


India Ambulance Services Market, By Transport Vehicle (Ground v/s Air), By Services (Emergency v/s Non-Emergency), By Service Operators (Hospital Based Service, Private Ambulance Service, Government Ambulance Service, Others (Third Party Ambulance, etc.), By Equipment Type (Advanced Life Support v/s Basic Life Support), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2028F

インドの救急車市場は、2022年に1億5,078万米ドルとなり、予測期間2024-2028年にはCAGR 5.12%の著しい成長が見込まれます。交通事故の増加は、それによって即時の医療サポート/サービスを必要とします。インド政... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年3月1日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 82 英語



インドの救急車市場は、2022年に1億5,078万米ドルとなり、予測期間2024-2028年にはCAGR 5.12%の著しい成長が見込まれます。交通事故の増加は、それによって即時の医療サポート/サービスを必要とします。インド政府道路交通運輸省は、無謀運転や飲酒運転、その他の理由による交通事故の発生頻度が日々増加していると述べています。また、交通事故による死者数の増加により、迅速な医療処置の必要性が高まっています。医療業界を活性化させるための政府の支援政策や、医療サービスを受けるための償還制度は、市場の成長を促進する2つの要因となっています。医療観光の増加や医療施設のインフラ整備は、救急車市場の需要を加速させています。心停止、冠動脈疾患、心不全、脳卒中などの心血管疾患は、死因の上位を占めるため、通常、早急な医療処置が必要であり、こうした状況が市場の成長を促進すると予想されます。

一般に、交通事故の増加は多くの負傷者や死者を出すことにつながります。例えば、Times of Indiaによると、2021年の交通事故による死亡者数は二輪車が最大(69,240人)で、交通事故死者数全体の44.5%を占めており、次いで自動車、トラック・貨物自動車が続いています。さらに、商用車や自家用車の普及が進んだことで、国内の交通事故発生件数が増加し、その結果、緊急の医療や支援のための緊急入院の必要性が生じています。国家犯罪記録局(NCRB)のデータによると、2021年には合計4,03,116件の交通事故が報告され、2020年の3,54,796件から増加した。このことは、今後数年間、市場の成長にプラスの影響を与えると予想されます。


2020年、アジア最大の救急医療サービスプロバイダー企業であり、インドで最も急成長しているホリスティックヘルスケアソリューションプラットフォームの一つであるZiqitza Healthcare Ltd(ZHL)は、最近インドで、コーポレートウェルネス製品拡張のもと、法人および大規模事業部向けのAmbulance Subscriptionサービスを導入しました。

2020年9月、インドのカルナータカ州では、International Critical Air Transfer Team(ICATT)とKyathiのコラボレーションによる、国内初の統合型航空救急車サービスを開始しました。

インド全土で医療インフラが整備されると、病院施設の数が増え、救急車サービスの需要も高まります。各病院は、自前の救急車か、どこかのサービスプロバイダーと提携して救急車サービスを提供しています。さらに、インド政府は、既存の病院のインフラをアップグレードし、国内に新しい病院を設立するための投資を継続的に行っています。例えば、2019年、NITI Aayogは、インドが今後5年間で2,500の新しい病院を持つことを発表しました。同様に、2022年3月26日、デリー政府は、デリーで15の病院をアップグレードし、4つの病院施設を新設すると発表しました。また、2022年8月には、デリー州保健局が、デリーにはまもなく11の新しい病院ができ、市の医療インフラに1万床以上のベッドが追加されると発表しています。したがって、これらの要因から、今後数年間は目覚ましい勢いで市場が成長することが予想されます。



インドの救急車サービス市場で事業を展開している主な企業は、Ziqitza Health Care Limited、Stanplus Technologies Private Limited、Medulance Healthcare Private Limited、Air Rescuers Worldwide Private Limited、Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt.Ltd. 、EMSOS Medical Pvt.Ltd. 、AmbiPalm Health Private Limited, Goodmans Healthcare Services Pvt.Ltd, BVG India Limited, Falcon Emergency、EMRI Green Health Services、その他。

- インドの救急車サービス市場、輸送車両別
o 地上
- インドの救急車サービス市場、サービス別
- インドの救急車サービス市場:サービス事業者別
o 病院ベースのサービス
o 民間救急車サービス
o その他
- インドの救急車サービス市場:設備タイプ別
o 高度救命救急
o 基本的生命維持装置
- インドの救急車サービス市場:地域別

TechSci Researchは、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。本レポートでは、以下のカスタマイズオプションが利用可能です:
- 追加の市場プレイヤー(最大5社)の詳細な分析とプロファイリング。



