
欧州電気バス市場:推進方式別(BEV、HEV、PHEV、FCEV)、バッテリータイプ別(鉛酸、リチウムイオン)、バッテリー容量別(<100 kWh, 100–200 kWh, 201–300 kWh, >300 kWh、航続距離別(0~150マイル、151~250マイル、251~500マイル、500マイル以上)、座席数別(30席まで、31~40席、41~50席、50席以上)、全長別(6~8m、8~10m、10~12m、12m以上)、ボディタイプ別(カスタマイズボディ、フルビルド)、地域別、競争予測・機会、2028年

Europe Electric Bus Market, By Propulsion (BEV, HEV, PHEV, FCEV), By Battery Type (Lead Acid and Li-ion), By Battery Capacity (<100 kWh, 100200 kWh, 201300 kWh, >300 kWh), By Range (0150 Miles, 151250 Miles, 251500 Miles, >500 Miles), By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50, Above 50), By Length (6-8 m, 8-10m, 10-12 m, Above 12), By Body Type (Customizable Body, Fully Build), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2028

欧州の電気バス市場は、予測期間である2024年から2028年にかけて安定したCAGRで成長すると予想されています。輸送産業における技術的進歩の急増、排気ガスを出さない車両への需要の高まり、二酸化炭素排出量の削... もっと見る



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TechSci Research
2022年12月1日 US$4,400
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欧州の電気バス市場は、予測期間である2024年から2028年にかけて安定したCAGRで成長すると予想されています。輸送産業における技術的進歩の急増、排気ガスを出さない車両への需要の高まり、二酸化炭素排出量の削減に焦点を当てた政府の厳しい政策が、予測期間において欧州電気バス市場の需要を促進する主な要因となっています。電気自動車に対する需要の高まりが市場成長を促進市バスは、交通分野における主要な汚染源と考えられています。政府は、環境への温室効果ガスの排出を減らすのに役立つ対策を採用することを目的としています。燃料費の高騰と、地表で利用できる化石燃料が限られていることから、電気自動車の導入が進みました。電気バスは、燃料に電気を使用するため、有害な汚染物質を環境に放出しないゼロエミッション車です。電気バスは可動部品が少ないため軽量で、従来の交通手段よりも生産性が高いとされています。水素燃料電池バスへの需要の高まりが市場成長を後押し 水素燃料電池バスは、バッテリー、電気パワートレインと燃料電池システム、技術を組み合わせた環境に優しい乗り物です。電気バスはルートの柔軟性に優れ、燃料の補給をより早く行うことができます。電気バスは、従来の車両よりも効率的で、平均寿命が長いと考えられており、これが電気バスが次世代グリーン交通サービスの一部と考えられている主な理由の1つです。水素燃料電池車市場の主要企業であるEverfuel、Wrightbus、Ballard Power Systems、Hexagon Composites、Nel Hydrogen、Ryse Hydrogenは、共同でH2Bus Consortiumという委員会を設立した。委員会のメンバーは、1,000台の水素燃料電池電気バスとそれを支えるインフラをヨーロッパの都市に配備し、バスを手頃な価格で一般に提供することを約束した。厳しい排ガス規制が市場の成長を支える欧州政府は、公共交通機関の発展と環境に配慮した輸送を実現するため、12のプロジェクトに7200万ユーロ以上を投資することを計画しています。2020年には、ヨーロッパで約2500台の電気バスが販売される。世界中に存在する化石燃料の埋蔵量が徐々に減少し、燃料価格が不安定なため、輸送業界に悪影響を及ぼし、当局は代替エネルギー源を使用する車両に注目するようになりました。2021年6月、EUは2050年までに温室効果ガスの排出量をゼロにすることを定めた「欧州気候法」を採択し、この地域全体で電気自動車の生産と利用が促進されると予想されます。公共交通機関の利用は、私的な交通機関を利用する場合と比較して、料金が安く、エネルギー消費量も少ないため、住民は公共交通機関を強く希望しています。高性能の電気バスが入手可能であり、クリーンエネルギーによる輸送サービスへと徐々にシフトしていることが、予測期間中の欧州電気バス市場の成長に影響を与えると予想されます。市場区分欧州の電気バス市場は、推進力、バッテリータイプ、バッテリー容量、航続距離、座席数、長さ、ボディタイプ、企業、国に基づいて区分されます。推進力に基づき、市場はBEV、HEV、PHEV、FCEVに分けられます。電池の種類によって、市場は鉛酸とリチウムイオンに分けられます。バッテリー容量に基づき、市場は以下のように分けられます。<100 kWh, 100–200 kWh, 201–300 kWh, and >300キロワット時。航続距離によって、0~150マイル、151~250マイル、251~500マイル、500マイル超に分けられる。座席数により、市場は30人以下、31~40人、41~50人、50人以上に分けられる。長さに基づき、市場は6-8m、8-10m、10-12m、12歳以上に分けられる。ボディタイプに基づき、市場はカスタマイズ可能なボディとフルビルドに分けられる。また、欧州をドイツ、スペイン、フランス、イギリス、イタリア、ノルウェー、オランダ、スイス、スウェーデン、オーストリア、欧州以外の国に分けて調査しています。市場プレイヤーSolaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o., VDL Bus & Coach BV, Ebusco B.V., MAN Truck & Bus SE, AB Volvo, BYD Auto Co., Ltd., Scania AB, IVECO S.p.A., Irizar Group, Daimler AGが欧州電気バス市場成長を牽引する主要マーケットプレイヤーとなっています。レポート範囲:本レポートでは、欧州電気バス市場を以下のカテゴリーに分類し、さらに以下に詳述する業界動向も加えています:- 欧州電気バス市場、推進方式別:BEVo HEVo PHEVo FCEV - 欧州電気バス市場、バッテリータイプ別:鉛酸リチウムイオン - 欧州電気バス市場、バッテリー容量別:o<100 kWho 100–200 kWho 201–300 kWho >300 kWh- 欧州電気バス市場:航続距離別: o 0-150 Mileso 151-250 Mileso 251-500 Mileso >500 Miles- 欧州電気バス市場:座席数別: o Up to 30o 31-40o 41-50o Above 50- 欧州電気バス市場:全長別:o 6-8 mo 8-10mo 10-12 mo Above 12- ヨーロッパ電気バス市場:ボディタイプ別:o カスタマイズ可能なボディo 完全に構築ヨーロッパ電気バス市場:国別:o ドイツo スペインo フランスo イギリスo イタリアo ノルウェーo オランダo スイスo スウェーデンo オーストリア競争状況企業プロファイル:TechSciResearchは、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:企業情報-追加市場プレイヤーの詳細分析とプロファイリング(最大5社)。



