

Ophthalmic Drugs Market Report 2025-2035

概要 眼科医薬品市場レポート 2025-2035年: 本レポートは、業界とその基礎となる原動力をよりよく理解したい場合、新たな収益ポケットを目指す大手企業にとって貴重なものとなるでしょう。また、異業種へ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2024年12月23日 GBP5,150
344 英語

※上記価格は部署ライセンス(Departmental licence)価格です。




眼科医薬品市場レポート 2025-2035年: 本レポートは、業界とその基礎となる原動力をよりよく理解したい場合、新たな収益ポケットを目指す大手企業にとって貴重なものとなるでしょう。また、異業種への進出や新規地域での既存事業の拡大を目指す企業にとっても有用です。




眼科医薬品市場、特に発展途上国における医薬品関連の副作用への対応には、包括的な戦略が必要である。これには、医療アクセスの向上、医療インフラの整備、患者の教育、偽造医薬品の流通の減少、眼科治療の安全性と有効性を確保するための厳格な規制枠組みの制定などが含まれる。米国網膜専門医学会(ASRS)によると、加齢黄斑変性症(AMD)に続発する地理的萎縮症(GA)の治療薬としてFDAに承認されたアペリス製薬のペグセタコプランは、眼内炎症(IOI)の事例により安全性への懸念が高まっている。2023年4月の時点で、ASRSのReST(Research and Safety in Therapeutics)委員会はIOIの報告の追跡を開始し、そのうちのいくつかは重篤な網膜血管炎、閉塞性網膜血管症、または視力低下をもたらした。2024年1月16日、レトロスペクティブ解析により、ペグセタコプランの初回注射後に網膜血管炎を発症した患者が13例中14例いたことが明らかになった。特に、網膜静脈は動脈よりも侵されやすく、侵された眼の57%で視力が著しく低下し、2例では重篤な合併症のため核出術が必要となった。さらに、43%の症例で前眼部新生血管が認められた。これらの知見は、安全性に関する重大な問題を浮き彫りにし、関連するリスクをより適切に評価・管理するために、ペグセタコプランの継続的なモニタリングと実臨床における安全性解析の重要性を強調している。


  • 眼科医薬品市場はどのように進化しているのか?
  • 何が眼科医薬品市場を促進し、抑制しているのか?
  • 眼科医薬品サブマーケットの各セグメントは予測期間中にどのように成長し、2035年にはどれくらいの売上を占めるようになるのか?
  • 2025年から2035年にかけて、眼科医薬品の各サブマーケットの市場シェアはどのように推移するのか?
  • 2025年から2035年にかけて、市場全体を牽引する主な要因は何か?
  • 主要な眼科医薬品市場はマクロ経済の動きに概ね追随するのか、それとも個々の国市場が他を凌駕するのか?
  • 2035年までに各国市場のシェアはどのように変化し、2035年に市場をリードするのはどの地域か?
  • 主要プレーヤーは誰で、予測期間中の見通しは?
  • 2025年から2035年にかけて、業界はどのように発展していくのか?現在および今後10年間に行われる眼科医薬品プロジェクトの意味合いは?
  • 眼科医薬品市場をさらに拡大するために、製品の商業化の必要性は高まっていますか?
  • 眼科医薬品市場はどこへ向かっているのか、そして市場の最前線に立つにはどうすればよいのか?
  • 新製品やサービスラインへの最適な投資方法とは?
  • 企業を新たな成長軌道に乗せ、C-suiteに移行させるための重要な展望とは?


  • 344ページに及ぶ本レポートでは、129の表、178の図表を掲載。
  • 本レポートでは、業界における主要な有利分野を取り上げているため、今すぐターゲットを絞ることができる。
  • 世界、地域、国の売上高と成長に関する詳細な分析が含まれている。
  • 競合他社が成功した主なトレンド、変化、収益予測をハイライトします。


  • 2035年までの収益予測に加え、最新の実績、成長率、市場シェアもご覧いただけます。
  • ビジネスの展望や展開など、独自の分析が掲載されている。
  • 定性的分析(市場ダイナミクス、促進要因、機会、阻害要因、課題を含む)、コスト構造、眼科医薬品価格上昇の影響、最近の動向をご覧いただけます。



  • 処方薬
  • 一般用医薬品


  • 網膜障害
  • 感染/炎症/アレルギー
  • 緑内障
  • ドライアイ
  • その他


  • トピカル
  • 非経口


  • 病院の薬局
  • ドラッグストア
  • オンライン薬局



  • 米国
  • カナダ


  • ドイツ
  • スペイン
  • 英国
  • フランス
  • イタリア
  • オランダ
  • スイス
  • その他の欧州地域


  • 中国
  • 日本
  • インド
  • オーストラリア
  • 韓国
  • マレーシア
  • シンガポール
  • その他のアジア太平洋地域


  • ブラジル
  • アルゼンチン
  • メキシコ
  • チリ
  • その他のラテンアメリカ地域


  • GCC
  • 南アフリカ
  • その他のMEA地域



  • AbbVie Inc.
  • Alcon
  • Alimera Sciences
  • Apellis Pharmaceuticals
  • Bausch + Lomb Corporation
  • Bayer AG
  • Breye Therapeutics ApS
  • EyeBio
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  • Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
  • Nicox
  • Novaliq GmbH
  • Novartis AG
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • SpliceBio
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • Viatris Inc.





