
ベトナム超音波システム市場:技術別(診断用超音波{2D超音波、3D&4D超音波、ドップラー超音波} v/s 治療用超音波{高強度集束超音波(HIFU) v/s 体外衝撃波砕石術(ESWL)})、ディスプレイタイプ別(モノクロ v/s カラー)、移動性別(固定式/移動式)、用途別(一般画像、産科/婦人科、循環器、泌尿器、整形外科/筋骨格、その他)、エンドユーザー別(病院/クリニック、診断センター、外来診療センター、その他)、地域別、競合予測/機会(2027年

ベトナム超音波システム市場:技術別(診断用超音波{2D超音波、3D&4D超音波、ドップラー超音波} v/s 治療用超音波{高強度集束超音波(HIFU) v/s 体外衝撃波砕石術(ESWL)})、ディスプレイタイプ別(モノクロ v/s カラー)、移動性別(固定式/移動式)、用途別(一般画像、産科/婦人科、循環器、泌尿器、整形外科/筋骨格、その他)、エンドユーザー別(病院/クリニック、診断センター、外来診療センター、その他)、地域別、競合予測/機会(2027年

Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Technology (Diagnostic Ultrasound {2D Ultrasound, 3D & 4D Ultrasound, Doppler Ultrasound} v/s Therapeutic Ultrasound {High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) v/s Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL)}), By Display Type (Black & White v/s Colored), By Mobility (Fixed v/s Mobile), By Application (General Imaging, Obstetrics/ Gynecology, Cardiology, Urology, Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal, Others), By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Ambulatory Care Centers, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2027

ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場は、医療機器の進歩に伴い、2023年から2027年の予測期間中に目覚ましいCAGRで成長すると予測されています。また、様々な慢性疾患や感染症の早期診断に対する需要の高まりが、ベトナ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2022年12月1日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 76 英語



ベトナムの人口増加は、今後5年間のベトナム超音波診断装置市場の成長をさらに積極的に後押ししています。2020年には、同国の人口は9,700万人を超えると記録されています。 23.人口の2%は、生まれたてから14歳までの子供たちです。また、同国の出生率の上昇も、今後5年間のベトナム超音波診断装置市場の成長に寄与しています。同国の女性人口における出生率は、女性1人当たり2人です。
AppTech Medical, Inc.、FUJIFILM VIETNAM Co.Ltd.、GE Healthcare Vietnam、Philips Vietnam、VIMEC Corporation、IDS Medical Systems Vietnam Ltd.(idsMEDベトナム)、Siemens Healthineers Vietnamなどは、ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場の成長を担う企業の主要な市場プレイヤーの一部のリストである。

- ベトナムの超音波システム市場、技術別
o 診断用超音波
 2D超音波
 3D・4D超音波
 ドップラー超音波
o 治療用超音波
 高密度焦点式超音波 (HIFU)
 体外衝撃波結石破砕装置(ESWL)(Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
- ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場、ディスプレイタイプ別
o ブラック&ホワイト
- ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場:移動性別
o 固定式
- ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場:用途別
o 一般画像診断
o 心臓病学
o 泌尿器科
o 整形外科・筋骨格
o その他
- ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場、エンドユーザー別
o 病院・診療所
o 診断センター
- ベトナムの超音波診断装置市場:地域別
o 北部地域
o 中部地域
o 南部地域
TechSci Researchは、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。このレポートでは、以下のカスタマイズオプションが利用できます:
- 追加の市場プレイヤー(最大5社)の詳細な分析とプロファイリング。



1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on Vietnam Ultrasound System Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
6. Vietnam Ultrasound System Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Technology (Diagnostic Ultrasound v/s Therapeutic Ultrasound)
6.2.2. By Display Type (Black & White v/s Colored)
6.2.3. By Mobility (Fixed v/s Mobile)
6.2.4. By Application (General Imaging, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Cardiology, Urology, Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal, Others)
6.2.5. By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Ambulatory Care Centers, Others)
6.2.6. By Region
6.2.7. By Company (2021)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. Vietnam Diagnostic Ultrasound System Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Type (2D Ultrasound, 3D & 4D Ultrasound, Doppler Ultrasound)
7.2.2. By Display Type
7.2.3. By Mobility
7.2.4. By Application
7.2.5. By End User
8. Vietnam Therapeutic Ultrasound System Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Type (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) v/s Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL))
8.2.2. By Display Type
8.2.3. By Mobility
8.2.4. By Application
8.2.5. By End User
9. Market Dynamics
9.1. Drivers
9.2. Challenges
10. Market Trends & Developments
11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
12. Import-Export Analysis
13. Vietnam Economic Profile
14. Competitive Landscape
14.1. Competition Outlook
14.2. Company Profiles
14.2.1. AppTech Medical, Inc.
14.2.2. FUJIFILM VIETNAM Co., Ltd.
14.2.3. GE Healthcare Vietnam
14.2.4. Philips Vietnam
14.2.5. VIMEC Corporation
14.2.6. IDS Medical Systems Vietnam Ltd. (idsMED Vietnam)
14.2.7. Siemens Healthineers Vietnam
15. Strategic Recommendations





