





2024/09/20 10:26

143.76 円

160.81 円

193.57 円

トピックス別レポート閲覧 [医療]



人口健康管理の世界市場規模調査、コンポーネント別(ソフトウェア、サービス)、提供形態別(オンプレミス提供形態、クラウドベース提供形態)、エンドユーザー別(ヘルスケアプロバイダー、ヘルスケアペイヤー、その他エンドユーザー)、地域別予測 2022-2028
Global Population Health Management Market Size study, By Component (Software, Services), By Mode of Delivery (On-Premise Mode of Delivery, Cloud-Based Mode of Delivery), By End-User (Healthcare Providers, Healthcare Payers, Other End-Users) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
腫瘍情報システムの世界市場規模調査、製品別(ソフトウェア、プロフェッショナルサービス)、用途別(放射線腫瘍学、医療腫瘍学、外科腫瘍学)、エンドユーザー別(病院・画像診断センター、アブレーションケアセンター・がん治療センター、政府機関、研究施設)、地域予測 2022-2028
Global Oncology Information System Market Size study, By Product (Software, Professional Services), By Application (Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology), By End-User (Hospitals & Diagnostic Imaging Centres, Ablation Care Centres and Cancer Care Centres, Government Institutions, Research Facilities), and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
神経学患者モニタリングの世界市場規模調査、用途別(外傷、髄液管理、偏頭痛、脳卒中、水頭症、脳波、その他)、地域別予測 2022-2028
Global Neurology Patient Monitoring Market Size study, by Application (Trauma, CSF Management, Migraine, Stroke, Hydrocephalus, EEG, Others), and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
Global mHealth Apps Market Size study, by Product Type (Medical Apps (Women’s Health Apps, Personal Health Record Apps, Medication Management Apps, Diagnostic Apps, Remote Monitoring Apps, Disease Management Apps, and Other Medical App), Fitness Apps (Diet & Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness, Lifestyle & Stress’)) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
mHealthアプリの世界市場規模調査、製品タイプ別(医療アプリ(女性の健康アプリ、個人健康記録アプリ、投薬管理アプリ、診断アプリ、遠隔監視アプリ、疾病管理アプリ、その他医療アプリ)、フィットネスアプリ(ダイエット&栄養、エクササイズ&フィットネス、ライフスタイル&ストレス))および地域別予測 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
タンパク質工学におけるラボオートメーションの世界市場規模調査、装置別(自動液体ハンドラー、自動プレートハンドラー、ロボットアーム、自動保管・検索システム(AS/RS)、その他)、地域別予測 2022-2028
Global Lab Automation in Protein Engineering Market Size study, by Equipment (Automated Liquid Handlers, Automated Plate Handlers, Robotic Arms, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS), Others) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
ヘルスケアITの世界市場規模調査、製品・サービス別(ヘルスケアプロバイダーソリューション(臨床ソリューション、非臨床ソリューション、投薬管理システム、労働力管理ソリューション、財務管理システム(請求・会計)、ヘルスケア情報交換、医療文書管理ソリューション)、ヘルスケアペイヤーソリューション(請求管理ソリューション、人口健康管理ソリューション、薬局監査・分析ソリューション、支払い管理ソリューション、顧客関係管理ソリューション、メンバー資格管理ソリューション)、不正分析ソリューション、プロバイダネットワーク管理ソリューション}、HCITアウトソーシングサービス{ITインフラ管理サービス、ペイヤーHCITアウトソーシングサービス、プロバイダHCITアウトソーシングサービス、オペレーションHCITアウトソーシングサービス}、コンポーネント別(サービス、ソフトウェア、ハードウェア)、エンドユーザー別(医療機関{病院、外来ケアセンター、在宅医療機関・福祉施設、診断・イメージングセンター、薬局}、医療費支払者{民間支払者、公共支払者})および地域予測 2022-2028
Global Healthcare IT Market Size study, By Product & Services (Healthcare Provider Solutions {Clinical Solutions, Non-Clinical Solutions, Medication Management Systems, Workforce Management Solutions, Financial Management Systems (Billings & Accounting), Healthcare Information Exchanges, Medical Document Management Solutions}, Healthcare Payer Solutions {Claims Management Solutions, Population Health Management Solutions, Pharmacy Audit and Analysis Solutions, Payment Management Solutions, Customer Relationship Management Solutions, Member Eligibility Management Solutions, Fraud Analytics Solutions, Provider Network Management Solutions}, HCIT Outsourcing Services {IT Infrastructure Management Services, Payer HCIT Outsourcing Services, Provider HCIT Outsourcing Services, Operational HCIT Outsourcing Services}), By Component (Services, Software, Hardware), By End-User (Healthcare Providers {Hospitals, Ambulatory Care Centres, Home Healthcare Agencies & Assisted Living Facilities, Diagnostic & Imaging Centres, Pharmacies}, Healthcare Payers {Private Payers, Public Payers}), and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
フィルター完全性試験の世界市場規模調査、製品別(手動、自動)、用途別(エアフィルター、液体フィルター)、地域別予測 2022-2028
Global Filter Integrity Test Market Size study, by Product (Manual, Automated), by Application (Air Filters, Liquid Filters) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
エクソソーム研究用製品の世界市場規模調査、用途別(がん用途、非がん用途)、製品・サービス別(キット・試薬、機器、サービス)、エンドユーザー別(学術・研究機関、製薬・バイオテクノロジー企業、病院・臨床検査機関)、地域予測 2022-2028
Global Exosome Research Products Market Size study, by Application (Cancer Applications, Non-Cancer Applications), by Products & Services (Kits and Reagents, Instruments, Services), by End-Use (Academic & Research Institutes, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, Hospitals & Clinical Testing Laboratories) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
