
電動車いすの世界市場機会と2031年までの戦略Including:1) 製品タイプ別製品タイプ別:中輪駆動電動車いす、前輪駆動電動車いす、後輪駆動電動車いす、立ち乗り電動車いす2)カテゴリー別:成人用、小児用3)用途別:小児用成人用;小児用3)用途別ホームケア; 病院; 外来手術センター; リハビリテーションセンターカバーリング:Invacare Corporation; Sunrise Medical Limited; Pride Mobility Products Corp; Permobil AB; Ottobock SE & Co.KGaA

Electric Wheelchair Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031Including: 1) By Product Type: Center Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Front Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Rear Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Standing Electric Wheelchair2) By Category: Adults; Pediatric3) By Application: Homecare; Hospitals; Ambulatory Surgical Centers; Rehabilitation CentersCovering: Invacare Corporation; Sunrise Medical Limited; Pride Mobility Products Corp; Permobil AB; Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA

この調査レポートは、COVID-19の閉鎖から立ち上がる電動車椅子の世界市場を評価するために必要な重要情報を提供します。 購入の理由 - 12地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真に... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
The Business Research Company (TBRC)
2023年1月31日 US$5,000
314 英語




- 12地域をカバーするこの市場に関する最も包括的なレポートにより、真にグローバルな視点を得ることができます。
- 市場がコロナウイルスによってどのような影響を受けているのか、またウイルスの影響が和らぐにつれてどのように市場が立ち上がり、成長していくのかを理解することができます。
- 現地のデータと分析に基づき、地域別および国別の戦略を策定する。
- 投資の対象となる成長セグメントを特定する。
- 予測データと市場を形成するドライバーとトレンドを活用し、競合他社を凌駕する。
- 最新の市場調査結果に基づいて顧客を理解する。
- 主要な競合他社とのパフォーマンスの比較
- 主要データセット間の関係を活用し、優れた戦略を立てる。
- 信頼性の高い高品質なデータと分析により、社内外のプレゼンテーションをサポートします。


-イントロダクションと市場の特徴 - 電動車いす市場の定義と説明、市場の対象セグメントを簡単に紹介しています。
-主要動向 - 世界の電動車椅子市場を形成している主要動向にハイライトを当てています。また、今後の市場動向についても紹介します。
-市場セグメンテーション - 市場における製品タイプ別、カテゴリー別、用途別セグメントの市場価値(2016-2031年)と分析を収録しています。
-地域別の市場規模と成長 - 地域別の市場規模(2021年)、過去(2016年~2021年)と予測(2021年~2026年)、(2026年~2031年)の市場価値、地域内の国の成長と市場シェアの比較を掲載しています。本レポートには、アジア太平洋、西欧、東欧、北米、南米、中東、アフリカの全地域と各地域内の主要国に関する情報が含まれています。
-競合情勢 - 市場の競合情勢の詳細、推定市場シェア、主要企業のプロファイルを掲載しています。
-主要なM&A - レポートでカバーしている市場における最近のM&Aに関する情報です。このセクションでは、近年の市場を形成したM&Aに関する主要な財務情報を提供します。
-市場機会と戦略 - 調査結果に基づく市場機会と戦略について、国やセグメントごとの成長機会やそれらの市場で取るべき戦略に関する情報を交えて記述しています。
-結論と提言 - 電動車椅子プロバイダーに対する製品/サービスの提供、地理的拡大、マーケティング戦略、ターゲットグループに関する提言が含まれています。
-付録 - このセクションには、本レポートで使用されているNAICSコード、略語、通貨コードの詳細が含まれています。


1) 製品タイプ別中輪駆動電動車椅子、前輪駆動電動車椅子、後輪駆動電動車椅子、立ち乗り電動車椅子、その他製品
2) カテゴリー別成人用;小児用
3) 用途別在宅医療;病院;外来手術センター;リハビリセンター;その他用途

言及された企業Invacare Corporation; Sunrise Medical Limited; Pride Mobility Products Corp; Permobil AB; Ottobock SE & Co.KGaA


