![]() 植物ベースのタンパク質発現市場:製品タイプ別(バイオシミラー、細胞治療薬、遺伝子治療薬、モノクローナル抗体、ワクチン、その他)、植物タイプ別(藻類、大麦、ベンケイソウ、カモガヤ、レタス、トウモロコシ、コケ、米、トマト、タバコ、小麦胚芽)、発現システムタイプ別(安定発現システム、一過性発現システム)、適応疾患タイプ別(肝硬変性腹水、COVID-19、嚢胞性線維症、エボラウイルス感染症、ファブリー病、ゴーシェ病、肝硬変、インフルエンザ、ピーナッツアレルギー)、治療領域の種類(遺伝子疾患、感染症、肝疾患、呼吸器疾患、その他)、薬剤(Elelyso、PALFORZIA、OsrHSA、PRX-102、Unnamed_1、Unnamed_2、PRX-110、ZMapp)、地域(北米、欧州、アジア、中東・北アフリカ、中南米、その他地域):産業動向と世界予測、2022-2035年Plant Based Protein Expression Market by Type of Product (Biosimilars, Cell Therapies, Gene Therapies, Monoclonal Antibodies, Vaccines and Others), Type of Plant (Algae, Barley, Benth, Duckweed, Lettuce, Maize, Moss, Rice, Tomato, Tobacco and Wheat Germ), Type of Expression System (Stable Expression System and Transient Expression System), Type of Target Disease Indication (Cirrhotic Ascites, COVID-19, Cystic Fibrosis, Ebola Virus Infection, Fabry Disease, Gaucher Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Influenza, and Peanut Allergy), Type of Therapeutic Area (Genetic Disorders, Infectious Disorders, Liver Disorders, Respiratory Disorders and Others), Drug (Elelyso, PALFORZIA, OsrHSA, PRX-102, Unnamed_1, Unnamed_2, PRX-110 and ZMapp), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035 植物ベースのタンパク質発現市場は、2022年には13億米ドルに達し、2022年から2035年の予測期間中に11.9%のCAGRで成長すると予測されている。 生物製剤への嗜好の高まりは、特にCOVID-19の大流行をきっかけに... もっと見る
サマリー植物ベースのタンパク質発現市場は、2022年には13億米ドルに達し、2022年から2035年の予測期間中に11.9%のCAGRで成長すると予測されている。生物製剤への嗜好の高まりは、特にCOVID-19の大流行をきっかけに著しい急成長を遂げている。現在、医薬品候補の約85%は哺乳類細胞培養を用いて製剤化されているが、病原体の導入、拡張性の限界、生産性の低下、副生成物の増加など、いくつかの課題に直面している。研究によれば、現在の哺乳類細胞生産能力は、COVID-19危機の結果高まる生物製剤需要の50%しか満たせない可能性がある。 このような課題の中、有機合成化学の進歩は、有望な代替手段として植物ベースの発現系に光を当てている。植物宿主を操作することにより、翻訳後修飾が一貫したタンパク質の生産が可能となり、哺乳類や酵母ベースの培養に由来するものに比べ、より効果的な生物製剤が得られる。また、植物ベースのシステムは、ヒトや動物の病原体を持ち込むリスクを最小限に抑えることができるため、安全性も向上する。さらに、植物分子農法は、短期間(4~8週間)で生物製剤を迅速かつ大量(数グラム)に生産することを容易にし、特にCOVID-19のパンデミック時に顕著であった。さらに、適正製造基準(GMP)植物ベースの製造施設では、他の発現系と比較して低い運営コスト(約25%減)が報告されている。 製薬企業は、このような有利な特徴から、植物ベースのシステムを積極的に採用している。これらのシステムは、植物または植物細胞培養における遺伝子導入または一過性発現を用いて、様々な治療薬、ワクチン、酵素、モノクローナル抗体、栄養タンパク質の開発を可能にしている。現在、50近い植物ベースの治療法が開発中または評価中であり、35以上のプロバイダーが独自の技術を医薬品開発者に提供している。この業界では、病気の流行、生物製剤に対する需要の高まり、現在進行中の最適化の試みなどの要因によって、植物ベースの治療法をさらに進歩させるために、様々な利害関係者間で数多くの提携が行われている。 疾患の有病率の上昇、生物製剤に対する需要の増加、製品開発における継続的な進歩、および現在進行中の技術の最適化を考慮すると、世界の植物ベースのタンパク質発現市場は、予測期間において大幅な成長の態勢を整えている。 レポート対象範囲 エグゼクティブサマリーには、植物ベースの生物製剤および発現システム市場の現状と今後の展開に関する調査洞察が含まれています。 分類、利点、一般的に使用される生産システム、メカニズム、最近の開発など、植物ベースの発現システムプロバイダーに関する主要概念の紹介。 35社以上の植物ベースの発現システムプロバイダーについて、市場展望、使用される植物の種類、製品、発現システム、開発者の詳細、独自技術などを詳細に分析。 45以上の植物ベースの生物製剤について、市場環境、開発状況、適応疾患、治療領域、製品の種類、開発者の状況、独自の医薬品候補などを詳細に分析。 植物ベースの発現システム技術に携わる主要企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載し、企業概要、技術ポートフォリオ、最近の開発状況、将来の展望を網羅。 2017年から2021年までの様々な契約や提携を網羅した、同領域における関係者間の最近の共同研究やパートナーシップ。 マトリックスとスパイダーウェブ表現を用いた企業競争力分析で、植物ベースの発現システムの主要プレイヤーを経験、ポートフォリオの強さ、提携活動、企業規模などのパラメータに基づいて比較。 2000年から2021年の間に出版された植物ベースの生物製剤に関連する1,000以上の科学論文の分析。研究の焦点、傾向、出版年、論文の種類、ジャーナル、資金提供機関、出版社、著者などのパラメータを強調。 2022年から2035年までの植物ベースの発現システム市場の詳細な市場予測分析。市場規模、成長可能性、製品タイプ、植物タイプ、発現システム、地域に基づく機会の分布などを掲載。 2022年から2035年にかけての植物ベースの生物製剤市場の詳細な市場予測分析。市場規模、成長可能性、疾患適応症、治療分野、特定の薬剤、地域に基づく機会の分布などを掲載。 本市場における様々な主要ステークホルダーとの議論から得た経営陣の洞察。 主要市場企業 メディカゴ リーフ発現システム エレバ iBIO PlantForm G+Flas ライフサイエンス ケンタッキーバイオプロセシング アンガニー 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Overview of Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems 3.2. Classification of Plant-based Expression Platforms 3.3. Mechanism of Plant Expression Platform 3.4. Advantages Offered by Plant-based Bioproduction Systems 3.5. Commonly used Plant-based Bioproduction Systems 3.6. Key Developments 3.7. Future Perspectives 4. PLANT-BASED EXPRESSION SYSTEMS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Plant-based Expression Systems: Market Overview and Developer Landscape 4.2. List of Plant-based Expression System Providers 4.2.1. Analysis by Type of Plant 4.2.2. Analysis by Type of Biologic 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Plant and Type of Biologic 4.2.4. Analysis by Type of Biologic and Region 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Plant, Type of Biologic and Region 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Service 4.2.7. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.8. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.9. Analysis by Region (Country-wise) 4.2.10. Analysis by Region (Continent-wise) 5. PLANT-BASED BIOLOGICS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 5.1. Plant-based Biologics: Pipeline Review and Developer Landscape 5.2. List of Drug Candidates 5.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development 5.2.2. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 5.2.3. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 5.2.4. Analysis by Status of Development and Therapeutic Area 5.2.5. Analysis by Type of Biologic 5.2.6. Analysis by Status of Development and Type of Product 5.3. Plant-based Biologics: List of Drug Developers 5.