![]() 抗体探索サービスとプラットフォーム市場(第5版):提供するサービスのタイプ別分布(抗原設計、ヒット生成、リード選択、リード最適化、リード特性評価)、抗体探索手法(ハイブリドーマベース、ライブラリーベース、シングルセルベース、トランスジェニック動物ベース)、生成される抗体のタイプ(モノクローナル抗体、二重特異性抗体、その他)、生成される抗体の性質(キメラ、ヒト、ヒト化、マウス)、治療領域の種類(心血管疾患、免疫学的疾患、感染症疾患、神経学的疾患、腫瘍学的疾患、その他)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア、中南米、中東・北アフリカ、その他の地域):産業動向と世界予測、2023-2035年Antibody Discovery Services and Platforms Market (5th Edition): Distribution by Type of Service Offered (Antigen Designing, Hit Generation, Lead Selection, Lead Optimization, Lead Characterization), Antibody Discovery Method (Hybridoma based, Library based, Single Cell based, Transgenic Animal based), Type of Antibody Generated (Monoclonal Antibodies, Bispecific Antibodies and Others), Nature of Antibody Generated (Chimeric, Human, Humanized and Murine), Type of Therapeutic Areas (Cardiovascular Disorders, Immunological Disorders, Infectious Disorders, Neurological Disorders, Oncological Disorders and Others) and Key Geographies (North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2023-2035 世界の抗体探索サービス・プラットフォーム市場は、2023年までに16億米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2035年の年平均成長率は12%と予測されている。 創薬から市場投入までの医薬品開発には、通常10~1... もっと見る
サマリー世界の抗体探索サービス・プラットフォーム市場は、2023年までに16億米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2035年の年平均成長率は12%と予測されている。創薬から市場投入までの医薬品開発には、通常10~15年の歳月がかかり、20億ドルを超える多額の投資が必要とされる。残念なことに、医薬品候補の90%以上は臨床試験に合格しない。このプロセスを合理化し、タイムラインを短縮し、リスクを管理するために、製薬会社は創薬業務の一部を専門の開発業務受託機関(CRO)にアウトソーシングしている。抗体CROとのコラボレーションは、抗体創薬市場の企業にとって、リソースの最適化、コスト削減、グローバルな科学的人材の活用に役立ち、抗体ベースの新治療法の市場投入における効率と成功率を高めます。 1986年に承認されたOrthoclone OKT3®のようなモノクローナル抗体ベースの治療法は、大きく進歩しました。モノクローナル抗体は、多様化し、工学的に改良され、革新的な探索方法の恩恵を受けている。がん、慢性炎症性疾患、感染症、心血管系疾患など様々な疾患に対して160以上のモノクローナル抗体が承認されている。最近では、ELREXFIO™、TALVEY™、Rystiggo®、COLUMVI®、EPKINLY™などの治療薬が2023年5月から2023年8月の間に承認された。こうした抗体の探索は複雑であるため、多くの企業が抗体探索に特化したプラットフォームや技術のライセンス供与を選択している。抗体ベースの治療に対する需要の高まりとアウトソーシングの選好は、抗体探索サービスやプラットフォームが将来的に大幅に拡大すると予想されることを示している。 レポート対象範囲 本レポートでは、抗体探索市場を幅広く調査し、サービスタイプ、探索手法、抗体タイプ、性質、治療分野、主要地域別に分類しています。 推進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題などの市場成長の影響要因を徹底的に分析しています。 本レポートでは、市場ランドスケープにおける利点と障害の両方を評価し、トップ市場プレイヤー間の競争環境に関する洞察を提供しています。 主要6地域にわたる市場セグメントの収益予測を提供しています。 体系的な調査手法、方法論、前提条件、採用した品質管理対策に関する詳細な洞察により、調査結果の正確性と信頼性を保証しています。 分析には、抗体探索サービスやプラットフォームに影響を与える過去のトレンド、為替変動、為替の影響、景気後退の影響、インフレ測定などが含まれています。 市場の現状を簡潔に概観し、抗体探索サービスおよびプラットフォーム市場の短期、中期、長期の進化を予測します。 モノクローナル型、二重特異性型、ポリクローナル型を中心に、抗体の歴史的背景、構造詳細、アイソタイプ、作用機序、用途を包括的に網羅。 過去30年間におけるマウスからヒトへのモノクローナル抗体の発展傾向を追跡し、発見方法の詳細な検討と比較を行う。 設立年、企業規模、所在地、提供サービス、探索方法、使用動物モデル、抗体の種類、目的など様々なパラメータに基づき、160を超える活動中のサービスプロバイダーを分析。 経験、プラットフォーム、提供サービス、探索手法、抗体フォーマット、応用分野、地域能力に基づく企業の比較評価。 抗体探索サービスを提供する企業の会社概要、最近の動向、将来の展望を含む詳細なプロフィール。 抗体の種類、探索方法、動物モデル、設立年、企業規模、本社所在地に基づく290以上のプラットフォームの検討。 サプライヤーの力、プラットフォームの仕様、抗体の互換性、2015-2023年に締結された取引を考慮した主要市場プレイヤーの評価。 企業概要、プラットフォームの詳細、最近の開発状況、将来の展望など、抗体探索プラットフォームや技術へのアクセス/ライセンスを提供する企業の詳細情報。 2021年から2023年にかけて抗体探索市場内で確立されたパートナーシップの評価、ステークホルダーが採用したパートナーシップモデルの説明。 2016年から2023年にかけての抗体探索市場における様々な資金調達段階と資金源にわたる投資の調査。 キャッシュフロー、正味現在価値、ライセンサーとライセンシー間の契約一時金、マイルストーン、ロイヤルティ支払いのシナリオに関する洞察。 抗体ヒト化サービスにおける業界特有の動向、市場促進要因、課題、主要企業、影響因子に関する詳細な考察。 2022年の売上上位医薬品について、過去の売上、探索プロセス、手法など詳細なプロフィールを紹介。 今後10年間に業界の進化に影響を与えると予想される、今後の抗体治療薬や技術に関する考察。 主要市場企業 Ablexis Antibody Solutions ケムパートナー Creative Biolabs GenScript Genmab ハーバー バイオメド ImmunoPrecise マブシリコ Myrio Therapeutics ノナ・バイオサイエンシズ ロックランド免疫化学 シンバイオ テクノロジー WuXi Biologics 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Considerations 2.6.1. Demographics 2.6.2. Economic Factors 2.6.3. Government Regulations 2.6.4. Supply Chain 2.6.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.6.6. Market Access 2.6.7. Healthcare Policies 2.6.8. Industry Consolidation 2.7. Key Market Segmentation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Forecasted Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Trends Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Structure of Antibodies 5.3. History of Antibody Development 5.4. Antibody Isotypes 5.5. Mechanism of Action of Antibodies 5.6. Classification of Antibodies 5.6.1. Monoclonal Antibodies 5.6.2. Polyclonal Antibodies 5.6.3. Bispecific Antibodies 5.7. Applications of Antibodies 5.8. Concluding Remarks 6. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY: PROCESS AND METHODS 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Antibody Discovery Process 6.2.1. Target Selection and Validation 6.2.2. Hit Generation 6.2.3. Lead Selection 6.2.4. Lead Optimization Humanization Affinity Maturation Fc Engineering 6.2.5. Lead Characterization 6.2.6. Candidate Selection 6.3. Antibody Discovery Methods 6.3.1. Hybridoma Technology-based Method 6.3.2. In vitro Display Method Phage Display Yeast Display Ribosomal Display 6.3.3. Transgenic Animal-based Method 6.3.4. Single B Cell-based Method 6.3.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Existing Antibody Discovery Techniques 6.4. Evolution of Monoclonal Antibodies 6.4.1. Fully Human Monoclonal Antibodies 6.5. Concluding Remarks 7. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICE PROVIDERS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers: List of Industry Players 7.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 7.2.