国内消化器官用薬市場:タイプ別(先発品、ジェネリック)、薬効分類別(アミノサリチル酸塩、消化酵素、プロトンポンプ阻害薬、緩下剤、抗エステロイド薬、H2拮抗薬、下痢止め、生物学的製剤/バイオシミラー、その他)、用途別(クローンズ病、潰瘍性大腸炎, GERD, IBS), 投与経路別 (経口剤, 注射剤, その他), 流通チャネル別 (病院薬局, 小売薬局, オンライン薬局), 地域別, 競争, 予測 & 機会, 2020-2030F
Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market By Type (Branded and Generics), By Drug Class (Aminosalicylates, Digestive enzymes, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Laxatives, Anti-Emetics, H2 Antagonists, Anti-Diarrheal, Biologics/Biosimilar, and Others), By Application (Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, GERD, IBS), By Route Of Administration (Oral, Injectable, and Others), By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2020-2030F
日本の胃腸薬市場は2024年に4億309万米ドルと評価され、予測期間中の年平均成長率は4.94%で、2030年には5億3863万米ドルに達すると予測されている。日本の胃腸薬市場は、いくつかの重要な要因によって牽引されて... もっと見る
サマリー 日本の胃腸薬市場は2024年に4億309万米ドルと評価され、予測期間中の年平均成長率は4.94%で、2030年には5億3863万米ドルに達すると予測されている。日本の胃腸薬市場は、いくつかの重要な要因によって牽引されている。日本では高齢化が進み、胃酸逆流、潰瘍、炎症性腸疾患などの消化器疾患の有病率が増加しており、効果的な治療薬に対する需要が高まっている。医薬品の研究開発の進歩は、有効性と安全性を改善した革新的な医薬品の導入につながり、市場の成長をさらに後押ししている。医療意識の高まりと市販薬の利用可能性が市場拡大に寄与している。また、患者のケアとアクセシビリティの向上を目指した政府の取り組みや医療改革も一役買っている。製薬企業と研究機関のコラボレーションが創薬・薬剤開発を強化し、市場の成長を支えている。これらの要因が相まって、日本の胃腸薬市場の成長軌道を形成している。
日本における消化器疾患の有病率は、ライフスタイルの変化、食習慣、ストレスレベルの上昇などの複雑な相互作用の影響を受け、ますます懸念されるようになっている。これらの要因は、炎症性腸疾患(IBD)、過敏性腸症候群(IBS)、肝疾患などの罹患率上昇の一因となっており、効果的な胃腸薬への需要を高めている。座りがちな生活や日常生活の変化などのライフスタイルの変化は、胃腸の健康問題に大きく関与している。現代の日本人のライフスタイルは、長時間労働と職業上のストレスの多さを特徴とし、より座りがちな生活スタイルとなっており、これが消化器の健康に悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。長時間の運動不足は便秘や肥満などの問題につながり、胃腸障害を悪化させる。座りがちな行動の増加は、腸の健康に悪影響を及ぼすことが知られているストレスレベルの上昇と相関している。ストレスは胃腸管の正常な機能を乱し、ストレスが症状を悪化させることが多いIBSのような症状を引き起こす。The burden of gastrointestinal diseases in Japan, 1990-2019, and projections for 2035」の研究によると、1990年以降、日本ではがんが消化器疾患に関連する死亡および障害調整生存年(DALY)の主な原因となっており、1990年にはこれらの指標の77.1%および71.2%、2019年にはそれぞれ79.2%および73.7%を占めている。がんに関連する年齢標準化死亡率とDALYは減少しているが、粗率は上昇しており、日本の高齢化が疾病負担に大きく影響していることを示している。その結果、消化器疾患の全体的な負担は2035年までに増加すると予測される。1990年の死亡率は10,000人当たり144.7人であったが、2019年には225.8人に上昇し、2035年には262.7人になると推定される。同様に、1万人当たりのDALYは、1990年の3581.6から2019年には3889.5に増加し、2035年には3830.9になると予測されている。主な死因は、1990年の胃がん、大腸がん、肝硬変から、2019年には胃がん、大腸がん、肝臓がんにシフトしており、2035年の予測では大腸がん、胃がん、膵臓がんが含まれる可能性が高い。
日本における薬事規制を乗り越えることは、胃腸薬市場の製薬企業にとって大きな課題である。日本には、厳格な臨床試験、包括的な安全性と有効性のデータ、詳細な文書化を求める医薬品医療機器総合機構(PMDA)による厳しい規制要件がある。消化器系新薬の承認プロセスは、薬剤が日本の高い安全基準を満たすことを確認するための多段階の臨床試験を伴うため、長期間にわた り費用もかさむ。このような長期の承認スケジュールは、革新的な治療法の市場参入を遅らせ、企業が新たな機会を生かす能力に影響を及ぼし、市場の活力を失わせる可能性がある。市販後調査の要件や、医薬品の安全性に関する継続的な報告の必要性は、さらに複雑さとコストを増大させる可能性がある。企業は、イノベーションと市場投入スピードの必要性のバランスを取りながら、こうした規制上のハードルを乗り越えていかなければならず、日本の消化器官用医薬品市場にとって規制遵守は重要な課題となっている。
- アッヴィ合同会社
- ノバルティス ファーマ株式会社
- 参天製薬株式会社
- ヤンセンファーマ株式会社
- 千寿製薬株式会社
- 大正製薬
- 大塚製薬株式会社
- サンファーマ株式会社
- 旭化成ファーマ株式会社
- 協和薬品工業株式会社
- 日本の胃腸薬市場:タイプ別
o 先発品
o ジェネリック医薬品
- 日本胃腸薬市場:薬効分類別
o アミノサリチル酸塩
o 消化酵素
o プロトンポンプ阻害薬
o 下剤
o 抗化粧品
o H2拮抗薬
o 下痢止め
o 生物製剤/バイオシミラー
o その他
- 日本の胃腸薬市場、用途別
o クローン病
o 潰瘍性大腸炎
- 日本胃腸薬市場:投与経路別
o 経口剤
o 注射剤
o その他
- 日本胃腸薬市場:流通チャネル別
o 病院薬局
o 小売薬局
o オンライン薬局
- 胃腸薬の日本市場:地域別
o 北海道
o 東北
o 関東
o 中部
o 関西
o 中国
o 四国
TechSci Research社の日本消化器病薬市場レポートは、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業の特定のニーズに合わせたカスタマイズを提供します。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:
- 追加市場プレイヤー(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング
目次 1.製品概要
18.2.ノバルティス ファーマ株式会社
Summary Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market was valued at USD 403.09 Million in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 538.63 Million by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.94% during the forecast period. The Japan gastrointestinal drugs market is driven by several key factors. The aging population in Japan is increasing the prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders, including acid reflux, ulcers, and inflammatory bowel diseases, creating a higher demand for effective treatments. Advances in pharmaceutical research and development are leading to the introduction of innovative drugs with improved efficacy and safety profiles, further boosting market growth. The rise in healthcare awareness and the availability of over-the-counter medications are contributing to market expansion. Government initiatives and healthcare reforms aimed at improving patient care and accessibility are also playing a role. Collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and research institutions are enhancing drug discovery and development, supporting market progression. These factors combined are shaping the growth trajectory of the gastrointestinal drugs market in Japan. Key Market Drivers Rising Incidence of Gastrointestinal Disorders The prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders in Japan is increasingly concerning, influenced by a complex interplay of lifestyle changes, dietary habits, and rising stress levels. These factors collectively contribute to the growing incidence of conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and