Actionable Benefits
Identify regional and operator CAPEX and operating cost trends to determine where investments are happening as consumer behavior evolves and industry trends unfold (i.e. shifts to the cloud).
Determine which regions have bee…
Actionable Benefits
Prepare roadmap and product/services timelines for the rollout of infotainment features and hardware.
Tier Ones can expand and align the scope of infotainment applications offered in their platforms.
OEMs, Tier…
Actionable Benefits
Deep dive into a technological analysis of the smart, next-generation gateways and routers for the IoT along with market data across all IoT markets.
Position your IoT investments, accordingly, considering cyber-security, de…
Actionable Benefits
Understand the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on mobile operators in APAC.
Understand top 5 key trends for 5G in APAC post-COVID-19.
Prioritize 5G-related prosumer and enterprise markets in APAC based on forecas…
Actionable Benefits
Identify and better target growth opportunities for active safety, autonomous vehicle and sensor technologies.
Gain a deeper understanding of how the ADAS and AV opportunity landscape has changed over the course of 2…
この調査レポートは世界のIoTゲートウェーとルータ市場を調査し、デバイスの出荷数と収益を主要地域別にMS Excelで提供するABIリサーチのマーケットデータです。
Actionable Benefits
Examine a comprehensive market data breakdown of IoT gateways/routers spann…