  • 眼科医薬品市場、2025年から2035年までの収益予測 眼科医薬品市場、2025年から2035年までの収益予測(タイプ、流通チャネル、適応症、投与経路の各予測を世界および地域レベルで掲載) - 業界の将来性を発見し、投資と収益に最も有利な場所を見つけることができます。
  • 5つの地域と26の主要国市場の2035年までの収益予測 - 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、MEAの眼科医薬品市場の2025年から2035年までの予測をご覧ください。また、米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ブラジル、ドイツ、フランス、英国、イタリア、中国、インド、日本、オーストラリアなどの主要国の市場も予測しています。
  • 2025年から2035年までの眼科医薬品市場に関わる主要企業21社の企業プロファイルを含む。




1 レポート概要
1.1 研究の目的
1.2 眼科用医薬品市場の紹介
1.3 本レポートの内容
1.4 本レポートを読むべき理由
1.5 本分析レポートが回答する主な質問
1.6 本レポートの対象者
1.7 方法論
1.7.1 市場の定義
1.7.2 市場評価・予測手法
1.7.3 データの検証 一次調査 セカンダリーリサーチ
1.8 よくある質問(FAQ)
1.9 Visiongainの関連レポート
1.10 Visiongainについて

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー

3 市場概要
3.1 主要な調査結果
3.2 市場ダイナミクス
3.2.1 市場促進要因 目に関連する症状の頻度と発生率の上昇 技術の進歩と革新 糖尿病の有病率の増加 新興の強力なパイプライン医薬品の存在
3.2.2 市場阻害要因 発展途上国における健康保険の欠如 利用可能な治療選択肢に関する認識の欠如 医薬品の副作用 ブロックバスター医薬品の特許切れ 研究開発費の高騰と特許切れが大衆薬に与える影響 混雑する眼科用医薬品市場における競争の激化
3.2.3 市場機会 研究開発投資の増加 老年人口の増加 デジタルヘルスソリューションと遠隔医療の出現 眼科分野における技術革新に対する規制支援の高まり 電子商取引とオンライン薬局が新たな市場機会を引き出す
3.3 新たなトレンド
3.4 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
3.4.1 サプライヤーの交渉力
3.4.2 買い手の交渉力
3.4.3 競争相手のライバル関係
3.4.4 代替品の脅威
3.4.5 新規参入企業の脅威
3.5 PEST分析
3.5.1 政治的要因
3.5.2 経済
3.5.3 社会
3.5.4 技術的
3.6 最近の承認

4 眼科医薬品市場分析:タイプ
4.1 主要な調査結果
4.2 タイプ別セグメント 市場魅力度指数
4.3 眼科用医薬品のタイプ別市場規模の推定と予測
4.4 処方箋薬
4.4.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
4.4.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
4.5 OTC医薬品
4.5.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
4.5.2 2025年および2035年の地域別市場シェア(%)

5 眼科医薬品市場分析:流通チャネル別
5.1 主要調査結果
5.2 流通チャネルセグメント 市場魅力度指数
5.4 流通チャネル別眼科医薬品市場規模の推定と予測
5.5 病院薬局
5.5.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
5.5.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
5.6 ドラッグストア
5.6.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
5.6.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
5.7 オンライン薬局
5.7.1 2025〜2035年地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
5.7.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)

6 眼科医薬品市場分析:適応症別
6.1 主要な調査結果
6.2 適応症セグメント市場魅力度指数
6.3 眼科用医薬品の適応症別市場規模の推定と予測
6.4 網膜疾患
6.4.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
6.4.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
6.5 感染症/炎症/アレルギー
6.5.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
6.5.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
6.6 ドライアイ
6.6.1 地域別市場規模、2025〜2035年(10億米ドル)
6.6.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
6.7 緑内障
6.7.1 地域別市場規模、2025〜2035年(10億米ドル)
6.7.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
6.8 その他
6.8.1 地域別市場規模、2025〜2035年(10億米ドル)
6.8.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)

7 眼科医薬品市場分析:投与経路別
7.1 主要調査結果
7.2 投与経路セグメント 市場魅力度指数
7.4 投与経路別眼科医薬品市場規模の推定と予測
7.5 外用薬
7.5.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
7.5.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)
7.6 非経口剤
7.6.1 2025〜2035年の地域別市場規模(10億米ドル)
7.6.2 地域別市場シェア、2025年・2035年(%)

8 眼科医薬品市場分析:地域別
8.1 主要な調査結果
8.2 地域別市場規模の推定と予測

9 北米の眼科医薬品市場分析
9.1 主要な調査結果
9.2 北米の眼科医薬品市場魅力度指数
9.3 北米の眼科用医薬品市場国別、2025年、2030年、2035年(10億米ドル)
9.4 北米の眼科用医薬品国別市場規模推定と予測
9.5 北米の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:タイプ別
9.6 北米の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:流通チャネル別
9.7 北米の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:適応症別
9.8 北米の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:投与経路別
9.9 アメリカの眼科用医薬品市場分析
9.10 カナダの眼科医薬品市場分析

10 欧州の眼科医薬品市場分析
10.1 主要な調査結果
10.2 欧州眼科医薬品市場魅力度指数
10.3 欧州の眼科用医薬品国別市場、2025年、2030年、2035年(10億米ドル)
10.5 欧州の眼科用医薬品国別市場規模推定と予測
10.6 欧州の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:タイプ別
10.7 欧州の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:流通チャネル別
10.8 欧州の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:適応症別
10.9 欧州の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:投与経路別
10.10 ドイツの眼科医薬品市場分析
10.11 フランスの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
10.12 イギリスの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
10.13 イタリアの眼科用医薬品市場分析
10.14 スペインの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
10.15 オランダの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
10.16 スイスの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
10.17 その他の欧州の眼科医薬品市場の分析