1. Product Overview 2. Research Methodology 3. Executive Summary 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Europe Electric Bus Market 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Aided Brand Recall and Unaided Brand Recall 5.3. Brand Satisfaction Level 5.4. Challenges/Unmet Need 6. Europe Electric Bus Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Value and Volume 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Propulsion (BEV, HEV, PHEV, FCEV) 6.2.2. By Battery Type (Lead Acid and Li-ion) 6.2.3. By Battery Capacity (<100 kWh, 100–200 kWh, 201–300 kWh, >300 kWh) 6.2.4. By Range (0–150 Miles, 151–250 Miles, 251–500 Miles, >500 Miles) 6.2.5. By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50, Above 50)) 6.2.6. By Length (6-8 m, 8-10m, 10-12 m, Above 12) 6.2.7. By Body Type (Customizable Body, Fully Build) 6.2.8. By Country (Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Rest of Europe) 6.2.9. By Company (2021) 6.3. Product Market Map (By Propulsion, By Battery Type, By Battery Capacity, By Range, By Seating Capacity, By length, By Body Type, By Country) 7. Germany Electric Bus Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Value and Volume 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Propulsion 7.2.2. By Battery Type 7.2.3. By Battery Capacity 7.2.4. By Range 7.2.5. By Seating Capacity 7.2.6. By Length 7.2.7. By Body Type 8. Spain Electric Bus Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Value and Volume 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Propulsion 8.2.2. By Battery Type 8.2.3. By Battery Capacity 8.2.4. By Range 8.2.5. By Seating Capacity 8.2.6. By Length 8.2.7. By Body Type 9. France Electric Bus Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Value and Volume 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Propulsion 9.2.2. By Battery Type 9.2.3. By Battery Capacity 9.2.4. By Range 9.2.5. By Seating Capacity 9.2.6. By Length 9.2.7. By Body Type 10. United Kingdom Electric Bus Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Value and Volume 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Propulsion 10.2.2. By Battery Type 10.2.3. By Battery Capacity 10.2.4. By Range 10.2.5. By Seating Capacity 10.2.6. By Length 10.2.7. By Body Type 11. Italy Electric Bus Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Value and Volume 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Propulsion 11.2.2. By Battery Type 11.2.3. By Battery Capacity 11.2.4. By Range 11.2.5. By Seating Capacity 11.2.6. By Length 11.2.7. By Body Type 12. Norway Electric Bus Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Value and Volume 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Propulsion 12.2.2. By Battery Type 12.2.3. By Battery Capacity 12.2.4. By Range 12.2.5. By Seating Capacity 12.2.6. By Length 12.2.7. By Body Type 13. Netherlands Electric Bus Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Value and Volume 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Propulsion 13.2.2. By Battery Type 13.2.3. By Battery Capacity 13.2.4. By Range 13.2.5. By Seating Capacity 13.2.6. By Length 13.2.7. By Body Type 14. Switzerland Electric Bus Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Value and Volume 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Propulsion 14.2.2. By Battery Type 14.2.3. By Battery Capacity 14.2.4. By Range 14.2.5. By Seating Capacity 14.2.6. By Length 14.2.7. By Body Type 15. Sweden Electric Bus Market Outlook 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Value and Volume 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Propulsion 15.2.2. By Battery Type 15.2.3. By Battery Capacity 15.2.4. By Range 15.2.5. By Seating Capacity 15.2.6. By Length 15.2.7. By Body Type 16. Australia Electric Bus Market Outlook 16.1. Market Size & Forecast 16.1.1. By Value and Volume 16.2. Market Share & Forecast 16.2.1. By Propulsion 16.2.2. By Battery Type 16.2.3. By Battery Capacity 16.2.4. By Range 16.2.5. By Seating Capacity 16.2.6. By Length 16.2.7. By Body Type 17. Market Dynamics 17.1. Drivers 17.2. Challenges 18. Market Trends and Developments 19. Product Benchmarking 20. Cost Benefit Analysis of Electric Bus Over ICE Bus 21. Competitive Landscape 21.1. Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. 21.2. VDL Bus & Coach BV 21.3. Ebusco B.V. 21.4. MAN Truck & Bus SE 21.5. AB Volvo 21.6. BYD Auto Co., Ltd. 21.7. Scania AB 21.8. IVECO S.p.A. 21.9. Irizar Group 21.10. Daimler AG 22. Strategic Recommendations





Europe electric bus market is expected to grow at a rate of steady CAGR for the forecast period, 2024-2028. The surge in technological advancements in the transportation industry, rise in demand for emission-free vehicles, and stringent government policies focusing on reducing carbon footprint are the primary factors driving the demand for the Europe electric bus market in the forecast period. Rise In Demand for Electric Vehicle Drives the Market Growth The city bus is considered a major source of pollution in the transportation sector. The government aims to adopt measures that would aid in lowering greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. Rising fuel costs and the limited availability of fossil fuel on the earth’s surface led to the adoption of electric vehicles. Electric buses are zero-emission vehicles that do not release harmful pollutants into the environment as they use electricity for fuel. Electric buses are light in weight due to fewer moving parts and, therefore, are considered more productive than the conventional mode of transportation. Increased Demand for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses Bolsters the Market Growth Hydrogen fuel cell buses are green vehicles that combine batteries, electric powertrain with fuel cell systems, and technology. The electric bus supports route flexibility faster refueling. These are considered more efficient, and witness increased average life than conventional vehicles, which is one of the major reasons electric buses are considered part of next-generation green transportation services. Everfuel, Wrightbus, Ballard Power Systems, Hexagon Composites, Nel Hydrogen, and Ryse Hydrogen, who are the leading players in the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles market, have joined together to form a committee called H2Bus Consortium. The committee members have promised to deploy 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell electric buses along with the supporting infrastructure in the European cities by making the buses available to the public at affordable rates. Stringent Emission Regulations Supports the Market Growth The European government has planned to invest over €72 million in 12 projects to develop the public transportation sector and make transportation more environmentally friendly. In 2020, around 2500 electric buses were sold in Europe. The gradual decline in the fossil fuel reserves present around the globe, and the unstable fuel prices adversely affect the transportation industry and make the authorities focus upon vehicles using alternate sources of energy. In June 2021, the EU adopted the European Climate Law to attain net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050, which is expected to boost the production and usage of electric vehicles across the