米国 グリーン技術特許・知財セミナー

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主 催米国 サンライトリサーチ社(Sunlight Research)
米国 Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner社
日 時2010年1月22日(金) 10時〜14時半 ※通訳付
開催会場新宿住友スカイルーム スカイルームA-3

      〒163-0247 東京都新宿区西新宿2-6-1 新宿住友ビル 47F    (地図)

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    電話: 03-3582-2531 FAX: 03-3582-2861
    Eメール: info@dri.co.jp


 9:30 受付開始
10:00-11:30 自社製品の市場投入期における他社特許把握(FTO)について

講 師  : Gary J. Speier, Esq. and Albin J. Nelson, Ph.D., J.D.


この問題を解決するための一般的なものとしては、Freedom to Operate (FTO)レビューという方法があります。この方法によって、自社製品が特許侵害に当たっていないことを設計段階で確認することができ、少なくとも特許侵害で訴えられるよりも前に確認しておくことが出来ます。FTOによるスクリーニングは、長年にわたり比較的高額なものでしたので、全ての製品に対してFTOを実施することは、一部の企業にしかできませんでした。



[原文] Program Description

Introduction of environmental ("green" technology) into the US market presents a risk that the product or process infringes a patent held by another party. The consequences of such infringement can be severe. In the best case, a license can be obtained for a minimal cost. Otherwise, a steep royalty or court judgment may be the result. The worst case scenario occurs when the infringed patent is held by a fierce competitor who may use the alleged infringement as leverage to harm the product owner through litigation, injunction, and/or through media attacks. The alleged infringer has the option to obtain a license, to settle under some agreement, to litigate to reach a judgment, and/or to redesign the product so it does not infringe (often with significant time lost and cost added). In all these cases, significant costs are incurred for legal representation as well as disruptions to product roadmap execution and challenges to customer loyalty.

One generally accepted way to handle this concern is to manage and control risk through product Freedom To Operate (FTO) review, also called product clearance review. This review ensures that the product design is 'cleared' from infringement already on the design stage, or at least before an infringement is asserted against the product. FTO screening has for many years been a relatively costly process. These costs have limited most organizations' ability to achieve and maintain
true freedom to operate for all products. 

An innovative and proprietary software system has been developed that allows for a more timely, accurate and cost-effective FTO analysis across all technology areas. The FTO presentation will discuss the need for effective FTO clearance reviews, and will illustrate how the software system is currently being used to help companies avoid being sued when commercializing products in the US. A focused emphasis on environmental technologies will be provided, including lithium ion batteries, wind energy and electric vehicles.

Attendees will learn how measures can be taken to effectively enter the US market with environmental ("green") technologies and products, while avoiding the costly and time consuming patent litigation in the US. 

11:30-13:00 休憩


講 師  : Albin J. Nelson, Ph.D., J.D. and Gary J. Speier, Esq.




[原文] Program Description

Introduction of environmental ("green" technology) into the US market presents a risk that the product or process infringes a patent held by another party. The consequences of such infringement can be severe. In the best case, a license can be obtained for a minimal cost. Otherwise, a steep royalty or court judgment may be the result. The worst case scenario occurs when the infringed patent is held by a fierce competitor who may use the alleged infringement as leverage to harm the product owner through litigation, injunction, and/or through media attacks. The alleged infringer has the option to obtain a license, to settle under some agreement, to litigate to reach a judgment, and/or to redesign the product so it does not infringe (often with significant time lost and cost added). In all these cases, significant costs are incurred for legal representation as well as disruptions to product roadmap execution and challenges to customer loyalty.

One generally accepted way to handle this concern is to manage and control risk through product Freedom To Operate (FTO) review, also called product clearance review. This review ensures that the product design is 'cleared' from infringement already on the design stage, or at least before an infringement is asserted against the product. FTO screening has for many years been a relatively costly process. These costs have limited most organizations' ability to achieve and maintain true freedom to operate for all products.

An innovative and proprietary software system has been developed that allows for a more timely, accurate and cost-effective FTO analysis across all technology areas. The FTO presentation will discuss the need for effective FTO clearance reviews, and will illustrate how the software system is currently being used to help companies avoid being sued when commercializing products in the US. A focused emphasis on environmental technologies will be provided, including lithium ion batteries, wind energy and electric vehicles.

Attendees will learn how measures can be taken to effectively enter the US market with environmental ("green") technologies and products, while avoiding the costly and time consuming patent litigation in the US. 

14:30-17:00 無料特許訴訟個別相談会 (希望者のみ)

米国 Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner社の専門家が個別にご対応いたします。

講師の経歴 / Speaker Biographies

Albin J. Nelson氏: 米国の登録されている特許弁理士、有機化学博士、SLW社株主。化学、バイオ、薬学の特許法が専門。特許訴訟、再審理、再発行、特許ドラフティング、起訴において豊富な経験を有する。ジェネリック薬、バイオの特許法に詳しい。

Dr. Nelson is a registered U.S. patent attorney, holds a doctorate degree in organic chemistry, and is a Shareholder at the patent law firm of Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. Dr. Nelson has expertise in chemical, biological and pharmaceutical areas of patent law. Dr. Nelson has worked in the areas of patent litigation, reexaminations, reissues, as well as patent drafting and prosecution. Dr. Nelson also has a specialized proficiency in the generic pharmaceutical and biological areas of patent law.

Gary J. Speier氏: 米国の登録弁理士、有機化学博士、SLW社株主。化学、バイオ、薬学の特許法が専門。化学、薬学、環境技術分野の特許法が専門。特許訴訟、再審理、再発行、特許ドラフティング、起訴において豊富な経験を有する。ジェネリック薬の分野に詳しい。

Mr. Speier is a registered U.S. patent attorney, holds a masters degree in organic chemistry, and is a Shareholder at the patent law firm of Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. Mr. Speier has expertise in chemical, pharmaceutical and environmental ("green tech") technology areas of patent law. Mr. Speier has worked in the areas of reexaminations, reissues, as well as patent drafting and prosecution. Mr. Speier also has a specialized proficiency in the generic pharmaceutical area of patent law.



〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂4-5-6-701
電話: 03-3582-2531 FAX: 03-3582-2861 Eメール: info@dri.co.jp


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