11 アジア太平洋地域の眼科医薬品市場分析
11.1 主要な調査結果
11.2 アジア太平洋地域の眼科医薬品市場魅力度指数
11.3 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品国別市場、2025年、2030年、2035年(10億米ドル)
11.4 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品国別市場規模推定と予測
11.5 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:タイプ別
11.6 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:流通チャネル別
11.7 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:適応症別
11.9 アジア太平洋地域の眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:投与経路別
11.10 日本の眼科医薬品市場分析
11.11 中国の眼科用医薬品の市場分析
11.12 インドの眼科用医薬品の市場分析
11.13 オーストラリアの眼科医薬品市場の分析
11.14 韓国の眼科医薬品市場の分析
11.15 マレーシアの眼科医薬品市場の分析
11.16 シンガポールの眼科医薬品市場の分析
11.17 その他のアジア太平洋地域の眼科医薬品市場分析

12 ラテンアメリカの眼科医薬品市場分析
12.1 主要な調査結果
12.2 ラテンアメリカの眼科医薬品市場魅力度指数
12.3 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品国別市場、2025年、2030年、2035年(10億米ドル)
12.4 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品国別市場規模推定と予測
12.5 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:タイプ別
12.6 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:流通チャネル別
12.7 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:適応症別
12.8 ラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:投与経路別
12.9 ブラジルの眼科用医薬品市場分析
12.10 アルゼンチンの眼科用医薬品の市場分析
12.11 メキシコの眼科用医薬品の市場分析
12.12 チリの眼科用医薬品の市場分析
12.13 その他のラテンアメリカの眼科用医薬品市場の分析

13 MEAの眼科医薬品市場分析
13.1 主要な調査結果
13.2 MEA眼科医薬品市場魅力度指数
13.3 MEAの眼科用医薬品国別市場、2025年、2030年、2035年(10億米ドル)
13.5 MEAの眼科用医薬品国別市場規模推定と予測
13.6 MEAの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:タイプ別
13.7 MEAの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:流通チャネル別
13.8 MEAの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:適応症別
13.9 MEAの眼科用医薬品市場規模推定と予測:投与経路別
13.10 GCCの眼科医薬品市場分析
13.11 南アフリカの眼科用医薬品市場の分析
13.12 その他のMEAの眼科用医薬品市場の分析

14 主要企業のプロファイル
14.1 戦略的展望
14.2 Novartis AG
14.2.1 会社概要
14.2.2 会社概要
14.2.3 財務分析 純収入、2018-2023年 地域市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費、2018年~2023年
14.2.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.2.5 戦略的展望
14.3 Bayer AG
14.3.1 会社概要
14.3.2 会社概要
14.3.3 財務分析 純収入、2018年~2023年 地域別市場シェア(2023年 事業セグメント市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年~2023年
14.3.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.3.5 戦略的展望
14.4 Pfizer Inc.
14.4.1 会社概要
14.4.2 会社概要
14.4.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 地域別市場シェア、2023年 事業セグメント市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年~2023年
14.4.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.5 Bausch + Lomb Corporation
14.5.1 会社概要
14.5.2 会社概要
14.5.3 財務分析 売上高、2020-2023年 研究開発費、2020-2023年
14.5.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.5.5 戦略的展望
14.6 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
14.6.1 会社概要
14.6.2 会社概要
14.6.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年〜2023年 地域市場シェア、2023年
14.6.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.6.5 戦略的展望
14.7 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
14.7.1 会社概要
14.7.2 会社概要
14.7.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 地域別市場シェア(2023年 事業セグメント市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年~2023年
14.7.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.7.5 戦略的展望
14.9 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
14.9.1 会社概要
14.9.2 会社概要
14.9.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 研究開発費、2018年〜2023年
14.9.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.9.5 戦略的展望
14.10 AbbVie Inc.
14.10.1 会社概要
14.10.2 会社概要
14.10.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 地域別市場シェア、2023年 事業セグメント市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年〜2023年
14.10.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.10.5 戦略的展望
14.11 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
14.11.1 会社概要
14.11.2 会社概要
14.11.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年〜2023年 事業セグメント別市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年~2023年
14.11.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.11.5 戦略的展望
14.12 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
14.12.1 会社概要
14.12.2 会社概要
14.12.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 地域市場シェア、2023年 研究開発費、2018年〜2023年
14.12.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.12.5 戦略的展望
14.13 Apellis Pharmaceuticals
14.13.1 会社概要
14.13.2 会社概要
14.13.3 財務分析 売上高、2020-2023年
14.13.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.13.5 戦略的展望
14.14 Novaliq GmbH
14.14.1 会社概要
14.14.2 会社概要
14.14.3 製品ベンチマーク
14.14.4 戦略的展望
14.15 Alimera Sciences
14.15.1 会社概要
14.15.2 会社概要
14.15.3 財務分析 売上高、2018年~2023年 研究開発費(2018〜2023年 地域市場シェア、2023年
14.15.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.15.5 戦略的展望
14.16 EyeBio
14.16.1 会社概要
14.16.2 会社概要
14.16.3 製品ベンチマーク
14.16.4 戦略的展望
14.17 SpliceBio
14.17.1 会社概要
14.17.2 会社概要
14.17.3 製品ベンチマーク
14.17.4 戦略的展望
14.18 Breye Therapeutics ApS
14.18.1 会社概要
14.18.2 会社概要
14.18.3 製品ベンチマーク
14.18.4 戦略的展望
14.19 Nicox
14.19.1 会社概要
14.19.2 会社概要
14.19.3 財務分析 純収入、2019年〜2023年
14.19.5 製品ベンチマーク
14.19.6 戦略的展望
14.20 Alcon
14.20.1 会社概要
14.20.2 会社概要
14.20.3 財務分析 純収入(2018年~2023年 事業セグメントの市場シェア(2023年 地域別市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費(2018年〜2023年
14.20.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.20.5 戦略的展望
14.21 Viatris Inc.
14.21.1 会社概要
14.21.2 会社概要
14.21.3 財務分析 純収入、2018年~2023年 地域市場シェア(2023年 研究開発費、2018年~2023年
14.21.4 製品ベンチマーク
14.21.5 戦略的展望
14.22 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
14.22.1 会社概要
14.22.2 会社概要
14.22.3 財務分析 純収入、2018-2023年
14.22.4 製品ベンチマーク

