![]() アナログ/デジタルコンバータの市場規模および予測(2020年~2030年)、世界および地域シェア、動向、成長機会分析レポート対象範囲:タイプ別(積分型アナログ/デジタルコンバータ、ΔΣ型アナログ/デジタルコンバータ、逐次近似型アナログ/デジタルコンバータ、ランプ型アナログ/デジタルコンバータ、その他)、分解能別(8ビット、10ビット、12ビット、14ビット、16ビット、その他)、用途別(産業、家電、自動車、ヘルスケア、通信、その他)Analog to Digital Converter Market Size and Forecasts (2020 - 2030), Global and Regional Share, Trends, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Type (Integrating Analog to Digital Converters, Delta-Sigma Analog to Digital Converters, Successive Approximation Analog to Digital Converters, Ramp Analog to Digital Converters, and Others), Resolution (8-Bit, 10-Bit, 12-Bit, 14-Bit, 16-Bit, and Others), and Application (Industrial, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Healthcare, Telecommunication, and Others) アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場規模は、2022年に38.7億米ドル、2030年には62.9億米ドルに達すると予測されている。アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場は、2022年から2030年にかけて6.3%のCAGRを記録すると予測さ... もっと見る
サマリーアナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場規模は、2022年に38.7億米ドル、2030年には62.9億米ドルに達すると予測されている。アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場は、2022年から2030年にかけて6.3%のCAGRを記録すると予測されている。ヨーロッパのアナログ・デジタル変換器市場は、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、ロシア、その他のヨーロッパに区分される。予測期間中、ドイツが最大のアナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場シェアを占めると推定される。 欧州は、発展途上国と先進国の両方が経済成長に貢献している多様性の高い地域である。航空宇宙、機械設備、自動車、造船、自動車などが欧州の主要産業である。ドイツ、イタリア、スペインは、この地域に存在する自動車大手による様々な電子統合の潜在的成長市場である。 欧州は自動車の主要生産国であり、同地域を拠点とする複数の高級自動車メーカーが、欧州各国に生産工場を持ち、欧州全域に複数の自動車組立工場を持っている。さらに、同産業は欧州製品を世界中に供給し、903億ユーロの貿易黒字を生み出している。自動車用エレクトロニクス産業が成長し、自動車メーカーが自律走行や先進運転支援システム(ADAS)の出現をサポートするためにエレクトロニクス統合に急速に傾倒している。自動運転車の中でLiDARを刺激するのに役立つ、自動車会社によるその他の措置。LiDAR用アナログ・デジタル変換器はADASシステムの実現に役立つ。アナログ・デジタル変換器は、環境現象から受信したアナログ信号をデジタルに変換するOBD装置に組み込まれているため、テレマティクス・システム車両で主要な役割を果たしている。テレマティックスだけでなく、他の先進的な自動車や関連製品の需要の増加は、アナログ・デジタルコンバータの高い需要をもたらしました。アナログ・デジタル変換器は、自動車間または自動車と固定ネットワーク間の通信を促進する無線トランシーバーに応用されている。そのため、この地域の自動車産業の活況は、アナログ・デジタル変換器市場のプレーヤーに大きな成長機会を提供している。 エンドユーザー別に見ると、アナログ・デジタル変換器市場は8ビット、10ビット、12ビット、14ビット、16ビット、その他に分類される。アナログ/デジタル・コンバータ市場では、12ビット・セグメントが最大のシェアを占めている。12ビットADCの分解能は通常1.22mVである。5G通信への12ビットの採用は、アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場の成長にとって好機である。加えて、12ビットアナログ/デジタルコンバータの採用拡大が、その需要に応えるソリューションの市場投入を促す。例えば、2019年5月、テキサス・インスツルメンツは、業界で最も広い帯域幅、最も低い消費電力、最も速いサンプリングレートを持つ革新的な超高速アナログ/デジタルコンバータを発表した。このコンバータは、5Gテスト、オシロスコープ、レーダー・アプリケーション(ダイレクトXバンド・サンプリング)などの用途で、エンジニアが効率的な測定精度を達成するのに役立つと期待されている。このように、12ビットアナログ/デジタルコンバータの利点は、アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場のセグメント成長を促進する。 旭化成マイクロデバイス株式会社、アナログ・デバイセズ株式会社、シーラス・ロジック株式会社、マイクロチップ・テクノロジー株式会社、Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC、ローム株式会社、ルネサス エレクトロニクス株式会社、STマイクロエレクトロニクス株式会社、テキサス・インスツルメンツ株式会社、Teledyne Technologies Inc.は、この市場調査で紹介されている主要なアナログ/デジタル・コンバータ市場企業の1つです。 アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場全体の規模は、一次資料と二次資料の両方を用いて算出されている。徹底的な二次調査は、アナログ/デジタルコンバータ市場規模に関連する質的・量的情報を得るために、社内外の情報源を用いて実施された。また、このプロセスは、すべての市場セグメントに関する市場の概要と予測を得るのに役立ちます。また、データを検証し分析的洞察を得るために、業界関係者に複数の一次インタビューを実施しました。このプロセスには、副社長、事業開発マネージャー、マーケットインテリジェンスマネージャー、国内営業マネージャーなどの業界専門家と、アナログ・デジタル変換器市場を専門とする評価専門家、調査アナリスト、主要オピニオンリーダーなどの外部コンサルタントが参加しています。 目次TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Analog to Digital Converter Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 List of Vendors in the Value Chain: 5. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.1 Drivers 5.1.1 Increasing Demand for Advanced Data Acquisition Systems 5.1.2 Rising Demand for High-Resolution Images in Scientific and Medical Applications 5.1.3 Rising Demand for Test & Measurement (T&M) Solutions by End Users 5.2 Restraint 5.2.1 Complex Design of ADC 5.3 Opportunities 5.3.1 Rising Developments in Automotive Industry 5.3.2 Adoption of Digitization of Work Processes by Government in Emerging Economies 5.4 Future Trend 5.4.1 Growth of 5G in Developing Economies 5.5 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Global Market Analysis 6.1 Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 6.2 Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.3 Analog to Digital Converter Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis - Type 7.1 Integrating ADC 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Integrating ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Delta- Sigma ADC 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Delta- Sigma ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.3 Ramp ADC 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Ramp ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.4 Successive Approximation ADC 7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Successive Approximation ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.5 Others 7.5.1 Overview 7.5.