


India E Pharmacy Market, By Drug Type (Prescription Drugs v/s Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs), By Product Type (Chronic Diseases, Skincare, Nutritional Supplements, Medical Equipment, Others), By Operating Platform (Website v/s Apps), By Business Model (Inventory/Warehouse Based Model v/s Market Place Based Model), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, FY2027F

インドの電子薬局市場は、2021年度に3億4,478万米ドルとなり、予測期間中に約21.28%の力強い成長が見込まれています。これは、国内でのインターネットの普及率が高まっていることが要因と考えられます。2021年1月... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2021年11月11日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 76 英語




インドの電子薬局市場は、薬剤タイプ、製品タイプ、操作プラットフォーム、ビジネスモデル、地域、企業に分けられます。薬剤タイプでは、市場は医療用医薬品とOTC(Over The Counter)医薬品に分けられます。2021年度の市場では、医療用医薬品のセグメントが全体の66.41%を占めています。これは、インドで運営されている電子薬局が、患者に処方箋なしで薬を提供していないことに起因している。患者が処方箋を持っておらず、電子薬局のポータルにアップロードしていない場合、電子薬局には独自の医師コンサルタントがいて、患者はそのコンサルタントに相談し、電子薬局の医師コンサルタントが患者のために処方箋を作成し、患者はそれを電子薬局のウェブサイトやアプリにアップロードして、必要な医薬品を注文します。

インドの電子薬局市場に参入している主な企業は、API Holdings Private Limited (PharmEasy)、Tata Digital Limited (1mg Technologies Pvt. ltd)、Apollo Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd.、Netmeds Marketplace Ltd (Reliance Retail)、Practo Technologies Private Limited、Lybrate, Inc.、Docprime Technologies Private Limited、Care On Go、mChemist Global Pvt. Ltd、Medsonway Solutions Pvt. Ltd.などです。この市場で活動する企業は、市場での競争力を維持し、他の市場プレーヤーよりも優位に立つために、電子薬局プラットフォームの改善、既存のサービスポートフォリオへの製品の追加、診断テストオプションなどの他のサービスの提供などに取り組んでいます。さらに、企業は自社の電子薬局チャネルに投資してくれる投資家を探しています。また、企業は共同研究や契約を締結したり、いくつかのM&Aを行ったりしています。