15 結論と提言
15.1 Visiongainの結語
15.2 市場プレイヤーへの提言



List of Tables
Table 1 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Snapshot, 2025 & 2035 (US$ billion, CAGR %)
Table 2 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Product Pipeline
Table 3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 4 Prescription Drugs Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 5 OTC Drugs Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 6 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 7 Hospital Pharmacies Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 8 Drug Stores Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 9 Online Pharmacies Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 10 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 11 Retinal Disorders Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 12 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 13 Dry Eye Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 14 Glaucoma Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 15 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 16 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 17 Topical Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 18 Parenteral Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 19 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 20 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 21 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 22 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 23 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 24 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 25 U.S. Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 26 Canada Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 27 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 28 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 29 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 30 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 31 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 32 Germany Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 33 France Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 34 UK Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 35 Italy Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 36 Spain Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 37 Netherlands Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 38 Switzerland Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 39 Rest of Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 40 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 41 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 42 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 43 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 44 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 45 Japan Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 46 China Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 47 India Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 48 Australia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 49 South Korea Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 50 Malaysia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 51 Singapore Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 52 Rest of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 53 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 54 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 55 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 56 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 57 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 58 Brazil Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 59 Argentina Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 60 Mexico Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 61 Chile Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 62 Rest of Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 63 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 64 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 65 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 66 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 67 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 68 GCC Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 69 South Africa Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 70 Rest of MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 71 Strategic Outlook
Table 72 Novartis AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 73 Novartis AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 74 Novartis AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 75 Bayer AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 76 Bayer AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 77 Bayer AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 78 Pfizer Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 79 Pfizer Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 80 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 81 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Product Benchmarking
Table 82 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Strategic Outlook
Table 83 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 84 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 85 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 86 Johnson & Johnson Services Inc: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 87 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Product Benchmarking
Table 88 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Strategic Outlook
Table 89 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 90 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 91 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 92 AbbVie Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 93 AbbVie Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 94 AbbVie Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 95 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 96 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Product Benchmarking
Table 97 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Strategic Outlook
Table 98 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 99 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 100 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 101 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 102 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Product Benchmarking
Table 103 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Strategic Outlook
Table 104 Novaliq GmbH: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 105 Novaliq GmbH.: Product Benchmarking
Table 106 Novaliq GmbH: Strategic Outlook
Table 107 Alimera Sciences: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 108 Alimera Sciences: Product Benchmarking
Table 109 Alimera Sciences: Strategic Outlook
Table 110 EyeBio: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 111 EyeBio: Product Benchmarking
Table 112 EyeBio: Strategic Outlook
Table 113 SpliceBio: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 114 SpliceBio: Product Benchmarking
Table 115 SpliceBio: Strategic Outlook
Table 116 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 117 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Product Benchmarking
Table 118 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Strategic Outlook
Table 119 Nicox: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 120 Nicox: Product Benchmarking
Table 121 Nicox: Strategic Outlook
Table 122 Alcon: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 123 Alcon: Product Benchmarking
Table 124 Alcon: Strategic Outlook
Table 125 Viatris Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 126 Viatris Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 127 Viatris Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 128 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 129 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Product Benchmarking

List of Figures
Figure 1 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 4 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 5 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 6 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index by Region
Figure 7 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Market Dynamics
Figure 8 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 9 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: PEST Analysis
Figure 10 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 11 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 12 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 13 Prescription Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 14 Prescription Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 15 OTC Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 16 OTC Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 17 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 18 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast By Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 19 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 20 Hospital Pharmacies Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 21 Hospital Pharmacies Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 22 Drug Stores Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 23 Drug Stores Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 24 Online Pharmacies Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 25 Online Pharmacies Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 26 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indication: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 27 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast By Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 28 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 29 Retinal Disorders Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 30 Retinal Disorders Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 31 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 32 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 33 Dry Eye Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 34 Dry Eye Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 35 Glaucoma Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 36 Glaucoma Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 37 Others Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 38 Others Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 39 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 40 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 41 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of administration, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 42 Topical Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 43 Topical Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 44 Parenteral Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 45 Parenteral Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 46 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Region 2025 & 2035 (Revenue, CAGR%)
Figure 47 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 48 Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Figure 49 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 50 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 51 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 52 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 53 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 54 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 55 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 56 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 57 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 58 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 59 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 60 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 61 U.S. Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 62 Canada Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 63 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 64 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 65 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 66 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 67 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 68 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 69 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 70 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 71 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 72 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 73 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 74 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 75 Germany Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 76 France Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 77 UK Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 78 Italy Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 79 Spain Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 80 Netherlands Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 81 Switzerland Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 82 Rest of Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 83 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 84 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 85 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 86 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 87 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 88 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 89 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 90 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 91 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 92 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 93 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 94 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 95 Japan Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 96 China Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 97 India Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 98 Australia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 99 South Korea Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 100 Malaysia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 101 Singapore Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 102 Rest of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 103 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 104 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 105 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 106 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 107 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 108 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 109 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 110 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 111 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 112 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 113 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 114 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%
Figure 115 Brazil Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 116 Argentina Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 117 Mexico Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 118 Chile Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 119 Rest of Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 120 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 121 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 122 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 123 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 124 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 125 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 126 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 127 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 128 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 129 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 130 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 131 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%
Figure 132 GCC Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 133 South Africa Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 134 Rest of MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 135 Novartis AG: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 136 Novartis AG: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 137 Novartis AG: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 138 Bayer AG: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 139 Bayer AG: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 140 Bayer AG: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 141 Bayer AG: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 142 Pfizer Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 143 Pfizer Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 144 Pfizer Inc.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 145 Pfizer Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 146 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Annual Revenue, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 147 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: R&D Expense, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 148 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 149 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 150 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 151 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 152 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 153 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 154 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 155 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 156 AbbVie Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 157 AbbVie: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 158 AbbVie: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 159 AbbVie Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 160 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 161 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 162 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 163 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 164 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 165 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 166 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Annual Revenue, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 167 Alimera Sciences: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 168 Alimera Sciences: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 169 Alimera Sciences: Regional Market Shares, 2023 (%)
Figure 170 Nicox: Net Revenue, 2019-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 171 Alcon: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 172 Alcon: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 173 Alcon: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 174 Alcon: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 175 Viatris Inc.: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 176 Viatris Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 177 Viatris Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 178 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)