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis - Resolution 8.1 8-Bit 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 8-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2-Bit 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.3-Bit 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.4-Bit 8.4.1 Overview 8.4.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.5-Bit 8.5.1 Overview 8.5.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.6 Others 8.6.1 Overview 8.6.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis – Application 9.1 Industrial 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Industrial Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Consumer Electronics 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Consumer Electronics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.3 Automotive 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 Automotive Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.4 Healthcare 9.4.1 Overview 9.4.2 Healthcare Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.5 Telecommunication 9.5.1 Overview 9.5.2 Telecommunication Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.6 Others 9.6.1 Overview 9.6.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Geographical Analysis 10.1 North America 10.1.1 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.1.2 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 10.1.3 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Type 10.1.4 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Resolution 10.1.5 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Application 10.1.6 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries US Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.2 Europe 10.2.1 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.2.2 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 10.2.3 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.2.4 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.2.5 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.2.6 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application France Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.3 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market 10.3.1 Overview 10.3.2 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 10.3.3 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.3.4 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.3.5 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.3.6 Analog to digital converter market Breakdown by Countries Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application China Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application India Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.4 Middle East & Africa 10.4.1 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.4.2 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.4.3 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.4.4 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.4.5 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.4.6 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.5 South & Central America 10.5.1 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.5.2 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.5.3 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.5.4 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.5.5 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.5.6 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 11. Analog to Digital Converter Market – Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic 11.1 Pre & Post Covid-19 Impact 12. Competitive Landscape 12.1 Heat Map Analysis By Key Players 12.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 13. Industry Landscape 13.1 Overview 13.2 Market Initiatives 14. Company Profiles 14.1 Asahi Kasei Corp 14.1.1 Key Facts 14.1.2 Business Description 14.1.3 Products and Services 14.1.4 Financial Overview 14.1.5 SWOT Analysis 14.1.6 Key Developments 14.2 Analog Devices Inc 14.2.1 Key Facts 14.2.2 Business Description 14.2.3 Products and Services 14.2.4 Financial Overview 14.2.5 SWOT Analysis 14.2.6 Key Developments 14.3 Cirrus Logic, Inc. 14.3.1 Key Facts 14.3.2 Business Description 14.3.3 Products and Services 14.3.4 Financial Overview 14.3.5 SWOT Analysis 14.3.6 Key Developments 14.4 Microchip Technology Inc 14.4.1 Key Facts 14.4.2 Business Description 14.4.3 Products and Services 14.4.4 Financial Overview 14.4.5 SWOT Analysis 14.4.6 Key Developments 14.5 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (On semiconductor) 14.5.1 Key Facts 14.5.2 Business Description 14.5.3 Products and Services 14.5.4 Financial Overview 14.5.5 SWOT Analysis 14.5.6 Key Developments 14.6 ROHM Co Ltd 14.6.1 Key Facts 14.6.2 Business Description 14.6.3 Products and Services 14.6.4 Financial Overview 14.6.5 SWOT Analysis 14.6.6 Key Developments 14.7 Renesas Electronics Corp 14.7.1 Key Facts 14.7.2 Business Description 14.7.3 Products and Services 14.7.4 Financial Overview 14.7.5 SWOT Analysis 14.7.6 Key Developments 14.8 Texas Instruments Inc 14.8.1 Key Facts 14.8.2 Business Description 14.8.3 Products and Services 14.8.4 Financial Overview 14.8.5 SWOT Analysis 14.8.6 Key Developments 14.9 Teledyne Technologies Inc 14.9.1 Key Facts 14.9.2 Business Description 14.9.3 Products and Services 14.9.4 Financial Overview 14.9.5 SWOT Analysis 14.9.6 Key Developments 14.10 STMicroelectronics NV 14.10.1 Key Facts 14.10.2 Business Description 14.10.3 Products and Services 14.10.4 Financial Overview 14.10.5 SWOT Analysis 14.10.6 Key Developments 15. Appendix 15.1 Word Index
