![]() Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場(2024年版):金額・数量別、デバイスタイプ別(ウェアラブル、ヘッドフォン、スピーカー、PC周辺機器・アクセサリー、その他)、Bluetoothバージョン別(5.0、4.0)、機能別、販売チャネル別、地域別、国別の分析:市場インサイトと予測(2019-2029年)Global Bluetooth Devices Market (2024 Edition): Analysis By Value and Volume, Device Type (Wearables, Headphone, Speaker, PC Peripherals & Accessories, Others), Bluetooth Version (5.0, 4.0), Functionality, By Sales Channel, By Region, By Country: Market Insights and Forecast (2019-2029) エグゼクティブ・サマリー Azoth Analytics社は、この調査レポート「Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場 (2024年版)」を出版し、Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場産業について、金額 (10億米ドル) と数量 (百万台)... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブ・サマリーAzoth Analytics社は、この調査レポート「Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場 (2024年版)」を出版し、Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場産業について、金額 (10億米ドル) と数量 (百万台)、デバイスタイプ別 (ウェアラブル、ヘッドフォン、スピーカー、PC周辺機器&アクセサリー、その他)、バージョン別 (Bluetooth 5.0、Bluetooth 4.0)、機能別(オーディオストリーミング、データ転送、位置情報サービス、デバイスネットワーク)、販売チャネル別(オンライン、オフライン)に分類し、過去期間(2019-2022年)、予測期間(2023年)、予測期間(2024-2029年)を掲載しています。この調査レポートは、成長指標、阻害要因、売上増と需要リスク、その他の重要な統計、市場の進化に関連する現在と将来の市場動向の完全な評価も行っています。 予測期間2024-2029年、Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場は年平均成長率13.2%で拡大する見込みです。Bluetooth Devicesの世界市場は、主要プレーヤーからの多額の支出を原動力に、異常な速度で成長すると予測されます。Azoth Analyticsの予測によると、Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場は2022年の416億米ドルから2029年には982億米ドルに増加する見込みです。市場を牽引しているのは、自動車におけるハンズフリー通信とオーディオストリーミングのニーズの高まり、スマートデバイスとワイヤレス接続ソリューションの受け入れ拡大、ウェアラブル技術の望ましさの高まりである。コネクテッドでエネルギー効率の高いデバイスに対するニーズが各分野で高まっていることも、市場成長の主な要因の1つである。ホームオートメーションシステムにおけるBluetooth Low Energyの需要は、スマートホームのトレンドによって増加しており、BLE対応ウェアラブルの成長は、健康とフィットネスに対する意識の高まりによってもたらされている。 無線ネットワークへのニーズの高まり Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場が急成長している背景には、世界中でワイヤレスネットワークに対する需要が高まっていることがあります。ブルートゥース技術は、顧客と企業が共にコスト削減と旧来の有線セットアップの簡素化を目指す中で、ダイナミックな回答として浮上している。ウェアラブル、スマート家電、IoTアプリ、スピーカーやヘッドフォンなどのオーディオアクセサリーは、Bluetoothデバイスのシームレスなワイヤレス接続の用途のほんの一部に過ぎません。 Bluetoothテクノロジーは接続性を合理化し、複雑さを軽減するため、多くの産業で有益と考えられています。Bluetoothデバイスは、効果的なコミュニケーションとコラボレーションを促進することで、ビジネス環境の生産性を向上させます。さらに、Bluetoothオーディオ・ソリューションの使いやすさが、家電分野での需要拡大を牽引しています。 他のワイヤレス技術との競合 Wi-Fi 6や5Gなど、より高速なデータ転送と待ち時間の短縮を可能にする最新の無線技術は、これまでブルートゥースと連携していたアプリケーションにも広がり始めています。ブルートゥースの市場シェアは、高速通信や広範なデバイス接続を必要とする状況でより優れた性能を発揮する代替技術によって、特定の用途で制限される可能性がある。さらに、ZigbeeとZ-Waveという2つの特殊な無線プロトコルがホームオートメーションとモノのインターネット・アプリケーションで確立され、信頼性の高い通信、低消費電力、メッシュネットワーキングが不可欠なこれらの分野でBluetoothの支配に挑戦している。 企業が特定の用途にカスタマイズされた無線プロトコルを採用し、正確な空間認識のための超広帯域(UWB)などの新技術を研究する中、Bluetoothはその適応性を発揮し、幅広いアプリケーションで競争上の優位性を維持する必要があります。 レポートの範囲 - このレポートはBluetoothデバイスの世界市場を金額(億米ドル)別に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場を数量(百万台)別に分析しています。 - 2019-2022年の過去期間、2023年の推定期間、2024-2029年の予測期間におけるBluetoothデバイスの世界市場を分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイスの世界市場をデバイスタイプ別(ウェアラブル、ヘッドフォン、スピーカー、PC周辺機器・アクセサリー、その他デバイス)に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイス市場をバージョン別(Bluetooth 5.0、Bluetooth 4.0)に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイス市場を機能別(オーディオストリーミング、データ転送、位置情報サービス、デバイスネットワーク)に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイス市場を販売チャネル別(オンライン、オフライン)に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイス市場を地域別(南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東&アフリカ)に分析しています。 - Bluetoothデバイス市場を国別(アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、中国、日本、韓国、インド)に分析しています。 - 本レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTとポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通して提示されています。 - また、業界の主な機会、動向、促進要因、課題についても分析しています。 - 本レポートでは、競合の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発を追跡しています。本レポートで分析している企業は、Apple, Inc.、Logitech International S.A.、Panasonic Holdings Corp.、Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd., Dell Technologies Inc., Sony Group Corp., GN Store Nord A/S, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Xiaomi Corporation, Sennheiser Electronic GmbH and Co.KG。 目次1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 3. Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Bluetooth Devices Market 3.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Top 5 wearable device companies by shipment volume 3.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Bluetooth Low Energy IC Market Share 3.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Major BLE SoC Supplier 3.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 3.7 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 3.8 Average Price Analysis of Bluetooth Devices Globally 3.9 Impact of COVID-19 on the Bluetooth Devices Market 3.10 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 3.10.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 3.10.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.6 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 3.11.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 3.11.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 3.12.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 3.12.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.13 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 3.13.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 3.13.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.13.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4. Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Regional Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 5.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 5.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 5.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 5.6 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 5.6.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 5.6.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.6 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 5.7.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 5.7.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 5.8.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 5.8.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.9 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 5.9.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 5.9.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.9.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.10 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 5.10.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 5.10.2 United States Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.3 Canada Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.4 Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.5 Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6. Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 6.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 6.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 6.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 6.6 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 6.6.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 6.6.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.6 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 6.7.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 6.7.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 6.8.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 6.8.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.9 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 6.9.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 6.9.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.9.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.10 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 6.10.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 6.10.2 Germany Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.3 United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.4 France Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.5 Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7. Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 7.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 7.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 7.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 7.6 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.6 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 7.7.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.7.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 7.8.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 7.8.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.9 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 7.9.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 7.9.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.9.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.10 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 7.10.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 7.10.2 China Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.3 Japan Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.4 South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.5 India Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 8. Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 8.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units M) 8.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 8.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 8.6 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.6 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.7 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 8.7.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 8.7.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.7.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 8.8.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 8.8.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.9 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 8.9.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 8.9.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.9.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on the Global Bluetooth Devices Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Value Chain Analysis 10.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Position Matrix 11.3 Market Share Analysis of Bluetooth Devices Market 11.4 Company Profiles 11.4.1 Apple, Inc. 11.4.2 Logitech International S.A. 11.4.3 Panasonic Holdings Corp. 11.4.4 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 11.4.5 Dell Technologies Inc. 11.4.6 Sony Group Corp. 11.4.7 GN Store Nord A/S 11.4.8 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11.4.9 Xiaomi Corporation 11.4.10 Sennheiser Electronic GmbH and Co. KG
