
動物実験と非動物代替実験の世界市場の機会と2035年までの戦略Including: Animal Testing and Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities and Strategies To 2035:1) エンドユーザー別:医薬品、学術研究、医療機器、化学・農薬、化粧品Covering:Cyprotex; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc; BioIVT; Emulate, Inc; MatTek Corporation

動物実験と非動物代替実験の世界市場の機会と2035年までの戦略Including: Animal Testing and Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities and Strategies To 2035:1) エンドユーザー別:医薬品、学術研究、医療機器、化学・農薬、化粧品Covering:Cyprotex; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc; BioIVT; Emulate, Inc; MatTek Corporation

Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2035Including: 1) By End-User: Pharmaceuticals; Academic Research; Medical Devices; Chemicals & Pesticides; CosmeticsCovering: Cyprotex; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc; BioIVT; Emulate, Inc; MatTek Corporation

この調査レポートは、動物実験と非動物代替試験の世界市場の2035年までのビジネスチャンスと戦略を掲載し、COVID-19の閉鎖から抜け出した世界の動物実験と非動物代替試験市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
The Business Research Company (TBRC)
2023年5月19日 US$5,000
3-5営業日程度 240 英語




- 12地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真にグローバルな視点を得ることができます。
- 市場がコロナウイルスからどのような影響を受けているのか、またウイルスの影響が和らぐにつれて市場がどのように立ち上がり、成長していくのかを理解することができます。
- 現地のデータと分析に基づき、地域別および国別の戦略を策定します。
- 投資の対象となる成長セグメントを特定する。
- 予測データと市場を形成するドライバーとトレンドを活用し、競合他社を凌駕する。
- 最新の市場調査結果に基づいて顧客を理解する。
- 主要な競合他社とのパフォーマンスの比較
- 主要データセット間の関係を活用し、優れた戦略を立てる。
- 信頼性の高い高品質なデータと分析により、社内外のプレゼンテーションをサポートします。




本章では、代替法の費用対効果と時間効率を理解するため、動物実験と代替法の比較コ スト分析について記述する。動物種の平均コストと、従来の動物実験手法に代わる代替手法のコストが含まれる。


対象企業Cyprotex; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc; BioIVT; Emulate, Inc; MatTek Corporation


地域アジア太平洋; 西ヨーロッパ; 東ヨーロッパ; 北アメリカ; 南アメリカ; 中東; アフリカ









世界の非動物代替試験市場は、2019年に11億1,000万ドルと評価された。同市場は2019~2025年の間に年平均成長率11.13%で成長すると予測されている。米国の非動物代替検査技術市場の2019年の市場規模は0.34億ドルであった。米国の市場は2019~2025年にかけてCAGR 13.09%で成長すると予測される。日本の非動物用代替検査技術市場は2019年に0.6億ドルと評価され、2025年までの年平均成長率は7.67%と予測される。




非動物代替試験市場は細分化されており、多数の小規模企業が参入している。同市場における上位10社の競合企業は、2021年には市場全体の8.58%を占めるに至っている。米国における代替検査技術の主要開発企業には、Emulate Inc、Organovo Holdings、MatTek Corporation、EMD Milliporeなどがある。日本の主な開発企業には、J-TEC、Reprocell Inc.、オーガンテクノロジーズなどがある。









