
ASEAN電動二輪車市場:車両タイプ別(スクーター/原付、二輪車)、バッテリータイプ別(鉛酸、リチウムイオン)、バッテリー容量別(<25 Ah and >25 Ah)、距離別(50Km未満、50100Km、101150Km、150Km以上)、国別、競争、予測および機会、2019-2029年

ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Segmented By Vehicle Type (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle), By Battery Type (Lead Acid and Li-ion), By Battery Capacity (<25 Ah and >25 Ah), By Range (Less than 50 Km, 50100 Km, 101150 Km, Above 150 Km), By Country, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2019-2029

ASEAN電動二輪車市場の2023年の市場規模は9億5,465万ドルで、予測期間のCAGRは13.09%と堅調な成長が見込まれる。ASEANの電動二輪車市場は、かつてない需要の急増に見舞われている。この成長を後押ししているのは... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2024年2月19日 US$4,400
130 英語



ASEAN電動二輪車市場の2023年の市場規模は9億5,465万ドルで、予測期間のCAGRは13.09%と堅調な成長が見込まれる。ASEANの電動二輪車市場は、かつてない需要の急増に見舞われている。この成長を後押ししているのは、主に消費者の環境意識の高まりであり、交通手段が地球に与える深刻な影響に対する意識が高まっている。また、インセンティブや補助金という形での政府の支援は、電動二輪車の普及に極めて重要な役割を果たしている。税額控除、補助金、リベートを含むこうした先見的な政策は、消費者に経済的な負担を軽減し、電気自動車をさらに魅力的で手ごろな選択肢にしている。その結果、市場の急成長が加速し、電気二輪車に対する需要と投資が増加している。環境の持続可能性に対する懸念が高まり、二酸化炭素排出量を削減する必要性が高まる中、電気自動車へのシフトは世界的な現象となっている。各国政府がクリーンエネルギーへの取り組みを優先し続ける中、技術とインフラの進歩が消費者にとっての魅力と利便性をさらに高めることで、電動二輪車の将来は有望視されている。より効率的で長持ちするバッテリーの開発により、電動二輪車は従来の自動車に代わる非常に現実的な選択肢となった。この技術的躍進は、急速な都市化と交通渋滞の深刻化によって持続可能で効率的な交通手段が緊急に必要とされているASEAN諸国では特に重要である。充電インフラの未整備や初期費用が比較的高いといった課題にもかかわらず、ASEANの電動二輪車市場は目覚ましい成長を続けると予想される。進化し続ける消費者のニーズと嗜好に応えるため、メーカーは機能向上と性能強化を実現した新モデルを継続的に投入している。さらに、インフラへの投資の増加がASEAN地域の電動二輪車市場のさらなる拡大に道を開いている。充電インフラの改善と物流の課題への対処を目指した継続的な開発とイニシアチブにより、市場は今後数年間、継続的な成長を遂げる態勢が整っている。結論として、ASEAN電動二輪車市場の目覚ましい成長は、環境意識の高まり、政府の強力な支援、バッテリー技術の著しい進歩、消費者の嗜好の変化など、さまざまな要因が絡み合っていることに起因している。インフラを改善し、課題に対処するための継続的な努力により、この市場はさらなる拡大、発展、持続可能な未来に向けて計り知れない可能性を秘めている。主な市場要因都市化と交通渋滞ASEAN諸国の急速な都市化によって都市部の人口密度が高まり、深刻な交通渋滞と公害が発生している。都市が混雑するにつれ、効率的で環境に優しい都市モビリティ・ソリューションへのニーズが高まっている。eスクーターやeモーターサイクルなどの電動二輪車は、混雑した都市環境において便利で持続可能な交通手段を提供する。フットプリントが小さいため、ライダーは交通の中を簡単に移動することができ、移動時間を短縮して渋滞を緩和することができる。これらの乗り物は、ラストワンマイル(最後の1マイル)接続に理想的なソリューションと見なされ、従来のガソリン二輪車に代わる環境に優しい選択肢を提供している。環境問題への懸念と大気の質ASEANの多くの都市では、環境問題への懸念と大気の質の悪化が電動二輪車の普及を後押ししている。内燃エンジン(ICE)二輪車での化石燃料の燃焼は大気汚染の原因となり、公衆衛生と環境に悪影響を及ぼす。政府も消費者も、排出ガスの削減と大気環境の改善にますます力を注いでいる。電気二輪車は、テールパイプ排出がゼロであり、環境に優しい交通手段であると考えられている。電気自動車に関連する騒音公害の軽減はさらなる利点であり、人口密度の高い都市部ではより魅力的なものとなっている。よりクリーンな空気とより健康的な環境を求める声は、ASEANの電動二輪車市場の重要な原動力となっている。政府のインセンティブとイニシアチブ政府のインセンティブとイニシアチブは、ASEAN電動二輪車市場の推進に極めて重要な役割を果たしている。多くのASEAN政府は、公害や化石燃料への依存を減らすため、電動二輪車を含む電気自動車(EV)の導入を積極的に推進している。こうしたインセンティブには、電気自動車の購入を奨励するための補助金、減税、特別プログラムなどが含まれる。さらに、電気二輪車市場の成長を支援するため、充電インフラや規制を整備している政府もある。これらのイニシアチブは、電動二輪車をより手頃な価格で、より幅広い層が利用できるようにするためのもので、市場成長をさらに刺激する。手頃な価格と運用コストの節約手頃な価格と運用コストの節約は、ASEAN諸国における電動二輪車普及の主要な推進要因である。電動二輪車は、ガソリン車に比べて経済的と思われがちである。燃料費、メンテナンス費用が削減され、場合によっては税金も軽減されるため、運用コストが低い。電気二輪車はエネルギー効率も高く、従来のICE二輪車に比べてキロメートルあたりのコストは数分の一である。さらに、燃料価格の変動がなく、電気料金も安定しているため、コスト意識の高い消費者にとって電気二輪車は魅力的である。バッテリー技術の革新バッテリー技術における継続的な革新がASEAN電動二輪車市場を牽引している。バッテリー技術は電気自動車にとって極めて重要であり、エネルギー密度、充電速度、バッテリー寿命の進歩により、電動二輪車は消費者にとってより実用的で魅力的なものとなっている。こうした技術革新の結果、より軽量でコンパクトなバッテリーが生まれ、航続距離が長く、充電時間も短くなっている。電気自動車に関連する航続距離への不安が軽減されるにつれて、潜在的な購入者は、信頼性が高く多目的な交通手段として電気二輪車を積極的に受け入れるようになっている。バッテリー技術の絶え間ない進歩は、電動二輪車市場の基本的な原動力であり、ASEAN諸国において、より効率的でユーザーフレンドリーな電動二輪車の開発を可能にしている。主な市場課題充電インフラの限界ASEAN電動二輪車市場が直面する主な課題の1つは、充電インフラの利用可能性が限られていることである。充電インフラが不十分だと、毎日の通勤中に電力が不足することを心配したり、充電ステーションを見つけるのが困難に直面したりするため、潜在的な購入者が電動二輪車を選ぶことを躊躇してしまう。電気二輪車は短距離の都市移動に適しているが、信頼性の高い広範な充電ネットワークがないため、電気二輪車の普及が妨げられる可能性がある。この課題に対処するには、都市部や人気の通勤ルートに便利で利用しやすい充電ポイントを提供するため、充電インフラ整備に多額の投資を行う必要がある。消費者の意識と教育消費者の意識と教育は、ASEAN電動二輪車市場における重要な課題である。潜在的な購入者の多くは、電動二輪車の利点や特徴を知らないままである。さらに、性能、航続距離、メンテナンスの必要性などに関する誤解も根強い。神話を否定し、電動二輪車の利点を明確にし、インセンティブや補助金の利用可能性に関する情報を提供するためには、消費者教育が不可欠である。メーカーと政府機関は、消費者が十分な情報を得た上で、従来のガソリン二輪車から電動二輪車への乗り換えを確実に決断できるよう、包括的なマーケティングと啓発キャンペーンを協力して実施しなければならない。航続距離不安とバッテリー技術航続距離不安、つまり目的地に到着する前にバッテリーが切れてしまうのではないかという不安は、ASEAN電動二輪車市場における顕著な課題である。バッテリー技術の向上にもかかわらず、消費者の間では、電動二輪車は日常的な移動ニーズに対して十分な航続距離を提供できないのではないかという認識がある。この課題に対処するには、バッテリー技術の革新と大容量バッテリーの開発が不可欠である。メーカーは、航続距離不安を軽減し、電動二輪車に対する消費者の信頼を高めるために、航続距離の長い電動二輪車を提供し、バッテリーの信頼性と寿命を向上させることに注力する必要がある。規制の枠組みとインセンティブASEAN地域の規制上の課題や矛盾は、電動二輪車市場の成長を妨げる可能性がある。ASEAN各国は、安全要件、登録、免許取得など、電動二輪車に関する規制や基準を異なるものにしている可能性がある。電気自動車の普及を促進するため、補助金や減税などのインセンティブを提供する政府もあるが、そうした取り組みがない政府もある。一貫性のある支持的な規制の枠組みがないことは、メーカーと消費者の双方に不確実性をもたらす可能性がある。この課題を克服するために、各国政府は協力して規制の調和を図り、地域全体で電動二輪車の導入を促進するインセンティブを提供すべきである。手頃な価格と初期購入費用電動二輪車の初期購入費用は、ガソリン車よりも高価だと思われがちであるため、消費者にとって課題となりうる。電動二輪車は、運用経費の削減により長期的にはコスト削減が可能であるが、初期費用が参入の大きな障壁となる可能性がある。政府の補助金や優遇措置は、この課題を解決し、電気二輪車をより手ごろな価格にする一つの方法である。さらに、メーカーは生産コストを削減し、その節約分を消費者に還元するための選択肢を検討することができる。手頃な価格は、消費者が電動二輪車に乗り換える際の重要な検討事項であることに変わりはない。主要市場動向都市移動用Eスクーターの台頭ASEAN電動二輪車市場の顕著な動向のひとつは、持続可能で便利な都市移動手段としてEスクーターの人気が高まっていることである。急速に都市化が進み、ASEANの多くの都市で交通渋滞が拡大しているため、消費者は毎日の通勤ニーズにeスクーターを利用するようになっている。Eスクーターは軽量、コンパクトで、混雑した道路でも簡単に操作できる。従来のガソリンを動力源とする二輪車に代わるエコフレンドリーな選択肢を提供し、大気汚染や交通が環境に与える影響に対する懸念に対応している。バッテリーと充電インフラの技術的進歩ASEANの電動二輪車市場は、バッテリー技術と充電インフラの技術的進歩を経験している。リチウムイオン・バッテリーの技術革新は、エネルギー密度の向上、バッテリー寿命の延長、充電時間の短縮につながっている。こうした進歩は航続距離への不安を和らげ、電動二輪車を消費者にとってより魅力的なものにしている。さらに、政府や民間企業が都市部や人気の通勤ルートに充電ステーションを設置するために投資しており、より強固な充電インフラの整備が進んでいる。こうした傾向は、電動二輪車の受容を促進し、その使用に関する現実的な懸念に対処している。これらのメーカーは、EスクーターからEモーターサイクルに至るまで、現地の人々の特定のニーズや嗜好に合わせた幅広い種類の電動二輪車を生産している。これらのメーカーは競争力のある価格設定をしていることが多く、電動二輪車をより幅広い層の消費者が利用しやすいものにしている。現地メーカーの成長は、政府の支援、技術的専門知識、現地市場の力学の理解など、さまざまな要因が絡み合ってもたらされる。こうしたメーカーが市場シェアを拡大し、多様な製品オプションを提供することで、ASEAN電動二輪車市場の拡大に貢献している。政府の取り組みとインセンティブの増加ASEAN諸国の政府は、インセンティブ、補助金、政策支援を提供することで、電動二輪車の導入を積極的に推進している。