例えば、2021年5月には、API Holdings Private Limited(PharmEasy)がMedlife International Private Limitedの株式を100%取得しました。この買収により、Medlifeは2021年5月25日以降、事業を停止しました。また、メドライフの顧客基盤はすべてPharmEasyに吸収されました。Medlifeのお客様は、PharmEasyアプリにログインするだけで、同じ携帯電話番号を使ってMedlifeのアカウントを使い始めることができます。デジタル化された処方箋や、1年前に保存された住所などがすべてアプリ上で利用可能になります。これは、インドの電子薬局市場において、これまでに行われた最大の取引の一つです。
- 2017年度から2021年度までのインドEファーマシー市場の市場規模の過去の成長を分析すること。
- FY2022年からFY2027FまでのインドEファーマシー市場規模とFY2027Fまでの成長率を推定・予測すること。
- インドのEファーマシー市場を、薬剤タイプ、製品タイプ、オペレーティングプラットフォーム、ビジネスモデル、地域、企業に基づいて分類し、予測すること。
- インドEファーマシー市場における主要な地域やセグメントを特定すること。
- インドEファーマシー市場のドライバーと課題を特定するために
- インドEファーマシー市場における事業拡大、新サービスの立ち上げ、M&Aなどの競合他社の動向を調べるため
- インド電子薬局市場で活動する主要企業のプロファイルを特定・分析すること
- インドの電子薬局市場において、市場参加者が採用している主要な持続可能戦略を明らかにする。
TechSci Researchはこの調査のために、一次調査と徹底的な二次調査を行いました。最初に、TechSci Researchはインド国内のサービスプロバイダーのリストを入手しました。その後、TechSci Researchは特定の企業に対して一次調査を行いました。インタビューの際には、回答者に競合他社についても質問しました。この手法により、TechSci Researchは、二次調査の限界により特定できなかったサービスプロバイダーを含めることができました。TechSci Researchは、インドにおけるサービス・プロバイダー、流通チャンネル、主要プレーヤーの存在を分析しました。
TechSci Researchでは、インドの電子薬局市場の市場規模を、様々なエンドユーザーセグメントのデータを記録し、将来の予測を行うボトムアップアプローチで算出しました。TechSci Researchはこれらの値を業界の専門家や企業の代表者から入手し、適切な全体の市場規模を得るために、これらの製品タイプや操作プラットフォームの過去のデータを分析して外部から検証しました。また、企業のウェブサイト、ニュース記事、プレスリリース、企業の年次報告書、投資家向けプレゼンテーション、財務報告書などの様々な二次資料も調査しました。
- Eファーマシーのサービスプロバイダー企業
- 市場調査会社、コンサルティング会社
- 規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関
- Eファーマシー市場に関連する組織、フォーラム、アライアンス
- インドのEファーマシー市場、薬剤タイプ別
o 処方箋薬
o 一般用医薬品(OTC)市場
- インドのEファーマシー市場:製品タイプ別
o 慢性疾患治療薬
o スキンケア
o 栄養補助食品
o 医療機器
o その他
- インドの電子薬局市場:オペレーティング・プラットフォーム別
o ウェブサイト
o アプリ
- インドEファーマシー市場:ビジネスモデル別
o 在庫/倉庫ベースのモデル
o マーケットプレイスベースのモデル
- インドの電子薬理市場:地域別
o 南
o 北
o 西
o 東
与えられた市場データをもとに、TechSci Researchは企業の特定のニーズに応じたカスタマイズを提供します。本レポートでは、以下のカスタマイズオプションをご用意しています。
- 追加の市場プレーヤー(最大5社)の詳細な分析とプロファイリング。



1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on India E Pharmacy Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
5.1. Sources of Buying Medicine, By Age
5.2. Frequency of Buying Medicines Online
5.3. Frequency of Buying Medicine Online, By Age
5.4. Problems Perceived During Online Transactions
5.5. Commonly Purchased Medicines Through E Pharmacies
5.6. Brand Awareness
6. India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Drug Type (Prescription Drugs v/s Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs)
6.2.2. By Product Type (Chronic Diseases, Skincare, Nutritional Supplements, Medical Equipment, Others)
6.2.3. By Operating Platform (Website v/s Apps)
6.2.4. By Business Model (Inventory/Warehouse Based Model v/s Market Place Based Model)
6.2.5. By Company (FY2021)
6.2.6. By Region (South, North, West, East)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. South India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Drug Type
7.2.2. By Product Type
7.2.3. By Operating Platform
7.2.4. By Business Model
7.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
8. North India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Drug Type
8.2.2. By Product Type
8.2.3. By Operating Platform
8.2.4. By Business Model
8.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
9. West India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Drug Type
9.2.2. By Product Type
9.2.3. By Operating Platform
9.2.4. By Business Model
9.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
10. East India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Drug Type
10.2.2. By Product Type
10.2.3. By Operating Platform
10.2.4. By Business Model
10.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
11. Market Dynamics
11.1. Drivers
11.2. Challenges
12. Market Trends & Developments
13. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
14. India Economic Profile
15. Competitive Landscape
15.1. Competition Outlook
15.2. Company Profiles (Inclusive of SWOT Analysis of Top 5 Players Profiled)
15.2.1. API Holdings Private Limited (PharmEasy)
15.2.2. Tata Digital Limited (1mg Technologies
15.2.3. Apollo Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd.
15.2.4. Netmeds Marketplace Ltd (Reliance Retail)
15.2.5. Practo Technologies Private Limited
15.2.6. Lybrate, Inc.
15.2.7. Docprime Technologies Private Limited
15.2.8. Care On Go
15.2.9. mChemist Global Pvt. Ltd
15.2.10. Medsonway Solutions Pvt Ltd.
16. Strategic Recommendations
17. About Us & Disclaimer