liver diseases, thereby amplifying the demand for effective gastrointestinal drugs. Lifestyle changes, including sedentary behavior and altered daily routines, are significant contributors to gastrointestinal health issues. The modern Japanese lifestyle, characterized by long working hours and high levels of occupational stress, has led to a more sedentary lifestyle, which can adversely affect digestive health. Prolonged periods of inactivity are linked to issues like constipation and obesity, which can exacerbate gastrointestinal disorders. The increase in sedentary behavior correlates with higher stress levels, which are known to impact gut health negatively. Stress can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract's normal function, leading to conditions like IBS, where stress often exacerbates symptoms. According to a study in “The burden of gastrointestinal diseases in Japan, 1990–2019, and projections for 2035”, since 1990, cancer has been the leading cause of gastrointestinal disease-related mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Japan, accounting for 77.1% and 71.2% of these metrics in 1990, and 79.2% and 73.7% in 2019, respectively. While age-standardized mortality rates and DALYs associated with cancer have decreased, crude rates have risen, indicating that Japan's aging population significantly impacts the disease burden. Consequently, the overall burden of gastrointestinal diseases is projected to increase by 2035. In 1990, the death rate was 144.7 per 10,000, which rose to 225.8 in 2019, with an estimated figure of 262.7 by 2035. Similarly, DALYs per 10,000 increased from 3581.6 in 1990 to 3889.5 in 2019, with a projected estimate of 3830.9 by 2035. The leading causes of death have shifted from stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and cirrhosis in 1990 to stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and liver cancer in 2019, with projections for 2035 likely to include colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Dietary habits are another crucial factor influencing gastrointestinal health in Japan. Traditional Japanese diets, which were once rich in vegetables, fish, and rice, are increasingly being replaced by more Westernized eating patterns. The rising consumption of processed foods, high in fats, sugars, and artificial additives, contributes to gastrointestinal problems. These dietary changes are associated with an increase in gastrointestinal disorders such as GERD, peptic ulcers, and dyspepsia. The growing popularity of convenience foods and fast food has led to irregular eating patterns, which can disturb digestive processes and contribute to issues like gastritis and chronic constipation. The prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, has been on the rise in Japan. IBD is a group of chronic disorders characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to severe symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. The increasing incidence of IBD in Japan is partly attributed to changes in environmental factors and lifestyle, including diet and stress. IBD often requires long-term management with specialized medications to control inflammation and maintain remission, driving demand for effective and innovative therapeutic options. Government Initiatives and Healthcare Reforms The Japanese government significantly influences the gastrointestinal drugs market through a series of targeted initiatives and reforms designed to enhance healthcare quality, expand accessibility, and foster innovation. One of the primary ways the government contributes to the market is by expanding healthcare insurance coverage. Japan’s universal healthcare system ensures that all residents have access to medical services, and ongoing reforms aim to make coverage more comprehensive and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for patients. This expanded insurance coverage improves accessibility to treatments for gastrointestinal disorders, making it easier for individuals to receive necessary care and adhere to prescribed therapies. The government has implemented policies to enhance the quality of care while managing healthcare costs. Value-based pricing and reimbursement systems link drug prices to their clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness, encouraging the development of high-value medications. This approach ensures that new gastrointestinal drugs not only meet rigorous efficacy and safety standards but also provide meaningful improvements in patient outcomes. Government support extends to research funding and public health programs, which stimulate innovation and ensure that cutting-edge treatments are available to a broader segment of the population. Stringent regulatory standards enforced by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) ensure that all drugs, including gastrointestinal medications, adhere to high safety and efficacy