![]() 医療用ドローン市場:ロータータイプ別分布(マルチロータードローン、固定翼ドローン、ハイブリッド翼ドローン、シングルロータードローン)、ペイロードレンジ(1~5Kg、6~20Kg、21~50Kg、51~120Kg、121~200Kg、200Kg超)、納入医療物資タイプ(医薬品、医療キット、ワクチン、臓器、手術機器)、エンドユーザー(病院/薬局、診断ラボ、政府機関、NGO)、自動化のタイプ(完全自動化、半自動化)、企業規模(小規模、中規模、大規模)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・北アフリカ):産業動向と世界予測、2023-2035年Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Rotors (Multi-Rotor Drones, Fixed-Wing Drones, Hybrid Wing Drones and Single Rotor Drones), Payload Ranges (1-5 Kgs, 6-20 Kgs, 21-50 Kgs, 51-120 Kgs, 121-200 Kgs and >200 Kgs), Type of Medical Supplies Delivered (Drugs, Medical Kits, Vaccines, Organs and Surgical Equipment), End-users (Hospitals / Pharmacies, Diagnostic Labs, Government Bodies and NGOs), Type of Automation (Fully Automated and Semi-Automated), Company Size (Small, Mid-sized and Large) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East and North Africa): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2023-2035 医療用ドローン市場は、2023年に0.57億米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023年から2035年の間に15%のCAGRで成長すると予測されている。 ドローンは、医薬品、重要な医療用品、ワクチン、臓器、手術器具の... もっと見る
サマリー医療用ドローン市場は、2023年に0.57億米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023年から2035年の間に15%のCAGRで成長すると予測されている。ドローンは、医薬品、重要な医療用品、ワクチン、臓器、手術器具の配送など様々な役割を果たし、医療に不可欠な資産となっている。重要な医療資源をタイムリーかつ効率的に届けるというその役割により、医療配送ドローンは広く受け入れられ、信頼されている。これらの技術的驚異は、物流の課題を効果的に克服し、医療資源の世界的な流通を大幅に改善した。特筆すべきは、医療用ドローンが緊急時の初動要員として機能し、疾病対策の取り組みに大きく貢献していることだ。臓器輸送におけるその役割は、緊急事態におけるその重要な機能を浮き彫りにしている。さらに、医療用ドローンは、人的ミスの削減、コスト削減、患者の転帰の改善など、数多くの利点を提供する。遠隔地や隔離された地域に到達する能力は、質の高い医療へのアクセスが困難な地域に必要不可欠な医療資源を提供するのに役立ち、医療サービス提供における公平性と包括性の促進に大きく貢献する。 より迅速な医療供給提供のニーズの高まりが、予測期間において医療用ドローン市場の大幅な成長を促進すると予想されることに留意することが不可欠である。 レポート対象範囲 本調査では、ローターの種類、ペイロード範囲、配送される医療物資の種類、エンドユーザー、自動化の種類、企業規模、主要地域など、さまざまなパラメータにわたって医療用ドローン市場を調査している。 市場成長に影響を与える促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題などの要因を分析している。 市場内の潜在的な優位性と課題を評価し、主要市場プレイヤーの競争環境に関する洞察を提供します。 主要5地域に関する市場セグメントの収益予測を掲載しています。 エグゼクティブサマリーでは調査洞察を集約し、現在の医療用ドローン市場の展望を包括的に提供している。製品およびプロバイダーの概要、中長期的な市場の潜在的な進化に関する予測も含まれている。 医療用ドローンの詳細な概要は、コンポーネント、最新の機能、医療におけるアプリケーションを強調し、その配信システムの最近の進歩を紹介しています。空中での医療品配送におけるこのような技術の採用増加を探りながら、業界の利点と課題について論じている。 詳細な評価では、医療用ドローンの現在の市場シナリオの複数のパラメータをカバーしています。これには、開発状況、認証、自動化レベル、統合技術、ロータータイプ、ペイロード容量、距離能力、対象産業、配送される医療品の種類、応用分野、エンドユーザーなどが含まれる。さらに、設立年、企業規模、本社所在地、企業タイプ、組織構造に基づいて医療用ドローンメーカーを評価している。 医療用ドローンメーカー間の競争力に関する鋭い分析では、経験、企業規模、製品の多様性、産業カバレッジ、提供する医療用品の種類、応用分野、エンドユーザー、可搬重量範囲やカバー距離などの製品能力における強みを検証している。 特定の基準に基づいて、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域の著名な医療用ドローン企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載している。各プロフィールには、会社概要、財務情報(入手可能な場合)、製品ポートフォリオの詳細、最近の開発、将来の展望が含まれている。 2019年以降に医療用ドローン市場内で設立されたパートナーシップの分析が提供されており、供給契約、技術統合、販売契約などのような協力関係を包含している。この分析では、パートナーシップの目的、関与する医療用品の種類、パートナーの分類、地理的分布を調査している。 医療用ドローンに焦点を当てた新興企業、中小企業、中堅企業におけるさまざまな開発段階にわたる、シード資金調達、ベンチャーキャピタル、IPO、助成金、負債調達、株式公開を含む投資の検討。 拡大する医療用ドローン市場に新規参入する企業を導くための包括的な戦略フレームワーク、ProGenフレームワークが概説されている。このフレームワークには、潜在的なプレーヤーを支援し、医療用ドローン分野への効果的な参入と運営を促進するための不可欠な要素が含まれている。 主要市場企業 エアバス アマゾン DJI EHang ファルク L3Harris Meituan Qualcomm Volocopter ジップライン 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Key Market Insights 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Frequently Asked Questions 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Modern Drones 3.3. Essential Components of a Drone 3.4. Medical Drones 3.5. Applications of Medical Drones 3.6. Advantages of Medical Drones 3.7. Challenges Associated with Medical Drones 3.8. Future Perspectives 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Medical Drones: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development 4.2.2. Analysis by Accreditations / Certifications 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Automation 4.2.4. Analysis by Integrated Technology 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Rotor 4.2.6. Analysis by Payload Range 4.2.7. Analysis by Distance Covered 4.2.8. Analysis by Payload Range and Distance Covered 4.2.9. Analysis by Industry Covered 4.2.10. Analysis by Industry Covered and Location of Headquarters (Region) 4.2.11. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 4.2.12. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered and Type of Organization 4.2.13. Analysis by Application Areas 4.2.14. Analysis by End-users 4.3. Medical Drone Companies: Overall Market Landscape 4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.3.3. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Company Size 4.3.4. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.3.