こうしたイニシアチブは、大気汚染、渋滞、化石燃料への依存を減らしたいという願望によって推進されている。政府のインセンティブには、減税、登録料の減免、電動二輪車購入のための資金援助などがよく含まれる。また、充電インフラへの投資や、電気二輪車の使用を促進するための規制を実施している政府もある。その結果、消費者は環境にやさしく費用対効果の高い交通手段として電動二輪車を選択するようになり、市場成長の原動力となっている。宅配サービスにおける電動二輪車の利用の増加宅配サービスにおける電動二輪車の利用は、ASEAN地域で拡大傾向にある。電子商取引や食品配達サービスの拡大に伴い、電動二輪車は配達ドライバーに人気の選択肢となっている。これらの車両は混雑した市街地を走行するのに適しており、迅速かつ効率的な配達を実現している。多くの企業が電気二輪車への移行を進めているのは、運行コストの削減、環境維持への貢献、排出ガスに関する規制要件への適合を図るためである。配送サービスにおける電動二輪車の採用は、ASEAN諸国における都市化の傾向と、より持続可能な輸送ソリューションへのシフトに沿ったものである。消費者がますます環境的に持続可能な交通手段を優先するようになり、電動スクーターや電動自転車の需要が顕著に急増している。この変化は、効率的で費用対効果の高い通勤手段を求める意識の高まりに後押しされるものであり、同時に二酸化炭素排出量を最小限に抑え、環境に優しい未来を促進するものでもある。この地域が電動二輪車の利点を受け入れ続けていることから、この傾向はASEAN諸国の交通の将来を形作るものと予想される。電動スクーターが消費者の間で急速に人気を集めたのにはいくつかの理由がある。スピードが速いだけでなく、電動自転車に比べて航続距離が長く、積載量も多い。こうした利点に加え、バッテリー技術の進歩も人気上昇に大きく貢献している。性能の向上とバッテリーの長寿命化により、電動スクーターはライダーにとってさらに魅力的なものとなっている。さらに、充電インフラの拡大と政府政策の支援は、電動スクーターの普及促進に重要な役割を果たしている。充電ステーションが利用可能になり、政府がインセンティブを提供することで、人々が都市部の通勤ニーズに電動スクーターを選択することがより便利になり、経済的にも実行可能になった。これらすべての要因が相まって、電動スクーターは都市部の交通手段として便利で持続可能な信頼できる選択肢として登場した。この環境に優しい通勤手段を採用する人が増えれば、環境と都市生活の質全体にプラスの影響が拡大すると予想される。しかし、特に自動車の速度や免許要件に関する規制が厳しい地域では、電動自転車が依然としてかなりの市場シェアを占めていることを認識することが重要である。電動アシスト自転車は消費者にとって魅力的な代替手段であ り、コストが安く、バッテリーが消耗したら普通の自転車とし て使えるという利点もある。ASEANの電動二輪車市場が進化を続けるなか、電動スクーターと電動自転車の明確な利点とユニークな特徴が、このダイナミックな市場セグメントの成長と多様化を促進している。メーカー各社は、消費者の進化するニーズや嗜好に対応するため、常に革新的な新モデルを投入しており、この市場の拡大にさらに拍車をかけている。結論として、ASEAN電動二輪車市場は、電動スクーターと電動自転車への変革的なシフトを目の当たりにしている。技術の進歩、政府のイニシアティブの支援、持続可能な交通機関への需要の高まりにより、この市場セグメントは継続的な成長と繁栄の態勢を整えている。バッテリーの種類に関する洞察 ASEANの電動二輪車市場は驚くほど多様で、さまざまな種類のバッテリーが利用されている。その中でもリチウムイオン電池は、エネルギー密度が非常に高く、寿命が長く、自己放電率が比較的低いため、トップランナーとして浮上している。一方、手頃な価格と信頼性の高い性能で知られる鉛蓄電池は、特にエントリーレベルの電動二輪車の領域で、依然として大きな市場シェアを維持している。電動二輪車の需要が急増し続ける中、市場ではバッテリー技術の絶え間ない革新が見られる。ニッケル水素(NiMH)電池や新興の固体電池などの新しい選択肢は、性能の向上、安全性の強化、環境負荷の低減を実現する可能性があるとして注目を集めている。これらの選択肢は、ASEAN電動二輪車市場の成長をさらに推進する実行可能な選択肢として検討されており、持続可能性を促進しながら、消費者の進化するニーズと嗜好に対応している。さらに、現在進行中の研究開発努力は、さらに効率的で持続可能なバッテリーのための先端材料と技術の探求に重点を置いている。バッテリー技術の急速な進歩と環境の持続可能性への関心の高まりにより、ASEANの電動二輪車市場は継続的な成長と変革を遂げる態勢にあり、同地域におけるよりクリーンで環境に優しい交通の未来への道を開いている。この電動モビリティへのシフトは、二酸化炭素排出量を削減するだけでなく、大気汚染や騒音公害の全体的な削減にも貢献し、より健康的で住みやすい都市を生み出す。結論として、ASEANの電動二輪車市場は、よりクリーンで持続可能な交通手段の追求に牽引され、ダイナミックに進化している。さまざまな種類のバッテリーが利用可能であり、業界の絶え間ない革新は、電動二輪車がより環境に優しく、より環境に配慮した社会を形成する上で重要な役割を果たすことができる、将来へのエキサイティングな可能性を提供している。各国の洞察ASEAN諸国の電動二輪車市場は、さまざまな要因によって力強い成長を遂げている。これらの国々では急速な都市化が進み、効率的で持続可能な交通手段に対する需要が高まっている。都市が混雑し渋滞が激しくなるにつれ、コンパクトで環境に優しい交通手段の必要性が一層高まっている。さらに、人々の環境意識の高まりが、よりクリーンな交通手段へのシフトを促している。人々は、従来のガソリン車が大気質や気候変動に与える影響をより強く認識するようになっている。こうした意識が、電動バイクや電動スクーターなど、より環境に優しい代替手段への欲求に拍車をかけている。これらの国では、主に都市部の人口密度が高いことと、よりクリーンな交通手段を促進するための政府の積極的なアプローチにより、電動二輪車の導入が大幅に増加している。しかし、有望な成長にもかかわらず、市場の長期的な持続可能性を確保するために対処すべき課題が残っている。そのひとつが充電インフラの不足で、これが電気二輪車の普及を妨げている。航続距離への不安を和らげ、ユーザーに便利な充電オプションを提供するためには、充電ステーションの強固なネットワークを構築することが極めて重要である。さらに、これらの自動車に関連する高額な初期費用は、一部の潜在的購入者にとって障壁となる可能性がある。燃料費やメンテナンス費用の削減による長期的なコスト削減は初期投資を相殺することができるが、より手頃な価格設定や融資制度があれば、より幅広い消費者が電動二輪車にアクセスできるようになるだろう。こうした課題に対処し、電動二輪車市場にとってより利便性の高い環境を作り出すための取り組みが行われている。政府や民間企業は、充電インフラに投資し、革新的なバッテリー技術を模索し、普及を促進するための支援政策を実施している。そうすることで、ASEAN諸国はこの市場の成長をさらに加速させ、よりクリーンで持続可能な輸送の恩恵を享受することができる。主な市場プレイヤー- Zero Motorcycles Inc.Ltd.- Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co.Ltd.、Piaggio & C. SpA、Ather Energy Pvt. Ltd.、Energica Motor Company、Honda Motor Co.Ltd- Gogoro Inc.レポート範囲:この調査報告書では、ASEAN電動二輪車市場を以下のカテゴリーに分類しています。<25 Aho >25 Ah●ASEAN電動二輪車市場:電池タイプ別:o 鉛酸リチウムイオン●ASEAN電動二輪車市場:走行距離別:o 50キロメートル未満 50~100キロメートル 101~150キロメートル 150キロメートル以上●ASEAN電動二輪車市場:国別:o インドネシアo ベトナムo タイo マレーシアo フィリピンo シンガポールo カンボジア・ブルネイo ミャンマーo ラオス競合情勢企業プロファイル:ASEANの電動二輪車市場における主要企業の詳細分析:TechSci Research社のASEAN電動二輪車市場レポートは、所定の市場データを使用して、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:企業情報-追加市場プレイヤーの詳細分析とプロファイリング(最大5社)。



1. Introduction 1.1. Product Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 5. Voice of Customer Analysis 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Brand Awareness 5.3. Brand Satisfaction Level 6. ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Value & Volume 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle) 6.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis (Lead Acid and Li-ion) 6.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (<25 Ah and >25 Ah) 6.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis (Less than 50 Km, 50–100 Km, 101–150 Km, Above 150 Km) 6.2.5. By Country Market Share Analysis Indonesia Market Share Analysis Vietnam Market Share Analysis Thailand Market Share Analysis Malaysia Market Share Analysis Philippines Market Share Analysis Singapore Market Share Analysis Cambodia Market Share Analysis Brunei Market Share Analysis Myanmar Market Share Analysis Laos Market Share Analysis Rest of the ASEAN Market Share Analysis 6.2.6. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others – By Value, 2023) 6.3. ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.2. By Battery Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.3. By Battery Capacity Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.4. By Range Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.5. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 7. Indonesia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume 7.1.2. By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 7.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 8. Vietnam Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume 8.1.2. By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 8.