![]() バイオテクノロジーと製薬産業向けモジュラー建設市場(第3版)、2023-2035年:施設規模別分布(小規模、中規模、大規模、超大規模)、対象産業タイプ別分布(製薬、バイオテクノロジー)、モジュラーコンストラクトタイプ別分布(ハイブリッドスキッドモジュラーコンストラクト、スキッドマウントモジュラーコンストラクト、プラグアンドプレイモジュラーコンストラクト、トラック可能モジュラーコンストラクト、その他モジュラーコンストラクト)、コンストラクトコンポーネントタイプ別分布(プロセス機器、ベースビルディング、機械、電気、配管システム、プロセス商品、その他コンストラクトコンポーネント)、施設目的別分布(製造施設、無菌充填施設、研究開発施設およびその他の施設)、事業規模(臨床および商業)、製品の種類(細胞および遺伝子治療薬、ワクチン、バイオシミラー、モノクローナル抗体、先端医薬品、無菌製品、ウイルスベクターおよびその他の製品)、拡張の種類(新規施設、施設拡張と計画拡張)、モジュール建築のタイプ(移転可能なモジュール建築、恒久的なモジュール建築)、使用材料のタイプ(鉄鋼、木材、コンクリート)、主要地域(北米、欧州、アジア、中東・北アフリカ、その他の地域):産業動向と世界予測、2023-2035年Modular Construction Market for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry (3rd Edition), 2023-2035: Distribution by Size of Facility (Small, Mid-sized, Large and Very Large), Type of Industry Served (Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology), Type of Modular Construct (Hybrid Skid Modular Constructs, Skid-Mounted Modular Constructs, Plug-and-Play Modular Constructs, Truckable Modular Constructs and Other Modular Constructs), Type of Construction Component (Process Equipment, Base Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing System, Process Commodities and Other Construction Components), Purpose of Facility (Manufacturing Facilities, Aseptic Filling Facilities, Research and Development Facilities and Other Facilities), Scale of Operation (Clinical and Commercial), Type of Product (Cell and Gene Therapies, Vaccines, Biosimilars, Monoclonal Antibodies, Advanced Pharmaceuticals, Sterile Products, Viral Vectors and Other Products), Type of Expansion (New Facilities, Facility Expansions and Planned Expansions), Type of Modular Construction (Relocatable Modular Construction, Permanent Modular Construction), Type of Material Used (Steel, Wood and Concrete) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2023-2035 世界のモジュール建築は、2023年には25億ドルに達し、2023~2035年の予測期間中に年平均成長率9.9%で成長すると予測されている。 製薬業界では、モジュール式施設の採用が顕著に急増しており、モジュール式建... もっと見る
サマリー世界のモジュール建築は、2023年には25億ドルに達し、2023~2035年の予測期間中に年平均成長率9.9%で成長すると予測されている。製薬業界では、モジュール式施設の採用が顕著に急増しており、モジュール式建築市場の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は今後10%に達するとの予測もある。こうしたプレハブ建築は、従来の製薬・バイオテクノロジー製造施設に代わる有望な選択肢として浮上している。モジュラー建築は、管理された工場で既製のモジュラーユニットを使って構造物を組み立て、その後、これらのユニットを目的の場所で組み立てる。重要なのは、このオフサイト・アプローチにより、典型的なプロジェクト問題の60%から90%を占める天候に関する懸念が大幅に軽減されることである。さらに、モジュラー設備は、多くの場合3年に及ぶ従来の方法よりも40%早く建設することができる。その結果、多くの製薬会社は、モジュラー設備が提供する様々な利点により、従来のプラントからモジュラー設備へと焦点を移しつつある。モジュラー設備のプロバイダーは、細胞・遺伝子治療、バイオシミラー、ワクチンなどの分野をカバーし、治療開発に関わる様々な利害関係者のニーズを満たすために、それぞれのニーズに合わせたサービスを提供している。モジュール式製造は、発酵、精製、製剤化といった個々の製造工程を、簡単に組み合わせたり切り離したりできる個別のモジュールに分解し、柔軟性と拡張性を可能にする。また、この方式では小規模の生産ユニットも使用できるため、市場のダイナミックな需要への適応性も高まる。さらに、仮設のモジュール式建物は、設置後にエンドユーザーの要求に基づいて移設することができる。 しかし、大規模生産の管理、複雑な意思決定、建設認可の取得、初期資金の確保といった課題が、モジュラー建築の普及を妨げる可能性がある。このような障害を克服することで、医療関係者はモジュール建築を効果的に活用できるようになり、柔軟性の向上や新製品の市場投入までの時間の短縮といった大きなメリットを得られる可能性がある。 レポート範囲 本レポートでは、モジュラーコンストラクト市場の分析を行い、施設の規模、対象業種、モジュラーコンストラクトの種類、建設部品の種類、施設の目的、運営規模、製品の種類、施設の種類、モジュラーコンストラクトの種類、使用材料の種類、主要地域などの要因を検証している。 関係者が直面する潜在的な利点と障害を評価しながら、市場成長促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題を評価する。さらに、トップ市場プレイヤーの競争環境に関する洞察も提供しています。 主要5地域にわたる市場セグメントの収益予測を提示しています。主要な調査結果は、短期、中期、長期予測期間におけるモジュール製造市場の現状と予想される進化について包括的な見解を提供しています。 導入編では、モジュラー設備に関する基本的な概念を取り上げ、様々な構造、製薬・バイオテクノロジー分野での主な用途、最近の業界の進歩について探求している。 徹底的な分析では、設立年、企業規模、本社所在地、サービス提供産業、地理的範囲、適正製造基準(GMP)への準拠、モジュール構造の種類、使用材料、品質認証ごとに分類したさまざまなサービスプロバイダーからの貢献を考慮し、現在の市場シナリオを詳述している。 モジュラークリーンルーム製造に携わる企業に焦点を当て、設立年、企業規模、本社所在地、サービスを提供する業界、提供するモジュラークリーンルームのタイプ、提供するクリーンルームコンポーネント、取得した品質認証などを網羅した包括的なレビュー。 企業規模別にモジュラー設備サービスプロバイダー間の競争状況を調査することは、それぞれの同業者グループ内でのサービス力、総合的な競争力、パートナーシップ活動などのパラメータに基づくランキングを含む。 詳細なプロフィールは、モジュラー設備を提供する主要企業にスポットを当て、会社概要、サービスポートフォリオの詳細、最近の動向、主要幹部メンバー、各社の将来についての展望などを紹介している。 2012年から2022年にかけての業界パートナーシップの調査には、パートナーシップ締結年、タイプ、製品、モジュラー施設のタイプ、地理的位置、積極的関与プレーヤーの分析が含まれる。 製薬・バイオテクノロジー分野のメーカーが実施したモジュール型プロジェクトに関する詳細なケーススタディでは、施設のタイプ、規模、数、所在地に関する情報を提供している。 製薬業界における7年間の施設建設動向に関する洞察に満ちた評価には、上位20社の製薬/バイオテクノロジー企業に関する詳細(設立施設の数、タイプ、目的、投資、規模、所在地など)が含まれています。 最後に、包括的なフレームワークは、長期的な利益や持続可能性などのパラメータを考慮し、多様なモジュール方式におけるコストと時間に関連する利点の評価を容易にし、エンドユーザーが十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行う際の一助となる。 主要市場企業 Cytiva ジーコン・マニュファクチャリング ジャームフリー IPMテクノロジーズ KeyPlants ModuleCo Pharma NNE Pharmadule 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Key Market Insights 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Frequently Asked Questions 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Historical Background 3.3. The Concept of Modular Facilities 3.3.1. Types of Modular Constructs 3.3.2. Modular Construction Process 3.4. Modular Construction in the Pharmaceutical Industry 3.4.1. Advantages of Modular Construction in the Pharmaceutical Industry 3.4.2. Modular Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms Cleanroom Classifications and Current Standards Regulations and Standards Concerning Modular Cleanroom Construction 3.5. Advantages of Modular Cleanrooms 3.6. Challenges and Future Prospects 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE: MODULAR FACILITY MANUFACTURERS 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Modular Facility Manufacturers: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1 Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.2.4. