計装用トランスの世界市場 2021-2025
Global Instrument Transformer Market 2021-2025
計装用変圧器の世界市場 2021-2025Technavio社は、計装用変圧器市場をモニタリングしており、予測期間中に4.01%のCAGRで進行し、2021-2025年に5億8,808万ドルの成長が見込まれています。当レポートでは、計器用変... もっと見る
サマリー 計装用変圧器の世界市場 2021-2025Technavio社は、計装用変圧器市場をモニタリングしており、予測期間中に4.01%のCAGRで進行し、2021-2025年に5億8,808万ドルの成長が見込まれています。当レポートでは、計器用変圧器市場について、全体的な分析、市場規模と予測、動向、成長要因、課題のほか、約25社のベンダーを網羅したベンダー分析を行っています。当レポートでは、現在の世界市場のシナリオ、最新の動向と推進要因、市場全体の環境に関する最新の分析を提供しています。この市場は、電力システムへの投資の拡大と、産業界のエンドユーザーによる計測・負荷管理の需要の高まりによって牽引されています。さらに、電力システムへの投資の増加が市場の成長を後押しすると予想されています。計器用変圧器市場の分析には、アプリケーションセグメントと地理的な状況が含まれます。Technavio社の計器用変圧器市場は以下のように区分されています。 アプリケーション別保護計測地理的にAPAC北アメリカヨーロッパMEA南米この調査では、送配電および産業部門における既存のサイトからの交換需要が、今後数年間の計器用変圧器市場の成長を促進する主な理由の1つであることを確認しています。Technavioは、主要なパラメータの分析により、複数のソースからのデータを調査、合成、および要約する方法で、市場の詳細な情報を提供しています。本レポートでは、計器用変圧器市場について以下の領域をカバーしています。機器用変圧器のマーケットサイジング機器用変圧器の市場予測計装用変圧器市場の業界分析Technavioの堅牢なベンダー分析は、顧客の市場での地位向上を支援することを目的としており、これに沿って本レポートでは、ABB Ltd.、Amran Inc.、CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd.、General Electric Co.、Indian Transformers Co.、Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc.、Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd.、Meramec Instrument Transformer Co.、SADTEMなど、計装用変圧器市場の主要ベンダー数社の詳細な分析を行っています。また、機器用変圧器の市場分析レポートには、市場成長に影響を与える今後のトレンドや課題に関する情報も含まれています。本調査は、業界の主要参加者からの情報を含む一次情報と二次情報を客観的に組み合わせて実施しました。本レポートには、主要ベンダーの分析に加えて、包括的な市場およびベンダーランドスケープが含まれています。https://www.technavio.com/report/instrument-transformer-market-industry-analysisTechnavio は、複数の情報源から得たデータを調査、統合、要約することで、利益、価格、競争、プロモーションなどの主要なパラメーターを分析し、市場の詳細なイメージを提示しています。また、業界の主要なインフルエンサーを特定することで、様々な市場の側面を提示しています。提示されたデータは包括的で信頼性が高く、一次および二次両方の広範な調査の結果です。Technavio社の市場調査レポートは、正確な市場成長を予測するために、完全な競合状況と、質的および量的調査を用いた詳細なベンダー選択方法と分析を提供しています。
目次 エグゼクティブ・サマリー市場の概要市場の状況マーケットエコシステムバリューチェーン分析マーケットサイジング市場の定義市場セグメント分析市場規模2020年市場の見通し。2020年~2025年の予測ファイブフォース分析バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワーサプライヤーのバーゲニング・パワー新規参入者の脅威代替品の脅威ライバル会社の脅威市場の状況アプリケーション別の市場区分市場セグメントアプリケーション別比較保護 - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測測定 - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測アプリケーション別の市場機会カスタマーランドスケープカスタマーランドスケープ地理的状況地域別セグメント地理的比較APAC - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測北米 - 市場規模と予測 2020-2025欧州 - 市場規模と予測 2020-2025MEA - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測南米 - 市場規模と予測2020-2025年主要先進国地域別の市場機会マーケットドライバー市場の課題市場動向ベンダーの風景ベンダーの風景景観の破壊ベンダー分析対象ベンダーベンダーのマーケットポジショニングABB社株式会社アムランCGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社ゼネラル・エレクトリック社インディアン・トランスフォーマー社Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc.Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd.Meramec Instrument Transformer Co.SADTEM付録報告書の範囲米ドルの通貨換算レート研究方法 List of abbreviationszzzzExhibits1: Key Finding 1Exhibits2: Key Finding 2Exhibits3: Key Finding 3Exhibits4: Key Finding 5Exhibits5: Key Finding 6Exhibits6: Key Finding 7Exhibits7: Key Finding 8Exhibits8: Parent marketExhibits9: Market characteristicsExhibits10: Offerings of vendors included in the market definitionExhibits11:市場セグメントExhibits12: Global - Market size and forecast 2020 - 2025 ($ million)Exhibits13: Global market: Year-over-year growth 2020 - 2025 (%)Exhibits14: Five forces analysis 2020 & 2025Exhibits15:バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワーExhibits16:サプライヤーのバーゲニング・パワーExhibits17:新規参入者の脅威Exhibits18:代替品の脅威Exhibits19:ライバル会社の脅威Exhibits20:市場の状況 - Five forces 2020Exhibits21: Application - Market share 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits22:アプリケーション別比較Exhibits23:保護 - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測 ($ million)Exhibits24: Protection - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits25:測定 - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測 ($ million)Exhibits26: Measurement - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits27:アプリケーション別の市場機会Exhibits28:カスタマーランドスケープExhibits29: Market share by geography 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits30:地理的比較Exhibits31:APAC - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測 ($ million)Exhibits32: APAC - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits33:北米 - 市場規模と予測 2020-2025 ($ million)Exhibits34: North America - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits35:欧州 - 市場規模と予測 2020-2025 ($ million)Exhibits36: Europe - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits37:MEA - 市場規模と2020-2025年の予測 ($ million)Exhibits38: MEA - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits39:南米 - 市場規模と予測2020-2025年 ($ million)Exhibits40: South America - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)Exhibits41:主要先進国Exhibits42:地域別の市場機会 ($ million)Exhibits43: Impact of drivers and challengesExhibits44:ベンダーの風景Exhibits45:景観の破壊Exhibits46: Industry risksExhibits47:対象ベンダーExhibits48:ベンダーのマーケットポジショニングExhibits49:ABB社 - OverviewExhibits50:ABB社 - Business segmentsExhibits51:ABB社 - Key offeringsExhibits52:ABB社 - Key customersExhibits53:ABB社 - Segment focusExhibits54:株式会社アムラン - OverviewExhibits55:株式会社アムラン - Product and serviceExhibits56:株式会社アムラン - Key offeringsExhibits57:株式会社アムラン - Key customersExhibits58:株式会社アムラン - Segment focusExhibits59:CGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社 - OverviewExhibits60:CGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社 - Business segmentsExhibits61:CGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社 - Key offeringsExhibits62:CGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社 - Key customersExhibits63:CGパワー&インダストリアルソリューションズ株式会社 - Segment focusExhibits64:ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 - OverviewExhibits65:ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 - Business segmentsExhibits66:ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 - Key offeringsExhibits67:ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 - Key customersExhibits68:ゼネラル・エレクトリック社 - Segment focusExhibits69:インディアン・トランスフォーマー社 - OverviewExhibits70:インディアン・トランスフォーマー社 - Product and serviceExhibits71:インディアン・トランスフォーマー社 - Key offeringsExhibits72:インディアン・トランスフォーマー社 - Key customersExhibits73:インディアン・トランスフォーマー社 - Segment focusExhibits74:Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - OverviewExhibits75:Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Product and serviceExhibits76:Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Key offeringsExhibits77:Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Key customersExhibits78:Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Segment focusExhibits79:Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - OverviewExhibits80:Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Product and serviceExhibits81:Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Key offeringsExhibits82:Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Key customersExhibits83:Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Segment focusExhibits84:Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - OverviewExhibits85:Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Product and serviceExhibits86:Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Key offeringsExhibits87:Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Key customersExhibits88:Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Segment focusExhibits89:SADTEM - OverviewExhibits90:SADTEM - Product and serviceExhibits91:SADTEM - Key offeringsExhibits92:SADTEM - Key customersExhibits93:SADTEM - Segment focusExhibits94:米ドルの通貨換算レートExhibits95: Research MethodologyExhibits96: Validation techniques employed for market sizingExhibits97: Information sourcesExhibits98: List of abbreviations
Summary Global Instrument Transformer Market 2021-2025
Technavio has been monitoring the instrument transformer market and it is poised to grow by $ 588.08 mn during 2021-2025, progressing at a CAGR of 4.01% during the forecast period. Our report on the instrument transformer market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors.
The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by the growing investments in electric power systems and rising demand from industrial end-users for metering and load management. In addition, growing investments in electric power systems is anticipated to boost the growth of the market as well.
The instrument transformer market analysis includes the application segment and geographic landscape.
Technavio's instrument transformer market is segmented as below:
By Application
By Geography
North America
South America
This study identifies the replacement demand from existing sites in power transmission and distribution and industrial sectoras one of the prime reasons driving the instrument transformer market growth during the next few years.
Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our report on instrument transformer market covers the following areas:
Instrument transformer market sizing
Instrument transformer market forecast
Instrument transformer market industry analysis
Technavio's robust vendor analysis is designed to help clients improve their market position, and in line with this, this report provides a detailed analysis of several leading instrument transformer market vendors that include ABB Ltd., Amran Inc., CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd., General Electric Co., Indian Transformers Co., Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc., Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd., Meramec Instrument Transformer Co., and SADTEM. Also, the instrument transformer market analysis report includes information on upcoming trends and challenges that will influence market growth. This is to help companies strategize and leverage all forthcoming growth opportunities.
The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to an analysis of the key vendors. For further information on this report, please visit - https://www.technavio.com/report/instrument-transformer-market-industry-analysis
Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters such as profit, pricing, competition, and promotions. It presents various market facets by identifying the key industry influencers. The data presented is comprehensive, reliable, and a result of extensive research - both primary and secondary. Technavio's market research reports provide a complete competitive landscape and an in-depth vendor selection methodology and analysis using qualitative and quantitative research to forecast the accurate market growth.
