
遠隔医療の世界市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

遠隔医療の世界市場レポート:地域と企業分析 2025-2033

Global Telemedicine Market Report: Regions and Company Analysis 2025-2033

遠隔医療の世界市場規模 遠隔医療市場は、2024年の832億3,000万米ドルから2033年には6,183億4,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は24.96%である。市場を牽引している主な理... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 220 英語


















このサービスの導入は、中低所得国ではインフラや技術的な障害によって妨げられる可能性がある。医療データを統合して伝送するために、デジタルヘルス技術を導入するには、最新の通信機器、帯域幅の広い高速インターネット、大容量のストレージを使用する必要がある。多くの新興国は、これらの前提条件に未だ苦慮している。低・中所得国での遠隔医療機器やソフトウェアの導入が限られているのは、その設置に必要な資本金が高額であることにも起因しているかもしれない。例えば、Journal of Telemedicine and Telecareによれば、機器の購入、維持、モニタリングにかかる年間コストは、患者一人当たり275米ドルから7,963米ドルである。













さらに、遠隔医療は全体的に利便性が高く、費用も抑えられるため、個人は病院で治療を受けるよりも遠隔医療を好む。例えば、Partnership for Quality Home Healthcareの記事によると、2021年、米国では86%の人が「入院後の短期医療」を自宅で受けたいと考えているが、介護施設を希望する人はわずか5%であった。テレホーム・サービスは、病院と患者に多くの費用を節約するチャンスを提供する。したがって、遠隔医療市場の成長は、遠隔医療サービスの利用率の上昇に直接影響される。





インド・ブランド・エクイティ財団(India Brand Equity Foundation)の2021年3月の調査によると、インドは遠隔医療サービスeSanjeevaniがすでに全国で約30億件の診察を完了しており、成長においてこの地域をリードすると予想されている。インドの遠隔医療事業は、インターネットアクセスの拡大と医療技術支出の増加により急速に拡大している。さらに、遠隔医療と遠隔健康サービスがインドの医療旅行を一変させると予想されている。Heal In Indiaキャンペーンは、インドの医療インフラと医療施設を海外に売り込むために連邦政府によって開始された。このキャンペーンの目標は、インドの医療を国際的に拡大し、2026年までに医療価値旅行(MVT)を130億人に引き上げることである。




アプリケーションの展望 - 市場は8つの視点からカバーされている:

エンドユーザーの展望 - 市場は5つの視点からカバーされている:


1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ


2.1 フランス
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 イタリア
2.4 スペイン
2.5 イギリス
2.6 ベルギー
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ


3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 タイ
3.6 マレーシア
3.7 インドネシア
3.8 オーストラリア
3.9 ニュージーランド


4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 アルゼンチン


5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の発展
- 財務インサイト




遠隔医療市場に参入している主要企業には、Cisco System、General Electric Company、Eli Lilly and Company、Bayer AG、Honeywell International Inc、Merck & Co Inc、Teladoc Health, Inc、Ceva Inc、Twilio Incなどがあります。









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 タイプ別
6.2 用途別
6.3 エンドユーザー別
6.4 国別

7.1 製品
7.2 サービス

8.1 遠隔診察
8.2 遠隔病理学
8.3 遠隔心臓病学
8.4 遠隔手術
8.5 遠隔放射線学
8.6 遠隔皮膚科
8.7 精神医学
8.8 その他

9.1 病院
9.2 診断センター
9.3 外来手術センター
9.4 専門センター
9.5 その他

10.1 北米

10.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
10.1.2 カナダ

10.2 ヨーロッパ

10.2.1 フランス
10.2.2 ドイツ
10.2.3 イタリア
10.2.4 スペイン
10.2.5 イギリス
10.2.6 ベルギー
10.2.7 オランダ
10.2.8 トルコ

10.3 アジア太平洋

10.3.1 中国
10.3.2 日本
10.3.3 インド
10.3.4 韓国
10.3.5 タイ
10.3.6 マレーシア
10.3.7 インドネシア
10.3.8 オーストラリア
10.3.9 ニュージーランド

10.4 ラテンアメリカ

10.4.1 ブラジル
10.4.2 メキシコ
10.4.3 アルゼンチン

10.5 中東・アフリカ

10.5.1 サウジアラビア
10.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
10.5.3 南アフリカ

11.1 買い手の交渉力
11.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
11.3 新規参入の脅威
11.4 既存競争企業間の競争
11.5 代替製品の脅威

