![]() 射出成形世界市場と技術Injection Molding: Global Markets and Technologies レポートのスコープ 本調査では、射出成形の技術、用途、熱可塑性樹脂材料について分析しています。BCCリサーチでは、成形品の製造に使用される熱可塑性樹脂の主な種類を分析しました。これらの製品は、様々な... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープ本調査では、射出成形の技術、用途、熱可塑性樹脂材料について分析しています。BCCリサーチでは、成形品の製造に使用される熱可塑性樹脂の主な種類を分析しました。これらの製品は、様々な最終用途の産業に対応しています。機械や設備についても論じています。需要の動向はレビューされ、市場全体の成長への影響は評価されています。 各エンドユース産業におけるマーケットドライバーを特定します。熱可塑性樹脂射出成形を詳細に分析しています。技術的な問題やトレンドはレビューし、その他の影響力のある要因(経済状況、COVID-19の影響、規格)を議論しています。これはグローバルな調査であるため、BCCリサーチは国内外の技術的な問題や経済的な考察を分析する。 本調査の対象範囲は以下の通りです: - 本調査は、射出成形用途の熱可塑性樹脂のみから構成されています。 - バージン熱可塑性樹脂のみを対象とし、リサイクルグレードは除外しています。 - 基準年は2021年で、予測期間は2022年から2027年です。 - 熱可塑性樹脂の主要グレードの種類、エンドユーザー、地域市場ごとに2021年から2027年の売上予測を示しています。 - 新たに追加された国別分析の項目では、エンドユーザー分析のみを掲載しています。 レポートが含まれます: - 38のデータテーブルと40の追加テーブル - 射出成形の世界市場や技術を概観する。 - 2021年、2022年のデータによる世界市場動向の分析、2026年の推計、2027年までの年間平均成長率(CAGR)の予測 - タイプ別、エンドユース別、アプリケーション別の市場規模の推定と市場可能性のハイライト - 現在の市場規模の評価と今後5年間の市場発展の予測、バリューチェーン分析、成長を促進・抑制する要因の洞察 - プラスチック射出成形の歴史、定義、技術、プロセス、射出成形と他のプラスチック成形プロセスとの比較などを網羅。 - 射出成形の世界市場における最近のM&A、提携、協業、協定、パートナーシップに関する情報。 - ダウ、エクソンモービル、イネオス・グループ、マグナ・インターナショナル、サビックなど、業界を代表する企業のプロフィール。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing this Study 1.3 What's New in this Update? 1.4 Scope of Report 1.5 Information Sources 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 History of Plastic Injection Molding 3.1.1 Beginning Phase 3.1.2 Industry: Post-WWII 3.1.3 Hendry and Plastic Injection Molding 3.1.4 Current Scenario 3.2 Definition of Plastic Injection Molding 3.3 Plastic Molding Techniques 3.3.1 Blow Molding 3.3.2 Compression Molding 3.3.3 Film Insert Molding 3.3.4 Gas Assist Molding 3.3.5 Reactive Injection Molding (RIM) 3.3.6 Two-Shot Injection Molding 3.3.7 Micro Injection Molding 3.3.8 Rotational Molding 3.3.9 Structural Foam Molding 3.3.10 Thermoforming 3.3.11 Injection Molding vs. Other Plastic Molding Processes 3.4 Factors Affecting the Injection Molding Process 3.5 Thermoplastic Polymers 3.5.1 Key Factors in Selecting an Ideal Injection Molding Material 3.5.2 Polyethylene (PE) 3.5.3 Polypropylene (PP) 3.5.4 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 3.5.5 Nylons 3.5.6 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) 3.5.7 Polystyrene (PS) 3.5.8 Other Injection Molding Thermoplastic Polymers Used 3.6 Plastic Injection Molding Process 3.6.1 Injection Molding Cycle 3.6.2 Mold 3.6.3 Runner System 3.6.4 Preparing the Mold 3.6.5 Process Variations 3.6.6 Injection Molding Considerations 3.6.7 Wall Section Considerations 3.6.8 Micro-Molding 3.6.9 Two-Shot Micro-Molding 3.6.10 Plastic Injection Molding Process Trends 3.7 Benefits of Outsourcing the Plastic Injection Process 3.7.1 Cost-effective 3.7.2 Economies of Scale 3.7.3 Streamlined Inventory 3.7.4 Improved Quality Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Market Dynamics 4.1.1 Key Drivers 4.1.2 Key Challenges 4.1.3 Key Opportunities 4.1.4 Prototyping 4.2 Impact of Russia-Ukraine War 4.2.1 Impact on Plastic Trade 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market for Plastic Injection Molding 4.3.1 Rise in Demand 4.3.2 Biomedical Plastic