地域アジア太平洋; 西ヨーロッパ; 東ヨーロッパ; 北アメリカ; 南アメリカ; 中東; アフリカ













世界の電動車いす市場は細分化されており、小規模なプレーヤーが多数存在する。2021年には上位10社が市場全体の17.13%を占めている。これは、特定の地域の顧客にサービスを提供する多数のローカルプレーヤーが市場に存在するためである。Invacare Corporationが市場シェア4.15%で最も大きく、Sunrise Medical Limitedが3.69%、Pride Mobility Products Corpが2.70%、Permobil ABが2.64%、Ottobock SE & Co.KGaAが2.30%、ゴールデン・テクノロジーズが0.74%、ドライブ・メディカルが0.43%、ホバーランド・コーポレーションが0.31%、GFヘルス・プロダクツが0.10%、カルマンヘルスケアが0.07%となっている。







1.Executive Summary
2.Table of Contents
3.List of Figures
4.List of Tables
5.Report Structure
6.Introduction and Market Characteristics
6.1.General Market Definition
6.3.Electric Wheelchair Market Definition and Segmentations
6.4.Market Segmentation By Product Type
6.4.1.Center Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.2.Front Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.3.Rear Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.4.Standing Electric Wheelchair
6.4.5.Other Products
6.5.Market Segmentation By Category
6.6.Market Segmentation By Application
6.6.3.Ambulatory Surgical Centers
6.6.4.Rehabilitation Centers
6.6.5.Other Applications
7.Major Market Trends
7.1.Smart Wheelchair
7.2.Next Generation Rear-Wheelchair
7.3.Venerable E-Motion Power-Assist System
7.4.New Lightweight Electric Wheelchair
7.5.Technology Advancement
7.6.Strategic Partnership And Collaborations
8.Global Market Size And Growth
8.1.Market Size
8.2.Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
8.2.1.Market Drivers 2016 – 2021
8.2.2.Market Restraints 2016 – 2021
8.3.Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
8.3.1.Market Drivers 2021 – 2026
8.3.2.Market Restraints 2021 – 2026
9.Global Market Segmentation
9.1.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
9.2.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
9.3.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
10.Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis
10.1.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
10.2.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.Asia-Pacific Market
11.2.Market Overview
11.2.1.Region Information
11.2.2.Market Information
11.2.3.Background Information
11.2.4.Government Initiatives
11.2.6.Regulatory Bodies
11.2.7.Major Associations
11.2.8.Taxes Levied
11.2.9.Corporate Tax Structure
11.2.11.Major Companies
11.3.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.4.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.5.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.6.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.7.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.8.Asia Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
11.9.China Market
11.11.Market Overview
11.11.1.Country Information
11.11.2.Market Information
11.11.3.Background Information
11.11.4.Government Initiatives
11.11.6.Regulatory Bodies
11.11.7. Major Associations
11.11.8. Taxes Levied
11.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure
11.11.10. Investments
11.11.11. Major Companies
11.12. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.13. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.14. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.15. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.16. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.17. India Market
11.18. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.19. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.20. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.21. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.22. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.23. Japan Market
11.24. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.25. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.26. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.27. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.28. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.29. Australia Market
11.30. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.31. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.32. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.33. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.34. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.35. Indonesia Market
11.36. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.37. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.38. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.39. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.40. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.41. South Korea Market
11.42. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.43. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.44. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.45. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.46. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12. Western Europe Market
12.1. Summary
12.2. Market Overview
12.2.1. Region Information
12.2.2. Market Information
12.2.3. Background information
12.2.4. Government Initiatives
12.2.5. Regulations
12.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
12.2.7. Major Associations
12.2.8. Taxes Levied
12.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure
12.2.10. Investments
12.2.11. Major Companies
12.3. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.4. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.5. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.6. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.7. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.8. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
12.9. UK Market
12.10. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.11. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.12. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.13. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.14. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.15. Germany Market
12.16. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.17. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.18. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.19. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.20. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.21. France Market
12.22. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.23. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.24. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.25. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.26. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13. Eastern Europe Market
