![]() 非CRISPRゲノム編集療法市場:ジンクフィンガーヌクレアーゼ(ZFNs)、転写活性化因子様エフェクターヌクレアーゼ(TALENs)、メガヌクレアーゼ編集療法に注目支払タイプ別分布(契約一時金とマイルストーン)および地域別分布(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他の地域):業界動向と世界予測、2022-2035年Non-CRISPR Genome Editing Therapy Market: Focus on Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs), Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs) and Meganucleases Edited Therapies: Distribution by Type of Payment (Upfront and Milestone Payment) and Distribution by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035 ゲノム編集療法市場の予測値は2022年に4.5億米ドルとなり、予測期間2022-2035年には年平均成長率18%で成長すると予測されている。 1970年代、最初の部位特異的制限酵素であるHind IIの画期的な単離は、バイオ... もっと見る
サマリーゲノム編集療法市場の予測値は2022年に4.5億米ドルとなり、予測期間2022-2035年には年平均成長率18%で成長すると予測されている。1970年代、最初の部位特異的制限酵素であるHind IIの画期的な単離は、バイオテクノロジーの分野において極めて重要な出来事であった。この記念碑的発見は、科学的理解の飛躍的前進を意味するだけでなく、ゲノム・レベルでの生物操作の基礎を築いた。この画期的な発見により、基礎生命科学と応用生命科学の両分野において、前例のない可能性が開かれたのである。1980年代に入ると、ヒト・インスリンを含む世界初の遺伝子組み換え医薬品であるヒュムリン®が米国FDAによって承認され、私たちは新たなマイルストーンを目の当たりにした。これは、遺伝子工学の可能性を治療目的に活用するための重要な一歩となった。ジンクフィンガー・ヌクレアーゼ(ZFN)、転写活性化因子様エフェクター・ヌクレアーゼ(TALEN)、エンジニアード・メガヌクレアーゼ(EMN)、クラスター化規則的インタースペース短パリンドロミック反復配列(CRISPR)など、DNA改変技術のその後の進歩は、遺伝子工学とゲノム編集を科学的革新の最前線に押し上げた。 これらの最先端技術により、研究者はさまざまな細胞タイプや生物において正確で配列特異的な改変を行うことができるようになり、生物学的研究や医療介入へのアプローチ方法に革命をもたらしている。遺伝子編集技術は基礎研究のために広範に研究され続けているが、その治療的可能性は製薬・バイオテクノロジー分野の一部の利害関係者にとって焦点となっている。この焦点の一因は、医薬品開発者に知的財産を独占的に管理させるサロゲート・ライセンシング・モデルの採用であり、それによってこの分野の研究開発の軌道に影響を及ぼしている。 特に臨床試験は、感染症や腫瘍性疾患に焦点を当てている。しかし、血液疾患、遺伝性疾患、神経疾患をターゲットにした製品候補では、現在、発見段階と前臨床段階にあり、注目すべき進歩が見られる。このような多様なアプローチは、遺伝子編集技術がさまざまな健康上の課題に対処する上で多用途かつ広範な可能性を秘めていることを強調するものである。 この急成長分野は20億米ドルという多額の投資を集め、戦略的パートナーシップを促進し、予測期間中に予想される持続的な市場成長の舞台を整えている。この前例のない科学的進歩の時代を乗り切るにあたり、バイオテクノロジーと医学の融合は、ヘルスケアとその先にある変革的ブレークスルーを約束するものである。 調査範囲 ZFN、TALEN、メガヌクレアーゼ療法の現状と今後の進化に関する主な研究洞察。 遺伝子編集の紹介、ツールの進化、ZFN、TALEN、メガヌクレアーゼの詳細(構造、メカニズム、利点、課題、将来展望など)。 詳細な市場展望、開発段階、標的適応症、ZFNs、TALENs、メガヌクレアーゼ治療に関わる企業などのパラメータを分析。 Eloborated社は、この分野の主要企業のプロフィールを掲載し、会社概要、医薬品候補、財務情報、最近の開発状況、将来の展望をカバーしています。 終了した臨床試験と進行中の臨床試験の詳細、試験パラメータ、積極的な業界関係者、試験地などを紹介。 ZFN、TALEN、メガヌクレアーゼ療法に関する科学論文について、発表年、治療フォーカス、トップジャーナル、著者を考慮したレビューを掲載。 2017-2021年に関連プロジェクトに授与された学術助成金(助成金の詳細、受領団体を含む)。 研究開発契約、合併、買収、ライセンス契約を含む、2021年までの同領域における詳細なパートナーシップ。 2021年までの同分野における資金調達と投資を詳しく分析し、助成金、ベンチャーキャピタルからの資金調達、IPOなどのパラメータに基づいて分類。 2021年までのZFN、TALEN、メガヌクレアーゼの出願/付与特許について、特許タイプ、発行機関、主要業界プレイヤーを考慮した詳細な分析。 出版物、引用、臨床試験への参加、所属、専門家ネットワークに基づいて専門性を評価した、この領域の主要オピニオンリーダー(KOL)の精緻なリスト。 様々な開発段階にあるCRISPR/Casベースの治療薬に関するケーススタディ。 主要市場企業 Allogene Therapeutics ブルーバード・バイオ Cellectis サイトビア・セラピューティクス Iovance Therapeutics プレシジョン・バイオサイエンシズ サンガモ・セラピューティクス 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Overview of Genome Editing 3.2. Evolution of Genome Editing Tools 3.3. Types of Genomes Editing Tools 3.4. Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs): An Overview 3.4.1. Structure of ZFNs 3.4.2. Mechanism of Action 3.5. Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs): An Overview 3.5.1. Structure of TALENs 3.5.2. Mechanism of Action 3.6. Meganucleases: An Overview 3.6.1. Structure of Meganucleases 3.6.2. Mechanism of Action 3.7. Genome Editing Tools: Advantages and Disadvantages 3.8. Future Perspectives 4. ZFNS, TALENS AND MEGANUCLEASES BASED THERAPEUTICS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Pipeline Review: ZFNs 4.1.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.1.2. Analysis by Biological Target(s) 4.1.3. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle 4.1.4. Analysis by Target Indication(s) 4.1.5. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 4.1.6. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.2. Pipeline Review: TALENS 4.2.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.2.2. Analysis by Target Indication(s) 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Cells 4.2.4. Analysis by Biological Target(s) and Developer 4.2.5. Analysis by Cell / Gene Therapy 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.2.7. Analysis by Gene Editing Approach 4.2.8. Analysis by Route of Administration 4.3. Pipeline Review: Meganucleases 4.3.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.3.2. Analysis by Gene Editing Approach 4.3.3. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle 4.3.4. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 4.3.5. Analysis by Route of Administration 4.3.6. Analysis by Type of Cells 4.3.7. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.3.8. Analysis by Biological Target(s) 4.4. Non-CRISPR based Gene Editing Therapies: Developer Landscape 4.4.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.4.2. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.4.3. Analysis by Geographical Region 4.4.4. Analysis by Company Size 4.4.5. Analysis by Type of Player 4.4.6. Analysis by Gene Editing Technologies 5. COMPANY PROFILES 5.1. Allogene Therapeutics 5.1.1. Company Overview 5.1.2. Drug Portfolio 5.1.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.2. Bluebird Bio 5.2.1. Company Overview 5.2.2. Financial Information 5.2.3. Drug Portfolio 5.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.3. Cellectis 5.3.1. Company Overview 5.3.2. Financial Information 5.3.3. Drug Portfolio 5.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.4. Cytovia Therapeutics 5.4.1. Company Overview 5.4.2. Drug Portfolio 5.