Waste Generation 4.3.3 Technology 4.4 Supply Chain Analysis 4.5 Pricing Analysis Chapter 5 Plastic Injection Molding Machinery and Systems 5.1 Injection Molding Machinery 5.1.1 Hydraulic Injection Molding Machines 5.1.2 Electric Injection Molding Machines 5.1.3 Hybrid Injection Molding Machines 5.2 Type of Injection Machine, by Arrangement 5.2.1 Horizontal Injection Molding Machines 5.2.2 Vertical Injection Molding Machines 5.2.3 Hybrid Injection Molding Machines 5.2.4 Two-Color Injection Molding Machines 5.2.5 Multi-Material Injection Molding Machines 5.2.6 Rotary Injection Molding Machines 5.2.7 Low-Foam Injection Molding Machines 5.2.8 Sandwich Injection Machines 5.2.9 Gas-Assist Injection Molding Machines 5.2.10 Water Injection Technology/Water-Assisted Injection Molding Machines 5.2.11 Micro-Injection Molding Machines Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Thermoplastic Polymer Type 6.1 Polypropylene Plastics 6.2 ABS 6.3 Polystyrene 6.4 HDPE 6.5 Polycarbonate 6.6 Polyamide (Nylon) 6.7 Polyurethane 6.8 Other Plastics Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End Use 7.1 Packaging and Product Housing 7.1.1 Power Tool Housing 7.1.2 Bottle Lids/Closures 7.1.3 Plastic Bins and Crates 7.1.4 Reusable Containers 7.2 Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals 7.3 Automotive 7.4 Electrical and Electronics 7.4.1 Telecommunication 7.4.2 Electrical Switches 7.4.3 White Goods Housing and Packaging 7.5 Industrial and Business Machines 7.6 Agriculture 7.7 Infrastructure 7.8 Other End Uses Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region 8.1 Asia-Pacific 8.1.1 China 8.1.2 India 8.1.3 Rest of Asia-Pacific 8.2 North America 8.2.1 U.S. 8.2.2 Canada 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Germany 8.3.2 Italy 8.3.3 Rest of Europe 8.4 Rest of the World (ROW) Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Competitive Scenario Analysis 9.2 Latest Strategic Innovations 9.3 Emerging Trends in Plastic Injection Molding 9.3.1 End-Use Innovations Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Leading Plastic Injection Molding Machine Manufacturers ABSOLUTE HAITIAN CORP. BAY PLASTICS MACHINERY CORP. DAVIS-STANDARD LLC DRI-AIR INDUSTRIES INC. ENGEL AUSTRIA GMBH GAMMAFLUX CONTROLS INC. GRAHAM ENGINEERING CORP. HUSKY INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEMS LTD. INDUSTRIAL HEATER CORP. KAUTEX MACHINES INC. MAGUIRE PRODUCTS INC. MARUKA USA INC. MASTER MOLDED PRODUCTS CORP. MILACRON LLC NEGRI BOSSI NORTH AMERICA NISSEI PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD. NORDSON POLYMER PROCESSING SYSTEMS NOVATEC INC. PARKINSON TECHNOLOGIES INC. SUMITOMO (SHI) DEMAG UBE MACHINERY CORP. LTD. UNIVERSAL DYNAMICS INC. WITTMANN BATTENFELD INC. YUDO CO. LTD. YUSHIN AMERICA INC. 10.2 Leading Plastic Injection Molding Polymer and End-User Goods Manufacturers ADVANTECH PLASTICS LLC APTARGROUP INC. BASF SE BECTON DICKINSON AND CO. BERRY GLOBAL GROUP INC. C&J INDUSTRIES DENROY PLASTICS LTD. DOW CHEMICAL CO. LTD. DSM DUPONT EASTMAN CHEMICAL CO. EXXONMOBIL CORP. HTI PLASTICS INC. HUNTSMAN CORP. ICOMOLD INEOS GROUP LTD. JABIL CIRCUIT INC. LACKS ENTERPRISES INC. LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES N.V. MAGNA INTERNATIONAL INC. MIDSTATE MOLD & ENGINEERING MSI MOLD BUILDERS NEW BERLIN PLASTICS INC. NEWELL RUBBERMAID RUTLAND PLASTICS LTD. RODON GROUP SABIC STACK PLASTICS INC. TORAY INDUSTRIES INC. ZEIGER INDUSTRIES Chapter 11 Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations Chapter 12 Appendix B: Associated Organizations Chapter 13 Appendix C: Bibliography