13.1. Summary
13.2. Market Overview
13.2.1. Region Information
13.2.2. Market Information
13.2.3. Background Information
13.2.4. Government Initiatives
13.2.5. Regulation
13.2.6. Major Associations
13.2.7. Taxes Levied
13.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
13.2.9. Major Companies
13.3. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
13.4. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
13.5. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.6. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.7. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.8. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
13.9. Russia Market
13.10. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
13.11. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
13.12. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.13. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.14. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14. North America Market
14.1. Summary
14.2. Market Overview
14.2.1. Region Information
14.2.2. Market Information
14.2.3. Background Information
14.2.4. Government Initiatives
14.2.5. Regulations
14.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
14.2.7. Taxes Levied
14.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
14.2.9. Investments
14.2.10. Major Companies
14.3. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
14.4. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
14.5. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.6. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.7. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.8. North America Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
14.9. USA Market
14.10. Summary
14.11. Market Overview
14.11.1. Region Information
14.11.2. Market Information
14.11.3. Background Information
14.11.4. Government Initiatives
14.11.5. Regulations
14.11.6. Regulatory Bodies
14.11.7. Taxes Levied
14.11.8. Corporate Tax Structure
14.11.9. Investments
14.11.10. Major Companies
14.12. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
14.13. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
14.14. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.15. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.16. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15. South America Market
15.1. Summary
15.2. Market Overview
15.2.1. Region Information
15.2.2. Market Information
15.2.3. Background Information
15.2.4. Government Initiatives
15.2.5. Regulations
15.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
15.2.7. Major Associations
15.2.8. Taxes Levied
15.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure
15.2.10. Investments
15.2.11. Major Companies
15.3. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
15.4. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
15.5. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.6. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.7. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.8. South America Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
15.9. Brazil Market
15.10. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
15.11. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
15.12. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.13. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.14. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16. Middle East Market
16.1. Summary
16.2. Market Overview
16.2.1. Region Information
16.2.2. Market Information
16.2.3. Background Information
16.2.4. Government Initiatives
16.2.5. Regulations
16.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
16.2.7. Major Association
16.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
16.2.9. Investments
16.2.10. Major Companies
16.3. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
16.4. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
16.5. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16.6. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16.7. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17. Africa Market
17.1. Summary
17.2. Market Overview
17.2.1. Region Information
17.2.2. Market Information
17.2.3. Background information
17.2.4. Government Initiatives
17.2.5. Regulatory Bodies
17.2.6. Major Associations
17.2.7. Taxes levied
17.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
17.2.9. Investments
17.2.10. Major Companies
17.3. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
17.4. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
17.5. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17.6. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17.7. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
18.1. Company Profiles
18.2. Invacare Corporation
18.2.1. Company Overview
18.2.2. Products And Services
18.2.3. Business Strategy
18.2.4. Financial Overview
18.3. Sunrise Medical Limited
18.3.1. Company Overview
18.3.2. Products And Services
18.3.3. Business Strategy
18.3.4. Financial Overview
18.4. Pride Mobility Products Corp
18.4.1. Company Overview
18.4.2. Products And Services
18.4.3. Business Strategy
18.4.4. Financial Overview
18.5. Permobil AB
18.5.1. Company Overview
18.5.2. Products And Services
18.5.3. Business Strategy
18.5.4. Financial Overview
18.6. Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
18.6.1. Company Overview
18.6.2. Products And Services
18.6.3. Business Strategy
18.6.4. Financial Overview
19. Key Mergers and Acquisitions
19.1. Sunrise Medical Acquired The Helping Hand Company, Now Tech
19.2. Etac Acquired Ki Mobility
19.3. G.F. Health Products Inc Acquired Gendron
19.4. Sunrise Medical Acquired Oracing
19.5. Numotion Acquired Monroe Wheelchair
19.6. HIG Europe Acquired Meyra Group And Alu Rehab
20. Global Electric Wheelchair Market Opportunities And Strategies
20.1. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
20.2. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
20.3. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies
20.3.1. Market Trend Based Strategies
20.3.2. Competitor Strategies
21. Electric Wheelchair Market, Conclusions And Recommendations
21.1. Conclusions
22.1.Market Data Sources
22.2.Research Methodology
22.4.The Business Research Company
22.5.Copyright and Disclaimer