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters (Region) 4.3.6. Analysis by Type of Company (Private / Public) 4.3.7. Analysis by Type of Company (Private / Public) and Company Size 4.3.8. Analysis by Type of Organization 4.4. Other Companies in Drones Market 5. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 5.3. Methodology 5.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in North America 5.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Europe 5.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Asia-Pacific 5.7. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Rest of the World 6. MEDICAL DRONE COMPANIES: COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Airbus 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Financial Information 6.2.3. Product Portfolio 6.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Amazon 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Financial Information 6.3.3. Product Portfolio 6.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. DJI 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Product Portfolio 6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. Falck 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Financial Information 6.5.3. Product Portfolio 6.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. L3Harris 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Financial Information 6.6.3. Product Portfolio 6.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Meituan 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Financial Information 6.7.3. Product Portfolio 6.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Qualcomm 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Financial Information 6.8.3. Product Portfolio 6.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Partnership Models 7.3. Medical Drones: Partnerships and Collaborations 7.4. Analysis by Cumulative-Year wise Trend 7.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership 7.5.1. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 7.6. Analysis by Purpose of Partnership 7.6.1. Analysis by Year and Purpose of Partnership 7.7. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 7.7.1. Analysis by Purpose of Partnership and Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 7.8. Analysis by Type of Partner 7.9. Analysis by Geography 7.9.1. Local and International Agreements 7.9.2. Intracontinental and Intercontinental Agreements 8. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Type of Funding 8.2.1. Medical Drones: Funding and Investments 8.2.2. Analysis by Cumulative Year-wise Trend 8.2.3. Analysis by Amount Invested 8.2.4. Analysis by Type of Funding 8.2.5. Analysis by Type of Funding and Amount Invested 8.2.6. Analysis by Year and Type of Funding 8.2.7. Analysis by Purpose of Funding 8.2.8. Analysis by Purpose of Funding and Amount Invested 8.2.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Raised 8.2.10. Leading Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 8.2.11. Analysis by Geography 8.3. Concluding Remarks 9. DRONES: USE CASES 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Key Applications of Drones Across Various Industries 9.2.1. Aerial Photography and Videography 9.2.2. Military and Defense 9.2.3. Environmental Monitoring 9.2.4. Agriculture 9.2.5. Mining and Oil Exploration 9.2.6. Search and Rescue 9.2.7. Healthcare 9.2.8. Construction and Infrastructure 9.2.9. Logistics and Delivery 10. PROGEN MATRIX: A PROPRIETARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY MATRIX FOR TOMORROW'S SUCCESS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 10.3. Methodology 10.4. Assessment of Key Elements of Strategy 10.5. ProGen Matrix 10.6. Conclusion 11. MEDICAL DRONES MARKET: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Key Assumptions and Forecast Methodology 11.3. Global Medical Drones Market, 2023-2035 11.4. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Rotors, 2023 and 2035 11.4.1. Medical Drones Market for Multi-Rotor Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.2. Medical Drones Market for Fixed-Wing Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.3. Medical Drones Market for Hybrid Wing Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.4. Medical Drones Market for Single Rotor Drones, 2023-2035 11.5 Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Payload Ranges, 2023 and 2035 11.5.1. Medical Drones Market for 1-5 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.2. Medical Drones Market for 6-20 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.3. Medical Drones Market for 21-50 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.4. Medical Drones Market for 51-120 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.5. Medical Drones Market for 121-200 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.6. Medical Drones Market for > 200 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.6. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Medical Supplies, 2023 and 2035 11.6.1. Medical Drones Market for Drugs, 2023-2035 11.6.2. Medical Drones Market for Medical Kits, 2023-2035 11.6.3. Medical Drones Market for Vaccines, 2023-2035 11.6.4. Medical Drones Market for Organs, 2023-2035 11.6.5. Medical Drones Market for Surgical Equipment, 2023-2035 11.7. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by End-users, 2023 and 2035 11.7.1. Medical Drones Market for Hospitals / Pharmacies, 2023-2035 11.7.2. Medical Drones Market for Diagnostic Labs, 2023-2035 11.7.3. Medical Drones Market for Government Bodies, 2023-2035 11.7.4. Medical Drones Market for NGOs, 2023-2035 11.8. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Automation, 2023 and 2035 11.8.1. Medical Drones Market for Fully Automated Drones, 2023-2035 11.8.2. Medical Drones Market for Semi-Automated Drones, 2023-2035 11.9. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Company Size, 2023 and 2035 11.9.1. Medical Drones Market for Small Companies, 2023-2035 11.9.2. Medical Drones Market for Mid-Sized Companies, 2023-2035 11.9.3. Medical Drones Market for Large Companies, 2023-2035 11.10. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2023 and 2035 11.10.1. Medical Drones Market in North America, 2023-2035 1110.1.1. Medical Drones Market in US, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Canada, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the North America, 2023-2035 11.10.2. Medical Drones Market in Europe, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in the UK, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Germany, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in France, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Spain, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Italy, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the Europe, 2023-2035 11.10.3. Medical Drones Market in Asia-Pacific, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in India, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Japan, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Russia, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in China, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Australia, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the Asia-Pacific, 2023-2035 11.10.4. Medical Drones Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2023-2035 12. CONCLUDING REMARKS 13. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Anonymous 13.2.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Project Manager 13.3. ALTUS 13.3.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.4. Aviant 13.4.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Business Development Manager 13.5. RigiTech 13.5.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.6. Sky-Drones 13.6.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.7. TechEagle 13.7.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.8. TSAW Drones 13.8.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Associate Vice President 14. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 15. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe medical drones market is expected to reach USD 0.57 billion in 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15% during the forecast period 2023-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Key Market Insights 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Frequently Asked Questions 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Modern Drones 3.3. Essential Components of a Drone 3.4. Medical Drones 3.5. Applications of Medical Drones 3.6. Advantages of Medical Drones 3.7. Challenges Associated with Medical Drones 3.8. Future Perspectives 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Medical Drones: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development 4.2.2. Analysis by Accreditations / Certifications 4.2.3. Analysis by Type of Automation 4.2.4. Analysis by Integrated Technology 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Rotor 4.2.6. Analysis by Payload Range 4.2.7. Analysis by Distance Covered 4.2.8. Analysis by Payload Range and Distance Covered 4.2.9. Analysis by Industry Covered 4.2.10. Analysis by Industry Covered and Location of Headquarters (Region) 4.2.11. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 4.2.12. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered and Type of Organization 4.2.13. Analysis by Application Areas 4.2.14. Analysis by End-users 4.3. Medical Drone Companies: Overall Market Landscape 4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.3.3. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Company Size 4.3.4. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.3.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters (Region) 4.3.6. Analysis by Type of Company (Private / Public) 4.3.7. Analysis by Type of Company (Private / Public) and Company Size 4.3.8. Analysis by Type of Organization 4.4. Other Companies in Drones Market 5. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 5.3. Methodology 5.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in North America 5.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Europe 5.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Asia-Pacific 5.7. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Medical Drone Companies (Manufacturers) in Rest of the World 6. MEDICAL DRONE COMPANIES: COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. Airbus 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Financial Information 6.2.3. Product Portfolio 6.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Amazon 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Financial Information 6.3.3. Product Portfolio 6.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. DJI 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Product Portfolio 6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. Falck 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Financial Information 6.5.3. Product Portfolio 6.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. L3Harris 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Financial Information 6.6.3. Product Portfolio 6.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Meituan 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Financial Information 6.7.3. Product Portfolio 6.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Qualcomm 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Financial Information 6.8.3. Product Portfolio 6.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Partnership Models 7.3. Medical Drones: Partnerships and Collaborations 7.4. Analysis by Cumulative-Year wise Trend 7.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership 7.5.1. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership 7.6. Analysis by Purpose of Partnership 7.6.1. Analysis by Year and Purpose of Partnership 7.7. Analysis by Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 7.7.1. Analysis by Purpose of Partnership and Type of Medical Supplies Delivered 7.8. Analysis by Type of Partner 7.9. Analysis by Geography 7.9.1. Local and International Agreements 7.9.2. Intracontinental and Intercontinental Agreements 8. FUNDING AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Type of Funding 8.2.1. Medical Drones: Funding and Investments 8.2.2. Analysis by Cumulative Year-wise Trend 8.2.3. Analysis by Amount Invested 8.2.4. Analysis by Type of Funding 8.2.5. Analysis by Type of Funding and Amount Invested 8.2.6. Analysis by Year and Type of Funding 8.2.7. Analysis by Purpose of Funding 8.2.8. Analysis by Purpose of Funding and Amount Invested 8.2.9. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Raised 8.2.10. Leading Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances 8.2.11. Analysis by Geography 8.3. Concluding Remarks 9. DRONES: USE CASES 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Key Applications of Drones Across Various Industries 9.2.1. Aerial Photography and Videography 9.2.2. Military and Defense 9.2.3. Environmental Monitoring 9.2.4. Agriculture 9.2.5. Mining and Oil Exploration 9.2.6. Search and Rescue 9.2.7. Healthcare 9.2.8. Construction and Infrastructure 9.2.9. Logistics and Delivery 10. PROGEN MATRIX: A PROPRIETARY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY MATRIX FOR TOMORROW'S SUCCESS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters 10.3. Methodology 10.4. Assessment of Key Elements of Strategy 10.5. ProGen Matrix 10.6. Conclusion 11. MEDICAL DRONES MARKET: MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Key Assumptions and Forecast Methodology 11.3. Global Medical Drones Market, 2023-2035 11.4. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Rotors, 2023 and 2035 11.4.1. Medical Drones Market for Multi-Rotor Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.2. Medical Drones Market for Fixed-Wing Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.3. Medical Drones Market for Hybrid Wing Drones, 2023-2035 11.4.4. Medical Drones Market for Single Rotor Drones, 2023-2035 11.5 Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Payload Ranges, 2023 and 2035 11.5.1. Medical Drones Market for 1-5 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.2. Medical Drones Market for 6-20 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.3. Medical Drones Market for 21-50 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.4. Medical Drones Market for 51-120 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.5. Medical Drones Market for 121-200 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.5.6. Medical Drones Market for > 200 Kgs, 2023-2035 11.6. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Medical Supplies, 2023 and 2035 11.6.1. Medical Drones Market for Drugs, 2023-2035 11.6.2. Medical Drones Market for Medical Kits, 2023-2035 11.6.3. Medical Drones Market for Vaccines, 2023-2035 11.6.4. Medical Drones Market for Organs, 2023-2035 11.6.5. Medical Drones Market for Surgical Equipment, 2023-2035 11.7. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by End-users, 2023 and 2035 11.7.1. Medical Drones Market for Hospitals / Pharmacies, 2023-2035 11.7.2. Medical Drones Market for Diagnostic Labs, 2023-2035 11.7.3. Medical Drones Market for Government Bodies, 2023-2035 11.7.4. Medical Drones Market for NGOs, 2023-2035 11.8. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Type of Automation, 2023 and 2035 11.8.1. Medical Drones Market for Fully Automated Drones, 2023-2035 11.8.2. Medical Drones Market for Semi-Automated Drones, 2023-2035 11.9. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Company Size, 2023 and 2035 11.9.1. Medical Drones Market for Small Companies, 2023-2035 11.9.2. Medical Drones Market for Mid-Sized Companies, 2023-2035 11.9.3. Medical Drones Market for Large Companies, 2023-2035 11.10. Medical Drones Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2023 and 2035 11.10.1. Medical Drones Market in North America, 2023-2035 1110.1.1. Medical Drones Market in US, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Canada, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the North America, 2023-2035 11.10.2. Medical Drones Market in Europe, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in the UK, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Germany, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in France, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Spain, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Italy, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the Europe, 2023-2035 11.10.3. Medical Drones Market in Asia-Pacific, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in India, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Japan, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Russia, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in China, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Australia, 2023-2035 Medical Drones Market in Rest of the Asia-Pacific, 2023-2035 11.10.4. Medical Drones Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2023-2035 12. CONCLUDING REMARKS 13. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Anonymous 13.2.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Project Manager 13.3. ALTUS 13.3.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.4. Aviant 13.4.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Business Development Manager 13.5. RigiTech 13.5.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.6. Sky-Drones 13.6.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.7. TechEagle 13.7.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer 13.8. TSAW Drones 13.8.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Associate Vice President 14. APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA 15. APPENDIX 2: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
Roots Analysis社の分野での最新刊レポート
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よくあるご質問Roots Analysis社はどのような調査会社ですか?Roots Analysisは2013年設立の医薬品・医療機器が専門の調査会社です。 医薬品の製造委託や創薬のデジタル化など、最新の医薬業界の分析を行っています。 もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
2025/03/14 10:26 149.35 円 162.52 円 196.23 円 |