region. Residents heavily prefer public transportation services as they are affordable and consume less energy when compared to traveling through private transportation services. The availability of high-performance electric buses and the gradual shift towards clean energy transportation services are expected to influence the growth of the European electric bus market in the forecast period. Market Segmentation Europe electric bus market is segmented based on propulsion, battery type, battery capacity, range, seating capacity, length, body type, company, and country. Based on propulsion, the market is divided into BEV, HEV, PHEV, and FCEV. Based on battery type, the market is divided into lead acid and li-ion. Based on battery capacity, the market is divided into <100 kWh, 100–200 kWh, 201–300 kWh, and >300 kWh. Based on range, the market is divided into 0–150 miles, 151–250 miles, 251–500 miles, and >500 miles. Based on seating capacity, the market is divided into up to 30, 31-40, 41-50, and above 50. Based on length, the market is divided into 6-8 m, 8-10m, 10-12 m, and above 12. Based on body type, the market is divided into customizable body and fully build. The market is also studied by dividing Europe into countries namely Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, and rest of Europe. Market Players Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o., VDL Bus & Coach BV, Ebusco B.V., MAN Truck & Bus SE, AB Volvo, BYD Auto Co., Ltd., Scania AB, IVECO S.p.A., Irizar Group, and Daimler AG are the major market players leading the growth of Europe electric bus market. Report Scope: In this report, Europe electric bus market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Propulsion: o BEV o HEV o PHEV o FCEV • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Battery Type: o Lead Acid o Li-ion • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Battery Capacity: o <100 kWh o 100–200 kWh o 201–300 kWh o >300 kWh • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Range: o 0–150 Miles o 151–250 Miles o 251–500 Miles o >500 Miles • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Seating Capacity: o Up to 30 o 31-40 o 41-50 o Above 50 • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Length: o 6-8 m o 8-10m o 10-12 m o Above 12 • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Body Type: o Customizable Body o Fully Build • Europe Electric Bus Market, By Country: o Germany o Spain o France o United Kingdom o Italy o Norway o Netherlands o Switzerland o Sweden o Austria Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in Europe electric bus market. Available Customizations: With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview 2. Research Methodology 3. Executive Summary 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Europe Electric Bus Market 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Aided Brand Recall and Unaided Brand Recall 5.3. Brand Satisfaction Level 5.4. Challenges/Unmet Need 6. Europe Electric Bus Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Value and Volume 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Propulsion (BEV, HEV, PHEV, FCEV) 6.2.2. By Battery Type (Lead Acid and Li-ion) 6.2.3. By Battery Capacity (<100 kWh, 100–200 kWh, 201–300 kWh, >300 kWh) 6.2.4. By Range (0–150 Miles, 151–250 Miles, 251–500 Miles, >500 Miles) 6.2.5. By Seating Capacity (Up to 30, 31-40, 41-50, Above 50)) 6.2.6. By Length (6-8 m, 8-10m, 10-12 m, Above 12) 6.2.7. By Body Type (Customizable Body, Fully Build) 6.2.8. By Country (Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Rest of Europe) 