


Spain Advanced Wound Care Market Size and Forecast (2021 - 2031), Country Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Dressings (Foam Dressings, Hydrogel Dressings, Hydrocolloid Dressings, Alginate Dressings, Silver Dressings, Superabsorbent Dressings, Post Operative Dressings, Film Dressings, Wound Contact Layers, and Others), Application (Ulcers, Surgical Wounds, Traumatic Wounds, Burns, and Others), and End User (Hospitals and Clinics, Ambulatory Care Centers, Wound Care Centers, and Others)

スペインの高度創傷治療市場規模は、2023年の1億7,040万米ドルから2031年には2億4,969万米ドルに達すると予測されている。同市場は2023~2031年の間に年平均成長率4.9%を記録すると予測されている。 標準的な... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
The Insight Partners
2024年7月18日 US$3,550
通常3-5営業日以内 99 英語








慢性創傷とは、3ヵ月以内に解剖学的・機能的完全性をもたらす整然としたタイムリーなプロセスを経て進行する創傷、または持続的な解剖学的・機能的結果を確立することなく修復プロセスを経て進行する創傷のことである。がん、糖尿病、自己免疫疾患などの慢性疾患の増加は、スペインの医療制度に負担をかけている。慢性疾患は、身体の治癒能力に直接影響する。糖尿病や免疫不全は、糖尿病性創傷を引き起こす最も有害な疾患のひとつである。糖尿病は、院内傷害や施設内圧迫傷害の危険因子として最も一般的に特定され、関連している慢性疾患である。この疾患は免疫系に悪影響を及ぼし、感染症が多発し、創傷を引き起こす。この病気は、21世紀における世界的な健康上の緊急事態のひとつである。Diabetes Incidence Rising in Spanish Youth(スペインの若者の糖尿病罹患率上昇)』という記事にあるように、スペインはヨーロッパで2番目に糖尿病患者が多い国である。国際糖尿病連合(IDF)によると、スペインでは2021年に約514万人が糖尿病に罹患し、2045年には560万人に増加すると予想されている。スペインの青少年における糖尿病罹患率の上昇』という記事にあるように、16歳以下の人々の〜23.3%が太りすぎ、17.3%が肥満である。糖尿病は身体の多くの部位、特に足に悪影響を及ぼす。糖尿病性足潰瘍(DFU)は足にできるただれで、一見些細な足の怪我でも発症する。DFUは糖尿病による切断の一般的な原因である。このように、創傷の症例数を増加させる慢性疾患の有病率の上昇が、スペインの高度創傷治療市場の成長を後押ししている。







1.1 インサイト・パートナーズ調査レポートのガイダンス
1.2 市場セグメンテーション
2.1 主要インサイト
3.1 二次調査
3.2 一次調査
3.2.1 仮説の策定
3.2.2 マクロ経済要因分析
3.2.3 基礎数値の作成
3.2.4 データの三角測量
3.2.5 国レベルのデータ
4.1 概要
4.2 PEST分析
5.スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場 - 主な市場動向
5.1 スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場 - 主な市場動向
5.2 市場の促進要因
5.2.1 糖尿病の有病率の上昇
5.2.2 高齢出産者の帝王切開率の高さ
5.3 市場の阻害要因
5.3.1 装置に伴う合併症と不快感
5.4 市場機会
5.4.1 高度創傷ケアに対する意識の高まり
5.5 今後の動向
5.5.1 スマートテクノロジーの統合
5.6 推進要因と阻害要因の影響
6.1 スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場収益(百万ユーロ)、2021~2031年
6.2 スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場の予測・分析
7.スペインの陰圧創傷治療 (NPWT) 市場分析 - 製品別
7.1 従来のNPWTデバイス
7.1.1 概要
7.1.2 従来のNPWTデバイススペインの陰圧創傷処置(NPWT)市場:2031年までの売上高と予測(百万ユーロ)
7.2 シングルユースNPWT機器
7.2.1 概要
7.2.2 シングルユースNPWT機器スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場:2031年までの売上高と予測(百万ユーロ)
8.1 治療
8.1.1 概要
8.1.2 治療法スペインの陰圧創傷処置(NPWT)市場 - 2031年までの売上高と予測 (百万ユーロ)
8.2 予防
8.2.1 概要
8.2.2 予防:スペインの陰圧創傷処置(NPWT)市場 - 2031年までの収益と予測(百万ユーロ)
9.1 直接販売/入札
9.1.1 概要
9.1.2 直接販売/入札スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場 - 2031年までの売上高と予測(百万ユーロ)
9.2 薬局
9.2.1 概要
9.2.2 薬局スペインの陰圧創傷治療(NPWT)市場:2031年までの収益予測(百万ユーロ)
10.1 デロイヤル・インダストリーズ社
10.1.1 主要事実
10.1.2 事業内容
10.1.3 製品とサービス
10.1.4 財務概要
10.1.5 SWOT分析
10.1.6 主要な開発
10.2 カーディナル・ヘルス・インク
10.2.1 主要事実
10.2.2 事業内容
10.2.3 製品とサービス
10.2.4 財務概要
10.2.5 SWOT分析
10.2.6 主要開発
10.3 スミス・アンド・ネフュー社
10.3.1 主要事実
10.3.2 事業内容
10.3.3 製品とサービス
10.3.4 財務概要
10.3.5 SWOT分析
10.3.6 主要開発
10.4 モルンリッケヘルスケアAB
10.4.1 主要事実
10.4.2 事業内容
10.4.3 製品とサービス
10.4.4 財務概要
10.4.5 SWOT分析
10.4.6 主要な開発
10.5 ポール・ハートマンAG
10.5.1 主要事実
10.5.2 事業内容
10.5.3 製品およびサービス
10.5.4 財務概要
10.5.5 SWOT分析
10.5.6 主要開発
10.6 メデラAG
10.6.1 主要データ
10.6.2 事業内容
10.6.3 製品とサービス
10.6.4 財務概要
10.6.5 SWOT分析
10.6.6 主要開発
10.7 コンバテック・グループ
10.7.1 主要事実
10.7.2 事業内容
10.7.3 製品とサービス
10.7.4 財務概要
10.7.5 SWOT分析
10.7.6 主要開発
10.8 ペンサー・メディカル
10.8.1 主要事実
10.8.2 事業内容
10.8.3 製品とサービス
10.8.4 財務概要
10.8.5 SWOT分析
10.8.6 主要な開発
10.9 ダイレクト・ヘルスケア・グループ
10.9.1 主要事実
10.9.2 事業内容
10.9.3 製品とサービス
10.9.4 財務概要
10.9.5 SWOT分析
10.9.6 主要開発
10.10 ウエストグループ
10.10.1 主要事実
10.10.2 事業内容
10.10.3 製品およびサービス
10.10.4 財務概要
10.10.5 SWOT分析
10.10.6 主要開発
10.11 テクノマール・マキナ・サン。Ve Tic.Ltd.スティ(アメダス)
10.11.1 主要事実
10.11.2 事業内容
10.11.3 製品およびサービス
10.11.4 財務概要
10.11.5 SWOT分析
10.11.6 主要開発
11.1 インサイト・パートナーズについて
11.2 用語集





