4.4.2 Manufacturing a Solid-State Battery is Costly 4.4.3 High Expense of Lithium Extraction from Used Lithium-Ion Batteries Recycling 4.4.4 Battery and Related Component Supply Chain Disruptions Brought on by COVID-19 4.5 Market Opportunities 4.5.1 Strict Emission Regulations Creating a Market for Electric Vehicle Sales 4.5.2 Government Efforts Relating to Electric Vehicles 4.5.3 Increasing Investments in Battery Recycling Sector 4.5.4 Growing Partnerships and Investments between Automobile Manufacturers and Solid-State Battery Companies 4.6 Short-term and Long-term Impact of Market Dynamics Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Battery Type 5.1 Overview 5.2 Solid State Battery 5.2.1 Advantages of Solid-State Batteries 5.2.2 The Structure of a Solid-state Battery 5.2.3 Commercial Uses for Solid-State Batteries 5.3 Lithium-Sulfur Battery 5.3.1 Advantages of Li-S 5.3.2 Li-S Batteries for Commercial Applications 5.4 Next-Generation Flow batteries 5.4.1 Working of Flow Battery 5.5 Metal-Air Battery 5.5.1 Aluminum-Air Batteries 5.5.2 Zinc-Air Batteries 5.5.3 Hybrid Zinc-Air/Manganese-Dioxide Batteries 5.5.4 Iron-Air Batteries 5.5.5 Lithium-Air Batteries 5.5.6 Magnesium-Air Batteries 5.5.7 Metal-Air Battery Market Trends 5.6 Others 5.6.1 Sodium-ion Battery 5.6.2 Sodium-sulfur Battery 5.6.3 Sodium-Metal Chloride Batteries 5.6.4 Silver-Zinc Batteries 5.6.5 Silver-Cadmium Batteries 5.6.6 Magnesium-ion Battery Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by End Use 6.1 Overview 6.2 Consumer Electronics 6.3 Electrical Vehicles 6.4 Energy Storage 6.5 Others 6.5.1 Aerospace 6.5.2 Healthcare 6.5.3 Marine Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Region 7.1 Overview 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Canada 7.2.2 Mexico 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Germany 7.3.2 France 7.3.3 Italy 7.3.4 U.K. 7.3.5 Rest of Europe 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 China 7.4.2 Japan 7.4.3 South Korea 7.4.4 Rest of Asia-Pacific 7.5 Rest of the World 7.5.1 South America 7.5.2 Middle East and Africa Chapter 8 Patent Analysis 8.1 Overview 8.2 Key Patents Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Investments Made by Big Players 9.3 Key Market Developments 9.3.1 Developments in the Next-Generation Advanced Battery Industry 9.3.2 Contracts and Agreements in the Electric Vehicle Industry 9.3.3 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Electric Vehicle Industry 9.4 Battery R&D Organizations Chapter 10 Company Profiles BRIGHTVOLT CYMBET CONTEMPORARY AMPEREX TECHNOLOGY LTD. (CATL) ESS INC. GPINDUSTRIAL GS YUASA CORP. ION STORAGE SYSTEMS ILIKA PLC NGK INSULATORS LTD. POLYPLUS BATTERY CO. PRIMUS POWER CORP. QUANTUMSCAPE CORP. SAFT SES AI CORP. SION POWER SOLID POWER VIZN ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. ZAF ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. Chapter 11 Appendix: Acronyms 11.1 Acronyms Used in This Report
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing This Study 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Information Sources 1.4.1 Secondary Sources: 1.4.2 Primary Sources: 1.5 Intended Audience 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Technological Background and Advancements 3.2.1 Battery Technology History 3.2.2 Evolution of the Battery 3.3 Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw and Processed Materials 3.3.2 Cell Component Manufacturing 3.3.3 Cell Manufacturing 3.3.4 Battery Pack Manufacturing 3.3.5 End Uses 3.3.6 Recycling 3.4 Porter's Five Forces Model 3.4.1 Supplier Power 3.4.2 Buyer Power 3.4.3 Threat of New Entrants 3.4.4 Threat of Substitute 3.4.5 Competitive Rivalry 3.5 Impact of COVID-19 and Ukraine-Russia War on the Global Market 3.5.1 COVID-19 Impact 3.5.2 Impact of Russia-Ukraine War Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Market