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 9. Thailand Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume 9.1.2. By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 9.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 10. Malaysia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume 10.1.2. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 10.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 11. Philippines Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume 11.1.2. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 11.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 12. Singapore Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume 12.1.2. By Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 12.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 13. Cambodia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume 13.1.2. By Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 13.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 14. Laos Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume 14.1.2. By Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 14.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 15. Myanmar Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Volume 15.1.2. By Value 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 15.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 16. Brunei Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 16.1. Market Size & Forecast 16.1.1. By Volume 16.1.2. By Value 16.2. Market Share & Forecast 16.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 16.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 16.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 16.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 17. Market Dynamics 17.1. Market Drivers 17.2. Market Challenges 18. Market Trends & Developments 19. SWOT Analysis 19.1. Strength 19.2. Weakness 19.3. Opportunities 19.4. Threats 20. Porter’s Five Forces Model 20.1. Competitive Rivalry 20.2. Bargaining Powers of Suppliers 20.3. Bargaining Powers of Buyers 20.4. Threat of New Entrants 20.5. Threat of Substitutes 21. Competitive Landscape 21.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies) 21.1.1. Zero Motorcycles Inc. Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.2. Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.3. Vmoto Limited Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.4. AIMA Technology Group Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.5. Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.6. Piaggio & C. SpA Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.7. Ather Energy Pvt. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.8. Energica Motor Company Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.9. Honda Motor Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.10. Gogoro Inc. Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 22. Strategic Recommendations 22.1. Key Focus Areas 22.1.1. Target Countries 22.1.2. Target Vehicle Type 22.1.3. Target Battery Type 23. About Us & Disclaimer





ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market was valued at USD 954.65 Million in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 13.09%. The ASEAN electric two-wheeler market is experiencing an unprecedented surge in demand. This growth is primarily propelled by the increasing environmental awareness among consumers, who are becoming more conscious of the profound impact of transportation on the planet. As individuals prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions, electric two-wheelers are emerging as a compelling and popular choice for eco-friendly transportation. Moreover, government support in the form of incentives and subsidies has played a pivotal role in incentivizing the adoption of electric two-wheelers. These forward-thinking policies, which include tax credits, grants, and rebates, have provided financial relief to consumers, making electric vehicles an even more attractive and affordable option. This, in turn, has accelerated the market's exponential growth, leading to increased demand and investment in electric two-wheelers. With the rising concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce carbon emissions, the shift towards electric vehicles has become a global phenomenon. As governments continue to prioritize clean energy initiatives, the future of electric two-wheelers looks promising, with advancements in technology and infrastructure further enhancing their appeal and convenience for consumers. Advancements in battery technology have been instrumental in fueling the expansion of the market. With the development of more efficient and longer-lasting batteries, electric two-wheelers have become a highly viable alternative to conventional vehicles. This technological breakthrough is particularly significant in ASEAN countries, where rapid urbanization and escalating traffic congestion have created an urgent need for sustainable and efficient modes of transportation. Despite challenges such as inadequate charging infrastructure and relatively high upfront costs, the ASEAN electric two-wheeler market is expected to continue its remarkable growth trajectory. To meet the ever-evolving needs and preferences of consumers, manufacturers are continually introducing new