The Ophthalmic Drugs Market Report 2025-2035: This report will prove invaluable to leading firms striving for new revenue pockets if they wish to better understand the industry and its underlying dynamics. It will be useful for companies that would like to expand into different industries or to expand their existing operations in a new region.

The global ophthalmic drugs market is experiencing robust growth, driven by several key factors. Rising incidences of eye-related conditions—such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eye syndrome—are fueling the demand for advanced pharmaceutical solutions. This trend is further supported by an aging global population and lifestyle changes that increase susceptibility to these conditions, underscoring the need for innovative drug options. A strong pipeline of new ophthalmic drugs is also bolstering market expansion, as pharmaceutical companies invest substantially in R&D to introduce enhanced and novel treatments. These active developments are set to deliver more targeted and precise therapies, improving treatment options and accelerating market momentum. With sustained innovation and continuous advancements, the global ophthalmic drugs market is expected to maintain its growth trajectory in the coming years.

Side Effects of Drugs Likely to Challenge Industry Growth

Topical ophthalmic drugs can cause a variety of side effects, including temporary vision cloudiness, allergic reactions, visual disturbances, and stinging, burning, or itching. Less common but more severe side effects include sudden vision changes, intense headaches, tunnel vision, eye discomfort, pain behind the eyes, and signs of an eye infection, such as swelling and discharge. As a result, adverse effects, particularly those associated with topical steroidal drugs, may limit market growth.

Addressing drug-related side effects in the ophthalmic drugs market, particularly in developing countries, necessitates a comprehensive strategy. This includes increasing healthcare accessibility, developing medical infrastructure, educating patients, reducing counterfeit drug circulation, and enacting stringent regulatory frameworks to ensure the safety and efficacy of ophthalmic treatments. Apellis Pharmaceuticals’ drug pegcetacoplan, which was approved by the FDA for geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), has raised safety concerns due to instances of intraocular inflammation (IOI), according to the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS). As of April 2023, the ASRS Research and Safety in Therapeutics (ReST) Committee began tracking reports of IOI, some of which resulted in severe retinal vasculitis, occlusive retinal vasculopathy, or vision loss. On 16th January 2024, a retrospective analysis revealed 14 cases of retinal vasculitis among 13 patients following their first pegcetacoplan injection, with inflammation typically manifesting around 10.5 days after the injection. Notably, retinal veins were more affected than arteries, and 57% of impacted eyes had significant vision acuity (VA) loss, with two cases necessitating enucleation due to severe complications. In addition, 43% of cases showed anterior segment neovascularisation. These findings highlight critical safety issues, emphasising the importance of continuous monitoring and real-world safety analysis of pegcetacoplan in order to better assess and manage associated risks.

What Questions Should You Ask before Buying a Market Research Report?

  • How is the ophthalmic drugs market evolving?
  • What is driving and restraining the ophthalmic drugs market?
  • How will each ophthalmic drugs submarket segment grow over the forecast period and how much revenue will these submarkets account for in 2035?
  • How will the market shares for each ophthalmic drugs submarket develop from 2025 to 2035?
  • What will be the main driver for the overall market from 2025 to 2035?
  • Will leading ophthalmic drugs markets broadly follow the macroeconomic dynamics, or will individual national markets outperform others?
  • How will the market shares of the national markets change by 2035 and which geographical region will lead the market in 2035?
  • Who are the leading players and what are their prospects over the forecast period?
  • How will the industry evolve during the period between 2025 and 2035? What are the implications of ophthalmic drugs projects taking place now and over the next 10 years?
  • Is there a greater need for product commercialisation to further scale the ophthalmic drugs market?
  • Where is the ophthalmic drugs market heading and how can you ensure you are at the forefront of the market?
  • What are the best investment options for new product and service lines?
  • What are the key prospects for moving companies into a new growth path and C-suite?

You need to discover how this will impact the Ophthalmic Drugs Market today, and over the next 10 years:

  • Our 344-page report provides 129 tables, 178 charts/graphs exclusively to you.
  • The report highlights key lucrative areas in the industry so you can target them – NOW.
  • It contains in-depth analysis of global, regional and national sales and growth.
  • It highlights for you the key successful trends, changes and revenue projections made by your competitors.

Forecasts to 2035 and other analyses reveal commercial prospects

  • In addition to revenue forecasting to 2035, our new study provides you with recent results, growth rates, and market shares.
  • You will find original analyses, with business outlooks and developments.
  • Discover qualitative analyses (including market dynamics, drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges), cost structure, impact of rising ophthalmic drugs prices and recent developments.

