![]() 医療・製薬産業向けスマートラベル市場:技術タイプ別(RFID、NFC、その他技術)、包装タイプ別(一次包装、二次包装)、一次包装タイプ別(バイアル、シリンジ、カートリッジ、アンプル、ボトル、ブリスターパック)、二次包装タイプ別(箱、カートン、パウチ)、主要地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカ、中南米)-産業動向と世界予測、2022-2035年Smart Labels Market for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry by Type of Technology (RFID, NFC and Other Technologies), Type of Packaging (Primary Packaging and Secondary Packaging), Type of Primary Packaging (Vials, Syringes, Cartridges, Ampoules, Bottles and Blister Packs), Type of Secondary Packaging (Boxes, Cartons and Pouches) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MENA and Latin America) - Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035 スマートラベル市場は、2023年には370万米ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2035年には年平均成長率16%で成長すると予測されている。 偽造医薬品は年間約2,000億ドル規模の市場を形成しており、20%は用法用量が正しく... もっと見る
サマリースマートラベル市場は、2023年には370万米ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2035年には年平均成長率16%で成長すると予測されている。偽造医薬品は年間約2,000億ドル規模の市場を形成しており、20%は用法用量が正しくなく、30%は有効成分が欠落しているという深刻なリスクをもたらしている。世界保健機関(WHO)の報告書は、患者の安全や正規の製薬会社の信用に対するこうした危険性を強調している。これに対抗するため、ラベリング・サービスは、インテリジェント・パッケージングの不可欠な部分であるスマート・ラベリング技術にシフトしている。スマートラベル(タグ)は、容易なサプライチェーン追跡や偽造防止対策などの利点を提供する。在庫管理の改善により、年間0.8~1.5百万ドルのコスト削減が見込まれる。しかし、高い統合コストや一貫したグローバル規制の欠如といったハードルが、スマートラベルの採用を遅らせる可能性がある。GS1規格やRAINアライアンスのようなグループの努力は、普遍的な規制を確立し、この技術がより広く受け入れられる道を開くことを目指している。 レポート範囲 本レポートでは、技術の種類、包装の種類、一次包装の種類、二次包装の種類、主要地域に基づいてスマートラベル市場を調査している。 市場成長に影響を与える促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題など様々な要因を分析しています。 市場における潜在的な優位性と障害を評価し、主要市場プレイヤー間の競争状況についての洞察を提供します。 主要5地域にわたる市場セグメントの収益予測。 スマートラベルは、医薬品やヘルスケア製品の追跡・監視に高度な機能を提供することで、ヘルスケア分野に大きな影響を与える。製品の真正性を確保し、サプライチェーンを合理化し、患者中心のソリューションを可能にし、臨床試験管理を支援し、資産追跡をサポートする。 スマートラベルは、RFID、ブルートゥース、センシング、IoTラベルなど多様な技術を包含し、サプライチェーン管理、資産追跡、患者中心のソリューション、製品認証、臨床試験、血液バッグ管理、および関連機能で活用されている。 ヘルスケアと医薬品にスマートラベルを採用する際の課題には、規制順守、コストへの影響、相互運用性の懸念、データセキュリティなどがある。業界成長の原動力は、患者の安全性の優先、技術の進歩、効率的なサプライチェーン管理、医薬品認証の強化などの要因である。 ヘルスケア・医薬品向けスマートラベル開発に携わる企業は、サプライヤーの強さ、アプリケーション分野やRFID周波数帯に基づくサービス提供、技術タイプにおけるポートフォリオの多様性で異なる。 ヘルスケア・医薬品向けスマートラベルを専門とする注目企業の詳細プロフィールは、アプリケーションの多様性と企業規模に基づいて選択され、企業概要、設立年、従業員数、本社所在地、主要幹部、スマートラベルのポートフォリオ、最近の開発、将来の展望を含む。 ヘルスケアと医薬品におけるスマートラベルに関連する特許を網羅的に分析し、特許の種類、公開年、地理的分布、法的地位、産業タイプ、出願人のプロフィール、質的・量的側面に基づく特許価値の評価を考慮する。 市場内のパートナーシップとコラボレーションを包括的に精査し、その性質、タイミング、関与する主要プレーヤー、特定期間中の地域的な焦点を分析。 13の戦略ツールを活用した包括的な戦略計画により、医療・医薬用途のスマートラベル分野で未開拓の市場機会を開拓する新興プレーヤーを導きます。 関連する動向、主要な推進要因、課題、およびそれらが医療・医薬品向けスマートラベル市場に与える相対的影響に関する詳細な考察を、SWOTフレームワークの下で評価。ハーベイボール分析により、各SWOTパラメータが市場全体に及ぼす相対的な影響を図解しています。 主要市場企業 CCLインダストリーズ シュライナー データロジック タドビック サトーアジア・パシフィック インベンゴ インテルハイドロテクノロジー RFiDディスカバリー ID Tech Solutions 目次1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Market Segmentations 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Frequently Asked Answered 1.5 Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 Chapter Overview 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Role of Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.2.1 Types of Smart Labels Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Near-Field Communication (NFC) Internet of Things (IoT) 3.2.2. Need for Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.2.3. Advantages of Using Smart Labels in Healthcare Sector 3.3. Roadblocks and Challenges Associated with the Adoption of Smart Labels 3.4. Adoption of Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.4.1. Key Drivers for Adoption of Smart Labels 3.5. Future Outlook 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Technology 4.2.6. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Technology 4.2.7. Analysis by Type of RFID Frequency Band 4.2.8. Analysis by Area(s) of Application 4.2.9. Analysis by Company Size and Area(s) of Application 4.2.10. Analysis by Type of Technology and Area(s) of Application 5. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Assumptions / Key parameter 5.3. Methodology 5.3.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in North America 5.3.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in Europe 5.3.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in Asia-Pacific 5.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking the Capabilities of Leading Players 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. CCL Industries 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Financial Information 6.2.3. Area(s) of Application 6.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Schreiner 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Area(s) of Application 6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. Datalogic 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Financial Information 6.4.3. Area(s) of Application 6.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. Tadbik 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Area(s) of Application 6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. SATO Asia Pacific 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Financial Information 6.6.3. Area(s) of Application 6.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Invengo 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Area(s) of Application 6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Intellhydro Technology 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Area(s) of Application 6.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.9. RFiD Discovery 6.9.1. Company Overview 6.9.2. Area(s) of Application 6.9.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.10. ID Tech Solutions 6.10.1. Company Overview 6.10.2. Area(s) of Application 6.10.