models that offer improved features and enhanced performance. This surge in competition among both global and local players is fostering an atmosphere of innovation and driving the market forward. Additionally, increasing investments in infrastructure are paving the way for further expansion of the electric two-wheeler market in the ASEAN region. With ongoing developments and initiatives aimed at improving charging infrastructure and addressing logistical challenges, the market is poised for continuous growth in the coming years. In conclusion, the remarkable growth of the ASEAN electric two-wheeler market can be attributed to a combination of factors, including heightened environmental awareness, strong government support, significant advancements in battery technology, and changing consumer preferences. With the continuous efforts to improve infrastructure and address challenges, this market holds immense potential for further expansion, development, and a sustainable future. Key Market Drivers Urbanization and Traffic Congestion Rapid urbanization in ASEAN countries has led to increased population density in urban areas, resulting in severe traffic congestion and pollution. As cities become more crowded, there is a growing need for efficient and eco-friendly urban mobility solutions. Electric two-wheelers, such as e-scooters and e-motorcycles, offer a convenient and sustainable mode of transportation in congested urban environments. Their small footprint allows riders to navigate through traffic easily, reducing travel time and alleviating congestion. These vehicles are seen as an ideal solution for last-mile connectivity and offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered two-wheelers. Environmental Concerns and Air Quality Environmental concerns and deteriorating air quality in many ASEAN cities are driving the adoption of electric two-wheelers. The combustion of fossil fuels in internal combustion engine (ICE) two-wheelers contributes to air pollution, which has adverse effects on public health and the environment. Governments and consumers alike are increasingly focused on reducing emissions and improving air quality. Electric two-wheelers produce zero tailpipe emissions and are considered an eco-friendly transportation option. The reduction in noise pollution associated with electric vehicles is an additional benefit, making them more appealing in densely populated urban areas. The desire for cleaner air and a healthier environment is a significant driver for the electric two-wheeler market in ASEAN. Government Incentives and Initiatives Government incentives and initiatives play a pivotal role in propelling the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Many ASEAN governments are actively promoting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), including electric two-wheelers, to reduce pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. These incentives may include subsidies, tax breaks, and special programs to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. Additionally, some governments are developing charging infrastructure and regulations to support the growth of the electric two-wheeler market. These initiatives are designed to make electric two-wheelers more affordable and accessible to a broader segment of the population, further stimulating market growth. Affordability and Operational Cost Savings Affordability and operational cost savings are key drivers for the adoption of electric two-wheelers in ASEAN countries. Electric two-wheelers are often perceived as more economical than their gasoline counterparts. They have lower operating costs, with reduced expenses for fuel, maintenance, and, in some cases, reduced taxation. Electric two-wheelers are also energy-efficient, with a fraction of the cost per kilometer compared to traditional ICE two-wheelers. Additionally, the absence of volatile fuel prices and the stability of electricity costs make electric two-wheelers attractive to cost-conscious consumers. The affordability and cost savings associated with electric two-wheelers are a significant factor in their popularity and market growth. Innovations in Battery Technology Ongoing innovations in battery technology are driving the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Battery technology is crucial for electric vehicles, and advancements in energy density, charging speed, and battery life are making electric two-wheelers more practical and appealing to consumers. These innovations result in lighter, more compact batteries that offer longer ranges and quicker charging times. As the range anxiety associated with electric vehicles diminishes, potential buyers become more willing to embrace electric two-wheelers as reliable and versatile transportation options. The continuous progress in battery technology is a fundamental driver for the electric two-wheeler market, enabling the development of more efficient and user-friendly electric two-wheelers in ASEAN countries. Key Market Challenges Charging Infrastructure Limitations One of the primary challenges facing the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market is the limited availability of charging infrastructure. Inadequate charging infrastructure can deter potential buyers from choosing electric two-wheelers, as they worry about running out of power during their daily commute or facing difficulties in