Vietnam ultrasound systems market is anticipated to register growth with an impressive CAGR in the forecast period, 2023-2027, on the account of increasing advancement in the medical devices. Also, surging demands for the early and efficient diagnosis of various chronic and infectious diseases, is further driving the growth of the Vietnam ultrasound systems market. The government of Vietnam is actively supporting the growth of the market with increasing investment in the healthcare sector and in the development of the technologically advanced diagnostic medical devices for best possible patient care.
Ultrasound systems are diagnostic devices that produce x ray images of the organs and tissues for the examination purposes. The ultrasound machines function of the physics principle of sound waves. The system releases sound waves that when comes in contact with the body or the organ, reflects and creates an image of the same on detector. The device is majorly utilized for the study a developing fetus (unborn baby), a person's abdominal and pelvic organs, muscles and tendons, or their heart and blood vessels.
Rising Concerns Toward Health Promises Market Growth
Increasing instances of diseases, and disorders have enhanced the attention of common population as well as the government toward betterment of the healthcare segment in the country. The government of Vietnam has been actively investing in the healthcare sector. Technological advancement in the medical devices, increase in the manufactured units of ultrasound systems, along with the increasing awareness among the population of the country requires government support in the form of favorable schemes or financial support, thus aiding the growth of the Vietnam ultrasound systems market in the upcoming five years.
Growing Population Drives Market Growth
Increasing population of the country is further actively driving the growth of the Vietnam ultrasound systems market in the upcoming five years. In the year 2020, over 97 million population in the country was recorded. 23.2% of the population is of children aging between new born to 14 years old. Moreover, growing fertility rates in the country also owes to the growth of the Vietnam ultrasound systems market in the next five years. Fertility rate in the female population of the country is 2 births per woman.
Rapidly increasing advancements in the healthcare services have provided better patient care for the females expecting babies, have further aided to the growth of the Vietnam ultrasound systems market in the future five years.
Market Segmentation
The Vietnam ultrasound systems market is segmented by technology, display type, mobility, application, end user, competitional landscape, and regional distribution. Based on technology, the market is further differentiated between diagnostic ultrasound and therapeutic ultrasound. Diagnostic ultrasound is of three types, 2D ultrasound, 3D & 4D ultrasound, doppler ultrasound. Therapeutic ultrasound is of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) v/s Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) types. Display type segment of the market is defined between black & white and colored display. Mobility based segmentation of the market is further segmented into fixed and mobile. On the basis of application, the market segment is bifurcated into general imaging, obstetrics/gynecology, cardiology, urology, orthopedic & musculoskeletal, and others. Market segments on the basis of end user, is further fragmented into hospitals & clinics, diagnostic centers, ambulatory care centers, and others. The market analysis also studies the regional segmentation to devise regional market segmentation, divided among Northern region, Central region, and the Southern region.
Company Profile
AppTech Medical, Inc., FUJIFILM VIETNAM Co., Ltd., GE Healthcare Vietnam, Philips Vietnam, VIMEC Corporation, IDS Medical Systems Vietnam Ltd. (idsMED Vietnam), Siemens Healthineers Vietnam, among others is a partial list of major market players of the companies responsible for the growth of Vietnam ultrasound systems market.

Report Scope:
In this report, Vietnam ultrasound systems market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Technology:
o Diagnostic Ultrasound
 2D Ultrasound
 3D & 4D Ultrasound
 Doppler Ultrasound
o Therapeutic Ultrasound
 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
 Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Display Type:
o Black & White
o Colored
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Mobility:
o Fixed
o Mobile
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Application:
o General Imaging
o Obstetrics/Gynecology
o Cardiology
o Urology
o Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal
o Others
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By End User:
o Hospitals & Clinics
o Diagnostic Centers
o Ambulatory Care Centers
o Others
• Vietnam Ultrasound Systems Market, By Region:
o Northern Region
o Central Region
o Southern Region
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in Vietnam ultrasound systems market.
Available Customizations:
With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on Vietnam Ultrasound System Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
6. Vietnam Ultrasound System Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Technology (Diagnostic Ultrasound v/s Therapeutic Ultrasound)
6.2.2. By Display Type (Black & White v/s Colored)
6.2.3. By Mobility (Fixed v/s Mobile)
6.2.4. By Application (General Imaging, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Cardiology, Urology, Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal, Others)
6.2.5. By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Ambulatory Care Centers, Others)
6.2.6. By Region
6.2.7. By Company (2021)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. Vietnam Diagnostic Ultrasound System Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Type (2D Ultrasound, 3D & 4D Ultrasound, Doppler Ultrasound)
7.2.2. By Display Type
7.2.3. By Mobility
7.2.4. By Application
7.2.5. By End User
8. Vietnam Therapeutic Ultrasound System Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Type (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) v/s Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL))
8.2.2. By Display Type
8.2.3. By Mobility
8.2.4. By Application
8.2.5. By End User
9. Market Dynamics
9.1. Drivers
9.2. Challenges
10. Market Trends & Developments
11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
12. Import-Export Analysis
13. Vietnam Economic Profile
14. Competitive Landscape
14.1. Competition Outlook
14.2. Company Profiles
14.2.1. AppTech Medical, Inc.
14.2.2. FUJIFILM VIETNAM Co., Ltd.
14.2.3. GE Healthcare Vietnam
14.2.4. Philips Vietnam
14.2.5. VIMEC Corporation
14.2.6. IDS Medical Systems Vietnam Ltd. (idsMED Vietnam)
14.2.7. Siemens Healthineers Vietnam
15. Strategic Recommendations






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