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of Contents1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 3. Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Bluetooth Devices Market 3.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Top 5 wearable device companies by shipment volume 3.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Bluetooth Low Energy IC Market Share 3.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Major BLE SoC Supplier 3.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 3.7 Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 3.8 Average Price Analysis of Bluetooth Devices Globally 3.9 Impact of COVID-19 on the Bluetooth Devices Market 3.10 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 3.10.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 3.10.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.10.6 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 3.11.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 3.11.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.11.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 3.12.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 3.12.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.4 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.12.5 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.13 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 3.13.1 Global Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 3.13.2 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 3.13.3 Global Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 4. Global Bluetooth Devices Market: Regional Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 5.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 5.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 5.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 5.6 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 5.6.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 5.6.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.6.6 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 5.7.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 5.7.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.7.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 5.8.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 5.8.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.4 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.8.5 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.9 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 5.9.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 5.9.2 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.9.3 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 5.10 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 5.10.1 Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 5.10.2 United States Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality United States Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.3 Canada Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Canada Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.4 Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Brazil Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 5.10.5 Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Americas Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6. Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 6.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 6.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 6.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 6.6 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 6.6.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 6.6.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.6.6 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 6.7.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 6.7.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.7.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 6.8.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 6.8.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.4 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.8.5 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.9 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 6.9.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 6.9.2 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.9.3 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 6.10 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 6.10.1 Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 6.10.2 Germany Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Germany Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.3 United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality United Kingdom Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.4 France Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality France Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 6.10.5 Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Europe Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7. Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 7.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units'M) 7.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 7.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 7.6 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.6.6 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 7.7.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.7.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 7.8.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 7.8.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.4 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.8.5 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.9 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 7.9.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 7.9.2 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.9.3 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 7.10 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Country 7.10.1 Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Country Overview 7.10.2 China Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality China Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.3 Japan Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Japan Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.4 South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality South Korea Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.5 India Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality India Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 7.10.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Rest of Asia Pacific Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel 8. Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 8.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Value Assessment, 2019-2029 (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Market Volume Assessment, 2019-2029 (in Units M) 8.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Key Factors 8.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market: Segment Analysis 8.6 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Device Type 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Device Type Overview 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Wearables, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Headphone, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Speaker, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By PC Peripherals & Accessories, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.6.6 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Other Devices, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.7 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Version 8.7.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Version Overview 8.7.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 5.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.7.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Bluetooth 4.0, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Functionality 8.8.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Functionality Overview 8.8.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Audio Streaming, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Data Transfer, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.4 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Location Services, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.8.5 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Device Networks, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.9 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Segmentation: By Sales Channel 8.9.1 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market, By Sales Channel Overview 8.9.2 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Online, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 8.9.3 Middle East & Africa Bluetooth Devices Market Size, By Offline, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Billion & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on the Global Bluetooth Devices Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Value Chain Analysis 10.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Position Matrix 11.3 Market Share Analysis of Bluetooth Devices Market 11.4 Company Profiles 11.4.1 Apple, Inc. 11.4.2 Logitech International S.A. 11.4.3 Panasonic Holdings Corp. 11.4.4 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 11.4.5 Dell Technologies Inc. 11.4.6 Sony Group Corp. 11.4.7 GN Store Nord A/S 11.4.8 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11.4.9 Xiaomi Corporation 11.4.10 Sennheiser Electronic GmbH and Co. KG
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