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トピックス別レポート閲覧 [注目技術]



自動国境管理の世界市場:コンポーネント別(ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、サービス)、ソリューション別(ABC e-gate v/s ABC kiosk)、アプリケーション別(空港、陸上港、海上港)、企業別、地域別、予測&機会、2026年
Global Automated Border Control Market By Component (Hardware, Software, Service), By Solution (ABC e-gate v/s ABC kiosk), By Application (Airport, Land port, Seaport), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
India Two-Wheeler ABS (Anti- Braking System) Market by Type (Single Channel and Dual Channel), By Sub Systems (Electronic Control Unit (ECU), Sensors, etc.), By Engine Type (Entry Level (100cc-125cc), etc.), By Demand Category (OEM Vs. Replacement) Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Tractors and Trailers Market By Trailer Type (Open trailers, Flatbed Trailer, Lowboy Trailers, Others), By Application (Industrial, Agriculture, Others), By Horsepower (Below 40 HP, 40-100 HP, Above 100 HP), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Aviation MRO Market By Industry (Passenger Aviation, Military Aviation, Cargo Aviation), By Component (Engine, Airframe, Line, Avionics, Modifications, Others), By Aircraft Type (Narrow Body, Wide Body, Regional Jet, Others), By End User (OEM, Aircraft Operator, Others), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
United Kingdom LED Lighting Market, By Type (LED Bulbs & Lamps, Batten Lights, Downlights, Others), By Application (Outdoor Lighting, Indoor Lighting), By Installation Type (New Installation and Retrofit Installation), By End User (Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Others), By Distribution Channel (Direct Sales and Wholesale/Retail), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Vietnam Telecom Market, By Type (Wireless Telecommunication Carriers, Wired Telecommunication Carriers, Communication Hardware, Satellite and Telecommunication Resellers), By Service Type (Managed Data Center, Managed Network Services, Managed Data & Information Services, Managed Mobility Services, Managed Communications Services and Managed Security Services), By Equipment (Networking Equipment, Transmitting Device, End Point Device), By Deployment (On-Premises, Cloud), By Application (Household, Commercial), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global Metaverse Market, By Component (Hardware and Software), By Platform (Desktop, Mobile), By Technology (Blockchain, VR & AR, Mixed Reality), By Application (Gaming, Online Shopping, Content Creation, Social Media, Others), By End User (BFSI, Retail, Manufacturing, Media & Entertainment, Education, Aerospace & Defense, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
オフショア係留システムの世界市場:係留タイプ別(カテナリー、張り脚、シングルポイント、スプレッド、ダイナミックポジショニング、セミ張り)、用途別(浮体式、生産・貯蔵・積出(FPSO)、浮体式液化天然ガス、張り脚プラットフォーム、SPARプラットフォーム、その他)、アンカータイプ別(Drag Embedment、垂直荷重、サクション)、地域別、競争予測および機会、2017年~2027年
Global Offshore Mooring Systems Market, By Mooring Type (Catenary, Taut Leg, Single Point, Spread, Dynamic Positioning, and Semi Taut), By Application (Floating, Production, Storage & Offloading (FPSO), Floating Liquefied Natural Gas, Tension Leg Platform, SPAR Platforms, Others), By Anchor Type (Drag Embedment, Vertical Load, Suction), and By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Saudi Arabia Port Infrastructure Market, By Elements (Port Terminals, Port Operational Equipment, Others), By Type (Sea Port, Dry Port, Container Terminals, Others), By Thrust (Portable, Mid-range, High Power), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
米国ソーラーマイクロインバーター市場 タイプ別(単相、三相)、接続性別(統合、独立)、用途別(住宅、商業、太陽光発電所)、販売チャネル別(直接、間接)、地域別、競争、予測&機会、2026年
United States Solar Microinverter Market By Type (Single Phase and Three Phase), By Connectivity (Integrated, Standalone), By Application (Residential, Commercial, PV Power Plant), By Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
インド受動型光ネットワーク機器市場:コンポーネント別(波長分割多重装置、光フィルタ、光パワースプリッター、光ケーブル、光回線端末(OLT)、光ネットワーク端末(ONT)、その他)、タイプ別(Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON).アプリケーション別(FTTH、FTTx、モバイルバックホール)、エンドユーザー別(住宅、商業、産業)、地域別、2027年度予測、機会
India Passive Optical Network Equipment Market, By Component (Wavelength Division Multiplexer/De-Multiplexer, Optical filters, Optical power splitters, Optical cables, Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Optical Network Terminals (ONT), Others), By Type (Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON), Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), Next Generation Passive Optical Network (NG PON), Others), By Application (FTTH (Fiber to the Home), FTTx (Fiber to the X), Mobile Backhaul) By End User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
