Communications service provider (CSP) spending on deploying new vEPC capabilities worldwide is forecast to grow from USD382 million in 2017 to USD4.2 billion in 2022 (with a CAGR of 62%). This will be due to strong growth in mobile data traffic and to CSP…
Telef?nica is using its OnLife Networks edge pilot to develop a low-cost, disaggregated digital infrastructure that supports the efficient delivery of existing and new services from central offices (COs). This case study examines the architecture and prin…
This country report and accompanying data annex provide a comprehensive overview of Israel's telecoms market, including KPIs and data on subscribers, penetration, revenue and ARPU. The report analyses the strategies of major players in the country&ap…
This country report and accompanying data annex provide a comprehensive overview of Sudan's telecoms market, including KPIs and data on subscribers, penetration, revenue and ARPU. The report analyses the strategies of major players in the country&apo…
This report focuses on aspects of Analysys Mason's <em>Connected Consumer Survey</em> that relate to the behaviour, preferences and plans of smartphone users in Australia and New Zealand. In particular, it focuses on the drivers of custom…
Report Details
The important new IDTechEx report, "Electric Vehicles in China 2019-2029" finds that the market penetration…
SRG conducted what we believe is the first independent benchmark study of 3GPP-based IoT devices. For this study, we analyzed the power consumption / energy requirements of Cat M1 and Cat NB1 modules and devices operating under a wide range of network c…