India E pharmacy market stood at USD344.78 million in FY2021 and is expected to witness a robust growth of around 21.28% during the forecast period. This can be attributed to the growing internet penetration across the country. As of January 2021, the number of internet users in India rose by around 47 million and reached 624 million. The internet penetration rate stood at around 45% in January 2021. Additionally, the digital India campaign by the government of India is further expected to fuel the market growth through FY2027F. Increasing digitization has in turn led to an increasing e-commerce adoption. Also, changing consumer preferences towards online shopping has led to a widespread penetration of various e-commerce channels and pharmacies selling medicines online. This in turn is expected to support the market growth through FY2027F.Furthermore, growing awareness among the population with respect to counterfeit drugs is driving people towards organized and digital channels offering medicines, thereby supporting the market growth over the next few years.

India E pharmacy market is segmented into drug type, product type, operating platform, business model, region, and company. In terms of drug type, the market can be split into prescription drugs and over the counter (OTC) drugs. The prescription drugs segment dominated the market in FY2021 with an overall market share of 66.41%. This can be ascribed to the fact all the e pharmacies which are operating in India are not offering drugs without prescription to the patients. If the patient is not having prescription and is not uploading on the e pharmacies portal then the pharmacies have their own doctor consultants who the patient has to consult to and then the doctor consultant of the pharmacies generate a prescription for the patient, which then the patient uploads on the e pharmacy website or app and then place an order for the required medicines.

The major players operating in the India E pharmacy market are API Holdings Private Limited (PharmEasy), Tata Digital Limited (1mg Technologies Pvt. ltd), Apollo Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd., Netmeds Marketplace Ltd (Reliance Retail), Practo Technologies Private Limited, Lybrate, Inc., Docprime Technologies Private Limited, Care On Go, mChemist Global Pvt. Ltd, Medsonway Solutions Pvt Ltd. and others. Companies operating in the market are trying to improve their e pharmacy platforms, adding more products to their existing service portfolio, providing other services such as diagnostic test options, among others in order to stay competitive in the market and having an edge over the other market players. Additionally, companies are also looking for investors who can invest in their e pharmacies channels. Companies are also entering into collaborations; agreements and several mergers & acquisitions are happening in the market.

