
薬剤再構成市場の分布:容器の種類(カートリッジ、輸液バッグ、プレフィルドシリンジ)、製造材料(ガラスとプラスチック)、シリンジとカートリッジ内の薬剤の物理的状態(液体/粉末、液体/液体)、輸液バッグ内の薬剤の物理的状態(液体混合物、凍結混合物)、容器の容量(<1 mL, 1-2.5 mL, 2.5-5 mL, >プレフィルドシリンジおよびカートリッジは5mL;<250 mL, 250-500 mL, 500-1,000 mL, >輸液バッグ用1,000 mL)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中南米、中東・北アフリカ、その他の地域):産業動向と世界予測、2021-2035年

薬剤再構成市場の分布:容器の種類(カートリッジ、輸液バッグ、プレフィルドシリンジ)、製造材料(ガラスとプラスチック)、シリンジとカートリッジ内の薬剤の物理的状態(液体/粉末、液体/液体)、輸液バッグ内の薬剤の物理的状態(液体混合物、凍結混合物)、容器の容量(<1 mL, 1-2.5 mL, 2.5-5 mL, >プレフィルドシリンジおよびカートリッジは5mL;<250 mL, 250-500 mL, 500-1,000 mL, >輸液バッグ用1,000 mL)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中南米、中東・北アフリカ、その他の地域):産業動向と世界予測、2021-2035年

Drug Reconstitution Market Distribution by Type of Container (Cartridge, Infusion Bag and Prefilled Syringe), Fabrication Material (Glass and Plastic), Physical State of Drug in Syringe and Cartridge (Liquid / Powder, Liquid / Liquid), Physical State of Drug in Infusion Bag (Liquid Mixture, Frozen Mixture), Volume of Container (<1 mL, 1-2.5 mL, 2.5-5 mL, >5 mL for prefilled syringe and cartridge; <250 mL, 250-500 mL, 500-1,000 mL, >1,000 mL for infusion bag), Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2021-2035

薬剤再構成市場の予測値は2021年に39億6,000万米ドルとなり、予測期間2021-2035年には年平均成長率8%で成長すると予測されている。 近年、医薬品業界では、生物製剤や低分子医薬品の市場参入が急増している。... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Roots Analysis
2023年8月1日 US$4,799
3-4営業日程度 325 英語









 新規薬剤再構成システムの簡単な紹介では、検討事項、薬剤再構成に影響を与える要因、凍結乾燥プロセス、デュアルチャンバーシステムの重要性を取り上げている。
 装置の種類、チャンバーのバリエーション、薬剤の物理的状態、容器の材質、使いやすさについて詳述した市場概況。設立年、企業規模、地域、主要メーカーに基づく分析も掲載。
 ワンステップシステムと従来型デバイスを含むその他の再構成デバイスの市場展望を掲載し、主要容器、薬剤の状態、使用性、メーカーの詳細を示す。
 新規の薬剤再構成システムを開発する主要企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載し、会社概要、財務詳細、製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発状況、将来の展望を強調しています。
 薬剤の種類、容器、クロージャー、剤形、投与経路などのパラメータを考慮し、FDA承認製品350品目以上のパッケージング動向を、開発者の情報とともに広範にレビュー。
 2011年以降の新規薬剤再構成システムに関する出願/付与特許を分析し、トレンド、地理的位置、組織タイプ、主要プレイヤーを強調。
 サプライヤーの強みと製品仕様に基づくシステムメーカーの競争力分析。
 イベントタイプ、プラットフォーム、地域分布、主要主催者を考慮した新規薬剤再構成システム関連の最新イベント。
 ハーベイボール分析を含むSWOTフレームワークを用いたトレンド、推進要因、課題に関する詳細分析。