benchmarks. These regulations foster confidence in new products, enhance market growth, and drive continued advancements in gastrointestinal therapeutics. Growth of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications The increasing availability and acceptance of over-the-counter (OTC) gastrointestinal medications are reshaping the gastrointestinal drugs market by providing a more convenient and accessible option for managing common issues like heartburn, indigestion, and mild diarrhea. OTC drugs are particularly appealing to consumers who prefer self-medication, allowing them to address symptoms without the need for a doctor’s visit or prescription. This preference is driven by a desire for immediate relief and the convenience of purchasing medications directly from pharmacies, supermarkets, or online platforms. The ease of access to these medications, coupled with their effectiveness in treating mild to moderate gastrointestinal symptoms, has led to a significant rise in their use. As more consumers opt for OTC solutions, the market for gastrointestinal drugs expands, reaching a broader audience. This trend not only makes treatment more accessible but also shifts some of the burden of gastrointestinal care from healthcare professionals to consumers, reflecting a growing inclination towards self-managed health solutions. Collaborations and Partnerships Collaborations between pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and healthcare providers are increasingly pivotal in advancing the development of gastrointestinal drugs. These strategic partnerships are instrumental in fostering innovation and accelerating the drug development process, which is crucial given the complexity and specificity of gastrointestinal conditions. One of the primary benefits of these collaborations is the exchange of expertise and resources. Pharmaceutical companies bring extensive experience in drug development, regulatory affairs, and commercialization, while research institutions offer cutting-edge scientific research, advanced technology, and insights into disease mechanisms. Healthcare providers contribute clinical expertise and an understanding of patient needs. By pooling these diverse resources, partners can tackle complex challenges more effectively, leading to the development of novel treatments. For example, research institutions might provide advanced preclinical models and novel biomarkers, while pharmaceutical companies contribute their drug formulation and delivery technologies. Strategic alliances and joint ventures enable companies to streamline and expedite the drug development process. Collaborative efforts can reduce the time and cost associated with bringing new gastrointestinal therapies to market. For instance, partnerships may involve shared clinical trial resources, which can enhance the efficiency of clinical testing phases. Collaborative agreements often allow for the simultaneous development of complementary therapeutic strategies, such as combining novel drug candidates with new drug delivery systems or diagnostics. This acceleration is vital in addressing urgent unmet medical needs and capitalizing on emerging scientific discoveries. Collaboration allows companies to leverage their complementary strengths, which can significantly enhance the development and commercialization of gastrointestinal drugs. For example, a pharmaceutical company with strong drug development capabilities might partner with a research institution specializing in gastrointestinal diseases to develop a new drug based on the latest scientific findings. Similarly, partnerships between biotech firms and established pharmaceutical companies can combine innovative drug discovery with robust commercialization strategies. These synergies enable partners to overcome individual limitations and create more effective and comprehensive solutions for gastrointestinal disorders. Key Market Challenges High Costs of Drug Development The high costs associated with the research and development (R&D) of gastrointestinal drugs pose a significant challenge. Developing new gastrointestinal therapies involves extensive research, preclinical studies, and multiple phases of clinical trials, each of which requires substantial financial investment. The complexity of gastrointestinal diseases often necessitates advanced research techniques and longer study durations to establish the safety and efficacy of new treatments. The financial burden of R&D is compounded by the need for specialized expertise and technology, which increases the overall cost. The high risk of failure in clinical trials means that many drug development projects do not reach the market, leading to further financial losses. This high cost of drug development can limit the ability of smaller pharmaceutical companies and startups to participate in the market and can also impact the affordability of new drugs, posing a challenge to