The Spain advanced wound care market size is projected to reach US$ 249.69 million by 2031 from US$ 170.40 million in 2023. The market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.9% during 2023-2031.

Complex wounds that do not heal with standard treatment may require advanced wound care in a setting that allows for comprehensive medical treatment, oversight from wound care specialists and an extended recovery period. One type of wound that may require advanced wound care are pressure ulcers, which are caused when a person remains in the same position for too long, resulting in decreased blood circulation and tissue damage. Surgical wounds sometimes require advanced wound care if the incision does not heal as expected due to an infection, medical conditions such as diabetes, advanced age or a weakened immune system.

Increase in Prevalence of Diabetes and Wounds Propels Spain Advanced Wound Care Market Growth

Chronic wound is the type of wound that proceeds through an orderly and timely process that produces anatomic and functional integrity within 3 months, or that has proceeded through the repair process without establishing a sustained, anatomic and functional result. Rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and other autoimmune disorders is burdening the healthcare system in Spain. Chronic diseases directly affect the body's ability to heal. Diabetes and immunodeficiency conditions are among the most detrimental conditions that can lead to diabetic wounds. Diabetes is the chronic disease that is most commonly identified and associated as a risk factor for hospital-acquired and facility pressure injuries. The disease adversely affects the immune system, causing infections to be more common and causing wounds. It is one of the most significant global health emergencies of the 21st century. As per the article ‘Diabetes Incidence Rising in Spanish Youth’, Spain has the second highest number of diabetes patients in Europe. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), about 5.14 million people in Spain were affected by diabetes in 2021, and the count is expected to increase to 5.6 million by 2045. As per the article ‘Diabetes Incidence Rising in Spanish Youth’, ~23.3% of people aged 16 years and below are overweight, and 17.3% are obese. Diabetes negatively affects many parts of the body, especially the feet. Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are sores that develop on the feet, and they can develop even from seemingly trivial injuries to the feet. DFU is a common cause of amputation due to diabetes. Thus, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases that increase the number of wound cases fuels the growth of the Spain advanced wound care market.

Chronic nonhealing wounds are major healthcare challenges that affect a significant number of people; they exert a severe financial burden and can cause limb amputation. Chronic wounds are in a persisting inflamed state and can require different dosages of medication during the healing process. A smart wound dressing patch can be used to monitor wounds and administer the required drug dosage. Smart dressings are multimodal wearable devices that enable real-time physiological monitoring and active intervention to promote the healing of chronic wounds. Dressings with precise, low-cost sensors can be used in a variety of medical conditions to help achieve a decrease in the total cost of chronic wounds treatment. Sensors for monitoring wounds are related to main physiologic indicators such as temperature, moisture, pH, pressure, oxygen, and bacterial load. Biocompatibility and flexibility are important features in the development of sensors for chronic wound monitoring to avoid tissue damage. Smart dressing will allow the monitoring of multiple wound parameters from the data acquired from sensors integrated within the smart bandage, decreasing the time required to examine and monitor the wound. Due to the cost effectiveness and accuracy of smart wound dressings, there will be an increase in demand for smart wound dressing, which is expected to fuel the Spain advanced wound care market growth in the coming years.