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters 4.2.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 4.2.7. Analysis by Geographical Coverage 4.2.8. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Geographical Coverage 4.2.9. Analysis by GMP Compliance 4.2.10. Analysis by Geographical Coverage and GMP Compliance 4.2.11. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction 4.2.12. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Construction 4.2.13. Analysis by Type of Material Used 4.2.14. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction and Type of Material Used 4.2.15. Analysis of Historical and Current Market Landscape Trends Analysis by Company Size, Geographical Coverage and Type of Industry Served 5. MARKET LANDSCAPE: MODULAR CLEANROOM MANUFACTURERS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Modular Cleanroom Manufacturers: Overall Landscape 5.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.2.4. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters 5.2.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 5.2.6. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 5.2.7. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Industry Served 5.2.8. Analysis by Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.9. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.10. Analysis by Type of Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.11. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.12. Analysis by Type of Modular Cleanroom and Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.13. Analysis by Location of Headquarters, Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.14. Analysis by Quality Certifications Obtained 6. MODULAR FACILITY MANUFACTURERS: COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 6.1 Chapter Overview 6.2 Assumptions / Key Parameters 6.3 Methodology 6.4 Company Competitiveness Analysis: Modular Facility Manufacturers 6.4.1. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking of Service Strength 6.4.2. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking of Partnership activity 6.4.3. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Small Companies 6.4.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Mid-Sized Companies 6.4.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Large Companies 7. COMPANY PROFILES 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Cytiva 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.2.3. Modular Projects 7.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.3. G-Con Manufacturing 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.3.3. Modular Projects 7.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.4. Germfree 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.4.3. Modular Projects 7.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.5. IPM Technologies 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.5.3. Modular Projects 7.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.6. KeyPlants 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.6.3. Modular Projects 7.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.7. ModuleCo Pharma 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.7.3. Modular Projects 7.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.8. NNE 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.8.3. Modular Projects 7.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.9. Pharmadule 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.9.3. Modular Projects 7.9.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Partnership Models 8.3. Modular Facility Manufacturers: Partnerships and Collaborations 8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 8.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 8.3.3. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partnership 8.3.4. Analysis by Type of Product 8.3.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Product 8.3.6. Analysis by Type of Modular Facility 8.3.7. Analysis by Type of Product and Type of Modular Facility 8.3.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 8.3.9. Analysis by Location of Partner’s Headquarters 8.3.10. Analysis by Location of Modular Facility 8.3.11. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Location of Modular Facility 8.3.12. Analysis by Type of Product and Location of Modular Facility 8.3.13. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Partnerships 8.3.14. Analysis by Country 9. CASE STUDY ON MODULAR PROJECTS IN PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Modular Versus Conventional Construction Methods 9.3. Return on Investment 9.4. Case Study: Facility Based on KUBio Platform 9.4.1. Cytiva KUBio Platform: Overview 9.4.2. Eden Biologics Kubio Modular Project in China: Overview and Construction Details 9.5. Modular Facility Projects Undertaken in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry 9.5.1. Analysis by Type of Modular Facility 9.5.2. Analysis by Size of Modular Facility 9.5.3. Most Active Manufacturers: Analysis by Number of Projects Delivered 9.5.4. Leading Clients: Analysis by Number of Projects Received 9.5.5. Analysis by Location of Modular Facility 9.5.6. Analysis by Type of Facility and Size of Modular Facility 9.5.7. Analysis by Client and Location of Facility 10. FACILITY CONSTRUCTION TRENDS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Facility Construction Projects Undertaken in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Historical Data for Top 20 Players 10.2.1. Analysis by Number of Facilities Delivered 10.2.2. Analysis by Type of Facility 10.2.3. Analysis by Purpose of Facility 10.2.4. Analysis by Type of Facility and Purpose of Facility 10.2.5. Analysis by Type of Investment 10.2.6. Analysis by Purpose of Facility and Type of Investment 10.2.7. Analysis by Size of Facility 10.2.8. Analysis by Type of Facility and Size of Facility 10.2.9. Analysis by Purpose of Facility and Size of Facility 10.2.10. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 10.2.11. Analysis by Location of Facility 10.2.12. Analysis by Type of Facility and Location of Facility 11. COST-TIME OPTIMIZATION FRAMEWORK 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Key Parameters 11.3. Key Assumptions and Methodology 11.4. Comparison of Intrinsic Factors 11.4.1. Analysis by Type of Material Used 11.4.2. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction 11.4.1. Analysis by Purpose of Facility 11.4.2. Analysis by Geographical Location 11.5. Integrated Outcome Modeling – Scenario Analysis 11.6. Integrated Outcome Modeling – Output Analysis 11.7. Concluding Remarks 12. MARKET FORECAST 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions 12.3. Global Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Sector, 2023-2035 12.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Size of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.4.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Small Facilities, 2023-203 12.4.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Mid-sized Facilities, 2023-2035 12.4.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Large Facilities, 2023-2035 12.4.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Very Large Facilities, 2023-2035 12.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Industry Served, 2023 and 2035 12.5.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 2023-2035 12.5.2. Modular Construction Market in the Biotechnology Industry, 2023-2035 12.6. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Modular Construct, 2023 and 2035 12.6.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Hybrid Skid Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Skid-Mounted Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Plug-and-Play Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Truckable Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.7. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Construction Component, 2023 and 2035 12.7.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Process Equipment, 2023-2035 12.7.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Base Buildings, 2023-2035 12.7.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems, 2023-2035 12.7.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Process Commodities, 2023-2035 12.7.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Construction Components, 2023-2035 12.8 Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Purpose of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.8.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Manufacturing, 2023-2035 12.8.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Aseptic Filling, 2023-2035 12.8.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Research and Development, 2023-2035 12.8.