market growth and innovation. Regulatory Hurdles and Market Access Navigating the regulatory landscape in Japan presents a significant challenge for pharmaceutical companies in the gastrointestinal drugs market. Japan has stringent regulatory requirements enforced by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) that demand rigorous clinical trials, comprehensive safety and efficacy data, and detailed documentation. The approval process for new gastrointestinal drugs can be lengthy and costly, involving multiple phases of clinical testing to ensure that the drugs meet Japan’s high safety standards. This extended approval timeline can delay the entry of innovative treatments into the market, affecting companies' ability to capitalize on new opportunities and potentially diminishing the market's dynamism. Post-marketing surveillance requirements and the need for continuous reporting on drug safety can add further complexities and costs. Companies must navigate these regulatory hurdles while balancing the need for innovation and speed to market, making regulatory compliance a critical challenge in the Japan gastrointestinal drugs market. Key Market Trends Advancements in Drug Research and Development Continuous innovations in pharmaceutical research and drug development are profoundly shaping the gastrointestinal drugs market in Japan, reflecting a concerted effort by companies to address complex gastrointestinal conditions with advanced therapeutic solutions. This dynamic environment is characterized by significant investments in research and development (R&D), aimed at creating therapies with superior efficacy, reduced side effects, and enhanced delivery systems. Pharmaceutical companies in Japan are dedicating substantial resources to R&D to advance gastrointestinal treatments. This investment is driven by the need to address the limitations of existing therapies and to meet the growing demand for more effective and safer treatments. Companies are exploring new scientific frontiers, from molecular biology to advanced drug delivery technologies, to develop innovative drugs that can better manage a range of gastrointestinal conditions. This commitment to R&D not only supports the creation of novel therapies but also contributes to the overall growth and competitiveness of the gastrointestinal drugs market. Recent breakthroughs in targeted therapies are transforming the treatment landscape for gastrointestinal disorders. Targeted therapies aim to address specific molecular targets involved in the pathogenesis of diseases, offering a more precise approach to treatment. For instance, in conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), targeted biologics that inhibit specific inflammatory cytokines have shown promise in reducing disease activity and improving patient outcomes. These therapies are designed to modulate the immune system more precisely, leading to fewer side effects compared to traditional treatments. The introduction of such targeted therapies is significantly enhancing the management of complex gastrointestinal disorders and driving market growth by providing options that address specific disease mechanisms. EA Pharma Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Eisai Co., Ltd. specializing in gastrointestinal diseases, and Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The company has announced the launch of “CAROGRA Tablets” (carotegrast methyl; “CAROGRA”) for the treatment of ulcerative colitis in Japan. This follows the drug's inclusion in the National Health Insurance Drug Price List effective May 25, 2022. Biologics represent another major advancement in gastrointestinal drug development. These complex molecules, including monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins, have revolutionized the treatment of various gastrointestinal conditions by targeting specific pathways involved in disease progression. For example, biologics have been particularly effective in managing severe cases of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, where conventional drugs may be insufficient. The development of biologics involves sophisticated technology and extensive clinical research, resulting in therapies that offer improved efficacy and safety profiles. As biologics become more prevalent, they contribute to the expansion of treatment options and the evolution of the gastrointestinal drugs market in Japan. Innovation in drug delivery systems is also playing a crucial role in the gastrointestinal drugs market. Novel formulations, such as controlled-release and extended-release formulations, are designed to enhance drug absorption and maintain therapeutic levels over extended periods. These advancements improve patient compliance by reducing the frequency of dosing and minimizing side effects associated with peak drug levels. For instance, new formulations of existing drugs can offer improved stability in