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• Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high-quality data and analysis

Where is the largest and fastest-growing market for electric wheelchair? How does the market relate to the overall economy; demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The electric wheelchair market global report from The Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.
The report covers market characteristics; size and growth; segmentation; regional and country breakdowns; competitive landscape; market shares; trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s history and forecasts market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider electric wheelchair market; and compares it with other markets.

The report covers the following chapters
•Introduction and Market Characteristics - Brief introduction to the segmentations covered in the market, definitions and explanations about electric wheelchair market.
•Key Trends - Highlights the major trends shaping the global electric wheelchair market. This section also highlights likely future developments in the market.
•Global Market Size and Growth - Global historic (2016-2021) and forecast (2021-2026), and (2026-2031) market values, and drivers and restraints that support and control the growth of the market in the historic and forecast periods.
•Regional And Country Analysis - Historic (2016-2021) and forecast (2021-2026), and (2026-2031) market values and growth and market share comparison by region and country.
•Market Segmentation - Contains the market values (2016-2031) and analysis for for segment by product type, by category and by application in the market.
•Regional Market Size and Growth - Regional market size (2021), historic (2016-2021) and forecast (2021-2026), and (2026-2031) market values, and growth and market share comparison of countries within the region. This report includes information on all the regions Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa and major countries within each region.
•Competitive Landscape - Details on the competitive landscape of the market, estimated market shares and company profiles of the leading players.
•Key Mergers and Acquisitions - Information on recent mergers and acquisitions in the market covered in the report. This section gives key financial details of mergers and acquisitions, which have shaped the market in recent years.
•Market Opportunities And Strategies - Describes market opportunities and strategies based on findings of the research, with information on growth opportunities across countries, segments and strategies to be followed in those markets.
•Conclusions And Recommendations - Includes recommendations for electric wheelchair providers in terms of product/service offerings, geographic expansion, marketing strategies and target groups.
•Appendix - This section includes details on the NAICS codes covered, abbreviations and currencies codes used in this report.


Markets Covered:
1) By Product Type: Center Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Front Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Rear Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair; Standing Electric Wheelchair; Other Products
2) By Category: Adults; Pediatric
3) By Application: Homecare; Hospitals; Ambulatory Surgical Centers; Rehabilitation Centers; Other Applications

Companies Mentioned: Invacare Corporation; Sunrise Medical Limited; Pride Mobility Products Corp; Permobil AB; Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA

Countries: China; Australia; India; Indonesia; Japan; South Korea; USA; Brazil; France; Germany; UK; Russia

Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa

Time-series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.

Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets; GDP proportions; expenditure per capita; electric wheelchair indicators comparison.

Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data; market share of competitors; market segments.

Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.

This report describes and explains the electric wheelchair market and covers 2016 to 2021, termed the historic period, and 2021 to 2026 termed the forecast period, along with further forecasts for the period 2026-2031. The report evaluates the market across each region and for the major economies within each region.

The electric wheelchair market reached a value of nearly $3,663.2 million in 2021, having grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% since 2016. The market is expected to grow from $3,663.2 million in 2021 to $6,756.3 million in 2026 at a rate of 13.0%. The market is then expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2026 and reach $10,070.3 million in 2031.

Growth in the historic period resulted from rapid rise in orthopedic surgeries, growth in incidences of obesity, rapid growth in geriatric population and regulations favoring disabled friendly places. Factors that negatively affected growth in the historic period were political uncertainties, low healthcare reimbursements and insufficient training to caregivers for operating electric wheelchair.

Going forward, increasing government initiatives, growing demand for electric mobility devices for people with disability, healthcare infrastructure improvements and rise in healthcare expenditure will drive the growth. Factors that could hinder the growth of the electric wheelchair market in the future include limited battery capacity and challenges due to regulatory changes.

