
減量市場の世界予測レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

減量市場の世界予測レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

Weight Loss Market Global Forecast Report: Countries and Company Analysis 2025-2033

減量市場規模 減量市場は、2024年の2,974億3,000万米ドルから2033年には5,901億3,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、2025年から2033年にかけて7.91%の健全なCAGRで成長する。この成長は、健康とフィットネスに対... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 130 英語












ここ数年、世界的に健康が最優先事項のひとつになっている。人々は健康的な体重を選ぶようになっている。人々は肥満と慢性疾患の関連性をより意識するようになり、運動、バランスの取れた食事、体重管理プログラムなどの予防策を講じるようになった。こうして、減量市場製品に対する需要が強力な推進力となる。消費者は、植物ベースの食事、フィットネス技術、ウェルネス・コーチングなど、ホリスティックで持続可能なソリューションを求めるようになる。また、精神的な健康や福祉を重視する傾向が強まれば、健康に投資する人も増えるだろう。ザイダス・ウェルネスのSugar-Freeブランドは、2024年10月にSugar-Free D'Liteクッキーを発売し、包装食品分野に進出した。この新しいクッキーは、甘いものを食べたい消費者に砂糖不使用の選択肢を提供する。


テクノロジーは減量市場を一変させた。テクノロジーは減量市場をより身近で効率的なものにした。AIを駆使したフィットネス・アプリ、ウェアラブル・フィットネス・トラッカー、オンライン減量プラットフォームなどのイノベーションは、パーソナライズされた健康データとオーダーメイドの減量プランを提供する。このような技術により、個人は進捗状況を追跡し、カロリー摂取量をモニターし、モチベーションを維持することができる。バーチャル・フィットネス・コーチングや食事計画サービスは、減量ソリューションをより便利で身近なものにした。技術の進化に伴い、カスタマイズされた減量ソリューションの需要が増え続ける中、パーソナライズされたデータ主導のアプローチは市場の成長をさらに促進するだろう。Biongevityは2024年11月にAIを搭載した健康アプリを発表し、UAEの人々に日々の健康とフィットネスを奨励する世界初のLongevity Fitness Challengeに、カスタマイズされたフィットネスと健康管理のためのツールを提供した。






















タイプ- 産業は3つの視点に分けられる:


設備タイプ- 産業は2つの視点に分けられる:



サービス - 産業は5つの視点に分かれている:


性別 - 産業は2つの視点に分けられる:


年齢層 - 業界は4つの視点に分かれている:


国 - 産業は25の視点に分かれている:


- アメリカ
- カナダ


- フランス
- ドイツ
- イタリア
- スペイン
- イギリス
- ベルギー
- オランダ
- トルコ


- 中国
- 日本
- インド
- オーストラリア
- 韓国
- タイ
- マレーシア
- インドネシア
- ニュージーランド


- ブラジル
- メキシコ
- アルゼンチン


- 南アフリカ
- サウジアラビア
- アラブ首長国連邦











4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題



6.1 タイプ
6.2 設備タイプ
6.3 サービス
6.4 性別
6.5 年齢層
6.6 国


7.1 サプリメント
7.2 食事
7.3 飲料


8.1 フィットネス機器

8.1.1 心血管機器
8.1.2 筋力トレーニング機器
8.1.3 その他

8.2 手術用機器

8.2.1 低侵襲・肥満治療機器
8.2.2 非侵襲性機器


9.1 フィットネスセンターとヘルスクラブ
9.2 コンサルティングサービス
9.3 オンライン減量プログラム
9.4 痩身センター
9.5 その他


10.1 男性
10.2 女性


11.1 15歳以下
11.2 15歳以上30歳未満
11.3 31歳以上60歳未満
11.4 60歳以上


12.1 北米

12.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
12.1.2 カナダ

12.2 ヨーロッパ

12.2.1 フランス
12.2.2 ドイツ
12.2.3 イタリア
12.2.4 スペイン
12.2.5 イギリス
12.2.6 ベルギー
12.2.7 オランダ
12.2.8 トルコ