1. Executive Summary
2. Table of Contents
3. List of Figures
4. List of Tables
5. Report Structure
6. Introduction and Market Characteristics
6.1. General Market Definition
6.2. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Definition And Segmentations
6.2.1. Animal Testing
6.2.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing
6.2.3. Facts About Animals In Research - Functional Resemblances Of Animals To Human Body
6.3. Market Segmentation By End-Use Industry
6.3.1. Pharmaceuticals
6.3.2. Academic Research
6.3.3. Medical Devices
6.3.4. Chemicals And Pesticides
6.3.5. Cosmetics
6.3.6. Other End Users
7. Value Chain Analysis
7.1.1. Animal Breeders and Suppliers
7.1.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technology Developers
7.1.3. Regulatory Authorities
7.1.4. Alternative Testing Service Providers
7.1.5. End-Use Industries
7.1.6. Clinical Trials
8. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Trends
8.1. Developments In OOC (organ-on-chip) For Testing
8.2. Adoption Of In Silico Trials
8.3. Use Of Model Organisms
8.4. Focus On 3D-Printed Organs For Testing
8.5. Increasing Collaborations And Partnerships To Reduce Animal Testing
8.6. Rising Initiatives And Grants To Promote Animal-Free Testing
9. Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Technologies
9.1.1. Average Cost Of Laboratory Animals
9.1.2. Average Cost Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Methods
9.1.3. Comparative Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Methods
9.2. Costs Involved In Animal Testing, 2021
10. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Segments
10.1. By End Use Industrial Application
10.1.1. Important Areas of Use
10.1.2. Basic Research
10.1.3. Applied Research
10.1.4. Regulatory Testing
10.1.5. Development Of New Diagnostic Methods
10.1.6. Breeding Of Genetically Altered Animals
10.1.7. Animal Cloning
10.2. End-User Applications
10.3. Animal Testing Market By Animal Type
10.3.1. Mice
10.3.2. Rat
10.3.3. Frogs
10.3.4. Fish
10.3.5. Birds
10.3.6. Guinea pig
10.3.7. Hamster
10.3.8. Rabbits
10.3.9. Sheep
10.3.10. Dogs
10.3.11. Cats
10.3.12. Monkeys
10.3.13. Pigs
10.3.14. Others
11. Number Of Animals Used In Research, By Country
11.1.1. USA
11.1.2. Europe
11.1.3. United Kingdom (UK)
11.1.4. Germany
11.1.5. France
11.1.6. Australia
11.1.7. Canada
11.1.8. China
12. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies By Type And End Use
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Types Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies
12.2.1. Cell Or Tissue Culture (In-Vitro)
12.2.2. Major Cell Culture Developers Worldwide
12.2.3. Organ-On-Chip (OOC)
12.2.4. Global OOC Market Size And Growth
12.2.5. OOC Market Drivers And Restraints
12.2.6. Market Drivers
12.2.7. Market Restraints
12.2.8. In-silico (Computer-Based Models)
12.2.9. Artificial Skin Models (Skin Substitutes)
12.2.10. Other Technologies
13. End-User Industries Adoption Of Alternative Testing Technologies
13.1. Adoption of Alternative Testing Technologies By Type of Industry
13.1.1. Cosmetics Industry
13.1.2. Pharmaceutical Industry
13.1.3. Medical Device Industry
13.1.4. Others
13.2. Adoption of 3R’s In USA
13.2.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.2.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.2.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
13.3. Adoption of 3R’s In China
13.3.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.3.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.3.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
13.4. Adoption of 3R’s In Europe
13.4.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.4.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.4.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
14. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market
14.1. Global Animal Testing Market Size And Growth
14.1.1. Global Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
14.1.2. Global Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
14.1.3. Animal Testing Market Drivers
14.1.4. Animal Testing Market Restraints
14.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Size And Growth
14.2.1. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
14.2.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Drivers
14.2.3. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Restraints
15. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market, Regional And Country Analysis
16. USA Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
16.1. USA Animal Testing Market
16.1.1. USA Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
16.1.2. USA Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
16.2. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
16.2.1. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
16.3. USA Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
16.3.1. Market By Value And Volume
16.3.2. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
16.4. Regulatory Landscape In The USA
16.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
16.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
16.4.3. USDA & Animal Welfare Act
16.4.4. ICCVAM
16.4.5. FDA
16.4.6. NIH
17. Japan Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.1. Japan Animal Testing Market
17.1.1. Japan Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.1.2. Japan Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
17.2. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.2.1. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.3. Japan Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
17.3.1. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