12.1 長所
12.2 弱点
12.3 機会
12.4 脅威

13.1 シスコシステム

13.1.1 概要
13.1.2 最近の動向
13.1.3 収益

13.2 ゼネラル・エレクトリック社

13.2.1 概要
13.2.2 最近の動向
13.2.3 収益

13.3 イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー

13.3.1 概要
13.3.2 最近の動向
13.3.3 収益

13.4 バイエルAG

13.4.1 概要
13.4.2 最近の動向
13.4.3 収益

13.5 ハネウェル・インターナショナル

13.5.1 概要
13.5.2 最近の動向
13.5.3 収益

13.6 メルク・アンド・カンパニー・インク

13.6.1 概要
13.6.2 最近の動向
13.6.3 収益

13.7 Teladoc Health, Inc.

13.7.1 概要
13.7.2 最近の動向
13.7.3 収益

13.8 セバ社

13.8.1 概要
13.8.2 最近の動向
13.8.3 収益

13.9 Twilio Inc

13.9.1 概要
13.9.2 最近の動向
13.9.3 収益





Global Telemedicine Market Size

Telemedicine market is expected to reach US$ 618.34 billion in 2033 from US$ 83.23 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 24.96% from 2024 to 2030. Some of the key reasons driving the market are the growing need for remote healthcare services, better access to healthcare in underserved areas, and various developments in telehealth technology and telecommunications infrastructure.

Telemedicine Industry Overview

Advances in digital technology, more access to healthcare, and the growing need for remote healthcare services have all contributed to the telemedicine industry's explosive rise. Through video calls, phone consultations, and internet platforms, telemedicine enables patients to consult medical specialists remotely, providing both convenience and financial savings. Patients who live in remote or underdeveloped locations and do not have easy access to medical services would especially benefit from it. Since remote consultations were required to preserve social distance and decrease in-person visits, the COVID-19 epidemic hastened acceptance. Furthermore, telemedicine is spreading into fields including dermatology, chronic illness treatment, and mental health. With advancements in wearable technology, artificial intelligence, and better regulatory frameworks, the field is still growing and telemedicine is becoming an essential part of contemporary healthcare systems.

In the US, chronic conditions including diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) are important. In 2021, CAD was the top cause of death in the United States, affecting 18.2 million persons aged 20 and over. The number of adults with diabetes is expected to increase from 537 million in 2022 to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045, according to the International Diabetic Federation. As a result, the market is expanding due to the growing demand for telemedicine services.

Growth Drivers for the Telemedicine Market

Using Cutting-Edge Technologies to Promote Market Expansion

The use of cutting-edge technologies is growing quickly as a result of their introduction, including telehealth apps, virtual hospitals, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT). Applications built using machine learning algorithms can assist in the detection of uncommon diseases, cancer, COVID-19, and other chronic illnesses. The market's expansion is also being supported by the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the delivery of telehealth services, patient data analysis, and the incorporation of wearables and other linked devices into telehealth systems.
Additionally, the growing need for technologically sophisticated technologies for remote patient monitoring would help the market expand. For example, GE Healthcare and AMC Health inked a cooperative contract in October 2022 to provide virtual care in homecare settings. The UAE's Ministry of Health began constructing its first virtual hospitals in March 2020 in collaboration with telecom providers. As a result, growing investment in virtual hospitals is expected to increase the size of the global market.

Growing need for access to healthcare remotely

The growing need for easily accessible and convenient healthcare services is driving the demand for telemedicine. The urge to break down geographical barriers is one of the main forces behind this movement. Accessing healthcare facilities is difficult for many people, especially those who live in rural or isolated places. By enabling virtual communication between patients and medical providers, telemedicine helps close this gap. This lessens the time and expense involved in commuting to a physical clinic or hospital while also improving their access to medical knowledge. Additionally, the ease of making virtual visits and getting prompt medical advice has led to an increase in the demand for telehealth services. Global demand for telemedicine is predicted to increase as patients grow more accustomed to this method of providing healthcare.

Significant Healthcare Cost Burden Reduction to Accelerate Market Growth

Healthcare costs have significantly increased as a result of the rising incidence of chronic illnesses and rising out-of-pocket expenses. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) estimates that the United States spent USD 4.5 trillion on healthcare in 2022, a 4.1% increase over 2021. In the same year, USD 13,493 was spent per person. In 2022, healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP was 17.3%, a decrease from 2021.

