![]() クロマトグラフィー消耗品とクロマトグラフィー機器市場:製品タイプ別(装置、消耗品、その他付属品)、クロマトグラフィ装置タイプ別(液体クロマトグラフィ、ガスクロマトグラフィ、その他システム)、消耗品フォーマット別(プレパックカラム、ボトル/バルク樹脂、その他フォーマット)、エンドユーザー別(製薬/バイオテクノロジー産業、学術/研究機関、その他産業)、主要地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、その他地域)の分布:業界動向と世界予測、2023-2035年Chromatography Consumables and Chromatography Instrumentation Market: Distribution by Type of Product (Instruments, Consumables and Other Accessories), Type of Chromatography Instruments (Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography, and Other Systems), Type of Consumable Formats (Prepacked Columns, Bottles / Bulk Resins and Other Formats), End Users (Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industries, Academic / Research Institutes and Other Industries) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2023-2035 クロマトグラフィ装置市場(液体クロマトグラフィシステム市場、ガスクロマトグラフィ市場、ゲル浸透クロマトグラフィ市場、その他)およびクロマトグラフィ消耗品を含む世界のクロマトグラフィ市場規模は、2023... もっと見る
サマリークロマトグラフィ装置市場(液体クロマトグラフィシステム市場、ガスクロマトグラフィ市場、ゲル浸透クロマトグラフィ市場、その他)およびクロマトグラフィ消耗品を含む世界のクロマトグラフィ市場規模は、2023年には105億米ドルに達し、予測期間2023-2035年のCAGRは5.5%で成長すると予測されている。クロマトグラフィは、化合物混合物の分離、同定、精製に利用される極めて重要な分析手法である。クロマトグラフィーは、移動相(液体または気体)と固定相(固体または液体)の間に個々の分析物を分散させることによって行われる。この技術は、製薬、バイオテクノロジー、化学、環境科学、食品製造、石油化学など、幅広い産業で利用されている。製薬分野では、クロマトグラフィシステムと装置の需要が大幅に増加しています。液体クロマトグラフィシステム、ガスクロマトグラフィシステム、ゲル浸透クロマトグラフィ、超臨界流体クロマトグラフィ、そしてクロマトグラフィ樹脂や充填カラムなどの消耗品は、複雑なサンプルの分析において重要な役割を果たします。これらのツールは、大規模な研究活動、精密医療、ウイルス研究、ワクチン開発に不可欠です。 COVID-19のパンデミックは、クロマトグラフィー装置と消耗品の世界市場を著しく加速させた。この急増は、医薬品開発や診断にクロマトグラフィー技術が広く採用されるようになったことと直結している。さまざまな用途での創薬におけるクロマトグラフィ手法の利用の増加に後押しされ、クロマトグラフィ機器・消耗品市場は予測期間中に大きな成長が見込まれる。 レポート対象範囲 製品タイプ、クロマトグラフィー装置のバリエーション、消耗品フォーマット、エンドユーザーカテゴリ、主要地域などに焦点を当て、クロマトグラフィー消耗品および装置市場を調査しています。 市場成長に影響を与える要因(促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題)について分析しています。 市場内の潜在的な優位性と障壁を評価し、主要市場プレイヤーの競争環境に関する洞察を提供します。 市場セグメントの収益は4つの主要地域で予測しています。 調査結果の正確性と信頼性を確保するため、前提条件、方法論、品質管理対策を含む詳細な方法論を概説しています。 本レポートでは、為替変動、外国為替の影響、不況、インフレなどの過去のトレンドや経済要因を分析し、クロマトグラフィー市場への影響を測定しています。 調査から得られた主要な知見をまとめ、クロマトグラフィー市場の短期から長期的な予想展開の概要を提供しています。 さまざまな産業におけるクロマトグラフィーの原理、種類、用途を詳しく解説し、近い将来に予想される新たな成長分野を強調しています。 この市場セグメントに属する約75社の情報を掲載し、設立年、企業規模、提供するクロマトグラフィーシステム、使用する移動相、提供する消耗品、事業規模、参入業界などの要因を分析しています。 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域のクロマトグラフィー装置/システムプロバイダーの比較を、サプライヤーの強み、企業の競争力、システム/装置のタイプ、提供する消耗品、エンドユーザーに基づいて実施。 この市場セグメントに属する80社以上の企業に関する詳細な洞察を提供し、設立年、提供する分離技術、固相タイプ、消耗品フォーマット、分析対象物分離タイプ、応用分野などのパラメータを分析する。 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域の詳細な企業プロフィールを掲載し、その概要、製品ポートフォリオ(装置と消耗品)、財務データ(入手可能な場合)、最近の開発状況、将来の展望をカバーしています。 特許の種類、公開年、地域、関与するプレーヤー、知的財産ポートフォリオ、特許ベンチマーキング、評価分析などの詳細を含む、出願特許/付与特許の包括的な調査を実施。 クロマトグラフィー分野のM&Aに関する詳細な調査を行い、トレンド、ディールタイプ、地域的側面、企業規模、主要なバリュードライバー、売上高に基づく買収ディール倍率を明らかにしています。 主要市場企業 アジレント・テクノロジー バイオ・ラッド・ラボラトリーズ パーキンエルマー ザルトリウス 島津製作所 サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Market Segmentations 2.7. Key Considerations 2.7.1. Demographics 2.7.2. Economic Factors 2.7.3. Government Regulations 2.7.4. Supply Chain 2.7.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.7.6. Market Access 2.7.7. Healthcare Policies 2.7.8. Industry Consolidation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Future Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and Their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Overview of Chromatography 5.3. Principle of Chromatography 5.4. Types of Chromatography 5.5. Applications of Chromatography 5.6. Future Perspectives 5.7. Concluding Remarks 6. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENTS PROVIDERS MARKET LANDSCAPE 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Chromatography Instrument Providers: Overall Market Landscape 6.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 6.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 6.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 6.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 6.2.5. Analysis by Chromatography Instrument Offered 6.2.6. Analysis by Type of Mobile Phase Used 6.2.7. Analysis by Type of Chromatography Consumables Offered 6.2.8. Analysis by Scale of Operation 6.2.9. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 7. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENTS PROVIDERS: COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 7.3. Methodology 7.4. Chromatography Instrument Providers: Company Competitiveness Analysis 7.4.1. Small Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.2. Mid-sized Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.3. Large Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.4. Very Large Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 8. CHROMATOGRAPHY CONSUMABLES PROVIDERS MARKET LANDSCAPE 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Chromatography Consumables Providers: Overall Market Landscape 8.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 8.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 8.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 8.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 8.2.5. Analysis by Type of Separation Technique Used 8.2.6. Analysis by Type of Solid Phase Offered 8.2.7. Analysis by Type of Consumable Format Offered 8.2.8. Analysis by Type of Analyte 8.2.9. Analysis by Application Area of Chromatography Consumables 9. COMPANY PROFILES 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Agilent Technologies 9.2.1. Company Overview 9.2.