Segments Covered in the Report


  • Prescription Drugs
  • OTC Drugs


  • Retinal Disorders
  • Infection/Inflammation/Allergy
  • Glaucoma
  • Dry Eye
  • Others

Route of Administration

  • Topical
  • Parenteral

Distribution Channel

  • Hospital Pharmacies
  • Drug Stores
  • Online Pharmacies

In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for five regional and 26 leading national markets:

North America

  • U.S.
  • Canada


  • Germany
  • Spain
  • UK
  • France
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific

  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • Australia
  • South Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Rest of Asia Pacific

Latin America

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • Chile
  • Rest of Latin America


  • GCC
  • South Africa
  • Rest of MEA

The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Ophthalmic Drugs Market 2025 to 2035, with a focus on this segment of these companies’ operations.

Leading companies and the potential for market growth

  • AbbVie Inc.
  • Alcon
  • Alimera Sciences
  • Apellis Pharmaceuticals
  • Bausch + Lomb Corporation
  • Bayer AG
  • Breye Therapeutics ApS
  • EyeBio
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  • Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
  • Nicox
  • Novaliq GmbH
  • Novartis AG
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • SpliceBio
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
  • Viatris Inc.

Overall world revenue for ophthalmic drugs market, 2025 to 2035 in terms of value the market will surpass US$35.0 billion in 2025, our work calculates. We predict strong revenue growth through to 2035. Our work identifies which organizations hold the greatest potential. Discover their capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead.

How will the Ophthalmic Drugs Market, 2025 to 2035 report help you?

In summary, our 340+ page report provides you with the following knowledge:

  • Revenue forecasts to 2035 for Ophthalmic Drugs Market, 2025 to 2035 Market, with forecasts for type, distribution channel, indication, route of administration, each forecast at a global and regional level – discover the industry’s prospects, finding the most lucrative places for investments and revenues.
  • Revenue forecasts to 2035 for five regional and 26 key national markets – See forecasts for the Ophthalmic Drugs Market, 2025 to 2035 market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and MEA. Also forecasted is the market in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, UK, Italy, China, India, Japan, and Australia among other prominent economies.
  • Prospects for established firms and those seeking to enter the market – including company profiles for 21 of the major companies involved in the Ophthalmic Drugs Market, 2025 to 2035.

Find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. Receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with invaluable business intelligence.


Table of Contents

1 Report Overview
1.1 Objectives of the Study
1.2 Introduction to Ophthalmic Drugs Market
1.3 What This Report Delivers
1.4 Why You Should Read This Report
1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report
1.6 Who is This Report for?
1.7 Methodology
1.7.1 Market Definitions
1.7.2 Market Evaluation & Forecasting Methodology
1.7.3 Data Validation Primary Research Secondary Research
1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports
1.10 About Visiongain

2 Executive Summary

3 Market Overview
3.1 Key Findings
3.2 Market Dynamics
3.2.1 Market Driving Factors Rising Frequency and Occurrence of Eye-related Conditions Technological Advancements and Innovations Increasing Prevalence of Diabetes Presence of Strong Emerging Pipeline Drugs
3.2.2 Market Restraining Factors Lack of Health Insurance in the Developing Countries Lack of Awareness Regarding the Available Treatment Options Side Effects of Drugs Patent Expiry of Blockbuster Drugs Impact of Elevated R&D Expenses and Patent Loss on Popular Pharmaceuticals Intensifying Competition in the Crowded Ophthalmic Drugs Market
3.2.3 Market Opportunities Rise in Investment in Research and Development Rise in Geriatric Population Emergence of Digital Health Solutions and Telemedicine Growing Regulatory Support for Innovation in the Ophthalmic Sector E-Commerce and Online Pharmacies Unlock New Market Opportunities
3.3 Emerging Trends
3.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
3.4.3 Competitive Rivalry
3.4.4 Threat of Substitutes
3.4.5 Threat of New Entrants
3.5 PEST Analysis
3.5.1 Political
3.5.2 Economical
3.5.3 Social
3.5.4 Technological
3.6 Recent Approvals

4 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis by Type
4.1 Key Findings
4.2 Type Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
4.3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
4.4 Prescription Drugs
4.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
4.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
4.5 OTC Drugs
4.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
4.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)

5 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis by Distribution Channel
5.1 Key Findings
5.2 Distribution Channel Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
5.4 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
5.5 Hospital Pharmacies
5.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
5.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
5.6 Drug Stores
5.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
5.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
5.7 Online Pharmacies
5.7.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
5.7.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)

6 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis by Indication
6.1 Key Findings
6.2 Indication Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
6.3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
6.4 Retinal Disorders
6.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
6.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
6.5 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy
6.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
6.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
6.6 Dry Eye
6.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
6.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
6.7 Glaucoma
6.7.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
6.7.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
6.8 Others
6.8.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
6.8.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)

7 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis by Route of Administration
7.1 Key Findings
7.2 Route of Administration Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
7.4 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
7.5 Topical
7.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
7.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
7.6 Parenteral
7.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
7.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)

8 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis by Region
8.1 Key Findings
8.2 Regional Market Size Estimation and Forecast

9 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
9.1 Key Findings
9.2 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
9.3 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Country, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
9.4 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
9.5 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
9.6 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution channel
9.7 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
9.8 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
9.9 U.S. Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
9.10 Canada Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis

10 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.1 Key Findings
10.2 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
10.3 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Country, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
10.5 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
10.6 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
10.7 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
10.8 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
10.9 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
10.10 Germany Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.11 France Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.12 UK Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.13 Italy Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.14 Spain Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.15 Netherlands Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.16 Switzerland Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
10.17 Rest of Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis

11 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.1 Key Findings
11.2 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
11.3 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Country, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
11.4 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
11.5 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
11.6 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
11.7 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
11.9 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
11.10 Japan Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.11 China Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.12 India Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.13 Australia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.14 South Korea Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.15 Malaysia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.16 Singapore Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
11.17 Rest of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis

