

India Decorative Paints Market By Product Type (Water Based, Solvent Based), By Type of Paint (Emulsion, Enamel, Distemper, Primer, Textures, Others), By Application (Exterior, Interior), By Sales Channel (Offline, Online), By End User (Residential, Non-Residential), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2028F

インドの装飾用塗料市場は、2023年に72.8億米ドルと評価され、予測期間中に12.14%のCAGRを記録し、力強い成長を予測される。 装飾用塗料は、美観を向上させるために表面に塗布される。壁、天井、その他の装飾の... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年7月1日 US$3,500
156 英語



- 2023年2月、プラダン・マントリ・アワス・ヨジャナ(PMAY)の予算が前年比66%増となった。また、Tier2およびTier3都市の都市インフラ強化に活用される都市インフラ開発基金(UIDF)が国家財務大臣によって導入された。そのため、装飾用塗料の需要は今後数年間で増加すると予想される。
- 2023-24年度予算では、インフラ設備投資を33%増の1,220億米ドル(GDP比3.3%)にしようとしており、これは2019-20年度に割り当てられた額の約3倍に相当する。
- 例えば、インドは「国家インフラ・パイプライン」の下、今後5年間で1兆4,000億米ドルのインフラ投資を計画している。21年度のFDI流入総額817.2億米ドルのうち13%強がインフラ関連事業によるものである。インドは、2022年までにすべての人に住宅を提供するという目標を達成するため、毎日43,000戸の住宅を建設すると予想されている。2022年8月22日現在、プラダン・マントリ・アワス・ヨジュナ(PMAY-Urban)計画の下で122.69,000戸の住宅が承認され、103.01,000戸が建設され、62.21,000戸が完成している。
- 2023年4月26日、ケララ州ティルヴァナンタプラムのセントラル・スタジアムで、インド首相が礎石を築き、3億9,060万米ドル以上に相当するいくつかの開発構想を同国に捧げた。これにより、今後数年間は全国的に装飾塗料の需要が高まる。
- 2021年第3四半期、インドの機関投資家による不動産投資は前年同期比7%増加した。2021年1~9月に記録された投資額は29億7,700万米ドルで、前年同期は15億3,400万米ドルであった。このように、不動産投資は2024~2028年の間、装飾塗料の需要を促進する可能性が高い。
- 2021年5月、Blackstone Real Estateは、国内での足跡を増やすため、Embassy Industrial Parksを7億1,649万米ドルで買収した。さらにGodrej Propertiesは2021年3月、第4四半期に10件の新規不動産プロジェクトを導入すると発表した。従って、上記の投資は今後数年間、装飾塗料の需要を促進する可能性が高い。
- 2022-23年度連邦予算では、連邦政府による農村および都市住民への投資が、今後数年間の装飾用塗料の需要を高めるのに役立つ:
 住宅都市省は、都市と農村の両方の住民のための住宅を建設するために連邦政府によって98.5億米ドルを割り当てられた。
 政府はインフラ部門の成長に1,305億7,000万米ドルを投資し、国民経済を大幅に押し上げた。2023年2月1日、財務大臣は、2023-24年度連邦予算において、PM Awas Yojanaの予算を66%増の9億6,027万米ドルに増額すると発表した。この新たな全国的投資は、政府の「万人のための住宅」構想に大きな利益をもたらすだろう。
Asian Paints Limited、Berger Paints India Limited、Akzo Nobel India Limited、Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited、Shalimar Paints Limited、Sheenlac Paints Limited、Acro Paints Limited、Ecopaints Private Limited、Esdee Paints Limited、Indigo Paints Limited、Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited、Jotun India Private Limitedなどがインド装飾塗料市場の成長を牽引する主要企業である。
- インドの装飾用塗料市場:製品タイプ別
o 水性
o 溶剤ベース
- インドの装飾用塗料市場:塗料の種類別
o エマルジョン
o エナメル
o ディステンパー
o プライマー
o テクスチャー
o その他
- インドの装飾用塗料市場、用途別
- インドの装飾用塗料市場:販売経路別
o オフライン
- インドの装飾用塗料市場:エンドユーザー別
o 住宅
o 非住宅
- インドの装飾用塗料市場:地域別
o 南インド
o 北インド
o 西インド
o 東インド
TechSci Research社は、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業固有のニーズに応じたカスタマイズを提供しています。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:
- 追加市場参入企業(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング



1. Product Overview
1.1. Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Market
1.2.1. Markets Covered
1.2.2. Years Considered for Study
1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations
1.3. Product Definition
1.3.1. By Product Type
1.3.2. By Type of Paint
1.3.3. By Application
1.3.4. By Sales Channel
1.3.5. By End User
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Objective of the Study
2.2. Baseline Methodology
2.2.1. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size
2.2.2. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Share
2.2.3. Methodology Followed for Forecasting
2.3. Partial List of Companies Interviewed
2.4. Partial List of Secondary Sources
3. Executive Summary
4. Impact of Covid-19 on India Decorative Paints Market
5. Voice of Customer
5.1. Brand Awareness
5.2. Key Factors Considered Before Making Purchase Decision
5.3. Key Satisfaction Level
6. India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Product Type (Water Based, Solvent Based)
6.2.2. By Type of Paint (Emulsion, Enamel, Distemper, Primer, Textures, Others)
6.2.3. By Application (Exterior, Interior)
6.2.4. By Sales Channel (Offline, Online)
6.2.5. By End User (Residential, Non-Residential)
6.2.6. By Region (South India, North India, West India, East India)
6.3. By Company (2023)
6.4. Market Map (By Product Type, By Type of Paint, By Application, By Sales Channel, By End User, By Region)
7. North India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Product Type
7.2.2. By Type of Paint
7.2.3. By Application
7.2.4. By Sales Channel
7.2.5. By End User