The scope of the Spain advanced wound care market report entails dressings, application, and end user. The Spain advanced wound care market, based on dressings, is segmented into film dressings, hydrogel dressings, alginate dressings, silver dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, post-operative dressings, foam dressings, superabsorbent dressings, wound contact layers, and others. Based on application, the Spain advanced wound care market is segmented into surgical wounds, burns, traumatic wounds, ulcers, and others. By end user, the Spain advanced wound care market is segmented into hospitals and clinics, ambulatory care centers, wound care centers, and others.

National Library Medicine (NLM), and World Health Organization (WHO) are a few key primary and secondary sources referred to while preparing the report on the Spain advanced wound care market.


Table of Contents


1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Secondary Research
3.2 Primary Research
3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation:
3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis:
3.2.3 Developing base number:
3.2.4 Data Triangulation:
3.2.5 Country level data:
4. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Landscape
4.1 Overview
4.2 PEST Analysis
5. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Key Market Dynamics
5.1 Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Key Market Dynamics
5.2 Market Drivers
5.2.1 Rise in Prevalence of Diabetes
5.2.2 High Rate of Caesarean Sections in Elderly Mothers
5.3 Market Restraints
5.3.1 Complications and Discomfort Associated with Devices
5.4 Market Opportunities
5.4.1 Rising Awareness of Advanced Wound Care
5.5 Future Trends
5.5.1 Integration of Smart Technologies
5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:
6. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Analysis
6.1 Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Revenue (Euro Million), 2021-2031
6.2 Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Forecast and Analysis
7. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Analysis - by Product
7.1 Traditional NPWT Devices
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Traditional NPWT Devices: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
7.2 Single-Use NPWT Devices
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Single-Use NPWT Devices: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
8. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Analysis - by Application
8.1 Therapeutic
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Therapeutic: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
8.2 Prophylactic
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Prophylactic: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
9. Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market Analysis - by Distribution Channel
9.1 Direct Sales/Tenders
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Direct Sales/Tenders: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
9.2 Pharmacies
9.2.1 Overview
9.2.2 Pharmacies: Spain Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (Euro Million)
10. Company Profiles
10.1 DeRoyal Industries Inc
10.1.1 Key Facts
10.1.2 Business Description
10.1.3 Products and Services
10.1.4 Financial Overview
10.1.5 SWOT Analysis
10.1.6 Key Developments
10.2 Cardinal Health Inc
10.2.1 Key Facts
10.2.2 Business Description
10.2.3 Products and Services
10.2.4 Financial Overview
10.2.5 SWOT Analysis
10.2.6 Key Developments
10.3 Smith & Nephew Plc
10.3.1 Key Facts
10.3.2 Business Description
10.3.3 Products and Services
10.3.4 Financial Overview
10.3.5 SWOT Analysis
10.3.6 Key Developments
10.4 Molnlycke Health Care AB
10.4.1 Key Facts
10.4.2 Business Description
10.4.3 Products and Services
10.4.4 Financial Overview
10.4.5 SWOT Analysis
10.4.6 Key Developments
10.5 Paul Hartmann AG
10.5.1 Key Facts
10.5.2 Business Description
10.5.3 Products and Services
10.5.4 Financial Overview
10.5.5 SWOT Analysis
10.5.6 Key Developments
10.6 Medela AG
10.6.1 Key Facts
10.6.2 Business Description
10.6.3 Products and Services
10.6.4 Financial Overview
10.6.5 SWOT Analysis
10.6.6 Key Developments
10.7 Convatec Group Plc
10.7.1 Key Facts
10.7.2 Business Description
10.7.3 Products and Services
10.7.4 Financial Overview
10.7.5 SWOT Analysis
10.7.6 Key Developments
10.8 Pensar Medical
10.8.1 Key Facts
10.8.2 Business Description
10.8.3 Products and Services
10.8.4 Financial Overview
10.8.5 SWOT Analysis
10.8.6 Key Developments
10.9 Direct Healthcare Group
10.9.1 Key Facts
10.9.2 Business Description
10.9.3 Products and Services
10.9.4 Financial Overview
10.9.5 SWOT Analysis
10.9.6 Key Developments
10.10 The West Group Ltd
10.10.1 Key Facts
10.10.2 Business Description
10.10.3 Products and Services
10.10.4 Financial Overview
10.10.5 SWOT Analysis
10.10.6 Key Developments
10.11 Teknomar Makina San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti (Amedus)
10.11.1 Key Facts
10.11.2 Business Description
10.11.3 Products and Services
10.11.4 Financial Overview
10.11.5 SWOT Analysis
10.11.6 Key Developments
11. Appendix
11.1 About The Insight Partners
11.2 Glossary of Terms






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