12 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
12.1 Key Findings
12.2 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
12.3 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Country, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
12.4 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
12.5 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
12.6 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
12.7 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
12.8 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
12.9 Brazil Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
12.10 Argentina Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
12.11 Mexico Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
12.12 Chile Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
12.13 Rest of Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis

13 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
13.1 Key Findings
13.2 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
13.3 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Country, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
13.5 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
13.6 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Type
13.7 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
13.8 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indications
13.9 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
13.10 GCC Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
13.11 South Africa Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis
13.12 Rest of MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Analysis

14 Company Profiles
14.1 Strategic Outlook
14.2 Novartis AG
14.2.1 Company Snapshot
14.2.2 Company Overview
14.2.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.2.4 Product Benchmarking
14.2.5 Strategic Outlook
14.3 Bayer AG
14.3.1 Company Snapshot
14.3.2 Company Overview
14.3.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.3.4 Product Benchmarking
14.3.5 Strategic Outlook
14.4 Pfizer Inc.
14.4.1 Company Snapshot
14.4.2 Company Overview
14.4.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.4.4 Product Benchmarking
14.5 Bausch + Lomb Corporation
14.5.1 Company Snapshot
14.5.2 Company Overview
14.5.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2020-2023 R&D Expense, 2020-2023
14.5.4 Product Benchmarking
14.5.5 Strategic Outlook
14.6 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
14.6.1 Company Snapshot
14.6.2 Company Overview
14.6.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023
14.6.4 Product Benchmarking
14.6.5 Strategic Outlook
14.7 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
14.7.1 Company Snapshot
14.7.2 Company Overview
14.7.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.7.4 Product Benchmarking
14.7.5 Strategic Outlook
14.9 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
14.9.1 Company Snapshot
14.9.2 Company Overview
14.9.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.9.4 Product Benchmarking
14.9.5 Strategic Outlook
14.10 AbbVie Inc.
14.10.1 Company Snapshot
14.10.2 Company Overview
14.10.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.10.4 Product Benchmarking
14.10.5 Strategic Outlook
14.11 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
14.11.1 Company Snapshot
14.11.2 Company Overview
14.11.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.11.4 Product Benchmarking
14.11.5 Strategic Outlook
14.12 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
14.12.1 Company Snapshot
14.12.2 Company Overview
14.12.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.12.4 Product Benchmarking
14.12.5 Strategic Outlook
14.13 Apellis Pharmaceuticals
14.13.1 Company Snapshot
14.13.2 Company Overview
14.13.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2020-2023
14.13.4 Product Benchmarking
14.13.5 Strategic Outlook
14.14 Novaliq GmbH
14.14.1 Company Snapshot
14.14.2 Company Overview
14.14.3 Product Benchmarking
14.14.4 Strategic Outlook
14.15 Alimera Sciences
14.15.1 Company Snapshot
14.15.2 Company Overview
14.15.3 Financial Analysis Revenue, 2018-2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023
14.15.4 Product Benchmarking
14.15.5 Strategic Outlook
14.16 EyeBio
14.16.1 Company Snapshot
14.16.2 Company Overview
14.16.3 Product Benchmarking
14.16.4 Strategic Outlook
14.17 SpliceBio
14.17.1 Company Snapshot
14.17.2 Company Overview
14.17.3 Product Benchmarking
14.17.4 Strategic Outlook
14.18 Breye Therapeutics ApS
14.18.1 Company Snapshot
14.18.2 Company Overview
14.18.3 Product Benchmarking
14.18.4 Strategic Outlook
14.19 Nicox
14.19.1 Company Snapshot
14.19.2 Company Overview
14.19.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2019-2023
14.19.5 Product Benchmarking
14.19.6 Strategic Outlook
14.20 Alcon
14.20.1 Company Snapshot
14.20.2 Company Overview
14.20.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2023 Business Segment Market Shares, 2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.20.4 Product Benchmarking
14.20.5 Strategic Outlook
14.21 Viatris Inc.
14.21.1 Company Snapshot
14.21.2 Company Overview
14.21.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2023 Regional Market Shares, 2023 R&D Expense, 2018-2023
14.21.4 Product Benchmarking
14.21.5 Strategic Outlook
14.22 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
14.22.1 Company Snapshot
14.22.2 Company Overview
14.22.3 Financial Analysis Net Revenue, 2018-2023
14.22.4 Product Benchmarking