The electric wheelchair market is segmented by product type into center wheel drive electric wheelchair, front wheel drive electric wheelchair, rear wheel drive electric wheelchair, standing electric wheelchair and other product types. The center wheel drive electric wheelchair market was the largest segment of the electric wheelchair market segmented by product type, accounting for 37.2% of the total in 2021. Going forward, the front wheel drive electric wheelchair segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the electric wheelchair market segmented by product type, at a CAGR of 13.8% during 2021-2026.

The electric wheelchair market is segmented by category into adults and paediatric. The adults market was the largest segment of the electric wheelchair market segmented by category, accounting for 81.0% of the total in 2021. Going forward, the adults segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the electric wheelchair market segmented by category, at a CAGR of 13.1% during 2021-2026.

The electric wheelchair market is segmented by application into homecare, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centres, rehabilitation centres, others. The homecare market was the largest segment of the electric wheelchair market segmented by application, accounting for 37.2% of the total in 2021. Going forward, the homecare segment is expected to be the fastest growing segment in the electric wheelchair market segmented by application, at a CAGR of 13.8% during 2021-2026.

North America was the largest region in the electric wheelchair market, accounting for 36.6% of the total in 2021. It was followed by Asia Pacific, Western Europe and then the other regions. Going forward, the fastest-growing regions in the electric wheelchair market will be Asia Pacific and North America where growth will be at CAGRs of 14.3% and 13.6% respectively. These will be followed by Western Europe and South America where the markets are expected to grow at CAGRs of 13.4% and 10.5% respectively.

The Global electric wheelchair market is fragmented, with a large number of small players. The top ten competitors in the market made up to 17.13% of the total market in 2021. This can be due to the existence of number of local players in the market serving customers in particular geographies. Invacare Corporation was the largest competitor with 4.15% share of the market, followed by Sunrise Medical Limited with 3.69%, Pride Mobility Products Corp with 2.70%, Permobil AB with 2.64%, Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA with 2.30%, Golden Technologies with 0.74%, Drive Medical Ltd with 0.43%, Hoveround Corporation with 0.31%, GF Health Products with 0.10% and Karman Healthcare with 0.07%.

The top opportunities in the electric wheelchair market segmented by product type will arise in the center wheel drive electric wheelchair segment, which will gain $1,141.6 million of global annual sales by 2026. The top opportunities in the electric wheelchair market segmented by category will arise in the adults segment, which will gain $2,520.6 million of global annual sales by 2026. The top opportunities in the electric wheelchair market segmented by application will arise in the homecare segment, which will gain $1,234.7 million of global annual sales by 2026. The electric wheelchair market size will gain the most in USA at $1,055.2 million.

Market-trend-based strategies for the electric wheelchair market include focus on launching smart wheelchair, next generation rear-wheelchair, venerable e-motion power-assist system, new lightweight electric wheelchair, technology advancement and focus on strategic partnership and collaborations.

Player-adopted strategies in the electric wheelchair market includes focus on strengthening business operations through the launch of new products, offering innovative solutions through strategic partnerships and collaborations, offering flexible solutions to its customers through the launch of portable power chairs, addressing functional, social and medical needs of users through the launch of innovative products and enhancing portfolio of products through the launch of user-friendly products.

To take advantage of the opportunities, The Business Research Company recommends the companies in the electric wheelchair market to focus on smart wheelchairs, focus on wheelchairs with venerable e-motion power assist systems, focus on lightweight electric wheelchairs, expand in emerging markets, continue to focus on developed markets, focus on strategic partnerships and collaborations, offer competitive pricing, participate in trade shows and events and continue to target fast-growing applications.