6.2.9. By Company (2021) 6.3. Product Market Map (By Propulsion, By Battery Type, By Battery Capacity, By Range, By Seating Capacity, By length, By Body Type, By Country) 7. Germany Electric Bus Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Value and Volume 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Propulsion 7.2.2. By Battery Type 7.2.3. By Battery Capacity 7.2.4. By Range 7.2.5. By Seating Capacity 7.2.6. By Length 7.2.7. By Body Type 8. Spain Electric Bus Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Value and Volume 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Propulsion 8.2.2. By Battery Type 8.2.3. By Battery Capacity 8.2.4. By Range 8.2.5. By Seating Capacity 8.2.6. By Length 8.2.7. By Body Type 9. France Electric Bus Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Value and Volume 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Propulsion 9.2.2. By Battery Type 9.2.3. By Battery Capacity 9.2.4. By Range 9.2.5. By Seating Capacity 9.2.6. By Length 9.2.7. By Body Type 10. United Kingdom Electric Bus Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Value and Volume 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Propulsion 10.2.2. By Battery Type 10.2.3. By Battery Capacity 10.2.4. By Range 10.2.5. By Seating Capacity 10.2.6. By Length 10.2.7. By Body Type 11. Italy Electric Bus Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Value and Volume 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Propulsion 11.2.2. By Battery Type 11.2.3. By Battery Capacity 11.2.4. By Range 11.2.5. By Seating Capacity 11.2.6. By Length 11.2.7. By Body Type 12. Norway Electric Bus Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Value and Volume 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Propulsion 12.2.2. By Battery Type 12.2.3. By Battery Capacity 12.2.4. By Range 12.2.5. By Seating Capacity 12.2.6. By Length 12.2.7. By Body Type 13. Netherlands Electric Bus Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Value and Volume 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Propulsion 13.2.2. By Battery Type 13.2.3. By Battery Capacity 13.2.4. By Range 13.2.5. By Seating Capacity 13.2.6. By Length 13.2.7. By Body Type 14. Switzerland Electric Bus Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Value and Volume 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Propulsion 14.2.2. By Battery Type 14.2.3. By Battery Capacity 14.2.4. By Range 14.2.5. By Seating Capacity 14.2.6. By Length 14.2.7. By Body Type 15. Sweden Electric Bus Market Outlook 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Value and Volume 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Propulsion 15.2.2. By Battery Type 15.2.3. By Battery Capacity 15.2.4. By Range 15.2.5. By Seating Capacity 15.2.6. By Length 15.2.7. By Body Type 16. Australia Electric Bus Market Outlook 16.1. Market Size & Forecast 16.1.1. By Value and Volume 16.2. Market Share & Forecast 16.2.1. By Propulsion 16.2.2. By Battery Type 16.2.3. By Battery Capacity 16.2.4. By Range 16.2.5. By Seating Capacity 16.2.6. By Length 16.2.7. By Body Type 17. Market Dynamics 17.1. Drivers 17.2. Challenges 18. Market Trends and Developments 19. Product Benchmarking 20. Cost Benefit Analysis of Electric Bus Over ICE Bus 21. Competitive Landscape 21.1. Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. 21.2. VDL Bus & Coach BV 21.3. Ebusco B.V. 21.4. MAN Truck & Bus SE 21.5. AB Volvo 21.6. BYD Auto Co., Ltd. 21.7. Scania AB 21.8. IVECO S.p.A. 21.9. Irizar Group 21.10. Daimler AG 22. Strategic Recommendations






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