finding charging stations. While electric two-wheelers are well-suited for short-range urban travel, the absence of a reliable and widespread charging network can hinder the widespread adoption of these vehicles. Addressing this challenge requires substantial investments in charging infrastructure development to provide convenient and accessible charging points in urban areas and along popular commuting routes. Consumer Awareness and Education Consumer awareness and education represent a significant challenge in the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Many potential buyers remain unaware of the benefits and features of electric two-wheelers. Additionally, misconceptions regarding their performance, range, and maintenance requirements persist. Consumer education is essential to debunk myths, clarify the advantages of electric two-wheelers, and provide information on the availability of incentives and subsidies. Manufacturers and government agencies must collaborate on comprehensive marketing and awareness campaigns to ensure that consumers are well-informed and confident in their decision to switch from traditional gasoline two-wheelers to electric alternatives. Range Anxiety and Battery Technology Range anxiety, or the fear of running out of battery before reaching the destination, is a notable challenge in the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Despite improvements in battery technology, there is a perception among consumers that electric two-wheelers may not offer sufficient range for their daily transportation needs. Innovations in battery technology and the development of higher-capacity batteries are essential to address this challenge. Manufacturers need to focus on offering electric two-wheelers with longer ranges and improving the reliability and longevity of batteries to mitigate range anxiety and increase consumer confidence in electric two-wheelers. Regulatory Framework and Incentives Regulatory challenges and inconsistencies in the ASEAN region can hinder the growth of the Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Each country within ASEAN may have different regulations and standards related to electric two-wheelers, including safety requirements, registration, and licensing. While some governments offer incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks, to promote electric vehicle adoption, others may lack such initiatives. The absence of a consistent and supportive regulatory framework can create uncertainty for both manufacturers and consumers. To overcome this challenge, governments should work collaboratively to harmonize regulations and provide incentives that encourage the adoption of electric two-wheelers across the region. Affordability and Initial Purchase Cost The initial purchase cost of electric two-wheelers can be a challenge for consumers, as these vehicles are often perceived as more expensive than their gasoline-powered counterparts. While electric two-wheelers offer cost savings over time through reduced operational expenses, the upfront cost can be a significant barrier to entry. Government subsidies and incentives are one way to address this challenge, making electric two-wheelers more affordable. Additionally, manufacturers can explore options for reducing production costs and passing these savings onto consumers. Affordability remains a key consideration for consumers when making the switch to electric two-wheelers. Key Market Trends Rise of E-Scooters for Urban Mobility One prominent trend in the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market is the increasing popularity of e-scooters as a sustainable and convenient mode of urban mobility. With rapid urbanization and growing traffic congestion in many ASEAN cities, consumers are turning to e-scooters for their daily commuting needs. E-scooters are lightweight, compact, and easy to maneuver through congested streets. They offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered two-wheelers, addressing concerns about air pollution and the environmental impact of transportation. E-scooter sharing services have also gained traction in some urban areas, providing residents and tourists with affordable and flexible transportation options. Technological Advancements in Battery and Charging Infrastructure The electric two-wheeler market in ASEAN is experiencing technological advancements in battery technology and charging infrastructure. Innovations in lithium-ion batteries have led to improved energy density, longer battery life, and reduced charging times. These advancements have helped alleviate range anxiety, making electric two-wheelers more appealing to consumers. Additionally, the development of a more robust charging infrastructure is underway, with governments and private companies investing in the installation of charging stations in urban areas and along popular commuting routes. These trends are bolstering the acceptance of electric two-wheelers and addressing practical concerns related to their use. Growth of Local Electric Two-Wheeler Manufacturers The ASEAN region has seen the emergence and growth of local electric two-wheeler manufacturers, contributing to market expansion. These manufacturers produce a wide range of electric two-wheelers, from e-scooters to e-motorcycles, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the local population. They often offer competitive