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Services Offered 7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered 7.2.6. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method 7.2.7. Analysis by Animal Model Used 7.2.8. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered and Type of Antibody Discovery Method 7.2.9. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Services and Location of Headquarters 7.2.10. Analysis by Application Area 8. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 8.3. Methodology 8.4. Competitiveness Analysis: Companies Grouped Grouped based on Company Size 8.4.1. Very Small Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.2. Small Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.3. Mid-sized Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.4. Large Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.5. Antibody Discovery Service Providers: Regional Capability 8.5.1. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in North America 8.5.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in Europe 8.5.3. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in Asia 9. COMPANY PROFILES: ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICE PROVIDERS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in North America 9.2.1. Abwiz Bio Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.2. Abzena Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.3. Aragen Life Sciences Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.4. Capralogics Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.5. Creative Biolabs Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.6. DetaiBio Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.7. ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.8. Integral Molecular Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.9. Syd Labs Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in Europe 9.3.1. BIOTEM Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.2. FairJourney Biologics Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.3. Fusion Antibodies Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.4. Proteogenix Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.5. RD Biotech Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in Asia 9.4.1. ABGENEX Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.2. ChemPartner Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.3. Viva Biotech Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.4. WuXi Biologics Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 10. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES: MARKET LANDSCAPE 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Antibody Discovery: List of Technologies 10.2.1. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method 10.2.2. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered 10.2.3. Analysis by Animal Model Used 10.2.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method and Type of Antibody Discovered 10.2.5. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method and Location of Headquarters 10.3. Antibody Discovery Technologies: Developer Landscape 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 10.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 10.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 10.3.4. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Technologies 11. TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 11.3. Methodology 11.4. Antibody Discovery Technologies: Competitiveness Analysis 11.4.1. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in North America 11.4.2. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in Europe 11.4.3. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in Asia and Rest of the World 12. COMPANY PROFILES: ANTIBODY DISCOVERY PLATFORM PROVIDERS 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Ablexis 12.2.1. Company Overview 12.2.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.3. Creative Biolabs 12.3.1. Company Overview 12.3.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.4. Genmab 12.4.1. Company Overview 12.4.2. Financial Information 12.4.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.5. Harbour Biomed 12.5.1. Company Overview 12.5.2. Financial Information 12.5.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.6. Immunome 12.6.1. Company Overview 12.6.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.7. Isogenica 12.7.1. Company Overview 12.7.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.8. Ligand Pharmaceuticals 12.8.1. Company Overview 12.8.2. Financial Information 12.8.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.9. Kymab 12.9.1. Company Overview 12.9.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.9.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.10. MorphoSys 12.10.1. Company Overview 12.10.2. Financial Information 12.10.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.10.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 13. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Partnership Models 13.3. List of Partnerships and Collaborations 13.