

2021 Biotechnology Research Review

レポートハイライト - エクソソーム診断薬および治療薬の世界市場は、2021年の9780万ドルから2026年には5億1260万ドルに成長し、2021年から2026年の年平均成長率(CAGR)は39.3%となる見込みです。 - バイオ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BCC Research
2022年2月25日 US$3,000
312 英語




- エクソソーム診断薬および治療薬の世界市場は、2021年の9780万ドルから2026年には5億1260万ドルに成長し、2021年から2026年の年平均成長率(CAGR)は39.3%となる見込みです。
- バイオインフォマティクスの世界市場は、2020年の161億ドルから2025年には241億ドルに成長し、2020年から2025年の期間は年平均成長率(CAGR)8.4%で推移するものと思われます。
- 細胞・遺伝子治療の世界市場は、2021年の41億ドルから2026年には174億ドルに成長し、2021年から2026年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)は33.6%となる見通しです。






- BIO149D エクソソーム診断と治療法。世界市場
- BIO051F バイオインフォマティクス。テクノロジーとグローバル市場
- BIO225A 細胞・遺伝子治療の世界市場
- BIO126D 次世代シーケンサー。新たな臨床応用と世界市場
- BIO083D ライフサイエンスツールと試薬グローバル市場
- BIO045H Global DNA Sequencing:研究、応用、臨床の各市場
- BIO212A mRNA:治療薬と世界市場
- BIO158B がん幹細胞。テクノロジーと世界市場
- BIO150D リキッドバイオプシーの研究ツール、サービス、診断。世界市場
- BIO135D 人工多能性幹細胞。世界市場
- BIO141C 研究用抗体の世界市場
- BIO211A 細胞療法のバイオマニュファクチャリング。グローバル市場




Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets (BIO149D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Intended Audience
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Overview
Exosome Definition and Nomenclature
Exosome Components
Exosome and COVID-19 Treatment
Exosome Diagnostic Market
Exosome Therapeutic Market
Market Breakdown by End User
Market Breakdown by Region
Patent Analysis
U.S. Patent Analysis
European Patent Analysis
Pipeline Analysis
Chapter 3 Bioinformatics: Technologies and Global Markets (BIO051F)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Research Methodology
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Trends
Market Breakdown
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Sequencing Services and Platforms
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Solution
Global Market for Bioinformatics by End User
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Region
Bioinformatics Applications in Pharmaceutical R&D
Drug Discovery and Development Process
Clinical Research: Drug Development
Post-Launch Ongoing Studies and Phase IV Clinical Trials
Recent Pharmaceutical and Bioinformatics Alliances and Partnerships
Chapter 4 Global Cell and Gene Therapy Market (BIO225A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Scope of This Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Highlights of the Market for Cell and Gene Therapy
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Market Opportunities
Market Breakdown by Product
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Region
Pipeline Analysis
Drugs Pending Approval
Competitive Landscape: Overview
Market Share Analysis
Strategic Acquisitions and Collaborations
Chapter 5 Next-generation Sequencing: Emerging Clinical Applications and Global Markets (BIO126D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing the Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographical Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Next-generation Sequencing and Markets
Clinical NGS Testing Market
Growth Drivers of Clinical NGS
Key Trends
Sequencing Technologies
History of DNA Sequencing
Clinical NGS Markets
Market Dynamics
Clinical NGS Market by Disease Category
Clinical NGS Market by Complexity
Clinical NGS Market by Test Purpose
Geographical Markets
Chapter 6 Life Science Tools and Reagents: Global Markets (BIO083D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Market Restraints and Challenges
Market Opportunities
Global Market for Life Science Tools and Reagents, by End-User Application
Global Market for Life Science Tools and Diagnostics, by Region
North America
Rest of the World
Chapter 7 Global DNA Sequencing: Research, Applied and Clinical Markets (BIO045H)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Analyst's Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Sequencing Growth Driving Forces
Research and Applied Applications
Clinical Applications
Market for DNA Sequencing
Market Breakdown by Major Segment
Geographical Markets
Chapter 8 mRNA: Therapeutics and Global Markets (BIO212A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources and Methodology
Intended Audience
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst's Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Situation for RNA Therapeutics
Well-Developed Markets
Developing Markets
Underdeveloped Markets
mRNA Vaccines
Clinical Need for mRNA Vaccines
mRNA Vaccines and Types by Application
Marketed/Commercial mRNA Vaccines
mRNA Vaccines: New Developments
mRNA Vaccines and Future Pandemics
mRNA Drugs and Therapies
Clinical Need for mRNA Therapeutics Beyond Vaccines
mRNA as Gene and Protein Replacement Therapy
mRNA-Enhanced Cell Therapies
mRNA-Enhanced Immunotherapies (Monoclonal Antibody)
mRNA Drugs for Protein Therapy Targeting Metabolic and Rare Diseases
mRNA Therapeutics and New Developments
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Product Segment
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Therapeutic Application
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Disease Type
SWOT Analysis of the Market for mRNA Therapeutics
Chapter 9 Cancer Stem Cells: Technologies and Global Markets (BIO158B)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources & Methodology
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Dynamics
Market Breakdown by Region
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Chapter 10 Global Markets for Research Antibodies (BIO141C)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Trends in the Market for Research Antibodies
Purchasing Factors Analysis
Third-Party Quality Evaluation Systems
Research Grants
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Product
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Clonality
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Major Reactivities
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Host Species
Global Market for Research Antibodies by End User
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Region
Global Company Market Ranking Analysis
Chapter 11 Liquid Biopsy Research Tools, Services and Diagnostics: Global Markets (BIO150D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Industry Overview
Forces Driving Growth
Key Trends
Liquid Biopsy Initiatives
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Clinical Category
Global Market for Non-invasive Prenatal Testing
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Diagnostics
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy for Transplant Diagnostics
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Purpose of Analysis
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Biomarker Type
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Analysis Platform
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Geographic Region
Chapter 12 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Global Markets (BIO135D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Key Drivers for Market Growth
Technology Overview
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation
Current Challenges to iPSC Applications
iPSCs Bank
Impact of COVID-19 on iPSCs
Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Study Model for COVID-19
Scientists Use Stem Cells to Uncover COVID-19 Effects on the Heart
Market Overview
Market Breakdown by Region
Market Breakdown by Reprogramming Method
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Product
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Tissue Cell Market
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Derivative Cell Market by Species
Market for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Cell Market by Application
Market for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Product Function
Research Market Compared with the Clinical Market
Major Suppliers and Manufacturers of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Products
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Contract Service Types
Market Shares and Projections
Chapter 13 Cell Therapy Biomanufacturing: Global Markets (BIO211A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Region
Market Trends & Challenges





Report Highlights:

- The global market for exosome diagnostics and therapeutics should grow from $97.8 million in 2021 to $512.6 million by 2026, at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.3% for the period of 2021-2026.
- The global market for bioinformatics should grow from $16.1 billion in 2020 to $24.1 billion by 2025 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4% for the period of 2020-2025.
- The global market for cell and gene therapy should grow from $4.1 billion in 2021 to $17.4 billion by 2026 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.6% for the period of 2021-2026.

There have been a number of significant developments that has accelerated growth across the biotechnology market. These notable recent advancements include, mRNA therapeutics, CRISPR technology, biosensors and bioprinting technologies, cancer stem cell research, alongside cell and gene therapy and DNA vaccines. These advancements ensure the wide adoption of cell line technologies that support drug development and the simplification of the gene editing process, making it more cost effective long-term.

Advancement in molecular biology is supporting the delivery of molecular and computational tools and software. Synthetic biology is another field of application that promotes the manufacturing of and/or modification of genetic material in living cells.