pricing, making electric two-wheelers more accessible to a broader segment of consumers. The growth of local manufacturers is driven by a combination of factors, including government support, technological expertise, and an understanding of local market dynamics. As these manufacturers gain market share and offer diverse product options, they contribute to the expansion of the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Increased Government Initiatives and Incentives Governments in ASEAN countries have been actively promoting the adoption of electric two-wheelers by offering incentives, subsidies, and policy support. These initiatives are driven by the desire to reduce air pollution, congestion, and dependence on fossil fuels. Government incentives often include tax breaks, reduced registration fees, and financial support for the purchase of electric two-wheelers. Some governments are also investing in charging infrastructure and implementing regulations to facilitate the use of electric two-wheelers. As a result, consumers are encouraged to choose electric two-wheelers as an eco-friendly and cost-effective transportation option, driving market growth. Increasing Use of Electric Two-Wheelers for Delivery Services The use of electric two-wheelers for delivery services is a growing trend in the ASEAN region. With the expansion of e-commerce and food delivery services, electric two-wheelers have become a popular choice for delivery drivers. These vehicles are well-suited for navigating through congested city streets, offering quick and efficient deliveries. Many companies are transitioning to electric two-wheelers as a means of reducing operating costs, contributing to environmental sustainability, and meeting regulatory requirements related to emissions. The adoption of electric two-wheelers for delivery services aligns with the trend of urbanization and the shift toward more sustainable transportation solutions in ASEAN countries. Segmental Insights Vehicle Type Insights The ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market is currently undergoing a noteworthy transformation in vehicle type preferences. There is a notable surge in the demand for electric scooters and electric bicycles, as consumers increasingly prioritize environmentally sustainable transportation options. This shift is propelled by a growing awareness of the need for efficient and cost-effective means of commuting, while also minimizing carbon footprint and promoting a greener future. As the region continues to embrace the benefits of electric two-wheelers, this trend is expected to shape the future of transportation in ASEAN countries. Electric scooters have quickly gained popularity among consumers for several reasons. Not only do they offer impressive speed, but they also provide an extended range and increased carrying capacity compared to electric bicycles. In addition to these advantages, the advancements in battery technology have significantly contributed to their rising popularity. With improved performance and longer battery life, electric scooters have become even more appealing to riders. Moreover, the expansion of charging infrastructure and the support of government policies have played a crucial role in promoting the widespread adoption of electric scooters. The availability of charging stations and the incentives provided by governments have made it more convenient and financially viable for people to choose electric scooters for their urban commuting needs. With all these factors combined, electric scooters have emerged as a convenient, sustainable, and reliable option for urban transportation. As more people embrace this eco-friendly mode of commuting, the positive impact on the environment and the overall quality of life in cities is expected to grow. However, it is important to acknowledge that electric bicycles still hold a considerable market share, particularly in regions with stringent regulations on vehicle speed and license requirements. These bicycles provide an attractive alternative for consumers, offering lower costs and the added advantage of being used as regular bicycles when the battery drains out. This versatility appeals to individuals who value both eco-friendly transportation options and the flexibility to switch between electric and manual modes. As the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market continues to evolve, the distinct advantages and unique features of electric scooters and electric bicycles are driving the growth and diversification of this dynamic market segment. Manufacturers are constantly innovating and introducing new models to cater to the evolving needs and preferences of consumers, further fueling the expansion of this market. In conclusion, the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market is witnessing a transformational shift towards electric scooters and electric bicycles. With advancements in technology, the support of government initiatives, and the growing demand for sustainable transportation, this market segment is poised for continued growth and prosperity. Battery Type Insights The ASEAN electric two-wheeler market is incredibly diverse, with a wide array of battery types being utilized. Among these options, lithium-ion batteries have emerged as the frontrunners, owing to their exceptional energy density, extended lifespan, and relatively low self-discharge