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 13.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 13.3.3. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner 13.3.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody 13.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 13.3.6. Most Popular Technologies: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 13.3.7. Analysis by Geography 13.3.8. Intracontinental and Intercontinental Agreements 14. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Types of Funding 14.3. Antibody Discovery Service and Platform Providers: Funding and Investment 14.3.1. Analysis by Year of Funding 14.3.2. Analysis by Type of Funding 14.3.3. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year of Funding 14.3.4. Analysis by Year-wise Number of Funding Instances and Funding Amount 14.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 14.3.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Invested 14.3.7. Leading Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 14.3.8. Analysis by Year-wise Number of Funding Instances and Type of Player 14.3.9. Analysis by Year-wise Amount Invested and Type of Player 14.3.10. Analysis of Number of Funding Instances by Year of Establishment and Type of Player 14.3.11. Analysis by Geography 14.4. Concluding Remarks 15. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Market Drivers 15.3. Market Restraints 15.4. Market Opportunities 15.5. Market Challenges 15.6. Conclusion 16. GLOBAL ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Global Antibody Discovery Services Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 16.3.1. Scenario Analysis 16.4. Key Market Segmentations 16..5. Dynamic Dashboard 17. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF SERVICE OFFERED 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Antigen Designing: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Hit Generation: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Lead Selection: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Lead Optimization: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.7. Lead Characterization: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.8. Data Triangulation and Validation 18. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERY METHOD 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. Phage Display: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4. Yeast Display: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5. Hybridoma Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6. Transgenic Animal based Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.7. Single Cell based Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.8. Other Antibody Discovery Methods: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 19. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY NATURE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERED 19.1. Chapter Overview 19.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 19.3. Humanized: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.4. Human: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.5. Chimeric: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.6. Murine: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.7. Data Triangulation and Validation 20. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF THERAPEUTIC AREAS 20.1. Chapter Overview 20.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 20.3. Oncological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.4. Immunological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.5. Infectious Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.6. Neurological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.7. Cardiovascular Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.8. Other Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 21. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHIES 21.1. Chapter Overview 21.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 21.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.5. Asia: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.6. Latin America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.7. Middle East and North Africa: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.8. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 22. GLOBAL ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET 22.1. Chapter Overview 22.2. Assumptions and Methodology 22.3. Global Antibody Discovery Technologies Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.3.1. Scenario Analysis 22.4. Key Market Segmentations 22.5. Dynamic Dashboard 23. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET, BY TYPE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERED 23.1. Chapter Overview 23.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 23.3. Monoclonal Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.4. Bispecific Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.5. Other Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 24. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHIES 24.1. Chapter Overview 24.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 24.