One effective strategy for dealing with this problem is the use of digital technology and teleconsultations. Telemedicine lowers the high costs of inpatient services by allowing the provision of adequate levels of care and patient management in home settings. Teleconsultations lessen the workload for medical practitioners while also providing services at a lower cost. According to a January 2023 article in UC Regents, telemedicine reduced travel expenses during the COVID-19 epidemic by an estimated USD 33.5 million. This is the main justification for government agencies' emphasis on implementing digital health technology, which supports the expansion of the telemedicine sector.

Challenges in the Telemedicine Market

Lackluster Infrastructure and Technological Obstacles Prevent Market Growth

The adoption of this service may be hampered by infrastructure and technological obstacles in middle- and low-income nations. In order to integrate and transmit medical data, the implementation of digital health technologies necessitates the use of the newest telecommunications devices, high-speed internet with high bandwidth, and huge storage capacity. Many emerging nations still struggle with these prerequisites. The limited adoption of telehealth devices and software in lower- and middle-income nations might also be attributed to the expensive capital requirements for their installation. For example, the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare reports that the annual cost of purchasing, maintaining, and monitoring equipment varies from USD 275 to USD 7,963 per patient.
Moreover, some of the other significant factors limiting the growth of the global market are the high cost of installation and the shortage of qualified healthcare professionals.

Inadequate Technology and Infrastructure

The growth of telemedicine is severely hampered by inadequate technology and infrastructure, especially in middle-class and low-income nations. Ample data storage space, high-speed internet with enough bandwidth, and access to contemporary telecommunications equipment are necessary for the effective deployment of digital health services. The inability of many underdeveloped nations to supply these necessary technology resources limits the efficacy of telemedicine. The quality of remote consultations may suffer in places with sluggish internet or inconsistent connectivity, which could affect patient results. Furthermore, many nations lack the infrastructure required for smooth communication, making it difficult to integrate and securely share medical data across platforms. The adoption of telemedicine is hampered by these technological limitations, which keep it from realizing its full potential in terms of offering underprivileged populations easily accessible healthcare.

The majority of the market share will be held by service segmentation

The Service segment is poised to dominate most of the telemedicine market proportion. As telemedicine revolutionizes healthcare delivery, teleconsultations, remote monitoring, and digital health solutions become to be an integral part of telemedicine industry. The demand for convenient, accessible, and efficient healthcare solutions propels the growth of service-oriented telemedicine. Services offering comprehensive and consumer-friendly service cater to the growing choice for digital healthcare interactions. The Service sector prominence underscores those offerings' pivotal role in reshaping the healthcare landscape, imparting patients with diverse and impactful remote healthcare offerings.

Applications for teleconsultation will have the largest market share

Teleconsultation are set to capture largest revenue share in telemedicine industry. The increasing adoption of digital healthcare consultations is driven by using the convenience and accessibility they provide patients. With technological improvements, teleconsultation applications allow real-time interaction among healthcare providers and patients, ensuring timely scientific advice and diagnosis. The surge in demand for remote healthcare offerings and the benefit of use provided via teleconsultation positions them as a key force in the telemedicine market. These applications are important in improving healthcare accessibility and facilitating efficient patient care.

Specialty centers will expand quickly in the years to come

The Specialty Centers market is poised for rapid increase in the approaching years inside the Telemedicine market. As telemedicine expands, specialized healthcare services presented through dedicated centers benefit prominence. Specialized telemedicine offerings cater to unique scientific needs, consisting of mental health, dermatology, and chronic ailment management, presenting personalized and efficient care. The convenience and accessibility supplied by using those specialty centers make contributions to their accelerated growth, addressing the evolving healthcare panorama. Specialty Centers play an important role in the telemedicine industry's ongoing transformation by supplying targeted digital healthcare solutions to meet the increasing demand.

Telemedicine Market Overview by Regions

By countries, the global Telemedicine market is divided into United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Turkey, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Saudi Arabia UAE, and South Africa.

United States Telemedicine Market

Advances in digital technology, the need for affordable solutions, and the growing need for easily accessible healthcare services have all contributed to the rapid rise of the US telemedicine business. With medical professionals providing virtual consultations to preserve patient care while following social distancing guidelines, the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the implementation of telemedicine. The market offers a wide range of services, including chronic illness management, mental health support, remote monitoring, and video consultations. The convenience of remote care, growing smartphone and high-speed internet access, and soaring healthcare expenditures are some of the main motivators. Nonetheless, issues like privacy concerns, reimbursement rules, and regulatory barriers continue to exist. Notwithstanding these challenges, the U.S. telemedicine market is still growing as wearables, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technology are increasingly incorporated to enhance medical delivery.

