![]() リキッドバイオプシー市場(第4版)、2018-2022年(過去動向)、2023-2035年(予測推計):用途別分布(早期癌診断、患者モニタリング、治療選択、再発モニタリング、その他)、対象疾患別適応症(膀胱癌、乳癌、大腸癌、胃癌、肺癌、前立腺癌、その他)、循環バイオマーカー種類(無細胞DNA、無細胞RNA、循環腫瘍DNA、細胞外小胞、その他循環バイオマーカー)、サンプル種類(血液/血漿、その他)、エンドユーザー(病院、研究機関、その他)、開発段階(上市済み、開発中)、製品タイプ(アッセイキット、デバイス、ソフトウェア/アルゴリズム、その他)、手法タイプ(ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応、次世代シーケンシング、その他)、適用領域(臨床用、研究用のみ)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他地域):産業動向と世界予測、2023-2035年Liquid Biopsy Market (4th Edition), 2018-2022 (Historical Trends) and 2023-2035 (Forecasted Estimates): Distribution by Application (Early Cancer Diagnosis, Patient Monitoring, Treatment Selection, Recurrence Monitoring and Others), Target Disease Indication (Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Others), Type of Circulating Biomarker (Cell Free DNA, Cell Free RNA, Circulating Tumor DNA, Extracellular Vesicles and Others Circulating Biomarkers), Type of Sample (Blood / Plasma and Others), End users (Hospitals, Research Institutes and Others), Stage of Development (Launched and Under Development), Type of Product (Assay kits, Devices, Software/ Algorithms and others), Type of Technique (Polymerase Chain Reaction, Next Generation Sequencing and Others), Application Area ( Clinical use, Research use only) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2023-2035 世界のリキッドバイオプシー市場は2023年に54億ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2035年のCAGRは15.2%で成長すると予測される。 がんは依然として世界的な健康上の大きな課題であり、世界第2位の死因とな... もっと見る
サマリー世界のリキッドバイオプシー市場は2023年に54億ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2035年のCAGRは15.2%で成長すると予測される。がんは依然として世界的な健康上の大きな課題であり、世界第2位の死因となっている。世界保健機関(WHO)は、2040年までにがんに関連した死亡者数が1,630万人に達すると予測している。すべてのがん種の中で、世界的に最も発生率が高いのは乳がんであり、肺がん、大腸がん、前立腺がんがこれに続く。Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results(SEER)プログラムの統計によると、女性の乳がん患者の生涯診断率は18%で、2023年には297,790人が新たに乳がんに罹患すると予測されている。この増大する負担に対処するため、さまざまながん研究機関が、早期発見・早期治療のための革新的な方法や患者の立場に立ったアプローチを積極的に追求している。がんを早期に発見することは、治療効果を高め、生存率を向上させるために極めて重要である。組織生検は診断のゴールドスタンダードであったが、その侵襲的な性質が不快感、痛み、潜在的な合併症を引き起こすため、その普及には限界があった。しかし、最近のリキッドバイオプシーの進歩により、リキッドバイオプシーは有望な癌診断技術として位置づけられるようになった。過去10年間で、リキッドバイオプシー・プラットフォームは大きな進歩を遂げ、低侵襲の血液ベースの検査法として規制当局の承認を得ている。これらの検査は、がんの早期発見と患者のモニタリングを可能にし、アクセスしやすく、侵襲を最小限に抑えることができる。血液サンプルや尿や血漿などの体液を分析することにより、これらの検査は遺伝子変異や、循環腫瘍DNA、無細胞DNA、細胞外小胞などの様々な循環バイオマーカーを同定する。このような非侵襲的な評価は、特に進行癌の患者に対する癌治療に変革をもたらしつつある。 レポート範囲 本レポートでは、用途、対象疾患、循環バイオマーカーの種類、サンプルの種類、エンドユーザー、開発段階、製品の種類、技術の種類、応用分野、主要地域など、さまざまなパラメータにわたってリキッドバイオプシー市場を幅広く調査している。 市場の成長促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題を分析し、それらが業界に与える影響を評価しています。 市場内の利点と障害の両方を評価し、主要市場プレイヤーの競争環境に関する洞察を提供します。 4つの主要地域に関する市場セグメントの収益予測は、本レポートの重要な構成要素です。 リキッドバイオプシーと非侵襲的がん診断薬の調査に使用した調査手法の詳細なアウトラインを提供し、信頼性と正確性を確保するための方法論、前提条件、品質管理対策を強調しています。 リキッド生検市場に影響を与える歴史的動向、為替変動、外国為替の影響、景気後退、インフレ測定値を徹底的に検証している。 調査から得られた重要な洞察をまとめ、リキッドバイオプシー市場の現状と短期、中期、長期の予想される展開について高いレベルの見解を示しています。 癌統計の概要では、世界的な疾病負担、癌の早期発見とスクリーニングの重要性を強調し、機能性に基づく様々なタイプの循環バイオマーカーを探求している。また、非侵襲的がん診断、リキッドバイオプシーのコスト、利点、課題、その意義に関連する知的財産の新たな動向についても掘り下げている。 本レポートは、非侵襲的がん診断の必要性と重要性を強調し、様々な画像診断技術、スクリーニングアッセイ、先進的診断アプローチを、それぞれの利点と欠点とともに網羅している。 リキッドバイオプシー製品市場の詳細な評価は、開発段階、製品タイプ(アッセイキット、デバイス、ソフトウェア/アルゴリズム)、サンプルタイプ、使用技術、循環バイオマーカー、対象疾患適応、アプリケーション、主要市場プレイヤーのような複数のパラメータに基づいて提供される。 主要なリキッドバイオプシー企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載し、設立、従業員数、本社、財務実績、製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、将来の展望に焦点を当てている。 リキッドバイオプシー市場における最近の共同研究を調査し、提携の種類、循環バイオマーカー、対象疾患、最も活発なプレイヤー、地域分布などのパラメータを考慮している。 2016年から2023年にかけてのリキッドバイオプシー企業への資金調達と投資について、資金調達タイプ、対象疾患適応症、応用分野、地域分布、主要投資家、注目すべき資金調達事例など様々なパラメータを考慮した詳細な分析を行っている。 サプライヤーの強み、製品属性、企業規模、技術進歩に基づき、リキッドバイオプシー製品の競争力を包括的に評価している。 主要製薬企業による取り組みについては、関心分野、開発段階、製品タイプ、標的適応症、応用分野に焦点を当てて徹底的にレビューしている。 2016年以降の過去の買収活動を調査し、業界内の潜在的買収ターゲットを特定している。 本レポートは、がんスクリーニングと早期発見のために各社が提供する、リキッドバイオプシー以外の様々な非侵襲的診断検査に関する詳細な洞察を提供している。 リキッドバイオプシー市場に影響を与える成長要因、潜在的な限界、新たな機会、既存の課題について詳細な検証を行っている。 主要市場企業 アモイ・ダイアグノスティックス アーチャーDX バイオカルティス セルサーチ セルマックス・ライフ Datar Cancer Genetics DiaCarta、EONE-DIAGNOMICS エクソソーム診断薬 ジーンキャストバイオテクノロジー インテグレーテッド DNA テクノロジー ルーセンス MDNA ライフサイエンス Miltenyi Biotec ネオジェノミクス オンコードサイエンティフィック OncoDNA QIAGEN PANAGENE パーソナルゲノムダイアグノスティックス プレディシン ScreenCell テカン サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Chapter Overview 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Market Segmentations 2.7. Key Considerations 2.7.1. Demographics 2.7.2. Economic Factors 2.7.3. Government Regulations 2.7.4. Supply Chain 2.7.