リテールレディパッケージング市場:製品タイプ別(ダイカットディスプレイ容器、段ボール箱、シュリンク包装トレイ、フォールディングカートン、その他)、素材別(プラスチック、紙・板紙、その他)、用途別(食品・飲料、医薬品、エレクトロニクス、パーソナルケア・化粧品、その他)...。世界の機会分析および産業予測、2021-2031年Retail Ready Packaging Market By Product Type (Die cut display containers, Corrugated cardboard boxes, Shrink wrapped trays, Folding cartons, Others), By Material (Plastic, Paper & Paperboard, Others), By Application (Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Personal Care & Cosmetics, Other): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031 世界のリテールレディパッケージング市場は、2021年に651億4340万ドルとなり、2031年には1078億1203万ドルに達し、2022年から2031年までのCAGRは5.1%と予測されています。ブランド名を表示し、製品の識別を助ける... もっと見る
サマリー世界のリテールレディパッケージング市場は、2021年に651億4340万ドルとなり、2031年には1078億1203万ドルに達し、2022年から2031年までのCAGRは5.1%と予測されています。ブランド名を表示し、製品の識別を助ける二次包装は、リテールレディパッケージングと呼ばれます。小売業者やブランドオーナーは、そのデザインによって効果的かつ効率的な仕入れや販売が可能になるため、リテールレディパッケージングから利益を得ることができます。また、ブランドオーナーにとっては、ブランド機能を付加価値として示すことができ、輸送や棚への補充が容易になります。リサイクル性という基本的な品質が、最も重要な市場要因である。小売店向けのパッケージは主に紙と板紙で作られているため、リサイクルが容易です。包装箱に加えられる印刷デザインや要素は、製品に価値を与え、同時にブランドの宣伝にもなります。消費者は目に見えるものを利用することに興味があるので、これは非常に望ましいことです。軽くて扱いやすく、詰め替えも素早くでき、製品をより使いやすくしてくれる。 小売用レディ包装の世界市場の成長は、包装された加工食品や飲料の需要の急増が原動力となっています。また、パック食品などの生鮮品を中心とした消費財分野の発展により、高い成長率を示すと予想されます。さらに、FMCG(Fast-Moving Consumer Goods)分野では、創造的かつ効果的な機能設計により、小売業者の商品識別を助け、店舗の効率を向上させ、中味を開封せずに商品を直接小売棚に置くことで労働力を削減し、再在庫化のための回転時間を短縮して売上と利益を増大させることから、リテールレディ包装の需要が増加しています。また、壊れやすいもの、傷つきやすいものなどの保存にも役立ちます。また、消費者の立場からすると、商品の識別ができるため、買い物の利便性が向上し、世界市場におけるレディメイド包装の需要を後押ししています。 しかし、包装工程における一貫性の欠如は、世界の小売用包装材市場の主要な阻害要因として作用しています。製品の種類によって輸送や消耗のされ方が異なるため、包装の品質にはばらつきがあります。これは、すべての製品に同じ包装手順を使用すると、製品の寿命と品質が低下し、市場拡大の妨げになるという事実に起因しています。 これに対し、QRコードによる製品仕様の詳細やハンドブックなどの情報提供など、一貫したパッケージング・イノベーションが行われています。これにより、梱包サイズを最小限に抑え、より環境に配慮した梱包が可能になります。小売店向けレディ包装の世界市場のニーズは、電子商取引プラットフォームの普及率の上昇と、サプライチェーンや物流分野における開発・自動化によってさらに高まると予想されます。電子商取引は物流において重要な役割を担っており、大量のアイテムの輸送を支援するためにリテールレディパッケージングの使用が必要となっています。さらに、小売用包装は、商品の品質、完全性、外観を損なうことなく商品の識別を可能にするため、大量の商品の移動に適した包装方法となります。このように、リテールレディパッケージングに関連する複数の利点は、予測期間中に世界のリテールレディパッケージング産業の拡大のための新たな道を開くと予想されます。 小売用レディ包装の世界市場は、製品タイプ、素材、用途、地域に区分されます。製品タイプにより、市場はダイカットディスプレイコンテナ、段ボール箱、シュリンク包装トレイ、フォールディングカートン、その他に細分化されます。素材別では、紙・板紙、プラスチック、その他に細分化されます。用途別では、食品・飲料、医薬品、パーソナルケア・化粧品、エレクトロニクス、その他に分類されます。地域別では、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、LAMEAで分析されています。 小売用レディ包装市場の主要企業には、DS Smith、Georgia-Pacific LLC Green Bay Packaging Inc.、International Paper、Mondi、Smurfit Kappa、The Cardboard Box Company、Vanguard Packaging, LLC、Weedon Group Ltd.、WestRock Companyなどが挙げられます。市場の主要企業は、小売用レディ包装市場でより良い製品とサービスを顧客に提供するために、事業拡大、買収、製品発売を主要な開発戦略として採用しています。 ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット 当レポートは、2021年から2031年までの小売用レディ包装市場分析の市場セグメント、現在の動向、推定、ダイナミクスを定量的に分析し、小売用レディ包装市場の優勢な機会を特定します。 市場調査は、主要な推進要因、阻害要因、機会に関連する情報とともに提供されます。 ポーターの5つの力分析は、利害関係者が利益志向のビジネス決定を行い、サプライヤーとバイヤーのネットワークを強化できるようにするために、バイヤーとサプライヤーの効力を強調します。 小売用レディ包装の市場予測に関する詳細な分析。 世界市場に対する収益貢献度に応じて、各地域の主要国をマッピングしています。 市場プレイヤーのポジショニングにより、ベンチマークを容易にし、市場プレイヤーの現在のポジションを明確に理解することができます。 当レポートでは、地域および世界の小売用レディ包装の市場動向、主要企業、市場セグメント、応用分野、市場成長戦略に関する分析を掲載しています。 主な市場セグメント 製品タイプ別 ダイカットディスプレイコンテナ 段ボール箱 シュリンクトレー フォールディングカートン その他 素材別 プラスチック 紙製板紙 その他 用途別 食品 飲料 医薬品 エレクトロニクス パーソナルケア化粧品 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ 欧州 ドイツ イギリス フランス イタリア その他の地域 アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 インド その他のアジア太平洋地域 LAMEA 中南米 中近東 アフリカ 主な市場関係者 DS Smith PLC. ジョージア・パシフィック グリーンベイ・パッケージング・インコーポレイテッド インターナショナル・ペーパー・カンパニー モンディグループ スマーフィット・カッパ・グループ ザ・ダンボール・ボックス・カンパニー ヴァンガード・カンパニーズ ○ ウィードン・グループ ウェストロック・カンパニー 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY PRODUCT TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Die cut display containers 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Corrugated cardboard boxes 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Shrink wrapped trays 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Folding cartons 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country 4.6 Others 4.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY MATERIAL 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Plastic 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Paper & Paperboard 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Others 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Food & Beverage 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Pharmaceuticals 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Electronics 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Personal Care & Cosmetics 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Other 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Material 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Canada Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Mexico Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Material 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application U.K. Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application France Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Italy Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Material 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Japan Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application South Korea Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application India Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Material 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Middle East Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Africa Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 DS Smith PLC. 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 Georgia-Pacific LLC. 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Green Bay Packaging Incorporated 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 International Paper Company 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 Mondi Group 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Smurfit kappa Group 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 The Cardboard Box Company 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Vanguard Companies 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Weedon Group 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 WestRock Company. 