SummaryThe analog to digital converter market size is expected US$ 3.87 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 6.29 billion by 2030. The analog to digital converter market is estimated to record a CAGR of 6.3% from 2022 to 2030. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Analog to Digital Converter Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 List of Vendors in the Value Chain: 5. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Key Industry Dynamics 5.1 Drivers 5.1.1 Increasing Demand for Advanced Data Acquisition Systems 5.1.2 Rising Demand for High-Resolution Images in Scientific and Medical Applications 5.1.3 Rising Demand for Test & Measurement (T&M) Solutions by End Users 5.2 Restraint 5.2.1 Complex Design of ADC 5.3 Opportunities 5.3.1 Rising Developments in Automotive Industry 5.3.2 Adoption of Digitization of Work Processes by Government in Emerging Economies 5.4 Future Trend 5.4.1 Growth of 5G in Developing Economies 5.5 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Global Market Analysis 6.1 Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 6.2 Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.3 Analog to Digital Converter Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis - Type 7.1 Integrating ADC 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Integrating ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Delta- Sigma ADC 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Delta- Sigma ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.3 Ramp ADC 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Ramp ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.4 Successive Approximation ADC 7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Successive Approximation ADC Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 7.5 Others 7.5.1 Overview 7.5.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis - Resolution 8.1 8-Bit 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 8-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2-Bit 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.3-Bit 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.4-Bit 8.4.1 Overview 8.4.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.5-Bit 8.5.1 Overview 8.5.2-Bit Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 8.6 Others 8.6.1 Overview 8.6.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Analog to Digital Converter Market Analysis – Application 9.1 Industrial 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Industrial Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Consumer Electronics 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Consumer Electronics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.3 Automotive 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 Automotive Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.4 Healthcare 9.4.1 Overview 9.4.2 Healthcare Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.5 Telecommunication 9.5.1 Overview 9.5.2 Telecommunication Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 9.6 Others 9.6.1 Overview 9.6.2 Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Analog to Digital Converter Market - Geographical Analysis 10.1 North America 10.1.1 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.1.2 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 10.1.3 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Type 10.1.4 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Resolution 10.1.5 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Mn) – By Application 10.1.6 North America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries US Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution US Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Canada Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Mexico Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.2 Europe 10.2.1 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.2.2 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 10.2.3 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.2.4 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.2.5 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.2.6 Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Germany Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution UK Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application France Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution France Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Italy Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Russia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Europe Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.3 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market 10.3.1 Overview 10.3.2 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) 10.3.3 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.3.4 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.3.5 Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.3.6 Analog to digital converter market Breakdown by Countries Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Australia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application China Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution China Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application India Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution India Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Japan Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South Korea Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Asia Pacific Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.4 Middle East & Africa 10.4.1 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.4.2 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.4.3 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.4.4 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.4.5 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.4.6 Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Saudi Arabia Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution UAE Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of Middle East & Africa Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 10.5 South & Central America 10.5.1 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Overview 10.5.2 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.5.3 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market and Forecasts and Analysis - By Type 10.5.4 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Resolution 10.5.5 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 10.5.6 South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Countries Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Brazil Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Argentina Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Type Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Resolution Rest of South & Central America Analog to Digital Converter Market Breakdown by Application 11. Analog to Digital Converter Market – Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic 11.1 Pre & Post Covid-19 Impact 12. Competitive Landscape 12.1 Heat Map Analysis By Key Players 12.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 13. Industry Landscape 13.1 Overview 13.2 Market Initiatives 14. Company Profiles 14.1 Asahi Kasei Corp 14.1.1 Key Facts 14.1.2 Business Description 14.1.3 Products and Services 14.1.4 Financial Overview 14.1.5 SWOT Analysis 14.1.6 Key Developments 14.2 Analog Devices Inc 14.2.1 Key Facts 14.2.2 Business Description 14.2.3 Products and Services 14.2.4 Financial Overview 14.2.5 SWOT Analysis 14.2.6 Key Developments 14.3 Cirrus Logic, Inc. 14.3.1 Key Facts 14.3.2 Business Description 14.3.3 Products and Services 14.3.4 Financial Overview 14.3.5 SWOT Analysis 14.3.6 Key Developments 14.4 Microchip Technology Inc 14.4.1 Key Facts 14.4.2 Business Description 14.4.3 Products and Services 14.4.4 Financial Overview 14.4.5 SWOT Analysis 14.4.6 Key Developments 14.5 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (On semiconductor) 14.5.1 Key Facts 14.5.2 Business Description 14.5.3 Products and Services 14.5.4 Financial Overview 14.5.5 SWOT Analysis 14.5.6 Key Developments 14.6 ROHM Co Ltd 14.6.1 Key Facts 14.6.2 Business Description 14.6.3 Products and Services 14.6.4 Financial Overview 14.6.5 SWOT Analysis 14.6.6 Key Developments 14.7 Renesas Electronics Corp 14.7.1 Key Facts 14.7.2 Business Description 14.7.3 Products and Services 14.7.4 Financial Overview 14.7.5 SWOT Analysis 14.7.6 Key Developments 14.8 Texas Instruments Inc 14.8.1 Key Facts 14.8.2 Business Description 14.8.3 Products and Services 14.8.4 Financial Overview 14.8.5 SWOT Analysis 14.8.6 Key Developments 14.9 Teledyne Technologies Inc 14.9.1 Key Facts 14.9.2 Business Description 14.9.3 Products and Services 14.9.4 Financial Overview 14.9.5 SWOT Analysis 14.9.6 Key Developments 14.10 STMicroelectronics NV 14.10.1 Key Facts 14.10.2 Business Description 14.10.3 Products and Services 14.10.4 Financial Overview 14.10.5 SWOT Analysis 14.10.6 Key Developments 15. Appendix 15.1 Word Index
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