8. South India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Product Type
8.2.2. By Type of Paint
8.2.3. By Application
8.2.4. By Sales Channel
8.2.5. By End User
9. West India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Product Type
9.2.2. By Type of Paint
9.2.3. By Application
9.2.4. By Sales Channel
9.2.5. By End User
10. East India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Product Type
10.2.2. By Type of Paint
10.2.3. By Application
10.2.4. By Sales Channel
10.2.5. By End User
11. Market Dynamics
11.1. Drivers
11.2. Challenges
12. Market Trends and Developments
13. Policy and Regulatory Landscape
14. Production Cost Analysis
15. Value Chain & Margins
16. India Economic Profile
17. Company Profiles
17.1. Asian Paints Limited
17.1.1. Business Overview
17.1.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.1.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.1.4. Key Management Personnel
17.1.5. Manufacturing Location
17.1.6. Price Point Analysis
17.2. Berger Paints India Limited
17.2.1. Business Overview
17.2.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.2.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.2.4. Key Management Personnel
17.2.5. Manufacturing Location
17.2.6. Price Point Analysis
17.3. Akzo Nobel India Limited
17.3.1. Business Overview
17.3.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.3.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.3.4. Key Management Personnel
17.3.5. Manufacturing Location
17.3.6. Price Point Analysis
17.4. Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited
17.4.1. Business Overview
17.4.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.4.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.4.4. Key Management Personnel
17.4.5. Manufacturing Location
17.4.6. Price Point Analysis
17.5. Shalimar Paints Limited
17.5.1. Business Overview
17.5.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.5.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.5.4. Key Management Personnel
17.5.5. Manufacturing Location
17.5.6. Price Point Analysis
17.6. Sheenlac Paints Limited
17.6.1. Business Overview
17.6.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.6.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.6.4. Key Management Personnel
17.6.5. Manufacturing Location
17.6.6. Price Point Analysis
17.7. Acro Paints Limited
17.7.1. Business Overview
17.7.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.7.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.7.4. Key Management Personnel
17.7.5. Manufacturing Location
17.7.6. Price Point Analysis
17.8. Ecopaints Private Limited
17.8.1. Business Overview
17.8.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.8.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.8.4. Key Management Personnel
17.8.5. Manufacturing Location
17.8.6. Price Point Analysis
17.9. Esdee Paints Limited
17.9.1. Business Overview
17.9.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.9.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.9.4. Key Management Personnel
17.9.5. Manufacturing Location
17.9.6. Price Point Analysis
17.10. Indigo Paints Limited
17.10.1. Business Overview
17.10.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.10.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.10.4. Key Management Personnel
17.10.5. Manufacturing Location
17.10.6. Price Point Analysis
17.11. Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited
17.11.1. Business Overview
17.11.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.11.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.11.4. Key Management Personnel
17.11.5. Manufacturing Location
17.11.6. Price Point Analysis
17.12. Jotun India Private Limited
17.12.1. Business Overview
17.12.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.12.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.12.4. Key Management Personnel
17.12.5. Manufacturing Location
17.12.6. Price Point Analysis
18. Strategic Recommendations
19. About Us & Disclaimer
The data given for any year represents the market during the period, i.e., 1st April of the former year to 31st March of the latter year. Eg: For FY2023E, the data represents the period, from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.