Table of Contents

1.Executive Summary
2.Table of Contents
3.List of Figures
4.List of Tables
5.Report Structure
6.Introduction and Market Characteristics
6.1.General Market Definition
6.3.Electric Wheelchair Market Definition and Segmentations
6.4.Market Segmentation By Product Type
6.4.1.Center Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.2.Front Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.3.Rear Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchair
6.4.4.Standing Electric Wheelchair
6.4.5.Other Products
6.5.Market Segmentation By Category
6.6.Market Segmentation By Application
6.6.3.Ambulatory Surgical Centers
6.6.4.Rehabilitation Centers
6.6.5.Other Applications
7.Major Market Trends
7.1.Smart Wheelchair
7.2.Next Generation Rear-Wheelchair
7.3.Venerable E-Motion Power-Assist System
7.4.New Lightweight Electric Wheelchair
7.5.Technology Advancement
7.6.Strategic Partnership And Collaborations
8.Global Market Size And Growth
8.1.Market Size
8.2.Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
8.2.1.Market Drivers 2016 – 2021
8.2.2.Market Restraints 2016 – 2021
8.3.Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
8.3.1.Market Drivers 2021 – 2026
8.3.2.Market Restraints 2021 – 2026
9.Global Market Segmentation
9.1.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
9.2.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
9.3.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
10.Global Market, Regional And Country Analysis
10.1.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
10.2.Global Electric Wheelchair Market, By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.Asia-Pacific Market
11.2.Market Overview
11.2.1.Region Information
11.2.2.Market Information
11.2.3.Background Information
11.2.4.Government Initiatives
11.2.6.Regulatory Bodies
11.2.7.Major Associations
11.2.8.Taxes Levied
11.2.9.Corporate Tax Structure
11.2.11.Major Companies
11.3.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.4.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.5.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.6.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.7.Asia-Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.8.Asia Pacific Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
11.9.China Market
11.11.Market Overview
11.11.1.Country Information
11.11.2.Market Information
11.11.3.Background Information
11.11.4.Government Initiatives
11.11.6.Regulatory Bodies
11.11.7. Major Associations
11.11.8. Taxes Levied
11.11.9. Corporate Tax Structure
11.11.10. Investments
11.11.11. Major Companies
11.12. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.13. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.14. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.15. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.16. China Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.17. India Market
11.18. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.19. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.20. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.21. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.22. India Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.23. Japan Market
11.24. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.25. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.26. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.27. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.28. Japan Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.29. Australia Market
11.30. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.31. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.32. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.33. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.34. Australia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.35. Indonesia Market
11.36. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.37. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.38. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.39. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.40. Indonesia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.41. South Korea Market
11.42. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
11.43. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
11.44. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.45. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
11.46. South Korea Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12. Western Europe Market
12.1. Summary
12.2. Market Overview
12.2.1. Region Information
12.2.2. Market Information
12.2.3. Background information
12.2.4. Government Initiatives
12.2.5. Regulations
12.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
12.2.7. Major Associations
12.2.8. Taxes Levied
12.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure
12.2.10. Investments
12.2.11. Major Companies
12.3. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.4. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.5. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.6. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.7. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.8. Western Europe Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
12.9. UK Market
12.10. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.11. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.12. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.13. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.14. UK Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.15. Germany Market
12.16. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.17. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.18. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.19. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.20. Germany Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.21. France Market
12.22. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
12.23. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
12.24. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.25. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
12.26. France Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13. Eastern Europe Market
13.1. Summary
13.2. Market Overview
13.2.1. Region Information
13.2.2. Market Information
13.2.3. Background Information
13.2.4. Government Initiatives
13.2.5. Regulation
13.2.6. Major Associations
13.2.7. Taxes Levied