12.3 アジア太平洋

12.3.1 中国
12.3.2 日本
12.3.3 インド
12.3.4 オーストラリア
12.3.5 韓国
12.3.6 タイ
12.3.7 マレーシア
12.3.8 インドネシア
12.3.9 ニュージーランド

12.4 ラテンアメリカ

12.4.1 ブラジル
12.4.2 メキシコ
12.4.3 アルゼンチン

12.5 中東・アフリカ

12.5.1 南アフリカ
12.5.2 サウジアラビア
12.5.3 UAE


13.1 買い手の交渉力
13.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
13.3 ライバルの度合い
13.4 新規参入の脅威
13.5 代替品の脅威


14.1 強み
14.2 弱点
14.3 機会
14.4 脅威


15.1 アポロ・エンドサージェリー社
15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 キーパーソン
15.1.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.1.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.1.5 財務洞察

15.2 ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン
15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 主要企業
15.2.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.2.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.2.5 財務的洞察

15.3 ジョンソンヘルステックCo.Ltd.
15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 主要人物
15.3.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.3.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.3.5 財務的洞察

15.4 ケロッグ社
15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 主要人物
15.4.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.4.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.4.5 財務的洞察

15.5 メドトロニック
15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 主要企業
15.5.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.5.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.5.5 財務インサイト

15.6 テクノジムS.p.A
15.6.1 概要
15.6.2 主要人物
15.6.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.6.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.6.5 財務分析

15.7 ザ・シンプリー・グッド・フーズ・カンパニー
15.7.1 概要
15.7.2 主要人物
15.7.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.7.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.7.5 財務洞察

15.8 WWインターナショナル
15.8.1 概要
15.8.2 主要人物
15.8.3 最近の開発と戦略
15.8.4 製品ポートフォリオ
15.8.5 財務的洞察





Weight Loss Market Size

The weight loss market is expected to reach US$590.13 billion by 2033, growing from US$297.43 billion in 2024 at a healthy CAGR of 7.91% between 2025 and 2033. This growth is seen with the increasing health and fitness awareness, rising obesity rates, and a growing preference for individualized weight management solutions. Technological innovations in the form of AI-powered fitness apps and wearable devices are also expanding meal replacement products and dietary supplements in order to fuel demand.

Overview of Global Weight Loss Industry

Weight loss encompasses a reduction in total body mass and, typically, that reduction is by means of reducing body fat, achieved through diet, exercise, surgical and medical intervention. Weight reduction is one of the most common pursuits for health, aesthetic, and lifestyle reasons around the world. It is usually achieved by calorie deficits created through dietary changes, increased physical activity, or the combination of both.

Weight loss has increasingly gained global importance because of the increasing incidence of obesity and associated diseases. In most countries, especially in developed regions, weight loss presents a significant challenge for combating many chronic conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer, which are all associated with excess weight. Other benefits include enhanced mobility, betterment of mental health, and quality of life. As the world becomes more conscious of living healthy, weight loss programs, be it in the form of fitness regimes, nutritional supplements, or weight management services, are on the rise. The weight loss industry has evolved into a major global market that caters to the demand for healthier lifestyles.

Driving Forces of the Weight Loss Market

Rising Obesity Rates Worldwide

Increasing obesity rates worldwide are a major driving force behind the weight loss market. With obesity being associated with heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension, among other health problems, consumers are increasingly looking for ways to lose weight. Unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles, and increasing reliance on processed foods have been driving the rising rates of obesity in developed and developing countries. Governments and healthcare organizations also promote weight management, which further increases consumer demand for diet plans, fitness programs, and weight loss supplements. With the rising obesity crisis, there is an increasing need to develop successful weight loss formulas. According to a report recently published by the World Obesity Federation (WOF) in March 2023, about half of the world's population, that is more than 4 billion people, will have a condition termed as obesity, come 2035.