17.4. Regulatory Landscape In Japan
17.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
17.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
17.4.3. Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals
17.4.4. MHLW, MEXT, And MAFF
18. China Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
18.1. China Animal Testing Market
18.1.1. China Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
18.1.2. China Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
18.2. Regulatory Landscape In China
18.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
18.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
19. Australia Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
19.1. Australia Animal Testing Market
19.1.1. Australia Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
19.1.2. Australia Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
19.2. Regulatory Landscape In Australia
19.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
19.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
20. Europe Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
20.1. Regulatory Landscape In Europe
20.1.1. EU Directive 2010/63
20.2. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
20.2.1. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
21. France Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
21.1. France Animal Testing Market
21.1.1. France Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
21.1.2. France Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
21.2. France Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
21.2.1. Market By Value
21.3. Regulatory Landscape In France
21.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
21.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
22. Germany Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
22.1. Germany Animal Testing Market
22.1.1. Germany Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
22.1.2. Germany Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
22.2. Germany Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
22.2.1. Market By Value
22.3. Regulatory Landscape In Germany
22.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
22.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market
23. UK Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
23.1. UK Animal Testing Market
23.1.1. UK Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
23.1.2. UK Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
23.2. UK Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
23.2.1. Market By Value
23.3. Regulatory Landscape in United Kingdom (UK)
23.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
23.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market
24. Canada Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
24.1. Canada Animal Testing Market
24.1.1. Canada Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
24.1.2. Canada Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
24.2. Regulatory Landscape In Canada
24.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
24.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
25. Rest Of The World Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
25.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market
25.1.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
25.1.2. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
25.2. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
25.2.1. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
25.3. Regulatory Landscape In Rest of the World (RoW)
25.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
25.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
26. Non-Animal Alternatives Testing Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
26.1. Company Profiles
26.2. Cyprotex
26.2.1. Company Overview
26.2.2. Products And Services
26.2.3. Business Strategy
26.2.4. Financial Overview
26.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
26.3.1. Company Overview
26.3.2. Products And Services
26.3.3. Business Strategy
26.3.4. Financial Overview
26.4. BioIVT
26.4.1. Company Overview
26.4.2. Products And Services
26.4.3. Business Strategy
26.4.4. Financial Overview
26.5. Emulate, Inc
26.5.1. Company Overview
26.5.2. Products And Services
26.5.3. Business Strategy
26.5.4. Financial Overview
26.6. MatTek Corporation
26.6.1. Company Overview
26.6.2. Products And Services
26.6.3. Business Strategy
26.6.4. Financial Overview
26.7. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.7.1. Organovo Holdings, Inc
26.7.2. MatTek Corporation
26.7.3. EMD Millipore
26.8. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.8.1. Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. (J-TEC)
26.8.2. ReproCell Inc
26.8.3. Organ Technologies Co, Ltd
26.9. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.9.1. Episkin
27. Animal Testing And Non Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies
27.1. Global Animal Testing Market In 2035 – Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
27.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 – Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
27.3. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
27.4. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2025 – Growth Strategies
27.4.1. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Trend Based Strategies
27.4.2. Competitor Strategies
28. Conclusions & Recommendations
28.1. Conclusions
28.2. Recommendations
28.2.1. Product
28.2.2. Price
28.2.3. Place
28.2.4. Promotion
28.2.5. People
29. Appendix
29.1. Glossary
29.2. Market Data Sources
29.3. Research Methodology
29.3.1. OCED Accepted In Vito Tests





Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2035 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists; marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market as it emerges from the COVID-19 shut down.

Reasons to Purchase
• Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 12 geographies.
• Understand how the market is being affected by the coronavirus and how it is likely to emerge and grow as the impact of the virus abates.
• Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
• Identify growth segments for investment.
• Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
• Understand customers based on the latest market research findings.
• Benchmark performance against key competitors.
• Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing.
• Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high-quality data and analysis


Where is the largest and fastest growing market for animal testing and non-animal alternative testing? How does the market relate to the overall economy; demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market global report from The Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.

The report covers market characteristics; size and growth; segmentation; regional and country breakdowns; competitive landscape; market shares; trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market; and compares it with other markets.

The report covers the following chapters:
•Introduction and Market Characteristics
Brief introduction to the segmentations covered in the market, definitions and explanations about the animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market.
•Market Value Chain Analysis
This section gives information on value chain analysis for the animal testing and non-animal alternative testing markets.
•Non-Animal Alternative Testing Trends
This chapter describes the major trends shaping the global non-animal alternative testing market.
•Cost Analysis For Animal Testing and Alternative Technologies
This section describes the comparative cost analysis for animal testing and alternative methods to understand the cost-effectiveness and time efficiency of alternative methods. It includes the average cost of animal species and the cost of alternatives to conventional animal testing methods.
•Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing By Type And End Use
This section describes the overview of the types of non-animal alternative testing technologies. It also highlights the major developers and end-use industries in non-animal alternative testing technologies in the major geographies.
•End-User Industries Adoption To Alternative Technologies
This section details information on the adoption of alternative technologies by top end-use industries in the USA, Germany, France, UK, and Japan. This section also includes the adoption of 3R principles by each of the top industries in the USA, China, and Europe.
•Global Market Size
This section provides information on the global animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market by value and volume for the current and forecast period (2019-2035) and the drivers and restraints that support the growth of the market during this period.
•Regional And Country Analysis
This section contains the animal testing market by value and volume, and non-animal alternative testing market by value for the major geographies for the current and forecast period (2019-2035). This section also provides end-use industries segmentation in animal alternative testing in the major geographies.
•Animal Testing Regulatory Landscape
This section describes the regulatory landscape for animal testing and its alternatives in major geographies. It includes information on regulatory agencies and policies governing animal testing. This section also includes the proposed regulations and guidelines that are driving the non-animal alternative testing technologies market in major geographies.
•Competitive Landscape For Alternative Technologies
This section briefs information on major companies involved in the alternative technology market in the USA, China, and Europe. This section includes the profiles of the major alternative technology developers with information on their product portfolio, financial analysis, and strategies implemented by these companies.
•Market Opportunities And Strategies
This section includes market opportunities and strategies based on findings of the research. This section also gives information on growth opportunities across countries, segments and strategies to be followed in those markets. It gives an understanding of where there is significant business to be gained by competitors in the next five years.
•Conclusions And Recommendations
This section includes conclusions and recommendations based on findings of the research. This section also gives recommendations for animal testing and non-animal alternative testing providers in terms of product/service offerings, geographic expansion, marketing strategies and target groups.
This section includes details on the NAICS codes covered, abbreviations and currencies codes used in this report.

Markets Covered: 1) By End-User: Pharmaceuticals; Academic Research; Medical Devices; Chemicals & Pesticides; Cosmetics; Other End Users

Companies Mentioned: Cyprotex; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc; BioIVT; Emulate, Inc; MatTek Corporation

Countries: China; Australia; India; Indonesia; Japan; South Korea; USA; Brazil; France; Germany; UK; Russia

Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa

Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.

Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets; GDP proportions; expenditure per capita; animal testing and non-animal alternative testing indicators comparison.

Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data; market share of competitors; market segments.

Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.

This report describes and evaluates the animal testing and non-animal alternative testing market in major geographies.

Animal testing or experiment on animals done in the early stages of drug development and for toxicity and safety assessment of medical devices, chemicals, pesticides, cosmetics, and food compounds. Animal experiments are necessary before testing on humans mainly to evaluate toxicity, pharmacokinetics, and safety of a drug or a chemical. However, there is an increasing pressure from the animal welfare organizations on governmental agencies and companies to use non-animal alternative testing technologies. These technologies include in-vitro cell and tissue cultures, organ-on-chip, computer simulations, 3D bio printing of tissues, and synthetic skin substitutes, among others. Industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, chemicals and pesticides and food are increasingly adopting these technologies to replace animal testing.

Animal Testing
The global animal testing market was valued at $10.74 billion in 2019 and the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.38% during 2019-2025 and at a CAGR of 2.13% during 2025-2035. USA and Japan are the major animal testing markets in the world. The USA’s animal testing market was valued at $4.67 billion in 2019, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.27% during 2019-2025 and at a CAGR of 0.63% during 2025-2035. Japan’s animal testing market was valued at $1.03 billion in 2019. The market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 3.12% during 2019-2025, and at a CAGR of 1.25% during 2025-2035.

The growth of the animal testing market in the USA and Japan is mainly due to the rise in R&D activities in end-use industries, and regulations to conduct animal experiments before testing on humans. However, the slow anticipated future growth rates (from 2021 to 2035) can be attributed to the requirement from federal agencies on biopharma companies to adopt 3R principles (i.e. to replace, reduce, and refine animals used in the laboratory research), protests from animal welfare organizations. In 2021, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to rule out mammal testing for chemicals by 2035, and increasing preference by end-use industries towards the adoption of non-animal testing technologies.