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 Reasons for Doing this Study 1.3 What's New in this Update? 1.4 Scope of Report 1.5 Information Sources 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Geographic Breakdown 1.8 Analyst's Credentials 1.9 BCC Custom Research 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 History of Plastic Injection Molding 3.1.1 Beginning Phase 3.1.2 Industry: Post-WWII 3.1.3 Hendry and Plastic Injection Molding 3.1.4 Current Scenario 3.2 Definition of Plastic Injection Molding 3.3 Plastic Molding Techniques 3.3.1 Blow Molding 3.3.2 Compression Molding 3.3.3 Film Insert Molding 3.3.4 Gas Assist Molding 3.3.5 Reactive Injection Molding (RIM) 3.3.6 Two-Shot Injection Molding 3.3.7 Micro Injection Molding 3.3.8 Rotational Molding 3.3.9 Structural Foam Molding 3.3.10 Thermoforming 3.3.11 Injection Molding vs. Other Plastic Molding Processes 3.4 Factors Affecting the Injection Molding Process 3.5 Thermoplastic Polymers 3.5.1 Key Factors in Selecting an Ideal Injection Molding Material 3.5.2 Polyethylene (PE) 3.5.3 Polypropylene (PP) 3.5.4 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 3.5.5 Nylons 3.5.6 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) 3.5.7 Polystyrene (PS) 3.5.8 Other Injection Molding Thermoplastic Polymers Used 3.6 Plastic Injection Molding Process 3.6.1 Injection Molding Cycle 3.6.2 Mold 3.6.3 Runner System 3.6.4 Preparing the Mold 3.6.5 Process Variations 3.6.6 Injection Molding Considerations 3.6.7 Wall Section Considerations 3.6.8 Micro-Molding 3.6.9 Two-Shot Micro-Molding 3.6.10 Plastic Injection Molding Process Trends 3.7 Benefits of Outsourcing the Plastic Injection Process 3.7.1 Cost-effective 3.7.2 Economies of Scale 3.7.3 Streamlined Inventory 3.7.4 Improved Quality Chapter 4 Market Dynamics 4.1 Market Dynamics 4.1.1 Key Drivers 4.1.2 Key Challenges 4.1.3 Key Opportunities 4.1.4 Prototyping 4.2 Impact of Russia-Ukraine War 4.2.1 Impact on Plastic Trade 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market for Plastic Injection Molding 4.3.1 Rise in Demand 4.3.2 Biomedical Plastic Waste Generation 4.3.3 Technology 4.4 Supply Chain Analysis 4.5 Pricing Analysis Chapter 5 Plastic Injection Molding Machinery and Systems 5.1 Injection Molding Machinery 5.1.1 Hydraulic Injection Molding Machines 5.1.2 Electric Injection Molding Machines 5.1.3 Hybrid Injection Molding Machines 5.2 Type of Injection Machine, by Arrangement 5.2.1 Horizontal Injection Molding Machines 5.2.2 Vertical Injection Molding Machines 5.2.3 Hybrid Injection Molding Machines 5.2.4 Two-Color Injection Molding Machines 5.2.5 Multi-Material Injection Molding Machines 5.2.6 Rotary Injection Molding