薬物スクリーニングの世界市場規模調査、製品・サービス別(薬物スクリーニング製品、分析機器、迅速検査機器、口腔液検査機器、消耗品)、エンドユーザー別(薬物検査機関、職場、刑事司法・法執行機関、病院、麻薬治療センター、個人ユーザー、疼痛管理センター、学校・大学)、地域予測 2022-2028
Global Drug Screening Market Size study, by Product and Service (Drug Screening Product, Analytical Instruments, Rapid Testing Devices, Oral Fluid Testing Devices, Consumables), by End-Use (Drug Testing Laboratories, Workplaces, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Agencies, Hospitals, Drug Treatment Centers, Individual Users, Pain Management Centers, Schools and Colleges) and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
臨床試験管理システムの世界市場規模調査、導入形態別(全社型CTMS、オンサイト型CTMS)、提供形態別(Webベース{オンデマンド}、ライセンス型エンタープライズ{オンプレミス})、クラウドベース{SaaS})、製品・サービス別(ソフトウェア、サービス)、エンドユーザー別(大手製薬・バイオ企業、CRO、医療機器メーカー、中堅・中小製薬会社、その他エンドユーザー)及び地域別予測 2022-2028
Global Clinical Trial Management System Market Size study, By Deployment (Enterprise-wide CTMS, On-Site CTMS), By Delivery (Web-based {On-demand}), Licensed Enterprise {On-premises}), Cloud-based {SaaS}), By Product & Service (Software, Services), By End-User (Large Pharma-biotech Companies, CROs, Medical Device Manufacturers, Small & Mid-sized Pharma-biotech Companies, Other End-Users), and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2022年4月
Telerehabilitation Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Component (Hardware, Software), By Services (Clinical Assessment, Clinical Therapy), By Therapy, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2023年1月
China Medical Image Analysis Software Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Software Type (Integrated Software, Standalone Software), By Imaging Type, By Modality, By Application, By End-use, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2023年1月
Real World Evidence Solutions Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Component (Services, Datasets), By Application (Drug Development & Approvals), By End-user, By Therapeutic Area, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2023年1月
Clinical Trials Management System Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Solution Type, By Delivery Mode (Web & Cloud-based, On-premise), By Component (Software, Services), By End-user, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030
価格 US$ 5,950  |  Grand View Research | 2023年1月
Global Women’s mHealth Market Size study & Forecast, by Connected Devices (Glucose and Blood Pressure Monitor, Peak Flow Meter, Pulse Oximeter) by Services (Remote Monitoring, Consultation), by Wearable Devices (Fitness Devices, Blood Glucose Monitors, Cardiac Monitors, Neurological Monitors, Respiratory Monitors, Body and Temperature Monitors), by Application (Communication and Training, Education and Awareness, Diagnostics and Treatment, Disease and Epidemic Outbreak Tracking, Remote Data Collection, Remote Monitoring), by End-use (Physicians, Patients, Insurance Companies, Research Centers, Pharmacies, Biopharmaceutical Companies, Government, Tech Companies) and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
Global Women’s Digital Health Market Size study & Forecast, by Type (Mobile Apps, Wearable Devices, Diagnostic Tools, Others) by Application (Reproductive Health, Pregnancy & Nursing Care, Pelvic Care, General Healthcare & Wellness) and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
Global Pregnancy Tracking and Postpartum Care Apps Market Size study & Forecast, by Application (Pre-partum, Post-partum), by Device (Smartphones, Tablets), by Platform (Android, iOS) and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
Global Rehabilitation Robots Market Size study&Forecast, byType (Therapy Robots, Exoskeleton) by Extremity (Upper Body, Lower Body), by End-use (Hospitals & Clinics, senior care facilities, Homecare Settings)and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
Global Dairy Herd Management Market Size study & Forecast, by Product Type (Hardware, Standalone Software, Other Product Types) by Application Type (Milk Harvesting Management, Breeding Management, Feeding Management, Other Application Types), by End User Type (Small-scale Dairy Farms, Large-scale Dairy Farms, Co-operative Dairy Farms), and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
Global Digital Front Door Market Size study & Forecast, by Interface (Web, Mobile), By End-use (Providers, Payers, Others), and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029
価格 US$ 4,950  |  Bizwit Research & Consulting LLP | 2023年3月