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.3.3. Analysis by Region Analysis of Players in North America Analysis of Players in Europe Analysis of Players in Asia and Rest of the World 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Medicago 6.1.1. Company Overview 6.1.2. Technology Portfolio 6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.2. Leaf Expression Systems 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Technology Portfolio 6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Eleva 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Technology Portfolio 6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. iBIO 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Technology Portfolio 6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. PlantForm 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Technology Portfolio 6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. G+Flas Life Sciences 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Technology Portfolio 6.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Kentucky Bioprocessing 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Technology Portfolio 6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Angany 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Technology Portfolio 6.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 7.1. Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems: Partnerships and Collaborations 7.1.1. Analysis by Cumulative Year-wise Trend of Partnerships 7.1.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 7.1.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 7.1.4. Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.1.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Biologic 7.1.6. Key Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 7.1.7. Analysis by Partner Headquarters (Region) 7.1.8. Analysis by Region and Type of Agreement 7.1.9. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Partnerships 8. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 8.1. Plant-based Expression System Providers: Company Competitiveness Analysis 8.1.1. Assumptions and Key Parameters 8.1.2. Methodology 8.3. Benchmarking of Portfolio Strength 8.4. Benchmarking of Partnership Strength 8.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Small Companies 8.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Mid-sized Companies 8.7. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Large Companies 9. PUBLICATIONS ANALYSIS 9.1. Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems: Publications Analysis 9.1.1. Analysis Methodology 9.1.2. Key Parameters 9.2. Analysis by Year of Publication 9.3. Analysis by Type of Publication 9.4. Key Journals based on Publications Count 9.5. Analysis by Primary Author 9.6. Analysis by Publisher 9.7. Analysis by Primary Funding Body 9.8. Analysis by Journal Impact Factor 9.9. Analysis by Key Journals and Journal Impact Factor 9.10. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Area 9.11. Timeline Analysis 9.11.1. Analysis by Article Type and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and ApprovalAnalysis by Article Type and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.11.2. Analysis by Journal Impact Factor and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and ApprovalAnalysis by Journal Impact Factor and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.11.3. Analysis by Grant Awarded and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.12. Benchmarking Methodology 9.13. Benchmarking Analysis 9.14. List of Top 50 Publications 10. PLANT-BASED EXPRESSION SYSTEMS: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 10.1. Methodology and Key Assumptions 10.2. Segments Forecasted 10.3. Plant-based Expression Systems: Sales Forecast 10.4. Analysis by Type of Product: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.4.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Biosimilars, 2022-2035 10.4.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 10.4.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Gene Therapies, 2022-2035 10.4.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Monoclonal Antibodies, 2022-2035 10.4.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Vaccines, 2022-2035 10.4.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Others, 2022-2035 10.5. Distribution by Type of Plant: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.5.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Algae, 2022-2035 10.5.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Barley, 2022-2035 10.5.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Benth, 2022-2035 10.5.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Duckweed, 2022-2035 10.5.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Lettuce, 2022-2035 10.5.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Maize, 2022-2035 10.5.7. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Moss, 2022-2035 10.5.8. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Rice, 2022-2035 10.5.9. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Tomato, 2022-2035 10.5.10. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Tobacco, 2022-2035 10.5.11. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Wheat Germ, 2022-2035 10.6. Analysis by Type of Expression System: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.6.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Stable Expression System, 2022-2035 10.6.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Transient Expression System,2022-2035 10.7. Analysis by Region: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.7.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in North America, 2022-2035 10.7.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Europe, 2022-2035 10.7.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Asia, 2022-2035 10.7.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 10.7.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in MENA, 2022-2035 10.7.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 11. PLANT-BASED BIOLOGICS: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 11.1. List of Forecasted DrugsKey Parameters and Assumptions 11.2. List of Forecasted DrugsAnalysis Methodology 11.3. List of Forecasted Drugs 11.3.1. Elelyso, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.2. PALFORZIA, Aimmune Therapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.3. OsrHSA, Healthgen Biotechnology Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.4. PRX-102, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.5. Unnamed_1, Medicago Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.6. Unnamed_2, Medicago Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.7. PRX-110, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.8. ZMapp, Mapp Biopharmaceutical Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.4. Global Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Target Disease Indication, 2022 and 2035 11.4.1. Plant-based Biologics Market for Cirrhotic Ascites, 2022-2035 11.4.2. Plant-based Biologics Market for COVID-19, 2022-2035 11.4.3 Plant-based Biologics Market for Cystic Fibrosis, 2022-2035 11.4.4 Plant-based Biologics Market for Ebola Virus Infection, 2022-2035 11.4.5. Plant-based Biologics Market for Fabry Disease, 2022-2035 11.4.6. Plant-based Biologics Market for Gaucher Disease, 2022-2035 11.4.7. Plant-based Biologics Market for Influenza, 2022-2035 11.4.8. Plant-based Biologics Market for Liver Cirrhosis, 2022-2035 11.4.9. Plant-based Biologics Market for Peanut Allergy, 2022-2035 11.5. Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Therapeutic Area, 2022 and 2035 11.5.1. Plant-based Biologics Market for Genetic Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.2 Plant-based Biologics Market for Infectious Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.3 Plant-based Biologics Market for Liver Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.4. Plant-based Biologics Market for Respiratory Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.5. Plant-based Biologics Market for Others, 2022-2035 11.6. Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Region, 2022 and 2035 11.6.1. Plant-based Biologics Market in North America, 2022-2035 11.6.2. Plant-based Biologics Market in Europe, 2022-2035 11.6.3. Plant-based Biologics Market in Asia, 2022-2035 11.6.4. Plant-based Biologics Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 11.7. Plant-based Biologics: Overall Market Opportunity, 2022-2035 11.8. Plant-based Biologics: Market Share of Key Players 11.9. Plant-based Biologics: Regional Distribution, 2022,2028 and 2035 11.10. Region-wise Distribution (Bubble Chart Representation) 12. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 12.1. Transactiva 12.1.1. Company Snapshot 12.1.2. Interview Transcript: Sara Raccovelli (Researcher) 12.2. ORF Genetics 12.2.1. Company Snapshot 12.2.2. Interview Transcript: Júlíus B Kristinsson (Chief Project Manager, Business Development & Co-Founder) 13. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 14. APPENDIX 1: PUBLICATIONS DATA 15. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe plant based protein expression market is expected to reach USD 1.3 billion in 2022 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 11.9% during the forecast period 2022-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Overview of Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems 3.2. Classification of Plant-based Expression Platforms 3.3. Mechanism of Plant Expression Platform 3.4. Advantages Offered by Plant-based Bioproduction Systems 3.5. Commonly used Plant-based Bioproduction Systems 3.6. Key Developments 3.7. Future Perspectives 4. PLANT-BASED EXPRESSION SYSTEMS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Plant-based Expression Systems: Market Overview and Developer Landscape 4.2. List of Plant-based Expression System Providers 4.2.1. Analysis by Type of Plant 4.2.2. Analysis by Type of Biologic 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Plant and Type of Biologic 4.2.4. Analysis by Type of Biologic and Region 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Plant, Type of Biologic and Region 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Service 4.2.7. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.8. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.9. Analysis by Region (Country-wise) 4.2.10. Analysis by Region (Continent-wise) 5. PLANT-BASED BIOLOGICS: MARKET LANDSCAPE 5.1. Plant-based Biologics: Pipeline Review and Developer Landscape 5.2. List of Drug Candidates 5.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development 5.2.2. Analysis by Target Disease Indication 5.2.3. Analysis by Therapeutic Area 5.2.4. Analysis by Status of Development and Therapeutic Area 5.2.5. Analysis by Type of Biologic 5.2.6. Analysis by Status of Development and Type of Product 5.3. Plant-based Biologics: List of Drug Developers 5.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.3.3. Analysis by Region Analysis of Players in North America Analysis of Players in Europe Analysis of Players in Asia and Rest of the World 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Medicago 6.1.1. Company Overview 6.1.2. Technology Portfolio 6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.2. Leaf Expression Systems 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Technology Portfolio 6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Eleva 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Technology Portfolio 6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. iBIO 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Technology Portfolio 6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. PlantForm 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Technology Portfolio 6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. G+Flas Life Sciences 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Technology Portfolio 6.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Kentucky Bioprocessing 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Technology Portfolio 6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Angany 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Technology Portfolio 6.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 7.1. Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems: Partnerships and Collaborations 7.1.1. Analysis by Cumulative Year-wise Trend of Partnerships 7.1.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 7.1.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 7.1.4. Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.1.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Biologic 7.1.6. Key Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 7.1.7. Analysis by Partner Headquarters (Region) 7.1.8. Analysis by Region and Type of Agreement 7.1.9. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Partnerships 8. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 8.1. Plant-based Expression System Providers: Company Competitiveness Analysis 8.1.1. Assumptions and Key Parameters 8.1.2. Methodology 8.3. Benchmarking of Portfolio Strength 8.4. Benchmarking of Partnership Strength 8.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Small Companies 8.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Mid-sized Companies 8.7. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Large Companies 9. PUBLICATIONS ANALYSIS 9.1. Plant-based Biologics and Expression Systems: Publications Analysis 9.1.1. Analysis Methodology 9.1.2. Key Parameters 9.2. Analysis by Year of Publication 9.3. Analysis by Type of Publication 9.4. Key Journals based on Publications Count 9.5. Analysis by Primary Author 9.6. Analysis by Publisher 9.7. Analysis by Primary Funding Body 9.8. Analysis by Journal Impact Factor 9.9. Analysis by Key Journals and Journal Impact Factor 9.10. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Area 9.11. Timeline Analysis 9.11.1. Analysis by Article Type and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and ApprovalAnalysis by Article Type and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.11.2. Analysis by Journal Impact Factor and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and ApprovalAnalysis by Journal Impact Factor and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.11.3. Analysis by Grant Awarded and Timeline of Receipt, Acceptance and Approval 9.12. Benchmarking Methodology 9.13. Benchmarking Analysis 9.14. List of Top 50 Publications 10. PLANT-BASED EXPRESSION SYSTEMS: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 10.1. Methodology and Key Assumptions 10.2. Segments Forecasted 10.3. Plant-based Expression Systems: Sales Forecast 10.4. Analysis by Type of Product: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.4.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Biosimilars, 2022-2035 10.4.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 10.4.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Gene Therapies, 2022-2035 10.4.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Monoclonal Antibodies, 2022-2035 10.4.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Vaccines, 2022-2035 10.4.