15 Conclusion and Recommendations
15.1 Concluding Remarks from Visiongain
15.2 Recommendations for Market Players


List of Tables/Graphs

List of Tables
Table 1 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Snapshot, 2025 & 2035 (US$ billion, CAGR %)
Table 2 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Product Pipeline
Table 3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 4 Prescription Drugs Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 5 OTC Drugs Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 6 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 7 Hospital Pharmacies Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 8 Drug Stores Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 9 Online Pharmacies Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 10 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 11 Retinal Disorders Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 12 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 13 Dry Eye Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 14 Glaucoma Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 15 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 16 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 17 Topical Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 18 Parenteral Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 19 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 20 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 21 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 22 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 23 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 24 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 25 U.S. Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 26 Canada Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 27 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 28 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 29 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 30 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 31 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 32 Germany Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 33 France Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 34 UK Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 35 Italy Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 36 Spain Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 37 Netherlands Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 38 Switzerland Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 39 Rest of Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 40 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 41 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 42 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 43 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 44 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 45 Japan Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 46 China Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 47 India Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 48 Australia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 49 South Korea Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 50 Malaysia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 51 Singapore Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 52 Rest of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 53 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 54 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 55 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 56 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 57 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 58 Brazil Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 59 Argentina Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 60 Mexico Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 61 Chile Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 62 Rest of Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 63 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 64 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 65 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 66 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 67 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
Table 68 GCC Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 69 South Africa Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 70 Rest of MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 71 Strategic Outlook
Table 72 Novartis AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 73 Novartis AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 74 Novartis AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 75 Bayer AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 76 Bayer AG: Product Benchmarking
Table 77 Bayer AG: Strategic Outlook
Table 78 Pfizer Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 79 Pfizer Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 80 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 81 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Product Benchmarking
Table 82 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Strategic Outlook
Table 83 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 84 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 85 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 86 Johnson & Johnson Services Inc: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 87 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Product Benchmarking
Table 88 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Strategic Outlook
Table 89 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 90 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 91 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 92 AbbVie Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 93 AbbVie Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 94 AbbVie Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 95 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 96 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Product Benchmarking
Table 97 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Strategic Outlook
Table 98 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 99 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Product Benchmarking
Table 100 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Strategic Outlook
Table 101 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 102 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Product Benchmarking
Table 103 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Strategic Outlook
Table 104 Novaliq GmbH: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 105 Novaliq GmbH.: Product Benchmarking
Table 106 Novaliq GmbH: Strategic Outlook
Table 107 Alimera Sciences: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 108 Alimera Sciences: Product Benchmarking
Table 109 Alimera Sciences: Strategic Outlook
Table 110 EyeBio: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 111 EyeBio: Product Benchmarking
Table 112 EyeBio: Strategic Outlook
Table 113 SpliceBio: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 114 SpliceBio: Product Benchmarking
Table 115 SpliceBio: Strategic Outlook
Table 116 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 117 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Product Benchmarking
Table 118 Breye Therapeutics ApS: Strategic Outlook
Table 119 Nicox: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 120 Nicox: Product Benchmarking
Table 121 Nicox: Strategic Outlook
Table 122 Alcon: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 123 Alcon: Product Benchmarking
Table 124 Alcon: Strategic Outlook
Table 125 Viatris Inc.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 126 Viatris Inc.: Product Benchmarking
Table 127 Viatris Inc.: Strategic Outlook
Table 128 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
Table 129 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Product Benchmarking

List of Figures
Figure 1 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 3 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 4 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 5 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 6 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index by Region
Figure 7 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Market Dynamics
Figure 8 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 9 Ophthalmic Drugs Market: PEST Analysis
Figure 10 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 11 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 12 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 13 Prescription Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 14 Prescription Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 15 OTC Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 16 OTC Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 17 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 18 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast By Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 19 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 20 Hospital Pharmacies Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 21 Hospital Pharmacies Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 22 Drug Stores Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 23 Drug Stores Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 24 Online Pharmacies Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 25 Online Pharmacies Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 26 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indication: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 27 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast By Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 28 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 29 Retinal Disorders Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 30 Retinal Disorders Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 31 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 32 Infection/Inflammation/Allergy Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 33 Dry Eye Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 34 Dry Eye Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 35 Glaucoma Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 36 Glaucoma Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 37 Others Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 38 Others Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 39 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 40 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 41 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of administration, 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 42 Topical Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 43 Topical Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 44 Parenteral Market Forecast by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 45 Parenteral Market Share Forecast by Region, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 46 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Region 2025 & 2035 (Revenue, CAGR%)
Figure 47 Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region 2025, 2030, 2035 (%)
Figure 48 Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR (%), CAGR (%))
Figure 49 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 50 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 51 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 52 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 53 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 54 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 55 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 56 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 57 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 58 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 59 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 60 North America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 61 U.S. Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 62 Canada Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 63 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 64 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 65 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 66 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 67 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 68 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 69 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 70 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 71 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 72 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 73 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 74 Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 75 Germany Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 76 France Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 77 UK Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 78 Italy Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 79 Spain Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 80 Netherlands Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 81 Switzerland Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 82 Rest of Europe Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 83 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 84 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 85 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 86 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 87 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 88 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 89 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion
Figure 90 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 91 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 92 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 93 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 94 Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 95 Japan Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 96 China Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 97 India Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 98 Australia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 99 South Korea Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 100 Malaysia Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 101 Singapore Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 102 Rest of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 103 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 104 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 105 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 106 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 107 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 108 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 109 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 110 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 111 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 112 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 113 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 114 Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%
Figure 115 Brazil Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 116 Argentina Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 117 Mexico Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 118 Chile Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 119 Rest of Latin America Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 120 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
Figure 121 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market by Region, 2025, 2030 & 2035 (US$ Billion)
Figure 122 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 123 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 124 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Type, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 125 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Type, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 126 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 127 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 128 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Indications, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 129 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indications, 2025 & 2035 (%)
Figure 130 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 131 MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2025 & 2035 (%
Figure 132 GCC Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 133 South Africa Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 134 Rest of MEA Ophthalmic Drugs Market Forecast, 2025-2035 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
Figure 135 Novartis AG: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 136 Novartis AG: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 137 Novartis AG: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 138 Bayer AG: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 139 Bayer AG: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 140 Bayer AG: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 141 Bayer AG: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 142 Pfizer Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 143 Pfizer Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 144 Pfizer Inc.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 145 Pfizer Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 146 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: Annual Revenue, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 147 Bausch + Lomb Corporation: R&D Expense, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 148 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 149 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 150 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 151 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 152 Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 153 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 154 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 155 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 156 AbbVie Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 157 AbbVie: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 158 AbbVie: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 159 AbbVie Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 160 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 161 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 162 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 163 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR%)
Figure 164 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 165 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 166 Apellis Pharmaceuticals: Annual Revenue, 2020-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 167 Alimera Sciences: Annual Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 168 Alimera Sciences: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 169 Alimera Sciences: Regional Market Shares, 2023 (%)
Figure 170 Nicox: Net Revenue, 2019-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 171 Alcon: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 172 Alcon: Business Segment Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 173 Alcon: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 174 Alcon: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 175 Viatris Inc.: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 176 Viatris Inc.: Regional Market Shares (%), 2023
Figure 177 Viatris Inc.: R&D Expense, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)
Figure 178 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: Net Revenue, 2018-2023 (US$ Million, AGR %)






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