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.7.6. Market Access 2.7.7. Healthcare Policies 2.7.8. Industry Consolidation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Forecasted Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and Their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Cancer Statistics and Burden of the Disease 5.3. Importance of Early Cancer Detection 5.4. Cancer Screening and Diagnosis 5.5 Conventional Invasive Cancer Diagnostic Tests 5.5.1. Biopsy 5.5.2. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy 5.5.3. Core Needle Aspiration Biopsy 5.5.4. Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy 5.5.5. Image Guided Biopsy 5.5.6. Sentinel Node Biopsy 5.5.7. Surgical Biopsy 5.5.8. Endoscopic Biopsy 5.5.9. Bone Marrow Biopsy 5.5.10. Endoscopy 5.6. Need for Non-Invasive Approaches 5.7. Liquid Biopsy: Diagnosing Circulating Biomarkers 5.7.1 Circulating Tumor Cells 5.7.2. Circulating Tumor DNA/ Cell Free DNA 5.7.3. Exosomes 5.8. Costs and Benefits Associated with Liquid Biopsy and Non-Invasive Tests 5.9. Latest Intellectual Property Trends in Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics 5.10. Challenges Associated with Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics 5.11. Future Perspectives 6. NON-INVASIVE CANCER SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Diagnostic Imaging 6.2.1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 6.2.2. Mammography 6.2.3. Bone Scan 6.2.4. Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan 6.2.5. Integrated Positron Emission Tomography (PET)- CT Scan 6.2.6. Ultrasound 6.2.7. X-ray Radiography (Barium Enema) 6.3. Screening Assays 6.3.1. Circulating Tumor Marker Test 6.3.2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) 6.3.3. Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) 6.3.4. Multigated Acquisition (MUGA) Scan 6.3.5. Papanicolaou Test and Human Papilloma Virus Test 6.4. Advanced Non-Invasive Approaches 6.4.1. Cytogenetic / Gene Expression Studies 6.4.2. Molecular Signature-based Non-Invasive Methods 6.4.3. Saliva-based Oral Cancer Diagnostics 6.4.4. Vital Staining 6.4.5. Optical Biopsy 6.4.6 Other Diagnostic Techniques 7. LIQUID BIOPSY: MARKET LANDSCAPE 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Liquid Biopsy Products: Overall Market Landscape 7.2.1. Analysis by Stage of Development 7.2.2. Analysis by Type of Product 7.2.3. Analysis by Type of Sample 7.2.4. Analysis by Type of Technique 7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 7.2.6. Analysis by Tumor 7.2.7. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 7.2.8. Analysis by Application 7.2.9. Analysis by Application Area 7.3. Liquid Biopsy Product Manufacturers 7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters (Region) 7.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters (Country) 7.3.4. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Liquid Biopsy Products 7.4. Liquid Biopsy Products: Other Liquid Biopsy Products, Kits and Consumables 7.5. Liquid Biopsy Products: Contract Service Providers 8. COMPANY PROFILES 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2.1. Amoy Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.2. ArcherDX Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.3. DiaCarta Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.4. Integrated DNA Technologies Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.5 MDNA Life Sciences Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.6. NeoGenomics Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.7. ONCODE Scientific Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.8. QIAGEN Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.9. ScreenCell Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.10. Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.3. Other Leading Players in Liquid Biopsy Market 8.3.1. Biocartis Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.2. Cell Search Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.3. CellMax Life Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.4. Datar Cancer Genetics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.5. EONE-DIAGNOMICS Genome Center Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.6. Exosome Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.7. GeneCast Biotechnology Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.8. Inivata Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.9. Lucence Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.10. Miltenyi Biotec Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.11. OncoDNA Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.12. PANAGENE Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.13. Personal Genome Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.14. Predicine Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.15. Tecan Company Overview Product Portfolio 9. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Partnership Models 9.3. Liquid Biopsy: Partnerships and Collaborations 9.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 9.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 9.3.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 9.3.4. Analysis by Type of Partner 9.3.5. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner 9.3.6. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Partner 9.3.7. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 9.3.8. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 9.3.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 9.3.10. Analysis by Geography Local and International Agreements Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 10. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Types of Funding 10.3. Liquid Biopsy: Funding and Investment Analysis 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Investment 10.3.2. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year 10.3.3. Analysis by Type of Funding 10.3.4. Analysis of Amount Invested by Type of Funding 10.3.5. Analysis by Year and Type of Funding 10.3.6. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 10.3.7. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 10.3.8. Analysis by Application Area 10.3.9. Analysis by Geography 10.3.10. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.3.11. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Raised 10.3.12. Most Active Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 11. PRODUCT COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Methodology 11.3. Assumptions and Key Parameters 11.4. Liquid Biopsy: Product Competitiveness Analysis 11.4.1. Liquid Biopsy Assay Kits Products Offered by Players based in North America Products Offered by Players based in Europe Products Offered by Players based in Asia-Pacific Products Offered by Players based in Rest of the World 11.4.2. Liquid Biopsy Devices Products Offered by Players based in North America Products Offered by Players based in Europe and Asia-Pacific 11.4.3. Liquid Biopsy Software 12. BIG PHARMA INITIATIVES 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Top Pharmaceutical Companies 12.2.1. Analysis by Type of Initiative 12.2.2. Analysis by Stage of Development 12.2.3. Analysis by Type of Product 12.2.4. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 12.2.5. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 12.2.6. Analysis by Application 12.2.7. Analysis by Application Area 13. KEY ACQUISITION TARGETS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Scope and Methodology 13.3. Scoring Criteria and Key Assumptions 13.4. Potential Acquisition Targets in North America 13.5. Potential Acquisition Targets in Europe 13.6. Potential Acquisition Targets in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World 13.7. Concluding Remarks 14. OTHER NON-INVASIVE CANCER DIAGNOSTICS 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Non-Blood-based Biomarker Detection Tests 14.3. FOBT and Fecal Immunochemical Tests (FIT) 14.4. Pigmented Lesion Assays 14.5. Stool DNA (sDNA)-based Tests 14.6. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Detection Tests 14.7. Other Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics: Market Landscape 15. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Market Drivers 15.3. Market Restraints 15.4. Market Opportunities 15.5. Market Challenges 15.6. Conclusion 16. GLOBAL LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Global Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics Market, (2023-2035) 16.4. Global Liquid Biopsy Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 16.4.1. Scenario Analysis 16.5. Key Market Segmentations 16.6. Dynamic Dashboard 17. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY APPLICATION 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Early Cancer Diagnosis: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Patient Monitoring: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Recurrence Monitoring: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 18. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TARGET DISEASE INDICATION 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. Bladder Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4. Neurological Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5. Breast Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6. Cervical Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.7. Head and Neck Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.8. Leukemia: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.9. Liver Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.10. Lung Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.11. Melanoma: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.12. Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.13. Oesophagus Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.14. Ovarian Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.15. Pancreatic Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.16. Prostate Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.17. Sarcoma: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.18. Stomach Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.19. Thyroid Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.20. Data Triangulation and Validation 19. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF CIRCULATING BIOMARKER 19.1. Chapter Overview 19.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 19.3. Cell-Free DNA: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.4. Circulating Tumor DNA: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.5. Extracellular Vesicles: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.6. Other Circulating Biomarkers: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.7. Data Triangulation and Validation 20. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF SAMPLE 20.1. Chapter Overview 20.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 20.3. Blood / Plasma Samples: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.4. Other Samples: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.5. Data Triangulation and Validation 21. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF END-USER 21.1. Chapter Overview 21.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 21.3. Hospitals: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.4. Research Institutes: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.5. Other End-users: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 22. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS 22.1. Chapter Overview 22.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 22.3. North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.5. Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 23. SURVEY INSIGHTS 23.1. Chapter Overview 23.2. Company Specifics of Respondents 23.3. Analysis by Seniority Level of Respondents 23.4. Analysis by Type of Product Portfolio 23.5. Analysis by Type of Products / Services Offered 23.6. Analysis by Stage of Development of Product 23.7. Analysis by Application Area 23.8. Analysis by Likely Market Size 24. CONCLUSION 25. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 25.1. Chapter Overview 25.2. Foundation for the National Institutes of Health 25.2.1. Company Snapshot 25.2.2. Interview Transcript 25.3. Bahia Software 25.3.1. Company Snapshot 25.3.2. Interview Transcript 25.4. Genostics 25.4.1. Company Snapshot 25.4.2. Interview Transcript 25.5. Oncophenomics 25.5.1. Company Snapshot 25.5.2. Interview Transcript 25.6. Minomic International 25.6.1. Company Snapshot 25.6.2. Interview Transcript 25.7. IVDiagnostics 25.7.1. Company Snapshot 25.7.2. Interview Transcript 25.8. Tymora Analytical Operations 25.8.1. Company Snapshot 25.8.2. Interview Transcript 25.9. ProXeom 25.9.1. Company Snapshot 25.9.2. Interview Transcript 25.10. MiNDERA 25.10.1. Company Snapshot 25.10.2. Interview Transcript 25.11. Resolution Bioscience 25.11.1. Company Snapshot 25.11.2. Interview Transcript 25.12. Nanostics 25.12.1. Company Snapshot 25.12.2. Interview Transcript 25.13. DermTech 25.13.1. Company Snapshot 25.13.2. Interview Transcript 25.14. iCellate Medical 25.14.1. Company Snapshot 25.14.2. Interview Transcript 25.15. VolitionRx 25.15.1. Company Snapshot 25.15.2. Interview Transcript 25.16. OncoDNA 25.16.1. Company Snapshot 25.16.2. Interview Transcript 25.17. LCM Genect 25.17.1. Company Snapshot 25.17.2. Interview Transcript 25.18. Sienna Cancer Diagnostics 25.18.1. Company Snapshot 25.18.2. Interview Transcript 26. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 27. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe global liquid biopsy market is expected to reach USD 5.4 billion in 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15.2% during the forecast period 2023-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Chapter Overview 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Market Segmentations 2.7. Key Considerations 2.7.1. Demographics 2.7.2. Economic Factors 2.7.3. Government Regulations 2.7.4. Supply Chain 2.7.