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.5. Asia: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 25. LICENSING DEAL STRUCTURE 25.1. Chapter Overview 25.2. Key Parameters 25.3. Assumptions and Methodology 25.3.1. Overall Cash Flow for Licensee Companies Investments Made by a Licensee Revenues Earned by a Licensee 25.3.2. Overall Cash Flow for Licensor Companies Investments Made by a Licensor Revenues Earned by a Licensor 25.4. Key Analytical Outputs 25.4.1. Scenario 1: Variation of Upfront and Milestone Payments 25.4.2. Scenario 2: Variation of Upfront Payments and Sales-based Royalties 25.4.3. Scenario 3: Variation of Milestone Payments and Sales-based Royalties 26. SWOT ANALYSIS: ANTIBODY HUMANIZATION SERVICE PROVIDERS 26.1. Chapter Overview 26.2. Antibody Humanization and Affinity Maturation Service and Platform Providers: List of Players 26.3. Antibody Humanization Service Providers: SWOT Analysis 26.3.1. Strengths 26.3.2. Weaknesses 26.3.3. Opportunities 26.3.4. Threats 27. CASE IN POINT: DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESSES OF TOP SELLING ANTIBODIES 27.1. Chapter Overview 27.2. Humira® (Adalimumab) 27.2.1. Drug Overview 27.2.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.2.3. Historical Sales 27.3. Keytruda® (Pembrolizumab) 27.3.1. Drug Overview 27.3.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.3.3. Historical Sales 27.4. Stelara® (Ustekinumab) 27.4.1. Drug Overview 27.4.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.4.3. Historical Sales 27.5. Dupixent® (Dupilumab) 27.5.1. Drug Overview 27.5.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.5.3. Historical Sales 27.6. Opdivo® (Nivolumab) 27.6.1. Drug Overview 27.6.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.6.3. Historical Sales 28. FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES IN ANTIBODY DISCOVERY 28.1. Chapter Overview 28.2. Anticipated Shift from Monoclonal Antibodies to Other Novel Antibody Formats 28.3. Technological Advancements to Overhaul Conventional Antibody Discovery Processes 28.4. Transition to CADD-based Approaches to Help Achieve Better Operational Efficiencies 28.5. Rising Demand for Antibody-based Treatment Options for Non-Oncological Indications 28.6. Future Growth Opportunities in the Asia and Rest of the World 28.7. Expected Increase in Number of Collaborations and Licensing Activity 28.8 Concluding Remarks 29. CONCLUSION 30. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 30.1. Chapter Overview 30.2. Antibody Solutions 30.2.1. Company Snapshot 30.2.2. Interview Transcript 30.3. Adimab 30.3.1. Company Snapshot 30.3.3. Interview Transcript 30.4. ImmunoPrecise Antibodies 30.4.1. Company Snapshot 30.4.3. Interview Transcript 30.5. Anonymous 30.5.1. Anonymous, Chief Business Officer (Q3 2023) 30.6. Abveris, Acquired by Twist Biosciences 30.6.1. Company Snapshot 30.6.2. Interview Transcript 30.7. Nidus BioSciences 30.7.1. Company Snapshot 30.7.2. Interview Transcript 30.8. AvantGen 30.8.1. Company Snapshot 30.8.2. Interview Transcript 30.9. Single Cell Technology 30.9.1. Company Snapshot 30.9.2. Interview Transcript 30.10. Distributed Bio 30.10.1. Company Snapshot 30.10.2. Interview Transcript 30.11. AbCellera 30.11.1. Company Snapshot 30.11.2. Interview Transcript 30.12. AbGenics Life Sciences 30.12.1. Company Snapshot 30.12.2. Interview Transcript 30.13. CDI Laboratories 30.13.1. Company Snapshot 30.13.2. Interview Transcript 30.14. AP Biosciences 30.14.1. Company Snapshot 30.14.2. Interview Transcript 30.15. YUMAB 30.15.1. Company Snapshot 30.15.2. Interview Transcript 30.16. Antibody Solutions 30.16.1. Company Snapshot 30.16.2. Interview Transcript 30.17. Ligand Pharmaceuticals 30.17.1. Company Snapshot 30.17.2. Interview Transcript 30.18. LakePharma 30.18.1. Company Snapshot 30.18.2. Interview Transcript 31. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 32. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATION
SummaryThe global antibody discovery services and platforms market is expected to reach USD 1.6 billion by 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 12% during the forecast period 2023-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Considerations 2.6.1. Demographics 2.6.2. Economic Factors 2.6.3. Government Regulations 2.6.4. Supply Chain 2.6.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.6.6. Market Access 2.6.7. Healthcare Policies 2.6.8. Industry Consolidation 2.7. Key Market Segmentation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Forecasted Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Trends Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Structure of Antibodies 5.3. History of Antibody Development 5.4. Antibody Isotypes 5.5. Mechanism of Action of Antibodies 5.6. Classification of Antibodies 5.6.1. Monoclonal Antibodies 5.6.2. Polyclonal Antibodies 5.6.3. Bispecific Antibodies 5.7. Applications of Antibodies 5.8. Concluding Remarks 6. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY: PROCESS AND METHODS 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Antibody Discovery Process 6.2.1. Target Selection and Validation 6.2.2. Hit Generation 6.2.3. Lead Selection 6.2.4. Lead Optimization Humanization Affinity Maturation Fc Engineering 6.2.5. Lead Characterization 6.2.6. Candidate Selection 6.3. Antibody Discovery Methods 6.3.1. Hybridoma Technology-based Method 6.3.2. In vitro Display Method Phage Display Yeast Display Ribosomal Display 6.3.3. Transgenic Animal-based Method 6.3.4. Single B Cell-based Method 6.3.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Existing Antibody Discovery Techniques 6.4. Evolution of Monoclonal Antibodies 6.4.1. Fully Human Monoclonal Antibodies 6.5. Concluding Remarks 7. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICE PROVIDERS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers: List of Industry Players 7.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 7.2.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Services Offered 7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered 7.2.6. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method 7.2.7. Analysis by Animal Model Used 7.2.8. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered and Type of Antibody Discovery Method 7.2.9. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Services and Location of Headquarters 7.2.10. Analysis by Application Area 8. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 8.3. Methodology 8.4. Competitiveness Analysis: Companies Grouped Grouped based on Company Size 8.4.1. Very Small Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.2. Small Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.3. Mid-sized Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.4.4. Large Companies Offering Antibody Discovery Services 8.5. Antibody Discovery Service Providers: Regional Capability 8.5.1. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in North America 8.5.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in Europe 8.5.3. Antibody Discovery Service Providers based in Asia 9. COMPANY PROFILES: ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICE PROVIDERS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in North America 9.2.1. Abwiz Bio Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.2. Abzena Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.3. Aragen Life Sciences Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.4. Capralogics Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.5. Creative Biolabs Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.6. DetaiBio Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.7. ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.8. Integral Molecular Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.2.9. Syd Labs Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in Europe 9.3.1. BIOTEM Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.2. FairJourney Biologics Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.3. Fusion Antibodies Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.4. Proteogenix Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3.5. RD Biotech Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4. Antibody Discovery Service Providers in Asia 9.4.1. ABGENEX Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.2. ChemPartner Company Overview Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.3. Viva Biotech Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4.4. WuXi Biologics Company Overview Financial Information Recent Developments and Future Outlook 10. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES: MARKET LANDSCAPE 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Antibody Discovery: List of Technologies 10.2.1. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method 10.2.2. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovered 10.2.3. Analysis by Animal Model Used 10.2.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method and Type of Antibody Discovered 10.2.5. Analysis by Type of Antibody Discovery Method and Location of Headquarters 10.3. Antibody Discovery Technologies: Developer Landscape 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 10.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 10.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 10.3.4. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Technologies 11. TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 11.3. Methodology 11.4. Antibody Discovery Technologies: Competitiveness Analysis 11.4.1. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in North America 11.4.2. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in Europe 11.4.3. Antibody Discovery Technologies Offered by Companies based in Asia and Rest of the World 12. COMPANY PROFILES: ANTIBODY DISCOVERY PLATFORM PROVIDERS 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Ablexis 12.2.1. Company Overview 12.2.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.3. Creative Biolabs 12.3.1. Company Overview 12.3.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.4. Genmab 12.4.1. Company Overview 12.4.2. Financial Information 12.4.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.5. Harbour Biomed 12.5.1. Company Overview 12.5.2. Financial Information 12.5.