the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring better absorption and effectiveness. Technological Innovations in Drug Delivery Systems Advances in drug delivery technologies are revolutionizing the gastrointestinal drugs market by significantly improving both the efficacy of treatments and the overall patient experience. These innovations address critical challenges related to drug stability, bioavailability, and patient adherence, leading to enhanced therapeutic outcomes and increased satisfaction among patients. Controlled-release formulations represent a major advancement in drug delivery technology, particularly beneficial for gastrointestinal medications. These formulations are designed to release the active ingredient at a specific rate over an extended period. This approach helps maintain optimal drug levels in the bloodstream, ensuring consistent therapeutic effects while minimizing the need for frequent dosing. For gastrointestinal drugs, controlled-release formulations can enhance drug stability in the digestive tract and improve absorption, particularly for drugs that are sensitive to the acidic environment of the stomach. By reducing the frequency of dosing and providing a more stable drug delivery, controlled-release formulations address the issue of patient non-compliance and improve overall treatment efficacy. Targeted drug delivery systems are another groundbreaking innovation in the gastrointestinal drugs market. These systems are engineered to direct drugs precisely to their intended site of action within the gastrointestinal tract, minimizing systemic exposure and reducing side effects. For instance, enteric-coated tablets are designed to bypass the stomach and release the drug only in the intestines, which is particularly useful for drugs that could be degraded by stomach acid. Advanced delivery systems, such as nanoparticles or liposomes, can encapsulate drugs and release them in a controlled manner at specific locations within the gastrointestinal tract. This targeted approach enhances the drug’s efficacy by concentrating its effects where they are most needed and reduces adverse reactions associated with broader systemic exposure. Segmental Insights Type Insights Based on the type, branded medications currently dominate, although generics are increasingly gaining ground. This dominance of branded drugs is attributable to several key factors including their perceived efficacy, extensive clinical validation, and robust market presence. Branded drugs, often developed by large multinational pharmaceutical companies, benefit from significant investments in research and development, leading to the introduction of innovative therapies that offer superior efficacy and safety profiles. These drugs are frequently associated with advanced drug delivery systems and cutting-edge formulations, which contribute to their high market share. Branded medications often have strong brand recognition and loyalty among healthcare providers and patients, further solidifying their dominance. The extensive clinical trials and regulatory approval processes that branded drugs undergo add to their credibility and acceptance. In Japan, where stringent regulatory standards are enforced by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), branded drugs often have a well-established track record of effectiveness and safety. This rigorous approval process not only ensures high-quality standards but also builds confidence in these medications among healthcare professionals and patients, who are more likely to trust and prescribe established branded products over newer generics. Branded drugs typically benefit from significant marketing and promotional efforts, which enhance their visibility and appeal. Pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in marketing campaigns, educational initiatives for healthcare providers, and direct-to-consumer advertising to promote their branded drugs. This extensive promotion contributes to higher market penetration and sustained demand for branded products. Branded drugs often come with extensive support services, such as patient assistance programs and comprehensive prescribing information, which add value and reinforce their market dominance. Drug Class Insights Based on Drug Class, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are currently the dominant force in the Japan gastrointestinal drugs market. PPIs have established themselves as the leading class of medication due to their effectiveness in treating a range of acid-related disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Their widespread use and significant impact on patient outcomes have solidified their position at the forefront of gastrointestinal therapeutics. The primary reason for the dominance of PPIs is their superior efficacy in reducing gastric acid production. By irreversibly inhibiting the proton pump in the stomach lining, PPIs significantly