中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置の2030年までの市場予測 タイプ別(機械式圧縮冷凍システム、蒸発冷却、吸収式、熱電式)、冷媒タイプ別(アンモニアR717、二酸化炭素(CO2)R744、炭化水素HC)、用途別(食品・飲料、製薬、化学・石油化学、地域冷房、データセンター、電力生産、その他)の地域分析Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Forecast to 2030 Regional Analysis by Type (Mechanical-Compression Refrigeration Systems, Evaporative Cooling, Absorption, Thermoelectric); Refrigerant Type (Ammonia R717, Carbon dioxide (CO2) R744, Hydrocarbons HCs); and Application (Food and Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Petrochemical, District Cooling, Data Centres, Electricity Production, and Others) 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場は、2022年の12億6,969万米ドルから2030年には20億9,963万米ドルに成長すると予測されている。2022年から2030年までの年平均成長率は5.9%と推定される。 スマートでコネク... もっと見る
サマリー中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場は、2022年の12億6,969万米ドルから2030年には20億9,963万米ドルに成長すると予測されている。2022年から2030年までの年平均成長率は5.9%と推定される。スマートでコネクテッドな冷凍システムが中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍機器市場を後押し スマート&コネクテッドシステムは、モノのインターネット(IoT)、データ分析、自動化などの先進技術を統合し、産業用冷凍機器の効率、性能、管理を最適化する。スマートシステムは、あらゆる場所からの冷凍機器のリアルタイム監視と制御を可能にする。この機能により、オペレーターや技術者は、温度、圧力、エネルギー消費などのパラメーターを遠隔監視することができます。これにより、異常の迅速な検出が容易になり、プロアクティブなメンテナンスが可能になるため、ダウンタイムが短縮され、システムの信頼性が向上します。接続された冷凍システムは膨大な量のデータを収集し、それを分析することで機器の性能とエネルギー使用量に関する洞察を得ることができます。高度な分析と機械学習アルゴリズムは、潜在的な故障を予測し、メンテナンス・スケジュールを提案することで、高価な機器の故障を防ぎ、メンテナンス・ルーチンを最適化します。スマートシステムは、リアルタイムの需要や温度などの外部要因に基づいて設定を調整することで、産業用冷凍機器のエネルギー消費を最適化します。これにより、エネルギーコストを削減し、環境への影響を最小限に抑えます。スマート冷凍システムは、さまざまなビル管理システムに統合することができ、施設内のさまざまな機器の集中制御と調整を可能にします。この統合により、異なるシステム間のシームレスな通信が保証され、全体的な運用効率の向上につながります。Facilio.Inc、Danfossなど、さまざまな企業がスマートでコネクテッドな冷凍システムやソリューションを提供している。したがって、スマートでコネクテッドな冷凍システムの発売は、予測期間中の産業用冷凍機器市場の成長を促進すると予想される。 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍機市場概要 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍機器市場は、南アフリカ、サウジアラビア、UAE、その他の中東・アフリカに区分される。サウジアラビアでは、様々な産業用冷凍装置メーカーがプレゼンスを拡大している。例えば、2017年3月、Danfoss ASはサウジアラビアに初の技術サポートオフィスを開設した。 中東では様々な産業用冷蔵システムメーカーが、製薬・医療分野向けに産業用冷蔵施設を提供している。2019年1月、Al Salem Johnson Controlsは、各ワクチンメーカーが指定する温度を保証するシステムを通じて、ヘルスケアおよび製薬会社が産業用冷蔵倉庫の最新技術を導入するのを支援する専門知識を提供した。Al Salem Johnson Controlsは、Pfizer-BioNTech、Moderna、ロシアのSputnik Vを含む様々なワクチンメーカーに産業用冷蔵施設を提供した。 このような製品の提供は、アフリカにおける産業用冷蔵システムの成長を加速させる。 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍設備市場の売上高と2030年までの予測(百万米ドル) 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場のセグメンテーション 中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍機器市場は、タイプ、冷媒タイプ、用途、国に区分される。 タイプ別では、中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍機器市場は、機械式圧縮冷凍システム、蒸発冷却、吸収式、サーモエレクトリックに区分される。2022年の中東・アフリカ産業用冷凍装置市場シェアは、機械式圧縮冷凍システム部門が最大を記録した。 冷媒タイプに基づき、中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場はアンモニア(R717)、二酸化炭素(CO2)(R744)、炭化水素(HC)に区分される。アンモニア-R717セグメントは2022年に中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場で最大のシェアを占めた。 用途別に見ると、中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場は、食品・飲料、製薬、化学・石油化学、地域冷房、データセンター、電力生産、その他に区分される。2022年の中東・アフリカ産業用冷凍装置市場シェアは、食品・飲料セグメントが最大であった。 国別に見ると、中東・アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場は、サウジアラビア、UAE、南アフリカ、中東・アフリカのその他に分類される。サウジアラビアは2022年に中東&アフリカの産業用冷凍装置市場を支配した。 Johnson Controls International Plc、Danfoss AS、Honeywell International Inc、Evapco Inc、BITZER Kuhlmaschinenbau GmbH、Carrier Global Corpは、同地域の産業用冷凍装置市場で事業を展開している大手企業である。 目次TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 5. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Increasing Demand for Cold Chain Infrastructure 5.2.2 Growing Inclination Towards Eco-friendly Refrigerant-based Refrigeration System 5.2.3 Growing Pharma Industry 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 High Initial Investment 5.3.2 Stricter Regulations Regarding Use of Refrigerants 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Growing Popularity of CO2 and NH3-based Systems 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Smart and Connected Refrigeration Systems 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Middle East & Africa Market Analysis 6.