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.7.6. Market Access 2.7.7. Healthcare Policies 2.7.8. Industry Consolidation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Forecasted Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and Their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Cancer Statistics and Burden of the Disease 5.3. Importance of Early Cancer Detection 5.4. Cancer Screening and Diagnosis 5.5 Conventional Invasive Cancer Diagnostic Tests 5.5.1. Biopsy 5.5.2. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy 5.5.3. Core Needle Aspiration Biopsy 5.5.4. Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy 5.5.5. Image Guided Biopsy 5.5.6. Sentinel Node Biopsy 5.5.7. Surgical Biopsy 5.5.8. Endoscopic Biopsy 5.5.9. Bone Marrow Biopsy 5.5.10. Endoscopy 5.6. Need for Non-Invasive Approaches 5.7. Liquid Biopsy: Diagnosing Circulating Biomarkers 5.7.1 Circulating Tumor Cells 5.7.2. Circulating Tumor DNA/ Cell Free DNA 5.7.3. Exosomes 5.8. Costs and Benefits Associated with Liquid Biopsy and Non-Invasive Tests 5.9. Latest Intellectual Property Trends in Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics 5.10. Challenges Associated with Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics 5.11. Future Perspectives 6. NON-INVASIVE CANCER SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Diagnostic Imaging 6.2.1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 6.2.2. Mammography 6.2.3. Bone Scan 6.2.4. Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan 6.2.5. Integrated Positron Emission Tomography (PET)- CT Scan 6.2.6. Ultrasound 6.2.7. X-ray Radiography (Barium Enema) 6.3. Screening Assays 6.3.1. Circulating Tumor Marker Test 6.3.2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) 6.3.3. Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) 6.3.4. Multigated Acquisition (MUGA) Scan 6.3.5. Papanicolaou Test and Human Papilloma Virus Test 6.4. Advanced Non-Invasive Approaches 6.4.1. Cytogenetic / Gene Expression Studies 6.4.2. Molecular Signature-based Non-Invasive Methods 6.4.3. Saliva-based Oral Cancer Diagnostics 6.4.4. Vital Staining 6.4.5. Optical Biopsy 6.4.6 Other Diagnostic Techniques 7. LIQUID BIOPSY: MARKET LANDSCAPE 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Liquid Biopsy Products: Overall Market Landscape 7.2.1. Analysis by Stage of Development 7.2.2. Analysis by Type of Product 7.2.3. Analysis by Type of Sample 7.2.4. Analysis by Type of Technique 7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 7.2.6. Analysis by Tumor 7.2.7. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 7.2.8. Analysis by Application 7.2.9. Analysis by Application Area 7.3. Liquid Biopsy Product Manufacturers 7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters (Region) 7.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters (Country) 7.3.4. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Liquid Biopsy Products 7.4. Liquid Biopsy Products: Other Liquid Biopsy Products, Kits and Consumables 7.5. Liquid Biopsy Products: Contract Service Providers 8. COMPANY PROFILES 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2.1. Amoy Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.2. ArcherDX Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.3. DiaCarta Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.4. Integrated DNA Technologies Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.5 MDNA Life Sciences Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.6. NeoGenomics Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.7. ONCODE Scientific Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.8. QIAGEN Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.9. ScreenCell Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.2.10. Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8.3. Other Leading Players in Liquid Biopsy Market 8.3.1. Biocartis Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.2. Cell Search Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.3. CellMax Life Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.4. Datar Cancer Genetics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.5. EONE-DIAGNOMICS Genome Center Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.6. Exosome Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.7. GeneCast Biotechnology Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.8. Inivata Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.9. Lucence Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.10. Miltenyi Biotec Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.11. OncoDNA Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.12. PANAGENE Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.13. Personal Genome Diagnostics Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.14. Predicine Company Overview Product Portfolio 8.3.15. Tecan Company Overview Product Portfolio 9. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Partnership Models 9.3. Liquid Biopsy: Partnerships and Collaborations 9.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 9.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 9.3.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 9.3.4. Analysis by Type of Partner 9.3.5. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner 9.3.6. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Partner 9.3.7. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 9.3.8. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 9.3.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 9.3.10. Analysis by Geography Local and International Agreements Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 10. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Types of Funding 10.3. Liquid Biopsy: Funding and Investment Analysis 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Investment 10.3.2. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year 10.3.3. Analysis by Type of Funding 10.3.4. Analysis of Amount Invested by Type of Funding 10.3.5. Analysis by Year and Type of Funding 10.3.6. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 10.3.7. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 10.3.8. Analysis by Application Area 10.3.9. Analysis by Geography 10.3.10. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 10.3.11. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Raised 10.3.12. Most Active Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 11. PRODUCT COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Methodology 11.3. Assumptions and Key Parameters 11.4. Liquid Biopsy: Product Competitiveness Analysis 11.4.1. Liquid Biopsy Assay Kits Products Offered by Players based in North America Products Offered by Players based in Europe Products Offered by Players based in Asia-Pacific Products Offered by Players based in Rest of the World 11.4.2. Liquid Biopsy Devices Products Offered by Players based in North America Products Offered by Players based in Europe and Asia-Pacific 11.4.3. Liquid Biopsy Software 12. BIG PHARMA INITIATIVES 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Top Pharmaceutical Companies 12.2.1. Analysis by Type of Initiative 12.2.2. Analysis by Stage of Development 12.2.3. Analysis by Type of Product 12.2.4. Analysis by Type of Circulating Biomarker 12.2.5. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 12.2.6. Analysis by Application 12.2.7. Analysis by Application Area 13. KEY ACQUISITION TARGETS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Scope and Methodology 13.3. Scoring Criteria and Key Assumptions 13.4. Potential Acquisition Targets in North America 13.5. Potential Acquisition Targets in Europe 13.6. Potential Acquisition Targets in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World 13.7. Concluding Remarks 14. OTHER NON-INVASIVE CANCER DIAGNOSTICS 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Non-Blood-based Biomarker Detection Tests 14.3. FOBT and Fecal Immunochemical Tests (FIT) 14.4. Pigmented Lesion Assays 14.5. Stool DNA (sDNA)-based Tests 14.6. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Detection Tests 14.7. Other Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics: Market Landscape 15. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Market Drivers 15.3. Market Restraints 15.4. Market Opportunities 15.5. Market Challenges 15.6. Conclusion 16. GLOBAL LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Global Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics Market, (2023-2035) 16.4. Global Liquid Biopsy Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 16.4.1. Scenario Analysis 16.5. Key Market Segmentations 16.6. Dynamic Dashboard 17. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY APPLICATION 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Early Cancer Diagnosis: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Patient Monitoring: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Recurrence Monitoring: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 18. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TARGET DISEASE INDICATION 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. Bladder Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4. Neurological Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5. Breast Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6. Cervical Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.7. Head and Neck Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.8. Leukemia: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.9. Liver Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.10. Lung Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.11. Melanoma: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.12. Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.13. Oesophagus Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.14. Ovarian Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.15. Pancreatic Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.16. Prostate Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.17. Sarcoma: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.18. Stomach Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.19. Thyroid Cancer: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.20. Data Triangulation and Validation 19. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF CIRCULATING BIOMARKER 19.1. Chapter Overview 19.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 19.3. Cell-Free DNA: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.4. Circulating Tumor DNA: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.5. Extracellular Vesicles: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.6. Other Circulating Biomarkers: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.7. Data Triangulation and Validation 20. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF SAMPLE 20.1. Chapter Overview 20.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 20.3. Blood / Plasma Samples: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.4. Other Samples: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.5. Data Triangulation and Validation 21. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY TYPE OF END-USER 21.1. Chapter Overview 21.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 21.3. Hospitals: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.4. Research Institutes: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.5. Other End-users: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 22. LIQUID BIOPSY MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS 22.1. Chapter Overview 22.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 22.3. North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.5. Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 23. SURVEY INSIGHTS 23.1. Chapter Overview 23.2. Company Specifics of Respondents 23.3. Analysis by Seniority Level of Respondents 23.4. Analysis by Type of Product Portfolio 23.5. Analysis by Type of Products / Services Offered 23.6. Analysis by Stage of Development of Product 23.7. Analysis by Application Area 23.8. Analysis by Likely Market Size 24. CONCLUSION 25. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 25.1. Chapter Overview 25.2. Foundation for the National Institutes of Health 25.2.1. Company Snapshot 25.2.2. Interview Transcript 25.3. Bahia Software 25.3.1. Company Snapshot 25.3.2. Interview Transcript 25.4. Genostics 25.4.1. Company Snapshot 25.4.2. Interview Transcript 25.5. Oncophenomics 25.5.1. Company Snapshot 25.5.2. Interview Transcript 25.6. Minomic International 25.6.1. Company Snapshot 25.6.2. Interview Transcript 25.7. IVDiagnostics 25.7.1. Company Snapshot 25.7.2. Interview Transcript 25.8. Tymora Analytical Operations 25.8.1. Company Snapshot 25.8.2. Interview Transcript 25.9. ProXeom 25.9.1. Company Snapshot 25.9.2. Interview Transcript 25.10. MiNDERA 25.10.1. Company Snapshot 25.10.2. Interview Transcript 25.11. Resolution Bioscience 25.11.1. Company Snapshot 25.11.2. Interview Transcript 25.12. Nanostics 25.12.1. Company Snapshot 25.12.2. Interview Transcript 25.13. DermTech 25.13.1. Company Snapshot 25.13.2. Interview Transcript 25.14. iCellate Medical 25.14.1. Company Snapshot 25.14.2. Interview Transcript 25.15. VolitionRx 25.15.1. Company Snapshot 25.15.2. Interview Transcript 25.16. OncoDNA 25.16.1. Company Snapshot 25.16.2. Interview Transcript 25.17. LCM Genect 25.17.1. Company Snapshot 25.17.2. Interview Transcript 25.18. Sienna Cancer Diagnostics 25.18.1. Company Snapshot 25.18.2. Interview Transcript 26. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 27. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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