Drivers 4.2.1 Growing Demand for Electric Vehicles Globally 4.2.2 Tax Incentives and Regulatory Assistance for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 4.2.3 Increasing interest Concerning Exhausting Valuable and Rare Earth Metals 4.2.4 Demand for Consumer Electronics is Growing 4.2.5 Outline of the Prototype of Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) 4.3 Market Restraints 4.3.1 High Capital Cost for Electric Vehicles Compared to the Conventional ICE Vehicles 4.3.2 Difficulty of Solid-state State Battery Production 4.4 Key Challenges for Next-Generation Advanced Battery Market 4.4.1 Lithium is Less Readily Available for Use in Electric Vehicles Batteries 4.4.2 Manufacturing a Solid-State Battery is Costly 4.4.3 High Expense of Lithium Extraction from Used Lithium-Ion Batteries Recycling 4.4.4 Battery and Related Component Supply Chain Disruptions Brought on by COVID-19 4.5 Market Opportunities 4.5.1 Strict Emission Regulations Creating a Market for Electric Vehicle Sales 4.5.2 Government Efforts Relating to Electric Vehicles 4.5.3 Increasing Investments in Battery Recycling Sector 4.5.4 Growing Partnerships and Investments between Automobile Manufacturers and Solid-State Battery Companies 4.6 Short-term and Long-term Impact of Market Dynamics Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Battery Type 5.1 Overview 5.2 Solid State Battery 5.2.1 Advantages of Solid-State Batteries 5.2.2 The Structure of a Solid-state Battery 5.2.3 Commercial Uses for Solid-State Batteries 5.3 Lithium-Sulfur Battery 5.3.1 Advantages of Li-S 5.3.2 Li-S Batteries for Commercial Applications 5.4 Next-Generation Flow batteries 5.4.1 Working of Flow Battery 5.5 Metal-Air Battery 5.5.1 Aluminum-Air Batteries 5.5.2 Zinc-Air Batteries 5.5.3 Hybrid Zinc-Air/Manganese-Dioxide Batteries 5.5.4 Iron-Air Batteries 5.5.5 Lithium-Air Batteries 5.5.6 Magnesium-Air Batteries 5.5.7 Metal-Air Battery Market Trends 5.6 Others 5.6.1 Sodium-ion Battery 5.6.2 Sodium-sulfur Battery 5.6.3 Sodium-Metal Chloride Batteries 5.6.4 Silver-Zinc Batteries 5.6.5 Silver-Cadmium Batteries 5.6.6 Magnesium-ion Battery Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by End Use 6.1 Overview 6.2 Consumer Electronics 6.3 Electrical Vehicles 6.4 Energy Storage 6.5 Others 6.5.1 Aerospace 6.5.2 Healthcare 6.5.3 Marine Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Region 7.1 Overview 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Canada 7.2.2 Mexico 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Germany 7.3.2 France 7.3.3 Italy 7.3.4 U.K. 7.3.5 Rest of Europe 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 China 7.4.2 Japan 7.4.3 South Korea 7.4.4 Rest of Asia-Pacific 7.5 Rest of the World 7.5.1 South America 7.5.2 Middle East and Africa Chapter 8 Patent Analysis 8.1 Overview 8.2 Key Patents Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Investments Made by Big Players 9.3 Key Market Developments 9.3.1 Developments in the Next-Generation Advanced Battery Industry 9.3.2 Contracts and Agreements in the Electric Vehicle Industry 9.3.3 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Electric Vehicle Industry 9.4 Battery R&D Organizations Chapter 10 Company Profiles BRIGHTVOLT CYMBET CONTEMPORARY AMPEREX TECHNOLOGY LTD. (CATL) ESS INC. GPINDUSTRIAL GS YUASA CORP. ION STORAGE SYSTEMS ILIKA PLC NGK INSULATORS LTD. POLYPLUS BATTERY CO. PRIMUS POWER CORP. QUANTUMSCAPE CORP. SAFT SES AI CORP. SION POWER SOLID POWER VIZN ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. ZAF ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. Chapter 11 Appendix: Acronyms 11.1 Acronyms Used in This Report
BCC Research社の燃料電池 分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(advanced batteries)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
2025/03/28 10:27 152.11 円 164.53 円 199.66 円 |