13.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
13.2.9. Major Companies
13.3. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
13.4. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
13.5. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.6. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.7. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.8. Eastern Europe Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
13.9. Russia Market
13.10. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
13.11. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
13.12. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.13. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
13.14. Russia Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14. North America Market
14.1. Summary
14.2. Market Overview
14.2.1. Region Information
14.2.2. Market Information
14.2.3. Background Information
14.2.4. Government Initiatives
14.2.5. Regulations
14.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
14.2.7. Taxes Levied
14.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
14.2.9. Investments
14.2.10. Major Companies
14.3. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
14.4. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
14.5. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.6. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.7. North America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.8. North America Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
14.9. USA Market
14.10. Summary
14.11. Market Overview
14.11.1. Region Information
14.11.2. Market Information
14.11.3. Background Information
14.11.4. Government Initiatives
14.11.5. Regulations
14.11.6. Regulatory Bodies
14.11.7. Taxes Levied
14.11.8. Corporate Tax Structure
14.11.9. Investments
14.11.10. Major Companies
14.12. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
14.13. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
14.14. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.15. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
14.16. USA Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15. South America Market
15.1. Summary
15.2. Market Overview
15.2.1. Region Information
15.2.2. Market Information
15.2.3. Background Information
15.2.4. Government Initiatives
15.2.5. Regulations
15.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
15.2.7. Major Associations
15.2.8. Taxes Levied
15.2.9. Corporate Tax Structure
15.2.10. Investments
15.2.11. Major Companies
15.3. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
15.4. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
15.5. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.6. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.7. South America Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.8. South America Electric Wheelchair Market: Country Analysis
15.9. Brazil Market
15.10. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
15.11. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
15.12. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.13. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
15.14. Brazil Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16. Middle East Market
16.1. Summary
16.2. Market Overview
16.2.1. Region Information
16.2.2. Market Information
16.2.3. Background Information
16.2.4. Government Initiatives
16.2.5. Regulations
16.2.6. Regulatory Bodies
16.2.7. Major Association
16.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
16.2.9. Investments
16.2.10. Major Companies
16.3. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
16.4. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
16.5. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16.6. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
16.7. Middle East Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17. Africa Market
17.1. Summary
17.2. Market Overview
17.2.1. Region Information
17.2.2. Market Information
17.2.3. Background information
17.2.4. Government Initiatives
17.2.5. Regulatory Bodies
17.2.6. Major Associations
17.2.7. Taxes levied
17.2.8. Corporate Tax Structure
17.2.9. Investments
17.2.10. Major Companies
17.3. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Historic Market Growth, 2016 – 2021, Value ($ Million)
17.4. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Forecast Market Growth, 2021 – 2026, 2031F Value ($ Million)
17.5. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Product Type, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17.6. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Category, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
17.7. Africa Electric Wheelchair Market, Segmentation By Application, Historic And Forecast, 2016 – 2021, 2026F, 2031F, Value ($ Million)
18. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
18.1. Company Profiles
18.2. Invacare Corporation
18.2.1. Company Overview
18.2.2. Products And Services
18.2.3. Business Strategy
18.2.4. Financial Overview
18.3. Sunrise Medical Limited
18.3.1. Company Overview
18.3.2. Products And Services
18.3.3. Business Strategy
18.3.4. Financial Overview
18.4. Pride Mobility Products Corp
18.4.1. Company Overview
18.4.2. Products And Services
18.4.3. Business Strategy
18.4.4. Financial Overview
18.5. Permobil AB
18.5.1. Company Overview
18.5.2. Products And Services
18.5.3. Business Strategy
18.5.4. Financial Overview
18.6. Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
18.6.1. Company Overview
18.6.2. Products And Services
18.6.3. Business Strategy
18.6.4. Financial Overview
19. Key Mergers and Acquisitions
19.1. Sunrise Medical Acquired The Helping Hand Company, Now Tech
19.2. Etac Acquired Ki Mobility
19.3. G.F. Health Products Inc Acquired Gendron
19.4. Sunrise Medical Acquired Oracing
19.5. Numotion Acquired Monroe Wheelchair
19.6. HIG Europe Acquired Meyra Group And Alu Rehab
20. Global Electric Wheelchair Market Opportunities And Strategies
20.1. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
20.2. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
20.3. Global Electric Wheelchair Market In 2026 – Growth Strategies
20.3.1. Market Trend Based Strategies
20.3.2. Competitor Strategies
21. Electric Wheelchair Market, Conclusions And Recommendations
21.1. Conclusions
22.1.Market Data Sources
22.2.Research Methodology
22.4.The Business Research Company
22.5.Copyright and Disclaimer






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