Unlike other industries, the biotech industry has witnessed high growth throughout the pandemic. The search for diagnostic treatment methods for COVID-19 has forced governments, the media and the general public alike to focus on science and medicine, strengthening the idea that biotech acquisitions and partnerships are solid investments. Companies operating in the cell line market are now investing large amounts, enabling the development of manufacturing units with advanced, state of the art resources and expanded facilities. At the same time, genetic sequencing technology is advancing at a great pace, especially across the healthcare sector in the diagnosis of various cancers and strains of Coronavirus.

In 2019 and 2020, the biotech industry saw double digit annual growth due to fundraising from venture capitals, partnerships, co-development and joint ventures. However, the sector does continuous challenging relating to marketing, funding for innovation and pricing pressures from government organizations. Development costs are also a challenge, and often the most critical for manufacturers. While a simple cholesterol drug may cost $5 per day (approximately $1,825 per annum), a biotech drug may cost around $20,000 or more a year.

In 2019, gene therapy and cell biology technologies were successfully developed, however, this came at a high cost. For example, Zolgensma, a viral vector-based gene therapy for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy costs around $5 million. It is important for manufacturers to figure out how to balance the cost of innovation that proves most challenging. Getting the pricing right, and the costs involved with getting the products to market are also vital challenges. Innovation may take several years to move from a clinical trial phase to market launch, and investors may face disappointment and falling stock if expectations are not managed from the offset.

This Biotechnology Research Review provides a sampling of the type of quantitative market information, analysis and guidance that has been aiding business decision making since BCC Research was founded in 1971. It includes highlights of reports published in 2021 on the following biotech markets -
- BIO149D Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets
- BIO051F Bioinformatics: Technologies and Global Markets
- BIO225A Global Cell and Gene Therapy Market
- BIO126D Next-generation Sequencing: Emerging Clinical Applications and Global Markets
- BIO083D Life Science Tools and Reagents: Global Markets
- BIO045H Global DNA Sequencing: Research, Applied and Clinical Markets
- BIO212A mRNA: Therapeutics and Global Markets
- BIO158B Cancer Stem Cells: Technologies and Global Markets
- BIO150D Liquid Biopsy Research Tools, Services and Diagnostics: Global Markets
- BIO135D Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Global Markets
- BIO141C Global Markets for Research Antibodies
- BIO211A Cell Therapy Biomanufacturing: Global Markets