rate. Despite their higher price point compared to other battery types, their unmatched efficiency and durability have made them the preferred choice for numerous manufacturers and consumers alike. On the other hand, lead-acid batteries, renowned for their affordability and reliable performance, still maintain a significant market share, particularly in the realm of entry-level electric two-wheelers. However, the growing environmental concerns associated with their disposal are driving an increasing shift towards more eco-friendly alternatives. As the demand for electric two-wheelers continues to surge, the market is witnessing constant innovation in battery technology. Newer options, such as nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries and emerging solid-state batteries, are gaining attention for their potential to offer improved performance, enhanced safety, and reduced environmental impact. These alternatives are being explored as viable options to further propel the growth of the ASEAN electric two-wheeler market, catering to the evolving needs and preferences of consumers while promoting sustainability. Furthermore, ongoing research and development efforts are focused on exploring advanced materials and technologies for even more efficient and sustainable batteries. For instance, researchers are exploring the use of graphene in battery construction, which shows promising results in terms of enhancing energy storage capacity and charging speed. With the rapid advancements in battery technology and the increasing focus on environmental sustainability, the ASEAN electric two-wheeler market is poised for continuous growth and transformation, paving the way for a cleaner and greener future of transportation in the region. This shift towards electric mobility not only reduces carbon emissions but also contributes to the overall reduction in air and noise pollution, creating healthier and more livable cities. In conclusion, the ASEAN electric two-wheeler market is a dynamic and evolving landscape, driven by the pursuit of cleaner and more sustainable transportation options. The availability of various battery types and the constant innovation in the industry offer exciting possibilities for the future, where electric two-wheelers can play a significant role in shaping a greener and more environmentally conscious society. Country Insights The Electric Two-Wheeler market in ASEAN countries is experiencing robust growth, fueled by various factors. The rapid urbanization in these countries has led to an increased demand for efficient and sustainable transportation options. As cities become more crowded and congested, the need for compact and eco-friendly modes of transport has become even more apparent. Additionally, the growing environmental consciousness among the population has prompted a shift towards cleaner modes of transport. People are becoming more aware of the impact of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles on air quality and climate change. This awareness has fueled a desire for greener alternatives, such as electric bikes and scooters. Leading the pack in this market are countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. These nations have witnessed a substantial rise in the adoption of electric two-wheelers, primarily due to the high population density in urban areas and the government's proactive approach to promoting cleaner transport options. Government incentives, tax benefits, and subsidies have played a significant role in encouraging consumers to choose electric vehicles. However, despite the promising growth, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the market. One such challenge is the lack of charging infrastructure, which can hinder the widespread adoption of electric two-wheelers. Building a robust network of charging stations is crucial to alleviate range anxiety and provide convenient charging options for users. Additionally, the high upfront costs associated with these vehicles may pose a barrier for some potential buyers. Although the long-term cost savings from reduced fuel and maintenance expenses can offset the initial investment, more affordable pricing options and financing schemes could make electric two-wheelers more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Efforts are being made to address these challenges and create a more conducive environment for the electric two-wheeler market. Governments and private companies are investing in charging infrastructure, exploring innovative battery technologies, and implementing supportive policies to encourage adoption. By doing so, the ASEAN countries can further accelerate the growth of this market and reap the benefits of cleaner and more sustainable transportation. Key Market Players • Zero Motorcycles Inc. • Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt. Ltd • Vmoto Limited • AIMA Technology Group Co. Ltd • Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd • Piaggio & C. SpA • Ather Energy Pvt. Ltd • Energica Motor Company • Honda Motor Co. Ltd • Gogoro Inc. Report Scope: In this report, the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: • ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type: o Scooter/Moped o Motorcycle • ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Battery Capacity: o <25 Ah o >25 Ah • ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Battery Type: o Lead Acid o Li-ion • ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Range: o Less than 50 Km o 50–100 Km o 101–150 Km o Above 150 Km • ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Country: o Indonesia o Vietnam o Thailand o Malaysia o Philippines o Singapore o Cambodia o Brunei o Myanmar o Laos Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market. Available Customizations: ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market report with the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1.1. Product Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 5. Voice of Customer Analysis 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Brand Awareness 5.3. Brand Satisfaction Level 6. ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Value & Volume 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Scooter/Moped, Motorcycle) 6.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis (Lead Acid and Li-ion) 6.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (<25 Ah and >25 Ah) 6.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis (Less than 50 Km, 50–100 Km, 101–150 Km, Above 150 Km) 6.2.5. By Country Market Share Analysis Indonesia Market Share Analysis Vietnam Market Share Analysis Thailand Market Share Analysis Malaysia Market Share Analysis Philippines Market Share Analysis Singapore Market Share Analysis Cambodia Market Share Analysis Brunei Market Share Analysis Myanmar Market Share Analysis Laos Market Share Analysis Rest of the ASEAN Market Share Analysis 6.2.6. By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others – By Value, 2023) 6.3. ASEAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.2. By Battery Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.3. By Battery Capacity Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.4. By Range Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.5. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 7. Indonesia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume 7.1.2. By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 7.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 8. Vietnam Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume 8.1.2. By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 8.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 9. Thailand Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume 9.1.2. By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 9.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 10. Malaysia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume 10.1.2. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 10.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 11. Philippines Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume 11.1.2. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 11.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 12. Singapore Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume 12.1.2. By Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 12.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 13. Cambodia Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume 13.1.2. By Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 13.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 14. Laos Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume 14.1.2. By Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 14.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 15. Myanmar Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Volume 15.1.2. By Value 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 15.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 16. Brunei Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 16.1. Market Size & Forecast 16.1.1. By Volume 16.1.2. By Value 16.2. Market Share & Forecast 16.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 16.2.2. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 16.2.3. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 16.2.4. By Range Market Share Analysis 17. Market Dynamics 17.1. Market Drivers 17.2. Market Challenges 18. Market Trends & Developments 19. SWOT Analysis 19.1. Strength 19.2. Weakness 19.3. Opportunities 19.4. Threats 20. Porter’s Five Forces Model 20.1. Competitive Rivalry 20.2. Bargaining Powers of Suppliers 20.3. Bargaining Powers of Buyers 20.4. Threat of New Entrants 20.5. Threat of Substitutes 21. Competitive Landscape 21.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies) 21.1.1. Zero Motorcycles Inc. Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.2. Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.3. Vmoto Limited Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.4. AIMA Technology Group Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.5. Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.6. Piaggio & C. SpA Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.7. Ather Energy Pvt. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.8. Energica Motor Company Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.9. Honda Motor Co. Ltd Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21.1.10. Gogoro Inc. Company Details Key Products Offered Recent Development Key Management Personnel 22. Strategic Recommendations 22.1. Key Focus Areas 22.1.1. Target Countries 22.1.2. Target Vehicle Type 22.1.3. Target Battery Type 23. About Us & Disclaimer






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