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Others, 2022-2035 10.5. Distribution by Type of Plant: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.5.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Algae, 2022-2035 10.5.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Barley, 2022-2035 10.5.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Benth, 2022-2035 10.5.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Duckweed, 2022-2035 10.5.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Lettuce, 2022-2035 10.5.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Maize, 2022-2035 10.5.7. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Moss, 2022-2035 10.5.8. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Rice, 2022-2035 10.5.9. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Tomato, 2022-2035 10.5.10. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Tobacco, 2022-2035 10.5.11. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Wheat Germ, 2022-2035 10.6. Analysis by Type of Expression System: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.6.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Stable Expression System, 2022-2035 10.6.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market for Transient Expression System,2022-2035 10.7. Analysis by Region: Global Sales Forecast, 2022 and 2035 10.7.1. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in North America, 2022-2035 10.7.2. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Europe, 2022-2035 10.7.3. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Asia, 2022-2035 10.7.4. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 10.7.5. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in MENA, 2022-2035 10.7.6. Plant-based Expression Systems Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 11. PLANT-BASED BIOLOGICS: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 11.1. List of Forecasted DrugsKey Parameters and Assumptions 11.2. List of Forecasted DrugsAnalysis Methodology 11.3. List of Forecasted Drugs 11.3.1. Elelyso, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.2. PALFORZIA, Aimmune Therapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.3. OsrHSA, Healthgen Biotechnology Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.4. PRX-102, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.5. Unnamed_1, Medicago Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.6. Unnamed_2, Medicago Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.7. PRX-110, Protalix Biotherapeutics Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.3.8. ZMapp, Mapp Biopharmaceutical Global Sales Forecast Regional Sales Forecast Net Present Value Value Creation Analysis 11.4. Global Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Target Disease Indication, 2022 and 2035 11.4.1. Plant-based Biologics Market for Cirrhotic Ascites, 2022-2035 11.4.2. Plant-based Biologics Market for COVID-19, 2022-2035 11.4.3 Plant-based Biologics Market for Cystic Fibrosis, 2022-2035 11.4.4 Plant-based Biologics Market for Ebola Virus Infection, 2022-2035 11.4.5. Plant-based Biologics Market for Fabry Disease, 2022-2035 11.4.6. Plant-based Biologics Market for Gaucher Disease, 2022-2035 11.4.7. Plant-based Biologics Market for Influenza, 2022-2035 11.4.8. Plant-based Biologics Market for Liver Cirrhosis, 2022-2035 11.4.9. Plant-based Biologics Market for Peanut Allergy, 2022-2035 11.5. Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Therapeutic Area, 2022 and 2035 11.5.1. Plant-based Biologics Market for Genetic Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.2 Plant-based Biologics Market for Infectious Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.3 Plant-based Biologics Market for Liver Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.4. Plant-based Biologics Market for Respiratory Disorders, 2022-2035 11.5.5. Plant-based Biologics Market for Others, 2022-2035 11.6. Plant-based Biologics Market: Analysis by Region, 2022 and 2035 11.6.1. Plant-based Biologics Market in North America, 2022-2035 11.6.2. Plant-based Biologics Market in Europe, 2022-2035 11.6.3. Plant-based Biologics Market in Asia, 2022-2035 11.6.4. Plant-based Biologics Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 11.7. Plant-based Biologics: Overall Market Opportunity, 2022-2035 11.8. Plant-based Biologics: Market Share of Key Players 11.9. Plant-based Biologics: Regional Distribution, 2022,2028 and 2035 11.10. Region-wise Distribution (Bubble Chart Representation) 12. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 12.1. Transactiva 12.1.1. Company Snapshot 12.1.2. Interview Transcript: Sara Raccovelli (Researcher) 12.2. ORF Genetics 12.2.1. Company Snapshot 12.2.2. Interview Transcript: Júlíus B Kristinsson (Chief Project Manager, Business Development & Co-Founder) 13. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 14. APPENDIX 1: PUBLICATIONS DATA 15. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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