Additionally, because telehome care is more convenient and less expensive overall, individuals prefer it to going to a hospital for treatment. In 2021, for example, 86% of persons in the United States wanted to get "post-hospital, short-term healthcare" at home, but only 5% preferred nursing facilities, according to a Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare article. Telehome services offer hospitals and patients the chance to save a lot of money. Thus, the growth of the telehealth market is directly impacted by the rising rate of telehome service use.

United Kingdom Telemedicine Market

The growing need for affordable and easily available healthcare treatments, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has propelled the telemedicine sector in the United Kingdom. Patients nationwide can now access mental health care, chronic illness management, and online consultations thanks to the National Health Service's (NHS) growing adoption of telemedicine platforms. The industry gains from developments in digital health technology that allow for more individualized and effective care, such as wearables, mobile apps, and AI-powered health monitoring systems. Furthermore, market expansion is supported by the UK government's emphasis on digital health projects and the increased emphasis on lowering healthcare costs. But issues like data privacy, reimbursement guidelines, and rural communities' restricted access to technology still exist. The UK telemedicine market is expected to continue expanding and integrating into traditional healthcare services in spite of these obstacles.

China Telemedicine Market

India's telemedicine industry is expanding quickly due to the country's growing need for inexpensive healthcare solutions, technology improvements, and increased healthcare access requirements. Telemedicine is a vital way to close the healthcare gap in rural areas, where there is a high population and a lack of medical personnel. Particularly in underprivileged areas, the use of online consultations, remote monitoring, mobile health apps, and mental health services is growing. The use of telemedicine was sped up by the COVID-19 epidemic, when people in both urban and rural areas began using online medical resources. Telemedicine integration into India's healthcare system is being further promoted by government programs such as the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM). But issues like internet access, digital literacy, and legal restrictions still exist. Despite this, there are still a lot of potential prospects in India's telemedicine business, especially in the areas of chronic illness treatment and rural healthcare delivery.

According to March 2021 research by the India Brand Equity Foundation, India is expected to lead the region in growth, with its telemedicine service, eSanjeevani, already completing almost 3 billion consultations nationwide. India's telemedicine business is expanding rapidly as a result of expanding internet access and rising health technology spending. Additionally, it is anticipated that telemedicine and telehealth services would transform medical travel in India. The Heal In India campaign was started by the Union Government to market India's medical infrastructure and facilities abroad. The campaign's goals are to expand Indian healthcare internationally and raise Medical Value Travel (MVT) to 13 billion by 2026.

United Arab Emirates Telemedicine Market

Due to the nation's sophisticated healthcare system, high smartphone use rate, and government backing for digital health projects, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) telemedicine market is expanding rapidly. As part of its Vision 2021 strategy to increase healthcare efficiency and accessibility, the UAE government has made large expenditures in telemedicine and eHealth solutions. The market is distinguished by the growing use of mental health services, telemonitoring, and remote consultations, particularly in urban areas. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the transition to digital healthcare by forcing medical professionals to deliver online consultations and electronic prescriptions. With the growing integration of wearable technology, artificial intelligence, and health-tech advancements, the UAE's telemedicine sector is thriving despite obstacles including data security and regulatory concerns, positioning it as a major participant in the Middle East.

Types Outlook - Market has been covered from 2 viewpoints:
1. Products
2. Services

Application Outlook – Market has been covered from 8 viewpoints:
1. Teleconsultation
2. Telepathology
3. Telecardiology
4. Telesurgery
5. Teleradiology
6. Teledermatology
7. Telepsychiatry
8. Others

End Users Outlook – Market has been covered from 5 viewpoints:
1. Hospital
2. Diagnostics Centers
3. Ambulendtery
4. Specialty Centers
5. Others

Country Outlook – Market has been covered from 25 Countries Telemedicine Industry viewpoints:
1. North America

1.1 United States
1.2 Canada

2. Europe

2.1 France
2.2 Germany
2.3 Italy
2.4 Spain
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Belgium
2.7 Netherlands
2.8 Turkey