Health Consciousness and Wellness Trends

Over the past couple of years, health has been one of the prime priorities worldwide. People are opting for a healthy weight. People become more aware of the connections between obesity and chronic diseases and take on preventive measures, such as exercise, balanced diets, and weight management programs. In this way, the demand for weight loss market products becomes a powerful driving force; consumers seek holistic and sustainable solutions like plant-based diets, fitness technologies, and wellness coaching. More emphasis on mental health and well-being will also lead to a larger number of people investing in their health. Zydus Wellness' Sugar-Free brand launched Sugar-Free D'Lite cookies in October 2024, venturing into the packaged foods space. The new cookies offer consumers a sugar-free option to fulfill their sweet tooth.

Advancements in Technology and Personalized Solutions

Technology has transformed the weight loss market. It has made the space more accessible and efficient. Innovations such as AI-driven fitness apps, wearable fitness trackers, and online weight loss platforms provide personalized health data and tailored weight loss plans. Such technologies enable individuals to track their progress, monitor caloric intake, and stay motivated. Virtual fitness coaching and meal planning services have made weight loss solutions more convenient and accessible. As technology evolves, personalized and data-driven approaches will further fuel market growth as the market continues to increase demand for customized weight loss solutions. Biongevity launched AI-powered health app in November 2024, providing tools for customized fitness and health management to the world's first Longevity Fitness Challenge that encourages daily health and fitness to the people of the UAE.

Problems with the Weight Loss Market

Rising Consumer Expectations and Low Sustainability

Of course, the most significant challenge in the weight loss market is the gap between consumer expectations and sustainability of results. Many will look for quick weight loss through fad diets or extreme measures with the predictably unsustainable outcomes and a high rate of relapse. Short-term results are achieved, but over the long term, it is easier to keep the weight off with long-term changes in lifestyle. Thus, most clients in the weight loss industry lose trust and give up on the products and services. Consequently, businesses face difficulties in providing solutions that ensure permanent changes.

Over fragmented Market and Overload of Products

The weight loss market is also highly differentiated: a number of different products and services exist, from supplements to programs of exercising, diet plans, and surgical treatments. This sheer diversity can lead to consumer confusion, making it difficult for them to select the most effective and appropriate ones. Moreover, the surge of unregulated or unsafe weight loss products, particularly in the supplement segment, increases the potential risk of consumer harm and undermines the market's credibility. Companies must work to build trust by providing scientifically backed solutions and giving clear, accurate information.

North America Weight Loss Market Overview

The North American weight loss market is growing due to the steadily increasing rates of obesity in the region and growing health consciousness. Consumers in the United States and Canada are increasingly interested in effective weight management solutions through diet plans, fitness programs, and weight loss supplements. This shift is driven by a shift towards preventive healthcare, better lifestyles, and the desire to have personalized, sustainable weight management options, making it an attractive market for innovative offerings.

United States Weight Loss Market

The United States weight loss market is expanding, thanks to growing obesity and greater awareness about health. There is a wide range of needs-from supplements to diet programs to surgical interventions. The drive towards market growth is due to demands for bespoke sustainable weight management plans, along with the proliferation of advanced technology such as mobile fitness apps and wearable technologies. This trend indicates the nation is paying more attention to health and wellness. The FDA sanctioned an injectable prescription medication in November 2023 for adults with chronic weight management. It is used along with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity.

Overview of Europe Weight Loss Market

The European weight loss market is growing significantly. The key drivers of this growth are the increasing obesity levels and the increased awareness towards health and wellness. Consumers in countries like France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Turkey are increasingly using a variety of weight management products. These include fitness programs, diet plans, and dietary supplements.