lower the production of gastric acid, providing relief from symptoms associated with excessive acid production. This mechanism of action makes PPIs highly effective for conditions such as GERD, where acid reflux causes chronic heartburn and damage to the esophageal lining. PPIs play a crucial role in the healing of peptic ulcers and the management of conditions like Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which involves excessive gastric acid secretion. Their broad applicability across various acid-related disorders has led to their widespread prescription and use, contributing to their market dominance. PPIs are supported by extensive clinical research and evidence demonstrating their safety and efficacy. Numerous studies have validated their effectiveness in managing acid-related gastrointestinal conditions, leading to widespread acceptance among healthcare providers. The established clinical track record of PPIs enhances their credibility and encourages their continued use in clinical practice. This strong evidence base, coupled with ongoing research into new formulations and indications, reinforces their dominant position in the market. Branded PPIs, such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, and lansoprazole, have achieved significant market penetration and brand loyalty. These medications are often preferred by healthcare providers due to their proven effectiveness and safety profiles. Pharmaceutical companies behind these brands invest heavily in marketing, education, and patient support programs, further strengthening their market presence. The extensive marketing efforts and established brand reputation contribute to the sustained dominance of PPIs in the gastrointestinal drugs market. Regional Insights The Kanto region is the dominant force. This region, which includes major metropolitan areas such as Tokyo and Yokohama, plays a pivotal role in the market due to its large population, significant healthcare infrastructure, and economic influence. The dominance of the Kanto region is underpinned by several key factors that contribute to its leading position in the gastrointestinal drugs market. The Kanto region, with Tokyo at its core, is the most populous region in Japan, housing a substantial proportion of the country's residents. Tokyo alone is one of the most populous cities globally, and its large urban population drives a high demand for healthcare services and medications. The dense population base translates into a larger market for gastrointestinal drugs, as more people require treatment for a range of gastrointestinal conditions. This high demand in a densely populated area ensures that the Kanto region maintains a leading position in the market. The Kanto region boasts some of Japan's most advanced healthcare infrastructure, including leading hospitals, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies. Tokyo, as the capital city, is a hub for medical research and development, hosting numerous institutions that contribute to the advancement of gastrointestinal therapeutics. The region's healthcare facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly skilled professionals, facilitating the effective diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. This robust healthcare infrastructure supports the widespread use and availability of gastrointestinal drugs, further solidifying the Kanto region's dominance in the market. The economic power of the Kanto region, driven by Tokyo's status as Japan's economic center, also plays a significant role in its dominance of the gastrointestinal drugs market. The region's wealth and economic activity contribute to higher healthcare spending and investment in pharmaceutical research and development. Pharmaceutical companies are more likely to focus their efforts on the Kanto region due to its economic significance, leading to a higher concentration of innovative drugs and advanced treatments being available in this area. The Kanto region is home to numerous pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, fostering an environment of innovation and development in the gastrointestinal drugs sector. Tokyo, in particular, serves as a base for many major pharmaceutical firms that engage in extensive research and development activities. This concentration of pharmaceutical expertise and innovation means that the latest gastrointestinal drugs and therapies are more readily accessible in the Kanto region. The presence of these companies also drives competition and enhances the availability of cutting-edge treatments for patients. Key Market Players • AbbVie GK • Novartis Pharma K.K. • Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. • Janssen Pharmaceuticals K.K. • Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. • Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd • Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. • Sun Pharma Japan Limited • Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation • Kyowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. Report Scope: In this report, the Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Type: o Branded o Generics • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Drug Class: o Aminosalicylates o Digestive enzymes o Proton Pump Inhibitors o Laxatives o Anti-Emetics o H2 Antagonists o Anti-Diarrhea o Biologics/Biosimilar o Others • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Application: o Crohn’s Disease o Ulcerative Colitis o GERD o IBS • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Route of Administration: o Oral o Injectable o Others • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Distribution Channel: o Hospital Pharmacies o Retail Pharmacies o Online Pharmacies • Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market, By Region: o Hokkaido o Tohoku o Kanto o Chubu o Kansai o Chugoku o Shikoku o Kyushu Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market. Available Customizations: Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market report with the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Table of Contents 1. Product Overview 1.1. Market Definition 1.2. Scope of the Market 1.2.1. Markets Covered 1.2.2. Years Considered for Study 1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validations 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Overview of the Market 3.2. Overview of Key Market Segmentations 3.3. Overview of Key Market Players 3.4. Overview of Key Regions/Countries 3.5. Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends 4. Voice of Customer 5. Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 5.1. Market Size & Forecast 5.1.1. By Value 5.2. Market Share & Forecast 5.2.1. By Type (Branded and Generics) 5.2.2. By Drug Class (Aminosalicylates, Digestive enzymes, Proton Pump Inhibitors, Laxatives, Anti-Emetics, H2 Antagonists, Anti-Diarrheal, Biologics/Biosimilar, and Others) 5.2.3. By Application (Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, GERD, IBS) 5.2.4. By Route Of Administration (Oral, Injectable, and Others) 5.2.5. By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies) 5.2.6. By Region 5.2.7. By Company (2024) 5.3. Market Map 6. Hokkaido Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Type 6.2.2. By Drug Class 6.2.3. By Application 6.2.4. By Route Of Administration 6.2.5. By Distribution Channel 7. Tohoku Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Type 7.2.2. By Drug Class 7.2.3. By Application 7.2.4. By Route Of Administration 7.2.5. By Distribution Channel 8. Kanto Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Type 8.2.2. By Drug Class 8.2.3. By Application 8.2.4. By Route Of Administration 8.2.5. By Distribution Channel 9. Chubu Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Type 9.2.2. By Drug Class 9.2.3. By Application 9.2.4. By Route Of Administration 9.2.5. By Distribution Channel 10. Kansai Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Type 10.2.2. By Drug Class 10.2.3. By Application 10.2.4. By Route Of Administration 10.2.5. By Distribution Channel 11. Chugoku Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Type 11.2.2. By Drug Class 11.2.3. By Application 11.2.4. By Route Of Administration 11.2.5. By Distribution Channel 12. Shikoku Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Type 12.2.2. By Drug Class 12.2.3. By Application 12.2.4. By Route Of Administration 12.2.5. By Distribution Channel 13. Kyushu Gastrointestinal Drugs Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Type 13.2.2. By Drug Class 13.2.3. By Application 13.2.4. By Route Of Administration 13.2.5. By Distribution Channel 14. Market Dynamics 14.1. Drivers 14.2. Challenges 15. Market Trends & Developments 15.1. Merger & Acquisition (If Any) 15.2. Product Launches (If Any) 15.3. Recent Developments 16. Japan Gastrointestinal Drugs Market: SWOT Analysis 17. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 17.1. Competition in the Industry 17.2. Potential of New Entrants 17.3. Power of Suppliers 17.4. Power of Customers 17.5. Threat of Substitute Products 18. Competitive Landscape 18.1. AbbVie GK 18.1.1. Business Overview 18.1.2. Company Snapshot 18.1.3. Products & Services 18.1.4. Financials (As Reported) 18.1.5. Recent Developments 18.1.6. Key Personnel Details 18.1.7. SWOT Analysis 18.2. Novartis Pharma K.K. 18.3. Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 18.4. Janssen Pharmaceuticals K.K. 18.5. Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 18.6. Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 18.7. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 18.8. Sun Pharma Japan Limited 18.9. Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation 18.10. Kyowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. 19. Strategic Recommendations 20. About Us & Disclaimer
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