Non-Animal Testing
The global non-animal alternative testing market was valued at $1.11 billion in 2019. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.13% during 2019-2025. The USA’s non-animal alternative testing technology market was valued at $0.34 billion in 2019. The USA’s market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 13.09% through during 2019-2025. Japan's non-animal alternative testing technology market was valued at $0.06 billion in 2019 and the market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 7.67% through 2025.

The growth in the non-animal alternative testing market is mainly due to the adoption of the 3R principles by both regulatory agencies, and end-use companies, especially in the cosmetic industry. The adoption of alternative technologies is expected to grow after 2026 post regulatory agencies’ validation and approval.

The non-animal alternative testing market trends in the USA and Japan include raising investment for the development of alternatives to animal testing technologies, increasing adoption of in-vitro and in-silico technologies by the pharmaceutical industry, and the use of non-animal testing methods in the cosmetics industry.

The major drivers of the non-animal alternative testing technologies market include technological advances in drug development, ethical concerns on animal experimentations, high costs of animal studies, government programs for non-animal testing, rise in the number of research and development activities, raising investments and research grants for developing alternative technologies, increasing collaborations and partnerships to reduce animal testing, non-animal testing methods in the cosmetics industry are gaining traction, and increasing social awareness against animal cruelty. Factors that could hinder the growth of the non-animal testing include regulatory mandate on animal testing for drug/medical device approval, limitations in in-vitro testing technologies, and a lack of predictive ability of in-vitro testing over in-vivo testing.

The non-animal alternative testing market is fragmented, with a large number of small players in the market. The top ten competitors in the market made up to 8.58% of the total market in 2021. Some of the major developers of alternative testing technologies in the USA include Emulate Inc, Organovo Holdings, MatTek Corporation & EMD Millipore. The major Japanese developers include J-TEC, Reprocell Inc. and Organ Technologies.

Comparative Analysis And Regulatory Landscape
Animal tests including genetic toxicity, eye irritation, skin corrosion, skin sensitivity, and others are costlier when compared to non-animal testing technologies. High costs of animal testing include the cost of the animal, and the animal testing operation costs such as maintenance of animals and cost for human resource personnel. Considering all these, the costs for animal testing methods are higher than non-animal alternative testing methods.

In the USA, there are several regulatory agencies including the US Public Health Service, USDA, IACUS, AAALAC, and EPA that are responsible for animal research and welfare. Regulatory agencies for cosmetics have not mandated animal testing in the USA. However, all other industries including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, chemicals, and pesticides require animal testing for new drugs/chemicals before regulatory approval. In Japan, several regulatory agencies including the ministry of environment, MHLW, MEXT, and MAFF are responsible for conducting animal experiments. Companies in Japan are also trying to follow 3R principles from a legal, ethical and scientific point of view.

Alternative Testing Technologies In End Use Industries
Companies in the USA and Japan are developing alternative testing technologies such as cell and tissue culture (in-vitro), organ-on-chip, and in-silico technologies. Cosmetics and bio-pharma industries use these technologies to evaluate toxicity, efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and safety of a drug or a chemical. These technologies vary by the accuracy in drug screening and selection, efficacy, cost and time of the test results. Alternative technologies are widely adopted by cosmetic companies to understand eye irritation, skin irritation and safety studies of chemicals.

The cosmetics segment occupies the major market share in the alternative testing market followed by the medical devices and pharma industries. This is mainly due to the preference of choosing non-animal technologies by cosmetic companies due to several reasons such as potential cost savings, changing attitudes of consumers, and regulatory changes.

There is a need for validated non-animal alternatives for pharma and other end-use industries; hence, the non-animal alternative testing technology developers should focus on getting OECD approval for their developed technologies. The adoption rate of non-animal alternative testing technologies will be high in developed countries compared to emerging nations; hence, non-animal alternative testing technology developers should focus initially on developed markets. These developers should collaborate with animal welfare organizations for better promotion of their products.