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.6. Immunome 12.6.1. Company Overview 12.6.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.7. Isogenica 12.7.1. Company Overview 12.7.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.8. Ligand Pharmaceuticals 12.8.1. Company Overview 12.8.2. Financial Information 12.8.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.9. Kymab 12.9.1. Company Overview 12.9.2. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.9.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 12.10. MorphoSys 12.10.1. Company Overview 12.10.2. Financial Information 12.10.3. Antibody Discovery Platform Portfolio 12.10.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 13. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Partnership Models 13.3. List of Partnerships and Collaborations 13.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 13.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 13.3.3. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner 13.3.4. Analysis by Type of Antibody 13.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 13.3.6. Most Popular Technologies: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 13.3.7. Analysis by Geography 13.3.8. Intracontinental and Intercontinental Agreements 14. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Types of Funding 14.3. Antibody Discovery Service and Platform Providers: Funding and Investment 14.3.1. Analysis by Year of Funding 14.3.2. Analysis by Type of Funding 14.3.3. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year of Funding 14.3.4. Analysis by Year-wise Number of Funding Instances and Funding Amount 14.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 14.3.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Invested 14.3.7. Leading Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 14.3.8. Analysis by Year-wise Number of Funding Instances and Type of Player 14.3.9. Analysis by Year-wise Amount Invested and Type of Player 14.3.10. Analysis of Number of Funding Instances by Year of Establishment and Type of Player 14.3.11. Analysis by Geography 14.4. Concluding Remarks 15. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Market Drivers 15.3. Market Restraints 15.4. Market Opportunities 15.5. Market Challenges 15.6. Conclusion 16. GLOBAL ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Global Antibody Discovery Services Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 16.3.1. Scenario Analysis 16.4. Key Market Segmentations 16..5. Dynamic Dashboard 17. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF SERVICE OFFERED 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Antigen Designing: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Hit Generation: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Lead Selection: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Lead Optimization: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.7. Lead Characterization: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 17.8. Data Triangulation and Validation 18. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERY METHOD 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. Phage Display: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4. Yeast Display: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5. Hybridoma Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6. Transgenic Animal based Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.7. Single Cell based Method: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.8. Other Antibody Discovery Methods: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 18.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 19. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY NATURE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERED 19.1. Chapter Overview 19.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 19.3. Humanized: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.4. Human: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.5. Chimeric: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.6. Murine: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 19.7. Data Triangulation and Validation 20. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY TYPE OF THERAPEUTIC AREAS 20.1. Chapter Overview 20.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 20.3. Oncological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.4. Immunological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.5. Infectious Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.6. Neurological Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.7. Cardiovascular Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.8. Other Disorders: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 20.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 21. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY SERVICES MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHIES 21.1. Chapter Overview 21.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 21.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.5. Asia: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.6. Latin America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.7. Middle East and North Africa: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.8. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 21.9. Data Triangulation and Validation 22. GLOBAL ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET 22.1. Chapter Overview 22.2. Assumptions and Methodology 22.3. Global Antibody Discovery Technologies Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 22.3.1. Scenario Analysis 22.4. Key Market Segmentations 22.5. Dynamic Dashboard 23. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET, BY TYPE OF ANTIBODY DISCOVERED 23.1. Chapter Overview 23.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 23.3. Monoclonal Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.4. Bispecific Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.5. Other Antibodies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 23.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 24. ANTIBODY DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES MARKET, BY KEY GEOGRAPHIES 24.1. Chapter Overview 24.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 24.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.5. Asia: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) 24.6. Data Triangulation and Validation 25. LICENSING DEAL STRUCTURE 25.1. Chapter Overview 25.2. Key Parameters 25.3. Assumptions and Methodology 25.3.1. Overall Cash Flow for Licensee Companies Investments Made by a Licensee Revenues Earned by a Licensee 25.3.2. Overall Cash Flow for Licensor Companies Investments Made by a Licensor Revenues Earned by a Licensor 25.4. Key Analytical Outputs 25.4.1. Scenario 1: Variation of Upfront and Milestone Payments 25.4.2. Scenario 2: Variation of Upfront Payments and Sales-based Royalties 25.4.3. Scenario 3: Variation of Milestone Payments and Sales-based Royalties 26. SWOT ANALYSIS: ANTIBODY HUMANIZATION SERVICE PROVIDERS 26.1. Chapter Overview 26.2. Antibody Humanization and Affinity Maturation Service and Platform Providers: List of Players 26.3. Antibody Humanization Service Providers: SWOT Analysis 26.3.1. Strengths 26.3.2. Weaknesses 26.3.3. Opportunities 26.3.4. Threats 27. CASE IN POINT: DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESSES OF TOP SELLING ANTIBODIES 27.1. Chapter Overview 27.2. Humira® (Adalimumab) 27.2.1. Drug Overview 27.2.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.2.3. Historical Sales 27.3. Keytruda® (Pembrolizumab) 27.3.1. Drug Overview 27.3.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.3.3. Historical Sales 27.4. Stelara® (Ustekinumab) 27.4.1. Drug Overview 27.4.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.4.3. Historical Sales 27.5. Dupixent® (Dupilumab) 27.5.1. Drug Overview 27.5.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.5.3. Historical Sales 27.6. Opdivo® (Nivolumab) 27.6.1. Drug Overview 27.6.2. Discovery Process and Method 27.6.3. Historical Sales 28. FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES IN ANTIBODY DISCOVERY 28.1. Chapter Overview 28.2. Anticipated Shift from Monoclonal Antibodies to Other Novel Antibody Formats 28.3. Technological Advancements to Overhaul Conventional Antibody Discovery Processes 28.4. Transition to CADD-based Approaches to Help Achieve Better Operational Efficiencies 28.5. Rising Demand for Antibody-based Treatment Options for Non-Oncological Indications 28.6. Future Growth Opportunities in the Asia and Rest of the World 28.7. Expected Increase in Number of Collaborations and Licensing Activity 28.8 Concluding Remarks 29. CONCLUSION 30. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 30.1. Chapter Overview 30.2. Antibody Solutions 30.2.1. Company Snapshot 30.2.2. Interview Transcript 30.3. Adimab 30.3.1. Company Snapshot 30.3.3. Interview Transcript 30.4. ImmunoPrecise Antibodies 30.4.1. Company Snapshot 30.4.3. Interview Transcript 30.5. Anonymous 30.5.1. Anonymous, Chief Business Officer (Q3 2023) 30.6. Abveris, Acquired by Twist Biosciences 30.6.1. Company Snapshot 30.6.2. Interview Transcript 30.7. Nidus BioSciences 30.7.1. Company Snapshot 30.7.2. Interview Transcript 30.8. AvantGen 30.8.1. Company Snapshot 30.8.2. Interview Transcript 30.9. Single Cell Technology 30.9.1. Company Snapshot 30.9.2. Interview Transcript 30.10. Distributed Bio 30.10.1. Company Snapshot 30.10.2. Interview Transcript 30.11. AbCellera 30.11.1. Company Snapshot 30.11.2. Interview Transcript 30.12. AbGenics Life Sciences 30.12.1. Company Snapshot 30.12.2. Interview Transcript 30.13. CDI Laboratories 30.13.1. Company Snapshot 30.13.2. Interview Transcript 30.14. AP Biosciences 30.14.1. Company Snapshot 30.14.2. Interview Transcript 30.15. YUMAB 30.15.1. Company Snapshot 30.15.2. Interview Transcript 30.16. Antibody Solutions 30.16.1. Company Snapshot 30.16.2. Interview Transcript 30.17. Ligand Pharmaceuticals 30.17.1. Company Snapshot 30.17.2. Interview Transcript 30.18. LakePharma 30.18.1. Company Snapshot 30.18.2. Interview Transcript 31. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 32. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATION
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