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PATENT ANALYSIS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Scope and Methodology 7.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Analysis 7.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year 7.3.2. Analysis by Publication Year and Type of Patent 7.3.3. Analysis by CPC Code 7.3.4. Analysis by Type of Applicant 7.3.5. Analysis by Geography 7.3.6. Analysis by Emerging Focus Areas 7.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 7.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 7.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 7.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Valuation Analysis 8. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Partnership Models 8.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Recent Partnerships and Collaborations 8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 8.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 8.3.3. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 8.3.4. Regional Analysis Local and International Agreements Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 9. BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Overview of Blue Ocean Strategy 9.2.1 Red Ocean 9.2.2 Blue Ocean 9.2.3 Comparison of Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy 9.2.4. Smart Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Labels: Blue Ocean Strategy and Shift Tools Value Innovation Strategy Canvas Four Action Framework Eliminate-Raise-Reduce-Create (ERRC) Grid Six Path Framework Pioneer-Migrator-Settler (PMS) Map Three Tiers of Noncustomers Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy Buyer Utility Map The Price Corridor of the Mass Four Hurdles to Strategy Execution Tipping Point Leadership Fair Process 9.3. Concluding Remarks 10. MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 10.3. Global Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market, 2022-2035 10.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Technology, 2022-2035 10.4.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for RFID, 2022-2035 10.4.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for NFC, 2022-2035 10.4.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Other Technologies, 2022-2035 10.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Packaging, 2022-2035 10.5.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Vials, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Syringes, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Cartridges, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Ampoules, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Bottles, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Blister Packs, 2022-2035 10.5.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Secondary Packaging, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Boxes, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Cartons, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Pouches, 2022-2035 10.6. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Geography, 2022-2035 10.6.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in North America, 2022-2035 10.6.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Europe, 2022-2035 10.6.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035 10.6.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in MENA, 2022-2035 10.6.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 11. SWOT ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Strengths 11.3. Weaknesses 11.4. Opportunities 11.5. Threats 11.6. Comparison of SWOT Factors 12. CONCLUDING REMARKS 13. APPENDIX I: TABULATED DATA 14. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
SummaryThe smart label market is expected to reach USD 3.7 million in 2023 anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 16% during the forecast period 2022-2035. Table of Contents1. PREFACE1.1. Scope of the Report 1.2. Market Segmentations 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Frequently Asked Answered 1.5 Chapter Outlines 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 Chapter Overview 3. INTRODUCTION 3.1. Chapter Overview 3.2. Role of Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.2.1 Types of Smart Labels Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Near-Field Communication (NFC) Internet of Things (IoT) 3.2.2. Need for Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.2.3. Advantages of Using Smart Labels in Healthcare Sector 3.3. Roadblocks and Challenges Associated with the Adoption of Smart Labels 3.4. Adoption of Smart Labels in the Healthcare Sector 3.4.1. Key Drivers for Adoption of Smart Labels 3.5. Future Outlook 4. MARKET LANDSCAPE 4.1. Chapter Overview 4.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers: Overall Market Landscape 4.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment 4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size 4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters 4.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters 4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Technology 4.2.6. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Technology 4.2.7. Analysis by Type of RFID Frequency Band 4.2.8. Analysis by Area(s) of Application 4.2.9. Analysis by Company Size and Area(s) of Application 4.2.10. Analysis by Type of Technology and Area(s) of Application 5. COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS ANALYSIS 5.1. Chapter Overview 5.2. Assumptions / Key parameter 5.3. Methodology 5.3.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in North America 5.3.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in Europe 5.3.