 バクスター
 ICUメディカル
 B. Braun
 ベッター・ファーマ
 ニプロ
 ショットカイシャ



1. PREFACE 1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Overview of Reconstitution Systems 3.2.1. Key Considerations in Drug Reconstitution 3.3. Lyophilization of Pharmaceuticals 3.3.1. Need for Reconstitution Systems 3.3.2. Dual Chamber / Multi Chamber Systems 3.3.3. One Step Reconstitution Systems 3.3.4. Conventional Reconstitution Systems 3.4. Advantages of Drug Reconstitution Systems 3.4.1. Benefits to Pharmaceutical Players 3.4.2. Benefits to Patients 3.5. Concluding Remarks 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE: NOVEL DRUG RECONSTITUTION SYSTEMS 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Product Pipeline 4.2.1. Analysis by Type of Device 4.2.2. Analysis by Type of Chamber 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Device and Type of Chamber 4.2.4. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 4.2.5. Analysis by Container Fabrication Material 4.2.6. Analysis by Device Usability 4.2.7. Analysis by Container Fabrication Material and Device Usability 4.2.8. Analysis by Volume of Container 4.3. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Developer Landscape 4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.3.3. Analysis by Region of Headquarters 4.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Region of Headquarters 4.3.5. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.3.6. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems Manufactured 5. MARKET LANDSCAPE: OTHER RECONSTITUTION SYSTEMS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. One Step Reconstitution Systems: Product Pipeline 5.2.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Container 5.2.2. Analysis by Volume of Primary Container 5.2.3. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 5.2.4. Analysis by Device Usability 5.2.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Container and Physical State of Drug 5.3. One Step Reconstitution Systems: Developer Landscape 5.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.3.4. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of One Step Reconstitution Systems Manufactured 5.4. Conventional Reconstitution Devices: Development Pipeline 5.4.1. Analysis by Status of Development 5.4.2. Analysis by Type of Device 5.4.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Container 5.4.4. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 5.4.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Container and Physical State of Drug 5.5. Conventional Reconstitution Devices: Developer Landscape 5.5.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.5.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.5.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.5.4. Analysis by Region of Headquarters 5.5.5. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Conventional Reconstitution Devices Manufactured 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Key Players based in North America 6.2.1. Baxter Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.2.2. ICU Medical Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Key Players based in Europe 6.3.1. B. Braun Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3.2. Vetter Pharma Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. Key Players based in Asia-Pacific 6.4.1. Nipro Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4.2. SCHOTT-KAISHA Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PACKAGING TREND ANALYSIS FOR APPROVED DRUGS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Scope and Methodology 7.3. List of Approved Drugs (2014-H1 2021) 7.3.1. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Approval Year 7.3.2. Analysis by Type of Molecule 7.3.3. Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.3.4. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Holding Temperature 7.3.5. Analysis by Type of Biologic and Dosage Form 7.4. Primary Packaging Containers for Approved Drugs 7.4.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container 7.4.2. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Approval Year 7.4.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Type of Molecule 7.4.4. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Holding Temperature Range 7.4.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Dosage Form 7.4.6. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Route of Administration 7.4.7. Most Popular Materials Used for Containers: Analysis by Number of Drugs 7.5. Primary Packaging Closures for Approved Drugs 7.5.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure 7.5.2. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Approval Year 7.5.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Type of Molecule 7.5.4. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Holding Temperature Range 7.5.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Dosage Form 7.5.6. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Route of Administration 7.5.7. Most Popular Materials Used for Closures: Analysis by Number of Drugs 7.6. Packaging Trend Analysis for Approved Drugs: Developer Landscape 7.6.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.6.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.6.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 7.6.4. Analysis by Type of Molecules and Company Size 7.6.5. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Geographical Location of Developers 7.6.6. Analysis by Type of Biologics and Geographical Location of Developers 7.6.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Type of Molecule 7.6.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Biologics Developed 7.6.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.6.10. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Small Molecules Developed 7.7. Concluding Remarks 8. PATENT ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Scope and Methodology 8.3. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Analysis 8.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year 8.3.2. Analysis by Application Year 8.3.3. Analysis by Geographical Location 8.3.4. Analysis by CPC Symbols 8.3.5. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 8.3.6. Analysis by Type of Organization 8.3.7. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 8.4. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 8.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 8.5. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Valuation Analysis 8.6. Leading Patents by Number of Citations 9. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Assumptions / Key Parameters 9.3. Methodology 9.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in North America 9.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in Europe 9.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World 10. GLOBAL EVENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Scope and Methodology 10.3. Global Events related to Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Event 10.3.2. Analysis by Event Platform 10.3.3. Analysis by Type of Event 10.3.4. Analysis by Geography 10.3.5. Word Cloud: Evolutionary Trends in Event Agenda / Key Focus Area 10.3.6. Most Active Event Organizers 10.3.7. Most Active Participants: Analysis by Number of Events 10.3.8. Analysis by Seniority Level of Participants 10.3.9. Most Active Speakers: Analysis by Number of Events 10.3.10. Geographical Mapping of Upcoming Events 11. SWOT ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: SWOT Analysis 11.2.1. Comparison of SWOT Factors 12. DEMAND ANALYSIS 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Scope and Methodology 12.3. Global Demand for Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 12.3.2. Analysis by Type of Fabrication Material Global Demand for Glass Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for Plastic Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for <1 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 1-2.5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 2.5-5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 12.4. Global Demand for Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 12.4.2. Analysis by Type of Fabrication Material Global Demand for Glass Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for Plastic Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for <1 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 1-2.5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 2.5-5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Rest of the World, 2021-2035 12.5. Global Demand for Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags for Liquid Mixture, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags for Frozen Mixture, 2021-2035 12.5.2. Analysis by Type of Plastic Global Demand of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Polypropylene made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Polyvinyl Chloride made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Other Plastic made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for 0-250 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 250-500 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 500-1,000 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >1,000 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 12.6. Concluding Remarks 13. MARKET FORECAST AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Methodology and Key Assumptions 13.3. Global Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 13.3.1. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 13.3.2. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Fabrication Material Used Glass Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 Plastic Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 13.3.3. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for <1 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for 1-2.5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for 2.5-5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for >5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 13.3.4. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 13.4. Global Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 13.4.1. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 13.4.2. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Fabrication Material Used Glass Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 Plastic Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 13.4.3. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for <1 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for 1-2.5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for 2.5-5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for >5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 13.4.4. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Rest of the World, 2021-2035 13.5. Global Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035 13.5.1. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Liquid Mixture, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Frozen Mixture, 2021-2035 13.5.2. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Plastic Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Polypropylene, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Polyvinyl Chloride, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Other Plastic Materials, 2021-2035 13.5.3. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 0-250 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 250-500 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 500-1,000 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for >1,000 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 13.5.4. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 14. UPCOMING TRENDS IN PHARMACEUTICAL PACKAGING 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Preference for Self-Medication of Drugs using Modern Drug Delivery Devices 14.3. Development of Innovative Packaging Containers 14.4. Growing Demand for Personalized Therapies 14.5. Integrating Dual Chamber Systems with Other Platforms 14.6. Increase in Initiatives Undertaken by Industry Stakeholders in Developing Regions 14.7. Concluding Remarks 15. CONCLUDING REMARKS 16. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 17. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS





The projected value of drug reconstitution market is expected to be valued at USD 3,960 million in 2021 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period 2021-2035.

In recent years, the pharmaceutical landscape has witnessed a proliferation of biologics and small molecule drugs making their way into the market. Despite the promising therapeutic potential of these products, a significant challenge arises in maintaining their stability in liquid formulations, often resulting in diminished efficacy. To address this concern, lyophilization has emerged as the preferred method for developing stable, dry biopharmaceutical formulations. Remarkably, approximately 30% of FDA-approved parenteral drugs have embraced this technique, underscoring its pivotal role in pharmaceutical development.

Since 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval to more than 20 applications for lyophilized new drugs, contributing to a considerable market opportunity estimated at a noteworthy USD 3 billion. This surge in the adoption of lyophilized drugs has concurrently fueled a demand for innovative reconstitution systems, essential for ensuring the proper mixing and administration of these pharmaceutical formulations.

Traditional methods involving manual diluent extraction and transfer using syringes and needles have been associated with inherent risks such as medication errors and needle-stick injuries. Furthermore, the complexity of these conventional systems has confined the administration of lyophilized drugs primarily to healthcare facilities. Recognizing the need for more user-friendly and safer alternatives, the pharmaceutical industry is actively engaged in developing advanced reconstitution devices.

These cutting-edge systems empower patients and caregivers to administer drugs without the need for healthcare provider intervention. By offering premeasured doses, they contribute significantly to reducing dosing errors and the incidence of needle-stick injuries. Moreover, the improved portability and efficiency of these advanced systems have streamlined the delivery of lyophilized drugs, allowing for dilution and reconstitution at the point of delivery. Such advancements not only enhance patient convenience but also expand the scope of drug administration beyond healthcare facilities.

The pharmaceutical industry's enthusiasm for these advanced reconstitution systems is reflected in the substantial number of patent applications, surpassing 1,800, related to reconstitution systems and technologies. This noteworthy figure underscores the considerable efforts invested in driving market growth within the drug reconstitution sector over the forecast period. As pharmaceutical companies explore these innovative systems for lifecycle management, the overarching goal is to elevate the standard of healthcare provision by leveraging the manifold benefits offered by these progressive reconstitution technologies.