1. Service Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on India Ambulance Services Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
6. India Ambulance Services Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Transport Vehicle (Ground v/s Air)
6.2.2. By Services (Emergency v/s Non-Emergency)
6.2.3. By Service Operators (Hospital Based Service, Private Ambulance Service, Government Ambulance Service, Others)
6.2.4. By Equipment Type (Advanced Life Support v/s Basic Life Support)
6.2.5. By Region
6.2.6. By Company (2022)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. India Emergency Ambulance Services Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Transport Vehicle
7.2.2. By Service Operators
8. India Non-Emergency Ambulance Services Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Transport Vehicle
8.2.2. By Service Operators
9. Market Dynamics
9.1. Drivers
9.2. Challenges
10. Market Trends & Developments
11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
12. India Economic Profile
13. Competitive Landscape
13.1. Ziqitza Health Care Limited
13.2. Stanplus Technologies Private Limited
13.3. Medulance Healthcare Private Limited
13.4. Air Rescuers Worldwide Private Limited
13.5. Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd.
13.6. EMSOS Medical Pvt. Ltd.
13.7. AmbiPalm Health Private Limited
13.8. Goodmans Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.
13.9. BVG India Limited
13.10. Falcon Emergency
13.11. EMRI Green Health Services
14. Strategic Recommendations
15. About us & Disclaimer





India Ambulance Services market stood at USD1502.78 million in 2022 and is expected to grow at a significant rate of 5.12% CAGR during the forecast period 2024-2028. An increase in the number of road accidents thereby requires immediate medical support/services. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Transport, Government of India stated that the frequency of road accidents is increasing day by day due to reckless driving, drunk driving, or any other reason. Also, the rise in the number of deaths happened due to road accidents is creating the need for the availability of quick medical treatment. Supportive government policies to boost the healthcare industry and reimbursement plans for availing healthcare services are two factors fueling the growth of the market. A rise in medical tourism and the development of infrastructure for healthcare facilities is accelerating the ambulance services market demand. Cardiovascular diseases comprising cardiac arrest, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke usually require immediate medical attention and treatment as it is a leading cause of death and such situations are expected to bolster the growth of the market.
Additionally, the advanced life support services segment is expected to account for a major market share for the forecast period. The increase in the number of road accidents and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among consumers is supporting the growth of the market. A rise in awareness about life support services and the presence of trained healthcare professionals to tackle any healthcare problems are the other significant contributing factors to the high demand for ambulance services for the next five years.
Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
The prevalence of the number of chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, surgeries, trauma, injuries, etc. requires urgent emergency services for the care and treatment of the patient. In India, non-communicable diseases account for 53% of all deaths and 44 % of disability-adjusted life-years, lost. India is considered a home to more than a sixth of the world’s population and has been witnessing a rapid epidemiological transition i.e, a shift towards chronic non-communicable diseases along with socio-economic development. According to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, India has the highest number of people with Diabetes in the world at around 77 million, which is data expected to have a projection of 134 million by 2045, as per the International Diabetes Federation. India experiences premature death as a result of cardiovascular disease, which causes one-fourth of all fatalities. The increasing prevalence of diseases and accidents has significantly increased the number of people requiring immediate treatment and transportation to hospitals, thereby supporting the market growth for ambulances in India.

Increase in the Number of Road Accidents
Generally, the increase in the number of road accidents leads to many injuries and deaths. For instance, according to the Times of India, two-wheelers accounted for the maximum fatal road accidents (69,240 deaths), contributing 44.5% of total road accidental deaths, followed by cars and trucks/lorries in 2021. Additionally, the rise in the adoption of commercial and personal vehicles has led to an increase in the number of road accidents incidence in the country, resulting in creating the requirement for emergency hospital admissions for urgent medical care and assistance. According to the data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a total of 4,03,116 road accident cases were reported in 2021, which is an increase from 3,54,796, in 2020. This, in turn, is anticipated to positively influence market growth in the coming years.

Increase Technological Advancement
Rapid advancements in research and development (R&D) activities are propelling the growth of the market. New technology-based programs are developed that provide specific medical services and care in an emergency. Major companies are developing advanced technologies and launching new services to stay competitive in the market. For instance, in 2021, JCBL developed with reliability and advantages, which is fully equipped with all the facilities that a basic mobile medical unit may need, including a PA system, oxygen cylinders, emergency stretchers, and an operating table, complete with all necessary medical supplies.