We hope you find this Research Review valuable. We encourage you to obtain and benefit from the full market research reports that are excerpted in this Research Review. BCC Research looks forward to serving your market intelligence needs in the future.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Exosome Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets (BIO149D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Intended Audience
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Overview
Exosome Definition and Nomenclature
Exosome Components
Exosome and COVID-19 Treatment
Exosome Diagnostic Market
Exosome Therapeutic Market
Market Breakdown by End User
Market Breakdown by Region
Patent Analysis
U.S. Patent Analysis
European Patent Analysis
Pipeline Analysis
Chapter 3 Bioinformatics: Technologies and Global Markets (BIO051F)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Research Methodology
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Trends
Market Breakdown
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Sequencing Services and Platforms
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Solution
Global Market for Bioinformatics by End User
Global Market for Bioinformatics by Region
Bioinformatics Applications in Pharmaceutical R&D
Drug Discovery and Development Process
Clinical Research: Drug Development
Post-Launch Ongoing Studies and Phase IV Clinical Trials
Recent Pharmaceutical and Bioinformatics Alliances and Partnerships
Chapter 4 Global Cell and Gene Therapy Market (BIO225A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Scope of This Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Highlights of the Market for Cell and Gene Therapy
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Market Opportunities
Market Breakdown by Product
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Region
Pipeline Analysis
Drugs Pending Approval
Competitive Landscape: Overview
Market Share Analysis
Strategic Acquisitions and Collaborations
Chapter 5 Next-generation Sequencing: Emerging Clinical Applications and Global Markets (BIO126D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing the Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographical Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Next-generation Sequencing and Markets
Clinical NGS Testing Market
Growth Drivers of Clinical NGS
Key Trends
Sequencing Technologies
History of DNA Sequencing
Clinical NGS Markets
Market Dynamics
Clinical NGS Market by Disease Category
Clinical NGS Market by Complexity
Clinical NGS Market by Test Purpose
Geographical Markets
Chapter 6 Life Science Tools and Reagents: Global Markets (BIO083D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Market Restraints and Challenges
Market Opportunities
Global Market for Life Science Tools and Reagents, by End-User Application
Global Market for Life Science Tools and Diagnostics, by Region
North America
Rest of the World
Chapter 7 Global DNA Sequencing: Research, Applied and Clinical Markets (BIO045H)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Analyst's Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Sequencing Growth Driving Forces
Research and Applied Applications
Clinical Applications
Market for DNA Sequencing
Market Breakdown by Major Segment
Geographical Markets
Chapter 8 mRNA: Therapeutics and Global Markets (BIO212A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources and Methodology
Intended Audience
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst's Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Situation for RNA Therapeutics
Well-Developed Markets
Developing Markets
Underdeveloped Markets
mRNA Vaccines
Clinical Need for mRNA Vaccines
mRNA Vaccines and Types by Application
Marketed/Commercial mRNA Vaccines
mRNA Vaccines: New Developments
mRNA Vaccines and Future Pandemics
mRNA Drugs and Therapies
Clinical Need for mRNA Therapeutics Beyond Vaccines
mRNA as Gene and Protein Replacement Therapy
mRNA-Enhanced Cell Therapies
mRNA-Enhanced Immunotherapies (Monoclonal Antibody)
mRNA Drugs for Protein Therapy Targeting Metabolic and Rare Diseases
mRNA Therapeutics and New Developments
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Product Segment
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Therapeutic Application
Market Size and Growth Analysis by Disease Type
SWOT Analysis of the Market for mRNA Therapeutics
Chapter 9 Cancer Stem Cells: Technologies and Global Markets (BIO158B)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources & Methodology
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Dynamics
Market Breakdown by Region
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Chapter 10 Global Markets for Research Antibodies (BIO141C)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Trends in the Market for Research Antibodies
Purchasing Factors Analysis
Third-Party Quality Evaluation Systems
Research Grants
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Product
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Clonality
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Major Reactivities
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Host Species
Global Market for Research Antibodies by End User
Global Market for Research Antibodies by Region
Global Company Market Ranking Analysis
Chapter 11 Liquid Biopsy Research Tools, Services and Diagnostics: Global Markets (BIO150D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Analyst’s Credentials
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Industry Overview
Forces Driving Growth
Key Trends
Liquid Biopsy Initiatives
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Clinical Category
Global Market for Non-invasive Prenatal Testing
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Diagnostics
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy for Transplant Diagnostics
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Purpose of Analysis
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Biomarker Type
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Analysis Platform
Global Market for Liquid Biopsy by Geographic Region
Chapter 12 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Global Markets (BIO135D)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Key Drivers for Market Growth
Technology Overview
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation
Current Challenges to iPSC Applications
iPSCs Bank
Impact of COVID-19 on iPSCs
Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Study Model for COVID-19
Scientists Use Stem Cells to Uncover COVID-19 Effects on the Heart
Market Overview
Market Breakdown by Region
Market Breakdown by Reprogramming Method
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Product
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Tissue Cell Market
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Derivative Cell Market by Species
Market for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Cell Market by Application
Market for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Product Function
Research Market Compared with the Clinical Market
Major Suppliers and Manufacturers of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Products
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Contract Service Types
Market Shares and Projections
Chapter 13 Cell Therapy Biomanufacturing: Global Markets (BIO211A)
Study Goals and Objectives
Reasons for Doing This Study
Scope of Report
Information Sources
Geographic Breakdown
Related BCC Research Reports
Summary and Highlights
Market Breakdown by Application
Market Breakdown by Region
Market Trends & Challenges






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2024/07/03 10:27

162.61 円

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209.12 円