Research Coverage
 A brief introduction to novel drug reconstitution systems covers considerations, factors affecting drug reconstitution, lyophilization processes, and the significance of dual chamber systems.
 An overview of the market landscape, detailing device types, chamber variations, physical states of drugs, container materials, and usability. It includes analyses based on establishment year, company size, region, and leading manufacturers.
 The market landscape of other reconstitution devices, encompassing one-step systems and conventional devices, presenting details on primary containers, drug states, usability, and manufacturers.
 Detailed profiles key players developing novel drug reconstitution systems, emphasizing company overviews, financial details, product portfolios, recent developments, and future outlooks.
 Extensively reviews packaging trends for over 350 FDA-approved products, considering parameters like drug type, container, closure, dosage form, and route of administration, along with information on developers.
 Analyzing patents filed/granted for novel drug reconstitution systems since 2011, highlighting trends, geographical locations, organizational types, and leading players.
 A competitiveness analysis of system manufacturers based on supplier strength and product specifications.
 Recent events related to novel drug reconstitution systems, considering event types, platforms, regional distribution, and key organizers.
 Detailed analysis on trends, drivers, and challenges using a SWOT framework, including a Harvey ball analysis.

Key Market Companies
 Baxter
 ICU Medical
 B. Braun
 Vetter Pharma
 Nipro


Table of Contents

1. PREFACE 1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Research Methodology 1.3. Key Questions Answered 1.4. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Overview of Reconstitution Systems 3.2.1. Key Considerations in Drug Reconstitution 3.3. Lyophilization of Pharmaceuticals 3.3.1. Need for Reconstitution Systems 3.3.2. Dual Chamber / Multi Chamber Systems 3.3.3. One Step Reconstitution Systems 3.3.4. Conventional Reconstitution Systems 3.4. Advantages of Drug Reconstitution Systems 3.4.1. Benefits to Pharmaceutical Players 3.4.2. Benefits to Patients 3.5. Concluding Remarks 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE: NOVEL DRUG RECONSTITUTION SYSTEMS 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Product Pipeline 4.2.1. Analysis by Type of Device 4.2.2. Analysis by Type of Chamber 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Device and Type of Chamber 4.2.4. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 4.2.5. Analysis by Container Fabrication Material 4.2.6. Analysis by Device Usability 4.2.7. Analysis by Container Fabrication Material and Device Usability 4.2.8. Analysis by Volume of Container 4.3. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Developer Landscape 4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.3.3. Analysis by Region of Headquarters 4.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Region of Headquarters 4.3.5. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.3.6. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems Manufactured 5. MARKET LANDSCAPE: OTHER RECONSTITUTION SYSTEMS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. One Step Reconstitution Systems: Product Pipeline 5.2.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Container 5.2.2. Analysis by Volume of Primary Container 5.2.3. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 5.2.4. Analysis by Device Usability 5.2.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Container and Physical State of Drug 5.3. One Step Reconstitution Systems: Developer Landscape 5.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.3.4. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of One Step Reconstitution Systems Manufactured 5.4. Conventional Reconstitution Devices: Development Pipeline 5.4.1. Analysis by Status of Development 5.4.2. Analysis by Type of Device 5.4.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Container 5.4.4. Analysis by Physical State of Drug 5.4.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Container and Physical State of Drug 5.5. Conventional Reconstitution Devices: Developer Landscape 5.5.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.5.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.5.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.5.4. Analysis by Region of Headquarters 5.5.5. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Conventional Reconstitution Devices Manufactured 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Key Players based in North America 6.2.1. Baxter Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.2.2. ICU Medical Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Key Players based in Europe 6.3.1. B. Braun Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3.2. Vetter Pharma Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. Key Players based in Asia-Pacific 6.4.1. Nipro Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4.2. SCHOTT-KAISHA Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PACKAGING TREND ANALYSIS FOR APPROVED DRUGS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Scope and Methodology 7.3. List of Approved Drugs (2014-H1 2021) 7.3.1. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Approval Year 7.3.2. Analysis by Type of Molecule 7.3.3. Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.3.4. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Holding Temperature 7.3.5. Analysis by Type of Biologic and Dosage Form 7.4. Primary Packaging Containers for Approved Drugs 7.4.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container 7.4.2. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Approval Year 7.4.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Type of Molecule 7.4.4. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Holding Temperature Range 7.4.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Dosage Form 7.4.6. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Container and Route of Administration 7.4.7. Most Popular Materials Used for Containers: Analysis by Number of Drugs 7.5. Primary Packaging Closures for Approved Drugs 7.5.1. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure 7.5.2. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Approval Year 7.5.3. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Type of Molecule 7.5.4. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Holding Temperature Range 7.5.5. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Dosage Form 7.5.6. Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging Closure and Route of Administration 7.5.7. Most Popular Materials Used for Closures: Analysis by Number of Drugs 7.6. Packaging Trend Analysis for Approved Drugs: Developer Landscape 7.6.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 7.6.2. Analysis by Company Size 7.6.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 7.6.4. Analysis by Type of Molecules and Company Size 7.6.5. Analysis by Type of Molecule and Geographical Location of Developers 7.6.6. Analysis by Type of Biologics and Geographical Location of Developers 7.6.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Type of Molecule 7.6.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Biologics Developed 7.6.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Type of Biologic 7.6.10. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Small Molecules Developed 7.7. Concluding Remarks 8. PATENT ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Scope and Methodology 8.3. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Analysis 8.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year 8.3.2. Analysis by Application Year 8.3.3. Analysis by Geographical Location 8.3.4. Analysis by CPC Symbols 8.3.5. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas 8.3.6. Analysis by Type of Organization 8.3.7. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 8.4. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 8.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 8.5. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: Patent Valuation Analysis 8.6. Leading Patents by Number of Citations 9. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Assumptions / Key Parameters 9.3. Methodology 9.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in North America 9.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in Europe 9.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Novel Drug Reconstitution System Manufacturers in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World 10. GLOBAL EVENT ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Scope and Methodology 10.3. Global Events related to Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Event 10.3.2. Analysis by Event Platform 10.3.3. Analysis by Type of Event 10.3.4. Analysis by Geography 10.3.5. Word Cloud: Evolutionary Trends in Event Agenda / Key Focus Area 10.3.6. Most Active Event Organizers 10.3.7. Most Active Participants: Analysis by Number of Events 10.3.8. Analysis by Seniority Level of Participants 10.3.9. Most Active Speakers: Analysis by Number of Events 10.3.10. Geographical Mapping of Upcoming Events 11. SWOT ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Novel Drug Reconstitution Systems: SWOT Analysis 11.2.1. Comparison of SWOT Factors 12. DEMAND ANALYSIS 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Scope and Methodology 12.3. Global Demand for Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 12.3.2. Analysis by Type of Fabrication Material Global Demand for Glass Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for Plastic Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for <1 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 1-2.5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 2.5-5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >5 mL Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes, 2021-2035 12.3.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 12.4. Global Demand for Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 12.4.2. Analysis by Type of Fabrication Material Global Demand for Glass Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for Plastic Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for <1 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 1-2.5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 2.5-5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >5 mL Dual Chamber Cartridges, 2021-2035 12.4.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual Chamber Cartridges in Rest of the World, 2021-2035 12.5. Global Demand for Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.1. Analysis by Physical State of Drug Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags for Liquid Mixture, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags for Frozen Mixture, 2021-2035 12.5.2. Analysis by Type of Plastic Global Demand of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Polypropylene made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Polyvinyl Chloride made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Other Plastic made Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.3. Analysis by Volume Global Demand for 0-250 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 250-500 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for 500-1,000 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Global Demand for >1,000 mL Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 12.5.4. Analysis by Geography Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in North America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Europe, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Latin America, 2021-2035 Global Demand of Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 12.6. Concluding Remarks 13. MARKET FORECAST AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Methodology and Key Assumptions 13.3. Global Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 13.3.1. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 13.3.2. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Fabrication Material Used Glass Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 Plastic Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035 13.3.3. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for <1 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for 1-2.5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for 2.5-5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market for >5 mL Syringes, 2021-2035 13.3.4. Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Prefilled Syringes Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 13.4. Global Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 13.4.1. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for Liquid / Powder Drugs, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for Liquid / Liquid Drugs, 2021-2035 13.4.2. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Fabrication Material Used Glass Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 Plastic Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035 13.4.3. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for <1 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for 1-2.5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for 2.5-5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market for >5 mL Cartridges, 2021-2035 13.4.4. Dual Chamber Cartridges Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 Dual Chamber Cartridges Market in Rest of the World, 2021-2035 13.5. Global Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035 13.5.1. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Physical State of Drug Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Liquid Mixture, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Frozen Mixture, 2021-2035 13.5.2. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Type of Plastic Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Polypropylene, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Polyvinyl Chloride, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for Other Plastic Materials, 2021-2035 13.5.3. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Volume Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 0-250 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 250-500 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for 500-1,000 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market for >1,000 mL Infusion Bags, 2021-2035 13.5.4. Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market, 2021-2035: Distribution by Geography Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in North America, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Europe, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Asia-Pacific, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Latin America, 2021-2035 Dual / Multi Chamber Infusion Bags Market in Middle East and Africa, 2021-2035 14. UPCOMING TRENDS IN PHARMACEUTICAL PACKAGING 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Preference for Self-Medication of Drugs using Modern Drug Delivery Devices 14.3. Development of Innovative Packaging Containers 14.4. Growing Demand for Personalized Therapies 14.5. Integrating Dual Chamber Systems with Other Platforms 14.6. Increase in Initiatives Undertaken by Industry Stakeholders in Developing Regions 14.7. Concluding Remarks 15. CONCLUDING REMARKS 16. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 17. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS






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