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.2 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Type 7.1 Mechanical-Compression Refrigeration Systems 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Mechanical-Compression Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Evaporative Cooling 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Evaporative Cooling Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.3 Absorption 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Absorption Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.4 Thermoelectric 7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Thermoelectric Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Refrigerant Type 8.1 Ammonia – R717 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Ammonia – R717 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.3 Hydrocarbons – HCs 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2 Hydrocarbons – HCs Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Application 9.1 Food and Beverages 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Food and Beverages Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Pharmaceutical 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Pharmaceutical Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.3 Chemical and Petrochemical 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 Chemical and Petrochemical Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.4 District Cooling 9.4.1 Overview 9.4.2 District Cooling Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.5 Data Centers 9.5.1 Overview 9.5.2 Data Centers Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.6 Electricity Production 9.6.1 Overview 9.6.2 Electricity Production Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.7 Others 9.7.1 Overview 9.7.2 Others Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market – Country Analysis 10.1 Middle East & Africa 10.1.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Overview 10.1.2 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application 11. Competitive Landscape 11.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players 12. Industry Landscape 12.1 Overview 12.2 Market Initiative 12.3 New Product Development 12.4 Merger and Acquisition 13. Company Profiles 13.1 Johnson Controls International Plc 13.1.1 Key Facts 13.1.2 Business Description 13.1.3 Products and Services 13.1.4 Financial Overview 13.1.5 SWOT Analysis 13.1.6 Key Developments 13.2 Danfoss AS 13.2.1 Key Facts 13.2.2 Business Description 13.2.3 Products and Services 13.2.4 Financial Overview 13.2.5 SWOT Analysis 13.2.6 Key Developments 13.3 Honeywell International Inc 13.3.1 Key Facts 13.3.2 Business Description 13.3.3 Products and Services 13.3.4 Financial Overview 13.3.5 SWOT Analysis 13.3.6 Key Developments 13.4 Evapco Inc 13.4.1 Key Facts 13.4.2 Business Description 13.4.3 Products and Services 13.4.4 Financial Overview 13.4.5 SWOT Analysis 13.4.6 Key Developments 13.5 BITZER Kuhlmaschinenbau GmbH 13.5.1 Key Facts 13.5.2 Business Description 13.5.3 Products and Services 13.5.4 Financial Overview 13.5.5 SWOT Analysis 13.5.6 Key Developments 13.6 Carrier Global Corp 13.6.1 Key Facts 13.6.2 Business Description 13.6.3 Products and Services 13.6.4 Financial Overview 13.6.5 SWOT Analysis 13.6.6 Key Developments 14. Appendix 14.1 About the Insight Partners 14.2 Word Index
SummaryThe Middle East & Africa industrial refrigeration equipment market is expected to grow from US$ 1,269.69 million in 2022 to US$ 2,009.63 million by 2030. It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2022 to 2030. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 5. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Increasing Demand for Cold Chain Infrastructure 5.2.2 Growing Inclination Towards Eco-friendly Refrigerant-based Refrigeration System 5.2.3 Growing Pharma Industry 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 High Initial Investment 5.3.2 Stricter Regulations Regarding Use of Refrigerants 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Growing Popularity of CO2 and NH3-based Systems 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Smart and Connected Refrigeration Systems 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market - Middle East & Africa Market Analysis 6.