3. Asia Pacific

3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Thailand
3.6 Malaysia
3.7 Indonesia
3.8 Australia
3.9 New Zealand

4. Latin America

4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Argentina

5. Middle East & Africa

5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 United Arab Emirates
5.3 South Africa

All companies have been covered from 3 Viewpoints
• Overview
• Recent Development
• Financial Insight

Companies Analysis
1. Cisco System
2. General Electric Company
3. Eli Lilly and Company
4. Bayer AG
5. Honeywell International Inc
6. Merck & Co Inc
7. Teladoc Health, Inc.
8. Ceva Inc
9. Twilio Inc

Key Questions Answered in Report:
1. How big is the Telemedicine industry?
The global Telemedicine market size was valued at US$ 97.53 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 317.59 billion in 2030.

2. What is the Telemedicine growth rate?
The global Telemedicine market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.37 % from 2024 to 2030.

3. Who are the key players in Telemedicine industry?
Some key players operating in the Telemedicine market includes Cisco System, General Electric Company, Eli Lilly and Company, Bayer AG, Honeywell International Inc, Merck & Co Inc, Teladoc Health, Inc, Ceva Inc, and Twilio Inc.

4. What are the factors driving the Telemedicine industry?
Increased demand for remote treatment, improvements in digital technology, easier access to the internet, cost reductions, patient comfort, the need for healthcare in underdeveloped areas, are the main factors driving the telemedicine sector.

5. Which Region held the largest market share in the Telemedicine industry?
North America is expected to hold the largest market share in the industry.

6. What segments are covered in the Telemedicine Market report?
Type, Application, End User and Countries segment are covered in this report.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Telemedicine Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Types
6.2 By Application
6.3 By End User
6.4 By Countries

7. Types
7.1 Product
7.2 Services

8. Application
8.1 Teleconsultation
8.2 Telepathology
8.3 Telecardiology
8.4 Telesurgery
8.5 Teleradiology
8.6 Teledermatology
8.7 Telepsychiatry
8.8 Others

9. End User
9.1 Hospital
9.2 Diagnostic Center
9.3 Ambulatory Surgical Center
9.4 Specialty Center
9.5 Others

10. Countries
10.1 North America

10.1.1 United States
10.1.2 Canada

10.2 Europe

10.2.1 France
10.2.2 Germany
10.2.3 Italy
10.2.4 Spain
10.2.5 United Kingdom
10.2.6 Belgium
10.2.7 Netherlands
10.2.8 Turkey

10.3 Asia Pacific

10.3.1 China
10.3.2 Japan
10.3.3 India
10.3.4 South Korea
10.3.5 Thailand
10.3.6 Malaysia
10.3.7 Indonesia
10.3.8 Australia
10.3.9 New Zealand

10.4 Latin America

10.4.1 Brazil
10.4.2 Mexico
10.4.3 Argentina

10.5 Middle East & Africa

10.5.1 Saudi Arabia
10.5.2 United Arab Emirates
10.5.3 South Africa

11. Porter’s Five Forces
11.1 Bargaining Power of Buyer
11.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier
11.3 Threat of New Entrants
11.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors
11.5 Threat of Substitute Products

12. SWOT Analysis
12.1 Strengths
12.2 Weaknesses
12.3 Opportunities
12.4 Threats

13. Key Players Analysis
13.1 Cisco System

13.1.1 Overviews
13.1.2 Recent Developments
13.1.3 Revenues

13.2 General Electric Company

13.2.1 Overviews
13.2.2 Recent Developments
13.2.3 Revenues

13.3 Eli Lilly and Company

13.3.1 Overviews
13.3.2 Recent Developments
13.3.3 Revenues

13.4 Bayer AG

13.4.1 Overviews
13.4.2 Recent Developments
13.4.3 Revenues

13.5 Honeywell International Inc

13.5.1 Overviews
13.5.2 Recent Developments
13.5.3 Revenues

13.6 Merck & Co Inc

13.6.1 Overviews
13.6.2 Recent Developments
13.6.3 Revenues

13.7 Teladoc Health, Inc.

13.7.1 Overviews
13.7.2 Recent Developments
13.7.3 Revenues

13.8 Ceva Inc.

13.8.1 Overviews
13.8.2 Recent Developments
13.8.3 Revenues

13.9 Twilio inc

13.9.1 Overviews
13.9.2 Recent Developments
13.9.3 Revenues






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2025/03/06 10:27

150.25 円

162.72 円

196.52 円