To take advantage of the opportunities, The Business Research Company recommends the animal testing and non-animal alternative testing companies to focus on development of 3D-printed organs for testing, focus on development of OOC (organ-on-chip) for testing, focus on pricing based on economies, provide competitively priced offerings, focus on developing economies, expand in developed markets, continue to focus on business-to-business (B2B) promotions and collaborate with end-user companies.


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Table of Contents
3. List of Figures
4. List of Tables
5. Report Structure
6. Introduction and Market Characteristics
6.1. General Market Definition
6.2. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Definition And Segmentations
6.2.1. Animal Testing
6.2.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing
6.2.3. Facts About Animals In Research - Functional Resemblances Of Animals To Human Body
6.3. Market Segmentation By End-Use Industry
6.3.1. Pharmaceuticals
6.3.2. Academic Research
6.3.3. Medical Devices
6.3.4. Chemicals And Pesticides
6.3.5. Cosmetics
6.3.6. Other End Users
7. Value Chain Analysis
7.1.1. Animal Breeders and Suppliers
7.1.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technology Developers
7.1.3. Regulatory Authorities
7.1.4. Alternative Testing Service Providers
7.1.5. End-Use Industries
7.1.6. Clinical Trials
8. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Trends
8.1. Developments In OOC (organ-on-chip) For Testing
8.2. Adoption Of In Silico Trials
8.3. Use Of Model Organisms
8.4. Focus On 3D-Printed Organs For Testing
8.5. Increasing Collaborations And Partnerships To Reduce Animal Testing
8.6. Rising Initiatives And Grants To Promote Animal-Free Testing
9. Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Technologies
9.1.1. Average Cost Of Laboratory Animals
9.1.2. Average Cost Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Methods
9.1.3. Comparative Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Methods
9.2. Costs Involved In Animal Testing, 2021
10. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Segments
10.1. By End Use Industrial Application
10.1.1. Important Areas of Use
10.1.2. Basic Research
10.1.3. Applied Research
10.1.4. Regulatory Testing
10.1.5. Development Of New Diagnostic Methods
10.1.6. Breeding Of Genetically Altered Animals
10.1.7. Animal Cloning
10.2. End-User Applications
10.3. Animal Testing Market By Animal Type
10.3.1. Mice
10.3.2. Rat
10.3.3. Frogs
10.3.4. Fish
10.3.5. Birds
10.3.6. Guinea pig
10.3.7. Hamster
10.3.8. Rabbits
10.3.9. Sheep
10.3.10. Dogs
10.3.11. Cats
10.3.12. Monkeys
10.3.13. Pigs
10.3.14. Others
11. Number Of Animals Used In Research, By Country
11.1.1. USA
11.1.2. Europe
11.1.3. United Kingdom (UK)
11.1.4. Germany
11.1.5. France
11.1.6. Australia
11.1.7. Canada
11.1.8. China
12. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies By Type And End Use
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Types Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies
12.2.1. Cell Or Tissue Culture (In-Vitro)
12.2.2. Major Cell Culture Developers Worldwide
12.2.3. Organ-On-Chip (OOC)
12.2.4. Global OOC Market Size And Growth
12.2.5. OOC Market Drivers And Restraints
12.2.6. Market Drivers
12.2.7. Market Restraints
12.2.8. In-silico (Computer-Based Models)
12.2.9. Artificial Skin Models (Skin Substitutes)
12.2.10. Other Technologies
13. End-User Industries Adoption Of Alternative Testing Technologies
13.1. Adoption of Alternative Testing Technologies By Type of Industry
13.1.1. Cosmetics Industry
13.1.2. Pharmaceutical Industry
13.1.3. Medical Device Industry
13.1.4. Others
13.2. Adoption of 3R’s In USA
13.2.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.2.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.2.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
13.3. Adoption of 3R’s In China
13.3.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.3.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.3.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
13.4. Adoption of 3R’s In Europe
13.4.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
13.4.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
13.4.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
14. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market
14.1. Global Animal Testing Market Size And Growth
14.1.1. Global Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
14.1.2. Global Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
14.1.3. Animal Testing Market Drivers
14.1.4. Animal Testing Market Restraints
14.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Size And Growth
14.2.1. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
14.2.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Drivers
14.2.3. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Restraints
15. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market, Regional And Country Analysis
16. USA Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
16.1. USA Animal Testing Market
16.1.1. USA Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
16.1.2. USA Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
16.2. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
16.2.1. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
16.3. USA Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
16.3.1. Market By Value And Volume
16.3.2. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
16.4. Regulatory Landscape In The USA
16.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
16.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
16.4.3. USDA & Animal Welfare Act
16.4.4. ICCVAM
16.4.5. FDA
16.4.6. NIH
17. Japan Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.1. Japan Animal Testing Market
17.1.1. Japan Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.1.2. Japan Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