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Purposes, 2023-2035 12.9. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Scale of Operation, 2023 and 2035 12.9.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Clinical Scale, 2023-2035 12.9.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Commercial Scale, 2023-2035 12.10. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Product, 2023 and 2035 12.10.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Cell and Gene Therapies, 2023-2035 12.10.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Vaccines, 2023-2035 12.10.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Biosimilars, 2023-2035 12.10.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Monoclonal Antibodies, 2023-2035 12.10.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Advanced Pharmaceuticals, 2023-2035 12.10.6. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Sterile Products, 2023-2035 12.10.7. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Viral Vectors, 2023-2035 12.10.8. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Products, 2023-2035 12.11. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.11.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for New Facilities, 2023-2035 12.11.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Facility Expansions, 2023-2035 12.11.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Planned Expansions, 2023-2035 12.12. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Modular Construction, 2023 and 2035 12.12.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Relocatable Modular Construction, 2023-2035 12.12.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Permanent Modular Construction, 2023-2035 12.13. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Material Used, 2023 and 2035 12.13.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Steel, 2023-2035 12.13.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Wood, 2023-2035 12.13.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Concrete, 2023-2035 12.14. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Geography, 2023 and 2035 12.14.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in North America, 2023-2035 12.14.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Europe, 2023-2035 12.14.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Asia, 2023-2035 12.14.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Middle East and North Africa, 2023-2035 12.14.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Rest of the World, 2023-2035 12.15. Concluding Remarks 13. PREVALENT AND EMERGING INDUSTRY TRENDS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Adoption of Modular Facilities 13.3. Expansion of Existing Service Portfolio 13.4. Integration of Advanced Technologies 13.4.1. Single-use Technologies 13.4.2. Continuous Processing Technologies 13.4.3. Other Advanced Technologies 14. FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Visibility Amongst Start-Ups 14.3. Popularity Amongst Contract Manufacturing Organizations 14.4. Expansion of Existing Facilities 14.5. Adoption for Production of Biosimilars 14.6. Additional Opportunities 14.7. Key Growth Drivers for Modular Construction 14.8. Market Attractiveness in Emerging regions 15. CONCLUSION 16. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Avon Modular 16.2.1. Company Snapshot 16.2.2. Interview Transcript 16.3. Environmental Systems Corporation 16.3.1. Company Snapshot 16.3.2. Interview Transcript 16.4. Exyte 16.4.1. Company Snapshot 16.4.2. Interview Transcript 16.5. G-Con Manufacturing 16.5.1. Company Snapshot 16.5.2. Interview Transcript 16.6. Modular Devices 16.6.1. Company Snapshot 16.6.2. Interview Transcript 16.7. ModWave 16.7.1. Company Snapshot 16.7.2. Interview Transcript 16.8. Subzero Engineering 16.8.1. Company Snapshot 16.8.2. Interview Transcript 16.9. Vernick 16.9.1. Company Snapshot 16.9.2. Interview Transcript 16.10. Zeton 16.10.1. Company Snapshot 16.10.2. Interview Transcript 17. APPENDIX I: TABULATED DATA 18. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe global modular construction is expected to reach USD 2.5 billion in 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period 2023-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Introduction 1.2. Key Market Insights 1.3. Scope of the Report 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Frequently Asked Questions 1.6. Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Historical Background 3.3. The Concept of Modular Facilities 3.3.1. Types of Modular Constructs 3.3.2. Modular Construction Process 3.4. Modular Construction in the Pharmaceutical Industry 3.4.1. Advantages of Modular Construction in the Pharmaceutical Industry 3.4.2. Modular Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms Cleanroom Classifications and Current Standards Regulations and Standards Concerning Modular Cleanroom Construction 3.5. Advantages of Modular Cleanrooms 3.6. Challenges and Future Prospects 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE: MODULAR FACILITY MANUFACTURERS 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Modular Facility Manufacturers: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1 Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.2.4. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters 4.2.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 4.2.6. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 4.2.7. Analysis by Geographical Coverage 4.2.8. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Geographical Coverage 4.2.9. Analysis by GMP Compliance 4.2.10. Analysis by Geographical Coverage and GMP Compliance 4.2.11. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction 4.2.12. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Construction 4.2.13. Analysis by Type of Material Used 4.2.14. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction and Type of Material Used 4.2.15. Analysis of Historical and Current Market Landscape Trends Analysis by Company Size, Geographical Coverage and Type of Industry Served 5. MARKET LANDSCAPE: MODULAR CLEANROOM MANUFACTURERS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Modular Cleanroom Manufacturers: Overall Landscape 5.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 5.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 5.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 5.2.4. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters 5.2.5. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 5.2.6. Analysis by Type of Industry Served 5.2.7. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Industry Served 5.2.8. Analysis by Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.9. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.10. Analysis by Type of Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.11. Analysis by Type of Industry Served and Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.12. Analysis by Type of Modular Cleanroom and Cleanroom Component Offered 5.2.13. Analysis by Location of Headquarters, Type of Industry Served and Type of Modular Cleanroom Offered 5.2.14. Analysis by Quality Certifications Obtained 6. MODULAR FACILITY MANUFACTURERS: COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 6.1 Chapter Overview 6.2 Assumptions / Key Parameters 6.3 Methodology 6.4 Company Competitiveness Analysis: Modular Facility Manufacturers 6.4.1. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking of Service Strength 6.4.2. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking of Partnership activity 6.4.3. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Small Companies 6.4.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Mid-Sized Companies 6.4.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Large Companies 7. COMPANY PROFILES 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Cytiva 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.2.3. Modular Projects 7.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.3. G-Con Manufacturing 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.3.3. Modular Projects 7.3.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.4. Germfree 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.4.3. Modular Projects 7.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.5. IPM Technologies 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.5.3. Modular Projects 7.5.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.6. KeyPlants 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.6.3. Modular Projects 7.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.7. ModuleCo Pharma 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.7.3. Modular Projects 7.7.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.8. NNE 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.8.3. Modular Projects 7.8.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7.9. Pharmadule 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Modular Facility-related Services 7.9.3. Modular Projects 7.9.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 8. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Partnership Models 8.3. Modular Facility Manufacturers: Partnerships and Collaborations 8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 8.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 8.3.3. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partnership 8.3.4. Analysis by Type of Product 8.3.