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.5. Iovance Therapeutics 5.5.1. Company Overview 5.5.2. Drug Portfolio 5.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.6. Precision Biosciences 5.6.1. Company Overview 5.6.2. Financial Information 5.6.3. Drug Portfolio 5.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.7. Sangamo Therapeutics 5.7.1. Company Overview 5.7.2. Financial Information 5.7.3. Drug Portfolio 5.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6. CLINICAL TRIALS ANALYSIS 6.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 6.2. List of Clinical Trials focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 6.2.1. Analysis by Trial Status 6.2.2. Analysis by Trial Registration Year 6.2.3. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 6.2.4. Analysis by Trial Phase 6.2.5. Analysis by Study Design 6.2.6. Year-wise Trend of Completed and Recruiting Trials 6.2.7. Analysis by Phase and Patient Enrollment 6.2.8. Analysis by Type of Sponsor 6.2.9. Analysis by Patient Enrollment 6.2.10. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 6.2.11. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials 6.2.12. Analysis by Trial Location 7. PUBLICATION ANALYSIS 7.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 7.2. List of Publications focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 7.3. Publication Analysis: ZFNs 7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.3.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 7.3.3. ZFNs: Emerging Focus Areas 7.3.4. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.3.5. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4. Publication Analysis: TALENs 7.4.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.4.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 7.4.3. TALENs: Emerging Focus Areas 7.4.4. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4.5. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4. Publication Analysis: Meganucleases 7.4.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.4.2. Meganucleases: Emerging Focus Areas 7.4.3. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4.4. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 8. ACADEMIC GRANTS ANALYSIS 8.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 8.2. List of Academic Grants focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 8.3. Analysis by Year of Grant Award 8.4. Analysis by Amount Awarded 8.5. Analysis by Type of Funding Institute Center 8.6. Analysis by Activity Code 8.7. Analysis by Support Period 8.8. Prominent Program Officers: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.9. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 8.9. Analysis by Type of Grant Application 8.10. Analysis by Funding Institute Center and Support Period 8.11. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Number of Grants and Amount Awarded 8.12. Popular Type of Recipient Organization: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.14. Popular Type of Recipient Organization: Analysis by Amount Awarded 8.15. Popular NIH Departments: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.16. Analysis by Study Section 8.17. Analysis by Purpose of Grant 8.18. Analysis by Amount Awarded and Purpose of Grant 8.19. Analysis by Location of Recipients 9. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 9.1. List of Partnerships and Collaborations focused on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases editing Therapies 9.2. Analysis by Year of Partnership 9.3. Analysis by Type of Partnership 9.4. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 9.5. Analysis by Type of Technology 9.6. Spider Web Analysis: Type of Technology and Type of Agreement 9.7. Analysis by Type of Partner 9.8. Active Partners 9.9. Analysis by Year and Type of Partner 9.10. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 9.11. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 9.12. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 9.13. Licensing Deals: Analysis by Upfront and Milestone Payment 9.14. Analysis by Technology and Licensing Amount 9.15. Geographical Distribution 9.16. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 10. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Gene Editing Therapies- Focus on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases: List of Funding Instances 10.2. Analysis by Year of Funding 10.3. Analysis by Amount Invested 10.4. Analysis by Type of Funding 10.5. Analysis by Year, Type of Funding and Amount Invested 10.6. Analysis by Type of Funding and Amount Invested 10.7. Industry Players: Analysis by Type of Funding 10.8 Analysis by Geographical Regions 10.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Invested 10.9. Key Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.10. Analysis of Amount Invested by Technology 10.11. Analysis by Amount Invested by Therapeutic Area 11. PATENT ANALYSIS 11.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 11.2. Patent Analysis: ZFNs 11.2.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.2.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.2.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.2.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.2.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.2.6. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 11.2.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.2.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.2.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.2.10. ZFNs: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.2.11. ZFNs: Patent Valuation Analysis 11.3. Patent Analysis: TALENs 11.3.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.3.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.3.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.3.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.3.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 11.3.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.3.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.3.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.3.10. TALENs: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.3.11. TALENs: Patent Valuation Analysis 11.4. Patent Analysis: Meganucleases 11.4.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.4.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.4.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.4.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.4.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.4.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 11.4.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.4.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.4.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.4.10. Meganucleases: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.4.11. Meganucleases: Patent Valuation Analysis 12. KEY INSIGHTS ON KOLs 12.1. Analysis Methodology 12.2. Key Parameters / Assumptions 12.3. Analysis by Type of Organization 12.4. Regional Analysis 12.5. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 12.6. Analysis by Current Organization 12.7. Leading KOLs by Roots Analysis Proprietary Scores 12.8. Key Insights on KOLs 13. CASE STUDY: CRISPR / CAS BASED THERAPEUTICS 13.1. CRISPR / Cas based Therapeutics: Clinical Pipeline 13.1.1. Analysis by Therapeutic Approach (In vivo / Ex vivo) 13.1.2. Analysis by Cell Source 13.1.3. Analysis by Cell Type 13.1.4. Analysis by Target Gene 13.1.5. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle Used 13.2. CRISPR / Cas Based Therapeutics: Discovery and Preclinical Pipeline 13.2.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 13.2.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 13.2.3. Analysis by Technology Used 13.2.4. Analysis by Therapeutic Approach (In vivo/Ex vivo) 13.2.5. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle Used 13.2.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Drugs 13.3. CRISPR / Cas based Therapeutics: Developer Landscape 13.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 13.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 13.3.3. Analysis by Geographical Location 13.3.4. Logo Landscape: Analysis by Size and Phase of Development of CRISPR based Therapeutics 13.3.5. Initiatives by Big Pharma Players 14. MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 14.1. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions 14.2. Gene Editing Therapeutics and Technologies, Focus on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases: Information on Licensing Deals 14.3. Global ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market, 2021-2035 14.4. Global ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Region 14.4.1. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in North America, 2021-2035 14.4.2. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Europe, 2021-2035 14.4.3. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Asia-Pacific and rest of the world, 2021-2035 15. APPNEDIX 1: LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 16. APPNEDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe projected value of genome editing therapy market is expected to be valued at USD 0.45 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 18% during the forecast period 2022-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Overview of Genome Editing 3.2. Evolution of Genome Editing Tools 3.3. Types of Genomes Editing Tools 3.4. Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs): An Overview 3.4.1. Structure of ZFNs 3.4.2. Mechanism of Action 3.5. Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs): An Overview 3.5.1. Structure of TALENs 3.5.2. Mechanism of Action 3.6. Meganucleases: An Overview 3.6.1. Structure of Meganucleases 3.6.2. Mechanism of Action 3.7. Genome Editing Tools: Advantages and Disadvantages 3.8. Future Perspectives 4. ZFNS, TALENS AND MEGANUCLEASES BASED THERAPEUTICS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Pipeline Review: ZFNs 4.1.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.1.2. Analysis by Biological Target(s) 4.1.3. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle 4.1.4. Analysis by Target Indication(s) 4.1.5. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 4.1.6. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.2. Pipeline Review: TALENS 4.2.