17.2. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.2.1. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.3. Japan Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
17.3.1. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
17.4. Regulatory Landscape In Japan
17.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
17.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
17.4.3. Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals
17.4.4. MHLW, MEXT, And MAFF
18. China Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
18.1. China Animal Testing Market
18.1.1. China Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
18.1.2. China Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
18.2. Regulatory Landscape In China
18.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
18.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
19. Australia Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
19.1. Australia Animal Testing Market
19.1.1. Australia Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
19.1.2. Australia Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
19.2. Regulatory Landscape In Australia
19.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
19.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
20. Europe Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
20.1. Regulatory Landscape In Europe
20.1.1. EU Directive 2010/63
20.2. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
20.2.1. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
21. France Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
21.1. France Animal Testing Market
21.1.1. France Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
21.1.2. France Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
21.2. France Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
21.2.1. Market By Value
21.3. Regulatory Landscape In France
21.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
21.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
22. Germany Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
22.1. Germany Animal Testing Market
22.1.1. Germany Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
22.1.2. Germany Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
22.2. Germany Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
22.2.1. Market By Value
22.3. Regulatory Landscape In Germany
22.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
22.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market
23. UK Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
23.1. UK Animal Testing Market
23.1.1. UK Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
23.1.2. UK Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
23.2. UK Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
23.2.1. Market By Value
23.3. Regulatory Landscape in United Kingdom (UK)
23.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
23.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market
24. Canada Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
24.1. Canada Animal Testing Market
24.1.1. Canada Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
24.1.2. Canada Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
24.2. Regulatory Landscape In Canada
24.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
24.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
25. Rest Of The World Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
25.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market
25.1.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
25.1.2. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
25.2. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
25.2.1. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
25.3. Regulatory Landscape In Rest of the World (RoW)
25.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
25.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
26. Non-Animal Alternatives Testing Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
26.1. Company Profiles
26.2. Cyprotex
26.2.1. Company Overview
26.2.2. Products And Services
26.2.3. Business Strategy
26.2.4. Financial Overview
26.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
26.3.1. Company Overview
26.3.2. Products And Services
26.3.3. Business Strategy
26.3.4. Financial Overview
26.4. BioIVT
26.4.1. Company Overview
26.4.2. Products And Services
26.4.3. Business Strategy
26.4.4. Financial Overview
26.5. Emulate, Inc
26.5.1. Company Overview
26.5.2. Products And Services
26.5.3. Business Strategy
26.5.4. Financial Overview
26.6. MatTek Corporation
26.6.1. Company Overview
26.6.2. Products And Services
26.6.3. Business Strategy
26.6.4. Financial Overview
26.7. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.7.1. Organovo Holdings, Inc
26.7.2. MatTek Corporation
26.7.3. EMD Millipore
26.8. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.8.1. Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. (J-TEC)
26.8.2. ReproCell Inc
26.8.3. Organ Technologies Co, Ltd
26.9. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
26.9.1. Episkin
27. Animal Testing And Non Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies
27.1. Global Animal Testing Market In 2035 – Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
27.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 – Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
27.3. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
27.4. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2025 – Growth Strategies
27.4.1. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Trend Based Strategies
27.4.2. Competitor Strategies
28. Conclusions & Recommendations
28.1. Conclusions
28.2. Recommendations
28.2.1. Product
28.2.2. Price
28.2.3. Place
28.2.4. Promotion
28.2.5. People
29. Appendix
29.1. Glossary
29.2. Market Data Sources
29.3. Research Methodology
29.3.1. OCED Accepted In Vito Tests






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