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Product 8.3.6. Analysis by Type of Modular Facility 8.3.7. Analysis by Type of Product and Type of Modular Facility 8.3.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 8.3.9. Analysis by Location of Partner’s Headquarters 8.3.10. Analysis by Location of Modular Facility 8.3.11. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Location of Modular Facility 8.3.12. Analysis by Type of Product and Location of Modular Facility 8.3.13. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Partnerships 8.3.14. Analysis by Country 9. CASE STUDY ON MODULAR PROJECTS IN PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Modular Versus Conventional Construction Methods 9.3. Return on Investment 9.4. Case Study: Facility Based on KUBio Platform 9.4.1. Cytiva KUBio Platform: Overview 9.4.2. Eden Biologics Kubio Modular Project in China: Overview and Construction Details 9.5. Modular Facility Projects Undertaken in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry 9.5.1. Analysis by Type of Modular Facility 9.5.2. Analysis by Size of Modular Facility 9.5.3. Most Active Manufacturers: Analysis by Number of Projects Delivered 9.5.4. Leading Clients: Analysis by Number of Projects Received 9.5.5. Analysis by Location of Modular Facility 9.5.6. Analysis by Type of Facility and Size of Modular Facility 9.5.7. Analysis by Client and Location of Facility 10. FACILITY CONSTRUCTION TRENDS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Facility Construction Projects Undertaken in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Historical Data for Top 20 Players 10.2.1. Analysis by Number of Facilities Delivered 10.2.2. Analysis by Type of Facility 10.2.3. Analysis by Purpose of Facility 10.2.4. Analysis by Type of Facility and Purpose of Facility 10.2.5. Analysis by Type of Investment 10.2.6. Analysis by Purpose of Facility and Type of Investment 10.2.7. Analysis by Size of Facility 10.2.8. Analysis by Type of Facility and Size of Facility 10.2.9. Analysis by Purpose of Facility and Size of Facility 10.2.10. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 10.2.11. Analysis by Location of Facility 10.2.12. Analysis by Type of Facility and Location of Facility 11. COST-TIME OPTIMIZATION FRAMEWORK 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Key Parameters 11.3. Key Assumptions and Methodology 11.4. Comparison of Intrinsic Factors 11.4.1. Analysis by Type of Material Used 11.4.2. Analysis by Type of Modular Construction 11.4.1. Analysis by Purpose of Facility 11.4.2. Analysis by Geographical Location 11.5. Integrated Outcome Modeling – Scenario Analysis 11.6. Integrated Outcome Modeling – Output Analysis 11.7. Concluding Remarks 12. MARKET FORECAST 12.1. Chapter Overview 12.2. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions 12.3. Global Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Sector, 2023-2035 12.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Size of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.4.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Small Facilities, 2023-203 12.4.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Mid-sized Facilities, 2023-2035 12.4.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Large Facilities, 2023-2035 12.4.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Very Large Facilities, 2023-2035 12.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Industry Served, 2023 and 2035 12.5.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 2023-2035 12.5.2. Modular Construction Market in the Biotechnology Industry, 2023-2035 12.6. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Modular Construct, 2023 and 2035 12.6.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Hybrid Skid Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Skid-Mounted Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Plug-and-Play Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Truckable Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.6.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Modular Constructs, 2023-2035 12.7. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Construction Component, 2023 and 2035 12.7.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Process Equipment, 2023-2035 12.7.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Base Buildings, 2023-2035 12.7.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems, 2023-2035 12.7.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Process Commodities, 2023-2035 12.7.