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Label Providers based in Asia-Pacific 5.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Benchmarking the Capabilities of Leading Players 6. COMPANY PROFILES 6.1. Chapter Overview 6.2. CCL Industries 6.2.1. Company Overview 6.2.2. Financial Information 6.2.3. Area(s) of Application 6.2.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.3. Schreiner 6.3.1. Company Overview 6.3.2. Area(s) of Application 6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.4. Datalogic 6.4.1. Company Overview 6.4.2. Financial Information 6.4.3. Area(s) of Application 6.4.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.5. Tadbik 6.5.1. Company Overview 6.5.2. Area(s) of Application 6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.6. SATO Asia Pacific 6.6.1. Company Overview 6.6.2. Financial Information 6.6.3. Area(s) of Application 6.6.4. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.7. Invengo 6.7.1. Company Overview 6.7.2. Area(s) of Application 6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.8. Intellhydro Technology 6.8.1. Company Overview 6.8.2. Area(s) of Application 6.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.9. RFiD Discovery 6.9.1. Company Overview 6.9.2. Area(s) of Application 6.9.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 6.10. ID Tech Solutions 6.10.1. Company Overview 6.10.2. Area(s) of Application 6.10.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook 7. PATENT ANALYSIS 7.1. Chapter Overview 7.2. Scope and Methodology 7.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Analysis 7.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year 7.3.2. Analysis by Publication Year and Type of Patent 7.3.3. Analysis by CPC Code 7.3.4. Analysis by Type of Applicant 7.3.5. Analysis by Geography 7.3.6. Analysis by Emerging Focus Areas 7.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents 7.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Benchmarking Analysis 7.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics 7.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Patent Valuation Analysis 8. PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS 8.1. Chapter Overview 8.2. Partnership Models 8.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels: Recent Partnerships and Collaborations 8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership 8.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership 8.3.3. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships 8.3.4. Regional Analysis Local and International Agreements Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements 9. BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY 9.1. Chapter Overview 9.2. Overview of Blue Ocean Strategy 9.2.1 Red Ocean 9.2.2 Blue Ocean 9.2.3 Comparison of Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy 9.2.4. Smart Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Labels: Blue Ocean Strategy and Shift Tools Value Innovation Strategy Canvas Four Action Framework Eliminate-Raise-Reduce-Create (ERRC) Grid Six Path Framework Pioneer-Migrator-Settler (PMS) Map Three Tiers of Noncustomers Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy Buyer Utility Map The Price Corridor of the Mass Four Hurdles to Strategy Execution Tipping Point Leadership Fair Process 9.3. Concluding Remarks 10. MARKET SIZING AND OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS 10.1. Chapter Overview 10.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology 10.3. Global Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market, 2022-2035 10.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Technology, 2022-2035 10.4.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for RFID, 2022-2035 10.4.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for NFC, 2022-2035 10.4.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Other Technologies, 2022-2035 10.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Packaging, 2022-2035 10.5.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Primary Packaging, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Vials, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Syringes, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Cartridges, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Ampoules, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Bottles, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Blister Packs, 2022-2035 10.5.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Type of Secondary Packaging, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Boxes, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Cartons, 2022-2035 Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market for Pouches, 2022-2035 10.6. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market: Analysis by Geography, 2022-2035 10.6.1. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in North America, 2022-2035 10.6.2. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Europe, 2022-2035 10.6.3. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035 10.6.4. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in MENA, 2022-2035 10.6.5. Smart Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Labels Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 11. SWOT ANALYSIS 11.1. Chapter Overview 11.2. Strengths 11.3. Weaknesses 11.4. Opportunities 11.5. Threats 11.6. Comparison of SWOT Factors 12. CONCLUDING REMARKS 13. APPENDIX I: TABULATED DATA 14. APPENDIX II: LIST OF COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
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