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.2 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Type 7.1 Mechanical-Compression Refrigeration Systems 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Mechanical-Compression Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Evaporative Cooling 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Evaporative Cooling Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.3 Absorption 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Absorption Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.4 Thermoelectric 7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Thermoelectric Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Refrigerant Type 8.1 Ammonia – R717 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Ammonia – R717 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.3 Hydrocarbons – HCs 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2 Hydrocarbons – HCs Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis - Application 9.1 Food and Beverages 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Food and Beverages Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Pharmaceutical 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Pharmaceutical Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.3 Chemical and Petrochemical 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 Chemical and Petrochemical Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.4 District Cooling 9.4.1 Overview 9.4.2 District Cooling Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.5 Data Centers 9.5.1 Overview 9.5.2 Data Centers Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.6 Electricity Production 9.6.1 Overview 9.6.2 Electricity Production Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.7 Others 9.7.1 Overview 9.7.2 Others Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market – Country Analysis 10.1 Middle East & Africa 10.1.1 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Overview 10.1.2 Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Middle East & Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type Saudi Arabia Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type UAE Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type South Africa Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Type Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Refrigerant Type Rest of MEA Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Breakdown by Application 11. Competitive Landscape 11.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players 12. Industry Landscape 12.1 Overview 12.2 Market Initiative 12.3 New Product Development 12.4 Merger and Acquisition 13. Company Profiles 13.1 Johnson Controls International Plc 13.1.1 Key Facts 13.1.2 Business Description 13.1.3 Products and Services 13.1.4 Financial Overview 13.1.5 SWOT Analysis 13.1.6 Key Developments 13.2 Danfoss AS 13.2.1 Key Facts 13.2.2 Business Description 13.2.3 Products and Services 13.2.4 Financial Overview 13.2.5 SWOT Analysis 13.2.6 Key Developments 13.3 Honeywell International Inc 13.3.1 Key Facts 13.3.2 Business Description 13.3.3 Products and Services 13.3.4 Financial Overview 13.3.5 SWOT Analysis 13.3.6 Key Developments 13.4 Evapco Inc 13.4.1 Key Facts 13.4.2 Business Description 13.4.3 Products and Services 13.4.4 Financial Overview 13.4.5 SWOT Analysis 13.4.6 Key Developments 13.5 BITZER Kuhlmaschinenbau GmbH 13.5.1 Key Facts 13.5.2 Business Description 13.5.3 Products and Services 13.5.4 Financial Overview 13.5.5 SWOT Analysis 13.5.6 Key Developments 13.6 Carrier Global Corp 13.6.1 Key Facts 13.6.2 Business Description 13.6.3 Products and Services 13.6.4 Financial Overview 13.6.5 SWOT Analysis 13.6.6 Key Developments 14. Appendix 14.1 About the Insight Partners 14.2 Word Index
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2024/12/23 10:26 157.72 円 164.94 円 201.11 円 |