Machines 5.2.7 Low-Foam Injection Molding Machines 5.2.8 Sandwich Injection Machines 5.2.9 Gas-Assist Injection Molding Machines 5.2.10 Water Injection Technology/Water-Assisted Injection Molding Machines 5.2.11 Micro-Injection Molding Machines Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Thermoplastic Polymer Type 6.1 Polypropylene Plastics 6.2 ABS 6.3 Polystyrene 6.4 HDPE 6.5 Polycarbonate 6.6 Polyamide (Nylon) 6.7 Polyurethane 6.8 Other Plastics Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End Use 7.1 Packaging and Product Housing 7.1.1 Power Tool Housing 7.1.2 Bottle Lids/Closures 7.1.3 Plastic Bins and Crates 7.1.4 Reusable Containers 7.2 Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals 7.3 Automotive 7.4 Electrical and Electronics 7.4.1 Telecommunication 7.4.2 Electrical Switches 7.4.3 White Goods Housing and Packaging 7.5 Industrial and Business Machines 7.6 Agriculture 7.7 Infrastructure 7.8 Other End Uses Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region 8.1 Asia-Pacific 8.1.1 China 8.1.2 India 8.1.3 Rest of Asia-Pacific 8.2 North America 8.2.1 U.S. 8.2.2 Canada 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Germany 8.3.2 Italy 8.3.3 Rest of Europe 8.4 Rest of the World (ROW) Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape 9.1 Competitive Scenario Analysis 9.2 Latest Strategic Innovations 9.3 Emerging Trends in Plastic Injection Molding 9.3.1 End-Use Innovations Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Leading Plastic Injection Molding Machine Manufacturers ABSOLUTE HAITIAN CORP. BAY PLASTICS MACHINERY CORP. DAVIS-STANDARD LLC DRI-AIR INDUSTRIES INC. ENGEL AUSTRIA GMBH GAMMAFLUX CONTROLS INC. GRAHAM ENGINEERING CORP. HUSKY INJECTION MOLDING SYSTEMS LTD. INDUSTRIAL HEATER CORP. KAUTEX MACHINES INC. MAGUIRE PRODUCTS INC. MARUKA USA INC. MASTER MOLDED PRODUCTS CORP. MILACRON LLC NEGRI BOSSI NORTH AMERICA NISSEI PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD. NORDSON POLYMER PROCESSING SYSTEMS NOVATEC INC. PARKINSON TECHNOLOGIES INC. SUMITOMO (SHI) DEMAG UBE MACHINERY CORP. LTD. UNIVERSAL DYNAMICS INC. WITTMANN BATTENFELD INC. YUDO CO. LTD. YUSHIN AMERICA INC. 10.2 Leading Plastic Injection Molding Polymer and End-User Goods Manufacturers ADVANTECH PLASTICS LLC APTARGROUP INC. BASF SE BECTON DICKINSON AND CO. BERRY GLOBAL GROUP INC. C&J INDUSTRIES DENROY PLASTICS LTD. DOW CHEMICAL CO. LTD. DSM DUPONT EASTMAN CHEMICAL CO. EXXONMOBIL CORP. HTI PLASTICS INC. HUNTSMAN CORP. ICOMOLD INEOS GROUP LTD. JABIL CIRCUIT INC. LACKS ENTERPRISES INC. LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES N.V. MAGNA INTERNATIONAL INC. MIDSTATE MOLD & ENGINEERING MSI MOLD BUILDERS NEW BERLIN PLASTICS INC. NEWELL RUBBERMAID RUTLAND PLASTICS LTD. RODON GROUP SABIC STACK PLASTICS INC. TORAY INDUSTRIES INC. ZEIGER INDUSTRIES Chapter 11 Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations Chapter 12 Appendix B: Associated Organizations Chapter 13 Appendix C: Bibliography
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よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
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