Fixed telecoms revenue will grow by 4% between 2020 and 2025, driven by growth in revenue from fixed broadband services. This report analyses how the macroeconomic …
With Disney, Apple, WarnerMedia, and NBC Universal, among others, launching SVOD services, will any of them supplant the current “Big 3” in OTT (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu)? This report evaluates the emergence of major SVOD services r…
This comment complements our 'Public cloud provider and CSP partnership' tracker, which together provide insights into the state of IT and network migration to new cloud infrastructure and platforms.
Different countries have different policies in place for encouraging competition in the FTTP market. This means that the factors that determine whether a second FTTP installation is required when a customer switches to another fibre operator can vary sign…
Non-incumbent FTTP retail propositions are becoming increasingly common across developed markets. This case study report looks at the optimal strategies for FTTP challengers.
This report focuses on aspects of Analysys Mason’s Connected Consumer Survey that relate to the behaviour, preferences and plans of consumers in their use of pay-TV and OTT video services in Europe and the USA.
Connectivity has always been at the core of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Whether tapping a local ethernet connection for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) monitoring or deploying gateways and backhauling data over a cellular network, connectivi…
Report Details
Electricity demand in the US and European Union has been flat or down for several years, threatening the traditional business utility model of greater demand driving higher revenue. However, projected growth in EV adoption and th…
E-Learning Market by Technology, Infrastructure, Solutions and Applications for K through 12, College, Vocational and Corporate Instruction 2020 - 2025
We expect that mobile service revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa will grow by 1.8% per year between 2020 and 2025. The main drivers of revenue growth are the increasing number of subscribers (including both first-time users and data users) and the rising adopt…
Report Details
Wireless charging offers greatly improved convenience to the driver by doing away with cable clutter. Charging processes start automatically when an EV approaches at a certain distance, which will be particularly valuable for fut…
Juniper Research’s RCS Messaging research is an invaluable guide for market stakeholders to explore emerging opportunities in RCS messaging, with strategic recommendations that outline best practices for stakeholders to maximise revenue…
Operators’ investments in fibre and other technologies (such as VDSL) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will lead to strong fixed broadband revenue growth, but fixed voice revenue will continue to fall. This report provides insight into…
Restrictions imposed by governments due to the COVID-19 pandemic will have a notable impact on the mobile segment, resulting in a 9.4% decline in mobile service revenue in 2020. However, prepaid-to-contract migration will improve the situation somewhat, a…
The fixed telecoms segment in Latin America will show great resilience to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Retail revenue will increase during the forecast period, driven by growth in fixed broadband and business services revenue. This report provide…
Report Summary
One of the key challenges utilities face as they work to keep pace with digital transformation is protecting critical infrastructure security. Although utilities develop more interconnected systems that make the grid smarter, mor…