France Weight Loss Market

The France weight loss market is showing steady growth as obesity concerns grow and the importance of health and wellness continues to increase. With a growing awareness of obesity-related health risks, French consumers are increasingly adopting weight loss solutions such as diet programs, fitness regimens, and weight loss supplements. There is a growing demand for personalized and sustainable weight management strategies, such as balanced eating and active lifestyles. This natural trend of wellness in France has, in fact, contributed to the demand for natural weight loss products. The weight loss market in France is indeed very large and continues to expand. In November 2023, Novo Nordisk invested $2.3 billion in France to increase obesity drug production.

Asia Pacific Weight Loss Market Overview

The Asia Pacific weight loss market is expanding with great force due to some key factors. Health and wellness have become a necessity in most consumers' lives due to the alarming increase in obesity rates across the region as well as an increase in disposable incomes. The countries are the front-runners in the trend, with China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and New Zealand among the countries with a considerable upsurge in demand for different types of weight loss products. This encompasses popular exercise regimes, nutritional supplements, and highly planned diet plans tailored to specific requirements.

China Weight Loss Market

The China weight loss market is growing fast due to rising obesity rates, changes in dietary habits, and growing consumer health awareness. As urbanization continues and disposable incomes increase, more Chinese consumers look for weight management programs like exercise routines, nutritional supplements, and diet plans. This trend towards a more natural, personalized, and sustainable method of losing weight is in favour of organic, plant-based, low-calorie items, so market demand is still being affected. More adoption of health-fitness technology, wearables, and mobile health apps contribute further to market growth. China has also experienced a gradual growth of demand for proper solutions related to losing weight based on their increased health awareness. In June 2024, Novo Nordisk launched its weight-loss drug Wegovy in China after local health authorities approved it.

Middle East Weight Loss Market Overview

The Middle East weight loss market is witnessing huge growth due to rising obesity rates, especially in countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and South Africa. Shifts towards healthier lifestyles and wellness trends are driving the demand for sustainable and personalized weight loss solutions across the region.

UAE Weight Loss Market

The UAE weight loss market is growing rapidly, driven by rising obesity rates, health-consciousness, and the increasing demand for effective weight management solutions. With a large expatriate population and a high standard of living, many residents are seeking diet programs, fitness services, weight loss supplements, and meal delivery services tailored to their needs. The trend has shifted toward the personalized and sustainable concept of weight loss, while giving more attention to balance nutrition and exercises. Furthermore, fitness technologies in wearable devices and health apps are fueling the market. The wealth consumer base of the UAE with increased wellness awareness will continue to make this weight loss industry huge. The maker of Ozempic is appealing to its UAE users to begin with Wegovy for obesity loss as early as May of 2024.

Type- Industry is divided into 3 viewpoints:

1. Supplements
2. Meals
3. Beverages

Equipment Type- Industry is divided into 2 viewpoints:

1. Fitness Equipment
a. Cardiovascular Equipment
b. Strength Training Equipment
c. Others

2. Surgical Equipment
a. Minimally Invasive/ Bariatric Equipment
b. Non-Invasive Equipment

Service - Industry is divided into 5 viewpoints:

1. Fitness Centers and Health Clubs
2. Consulting Service
3. Online Weight Loss Programs
4. Slimming Centers
5. Others

Gender - Industry is divided into 2 viewpoints:

1. Men
2. Women

Age Group - Industry is divided into 4 viewpoints:

1. Below 15 Years
2. 15 to 30 Years
3. 31 to 60 Years
4. Above 60 Years

Countries- Industry is divided into 25 viewpoints:

North America

• United States
• Canada


• France
• Germany
• Italy
• Spain
• United Kingdom
• Belgium
• Netherlands
• Turkey

Asia Pacific

• China
• Japan
• India
• Australia
• South Korea
• Thailand
• Malaysia
• Indonesia
• New Zealand