Table of Contents Executive Summary
Market overview
Market Landscape
Market ecosystem
Value chain analysis
Market Sizing
Market definition
Market segment analysis
Market size 2020
Market outlook: Forecast for 2020 - 2025
Five Forces Analysis
Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Threat of new entrants
Threat of substitutes
Threat of rivalry
Market condition
Market Segmentation by Application
Market segments
Comparison by Application
Protection - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
Measurement - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
Market opportunity by Application
Customer landscape
Customer landscape
Geographic Landscape
Geographic segmentation
Geographic comparison
APAC - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
North America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
Europe - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
MEA - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
South America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025
Key leading countries
Market opportunity by geography
Market drivers
Market challenges
Market trends
Vendor Landscape
Vendor landscape
Landscape disruption
Vendor Analysis
Vendors covered
Market positioning of vendors
ABB Ltd.
Amran Inc.
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd.
General Electric Co.
Indian Transformers Co.
Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc.
Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd.
Meramec Instrument Transformer Co.
Scope of the report
Currency conversion rates for US$
Research methodology
List of abbreviations
Exhibits1: Key Finding 1
Exhibits2: Key Finding 2
Exhibits3: Key Finding 3
Exhibits4: Key Finding 5
Exhibits5: Key Finding 6
Exhibits6: Key Finding 7
Exhibits7: Key Finding 8
Exhibits8: Parent market
Exhibits9: Market characteristics
Exhibits10: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition
Exhibits11: Market segments
Exhibits12: Global - Market size and forecast 2020 - 2025 ($ million)
Exhibits13: Global market: Year-over-year growth 2020 - 2025 (%)
Exhibits14: Five forces analysis 2020 & 2025
Exhibits15: Bargaining power of buyers
Exhibits16: Bargaining power of suppliers
Exhibits17: Threat of new entrants
Exhibits18: Threat of substitutes
Exhibits19: Threat of rivalry
Exhibits20: Market condition - Five forces 2020
Exhibits21: Application - Market share 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits22: Comparison by Application
Exhibits23: Protection - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits24: Protection - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits25: Measurement - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits26: Measurement - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits27: Market opportunity by Application
Exhibits28: Customer landscape
Exhibits29: Market share by geography 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits30: Geographic comparison
Exhibits31: APAC - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits32: APAC - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits33: North America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits34: North America - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits35: Europe - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits36: Europe - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits37: MEA - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits38: MEA - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits39: South America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million)
Exhibits40: South America - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%)
Exhibits41: Key leading countries
Exhibits42: Market opportunity by geography ($ million)
Exhibits43: Impact of drivers and challenges
Exhibits44: Vendor landscape
Exhibits45: Landscape disruption
Exhibits46: Industry risks
Exhibits47: Vendors covered
Exhibits48: Market positioning of vendors
Exhibits49: ABB Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits50: ABB Ltd. - Business segments
Exhibits51: ABB Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits52: ABB Ltd. - Key customers
Exhibits53: ABB Ltd. - Segment focus
Exhibits54: Amran Inc. - Overview
Exhibits55: Amran Inc. - Product and service
Exhibits56: Amran Inc. - Key offerings
Exhibits57: Amran Inc. - Key customers
Exhibits58: Amran Inc. - Segment focus
Exhibits59: CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits60: CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. - Business segments
Exhibits61: CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits62: CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. - Key customers
Exhibits63: CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd. - Segment focus
Exhibits64: General Electric Co. - Overview
Exhibits65: General Electric Co. - Business segments
Exhibits66: General Electric Co. - Key offerings
Exhibits67: General Electric Co. - Key customers
Exhibits68: General Electric Co. - Segment focus
Exhibits69: Indian Transformers Co. - Overview
Exhibits70: Indian Transformers Co. - Product and service
Exhibits71: Indian Transformers Co. - Key offerings
Exhibits72: Indian Transformers Co. - Key customers
Exhibits73: Indian Transformers Co. - Segment focus
Exhibits74: Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Overview
Exhibits75: Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Product and service
Exhibits76: Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Key offerings
Exhibits77: Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Key customers
Exhibits78: Koncar-Instrument transformers Inc. - Segment focus
Exhibits79: Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits80: Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Product and service
Exhibits81: Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits82: Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Key customers
Exhibits83: Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (P) Ltd. - Segment focus
Exhibits84: Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Overview
Exhibits85: Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Product and service
Exhibits86: Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Key offerings
Exhibits87: Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Key customers
Exhibits88: Meramec Instrument Transformer Co. - Segment focus
Exhibits89: SADTEM - Overview
Exhibits90: SADTEM - Product and service
Exhibits91: SADTEM - Key offerings
Exhibits92: SADTEM - Key customers
Exhibits93: SADTEM - Segment focus
Exhibits94: Currency conversion rates for US$
Exhibits95: Research Methodology
Exhibits96: Validation techniques employed for market sizing
Exhibits97: Information sources
Exhibits98: List of abbreviations
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