In 2020, Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd (ZHL), Asia’s largest emergency medical service provider company and one of the fastest-growing holistic healthcare solution platforms in India, introduced Ambulance Subscription services for corporates and large business units under the Corporate Wellness product extension, recently in India.

In September 2020, Karnataka, India, launched the country’s first integrated air ambulance service, a collaboration between the International Critical Air Transfer Team (ICATT) and the Kyathi.

Rising Development in Hospital Facilities & Infrastructure
The improving healthcare infrastructure across India will increase the number of hospital establishments across the country, which in turn will increase the demand for ambulance services. Every hospital has either its ambulance or ambulance services in collaboration with any service provider. Additionally, the Indian government is continuously investing in upgrading the existing hospitals' infrastructure and establishing new hospitals in the country. For instance, in 2019, the NITI Aayog announced that India will have 2,500 new hospitals in the next five years. Similarly, on March 26th, 2022, the Delhi government announced that it would be upgrading 15 hospitals and building 4 new hospital facilities in Delhi. Also, in August 2022, the Delhi State Health Department announced that Delhi will soon have 11 new hospitals adding more than 10,000 beds to the health infrastructure of the city. Hence, these factors show the growth of the market at an impressive rate in the coming years.

Rise in Medical Tourism in India
India is one of the potential countries for medical tourism, on account of affordable treatment costs, availability of skilled healthcare professionals, lesser wait times, etc. The increasing medical tourism has further created significant demands for air ambulance services also. According to the Minister of State for Civil Aviation (VK Singh), India has only 49 air ambulances operated by 19 operators. Out of these 49, Delhi has 39 air ambulances, followed by Maharashtra with 5. However, this number is set to increase in the coming years due to growth in medical tourism, thereby creating new prospects for market growth. The increase in medical tourism has also led to the emergence of various new players in the market offering ambulance services and has also made the existing ones improve their services and cost offerings. This, in turn, is expected to create lucrative opportunities for the growth of the ambulance services market in the coming years, within India.

Market Segmentation
India ambulance services market is segmented into transport vehicles, services, service operators, equipment types, regional distribution, and companies. Based on a transport vehicle, the market is further bifurcated into ground and air. Based on services, the market is further segmented into emergency and non-emergency. Based on service operators, the market is segmented into hospital-based service, private ambulance service, government ambulance service, and others. Based on equipment type, the market is segmented into advanced life support and basic life support.

Market Players
The major players operating in the India ambulance services market are Ziqitza Health Care Limited, Stanplus Technologies Private Limited, Medulance Healthcare Private Limited, Air Rescuers Worldwide Private Limited, Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd., EMSOS Medical Pvt. Ltd., AmbiPalm Health Private Limited, Goodmans Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd., BVG India Limited, Falcon Emergency, EMRI Green Health Services, and others.

Report Scope:
In this report, India Ambulance Services market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• India Ambulance Services Market, By Transport Vehicle:
o Ground
o Air
• India Ambulance Services Market, By Services:
o Emergency
o Non-Emergency
• India Ambulance Services Market, By Service Operators:
o Hospital Based Service
o Private Ambulance Service
o Government Ambulance Service
o Others
• India Ambulance Services Market, By Equipment Type:
o Advanced Life Support
o Basic Life Support
• India Ambulance Services Market, By Region:
o North
o South
o East
o West
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in India ambulance services market.
Available Customizations:
With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Service Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on India Ambulance Services Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
6. India Ambulance Services Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Transport Vehicle (Ground v/s Air)
6.2.2. By Services (Emergency v/s Non-Emergency)
6.2.3. By Service Operators (Hospital Based Service, Private Ambulance Service, Government Ambulance Service, Others)
6.2.4. By Equipment Type (Advanced Life Support v/s Basic Life Support)
6.2.5. By Region
6.2.6. By Company (2022)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. India Emergency Ambulance Services Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Transport Vehicle
7.2.2. By Service Operators
8. India Non-Emergency Ambulance Services Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Transport Vehicle
8.2.2. By Service Operators
9. Market Dynamics
9.1. Drivers
9.2. Challenges
10. Market Trends & Developments
11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
12. India Economic Profile
13. Competitive Landscape
13.1. Ziqitza Health Care Limited
13.2. Stanplus Technologies Private Limited
13.3. Medulance Healthcare Private Limited
13.4. Air Rescuers Worldwide Private Limited
13.5. Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd.
13.6. EMSOS Medical Pvt. Ltd.
13.7. AmbiPalm Health Private Limited
13.8. Goodmans Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.
13.9. BVG India Limited
13.10. Falcon Emergency
13.11. EMRI Green Health Services
14. Strategic Recommendations
15. About us & Disclaimer






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