India Decorative Paints market was valued at USD 7.28 billion in 2023 and is expected to project robust growth during the forecast period, registering a CAGR of 12.14%.
Decorative paints are applied to a surface to improve its aesthetic appeal. They are frequently used for painting walls, ceilings, and other decorative features. Decorative paints are a flexible tool that interior designers and homeowners can use to give their space a special appearance and feel because they are available in a wide variety of colors, textures, and finishes.
Urbanization and Nuclearization of Families
There is an increasing need for residential and commercial areas, including new houses, offices, retail malls, hotels, and other infrastructure, as urbanization and the nuclearization of families continue to expand. For the purpose of maintenance, protection, and esthetics, these areas need painting and coating. Furthermore, as people's lifestyles and aspirations change due to urbanization, they are increasingly seeking out attractive and visually appealing living and working spaces. Due to this, decorative paints with a wide variety of colors, textures, and finishes are becoming increasingly popular as a way to improve urban environments' aesthetic appeal. According to UN estimates, 40% of Indians are expected to live in cities by 2030. As a result, the decorative paint industry would continue to expand as urbanization increases the demand for housing. Moreover, the demand for decorative paints is also increasing because of an increase in the number of households owing to the nuclearization of families.
Growing building and construction industry
The Decorative Paints market is being driven owing to the increase in construction activities, which has resulted in a requirement for paints and coatings for both interior and outdoor applications. Indian consumers are becoming more conscious of the aesthetic value of their homes and workplaces. The use of various colors and finishes for indoor and external walls is becoming more popular, which has raised the need for decorative paints. The rising disposable incomes of consumers, shifting lifestyles, and exposure to fashion trends have all aided this tendency. Additionally, demand for residential properties has surged due to increased urbanization and rising household income. India is among the top 10 price-appreciating housing markets internationally.
Challenges: Cost of Raw Materials
The price of raw materials makes up a significant portion of the overall manufacturing expenses in the market for decorative paints. The profitability of the Decorative Paints market is likely to be impacted by changes in raw material prices, which are affected by variables including supply and demand, geopolitical events, and currency exchange rates. Decorative paint manufacturers need to carefully manage their raw material costs to maintain competitive pricing and profit margins. Impact of Covid-19: Shift in Consumer Demand
The Covid-19 pandemic impacted customer preferences and behavior. A change in consumer demand for antimicrobial paints or paints used for home renovations and DIY projects occurred because of a greater emphasis on health and hygiene. The supply chain techniques used by decorative paint producers in India have changed as a result of shifting consumer needs and preferences. In addition, due to reverse migration, greater areas, and affordable development, the demand for housing in India has increased during the COVID-19 epidemic in cities of the second and third tier. Due to the greater emphasis on the need for more spacious and pleasant living spaces because of the large number of people working from home, the demand for decorative paint has increased.
Wide Range Of Financing Options
Decorative paint offers a wide range of financing options for consumers, contractors, and businesses to purchase paints, coatings, and related products. These financing options may vary depending on the region and specific paint manufacturer or retailer. Some common financing options available in the decorative paint industry are credit cards. Many paint manufacturers and retailers accept credit cards, which allow customers to make purchases and pay off the balance over time with interest or as per the credit card terms. Some paint retailers offer in-store financing options, such as zero-interest installment plans, where customers can pay for their paint purchases in installments over a period without incurring interest charges. Some paint manufacturers or retailers offer leasing options, where customers can lease or rent paint products or equipment for a specified period and have the option to purchase them at the end of the lease or rental period. Some paint manufacturers or retailers have financing programs, either in-house or through partnerships with financial institutions, that offer special promotions, discounts, or favorable terms for customers who qualify based on creditworthiness or other criteria.
Initiatives by Companies
To increase their market share in India, the majority of the major companies in the Decorative Paints market have aggressively increased the size of their distribution networks. Continuous innovation has appeared in several market sectors, and players are largely concentrating on better finish quality, consumption, and sustainability. For instance, Nerolac uses environment-friendly "Healthy Home Paints," introducing a full line of 100% Heavy Metal Free by Design and low VOC products, offering painting solutions across a range of price points. Another illustration is Indigo Paints, where it is projected that dealer strength is going to grow as the decorative paints industry expands into smaller towns and villages. As a result of this expansion, companies rapidly expand their distributor base in new areas, especially in Tier 2-4 Cities and Rural Areas. In the beginning, Indigo Paints focused on the untapped cities in Tiers 2 and 4, where brand penetration was easier, and dealers had more influence over customers' purchasing decisions. Owing to the significant expansion potential provided by these Tier 2 to Tier 4 regions, the company's revenue increased, and its brand and presence in the Indian market significantly expanded.