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Construction Components, 2023-2035 12.8 Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Purpose of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.8.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Manufacturing, 2023-2035 12.8.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Aseptic Filling, 2023-2035 12.8.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Research and Development, 2023-2035 12.8.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Purposes, 2023-2035 12.9. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Scale of Operation, 2023 and 2035 12.9.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Clinical Scale, 2023-2035 12.9.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Commercial Scale, 2023-2035 12.10. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Product, 2023 and 2035 12.10.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Cell and Gene Therapies, 2023-2035 12.10.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Vaccines, 2023-2035 12.10.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Biosimilars, 2023-2035 12.10.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Monoclonal Antibodies, 2023-2035 12.10.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Advanced Pharmaceuticals, 2023-2035 12.10.6. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Sterile Products, 2023-2035 12.10.7. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Viral Vectors, 2023-2035 12.10.8. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Other Products, 2023-2035 12.11. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Facility, 2023 and 2035 12.11.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for New Facilities, 2023-2035 12.11.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Facility Expansions, 2023-2035 12.11.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Planned Expansions, 2023-2035 12.12. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Modular Construction, 2023 and 2035 12.12.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Relocatable Modular Construction, 2023-2035 12.12.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Permanent Modular Construction, 2023-2035 12.13. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Type of Material Used, 2023 and 2035 12.13.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Steel, 2023-2035 12.13.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Wood, 2023-2035 12.13.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry for Concrete, 2023-2035 12.14. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry: Analysis by Geography, 2023 and 2035 12.14.1. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in North America, 2023-2035 12.14.2. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Europe, 2023-2035 12.14.3. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Asia, 2023-2035 12.14.4. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Middle East and North Africa, 2023-2035 12.14.5. Modular Construction Market in the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology Industry in Rest of the World, 2023-2035 12.15. Concluding Remarks 13. PREVALENT AND EMERGING INDUSTRY TRENDS 13.1. Chapter Overview 13.2. Adoption of Modular Facilities 13.3. Expansion of Existing Service Portfolio 13.4. Integration of Advanced Technologies 13.4.1. Single-use Technologies 13.4.2. Continuous Processing Technologies 13.4.3. Other Advanced Technologies 14. FUTURE GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES 14.1. Chapter Overview 14.2. Visibility Amongst Start-Ups 14.3. Popularity Amongst Contract Manufacturing Organizations 14.4. Expansion of Existing Facilities 14.5. Adoption for Production of Biosimilars 14.6. Additional Opportunities 14.7. Key Growth Drivers for Modular Construction 14.8. Market Attractiveness in Emerging regions 15. CONCLUSION 16. EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS 16.1. Chapter Overview 16.2. Avon Modular 16.2.1. Company Snapshot 16.2.2. Interview Transcript 16.3. Environmental Systems Corporation 16.3.1. Company Snapshot 16.3.2. Interview Transcript 16.4. Exyte 16.4.1. Company Snapshot 16.4.2. Interview Transcript 16.5. G-Con Manufacturing 16.5.1. Company Snapshot 16.5.2. Interview Transcript 16.6. Modular Devices 16.6.1. Company Snapshot 16.6.2. Interview Transcript 16.7. ModWave 16.7.1. Company Snapshot 16.7.2. Interview Transcript 16.8. Subzero Engineering 16.8.1. Company Snapshot 16.8.2. Interview Transcript 16.9. Vernick 16.9.1. Company Snapshot 16.9.2. Interview Transcript 16.10. Zeton 16.10.1. Company Snapshot 16.10.2. Interview Transcript 17. APPENDIX I: TABULATED DATA 18. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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