Latin America

• Brazil
• Mexico
• Argentina

Middle East & Africa

• South Africa
• Saudi Arabia
• United Arab Emirates

All companies have been covered with 4 Viewpoints

1. Overview
2. Key Persons
3. Recent Development & Strategies
4. Product Portfolio
5. Financial Insights

Company Analysis

1. Apollo Endosurgery Inc.
2. Johnson & Johnson
3. Johnson Health Tech. Co. Ltd.
4. Kellogg Company
5. Medtronic plc
7. The Simply Good Foods Company
8. WW International Inc.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Weight Loss Market

6. Market Share Analysis

6.1 Type
6.2 Equipment Type
6.3 Service
6.4 Gender
6.5 Age Group
6.6 Country

7. Type

7.1 Supplements
7.2 Meals
7.3 Beverages

8. Equipment Type

8.1 Fitness Equipment

8.1.1 Cardiovascular Equipment
8.1.2 Strength Training Equipment
8.1.3 Others

8.2 Surgical Equipment

8.2.1 Minimally Invasive/ Bariatric Equipment
8.2.2 Non-Invasive Equipment

9. Service

9.1 Fitness Centers and Health Clubs
9.2 Consulting Service
9.3 Online Weight Loss Programs
9.4 Slimming Centers
9.5 Others

10. Gender

10.1 Men
10.2 Women

11. Age Group

11.1 Below 15 Years
11.2 15 to 30 Years
11.3 31 to 60 Years
11.4 Above 60 Years

12. Country

12.1 North America

12.1.1 United States
12.1.2 Canada

12.2 Europe

12.2.1 France
12.2.2 Germany
12.2.3 Italy
12.2.4 Spain
12.2.5 United Kingdom
12.2.6 Belgium
12.2.7 Netherlands
12.2.8 Turkey

12.3 Asia Pacific

12.3.1 China
12.3.2 Japan
12.3.3 India
12.3.4 Australia
12.3.5 South Korea
12.3.6 Thailand
12.3.7 Malaysia
12.3.8 Indonesia
12.3.9 New Zealand

12.4 Latin America

12.4.1 Brazil
12.4.2 Mexico
12.4.3 Argentina

12.5 Middle East & Africa

12.5.1 South Africa
12.5.2 Saudi Arabia
12.5.3 UAE

13. Porter’s Five Analysis

13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
13.3 Degree of Rivalry
13.4 Threat of New Entrants
13.5 Threat of Substitutes

14. SWOT Analysis

14.1 Strength
14.2 Weakness
14.3 Opportunity
14.4 Threat

15. Company Analysis

15.1 Apollo Endosurgery Inc.
15.1.1 Overview
15.1.2 Key Persons
15.1.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.1.4 Product Portfolio
15.1.5 Financial Insights

15.2 Johnson & Johnson
15.2.1 Overview
15.2.2 Key Persons
15.2.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.2.4 Product Portfolio
15.2.5 Financial Insights

15.3 Johnson Health Tech. Co. Ltd.
15.3.1 Overview
15.3.2 Key Persons
15.3.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.3.4 Product Portfolio
15.3.5 Financial Insights

15.4 Kellogg Company
15.4.1 Overview
15.4.2 Key Persons
15.4.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.4.4 Product Portfolio
15.4.5 Financial Insights

15.5 Medtronic plc
15.5.1 Overview
15.5.2 Key Persons
15.5.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.5.4 Product Portfolio
15.5.5 Financial Insights

15.6.1 Overview
15.6.2 Key Persons
15.6.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.6.4 Product Portfolio
15.6.5 Financial Insights

15.7 The Simply Good Foods Company
15.7.1 Overview
15.7.2 Key Persons
15.7.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.7.4 Product Portfolio
15.7.5 Financial Insights

15.8 WW International Inc.
15.8.1 Overview
15.8.2 Key Persons
15.8.3 Recent Development & Strategies
15.8.4 Product Portfolio
15.8.5 Financial Insights






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2025/03/13 10:26

149.31 円

162.97 円

196.34 円