Recent Developments & Investments:
• In February 2023, the budget for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) was raised 66% from the previous year. The Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (UIDF), which would be utilized to enhance urban infrastructure in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, was also introduced by the nation's finance minister. Therefore, the demand for decorative paints is expected to boost in the upcoming years.
• The budget for 2023–24 seeks a 33% increase in infrastructure capital investment amounting to USD 122 billion, or 3.3% of GDP, which is approximately three times the amount allocated in 2019–20.
• The Decorative paints market is expected to grow in the upcoming years owing to various investments; for instance, Under its "National Infrastructure Pipeline," India plans to invest USD 1.4 trillion in infrastructure over the next five years. A little over 13% of the USD 81.72 billion in total FDI inflows in FY21 came from operations tied to infrastructure. India is anticipated to build 43,000 dwellings each day till 2022 to achieve the objective of providing housing for everyone by that time. As of August 22, 2022, 122.69 lakh residences under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY-Urban) plan had been approved, 103.01 lahks had been built, and 62.21 lahks had been completed.
• On 26th April 2023, At Central Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the Prime Minister of India laid the foundation and dedicated several development initiatives worth more than USD 390.6 million to the country. This led to the demand for decorative paints across the nation in the upcoming years.
• In the third quarter of 2021, Institutional real estate investment grew by 7% YoY in India. The amount of investment recorded during the first nine months of 2021 was USD 2,977 million, compared to USD 1,534 million during the same time the previous year. Thus, real estate investment is likely to propel the demand for decorative paints during 2024-2028F.
• In May 2021, in order to increase its footprint in the nation, Blackstone Real Estate acquired Embassy Industrial Parks for USD 716.49 million. Additionally, Godrej Properties declared in March 2021 that it would introduce 10 new real estate projects in the fourth quarter. Thus, the above-mentioned investment is likely to propel the demand for decorative paints in the upcoming years.
• In Union Budget 2022-23, investment in the rural and urban residents by the union government helps to raise the demand for decorative paints in the upcoming years:
 The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs was allocated USD 9.85 billion by the Union Government to construct homes for both urban and rural residents.
 The government invested USD 130.57 billion in the growth of the infrastructure sector, significantly boosting the national economy. On February 1, 2023, the Finance Minister announced that the budget for the PM Awas Yojana increased by 66% to USD 9602.70 million in the Union Budget 2023–24. This new nationwide investment will significantly benefit the government's housing for all initiatives.
Market Segmentation
The India Decorative Paints Market is divided into product type, type of paint, application, sales channel, and end user. Based on product type, the market is further divided into water-based and solvent-based. Based on the type of paint, the market is divided into emulsion, enamel, distemper, primer, textures, and others. Based on application, the market is further divided into exterior and interior. Based on sales channels, the market is further bifurcated into offline and online. Based on end-user, the market is divided into residential and non-residential. On the basis of region, the market is divided into South India, North India, West India, and East India.
Company Profiles
Asian Paints Limited, Berger Paints India Limited, Akzo Nobel India Limited, Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, Shalimar Paints Limited, Sheenlac Paints Limited, Acro Paints Limited, Ecopaints Private Limited, Esdee Paints Limited, Indigo Paints Limited, Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited, and Jotun India Private Limited are among the major players that are driving the growth of the India Decorative Paints market.
Report Scope:
In this report, the India Decorative Paints market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below:
• India Decorative Paints Market, By Product Type:
o Water Based
o Solvent Based
• India Decorative Paints Market, By Type of Paint:
o Emulsion
o Enamel
o Distemper
o Primer
o Textures
o Others
• India Decorative Paints Market, By Application:
o Exterior
o Interior
• India Decorative Paints Market, By Sales Channel:
o Offline
o Online
• India Decorative Paints Market, By End User:
o Residential
o Non-Residential
• India Decorative Paints Market, By Region:
o South India
o North India
o West India
o East India
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the India Decorative Paints market.