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.2.2. Analysis by Target Indication(s) 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Cells 4.2.4. Analysis by Biological Target(s) and Developer 4.2.5. Analysis by Cell / Gene Therapy 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.2.7. Analysis by Gene Editing Approach 4.2.8. Analysis by Route of Administration 4.3. Pipeline Review: Meganucleases 4.3.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 4.3.2. Analysis by Gene Editing Approach 4.3.3. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle 4.3.4. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 4.3.5. Analysis by Route of Administration 4.3.6. Analysis by Type of Cells 4.3.7. Analysis by Type of Therapy 4.3.8. Analysis by Biological Target(s) 4.4. Non-CRISPR based Gene Editing Therapies: Developer Landscape 4.4.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.4.2. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.4.3. Analysis by Geographical Region 4.4.4. Analysis by Company Size 4.4.5. Analysis by Type of Player 4.4.6. Analysis by Gene Editing Technologies 5. COMPANY PROFILES 5.1. Allogene Therapeutics 5.1.1. Company Overview 5.1.2. Drug Portfolio 5.1.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.2. Bluebird Bio 5.2.1. Company Overview 5.2.2. Financial Information 5.2.3. Drug Portfolio 5.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.3. Cellectis 5.3.1. Company Overview 5.3.2. Financial Information 5.3.3. Drug Portfolio 5.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.4. Cytovia Therapeutics 5.4.1. Company Overview 5.4.2. Drug Portfolio 5.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.5. Iovance Therapeutics 5.5.1. Company Overview 5.5.2. Drug Portfolio 5.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.6. Precision Biosciences 5.6.1. Company Overview 5.6.2. Financial Information 5.6.3. Drug Portfolio 5.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 5.7. Sangamo Therapeutics 5.7.1. Company Overview 5.7.2. Financial Information 5.7.3. Drug Portfolio 5.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6. CLINICAL TRIALS ANALYSIS 6.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 6.2. List of Clinical Trials focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 6.2.1. Analysis by Trial Status 6.2.2. Analysis by Trial Registration Year 6.2.3. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 6.2.4. Analysis by Trial Phase 6.2.5. Analysis by Study Design 6.2.6. Year-wise Trend of Completed and Recruiting Trials 6.2.7. Analysis by Phase and Patient Enrollment 6.2.8. Analysis by Type of Sponsor 6.2.9. Analysis by Patient Enrollment 6.2.10. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 6.2.11. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials 6.2.12. Analysis by Trial Location 7. PUBLICATION ANALYSIS 7.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 7.2. List of Publications focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 7.3. Publication Analysis: ZFNs 7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.3.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 7.3.3. ZFNs: Emerging Focus Areas 7.3.4. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.3.5. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4. Publication Analysis: TALENs 7.4.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.4.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 7.4.3. TALENs: Emerging Focus Areas 7.4.4. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4.5. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4. Publication Analysis: Meganucleases 7.4.1. Analysis by Year of Publication 7.4.2. Meganucleases: Emerging Focus Areas 7.4.3. Top Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications 7.4.4. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications 8. ACADEMIC GRANTS ANALYSIS 8.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 8.2. List of Academic Grants focused on ZFN, TALEN and Meganuclease edited Therapies 8.3. Analysis by Year of Grant Award 8.4. Analysis by Amount Awarded 8.5. Analysis by Type of Funding Institute Center 8.6. Analysis by Activity Code 8.7. Analysis by Support Period 8.8. Prominent Program Officers: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.9. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 8.9. Analysis by Type of Grant Application 8.10. Analysis by Funding Institute Center and Support Period 8.11. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Number of Grants and Amount Awarded 8.12. Popular Type of Recipient Organization: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.14. Popular Type of Recipient Organization: Analysis by Amount Awarded 8.15. Popular NIH Departments: Analysis by Number of Grants 8.16. Analysis by Study Section 8.17. Analysis by Purpose of Grant 8.18. Analysis by Amount Awarded and Purpose of Grant 8.19. Analysis by Location of Recipients 9. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 9.1. List of Partnerships and Collaborations focused on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases editing Therapies 9.2. Analysis by Year of Partnership 9.3. Analysis by Type of Partnership 9.4. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 9.5. Analysis by Type of Technology 9.6. Spider Web Analysis: Type of Technology and Type of Agreement 9.7. Analysis by Type of Partner 9.8. Active Partners 9.9. Analysis by Year and Type of Partner 9.10. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 9.11. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 9.12. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 9.13. Licensing Deals: Analysis by Upfront and Milestone Payment 9.14. Analysis by Technology and Licensing Amount 9.15. Geographical Distribution 9.16. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 10. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Gene Editing Therapies- Focus on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases: List of Funding Instances 10.2. Analysis by Year of Funding 10.3. Analysis by Amount Invested 10.4. Analysis by Type of Funding 10.5. Analysis by Year, Type of Funding and Amount Invested 10.6. Analysis by Type of Funding and Amount Invested 10.7. Industry Players: Analysis by Type of Funding 10.8 Analysis by Geographical Regions 10.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Invested 10.9. Key Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.10. Analysis of Amount Invested by Technology 10.11. Analysis by Amount Invested by Therapeutic Area 11. PATENT ANALYSIS 11.1. Analysis Methodology and Key Parameters 11.2. Patent Analysis: ZFNs 11.2.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.2.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.2.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.2.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.2.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.2.6. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 11.2.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.2.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.2.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.2.10. ZFNs: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.2.11. ZFNs: Patent Valuation Analysis 11.3. Patent Analysis: TALENs 11.3.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.3.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.3.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.3.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.3.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 11.3.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.3.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.3.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.3.10. TALENs: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.3.11. TALENs: Patent Valuation Analysis 11.4. Patent Analysis: Meganucleases 11.4.1. Analysis by Type of Patent 11.4.2. Analysis by Publication Year 11.4.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year 11.4.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority / Patent Offices Involved 11.4.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 11.4.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas 11.4.7. Analysis by Type of Organization 11.4.8. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 11.4.9. Analysis by Patent Age, 2001-2021 11.4.10. Meganucleases: Benchmarking Patent Analysis 11.4.11. Meganucleases: Patent Valuation Analysis 12. KEY INSIGHTS ON KOLs 12.1. Analysis Methodology 12.2. Key Parameters / Assumptions 12.3. Analysis by Type of Organization 12.4. Regional Analysis 12.5. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 12.6. Analysis by Current Organization 12.7. Leading KOLs by Roots Analysis Proprietary Scores 12.8. Key Insights on KOLs 13. CASE STUDY: CRISPR / CAS BASED THERAPEUTICS 13.1. CRISPR / Cas based Therapeutics: Clinical Pipeline 13.1.1. Analysis by Therapeutic Approach (In vivo / Ex vivo) 13.1.2. Analysis by Cell Source 13.1.3. Analysis by Cell Type 13.1.4. Analysis by Target Gene 13.1.5. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle Used 13.2. CRISPR / Cas Based Therapeutics: Discovery and Preclinical Pipeline 13.2.1. Analysis by Phase of Development 13.2.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 13.2.3. Analysis by Technology Used 13.2.4. Analysis by Therapeutic Approach (In vivo/Ex vivo) 13.2.5. Analysis by Delivery Vehicle Used 13.2.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Drugs 13.3. CRISPR / Cas based Therapeutics: Developer Landscape 13.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 13.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 13.3.3. Analysis by Geographical Location 13.3.4. Logo Landscape: Analysis by Size and Phase of Development of CRISPR based Therapeutics 13.3.5. Initiatives by Big Pharma Players 14. MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 14.1. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions 14.2. Gene Editing Therapeutics and Technologies, Focus on ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases: Information on Licensing Deals 14.3. Global ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market, 2021-2035 14.4. Global ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Region 14.4.1. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in North America, 2021-2035 14.4.2. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Europe, 2021-2035 14.4.3. ZFNs, TALENs and Meganucleases based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Asia-Pacific and rest of the world, 2021-2035 15. APPNEDIX 1: LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 16. APPNEDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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