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories 9.3.1. Company Overview 9.3.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4. PerkinElmer 9.4.1. Company Overview 9.4.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.5. Sartorius 9.5.1. Company Overview 9.5.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.6. Shimadzu 9.6.1. Company Overview 9.6.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.7. Thermo Fisher Scientific 9.7.1. Company Overview 9.7.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 10. PATENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Scope and Methodology 10.3. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Analysis 10.3.1. Analysis by Patent Publication Year 10.3.2. Analysis by Patent Application Year 10.3.3. Analysis of Granted Patents and Patent Applications by Publication Year 10.3.4. Analysis by Patent Jurisdiction 10.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 10.3.6. Analysis by Type of Applicant 10.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.3.8. Leading Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.3.9. Leading Individual Patent Assignees: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.4. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 10.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 10.5. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Valuation 10.6. Leading Patents by Number of Citations 11. MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Merger and Acquisition Models 11.3. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Mergers and Acquisitions 11.3.1. Analysis by Type of Deal 11.3.2. Analysis by Year of Deal 11.3.3. Analysis by Company Ownership 11.3.4. Analysis by Geography Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals Local and International Deals 11.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Mergers and Acquisitions 11.3.6. Analysis by Key Value Drivers 11.3.7. Key Acquisitions: Deal Multiples 12. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Market Drivers 12.3. Market Restraints 12.4. Market Opportunities 12.5. Market Challenges 12.6. Conclusion 13. GLOBAL CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Assumptions and Methodology 13.3. Global Chromatography Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 13.3.1. Scenario Analysis 13.4. Key Market Segmentations 13.5. Dynamic Dashboard 14. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF PRODUCT, 2023 AND 2035 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 14.3. Chromatography Instruments: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.4. Chromatography Consumables: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.5. Other Accessories: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.6. Data Triangulation 14.6.1. Insights from Primary Research 14.6.2. Insights from Secondary Research 14.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 15. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENT 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 15.3. Liquid Chromatography Instrument: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.4. Gas Chromatography Instrument: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.5. Other Instruments: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.6. Data Triangulation 15.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 15.8.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 15.8.3. Insights from In-house Repository 16. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CONSUMABLE FORMAT OFFERED, 2023 AND 2035 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Pre-Packed Columns: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.4. Bottles / Bulk Resins: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.5. Other Formats: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.6. Data Triangulation 16.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 16.6.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 16.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 17. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY END USER 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Companies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Academic / Research Institutes: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Other Industries: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Data Triangulation 17.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 17.6.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 17.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 18. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY GEOGRAPHY 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.3.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.3.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.3.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.4.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.4.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.5. Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.5.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.5.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.6. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.6.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.6.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.7. Data Triangulation 18.7.1. Insights based on Primary Research 18.7.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 18.7.3. Insights from In-house Repository 19. CONCLUSION 20. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 21. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 22. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe global chromatography market size global chromatography market size, including chromatography instrumentation market (liquid chromatography system market, gas chromatography market, gel permeation chromatography market and others) and chromatography consumables is expected to reach USD 10.5 billion in 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period 2023-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Project Objectives 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Inclusions and Exclusions 1.5. Key Questions Answered 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Chapter Overview 2.2. Research Assumptions 2.3. Project Methodology 2.4. Forecast Methodology 2.5. Robust Quality Control 2.6. Key Market Segmentations 2.7. Key Considerations 2.7.1. Demographics 2.7.2. Economic Factors 2.7.3. Government Regulations 2.7.4. Supply Chain 2.7.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors 2.7.6. Market Access 2.7.7. Healthcare Policies 2.7.8. Industry Consolidation 3. ECONOMIC AND OTHER PROJECT SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Time Period Historical Trends Current and Future Estimates 3.2.2. Currency Coverage Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and Their Impact on Market Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk 3.2.4. Recession Historical Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market 3.2.5. Inflation Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Overview of Chromatography 5.3. Principle of Chromatography 5.4. Types of Chromatography 5.5. Applications of Chromatography 5.6. Future Perspectives 5.7. Concluding Remarks 6. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENTS PROVIDERS MARKET LANDSCAPE 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Chromatography Instrument Providers: Overall Market Landscape 6.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 6.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 6.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 6.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 6.2.5. Analysis by Chromatography Instrument Offered 6.2.6. Analysis by Type of Mobile Phase Used 6.2.7. Analysis by Type of Chromatography Consumables Offered 6.2.8. Analysis by Scale of Operation 6.2.9. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 7. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENTS PROVIDERS: COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 7.3. Methodology 7.4. Chromatography Instrument Providers: Company Competitiveness Analysis 7.4.1. Small Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.2. Mid-sized Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.3. Large Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 7.4.4. Very Large Companies Providing Chromatography Instruments 8. CHROMATOGRAPHY CONSUMABLES PROVIDERS MARKET LANDSCAPE 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Chromatography Consumables Providers: Overall Market Landscape 8.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 8.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 8.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 8.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 8.2.5. Analysis by Type of Separation Technique Used 8.2.6. Analysis by Type of Solid Phase Offered 8.2.7. Analysis by Type of Consumable Format Offered 8.2.8. Analysis by Type of Analyte 8.2.9. Analysis by Application Area of Chromatography Consumables 9. COMPANY PROFILES 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Agilent Technologies 9.2.1. Company Overview 9.2.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories 9.3.1. Company Overview 9.3.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.4. PerkinElmer 9.4.1. Company Overview 9.4.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.5. Sartorius 9.5.1. Company Overview 9.5.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.6. Shimadzu 9.6.1. Company Overview 9.6.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 9.7. Thermo Fisher Scientific 9.7.1. Company Overview 9.7.2. Chromatography Product Portfolio 9.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 10. PATENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Scope and Methodology 10.3. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Analysis 10.3.1. Analysis by Patent Publication Year 10.3.2. Analysis by Patent Application Year 10.3.3. Analysis of Granted Patents and Patent Applications by Publication Year 10.3.4. Analysis by Patent Jurisdiction 10.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols 10.3.6. Analysis by Type of Applicant 10.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.3.8. Leading Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.3.9. Leading Individual Patent Assignees: Analysis by Number of Patents 10.4. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 10.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 10.5. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Patent Valuation 10.6. Leading Patents by Number of Citations 11. MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Merger and Acquisition Models 11.3. Chromatography Instruments and Consumables: Mergers and Acquisitions 11.3.1. Analysis by Type of Deal 11.3.2. Analysis by Year of Deal 11.3.3. Analysis by Company Ownership 11.3.4. Analysis by Geography Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals Local and International Deals 11.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Mergers and Acquisitions 11.3.6. Analysis by Key Value Drivers 11.3.7. Key Acquisitions: Deal Multiples 12. MARKET IMPACT ANALYSIS: DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Market Drivers 12.3. Market Restraints 12.4. Market Opportunities 12.5. Market Challenges 12.6. Conclusion 13. GLOBAL CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Assumptions and Methodology 13.3. Global Chromatography Market, Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 13.3.1. Scenario Analysis 13.4. Key Market Segmentations 13.5. Dynamic Dashboard 14. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF PRODUCT, 2023 AND 2035 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 14.3. Chromatography Instruments: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.4. Chromatography Consumables: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.5. Other Accessories: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 14.6. Data Triangulation 14.6.1. Insights from Primary Research 14.6.2. Insights from Secondary Research 14.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 15. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CHROMATOGRAPHY INSTRUMENT 15.1. Chapter Overview 15.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 15.3. Liquid Chromatography Instrument: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.4. Gas Chromatography Instrument: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.5. Other Instruments: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 15.6. Data Triangulation 15.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 15.8.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 15.8.3. Insights from In-house Repository 16. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CONSUMABLE FORMAT OFFERED, 2023 AND 2035 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 16.3. Pre-Packed Columns: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.4. Bottles / Bulk Resins: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.5. Other Formats: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 16.6. Data Triangulation 16.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 16.6.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 16.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 17. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY END USER 17.1. Chapter Overview 17.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 17.3. Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Companies: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.4. Academic / Research Institutes: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.5. Other Industries: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 17.6. Data Triangulation 17.6.1. Insights based on Primary Research 17.6.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 17.6.3. Insights from In-house Repository 18. CHROMATOGRAPHY MARKET: DISTRIBUTION BY GEOGRAPHY 18.1. Chapter Overview 18.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 18.3. North America: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.3.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.3.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.3.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.4. Europe: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.4.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.4.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.4.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.5. Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.5.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.5.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.5.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.6. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2017-2022) and Future Estimates (2023-2035) 18.6.1. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Instruments 18.6.2. Chromatography Market for Chromatography Consumables 18.6.3. Chromatography Market for Other Accessories 18.7. Data Triangulation 18.7.1. Insights based on Primary Research 18.7.2. Insights based on Secondary Research 18.7.3. Insights from In-house Repository 19. CONCLUSION 20. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 21. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 22. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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よくあるご質問Roots Analysis社はどのような調査会社ですか?Roots Analysisは2013年設立の医薬品・医療機器が専門の調査会社です。 医薬品の製造委託や創薬のデジタル化など、最新の医薬業界の分析を行っています。 もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
2025/03/14 10:26 149.35 円 162.52 円 196.23 円 |