For instance, in May 2021, API Holdings Private Limited (PharmEasy) acquired 100% stakes of Medlife International Private Limited. With this acquisition Medlife discontinued its operations effective from May 25, 2021 onwards. All the customer base of Medlife was also absorbed by PharmEasy. Medlife customers just need to login to the PharmEasy app to start using their Medlife account via the same mobile number. All their digitized prescriptions and saved addresses dating back to a year will be available on the app. This is one of the largest deals which has been witnessed in the India E Pharmacy market till date.
Years considered for this report:
Historical Years: FY2017-FY2020
Base Year: FY2021
Estimated Year: FY2022E
Forecast Period: FY2023F–FY2027F
Objective of the Study:
• To analyze the historical growth in the market size of India E pharmacy market from FY2017 to FY2021.
• To estimate and forecast the market size of India E pharmacy market from FY2022 to FY2027F and growth rate until FY2027F.
• To classify and forecast India E pharmacy market based on drug type, product type, operating platform, business model, region, and company.
• To identify dominant region or segment in the India E pharmacy market
• To identify drivers and challenges for India E pharmacy market
• To examine competitive developments such as expansions, new services launch, mergers & acquisitions, etc., in India E pharmacy market.
• To identify and analyze the profile of leading players operating in India E pharmacy market.
• To identify key sustainable strategies adopted by market players in India E pharmacy market.
TechSci Research performed both primary as well as exhaustive secondary research for this study. Initially, TechSci Research sourced a list of service providers across India. Subsequently, TechSci Research conducted primary research surveys with the identified companies. While interviewing, the respondents were also enquired about their competitors. Through this technique, TechSci Research could include the service providers who could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. TechSci Research analyzed the service providers, distribution channels and presence of all major players across India.
TechSci Research calculated the market size of India E pharmacy market using a bottom-up approach, wherein data for various end-user segments was recorded and forecast for the future years. TechSci Research sourced these values from the industry experts and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical data of these product types and operating platforms for getting an appropriate, overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, news articles, press releases, company annual reports, investor presentations and financial reports were also studied by TechSci Research.
Key Target Audience:
• E Pharmacy service provider companies
• Market research and consulting firms
• Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
• Organizations, forums and alliances related to E Pharmacy market
The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for the industry stakeholders such as service providers, suppliers and partners, end users, etc., besides allowing them in strategizing investments and capitalizing on market opportunities.
Report Scope:
In this report, India E pharmacy market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• India E Pharmacy Market, By Drug Type:
o Prescription Drugs
o Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs
• India E Pharmacy Market, By Product Type:
o Chronic Diseases
o Skincare
o Nutritional Supplements
o Medical Equipment
o Others
• India E Pharmacy Market, By Operating Platform:
o Website
o Apps
• India E Pharmacy Market, By Business Model:
o Inventory/Warehouse Based Model
o Market Place Based Model
• India E Pharmacy Market, By Region:
o South
o North
o West
o East
Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in India E pharmacy market.
Available Customizations:
With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:
Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Impact of COVID-19 on India E Pharmacy Market
4. Executive Summary
5. Voice of Customer
5.1. Sources of Buying Medicine, By Age
5.2. Frequency of Buying Medicines Online
5.3. Frequency of Buying Medicine Online, By Age
5.4. Problems Perceived During Online Transactions
5.5. Commonly Purchased Medicines Through E Pharmacies
5.6. Brand Awareness
6. India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Drug Type (Prescription Drugs v/s Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs)
6.2.2. By Product Type (Chronic Diseases, Skincare, Nutritional Supplements, Medical Equipment, Others)
6.2.3. By Operating Platform (Website v/s Apps)
6.2.4. By Business Model (Inventory/Warehouse Based Model v/s Market Place Based Model)
6.2.5. By Company (FY2021)
6.2.6. By Region (South, North, West, East)
6.3. Product Market Map
7. South India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Drug Type
7.2.2. By Product Type
7.2.3. By Operating Platform
7.2.4. By Business Model
7.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
8. North India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Drug Type
8.2.2. By Product Type
8.2.3. By Operating Platform
8.2.4. By Business Model
8.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
9. West India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Drug Type
9.2.2. By Product Type
9.2.3. By Operating Platform
9.2.4. By Business Model
9.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
10. East India E Pharmacy Market Outlook, FY2017-FY2027F
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Drug Type
10.2.2. By Product Type
10.2.3. By Operating Platform
10.2.4. By Business Model
10.2.5. By State (Top 3 States)
11. Market Dynamics
11.1. Drivers
11.2. Challenges
12. Market Trends & Developments
13. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
14. India Economic Profile
15. Competitive Landscape
15.1. Competition Outlook
15.2. Company Profiles (Inclusive of SWOT Analysis of Top 5 Players Profiled)
15.2.1. API Holdings Private Limited (PharmEasy)
15.2.2. Tata Digital Limited (1mg Technologies
15.2.3. Apollo Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd.
15.2.4. Netmeds Marketplace Ltd (Reliance Retail)
15.2.5. Practo Technologies Private Limited
15.2.6. Lybrate, Inc.
15.2.7. Docprime Technologies Private Limited
15.2.8. Care On Go
15.2.9. mChemist Global Pvt. Ltd
15.2.10. Medsonway Solutions Pvt Ltd.
16. Strategic Recommendations
17. About Us & Disclaimer






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