UAE Elevator & Escalator Maintenance & Repair Services Market, By Type (Elevator, Escalator, Moving Walkways), By Elevator Technology (Hydraulic and Traction),By Components (Elevator Machine Room, Hoistway, Elevator Car, Others), By End User (Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Infrastructural, Others), By Elevator Door Type (Automatic and Manual), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
エンジニアードマーブルの世界市場:製品タイプ別(固体表面v/エンジニアードクォーツストーン)、厚さ別(10-12mm, 12-15mm, 15-18mm, 18mm以上)、適用モード別(内装v/外装)、流通チャネル別(店舗型v/無店舗型)、用途別(キッチンカウンタートップ、外壁、フローリング、バスルーム、その他)、エンドユーザー別(商業・住宅・工業)、地域別、競合予測・機会予測、2026年
Global Engineered Marble Market, By Product Type (Solid Surface v/s Engineered Quartz Stone), By Thickness (10-12mm, 12-15mm, 15-18mm, Above 18mm), By Mode of Application (Interior v/s Exterior), By Distribution Channel (Store-based v/s Non-store-based), By Application (Kitchen Countertops, Facades, Flooring, Bathroom, Others), By End User (Commercial, Residential, Industrial), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
インド ドローン抑止市場、軽減タイプ別(破壊型 vs 非破壊型)、防衛タイプ別(ドローン探知&妨害システム vs ドローン探知のみシステム)、エンドユーザー別(軍事・防衛、政府、その他)、地域別、競合予測&機会、2027年度版
India Drones Deterrence Market, By Mitigation Type (Destructive Vs. Non-Destructive), By Defense Type (Drone Detection & Jamming System Vs. Drone Detection Only System), By End User (Military & Defense, Government and Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
Global IoT Device Management Market By Component (Software v/s Service), By Deployment Mode (On-Premise v/s Cloud), By Organization Size (Large Enterprises v/s SMEs), By Application (Smart Retail, Connected Health, Connected Logistics, Smart Utilities, Smart Manufacturing, Others), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
価格 US$ 4,900  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
United States Railway Platform Security Market By Component (Solutions and Services), By Application (Subways and Trains), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
イギリス トイレケア市場:製品タイプ別(床・タイルクリーナー、蛇口クリーナー、トイレクリーナー、トイレットペーパー、その他{バスタブクリーナー、洗面台クリーナー、ワイプなど})、流通チャネル別(百貨店、スーパーマーケット・ハイパーマーケット、従来型店舗、オンライン、その他)、地域別、競合予測・機会、2017年~2027年
United Kingdom Toilet Care Market, By Product Type (Floor/Tile Cleaners, Faucet Cleaners, Toilet Cleaners, Toilet Paper, and Other {Bathtub Cleaners, Basin Cleaners, Wipes, etc.}), By Distribution Channel (Departmental Stores, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Traditional Stores, Online, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
United Kingdom Skin Care Market, By Product Type (Face Care {BB/CC Creams, Anti-aging creams, Face Toners/ Mist, Face Moisturizers and Others} Vs. Body Care {Hand Cream, Body Lotions/Body Butter and Others}), By Origin (Conventional & Organic), By Distribution Channel (Beauty Parlors/ Salons, Multi Branded Retail Stores, Online Channels, Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets, Exclusive Retail Stores & Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
イギリスのノンアルコール飲料市場:製品タイプ別(炭酸飲料{炭酸ソフトドリンク、機能性・エネルギー・スポーツドリンク、その他(アイスティー・レモン、ソーダなど)対非炭酸飲料(ボトルウォーター、果汁飲料、フレーバー飲料、その他(乳飲料、リプトンアイスティーなど))、包装形態(ボトル、缶、その他(テトラパック、パウチなど))別), パッケージサイズ別 (250ml以下, 250ml-1L, 1L以上), 流通チャネル別 (百貨店, スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット, コンビニエンスストア, オンライン, その他{直販・薬局/薬剤師など}), 地域別, 競争予測と機会, 2017-2027年
United Kingdom Non-Alcoholic Beverages Market, By Product Type (Carbonated {Carbonated Soft drinks, Functional/Energy & Sports Drinks and Others [Iced Tea-Lemon, Soda, etc.]}) Vs. Non-Carbonated {Bottled Water, Fruit Juices & Flavored Drinks and Others [Dairy-based Drinks, Lipton Iced Tea, etc.]}), By Packaging Type (Bottle, Cans, Others {Tetra-packs & Pouches, etc.}), By Pack Size (Below 250ml, 250ml-1L, Above 1L), By Distribution Channel (Department Store, Supermarket/ Hypermarket, Convenience Store, Online and Others {Direct Selling, Pharmacies/ Chemist, etc.}), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
イギリスのハードセルザー市場、タイプ別(フレーバー付き vs ノンフレーバー)、ABV含有量別(5%未満、5%以上)、流通チャネル別(オンライン、コンビニエンスストア、スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット、その他)、地域別、予測・機会、2017-2027年
United Kingdom Hard Seltzer Market, By Type (Flavoured vs Non-Flavoured), By ABV Content (Less than 5%, More than 5%), By Distribution Channel (Online, Convenience Stores, Supermarket/Hypermarkets, Others), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2017-2027
価格 US$ 3,500  |  TechSci Research | 2022年7月