Available Customizations:
With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview
1.1. Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Market
1.2.1. Markets Covered
1.2.2. Years Considered for Study
1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations
1.3. Product Definition
1.3.1. By Product Type
1.3.2. By Type of Paint
1.3.3. By Application
1.3.4. By Sales Channel
1.3.5. By End User
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Objective of the Study
2.2. Baseline Methodology
2.2.1. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size
2.2.2. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Share
2.2.3. Methodology Followed for Forecasting
2.3. Partial List of Companies Interviewed
2.4. Partial List of Secondary Sources
3. Executive Summary
4. Impact of Covid-19 on India Decorative Paints Market
5. Voice of Customer
5.1. Brand Awareness
5.2. Key Factors Considered Before Making Purchase Decision
5.3. Key Satisfaction Level
6. India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Product Type (Water Based, Solvent Based)
6.2.2. By Type of Paint (Emulsion, Enamel, Distemper, Primer, Textures, Others)
6.2.3. By Application (Exterior, Interior)
6.2.4. By Sales Channel (Offline, Online)
6.2.5. By End User (Residential, Non-Residential)
6.2.6. By Region (South India, North India, West India, East India)
6.3. By Company (2023)
6.4. Market Map (By Product Type, By Type of Paint, By Application, By Sales Channel, By End User, By Region)
7. North India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Product Type
7.2.2. By Type of Paint
7.2.3. By Application
7.2.4. By Sales Channel
7.2.5. By End User
8. South India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Product Type
8.2.2. By Type of Paint
8.2.3. By Application
8.2.4. By Sales Channel
8.2.5. By End User
9. West India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Product Type
9.2.2. By Type of Paint
9.2.3. By Application
9.2.4. By Sales Channel
9.2.5. By End User
10. East India Decorative Paints Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Product Type
10.2.2. By Type of Paint
10.2.3. By Application
10.2.4. By Sales Channel
10.2.5. By End User
11. Market Dynamics
11.1. Drivers
11.2. Challenges
12. Market Trends and Developments
13. Policy and Regulatory Landscape
14. Production Cost Analysis
15. Value Chain & Margins
16. India Economic Profile
17. Company Profiles
17.1. Asian Paints Limited
17.1.1. Business Overview
17.1.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.1.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.1.4. Key Management Personnel
17.1.5. Manufacturing Location
17.1.6. Price Point Analysis
17.2. Berger Paints India Limited
17.2.1. Business Overview
17.2.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.2.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.2.4. Key Management Personnel
17.2.5. Manufacturing Location
17.2.6. Price Point Analysis
17.3. Akzo Nobel India Limited
17.3.1. Business Overview
17.3.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.3.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.3.4. Key Management Personnel
17.3.5. Manufacturing Location
17.3.6. Price Point Analysis
17.4. Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited
17.4.1. Business Overview
17.4.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.4.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.4.4. Key Management Personnel
17.4.5. Manufacturing Location
17.4.6. Price Point Analysis
17.5. Shalimar Paints Limited
17.5.1. Business Overview
17.5.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.5.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.5.4. Key Management Personnel
17.5.5. Manufacturing Location
17.5.6. Price Point Analysis
17.6. Sheenlac Paints Limited
17.6.1. Business Overview
17.6.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.6.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.6.4. Key Management Personnel
17.6.5. Manufacturing Location
17.6.6. Price Point Analysis
17.7. Acro Paints Limited
17.7.1. Business Overview
17.7.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.7.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.7.4. Key Management Personnel
17.7.5. Manufacturing Location
17.7.6. Price Point Analysis
17.8. Ecopaints Private Limited
17.8.1. Business Overview
17.8.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.8.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.8.4. Key Management Personnel
17.8.5. Manufacturing Location
17.8.6. Price Point Analysis
17.9. Esdee Paints Limited
17.9.1. Business Overview
17.9.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.9.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.9.4. Key Management Personnel
17.9.5. Manufacturing Location
17.9.6. Price Point Analysis
17.10. Indigo Paints Limited
17.10.1. Business Overview
17.10.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.10.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.10.4. Key Management Personnel
17.10.5. Manufacturing Location
17.10.6. Price Point Analysis
17.11. Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited
17.11.1. Business Overview
17.11.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.11.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.11.4. Key Management Personnel
17.11.5. Manufacturing Location
17.11.6. Price Point Analysis
17.12. Jotun India Private Limited
17.12.1. Business Overview
17.12.2. Key Products/Services Offered
17.12.3. Key Revenue & Financials
17.12.4. Key Management Personnel
17.12.5. Manufacturing Location
17.12.6. Price Point Analysis
18. Strategic Recommendations
19. About Us & Disclaimer
The data given for any year represents the market during the period, i.e., 1st April of the former year to 31st March of the latter year. Eg: For FY2023E, the data represents the period, from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.






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