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryThe global retail ready packaging market was valued at $ 65,143.4 million in 2021, and is expected to reach $ 107,812.03million by 2031, with a CAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2031. Secondary packaging that shows branding and aids in product identification is referred to as retail ready packaging. Retailers and brand owners gain profit from retail ready packaging, as its design aids in effective and efficient stocking and sales. In addition, it allows merchants to have convenient transportation and shelf restocking, while exhibiting the brand functions as a value-added feature for brand owners. Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY PRODUCT TYPE 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Die cut display containers 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Corrugated cardboard boxes 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Shrink wrapped trays 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Folding cartons 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country 4.6 Others 4.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY MATERIAL 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Plastic 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Paper & Paperboard 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Others 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 Food & Beverage 6.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.2.3 Market analysis by country 6.3 Pharmaceuticals 6.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.3.3 Market analysis by country 6.4 Electronics 6.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.4.3 Market analysis by country 6.5 Personal Care & Cosmetics 6.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.5.3 Market analysis by country 6.6 Other 6.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 6.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 6.6.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 7: RETAIL READY PACKAGING MARKET, BY REGION 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Market size and forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by Material 7.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 7.2.5 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Canada Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Mexico Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by Material 7.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 7.3.5 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application U.K. Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application France Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Italy Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4 Asia-Pacific 7.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Material 7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Japan Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application South Korea Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application India Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Rest of Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5 LAMEA 7.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 7.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Product Type 7.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Material 7.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 7.5.5 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Latin America Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Middle East Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application Africa Market size and forecast, by Product Type Market size and forecast, by Material Market size and forecast, by Application CHAPTER 8: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Top winning strategies 8.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 8.4. Competitive Dashboard 8.5. Competitive Heatmap 8.6. Key developments CHAPTER 9: COMPANY PROFILES 9.1 DS Smith PLC. 9.1.1 Company overview 9.1.2 Company snapshot 9.1.3 Operating business segments 9.1.4 Product portfolio 9.1.5 Business performance 9.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.2 Georgia-Pacific LLC. 9.2.1 Company overview 9.2.2 Company snapshot 9.2.3 Operating business segments 9.2.4 Product portfolio 9.2.5 Business performance 9.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.3 Green Bay Packaging Incorporated 9.3.1 Company overview 9.3.2 Company snapshot 9.3.3 Operating business segments 9.3.4 Product portfolio 9.3.5 Business performance 9.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.4 International Paper Company 9.4.1 Company overview 9.4.2 Company snapshot 9.4.3 Operating business segments 9.4.4 Product portfolio 9.4.5 Business performance 9.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.5 Mondi Group 9.5.1 Company overview 9.5.2 Company snapshot 9.5.3 Operating business segments 9.5.4 Product portfolio 9.5.5 Business performance 9.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.6 Smurfit kappa Group 9.6.1 Company overview 9.6.2 Company snapshot 9.6.3 Operating business segments 9.6.4 Product portfolio 9.6.5 Business performance 9.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.7 The Cardboard Box Company 9.7.1 Company overview 9.7.2 Company snapshot 9.7.3 Operating business segments 9.7.4 Product portfolio 9.7.5 Business performance 9.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.8 Vanguard Companies 9.8.1 Company overview 9.8.2 Company snapshot 9.8.3 Operating business segments 9.8.4 Product portfolio 9.8.5 Business performance 9.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.9 Weedon Group 9.9.1 Company overview 9.9.2 Company snapshot 9.9.3 Operating business segments 9.9.4 Product portfolio 9.9.5 Business performance 9.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 9.10 WestRock Company. 9.10.1 Company overview 9.10.2 Company snapshot 9.10.3 Operating business segments 9.10.4 Product portfolio 9.10.5 Business performance 9.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
Allied Market Research社の金属材料分野での最新刊レポート
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